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The differential impact of Zetzellia mali on the phytoseiids Metaseiulus occidentalis and Typhlodromus pyri was studied in the laboratory and by analysis of population from orchard plots that contained either phytoseiid, similar numbers of prey mites and high or low densities of Z. mali. Five hypotheses were evaluated to explain why Z. mali had more impact on M. occidentalis in the field than on T. pyri. Given equal opportunity, Z. mali adult females did not consume more M. occidentalis eggs than T. pyri eggs nor did adult females of either phytoseiid inflict greater mortality on Z. mali eggs or larvae through attack or consumption. There was no difference in the within-tree association of Z. mali adult females with eggs of either phytoseiid species nor were there differences in the way prey mites (all life stages) were spatially partitioned between adult female Z. mali as compared with adults and deutonymphs (combined) of either phytoseiid. The foraging area of adult female Z. mali and the oviposition locations of the two phytoseiids from both field and laboratory data were compared using spatial statistics. Metaseiulus occidentalis laid significantly more eggs in the primary foraging area of adult female Z. mali than T. pyri. This was the only factor identified which may explain the greater impact of Z. mali on M. occidentalis. The impact of these interspecific effects on the persistence of predatory mite guilds and biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The ‘Mikulov’ strain of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten from south Moravian vineyards was released on cultivated strawberries infested with the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. The strawberries were grown in field plantations and under glass. Typhlodromus pyri on vine shoots were successfully introduced into the field strawberry plantation but they produced no demonstrable control of the spider mites and they eventually declined in density with their prey. In contrast, T. pyri gave good control of spider mites in the glasshouse despite the occurrence of low humidity and water stress of the plants.  相似文献   

The effect of residues of esfenvalerate on oviposition of the resistant strain of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri and its main prey, European red mite Panonychus ulmi and two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, were investigated. T. pyri showed a significant linear reduction in oviposition after 24h in the presence of increasing levels of esfenvalerate residue applied at the field rate. Furthermore, when given a choice, T. pyri preferred to lay eggs on residue-free surfaces. Of the two prey species, only P. ulmi showed significant avoidance of increasing levels of residues of the field rate concentration of esfenvalerate, as measured by runoff mortality, however both P. ulmi and T. urticae, when given a choice, showed a preference for esfenvalerate-free surfaces. As with the predatory mite T. pyri, both prey species showed a significant linear reduction of oviposition with increasing esfenvalerate residues and a preference to lay eggs on esfenvalerate-free surfaces. Esfenvalerate residues as high as 15X field rate were not repellent to pyrethroid-resistant T. pyri. The possible effects of these sublethal effects on predator-prey dynamics and implications for integrated mite control programmes in apple orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition and predation in immature Amblyseius fallacis (Garman), Amblyseius andersoni Chant, Typhlodromus occidentalis (Nesbitt) and Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten were examined in small cages at three egg densities (0, 20 and 80) of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, in the laboratory at 25±1°C,80% RH and 16L: 8D photoperiod. For the six possible between-species comparisons, the large polyphagous A. andersoni always outcompeted the other three predator species, which were either smaller and/or less polyphagous; the small oligophagous T. occidentalis was always eliminated by the other three predator species, which were either larger and/or more polyphagous. The small and polyphagous T. pyri tied with the large and oligophagous A. fallacis. The outcome of the interaction was generally similar at the three prey densities except in (1) the A. fallacis-A. andersoni system where the advantage of A. andersoni over A. fallacis was reduced when 20 or 80 eggs per cage were present at the start of the interaction and (2) the A. fallacis-T. occidentalis system where the advantage of A. fallacis over T. occidentalis increased with prey density. This study indicates that predator size, predator degree of polyphagy and prey density can affect the competitiveness of immature phytoseiids.  相似文献   

