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The calcium requirements during mitogenic stimulation of quiescent 3T3-cells in low or in high serum concentration was investigated. It was found that calcium played an equally important role for growth stimulation in low as in high serum concentration. Calcium was not required during the first 6 hours after mitogenic stimulation. However, calcium had to be present thereafter for the cells to initiate DNA-synthesis. The absence of calcium during the first six hours after onset of stimulation did not delay the initiation of DNA-synthesis.  相似文献   

In quiescent Balb/c 3T3 cells, competence factors such as 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) synergize with progression factors such as insulin to initiate DNA synthesis. In this study, we found that colchicine, a microtubule-disrupting agent, acted synergistically with TPA, but not with insulin, to induce the maximal stimulation of DNA synthesis. Colchicine also synergized with PDGF in the presence of epidermal growth factor to elicit nearly the optimal induction of DNA synthesis. Moreover, it acted synergistically with fibroblast growth factor, another competence factor. These results suggest that colchicine acts as a progression factor like insulin in quiescent Balb/c 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

Using an improved method to quantify the level of phosphorylation of the S6 ribosomal protein, we have analyzed the effect of growth stimuli on S6 phosphorylation in quiescent murine Swiss/3T3 cells to see if it can be dissociated from the later increase in DNA synthesis. Saturating concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin and serum each stimulate phosphorylation of the S6 ribosomal protein to the same maximal level; this is not so for DNA synthesis. Subsaturating concentrations of EGF and insulin act synergistically to stimulate both S6 phosphorylation and DNA synthesis, but qualitatively the two synergistic interactions are expressed differently. Insulin increases the maximal response of DNA synthesis to EGF, whereas it decreases the concentration of EGF required for half-maximal stimulation of S6 phosphorylation. We conclude that S6 phosphorylation is not a principal regulator of DNA synthesis, and that insulin and EGF regulate both S6 phosphorylation and DNA synthesis through different, but interacting, pathways of action.  相似文献   

The effect of serum and growth factors [platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)] on the synthesis of the nuclear protein cyclin and its correlation with DNA synthesis has been studied in quiescent mouse 3T3 cells by means of quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Serum must be present in the medium for at least 8-12 h to induce maximal synthesis of cyclin (6- to 7-fold increase compared with quiescent cells). The stimulation of cyclin synthesis is dose-dependent and correlates directly with DNA synthesis. In addition, partially purified PDGF and FGF also induce cyclin and DNA synthesis in a coordinate way. Both growth factors, like serum, exhibit a similar lag phase to induce maximal cyclin (6- to 7-fold) and DNA synthesis (90% of the cells). Pure PDGF at a concentration as low as 10 ng/ml has the same effect as 10% serum. The coordinate induction of cyclin and DNA synthesis can only be observed with growth factors that induce DNA synthesis. These results strengthen the notion that cyclin is an essential component of the events leading to DNA replication.  相似文献   

La3+ stimulated quiescent Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 ceils to enter the DNA-synthesizing S phase of the cell cycle. La3+ and insulin interacted synergistically to increase DNA synthesis. A brief exposure of the cells to soluble LaCl3 optimally stimulated entry into S. La3+ was similar to Al3+ in its mitogenic properties (J. Cell. Physiol.118 , 298, 1984), but La3+ was 10 times more potent than Al3+.  相似文献   

Micromolar concentrations of AI3+ are shown to be strongly mitogenic for quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 cells. AI3+ caused a striking shift in the dose-response curve for the effect of fetal bovine serum on 3H-thymidine incorporation. In the absence of serum the mitogenic effect of aluminum was greatly potentiated by insulin or cholera toxin, but not epidermal growth factor or 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The stimulation of DNA synthesis was maximal by 15-20 microM AI3+ X AI3+ at 100 microM had no inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis. AI3+ had no significant effect on cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the presence or absence of insulin or an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.  相似文献   

