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Major dimensions of ecological segregation of tree species in cool temperate Europe and E North America appear related to (a) soil pH, (b) large scale ‘succession’ including topographic sequences of changing moisture stress, and (c) intolerance versus tolerance of canopy competition as involved in ‘gap-phase’ dynamics. Genera tend to have similar average positions along these dimensions in the two subcontinents. E North American genera that were probably never present in Europe, and the few opposites, tend to be southern and are concentrated on dry or basic soil. The cause of this trend may involve the isolated expansions of dry climatic areas since the early Tertiary. E North American genera that became extinct in Europe after the mid-Pliocene are typical of habitat intermediate between dry-acid and moist-basic, though generally more moist-acid than dry-basic. These genera also have few species and little overall habitat width. Severe restrictions of their habitats may have occurred. Also, difficulties of migration to and from refugia are suggested by the generally heavier seed of extinet genera and those with strongly southern ranges in Europe or with few species compared to E North America. This relationship is apparent within small winged, medium fleshy and large nutty fruit classes. However, there is little difference in geographic restriction between these classes. Carpinus, Alnus, Corylus, Taxus, Pyrus and Sorbus reach 100–1000% greater height in Europe. There are no opposing differences of this magnitude. These trees may be ecological substitutes for extinct Liriodendron, Liquidambar, Carya, Tsuga + Thuja, Diospyros, and a group with smaller fleshy fruits, respectively. There are other intrageneric differences in height, seed weight, niche width, longevity, etc., that deserve further attention.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of biotic indices (, , ) from phytosociological relevés are used to compare diversity at three scale-levels in the upper Rhine valley (Alsace, northeastern region) and the middle Loire (Bourgogne, central region), France. Both study areas included a tributary. The Ill, which is the Rhine tributary in this sector, has no forest communities in common with the main river because of opposite hydrological and edaphic characteristics. This is not the case in the Loire valley, in which the fluvial characteristics are close to those of its tributary, the Allier.Nearly all forest communities (12/14) were shown to be species-rich, due to the role of natural disturbances. Species richness peaks in late-successional forests of the Rhine valley (for example, up to 50 woody species in Querco-Ulmetum). Sixty per cent of the forest-communities are comon to the two floodplains, which explains why 85% of the families, 65% of the genera and 55% of the species are in common. Compared to the Loire valley, the Rhine valleys shows higher biotic diversity. This was related first to its geographical situation, and second to higher landscape heterogeneity. Human disturbance through river management is responsible for changes in species composition as shown by floristic comparison of flooded and unflooded sites. Insularity of natural forests among man-made landscapes is involved in species diversity. In order to preserve the natural diversity of such rich landscapes, floodable areas should be recreated and the attitudes of foresters should evolve accordingly.  相似文献   

The diversity of aquatic biota in two large river systems of The Netherlands,viz. the Lower Rhine and Meuse, is discussed in order to: (1) reveal historical changes in biodiversity; (2) examine the role of river-floodplain connectivity; (3) set guide lines for ecological river management. The taxonomical diversity, or species richness, is used to describe the former and recent state of aquatic biota in these river systems. The ecological diversity, obtained by incorporating the concept of ecological groups into the concept of biodiversity, appears very useful in delineating guide-lines for ecological river management. The present species richness in the main channels still appears to be relatively low, despite major water quality improvements. Although present biodiversity is much improved compared with a few decades ago, it is evident that the present species are mainly eurytopic, including many exotics. The inhibition of a further biodiversity recovery results from river regulation and normalization, which have caused the deterioration and functional isolation of main channel and floodplain biotopes. The importance of connectivity for the diversity of aquatic biota is found to be different for various taxa. Moreover, a transversal zonation by the biota in the floodplain lakes is found, emphazising the importance of differences in the degree of connectivity for a diverse aquatic flora and fauna. It is concluded that floodplain lakes contribute significantly to the total biodiversity of the entire riverine ecosystem. The redevelopment of active secondary channels is required to restore the most typical riverine habitats and biota.  相似文献   

The diversity of a region reflects both local diversity and the turnover of species (beta diversity) between areas. The angiosperm flora of eastern Asia (EAS) is roughly twice as rich as that of eastern North America (ENA), in spite of similar area and climate. Using province/state‐level angiosperm species floras, we calculated beta diversity as the slope of the relationship between the log of species similarity (S ) and either geographic distance or difference in climate. Distance‐based beta diversity was 2.6 times greater in the north–south direction in EAS than in ENA and 3.3 times greater in the east–west direction. When ln S was related to distance and climate difference in multiple regressions, both distance and climate PC1 were significant effects in the north–south direction, but only geographic distance had a significant, unique influence in the east–west direction. The general predominance of distance over environment in beta diversity suggests that history and geography have had a strong influence on the regional diversity of these temperate floras.  相似文献   

