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The recently recognized western North American sectionsBrewerianae, Mexicanae, andSitchenses in the genusSalix were studied in the field and herbarium. SectionsSitchenses andBrewerianae are here combined and placed under sectionViminella as a subsection. Three species and an additional variety are recognized in subsectionSitchenses and seven species are recognized in sectionMexicanae. Keys for identification and distribution maps are provided.  相似文献   

Robert D. Dorn 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):193-210
Salix section Longifoliae occurs from Alaska to Guatemala and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Nine taxa are here accepted as five species with one of the species including two subspecies and four varieties. the holotype of Salix taxifolia Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth represents the same taxon as the lectotype of Salix microphylla Schltdl. & Cham. Material recently called S. taxifolia is given a new name. Salix exilifolia Dorn. The name Salix fluviatilis Nutt is considered to be synonymous with S. melanopsis Nutt. One new variety is described and two new combinations are made under Salix exigua Nutt.  相似文献   

环纹矮柳(Salix annulifera C. MarquandAiry Shaw)的模式标本材料F. K. Ward 5870包括2个完全不同的种。根据深圳法规的相应条款,在此指定F. K. Ward 5870 (K-000335077)为S. annulifera的后选模式;将F. K. Ward 5870 (K-000335083)从S. annulifera中排除,并鉴定为藏南柳(S. austrotibetica N. Chao)。此外,对环纹矮柳的形态描述进行了相应的订正。  相似文献   

孙茜  林祁 《植物研究》2007,27(4):390-392
由于Rudolf Gorz在1935年《静生生物调查所汇报》(植物学)第6卷第1期“中国柳属增志”一文中对2新种、2新变种和1新变型植物名称发表时引证了2号或2号以上的标本,但没指定主模式。根据《国际植物命名法规》规则8.1、,9.10和辅则9A.1、9A.2、9A.3、9A.4的精神,对这些名称作出后选模式指定。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene were used to examine phylogenetic relationships of the genus Salix together with other allied genera of the family Salicaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences strongly suggest the monophyly of three commonly recognized genera (Chosenia, Salix, and Toisusu). Two monophyletic groups are recognized within the larger monophyletic group. They do not correspond with any infrageneric taxa proposed so far. With regard to character evolution, it is thought that the reduction of stamen number from more than two stamens to two might occur in at least three lineages and that fused bud scales evolved several times and/or the reverse evolution occurred from fused to free. Some types of pollen surfaces are considered to have evolved independently.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) profiles based on chemical constituents of the leaves of 145 individuals ofSalix sachalinensis were classified into two different patterns: one composed of flavonoids (myricetin and dihydromyricetin), and the other composed of phenylpropanoid derivatives. This led to the conclusion that two chemical races exist inS. sachalinensis with different biosynthetic abilities to produce secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Salix arbutifolia is a riparian dioecious tree species that is of conservation concern in Japan because of its highly restricted distribution. Eighteen polymorphic loci of dinucleotide microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Among these, estimates of the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.350 to 0.879. Cross-species amplification was successful at 9-13 loci among six Salix species and at three loci in one Populus species.  相似文献   

TheCalamagrostis tashiroi group was taxonomically revised by examination of population samples from four areas and herbarium specimens. Results of the morphological examination, coupled with observations of the habitats, showed that three taxa with distinct morphological features and definite geographical ranges can be recognized in this group. They were disposed asCalamagrostis tashiroi subsp.tashiroi, C. tashiroi subsp.sikokiana, stat. nov. andC. onibitoana, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Sub-arctic willow scrub is an endangered habitat in Britain, and typically occurs on steep crags inaccessible to grazing animals. These willows can reproduce both sexually and asexually, although the relative importance of each is unknown. Knowledge of reproductive mode is important for the design of grazing management and restoration programmes. Accordingly, clonality was assessed in the largest stand of sub-arctic willow scrub in the UK, focusing on Salix lanata and S. lapponum. Little evidence of clonal growth was detected; most individuals possessed distinct multi-locus genotypes. Thus despite the capacity for vegetative reproduction, and seedlings being rarely observed, sexual reproduction is the predominant means of perpetuation and dispersal at this site. We also examined clonal growth in a common willow species (Salix herbacea) that occupies a different habitat type (exposed mountain tops and ridges). Multiple individuals shared identical genotypes up to 7 m apart, suggesting an important role for clonal growth in local patch formation in this species.  相似文献   

Selection on partial resistance components, namely latent period, development rate of uredia and number and size of uredia, has been suggested as a means to achieve durable resistance. Three experiments were carried out in growth chambers to assess the impact of environmental and genetic factors on these components in the Salix-Melampsora host-pathogen system. They confirmed the environmental ability of the Melampsora-Salicaceae relationship and provided no definite answer on the possibility of attaining durable resistance through selection on partial resistance components. On the one hand, there is a large amount of heritable variation among clones for most components; on the other hand, all components were extremely sensitive to environmental conditions and isolates, making the development of standard selection methods difficult.  相似文献   