Numerous reports have shown that polyamines are required for cell proliferation. A current model for regulating commitment to DNA replication in cultured fibroblasts stimulated from quiescence by serum addition postulates sequential action by specific growth factors. To temporally localize polyamine-dependent steps within this defined sequence, mouse Balb/c-3T3 fibroblasts were partially depleted of polyamines by treatment with DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), next rendered quiescent by serum deprivation, then stimulated by 10% serum with or without exogenous putrescine (Pu). Depletion of polyamines was verified by HPLC, and entry of cells into S phase was monitored by autoradiography. After 24 h of incubation with [3H]-thymidine, polyamine-depleted cells had labeling indices similar to quiescent cells if they were serum-stimulated without Pu, but progressed to S phase to the same degree as control cultures if polyamines were restored by adding Pu at the time of serum stimulation. These observations suggested that commitment of quiescent cells to DNA replication may require polyamines. To determine if polyamine-dependent steps occur during the pre-commitment period (up to 12 h after serum stimulation) or only in traverse of G1 (12 h to 24 h, post-commitment), polyamine-depleted quiescent cells were serum-stimulated for 12 h without Pu, then returned to low serum with Pu. Labeling indices of these cultures remained nearly as low as those of unstimulated cells. Reducing serum concentration from 10% to 0.5% at 12 h after stimulation did not effect labeling indices of control cells not depleted of polyamines by DFMO. These results supported the postulated requirement for polyamines during pre-commitment events. However, polyamine-deficient quiescent cells serum-stimulated without Pu for periods longer than 24 h had labeling indices at 36 and 48 h significantly greater than at 24 h. This suggested that polyamine depletion may decrease the rate at which quiescent cells commit to DNA replication, rather than producing an absolute blockade during the pre-commitment period.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of serum to quiescent NIH 3T3 mouse cell cultures resulted in a 10- to 20-fold increase of Rb influx which was resistant to ouabain, and only a three- to fourfold activation of ouabain-sensitive Rb influx. Stimulation of the ouabain-resistant Rb influx following serum addition reached its maximum within 2 min. The stimulation of ouabain-resistant Rb influx was a result ofV m increase while theK m for Rb was unchanged. Ouabain-resistant Rb influx, after serum addition, was resistant to amiloride and sensitive to ethacrinic acid. Replacing chloride in the medium by NO3 , CO3 and CH3COO resulted in a drastic decrease in the ouabain-resistant Rb influx. It appeared, therefore, that the ouabain-resistant Rb influx in NIH 3T3 cells was Cl-dependent.  相似文献   

R Bravo 《FEBS letters》1984,169(2):185-188
Quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis (IEF) of the nuclear polypeptide cyclin together with autoradiographic studies have revealed a coordinate synthesis of cyclin and DNA after serum stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells. These results strengthen the notion that cyclin may be a central component of the pathway(s) that regulate cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Addition of the cAMP derivatives butcAMP or 8BrcAMP to quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 causes synergistic stimulation of DNAk synthesis with insulin, phorbol esters, vasopressin, epidermal growth factor, or fetal bovine serum (2-5%). In the presence of insulin, 8BrcAMP, and butcAMP stimulate [3H]-thymidine incorporation into acid-precipitable material in a dose-dependent manner. The effect of these agents is specific since 8Br5'AMP, 5'AMP, butyrate, or 8BrcGMP fail to stimulate DNA synthesis under identical experimental conditions. Furthermore, the mitogenic effects of the cAMP derivatives were markedly potentiated by 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine and 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxy benzyl)-2-imidazolidine, both of which are potent inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. The growth-promoting effects of the cAMP derivatives were demonstrated by [3H]-thymidine incorporation (either by scintillation counting or by autoradiography), by flow cytofluorometric analysis, and by increase in cell number. When quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells were exposed to butcAMP and insulin, DNA synthesis began after a lag of 17h. The result of sequential additions of cAMP derivatives and insulin to quiescent 3T3 cells suggest that these agents must act simultaneously in G0/G1 to stimulate entry into DNA synthesis in these cells. The findings support the proposition that an increase in cellular levels of cAMP (but not cGMP) act sas a mitogenic stimulus for confluent and quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of cells to serum deprivation depends upon whether they are transformed. Most supplies of 3T3 cells are of this type and are considerably less sensitive than untransformed cells. In addition, the apparently simple manoeuvre of reducing serum levels has considerable effects on cell fragility, viability, growth rate and metabolism, which were found to be due to small changes in pH, substrate availability, cell density and other parameters, many of which cannot be attributed to the absence of growth factors from the medium. Supplementation of medium with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to compensate for low normal serum protein did not aid growth nor offset the disturbances caused by low serum levels themselves. Problems associated with the altered precursor availability for DNA, RNA and protein synthesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

A brief exposure of quiescent (Go) Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts to inhibitors of protein synthesis can replace platelet-derived growth factor in the stimulation of cellular DNA synthesis. When 3T3 cells, after a 6 hr exposure to either cycloheximide or puromycin, are incubated with platelet-poor plasma, a significant percentage of cells enters DNA synthesis. Either inhibition of protein synthesis, or platelet poor plasma by themselves are totally ineffective. A possible mechanism by which inhibitors of protein synthesis may initiate cell cycle progression is through the activation of the c-myc gene.  相似文献   

To clarify the modulation of intercellular communication via gap junctions, associated with the growth induction of quiescent 3T3-L1 cells, we investigated the gap-junctional intercellular communication in growth-stimulated cells that were able to bind fibronectin-coated beads. When quiescent 3T3-L1 cells were incubated with fibronectin-coated beads for the first 2 h after the addition of calf serum, 24.0% of the cells bound and phagocytosed beads. Among the cells with bound beads, the percentage of the cells labeled concurrently with bromodeoxyuridine was 63.7% when examined 13 h after the addition of calf serum. Transient reduction of dye-coupling, measured with Lucifer Yellow CH, was observed only in the cells with bound beads 2 h after addition of calf serum, but it was not observed in the cells without bound beads. When the quiescent cells were incubated with fibronectin-coated beads for 2 h from 4-6 h after the addition of calf serum, the percentage of cells with bound beads increased to 53.1%, but the decrease in dye-coupling among the cells with bound beads was slight. These results suggest that the induction of cell growth causes a transient reduction in gap-junctional intercellular communication in 3T3-L1 cells with bound fibronectin-coated beads.  相似文献   

