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In brown algal fertilization, a pair of centrioles is derived from the male gamete, irrespective of the sexual reproduction pattern, i.e., isogamy, anisogamy, or oogamy. In this study, the manner in which the maternal centriole structure is destroyed in early zygotes of the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria was examined by electron microscopy. At fertilization, the zygote had two pairs of centrioles (flagellar basal bodies) derived from motile male and female gametes, and there was no morphological difference between the two pairs. The flagellar basal plate and the axonemal microtubules were still connected with the distal end of centrioles. Ultrastructural observations showed that the integrity of maternal-derived centrioles began to degenerate even in the 1-h-old zygote. At that time, the cylinder of triplet microtubules of the maternal centrioles became shorter from the distal end, and a section passing through the centrioles indicated that a part of the nine triplets of microtubules changed into doublet or singlet microtubules by degeneration of B and/or C tubules. In 2-h-old zygote, there was no trace of maternal centrioles ultrastructurally, and only the paternal centrioles remained. Further, reduction of centrin accompanying destruction of the maternal centrioles was examined in immunofluorescence microscopy. Centrin localized at the paternal and the maternal centrioles had the same fluorescence intensity in the early zygotes. At 4-6 h after fertilization, two spots indicating centrin localization showed different fluorescence intensity. Later, the weaker spot disappeared completely. These results showed that there is a difference in time between the destruction of the centriolar cylinders and the reduction of centrin molecules around them.  相似文献   

Two new species of brown algae (Phaeophyceae), Padina moffittiana Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov. and Cutleria irregularis Abbott et Huisman, sp. nov., are described from the Hawaiian Islands (between 19°04′N, 155°35′W and 28°25′N, 178°20′W). In addition, the new combination Cutleria canariensis is proposed for Aglaozonia canariensis. New observations are presented on Nereia intricata Yamada, a species described 67 years ago and known only from its type specimen. New records of a further 14 species are given for the Hawaiian Islands. These 17 taxa bring the total number of species of brown algae recorded for the Hawaiian Islands to 55, an increase of 28%. Of the 15 new records, two are recent ‘accidental’ introductions: Dictyota flabellata (Collins) Setchell et Gardner and Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt from California. Six records are notable because of their great distances from previously known collections: Nereia intricata Yamada from the Ryukyu Is., Japan; Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck, from the Adriatic, Mediterranean, warm Atlantic and southern Australia; Distromium flabellatum Womersley, Spatoglossum macrodontum J. Agardh, and Sporochnus moorei Harvey, from Australia; Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux from temperate and colder waters in the Pacific and Atlantic. A comparison with some Japanese species of Padina confirms that Padina japonica Yamada should be subsumed with Padina sanctae‐crucis Børgesen, as proposed earlier.  相似文献   

Shen  Yuan  Iwao  Toyoki  Motomura  Taizo  Nagasato  Chikako 《Protoplasma》2021,258(1):19-32

Based on the morphology of gametes, sexual reproduction in brown algae is usually classified into three types: isogamy, anisogamy, and oogamy. In isogamy, chloroplasts and chloroplast DNA (chlDNA) in the sporophyte cells are inherited biparentally, while mitochondria (or mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA) is inherited maternally. In oogamy, chloroplasts and mitochondria are inherited maternally. However, the patterns of mitochondrial and chloroplast inheritance in anisogamy have not been clarified. Here, we examined derivation of mtDNA and chlDNA in the zygotes through strain-specific PCR analysis using primers based on single nucleotide polymorphism in the anisogamous brown alga Mutimo cylindricus. In 20-day-old sporophytes after fertilization, mtDNA and chlDNA derived from female gametes were detected, thus confirming the maternal inheritance of both organelles. Additionally, the behavior of mitochondria and chloroplasts in the zygotes was analyzed by examining the consecutive serial sections using transmission electron microscopy. Male mitochondria were isolated or compartmentalized by a double-membrane and then completely digested into a multivesicular structure 2 h after fertilization. Meanwhile, male chloroplasts with eyespots were observed even in 4-day-old, seven-celled sporophytes. The final fate of male chloroplasts could not be traced. Organelle DNA copy number was also examined in female and male gametes. The DNA copy number per chloroplast and mitochondria in male gametes was lower compared with female organelles. The degree of difference is bigger in mtDNA. Thus, changes in different morphology and DNA amount indicate that maternal inheritance of mitochondria and chloroplasts in this species may be based on different processes and timing after fertilization.