When 20 newly hatched larvae either of Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt), Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman), Amblyseius andersoni Chant or Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten were held in arenas without food at 95% RH and 20°C, the percentages of mites surviving to protonymphs were 5.0, 81.3, 86.3, and 83.8%, respectively. Unfed M. occidentalis larvae starved within 2–3 days, while immatures of the other three species lived up to 12–14 days, with some becoming adults by cannibalizing and/or scavenging. Phytosciid larvae given eggs, larvae/protochrysalis/protonymphs (L/P), deutochrysalis/deutonymphs (D) or teleiochrysalis/female adult (T/A) of Tetranychus urticae Koch, fed at different incidences during 6 h tests. Larvae of T. pyri never fed, but almost all larvae of M. occidentalis fed on eggs and L/Ps and 60–70% of M. occidentalis larvae fed on Ds and T/As. N. fallacis and A. andersoni larvae fed at incidences from 20–75% depending on the stage of spider mite given. Larvae fed more commonly on eggs and L/Ps than Ds and T/As for M. occidentalis and N. fallacis but not A. andersoni. Protonymphs and deutonymphs of all four species, readily fed on T/As after 3 h of exposure, but incidences were higher for A. andersoni and T. pyri. Feeding on phytoseiid larvae by protonymphs and deutonymphs also was more common for A. andersoni and T. pyri. Except for M. occidentalis, deutonymphs fed more than protonymphs on phytoseiid larvae. Results are discussed in relation to individual species life histories and the value of these traits in predicting a species role in a biological control system.  相似文献   

Do adult females of oligophagous species such as Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) and Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) show less intra- and interspecific predation on phytoseiids when other foods are scarce than polyphagous species such as Amblyseius andersoni Chant and Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten? We caged single adult females of each species without food with ten of their own eggs or larvae, with ten eggs or larvae of the other species or with ten nymphs or adult females of M. occidentalis (T. pyri for M. occidentalis). We assessed the ambulatory activity, survival time, egg levels and prey loss in each test. Polyphages (in particular T. pyri) lived longer than oligophages (in particular N. fallacis) without food. The small T. pyri detected its own stages and benefited most by feeding on small active stages of other species. Amblyseius andersoni, the largest mite, fed and gained the most of any species when held with nymphs and female adults. Metaseiulus occidentalis fed on eggs of all four species to enhance survival. The large hyperactive N. fallacis gained the least from these behaviours. Each mite seemed uniquely adapted to survive conditions of scarce prey and these behaviours may explain their roles in phytoseiid mite complexes. Overall, oligophagous adult females fed less and gained less by feeding on phytoseiids than did polyphagous adult females.  相似文献   

Representative fungicides from three or four families used for management of powdery mildew and other diseases in tree fruits were evaluated for their effects on a common spider mite and predator mite species, respectively. A modified Munger cell technique was effective in measuring the response of phytophagous and predaceous mites to fungicide residues on detached leaves in the laboratory. Demethylation-inhibiting (DMI) (imidazole [triflumazole] and triazole [myclobutanil]) and strobilurin (trifloxystrobin) fungicides were not toxic to female Tetranychus urticae Koch and Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt), and no sublethal effects were found on fecundity and predation rate after 3-5-d exposure to residues. Benomyl, a benzimidazole fungicide, increased adult mortality and reduced fecundity for both mite species; however, it did not alter the predation rate of G. occidentalis females on T. urticae eggs and larvae. Female G. occidentalis that survived the lethal effects of benomyl and the comparison acaricide pyridaben were unimpaired in predation. Our results for benomyl substantiate those of earlier studies and provide evidence for nontoxic effects of DMI and strobilurin fungicides on mites. We propose that DMI and strobilurin fungicides are a good fit for integrated mite management programs due to conservation of phytoseiid predatory mites.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition in immature Amblyseius fallacis, Amblyseius andersoni, Typhlodromus occidentalis and Typhlodromus pyri was examined in the laboratory using small cages at five different predator densities (two, four, eight, 16 and 32) in the absence and presence of prey 100 eggs of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch), at 25 ± 1°C, 80% RH and 16L:8D photoperiod. In the absence of spider mite prey, some individuals of immature phytoseiids showed increased development and surival with increasing predator densities up to certain limits, but none survived to the adult stage, except for a single male each of A. andersoni and A. fallacis who completed development by cannibalizing on conspecifics at a density of 32 predators per cage. In the absence of spider mite prey, the mean immature survival time was independent of the initial predator density, but the variance of survival time increased with predator density. In the presence of prey, the proportion of immatures surviving to adulthood generally decreased with initial predator density and dropped sharply to almost none at the predator density of 32 for A. fallacis, eight for A. andersoni, 16 for T. occidentalis and four for T. pyri. The number of prey consumed per predator during the first day generally decreased with predator density in all four species, as prey available per predator decreased and the competition for food increased with predator density. Our data indicate that scramble competition is operating in these four species. Although cannibalism was occasionally observed, especially after the exhaustion of prey and in the generalist predators such as A. andersoni, the immatures of these phytoseiids were less influenced by the interference of conspecifics than by the increasing difficulty of finding food at high predator densities. The implications of this study for understanding phytoseiid population dynamics and their use in biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-three plant essential oils were tested for their toxicity against eggs and adults of Tetranychus urticae Koch as well as adults of Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, by using a filter paper diffusion bioassay without allowing direct contact. Responses varied according to oil type and dose, and mite species. In a plastic container (4.5 by 9.5 cm) bioassay at 14 x 10(-3) microl/ml air, caraway seed, citronella java, lemon eucalyptus, pennyroyal, and peppermint oils gave > 90% mortality against adult T. urticae, whereas 82 and 81% mortality was observed with sage and spearmint oils, respectively. With the exception of sage oil, the other six essential oils were highly effective against T. urticae eggs at 9.3 x 10(-3) microl/ml air. Against adult P. persimilis, these six test oils caused > 90% mortality at 7.1 x 10(-3) microl/ml air. Particularly peppermint oil at 4.7 x 10(-3) microl/ml air was highly toxic. In an acrylic cage (30 by 30 by 40 cm ) test, lemon eucalyptus, pennyroyal, peppermint, and spearmint oils were highly effective against adult T. urticae at 1.4 x 10(-3) microl/ml air. These results indicate that the mode of delivery of these essential oils was largely a result of action in the vapor phase via the respiratory system. The essential oils described herein merit further study as potential fumigants for T. urticae control.  相似文献   