Addition of serum to quiescent cultures of 3T3 cells rapidly increases lactic acid formation and subsequently stimulates cell division. The stimulation of lactic acid production is seen at high, saturating concentrations of extra-cellular glucose. It is dependent on the time of exposure and on the dose of serum and is not blocked by the addition of cycloheximide, puromycin, or actinomycin D. In contrast, serum only marginally affects glycolysis by rapidly growing 3T6 or SV40-3T3 cells. In addition to serum, epidermal growth factor (0.1 to 10 ng/ml) and insulin (10 to 500 ng/ml) cause a striking stimulation of glycolysis in quiescent 3T3 cells. Neither exogenous cyclic nucleotides nor ouabain effect the glycolytic response, but the presence of Ca2+ markedly influences the activation of glycolysis by epidermal growth factor and by insulin. A novel finding in this study is that homogenates prepared from quiescent cells treated with serum, epidermal growth factor, or insulin show increased glycolysis as compared with homogenates from nonstimulated cultures. This finding will allow further experimental analysis of the cause of increased glycolysis in rapidly proliferating cells.  相似文献   

When subconfluent, Swiss 3T3 cells made quiescent by serum deprivation are stimulated with low concentrations of serum (ca. 1%), only a proportion of them (roughly 50%) enter S phase despite daily replacement with fresh, low-serum medium. The cells that fail to enter S phase are not incapable of doing so, since most of them initiate DNA synthesis after transfer to 10% serum. It would appear that individual cells vary in their growth factor requirements. Using time-lapse cinemicroscopy a few of the cells that respond to low serum were seen to give rise to several generations of progeny, while the majority of cells failed to divide at all, or divided once at most. Despite this, differences between cells in growth factor requirements do not seem to be heritable in the long term, since attempts to enrich for responding cells by prolonged culture in 1% serum have been unsuccessful. Rather, it would appear that the capacity to respond to low serum is an unstable property lost after a few generations in low serum. The loss of responsiveness shows parallels with "cellular senescence" and could conceivably result from decay of the platelet-derived growth factor-induced state of "competence." But regardless of why some cells respond to low serum while others do not, it is clear that the kinetics of entry into S phase after serum stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells are not strictly first-order, since the labelling index plateaus after roughly 3 days at values substantially below 100%. As such, the kinetics, though not contradicting the transition probability model, cannot be taken to support it as was previously thought.  相似文献   

Inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell proliferation of mouse 3T3 cells by aphidicolin did not affect the expression of cyclin, a nuclear protein whose synthesis correlates with cell proliferation, as determined by quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis. Serum stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells revealed that cyclin synthesis increases shortly before DNA synthesis. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin in serum-stimulated quiescent cells did not affect the increase of cyclin following stimulation. These results demonstrate that cyclin synthesis is not coupled to DNA synthesis and that it is one of the latest events before DNA replication.  相似文献   

Vasopressin and bradykinin bind to receptors coupled to GTP-binding proteins and rapidly induce polyphosphoinositide breakdown leading to Ca2+ mobilization and activation of protein kinase C. Both peptides are known to induce mitogenesis in the presence of growth factors that act through receptors with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Surprisingly, addition of a combination of vaso-pressin and bradykinin to Swiss 3T3 cells synergistically stimulates DNA synthesis in the absence of any other growth factors. This effect is induced at nanomolar concentrations of the peptides and could be inhibited by addition of specific receptor antagonists or broad spectrum neuropeptide antagonists. Bradykinin, which stimulates transient activation of protein kinase C, induces DNA synthesis in synergy with substances that cause long-term activation of protein kinase C, like vasopression or phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate. Down-regulation of protein kinase C inhibited the induction of mitogenesis by the combination of vasopressin and bradykinin, thus demonstrating the importance of long-term activation of this enzyme for DNA synthesis. Analysis of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins of Mr = 110,000–130,000 and Mr = 70,000–80,000 revealed a biphasic response after stimulation with bradykinin, whereas the response induced by vasopressin declined after the initial maximum. The combination of bradykinin with vasopressin caused an enhanced and prolonged increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins as compared with the individual peptides. Inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation by tyrphostin was paralleled by inhibition of DNA synthesis. Together, these results demonstrate synergistic stimulation of DNA synthesis by bradykinin and vasopressin via prolonged stimulation of multiple signaling pathways and imply that the interactive effects of Ca2+ -mobilizing peptides on mitogenesis may be more general than previously thought. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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