Patterns of inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Passiflora were analyzed by examining the progeny from both interspecific and intraspecific crosses. Artificial crosses of field-collected material were performed in greenhouses at The University of Texas at Austin. DNA from fresh leaf material was analyzed by Southern blot techniques to identify the donor of the chloroplast genome. Initially, single progeny were analyzed for 11 crosses; two intraspecific crosses demonstrated maternal inheritance, whereas the nine interspecific crosses had paternal inheritance. Subsequently, the donor of the chloroplast genome was determined for multiple progeny in seven crosses. Passiflora oerstedii × P. retipetala showed strict paternal inheritance in all of 17 progeny. A series of five crosses and backcrosses between P. oerstedii and P. menispermifolia demonstrated strictly paternal inheritance. Finally, when 15 progeny were analyzed for the P. costaricensis × P. costaricensis cross, 12 of the 15 showed maternal inheritance, whereas the remaining three were biparental. Interestingly, all interspecific crosses had primarily paternal inheritance, whereas all intraspecific crosses had primarily maternal inheritance. The implications of heteroplasmy on phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological changes and chromatin condensation of sperm nuclei were observed during spermatogenesis in the fucalean brown alga Cystoseira hakodatensis (Yendo) Fensholt. Ultrastructural studies have shown that the mature spermatozoid has an elongated and concave nucleus with condensed chromatin. The morphological changes and the chromatin condensation process during spermatogenesis was observed. Nuclear size decreased in two stages during spermatogenesis. During the first stage, spherical nuclei decreased in size as they were undergoing meiotic divisions and the subsequent mitoses within the antheridium. During the second stage, the morphological transformation from a spherical into an elongated nucleus occurred. Afterwards, chromatin condensed at the periphery in each nucleus, and chromatin‐free regions were observed in the center of the nucleus. These chromatin‐free regions in the center of nucleus were compressed by the peripheral chromatin‐condensed region. As the result, the elongated and concave nucleus of the mature sperm consisted of uniformly well‐condensed chromatin.  相似文献   

Paternal inheritance of mitochondria DNA in sheep was discovered by examination of 152 sheep from 38 hybrid families for mtDNA D-loop polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP, amplification of repeated sequence somain, and PCR-SSCP of the D-loop 5' end region of a 253 bp fragment. Our findings have provided the first evidence of paternal inheritance of mtDNA in sheep and possible mechanisms of paternal inheritance were discussed.  相似文献   

Paternal inheritance of mitochondria DNA in sheep was discovered by examination of 152 sheep from 38 hybrid families for mtDNA D-loop polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP, amplification of repeated sequence somain, and PCR-SSCP of the D-loop 5′ end region of a 253 bp fragment. Our findings have provided the first evidence of paternal inheritance of mtDNA in sheep and possible mechanisms of paternal inheritance were discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the high number of studies on the fine structure of brown algal cells, only limited information is available on the intercelluar transportation of molecules via plasmodesmata in brown algae. In this study, plasmodesmatal permeability of Halopteris congesta was examined by observing the translocation of microinjected fluorescent tracers of different molecular sizes. The tip region of H. congesta consists of a cylindrical apical cell, while the basal region is multiseriate. Fluorescein isothiocyanate‐dextran (FD; 3, 10, and 20 kDa) and recombinant green fluorescent protein (27 kDa) were injected into the apical cell and were observed to diffuse into the neighboring cells. FD of 40 kDa was detected only in the injected apical cell. The plasmodesmatal size exclusion limit was considered to be more than 20 kDa and less than 40 kDa. The extent of translocation of 3 and 10 kDa FD from the apical to neighboring cells 2 h postinjection was estimated based on the fluorescence intensity. It was suggested that the diffusing capacity of plasmodesmata varied according to molecular size. In order to examine acropetal and/or basipetal direction of molecular movement, 3 and 10 kDa FD were injected into the third cell from the apical cell. Successive observations indicated that the diffusion of fluorescence in the acropetal direction took longer than that in the basipetal direction. No ultrastructural difference in plasmodesmata was noted among the cross walls.  相似文献   