Larvae of Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt), Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten, Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) and Amblyseius andersoni Chant exhibited different activity levels when held on apple leaf or on tile arenas and given or not given eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch and water (tiles only). M. occidentalis larvae held without prey exhibited high levels of walking (includes searching) during 24 hours of evaluation, whereas M. occidentalis larvae held with prey fed quickly and then became less active. Fed larvae of M. occidentalis were less active on leaves than tile. Larvae of T. pyri on leaves had a very low frequency of walking, almost never fed and quickly assumed a resting position during development. While much less active than M. occidentalis, fed and unfed T. pyri larvae walked more on tiles than leaves before resting. Larvae of N. fallacis and A. andersoni fed at low rates and were similarly active on tiles and leaves. Free water increased walking by M. occidentalis, A. andersoni and T. pyri on tile but not N. fallacis. M. occidentalis larvae interacted 5–7 times more often than larvae of the other three species. Cannibalism or scavenging was rarely seen and then only for M. occidentalis larvae. Larvae of all four mites walked, fed and interacted much more in the first 12 hours than the second 12 hours of tests, except unfed M. occidentalis. Unfed M. occidentalis larvae did not molt to protonymphs but unfed larvae of the other three species did. Unfed and fed protonymphs of all four species walked more at 4 hours after molting than larvae at 12–24 hours. Unfed and fed protonymphs of T. pyri or A. andersoni had similar walking frequencies, but unfed protonymphs of N. fallacis were more active than fed ones. Trends in larval activities are discussed relative to the life history of each species.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) is a predatory mite employed for biological control of the agricultural pest Tetranychus urticae (Koch). We explored whether environmental differences, in this case the trichome densities of abaxial leaf surfaces of strawberry cultivars (‘Maehyang’ and ‘Sulhyang’ varieties) affect the functional response of adult female N. californicus preying on immature stages (egg, larva and nymph) of T. urticae. We also evaluated the functional response of N. californicus to eggs of T. urticae at different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C). We conducted a logistic regression of the proportion of prey consumed as a function of initial prey density to identify functional response types, and used nonlinear least‐squares regression and the random predator equation to estimate attack rates and handling times. The functional response of adult female N. californicus to T. urticae was not influenced by non‐glandular trichomes on abaxial leaves but was affected by temperature. Overall, adult female N. californicus exhibited a type 2 functional response to T. urticae. The handling time of N. californicus was highest (1.9970 h) against T. urticae nymphs. The attack rate did not change much at 15–30°C, but was significantly higher at 35°C. The handling time decreased significantly with increasing temperature at 15–35°C. At 35°C, the attack rate was highest (0.2087) and the handling time was lowest (0.9511 h).  相似文献   

