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The Capn5 gene was inactivated by homologous recombination in ES cells that subsequently colonized the germ line of mice. The targeted mutation integrated a lacZ expression cassette into the Capn5 gene, allowing the expression of Capn5 mRNA to be examined in detail in heterozygous animals. Expression was observed in embryonic and newborn thymuses, in various epithelial tissues, and in tissues of the central nervous system. In the thymus, Capn5 was expressed mainly in relatively immature CD25(+) embryonic thymocytes. Despite the numerous expression sites of Capn5, the majority of Capn5-null mice were viable and fertile and appeared healthy. Histopathological analysis did not reveal any differences between Capn5-null and wild-type mice. There were no defects in the major T- or B-cell populations in the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, or peritoneum, nor did apoptosis appear abnormal in Capn5-null T cells. There was no evidence for the development of autoimmune disease in Capn5-null animals. However, a small proportion of homozygous null offspring from heterozygous matings were runted and most often did not survive to adulthood.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, mRNA is actively exported to the cytoplasm by a family of nuclear RNA export factors (NXF). Four Nxf genes have been identified in the mouse: Nxf1, Nxf2, Nxf3, and Nxf7. Inactivation of Nxf2, a germ cell-specific gene, causes defects in spermatogenesis. Here we report that Nxf3 is expressed exclusively in Sertoli cells of the postnatal testis, in a developmentally regulated manner. Expression of Nxf3 coincides with the cessation of Sertoli cell proliferation and the beginning of their differentiation. Continued expression of Nxf3 in mature Sertoli cells of the adult is spermatogenesis stage-independent. Nxf3 is not essential for spermatogenesis, however, suggesting functional redundancy among Nxf family members. With its unique expression pattern in the testis, the promoter of Nxf3 can be used to drive postnatal Sertoli cell-specific expression of other proteins such as Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

Cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) is expressed on a subpopulation of human memory T cells and is involved in the primary step of their skin homing. T cells and some B cells in the peripheral blood express CLA, but the pathophysiologic roles of CLA(+) B cells have not yet been clarified. We examined the relationships among CLA expression in B cells and immunoglobulin heavy chain subtype, the localization of CLA(+) B cells in the peripheral lymphoid tissues, and their functional binding to E-selectin. CLA was expressed on class-switched, memory B cells in the peripheral blood and tonsils as revealed by flow cytometry. Immunohistochemical staining of the lymph nodes with various types of inflammation or reactive hyperplasia showed CLA on the monocytoid B cells, which correspond to memory cells. The functional study revealed that CLA on B cells bound to E-selectin transfectants. E-selectin was detected on some of the high endothelial venules in the monocytoid B-cell-rich lymph nodes. These findings suggest that CLA is also expressed on a subset of memory/effector B cells, in addition to a subset of memory T cells. Such B cells were located in the lymph nodes or tonsils and rarely in chronic dermatitis. Therefore, CLA seems to be related to memory/effector B-cell trafficking to the lymph nodes or tonsils. According to the multistep theory, mechanisms involved in the second or third step might be different between CLA(+) B and T cells.  相似文献   

Dibutyryl cAMP and IL 1 were found to stimulate antigen-specific and polyclonal antibody production when added together to cultures of highly purified B cells. We propose that IL 1 and an elevation in cytoplasmic cAMP represent minimal signal requirements for B cell activation. In contrast to its effect on B cells, dibutyryl cAMP inhibited helper T cell activity. Cyclic AMP suppressed the production of IL 2 and T cell replacing factor (TRF) by T cells and thus abrogated the ability of helper T cells to enhance SRBC-specific antibody production by B cells. Cyclic AMP did not inhibit the generation by T cells of B cell growth factor (BCGF). BCGF, not normally detected in Con A supernatant, was found in the culture supernatant of spleen cells that were stimulated with Con A in the presence of cAMP. Our findings indicate that cAMP blocks the production of an inhibitor of BCGF activity. cAMP had no effect on the production by macrophages of IL 1.  相似文献   