In depth genetic comparisons of populations of Cutleria multifida (Tilopteridales, Phaeophyceae) collected from Europe, the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Australia and New Zealand using the DNA sequences of four gene regions (the mitochondrial cox2 and cox3 genes, the intergeneric spacer region adjacent to cox3, and the open reading frame) suggested that the northwestern European and Japanese populations were considerably greater in terms of their genetic divergence than Mediterranean, Australian or New Zealand populations. The haplotypes of the populations in northwestern European (distribution range including the type locality, seven haplotypes) and Japanese populations (seven haplotypes) were unique except for one shared haplotype. There were weak but positive correlations between the geographical distance and the genetic divergence among northwestern European and Japanese populations. Moreover, both female and male gametophytes occurred in eight of the nine Japanese localities, suggesting Japanese populations showed normal sexual heteromorphic life history of the species. In light of these results, it appears that Japanese populations were native to the area despite earlier hypothesis. In contrast, Australian and New Zealand populations were composed of only one haplotype that is very close to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, suggesting a recent introduction history from Europe (or from northeastern Asia via Europe) by ship transport to Australia and New Zealand. The Mediterranean populations included two haplotypes identical to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, and it is suggestive of transoceanic introductions of some populations between Mediterranean and Japanese coasts.  相似文献   

Colpomenia sinuosa is an annual brown algal species that occurs in temperate to tropical waters of the world. In order to examine the genetic diversity among populations of the species and to discuss its current distribution, we analyzed the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region from 18 specimens of C. sinuosa , and, for comparison, plastid rbc L from the same specimens. The C. sinuosa ITS region (2141–2534 base pairs) is approximately 2.2 times the length of most other brown algae. We found a long repeated sequence of approximately 190 base pairs in the first half of the ITS1 region; five repeats in Northern Hemisphere collections and three in those from the Southern Hemisphere, which result in ITS length variation. The unequal occurrence of tandem repeats of C. sinuosa corresponds to the geographical distribution of the species. The rbc L sequences from all the specimens of C. sinuosa , except the Canary Island samples, were identical, indicating that they indeed belong to the same species.  相似文献   

The mode of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance was investigated in the genus Larrea (Zygophyllaceae) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of cpDNA fragments using three pairs of chloroplast universal primers. A total of 20 F(1)s from interspecific crosses among five different taxa in the section Bifolium was examined. Twelve F(1)s were from six crosses between L. cuneifolia (4x) and L. divaricata (2x) (Peru or Argentina) or L. tridentata (2x or 4x). Eight F(1)s were from two sets of reciprocal crosses between L. divaricata (2x) (Argentina) and L. tridentata (2x). Length polymorphism was observed in all three regions of cpDNA that separated L. cuneifolia parents from L. divaricata and L. tridentata parents and in one of the three cpDNA regions that differentiated L. divaricata (Argentina) parents from L. tridentata (2x) parents. In each case, it was the paternal cpDNA marker that appeared in the F(1) individuals. This was further confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified cpDNA fragments. Larrea may be the fifth genus reported in angiosperms with a paternal bias in cpDNA transmission. Possible mechanisms that may result in paternal cpDNA inheritance were briefly reviewed. Based on the observed uniparental paternal inheritance of cpDNA, restriction analysis of the three cpDNA regions and previous cytogenetic studies, L. divaricata was probably the maternal progenitor of L. cuneifolia.  相似文献   

In many brown algae, cytokinesis is accomplished through the centrifugal expansion of the membrane structure formed by the fusion of Golgi vesicles and flat cisternae. In contrast, it has been reported that cytokinesis in Sphacelaria rigidula progresses centripetally by adding Golgi vesicles and flat cisternae to cleaving furrows of the plasma membrane. The reason why this cytokinetic pattern was observed only in Sphacelaria species is unknown. In either cytokinesis pattern, a plate-like actin structure (the actin plate) coincides with the cytokinetic plane between the daughter nuclei. However, it is unclear how the actin plate is related to cytokinesis progression. In this study, we re-examined cytokinesis in the apical cells of S. rigidula using transmission electron microscopy. Double staining of the actin plate and the developing membrane was followed by fluorescence microscopy analysis to determine the relationship between these two formations. The results showed that cytokinesis in S. rigidula, as in many brown algae, was completed by centrifugal growth of the new cell partition membrane. A furrow of the plasma membrane was observed at the beginning of cytokinesis; however, further invagination did not occur. The actin plate arose at the center of the cytokinetic plane before membrane fusion and extended parallel to the expansion of the new cell partition membrane. When cytokinesis was slow due to insufficient Golgi vesicle supply to the cytokinetic plane in the cells under brefeldin A treatment, the extension of the actin plate was also suspended. In this study, the spatiotemporal relationship between the occurrence and expansion of the actin plate and the new cell partition membrane was revealed. These observations indicate that the actin plate might promote membrane fusion or lead to the growth of a new cell partition membrane.  相似文献   