Determination of attraction and avoidance behavior of predators is important in concomitant use of multiple natural enemies to control a pest. The olfactory response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis was studied to odors related to Tetranychus urticae adults infected by Beauveria bassiana DEBI008 in 0, 24, 48 and 72 h intervals, both in absence and in presence of plants. In plant-present experiments, P. persimilis attraction was neither towards adults of T. urticae infected by 0.02 % Tween 80 (as control), nor to the ones infected by B. bassiana for 0 or 24 h, whereas significant attraction towards the control was observed when tested against T. urticae infected by B. bassiana for 48 or 72 h. In absence of plants, P. persimilis displayed significant avoidance of T. urticae infected by B. bassiana for 48 or 72 h, when their alternative option was 0.02 % Tween 80-infected T. urticae adults. These results indicate that P. persimilis can recognize the presence of B. bassiana and that the predator avoids the fungus. This suggests that the two natural enemy species can be used together in biological control programmes.  相似文献   

The life table of the indigenous Neoseiulus californicus was studied at different temperatures and 65 ± 5% relative humidity under conditions of 16 h light : 8 h dark (LD 16:8). The total developmental period from egg to adult varied from 3.0 to 14.0 days at 15 to 35°C. Survival to adulthood ranges from 86.21 to 93.94%, with the highest rate at 25°C. The lower threshold temperature from egg to adult stages of females and males was 10.84 and 10.72°C, respectively, and the thermal constant was 57.14 degree‐days (DD) for females and 56.18 DD for males. Total number of eggs laid by each female was the highest (70.38 eggs) at 25°C, whereas average daily fecundity was the highest (3.69 eggs/female/day) at 30°C. The net reproductive rate was the highest (48.49) at 25°C and lowest (26.18) at 30°C. Mean generation time decreased from 19.04 to 11.47 days with increasing temperature from 20 to 30°C. Both intrinsic rate of natural increase (0.284) and finite rate of increase (1.32) were maximum at 30°C. Adult longevity was the highest (42.75 days for females and 32.60 days for males) at 20°C and lowest (22.70 days for females and 15.30 days for males) at 30°C. Sex ratio was female biased and was the highest (78.08) at 25°C and lowest (70.24) at 30°C. Developmental data of five constant temperatures, temperature thresholds and thermal requirements may be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of N. californicus as an important biocontrol agent of Tetranychus urticae.  相似文献   

Tixier, M‐S., Okassa, M. & Kreiter, S. (2011). An integrative morphological and molecular diagnostics for Typhlodromus pyri (Acari: Phytoseiidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 68–78. Phytoseiidae species are predators used in biological control programmes to limit mite pests out‐breaks in the world. Specific diagnostic is thus very important to ensure the success of pest management. This study aims to determine the species status of populations within the main species in vineyards and orchards: Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri, considering four molecular markers (COI, Cytb mtDNAs, 12SrRNA, ITSS) and 34 morphometrical characters. With the three mitochondrial DNA fragments considered, unexpected high genetic distances were observed between two groups, whereas both nuclear DNA and morphological analyses did not show such distinction. Furthermore, the GYMC and the 4 × rule tests emphasised the existence of a single species. Similarly, cross‐breeding experiments between specimens of the two groups showed no reproductive incompatibility. Therefore, despite the great intraspecific variation emphasised by the three mtDNA markers, we conclude that all the specimens considered belong to the same species. The present study clearly underlines the difficulty to conclude on species status using only mt markers and genetic distances, and stresses the necessity to apply multiple approaches for species definition. It also shows the confidence of the morphology for delineating this species.  相似文献   

