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The effects of α,β-amyrin, a pentacyclic triterpene isolated from Protium heptaphylum was investigated on rat model of orofacial pain induced by formalin or capsaicin. Rats were pretreated with α,β-amyrin (10, 30, and 100 mg/kg, i.p.), morphine (5 mg/kg, s.c.) or vehicle (3% Tween 80), before formalin (20 μl, 1.5%) or capsaicin (20 μl, 1.5 μg) injection into the right vibrissa. In vehicle-treated controls, formalin induced a biphasic nociceptive face-rubbing behavioral response with an early first phase (0–5 min) and a late second phase (10–20 min) appearance, whereas capsaicin produced an immediate face-rubbing (grooming) behavior that was maximal at 10–20 min. Treatment with α,β-amyrin or morphine significantly inhibited the face-rubbing response in both test models. While morphine produced significant antinociception in both phases of formalin test, α,β-amyrin inhibited only the second phase response, more prominently at 30 mg/kg, in a naloxone-sensitive manner. In contrast, α,β-amyrin produced much greater antinociceptive effect at 100 mg/kg in the capsaicin test, which was also naloxone-sensitive. These results provide first time evidence to show that α,β-amyrin attenuates orofacial pain atleast, in part, through a peripheral opioid mechanism but warrants further detailed study for its utility in painful orofacial pathologies.  相似文献   

α-Crystallins possess molecular chaperone properties and are one of the most abundant of the lenticular proteins. Posttranslational modifications of these proteins have been implicated as a possible etiology of human cataracts. This article will review current knowledge concerning the effects of known posttranslational modifications upon the molecular chaperone properties and aggregation behavior of α-A and α-B crystallin. Based upon these effects, experimental approaches will be discussed that may be useful in the development of reagents that may selectively inhibit the cataractogenic process in the aging human lens.  相似文献   

Light scattering measurements were performed on dilute solutions of α-crystallin mixed with different combinations of βH, βL and γ-fractions of bovine lens crystallins. Light scattering intensities were obtained as a function of scattering angle, concentration and temperature. The temperature dependence of the second virial coefficients was used to obtain partial molar enthalpy and end entropy of solutions. The difference between the thermodynamic parameters of the crystallin mixtures and those of the weighted averages of the individual components yielded the excess enthalpy and entropy functions of the solutions. Both the excess enthalpy and entropy functions indicated that thermodynamic stability of α-crystallin is progressively enhanced by its interactions with γ(βH+γ)(βH+βL+γ) crystallins. The last two combinations showed negative values both for excess enthalpy as well for excess entropy of solutions. Other combinations demonstrated increasing positive values. This implies that the combination of all four crystallins in the vertebrate lens enables the best solvation property as well as the best packing as opposed to any other single or combinatorial arrangements of crystallins. Similar conclusions have been obtained in the past from water and other vapor sorption studies.  相似文献   

Sequences of 40 very diverse representatives of the α-crystallin–small heat-shock protein (α-Hsp) superfamily are compared. Their characteristic C-terminal ‘α-crystallin domain' of 80–100 residues contains short consensus sequences that are highly conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. There are, in addition, some positions that clearly distinguish animal from non-animal α-Hsps. The α-crystallin domain is predicted to consist of two hydrophobic β-sheet motifs, separated by a hydrophilic region which is variable in length. Combination of a conserved α-crystallin domain with a variable N-terminal domain and C-terminal extension probably modulates the properties of the various α-Hsps as stress-protective and structural oligomeric proteins. Phylogeny reconstruction indicates that multiple α-Hsps were already present in the last common ancestor of pro- and eukaryotes. It is suggested that during eukaryote evolution, animal and non-animal α-Hsps originated from different ancestral gene copies. Repeated gene duplications gave rise to the multiple α-Hsps present in most organisms.  相似文献   

The peptides, phalloidin and α-amanitin, contain two unusual indole-derived chromophores, whose absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence in aqueous solutions are described. Fluorescence is very weak, but phosphorescence at 77 K is intense. Phalloidin seems to undergo adiabatic photodissociation in alkaline solutions and to fluorescence from the indole anion form. In contrast, neither the phenolic nor the indolic protons of α-amanitin undergo photodissociation. The pKa value of the phenolic hydroxy group of α-amanitin is 9.71 at 23°C.  相似文献   