Notochord is an embryonic midline structure that serves as mechanical support for axis elongation and the signaling center for the surrounding tissues. Precursors of notochord are initially induced in the dorsal most mesoderm region in gastrulating embryo and separate from the surrounding mesoderm/endoderm tissue to form an elongated rod-like structure, suggesting that cell adhesion molecules may play an important role in this step. In Xenopus embryo, axial protocadherin (AXPC), an orthologue of mammalian Protocadherin-1 (PCDH1), is indispensable for the assembly and separation from the surrounding tissue of the notochord cells. However, the role of PCDH1 in mammalian notochord remains unknown. We herein report that PCDH1 is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryo and that PCDH1-deficient mice form notochord normally. First, we examined the temporal expression pattern of pcdh1 and found that pcdh1 mRNA was expressed from embryonic day (E) 7.5, prior to the stage when notochord cells detach from the surrounding endoderm tissue. Second, we found that PCDH1 protein is expressed in the notochord of mouse embryos in addition to the previously reported expression in endothelial cells. To further investigate the role of PCDH1 in embryonic development, we generated PCDH1-deficient mice using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. In PCDH1-deficient embryos, notochord formation and separation from the surrounding tissue were normal. Structure and marker gene expression of notochord were also unaffected by loss of PCDH1. Major vascular patterns in PCDH1-deficient embryo were essentially normal. These results suggest that PCDH1 is dispensable for notochord formation, including the tissue separation process, in mammalian embryos. We successfully identified the evolutionary conserved expression of PCDH1 in notochord, but its function may differ among species.  相似文献   

The enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) terminates synaptic transmission at cholinergic synapses by hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In addition, AChE is thought to play several 'non-classical' roles that do not require catalytic function. Most prominent among these is facilitation of neurite growth. Here, we report that the zebrafish zieharmonika (zim) locus encodes AChE. We show that one mutant zim allele is caused by a pre-mature stop codon, resulting in a truncated protein that lacks both the catalytic site and the carboxy-terminal neuritogenic domain. To explore the 'non-classical' role of AChE, we examined embryos mutant for this allele. In contrast to previous results using a catalytic-inactive allele, our analysis demonstrates that AChE is dispensable for muscle fiber development and Rohon-Beard sensory neuron growth and survival. Moreover, we show that in the absence of AChE, acetylcholine receptor clusters at neuromuscular junctions initially assemble, but that these clusters are not maintained. Taken together, our results demonstrate that AChE is dispensable for its proposed non-classical roles in muscle fiber formation and sensory neuron development, but is crucial for regulating the stability of neuromuscular synapses.  相似文献   