In the cytokinesis of brown algae, actin filaments appear like a plate at the intersecting region of microtubules (MTs) that emerge from the centrosomes after mitosis. The function of the actin plate itself is still unknown. To elucidate the relationship between the actin plate, MTs and membrane fusion, without inducing cytoskeleton depolymerization, the effect of brefeldin A (BFA), which prevents the production of vesicles from Golgi bodies, was examined in zygotes of Silvetia babingtonii. The beginning of mitosis was slightly delayed in zygotes under BFA compared with the controls. Almost all zygotes were inhibited for the progression of cytokinesis by BFA treatment. Ultrastructural observations showed that Golgi cisternae became fragmented or curled following continuous treatment with BFA, and the inhibitory status of cytokinesis between zygotes. The next cell cycle started before cytokinesis was completed. Although the appearance of the actin plate was not disturbed by BFA treatment, the behaviour of the actin plate during the transition between the first and second cell cycles could be classified into two patterns: it was either invisible upon the initiation of the next cell cycle, or a portion of it remained even though the next cell cycle had begun. In the latter case, a part of the actin plate seemed to associate with the new partially formed cell partition membrane, and MTs from the centrosomes were bound to it. The actin plate completely disappeared in the next mitosis, then re-emerged in the middle area of the four daughter nuclei. The results of the present study indicated that, under BFA treatment, the actin plate persisted until just before the beginning of the next mitotic phase, when the new, incomplete cell partition membrane was present, and MTs sustained the actin plate until next mitosis.  相似文献   

Maier I  Parodi E  Westermeier R  Müller DG 《Protist》2000,151(3):225-238
An obligate intracellular parasite infecting Ectocarpus spp. and other filamentous marine brown algae is described. The pathogen forms an unwalled multinucleate syncytium (plasmodium) within the host cell cytoplasm and causes hypertrophy. Cruciform nuclear divisions occur during early development. Mature plasmodia become transformed into single sporangia, filling the host cell completely, and then cleave into several hundred spores. The spores are motile with two unequal, whiplash-type flagella inserted subapically and also show amoeboid movement. Upon settlement, cysts with chitinous walls are formed. Infection of host cells is accomplished by means of an adhesorium and a stachel apparatus penetrating the host cell wall, and injection of the cyst content into the host cell cytoplasm. The parasite is characterized by features specific for the plasmodiophorids and is described as a new genus and species, Maullinia ectocarpii.  相似文献   

Patterns of inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria were examined by fluorescence microscopy and haplotype genome markers in the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link. Germination of the zygote in this species was unilateral, the growing thallus developed entirely from the germ tube, and the original zygote cell did not develop except for the formation of a hair. Inheritance of chloroplasts was biparental, and partitioning of the two parental chloroplasts into the first sporophytic cells was accidental: either the maternal or the paternal chloroplast was migrated from the zygote into the germ tube cell, whereas the other chloroplast remained in the original cell. In contrast, the mitochondrial genome in all cells of the sporophyte came only from the female gamete (maternal inheritance). These inheritance patterns are similar to those of the isogamous brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye. Maternal inheritance of mitochondria might be universal in brown algae.  相似文献   