Distributions were predicted for 1430 native plant species as part of a biodiversity assessment in the forests of south‐west Western Australia. From these predicted distributions, an index of plant species richness was generated for the forest area. The most common predictors for distribution were found to be climatic surfaces incorporating some aspect of seasonality in temperature and precipitation. Although coarse, the index confirmed existing knowledge of areas of high biodiversity within the study area and introduced a new area, the Blackwood Plateau, for consideration as a conservation reserve with high species richness. An additional survey was conducted to sample actual species richness in 11 test sites. When actual richness was regressed against predicted richness, a significant correlation was obtained if both annuals and geophytes were excluded from the analysis. With refinement of the model and further data collection targeted at areas of low effort, the species richness index is proposed as a useful tool for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Concomitant with the rapid loss of tropical mature forests, the relative abundance of secondary forests is increasing steadily and the latter are therefore of growing interest for conservation. We analysed species richness of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in secondary forest fragments of different age and isolation and in mature forest at the eastern margin of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. From April to August 2001 we collected 2322 individuals of fruit-feeding butterflies, belonging to 33 species. Butterfly species richness increased with succession, but was significantly higher in mature forests than in all types of secondary forest. Isolation of the forest fragments did not have a significant effect on butterfly species richness in the range of distances (up to 1700 m) studied. Rather it appeared to affect only a few species. Species richness of endemic species was higher than of non-endemic species. Although endemic species were most diverse in mature forests, many species captured were restricted to secondary forests. Our results show that mature forest is essential for the conservation of nymphalid butterflies and for the endemic species in this area. However, considering the relatively large number of species found in these rather small habitat islands, secondary forest fragments, especially older successional stages, can be taken into account in conservation efforts and thus contribute to the preservation of tropical biodiversity on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

The present study explores traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of Turkana pastoralists and cultivators in the context of a riverine forest in northern Kenya. The Turkwel River and its floodplain sustain a thick forest, which is used for grazing and extraction of non-timber forest products. However, sedentarisation and agricultural expansion have resulted in localised clear-felling of trees, while river damming has altered the natural flow regime. A series of structured, semi-structured, and group interviews were combined with a botanical inventory in order to assess the relevance of TEK to ecological research and forest conservation. Turkana informants gave 102 vernacular names for the 113 woody species. Of these, 85% had a domestic or pastoral use among the 105 specific uses that were described. Ethnobotanical knowledge was relatively homogenous and not related to age, gender, or source of livelihood. The informants had in-depth knowledge of some key ecological processes. The conceived threats to forest survival were primarily cultivation and permanent settlements, while the effects of river damming and livestock grazing were disputed. A claimed decline in rainfall was confirmed by official data. There is strong evidence that TEK could be used to generate hypotheses for research and to design sustainable conservation strategies. A revised version of the indigenous system of tree management should be incorporated into the official forestry policy in order to resolve future conflicts between pastoralists and cultivators.  相似文献   

This paper compares the non-deltaic, riparian-flooded forests of the Orinoco and Amazon River basins. Ecological relationships between these forests and their environments that can be useful in establishing schemes for biodiversity conservation are identified. Adaptations of species to flow seasonality, flooding intensity, sedimentation pattern and nutrient depletion are described. The variability and diversity of riparian-flooded forests is related to (i) landscape evolution (regional-scale, long-term), (ii) water quality (basin scale, long-term) and (iii) hydrology and geomorphology (sector-scale, medium-term). The floristic analysis has produced a preliminary list of 242 tree species common to the riparian-flooded forests of both basins. This relatively high number of species is related to connectivity between the riparian corridors of both basins and the effective operation of dispersal mechanisms. Highly oligotrophic environments add uniqueness at the regional scale through the evolution of endemic species presenting adaptations not only to flooding but also to nutrient depletion. The process of genetic diversification and the evolution of genotypes adapted to flooding are suggested to explain longitudinal gradients at tributary junctions and floodplain-upland ecotones where current fluvial dynamics are unpredictable over ecological time scales. The paper presents information that may be used to devise appropriate measures to evaluate sites for riparian biodiversity conservation and management.  相似文献   