The effect of plant architecture, in terms of leaf hairiness, and prey spatial arrangement, on predation rate of eggs of the spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, by the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was examined on cut stems of chrysanthemums. Three levels of leaf hairiness (trichome density) were obtained using two different chrysanthemum cultivars and two ages within one of the cultivars. The number of prey consumed by P. persimilis was inversely related to trichome density. At low prey densities (less than ten eggs per stem), prey consumption did not differ in a biologically meaningful way between treatments. The effect of prey spatial arrangement on the predation rate of P. persimilis was also examined. Predation rates were higher in prey patches on leaves adjacent to the release point of P. persimilis, but significantly greater numbers of prey were consumed in higher density prey patches compared to low density patches. The predators exhibited non-random searching behaviour, spending more time on leaves closest to the release point. The implications of these findings for biological control and predator-prey dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, the interspecific predation and cannibalism on immatures by the adult females of Euseius finlandicus, Kampimodromus aberrans and Typhlodromus pyri were examined under laboratory conditions. The three species showed differing tendencies to prey on each other's motile immature stages. Euseius finlandicus females consumed more larvae and protonymphs than the females of T. pyri and K. aberrans. In cages without free water E. finlandicus ate a range of 6.51 larvae or 5.31 protonymphs of T. pyri and 5.27 larvae or 5.95 protonymphs of K. aberrans per female per day. Kampimodromus aberrans and T. pyri females exhibited a greater tendency to prey on heterospecifics than on conspecifics. When feeding on phytoseiid immatures and without free water, T. pyri females survived longer and laid more eggs than the females of E. finlandicus and K. aberrans. Adult females of E. finlandicus and T. pyri having free water and preying on heterospecific protonymphs were able to maintain egg laying during the whole experimental period of 12 days. The females of all three species had difficulties in piercing phytoseiid eggs, and the number of sucked eggs per female per day was low. Kampimodromus aberrans females ate 0.48 eggs of T. pyri daily, which was the highest recorded number. The great tendency to interspecific predation on motile immature phytoseiids by the females of E. finlandicus is discussed with regard to the dominance of this species on deciduous trees and bushes in Austria.  相似文献   

In strawberry greenhouses in La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tetranychus urticae is a major pest and Neoseiulus californicus is its most important established phytoseiid predator. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and coincidence of N. californicus and T. urticae on strawberry. T. urticae populations exhibited density variations that were followed, with some temporal delay, by those of the predator. In general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. The index of dispersion (I) of T. urticae had values significantly greater than 1 in 100% of the sampling dates. The percentage of infested leaflets increased with prey density in a curvilinear way, ranging from 80 to 100% when density was higher than 100 individuals/leaflet. N. californicus had values of I higher than unity in 86.7% (G1) and 53.8% (G2) of the cases. TaylorÕs b and IwaoÕs values were greater than 1 for both populations, this indicating aggregation. IwaoÕs results showed larger aggregation units of T. urticae (=53.24) than of N. californicus (=3.61), probably due to its higher fecundity and oviposition behaviour of laying eggs in clumps. Both populations were overdispersed, although in general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. This would create refuges for the prey, thus increasing the persistence of the system. Index of coincidence of predator (Ic) was high most of the time even at low densities of both populations, decreased abruptly at the end of an interaction cycle and was similar at greenhouse and plant spatial scales. The high spatial coincidence of N. californicus with T. urticae suggests an important dispersal capacity of the predator and a high ability to detect leaflets with prey. The refuge index for the prey decreased with predator density and was higher at greenhouse scale than at plant scale, both at similar predator densities. At greenhouse scale and despite high predator density, the prey had a 10%-refuge, which would lead to the system persistence. Results of the present study suggest that N. californicus is a promising established natural enemy for controlling T. urticae on strawberry.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: (a) determine the prey stage preference of female Euseius hibisci (Chant) (Phytoseiidae) at constant densities of different stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae), (b) assess the functional response of the predator females to the varying densities of eggs, larvae, or protonymphs of T. urticae, and (c) estimate the functional response of E. hibisci when pollen of Ligustrum ovalifolium was present as well. We conducted experiments on excised pieces of strawberry leaf arenas (Fragaria ananassa) under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% RH and 12 h photophase. Our results indicated that the predator consumed significantly more prey eggs than other prey stages. Consumption of prey deutonymphs and adults was so low that they were excluded from the non-choice functional response experiments. The functional response on all food items was of type II. The two parameters of the functional response were estimated for each prey type by means of the adjusted non-linear regression model. The highest estimated value a (instantaneous rate of discovery) and the lowest value of Th (handling time, including digestion) were found for the predator feeding on prey eggs, and a was lowest and Th highest when fed protonymphs. Using the jack-knife method, the values for the functional response parameters were estimated. The values of a and Th produced by the model were similar among all prey types except for the eggs, which were different. Using pollen simultaneously with prey larvae decreased the consumption of the latter over the full range of prey densities The suitability of this predator for biological control of T. urticae on strawberry is discussed.  相似文献   

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