FOXP3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for maintaining immunological tolerance. Given their importance in immune-related diseases, cancer and obesity, there is increasing interest in targeting the Treg cell compartment therapeutically. New pharmacological inhibitors that specifically target the prosurvival protein MCL-1 may provide this opportunity, as Treg cells are particularly reliant upon this protein. However, there are two distinct isoforms of MCL-1; one located at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) that is required to antagonize apoptosis, and another at the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) that is reported to maintain IMM structure and metabolism via ATP production during oxidative phosphorylation. We set out to elucidate the relative importance of these distinct biological functions of MCL-1 in Treg cells to assess whether MCL-1 inhibition might impact upon the metabolism of cells able to resist apoptosis. Conditional deletion of Mcl1 in FOXP3+ Treg cells resulted in a lethal multiorgan autoimmunity due to the depletion of the Treg cell compartment. This striking phenotype was completely rescued by concomitant deletion of the apoptotic effector proteins BAK and BAX, indicating that apoptosis plays a pivotal role in the homeostasis of Treg cells. Notably, MCL-1-deficient Treg cells rescued from apoptosis displayed normal metabolic capacity. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of MCL-1 in Treg cells resistant to apoptosis did not perturb their metabolic function. We conclude that Treg cells require MCL-1 only to antagonize apoptosis and not for metabolism. Therefore, MCL-1 inhibition could be used to manipulate Treg cell survival for clinical benefit without affecting the metabolic fitness of cells resisting apoptosis.Subject terms: Disease genetics, Immune cell death  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of Hsp27 has been demonstrated in vertebrate embryos, especially in developing skeletal and cardiac muscle. Results of several previous studies have indicated that Hsp27 could play a role in the development of these tissues. For example, inhibition of Hsp27 expression has been reported to cause defective development of mammalian myoblasts in vitro and frog embryos in vivo. In contrast, transgenic mice lacking Hsp27 develop normally. Here, we examined the distribution of Hsp27 protein in developing and adult zebrafish and effects of suppressing Hsp27 expression using phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligonucleotides (PMO) on zebrafish development. Consistent with our previous analysis of hsp27 messenger RNA expression, we detected the protein Hsp27 in cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle of both embryonic and adult zebrafish. However, embryos lacking detectable Hsp27 after injection of antisense hsp27 PMO exhibited comparable heart beat rates to that of control embryos and cardiac morphology was indistinguishable in the presence or absence of Hsp27. Loss of Hsp27 also had no effect on the structure of the skeletal muscle myotomes in the developing embryo. Finally, embryos injected with antisense hsp27 and scrambled control PMO displayed equal motility. We conclude that Hsp27 is dispensable for zebrafish morphogenesis but could play a role in long-term maintenance of heart and muscle tissues. Tucker and Ustyugov contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC) vaccination is an attractive approach to the treatment of patients with lymphoid tumors. To evaluate its feasibility, we have tested the functional properties of DC and T-lymphocytes in patients with treated and untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and follicular lymphoma (FL). Healthy volunteers were used both as controls and as a source of cells for allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR). In these reactions, dendritic cells from both untreated and treated patients were comparable to dendritic cells from healthy volunteers. In all the untreated patients studied, autologous dendritic cells promoted the survival and proliferation of both CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes (though the proliferation response was much better in the CD4 subset), whereas only 3 out of 5 treated patients were able to mount this response with CD4 lymphocytes and 4 out of 5 with CD8 lymphocytes. In 3 out of 5 untreated patients, pulsing of DCs with tetanus toxoid promoted a better CD4 response than was achieved with unpulsed DCs, while none of 5 treated patients had an additional response after pulsing with tetanus toxoid. None of patients studied, either treated or untreated, had a better CD8 response to pulsed DCs than to unpulsed ones. During CD4 lymphocyte proliferation, more CD4(+)CD25(hi) lymphocytes were generated in both treated and untreated patients than in healthy controls. Poor proliferation of cytotoxic cells and preferential proliferation of CD4(+)CD25(hi) T-regulatory cells in response to self and/or foreign antigens might be one of the mechanisms responsible for immunosuppression and impaired tumor surveillance in patients with lymphoid malignancies.  相似文献   

Genetic dissection of the lipid bilayer composition provides essential in vivo evidence for the role of individual lipid species in membrane function. To understand the in vivo role of the anionic phospholipid, phosphatidylglycerol, the loss-of-function mutation was identified and characterized in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene coding for phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1, PGP1. This mutation resulted in pigment-deficient plants of the xantha type in which the biogenesis of thylakoid membranes was severely compromised. The PGP1 gene coded for a precursor polypeptide that was targeted in vivo to both plastids and mitochondria. The activity of the plastidial PGP1 isoform was essential for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylglycerol in chloroplasts, whereas the mitochondrial PGP1 isoform was redundant for the accumulation of phosphatidylglycerol and its derivative cardiolipin in plant mitochondrial membranes. Together with findings in cyanobacteria, these data demonstrated that anionic phospholipids play an important, evolutionarily conserved role in the biogenesis and function of the photosynthetic machinery. In addition, mutant analysis suggested that in higher plants, mitochondria, unlike plastids, could import phosphatidylglycerol from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

GLUT8 is a glucose transporter isoform expressed at high levels in testis; at intermediate levels in the brain, including the hippocampus; and at lower levels in the heart and several other tissues. GLUT8 is located in an intracellular compartment and does not appear to translocate to the cell surface, except in blastocysts, where insulin has been reported to induce its surface expression. Here, we generated mice with inactivation of the glut8 gene. We showed that expression of GLUT8 was not required for normal embryonic development and that glut8-/- mice had normal postnatal development, glucose homeostasis, and response to mild stress. Adult glut8-/- mice showed increased proliferation of hippocampal cells but no defect in memory acquisition and retention. Absence of GLUT8 from the heart did not alter heart size and morphology but led to an increase in P-wave duration, which was not associated with abnormal Nav1.5 Na+ channel or connexin expression. Thus, absence of GLUT8 expression in the mouse caused complex but mild physiological alterations.  相似文献   