In the course of searching for BACE1 (beta-secretase) inhibitors from natural products, the ethyl acetate soluble fraction of Smilax Rhizoma (the dried rhizomes of Smilax china L.) showed potent inhibitory activity. The active compounds were identified as a trans/cis-resveratrol mixture, oxyresveratrol, veraphenol, and cis-scirpusin A. They were shown to non-competitively inhibit BACE1 with the Ki values of 5.4 x 10(-6), 5.4 x 10(-6), 3.4 x 10(-6), and 5.4 x 10(-6)M and IC(50) values of 1.5 x 10(-5), 7.6 x 10(-6), 4.2 x 10(-6), and 1.0 x 10(-5)M, respectively. The active compounds were less inhibitory to alpha-secretase (TACE) and other serine proteases such as chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase, suggesting that they were relatively specific inhibitors of BACE1.  相似文献   

Germination of lettuce seeds was inhibited by 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (MBOA) at concentrations greater than 0.03 mmol/L. MBOA also inhibited the induction of α-amylase activity in the lettuce seeds at concentrations greater than 0.03 mmol/L. These two concentration–response curves for the germination and α-amylase indicate that the percentage of the germination was positively correlated with the activity of α-amylase in the seeds. Lettuce seeds germinated around 18 h after incubation and inhibition of α-amylase by MBOA occurred within 6 h after seed incubation. These results show that MBOA may inhibit the germination of lettuce seeds by inhibiting the induction of α-amylase activity.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin is renown for resisting crystallization and electron microscopic image analysis. The spatial conformation thus remaining elusive, the authors explored the structure and chaperone functioning by analyzing the effects of site-directed mutagenesis, the properties of naturally occurring aberrant forms of α-crystallin and the influence of chemical modifications. The authors observed that the globular multimeric structure, as well as the chaperoning capacity are remarkably tolerant towards changes and modifications in the primary structure. The essential features of the quaternary structure—globular shape, flexibility, highly polar exterior and accessible hydrophobic surface pockets—support a ‘pitted-flexiball’ model, which combines tetrameric subunit building blocks in an open micelle-like arrangement.  相似文献   

Mouse peritoneal macrophages activated by bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) were incubated with human α2-macroglobulin converted to its ‘fast’ form with either trypsin or methylamine before being stimulated with phorbol myrystate acetate. Both α2-macroglobulin-trypsin and α2-macroglobulin-methylamine inhibited macrophage production of superoxide anion (O2) while native α2-macroglobulin had little effect except at high concentration. The α2-macroglobulin ‘fast’ forms, which bind with a Kd of about 8 nM, inhibited 50% generation of O2(ID50) at a concentration of 7 nM while α2-macroglobulin inhibited O2 production with an ID50 of 141 nM. The ‘fast’ forms of α2-macroglobulin may play a role in the feedback regulation of inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin is a multimeric lenticular protein that has recently been shown to be expressed in several non-lenticular tissues as well. It is shown to prevent aggregation of non-native proteins as a molecular chaperone. By using a non-thermal aggregation model, we could show that this process is temperature-dependent. We investigated the chaperone-like activity of α-crystallin towards photo-induced aggregation of γ-crystallin, aggregation of insulin and on the refolding induced aggregation of β- and γ-crystallins. We observed that α-crystallin could prevent photo-aggregation of γ-crystallin and this chaperone-like activity of α-crystallin is enhanced several fold at temperatures above 30°C. This enhancement parallels the exposure of its hydrophobic surfaces as a function of temperature, probed using hydrophobic fluorescent probes such as pyrene and 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate. We, therefore, concluded that α-crystallin prevents the aggregation of other proteins by providing appropriately placed hydrophobic surfaces; a structural transition above 30°C involving enhanced or re-organized hydrophobic surfaces of α-crystallin is important for its chaperone-like activity. We also addressed the issue of conformational aspects of target proteins and found that their aggregation prone molten globule states bind to α-crystallin. We trace these developments and discuss some new lines that suggest the role of tertiary structural aspects in the chaperone process.  相似文献   