Contamination of agricultural topsoils with Cd above guideline values is of concern in many countries throughout the world. Extraction of metals from contaminated soils using high-biomass, metal-accumulating Salix sp. has been proposed as a low-cost, gentle remediation strategy, but reasonable phytoextraction rates remain to be demonstrated. In an outdoor pot experiment we assessed the phytoextraction potential for Cd and Zn of four willow species (Salix caprea, S. fragilis, S. × smithiana, S. × dasyclados) and intercropping of S. caprea with the hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri on three moderately contaminated, agricultural soils. Large concentrations of Cd (250 mg kg−1) and Zn (3,300 mg kg−1) were determined in leaves of Salix × smithiana grown on a soil containing 13.4 mg kg−1 Cd and 955 mg kg−1 Zn, resulting in bioaccumulation factors of 27 (Cd) and 3 (Zn). Total removal of up to 20% Cd and 5% Zn after three vegetation periods were shown for Salix × smithiana closely followed by S. caprea, S. fragilis and S. × dasyclados. While total Cd concentrations in soils were reduced by up to 20%, 1 M NH4NO3-extractable metal concentrations did not significantly decrease within 3 years. Intercropping of S. caprea and A. halleri partly increased total removal of Zn, but did not enhance total Cd extraction compared to single plantings of S. caprea after two vegetation periods.  相似文献   

Klang-Westin  Erika  Eriksson  Jan 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(1):127-137
Biomass production and Cd uptake in Salix (willow) is generally high. The aim of this study was to quantify the amounts of Cd in different plant and soil compartments in commercial Salix stands grown on different soil types and to use these data for estimation of the long-term effects of Cd removal by Salix at stem harvest on the soil Cd content by calculating Cd balances. Ten commercial short rotation willow coppice stands, planted with clone 78183 of Salix viminalis (L.) were investigated in order to include three different soil types with respect to pH. Stands with high stem biomass production generally had lower Cd concentrations in the plant and grew on more alkaline soils with low Cd availability when compared to stands with low stem biomass production. The highest output of Cd by Salix is therefore not necessarily achieved by stands with the highest yields or the highest Cd concentrations, as both these parameters have to be considered. The net removal of Cd from the plough layer by the Salix crop under different conditions varied between 2.6 and 16.5 g Cd ha–1 year–1. The long-term effects of Salix cultivation on soil Cd content, i.e. after 6–7 cutting cycles (25 years), were calculated and we reached the conclusion that there is a high potential in Salix to remove significant amounts of Cd at stem harvest. Salix can therefore presumably be used to counteract Cd pollution of agricultural soils in Sweden provided that the Cd in furnace ashes is taken care of.  相似文献   

16 morphological characters were assessed in 300 plants sampled from 27 populations ofPolygonum aviculare sensu lato representative of the whole ecological range of the species in Belgium. The three multivariate treatments performed, namely principal component analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis provide evidence thatP. aviculare can be divided in 4 units, roughly corresponding to the four taxa recognized byChrtek. However, the results point out that subsp.monspeliense and subsp.calcatum should be included at the varietal rank within respectively subsp.aviculare (=P. heterophyllum) and subsp.aequale (=P. arenastrum) as defined byLindman. Fruit dimensions, fruit shape and tepal length are the most discriminant characters for separating the four taxa, while several other characters are discriminant at the population level only. The evolutionary significance of the variation pattern of the whole complex is discussed in terms of life history differentiation and ecological specialization.  相似文献   

Cymopterus constancei is described as new from mostly western portions of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico and from eastern Utah and Arizona. It has been confused withC. bulbosus A. Nelson but differs in several features of its bractlets, phenology, and habitat. The novelty is among the earliest of the native flora to bloom and is quite uniform morphologically. The number of collections encountered exceeds 200, a fourfold increase, in the past 22 years.  相似文献   

Several taxonomic problems of KoreanSmilacina were examined by statistical methods, based on morphological data. Consequently,S. davurica described in Korean flora differs greatly from originalS. davurica, and closely related toS. bicolor morphologically. Therefore, the present authors treated this new taxon as a variety ofS. bicolor, S. bicolor var.flavovirens N. S. Lee et J. Y. Kim var. nov (“Yondusomdae” in Korean). The distribution in South Korea ofS. bicolor var.bicolor is known as only Mt. Chiri, but this species is collected in Mt. Dukyou, also. The bounds of morphological variations ofS. japonica var.japonica, the short plant size and no hairs on the stem, were revealed. The morphological characteristics ofS. japonica var.japonica andS. japonica var.mandshurica is obscure to distinguish. According to the present study,S. japonica var.mandshurica differs fromS. japonica var.japonica in plant size, size of adaxial leaf epidermal cell, ratio of style/ovary length and shape of stigma. The unrecorded taxon in Korean flora,S. robusta, was given a new Korean name as “Kunsomdae.” AlthoughS. japonica var.mandshurica is the variety ofS. japonica var.japonica, it is more closely related toS. robusta than toS. japonica var.japonica.  相似文献   

Diversity of cuticular wax among Salix species and Populus species hybrids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The leaf cuticular waxes of three Salix species and two Populus species hybrids, selected for their ability to produce high amounts of biomass, were characterized. Samples were extracted in CH(2)Cl(2) three times over the growing season. Low kV SEM was utilized to observe differences in the ultrastructure of leaf surfaces from each clone. Homologous series of wax components were classified into organic groups, and the variation in wax components due to clone, sample time, and their interaction was identified. All Salix species and Populus species hybrids showed differences in total wax load at each sampling period, whereas the pattern of wax deposition over time differed only between the Salix species. A strong positive relationship was identified between the entire homologous series of alcohols and total wax load in all clones. Similarly strong relationships were observed between fatty acids and total wax load as well as fatty acids and alcohols in two Salix species and one Populus species hybrid. One Salix species, S. dasyclados, also displayed a strong positive relationship between alcohols and alkanes. These data indicate that species grown under the same environmental conditions produce measurably different cuticular waxes and that regulation of wax production appears to be different in each species. The important roles cuticular waxes play in drought tolerance, pest, and pathogen resistance, as well as the ease of wax extraction and analysis, strongly suggest that the characteristics of the cuticular wax may prove to be useful selectable traits in a breeding program.  相似文献   

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