Activation of an acid sphingomyelinase (aSMase) leading to a biosynthesis of GD3 disialoganglioside has been associated with Fas-induced apoptosis of lymphoid cells. The present study was undertaken to clarify the role of this enzyme in the generation of gangliosides during apoptosis triggered by Fas ligation. The issue was addressed by using aSMase-deficient and aSMase-corrected cell lines derived from Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) patients. Fas cross-linking elicited a rapid production of large amounts of complex a- and b-series species of gangliosides with a pattern and a chromatographic behavior as single bands reminiscent of brain gangliosides. The gangliosides were synthesized within the first ten minutes and completely disappeared within thirty minutes after stimulation. Noteworthy is the observation that GD3 was not the only ganglioside produced. The production of gangliosides and the onset of apoptotic hallmarks occurred similarly in both aSMase-deficient and aSMase-corrected NPD lymphoid cells, indicating that aSMase activation is not accountable for ganglioside generation. Hampering ganglioside production by inhibiting the key enzyme glucosylceramide synthase did not abrogate the apoptotic process. In addition, GM3 synthase-deficient lymphoid cells underwent Fas-induced apoptosis, suggesting that gangliosides are unlikely to play an indispensable role in transducing Fas-induced apoptosis of lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

IL-17, which is preferentially produced by Th17 cells, is important for host defense against pathogens and is also involved in the development of autoimmune and allergic disorders. Antibody (Ab) production was shown to be impaired in IL-17-deficient mice, suggesting that IL-17 may promote B cell activation and direct secretion of Ab. However, the precise role of IL-17 in Ab production by B cells remains unclear. In the present study, we found constitutive expression of IL-17R in murine splenic B cells. Nevertheless, IL-17, IL-17F or IL-25 alone could not induce Ab production by B cells even in the presence of agonistic anti-CD40 Ab. IL-17 also could not affect IFN-γ-, IL-4- or TGF-β1-mediated Ig class-switching. Furthermore, in co-cultures of B cells and IL-17(-/-) CD4(+) T cells or IL-17(-/-) Th17 cells, IL-17 deficiency did not influence Ab production by B cells in vitro, suggesting that Th17 cell-derived IL-17 was not required for B cell Ab production through T cell-B cell interaction in vitro. Thus, in vivo, IL-17 may be indirectly involved in Ab production by enhancing production of B cell activator(s) by other immune cells.  相似文献   

The two closely related Stat5 (Stat5A and Stat5B) proteins are activated by a broad spectrum of cytokines. However, with the complication of the involvement of Stat5A/5B in stem cell function, the role of Stat5A/5B in the development and function of lymphocytes, especially B cells, is not fully understood. In this study, we demonstrated that Stat5A/5B(-/-) fetal liver cells had severe diminution of B cell progenitors but clearly had myeloid progenitors. Consistently, the mutant fetal liver cells could give rise to hemopoietic progenitors and myeloid cells but not B cells beyond pro-B cell progenitors in lethally irradiated wild-type or Jak3(-/-) mice. Deletion of Stat5A/5B in vitro directly impaired IL-7-mediated B cell expansion. Of note, reintroduction of Stat5A back into Stat5A/5B(-/-) fetal liver cells restored their abilities to develop B cells. Importantly, CD19-Cre-mediated deletion of Stat5A/5B in the B cell compartment specifically impaired early B cell development but not late B cell maturation. Moreover, the B cell-specific deletion of Stat5A/5B did not impair splenic B cell survival, proliferation, and Ig production. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Stat5A/5B directly control IL-7-mediated early B cell development but are not required for B cell maturation and Ig production.  相似文献   

Regulation of Src family kinase (SFK) activity is indispensable for a functional immune system and embryogenesis. The activity of SFKs is inhibited by the presence of the carboxy-terminal Src kinase (Csk) at the cell membrane. Thus, recruitment of cytosolic Csk to the membrane-associated SFKs is crucial for its regulatory function. Previous studies utilizing in vitro and transgenic models suggested that the Csk-binding protein (Cbp), also known as phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid microdomains (PAG), is the membrane adaptor for Csk. However, loss-of-function genetic evidence to support this notion was lacking. Herein, we demonstrate that the targeted disruption of the cbp gene in mice has no effect on embryogenesis, thymic development, or T-cell functions in vivo. Moreover, recruitment of Csk to the specialized membrane compartment of "lipid rafts" is not impaired by Cbp deficiency. Our results indicate that Cbp is dispensable for the recruitment of Csk to the membrane and that another Csk adaptor, yet to be discovered, compensates for the loss of Cbp.  相似文献   

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