To quantitatively understand intracellular Na+ and Cl homeostasis as well as roles of Na+/K+ pump and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl channel (ICFTR) during the β1-adrenergic stimulation in cardiac myocyte, we constructed a computer model of β1-adrenergic signaling and implemented it into an excitation-contraction coupling model of the guinea-pig ventricular cell, which can reproduce membrane excitation, intracellular ion changes (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl), contraction, cell volume, and oxidative phosphorylation. An application of isoproterenol to the model cell resulted in the shortening of action potential duration (APD) after a transient prolongation, the increases in both Ca2+ transient and cell shortening, and the decreases in both Cl concentration and cell volume. These results are consistent with experimental data. Increasing the density of ICFTR shortened APD and augmented the peak amplitudes of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) and the Ca2+ transient during the β1-adrenergic stimulation. This indirect inotropic effect was elucidated by the increase in the driving force of ICaL via a decrease in plateau potential. Our model reproduced the experimental data demonstrating the decrease in intracellular Na+ during the β-adrenergic stimulation at 0 or 0.5 Hz electrical stimulation. The decrease is attributable to the increase in Na+ affinity of Na+/K+ pump by protein kinase A. However it was predicted that Na+ increases at higher beating rate because of larger Na+ influx through forward Na+/Ca2+ exchange. It was demonstrated that dynamic changes in Na+ and Cl fluxes remarkably affect the inotropic action of isoproterenol in the ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

尹华  陈江野  常鹏 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1926-1937
【目的】应用Tet-off启动子研究白念珠菌唯一的14-3-3蛋白Bmh1在白念珠菌生长和菌丝发育过程中的功能。【方法】在白念珠菌URA3+菌株SN152中,我们敲除了1个BMH1基因拷贝,并用Tet-off启动子替代另一个BMH1基因拷贝的启动子,得到了可以用强力霉素(Doxycycline)控制Bmh1表达水平的菌株。然后我们通过斑点试验和形态学观察对该菌株的生长和菌丝发育表型进行了分析。通过在ras1、flo8、efg1、cph1、tec1等重要菌丝发育调控因子突变体中过表达Bmh1,我们初步研究了Bmh1在菌丝发育调控网络中的位置。最后,我们构建了一些不同C末端的Bmh1嵌合体并检测了其对白念珠菌生长和菌丝发育的影响。【结果】Doxycycline诱导Bmh1表达水平下调时严重抑制了细胞的生长。非Doxycycline诱导条件下Bmh1高表达强烈促进了细胞的菌丝发育。这一促进作用绕过了ras1、efg1、cph1和tec1等基因缺失的影响,却被flo8基因的缺失阻断。C末端缺失或更换异源C末端的所有Bmh1突变株在Doxycycline诱导时都能够正常生长,但是没有明显促进菌丝发育。【结论】验证了白念珠菌14-3-3蛋白Bmh1是细胞生长所必需的,证明了Tet-off启动子可以严密控制Bmh1的表达水平。Bmh1是一个菌丝发育的正调控因子,位于Ras1、Efg1、Cph1和Tec1的下游,Flo8的上游。Bmh1的保守结构域是细胞生长所必需的,而C末端则是生长非必需的。  相似文献   

Lynn EG  McLeod CJ  Gordon JP  Bao J  Sack MN 《FEBS letters》2008,582(19):2857-2862
Knockdown or inhibition of SIRT2 enhances biological stress-tolerance. We extend this phenotype showing that SIRT2 knockdown reduces anoxia-reoxygenation injury in H9c2 cells. Gene array analysis following SIRT2 siRNA knockdown identifies 14-3-3 zeta as the most robustly induced gene. SIRT2 knockdown evokes induction of this chaperone, facilitating cytosolic sequestration of BAD with a corresponding reduction in mitochondrial BAD localization. Concurrent siRNA against SIRT2 and 14-3-3 zeta abolishes the SIRT2-depleted cytoprotective phenotype. SIRT2 functions to moderate cellular stress-tolerance, in part, by modulating the levels of 14-3-3 zeta with the concordant control of BAD subcellular localization.  相似文献   