The methods used to quantify total alginate in brown algal tissue are time-consuming and may also be misleading, so faster and simpler methods for measuring alginate content would be beneficial in a variety of applications. This study reports on the use of near infra-red (NIR) analysis to monitor the alginate content of Laminaria hyperborea stipe during biodegradation. NIR reflectance spectra were recorded for 78 different freeze-dried samples of its stipe. The samples were collected during several biological degradation experiments and the total alginate content varied from 2.2 to 40.8% Na-alginate (w/w), determined by established methods based on ion exchange. Data analysis was performed using multivariate calibration methods in order to relate the spectral data to the alginate content. PLS2 analysis revealed some dependence on material type, probably reflecting differences in polyphenol content. In the end, a PLS1 model with 9 components was selected. The calculated model was validated both with internal data and with an external test set. Internal full cross validation explained 96.6% of the variance in alginate content. The external validation showed that the PLS1 model was able to predict the alginate concentration with a root mean square prediction accuracy of 2.1%. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A fucoidan containing L-fucose, sulfate, and O-acetyl groups at a molar ratio 3:2:1, as well as minor amounts of xylose, galactose, and uronic acids was isolated from the brown alga Analipus japonicus collected in the Sea of Japan. The structures of the native polysaccharide and the products of its desulfation and deacetylation were studied by the methods of methylation, periodate oxidation, and NMR spectroscopy. It was shown that a polysaccharide molecule mainly consists of a linear carbohydrate chain of (1→3)-linked α-L-fucopyranose residues, which bears numerous branches in the form of single α-L-fucopyranose residues (three branches at position 4 and one branch at position 2 per each ten residues of the main chain). Sulfate groups occupy positions 2 and (to a lesser extent) 4, most of the terminal nonreducing fucose residues being sulfated twice. The acetyl groups are located predominantly at positions 4. The structural role of minor monosaccharides was not established.  相似文献   

In almost all animals, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is transmitted only from the female, while the paternal mitochondria and mtDNA are thought to be eliminated during early embryogenesis. Autophagy is involved in the elimination of sperm mitochondria and mtDNA in early embryos in Caenorhabditis elegans; however, solid evidence is still lacking in mammals. Recently, we found that despite the fact that some autophagy-related proteins, such as SQSTM1 and LC3 could localize nearby sperm mitochondria before the 2-cell stage, autophagy did not participate in the elimination of sperm mitochondria and mtDNA. Instead, the pre-elimination of sperm mtDNA before fertilization and the restriction of sperm mitochondria in one blastomere before 4-cell stage embryos are the most important mechanisms of maternal mitochondrial inheritance in mice.  相似文献   

Behavior of the eyespots during the fertilization of Ulva arasakii Chihara was studied using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM). FE‐SEM enabled the visualization of the eyespot of biflagellate male and female gametes. The smaller male gamete has one protruded smaller (1.3 ± 0.15 μm× 1.0 ± 0.29 μm) eyespot and the larger female gamete has a larger (1.6 ± 0.2 μm× 1.1 ± 0.13 μm) one on a posterior position of the cell. The cell membrane over the eyespot region is relatively smooth compared to other parts of the cell body and exhibits hexagonal arranged lipid globules. Because the size of the cell and the morphology of the eyespot are different between male and female gametes, we could follow the fate of the eyespots during the fertilization. The initial cytoplasmic contact and fusion of the gametes takes place at their anterior end, slightly posterior to the flagellar base. The morphology of the fusing gametes followed two clearly distinguishable patterns. About half the gamete pairs lie side‐by‐side with their longitudinal axes nearly parallel, while the rest are oriented anti‐parallel to each other. In all cases, the larger female gamete fused along the same side as the eyespot, while the smaller male gamete fused along the side away from its eyespot. As fusion proceeds, the gamete pair is transformed into the quadriflagellate planozygote, in which the eyespots are positioned side‐by‐side on the region of cell fusion. These observations indicated that the opposite positioning of the eyespot relative to the cell fusion site in male and female gametes is important for the proper arrangement of the eyespots in the planozygote. The significance of this feature in advanced green algae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis, the development of female gametes without fertilization, is relatively common in brown algae, although limited quantitative information on the phenomenon is available. Its occurrence is reported for the first time in Lessonia nigrescens Bory, a member of the Laminariales and a key ecological component of the benthic algal communities along the Chilean coast. Isolated female gametophytes developed into parthenosporophytes throughout the year, with a maximum in spring to early summer. Isolated male gametophytes, on the other hand, never developed fronds. Parthenosporophytes obtained in the laboratory developed normally when cultivated under greenhouse conditions, and the resulting individuals were indistinguishable in size, shape, texture, and color from heterozygous sporophytes. Quantification of DNA of various tissues demonstrated that early during their development, parthenosporophytes duplicated their DNA content, displaying levels similar to heterozygous sporophytes and almost twice the level found in gametophytes. One out of 45 individuals from a field population yielded only female gametophytes, strongly suggesting that parthenogenesis does occur in wild stands of L. nigrescens.  相似文献   

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