A trial was performed to examine the effects of levels of barley substitution and supplementation with β-glucanase in a corn–soybean diet on growth performance and intestinal characteristics of broiler chickens. The experiment involved five levels of barley substituted for corn (0, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 g/kg) and two levels of β-glucanase supplement (with 0.5 g/kg and without) in a factorial arrangement with two replicates. Four hundred day-old commercial strain Harber broiler chickens were randomly allocated into twenty groups of ten dietary treatments for a six-week feeding trial, growing (0–3 week) and finishing period (4–6 week). Unless supplemented with β-glucanase, broilers receiving the diet with more than 250 g/kg of the barley substitute gained slower during the growth period. Conversely, supplementing β-glucanase did not improve total weight gain (0–6 weeks) with a diet of 500 g/kg barley substitution. As the level of barley substitution increased, feed intake in the growing period decreased significantly and viscosity of the intestinal contents increased. However, such an increase did not significantly influence feed conversion (P>0.05). Supplementation with β-glucanase on diet up to 250 g/kg of barley substitute not only enhanced body weight gains of growing broilers, but also improved the live-weight of six-week-old broilers (P<0.05).  相似文献   

An alternative and fast method for the purification of an exo-β- -galactofuranosidase has been developed using a 4-aminophenyl 1-thio-β- -galactofuranoside affinity chromatography system and specific elution with 10 mM -galactono-1,4-lactone in a salt gradient. A concentrated culture medium from Penicillium fellutanum was chromatographed on DEAE–Sepharose CL 6B followed by chromatography on the affinity column, yielding two separate peaks of enzyme activity when elution was performed with 10 mM -galactono-1,4-lactone in a 100–500 mM NaCl salt gradient. Both peaks behaved as a single 70 kDa protein, as detected by SDS-PAGE. Antibodies elicited against a mixture of the single bands excised from the gel were capable of immunoprecipitating 0.2 units out of 0.26 total units of the enzyme from a crude extract. The glycoprotein nature of the exo-β- -galactofuranosidase was ascertained through binding to Concanavalin A–Sepharose as well as by specific reaction with Schiff reagent in Western blots. The purified enzyme has an optimum acidic pH (between 3 and 6), and Km and Vmax values of 0.311 mM and 17 μmol h−1 μg−1 respectively, when 4-nitrophenyl β- -galactofuranoside was employed as the substrate.  相似文献   


New results obtained from a two-dimensional sequence analysis of the small heat shock protein (shsp) family are described. It is confirmed that the conserved C-terminal α-crystallin domain is essentially made of β-strands, most probably two groups of β-strands separated by a large loop. A direct correspondence between the putative β-strands that have been identified in shsps and the seven β-strands of a classical immunoglobulin-like fold is proposed. The hypothesis that the shsp family could belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) is consistent with the ubiquitous distribution and the multifunctional properties of the crystallins that are now emerging.  相似文献   

The tertiary and quaternary structure of α-crystallin is still a matter of controversy. We have characterized the native α-crystallin quaternary structure by isolating it at the in vivo temperature and solvent conditions. It can be represented by a distribution of expanded particles with a weight average molar mass of 550 000 g/mol. On decreasing (to 4°C) or increasing (up to 50°C) the temperature, the size distribution increases to larger particles. Only at lower temperatures (4°C), a stable population of particles is obtained with weight average molar mass of 700 000 g/mol. In all conditions, α-crystallin behaves as a very expanded particle with a maximum hydrodynamic volume of 3.15 ml/g. The transitions in quaternary structure are rather slow: it takes several hours to evolve from a population of aggregates, characteristic for given solvent conditions, to another distribution in size and quaternary structure on changing the environment. The quaternary structure of α-crystallin is an uncharacteristic parameter of the particle: a broad distribution of values can be obtained on changing the environment. Any realistic model should include this property. Our studies favor an open loose structure, where peptides can be added or removed without drastic changes of secondary and tertiary structure of the peptides.  相似文献   

Microorganisms which can assimilate tropate were screened from soil. Among them, we found a microorganism which has an ability to convert α-methyltropate to optically active α-phenylpropionate, and it was identified as Rhodococcus sp. KU1314. Substrate specificity of the microorganism has been studied. When the aryl group was phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl and 2-naphthyl, the substrate gave optically active α-propionate in good yields. To estimate the reaction mechanism, some compounds considered to be the intermediates were subjected to the reaction. Both enantiomers of α-methyltropate were converted to (R)-α-phenylpropionate with almost the same enantiomeric excess (68 and 72% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively) and yield (605 and 48% from R-and S-enantiomers, respectively).  相似文献   

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