Question: Can wild ungulates efficiently maintain and restore open habitats? Location: Brandenburg, NE Germany. Methods: The effect of wild ungulate grazing and browsing was studied in three successional stages: (1) Corynephorus canescens‐dominated grassland; (2) ruderal tall forb vegetation dominated by Tanacetum vulgare; and (3) Pinus sylvestris‐pioneer forest. The study was conducted over 3 yr. In each successional stage, six paired 4 m2‐monitoring plots of permanently grazed versus ungrazed plots were arranged in three random blocks. Removal of grazing was introduced de novo for the study. In each plot, percentage cover of each plant and lichen species and total cover of woody plants was recorded. Results: Wild ungulates considerably affected successional pathways and species composition in open habitats but this influence became evident in alteration of abundances of only a few species. Grazing effects differed considerably between successional stages: species richness was higher in grazed versus ungrazed ruderal and pioneer forest plots, but not in the Corynephorus sites. Herbivory affected woody plant cover only in the Pioneer forest sites. Although the study period was too short to observe drastic changes in species richness and woody plant cover, notable changes in species composition were still detected in all successional stages. Conclusion: Wild ungulate browsing is a useful tool to inhibit encroachment of woody vegetation and to conserve a species‐rich, open landscape.  相似文献   

Aim Geographic variation in the species richness of birds has been shown to be strongly associated with annual water and energy levels (actual evapotranspiration, AET) at the global scale. However, the gradient in eastern North America appears to be anomalous, because richness is greatest around the Great Lakes, whereas AET is highest in the south‐eastern US. Here I examine if birds may be responding to vegetation produced during the breeding season rather than to annual production. Location North America east of longitude 98° W. Methods The bird richness pattern was examined using climatic variables, remotely sensed estimates of annual and seasonal plant biomass, and time since areas were exposed by the retreating Laurentide ice sheet from 20,000 to 6000 yr bp . Results Average summer GVI (Global Vegetation Index, derived from NDVI) was found to be positively linearly associated with richness, explaining 82% of the variance, whereas the relationships between richness and annual measures of both AET and GVI were curvilinear. The pattern of retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet explained an additional 6% of the variance in richness, consistent with a previous analysis of Canadian birds. Main conclusions In eastern North America, a seasonal variable associated with plant production explains the diversity gradient rather than the annual measures, but it does not undermine a general conclusion that bird diversity is closely linked with plant biomass. Further, both contemporary and historical factors appear to influence the gradient, and an association between bird richness and the geographic pattern of glacial retreat is detectable in both climatic and plant‐biomass models of bird diversity.  相似文献   

Rivers in central Amazonia experience annual water-level fluctuations of up to 14m, flooding vast areas of adjacent forest for periods ranging from a few to 270 days per year. At different sites, variation in the duration and type of flooding results in a mosaic of habitats that includes lakes, grasslands, forests, and streams. To study the effects of flood duration on plant species richness and floristic composition, two river margin sites were surveyed on the rivers Jaú and Tarumã-Mirim. Both areas are seasonally flooded by blackwaters, and plots were made at different topographic levels (lower, middle and upper slopes). All woody plants with DBH>5cm were inventoried in five 10 × 40m plots in each of the three topographic levels, which varied in length of flood duration and mean water level. Plant species richness did not vary significantly between topographic levels, but species composition varied substantially. At both study sites, the species composition exhibited distinctive distribution patterns with respect to the three topographic levels and river site. Differences in the distribution of dominant species in both sites probably relate to the ability of species to withstand seasonal flooding, although other edaphic factors associated with the topographic levels may also be important, especially for less-dominant, locally rare, and habitat generalist species. Species composition overlap among topographic levels at the two sites was highly variable ranging from 15% to 43%. Knowledge about the complex pattern of species composition and distributions between and among topographic levels and river sites is important for the preservation of the diverse flora of the blackwater forests and for the creation of future conservation management plans and design of protected areas in this ecosystem that will maintain the biodiversity.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to test R.H. MacArthur’s hypothesis that realized niche breadth is constrained by species pool size – the greater the number of species in a region, the more competition restricts the distribution of each species with respect to environmental tolerances and habitat characteristics. Location The northern Balkan region in south‐eastern Europe (Illyrian Floristic Province) and the southern Appalachian region of the USA. Methods We compared co‐occurrence‐based distributions of habitat specialization of tree species in two geographic regions that are ecologically similar but differ in species pool size. We applied two methods. First, we used a rank‐ordering of species along a gradient of estimated niche breadth that is based solely on species co‐occurrence information derived from vegetation databases from each region. To compare niche‐breadth distributions of different datasets we developed a procedure that standardizes expected values of species co‐occurrences independently of the size of the species pool. Second, we calculated species turnover along an elevational gradient for both regions, estimated as the rate of decay of compositional similarity with elevation distance. Results Despite a twofold larger species pool, and in contrast to our hypothesis, there was no greater specialization trend in the tree species of the southern Appalachian region, regardless of phylogenetic subgroupings or whether rare species were included. After correcting for differences in species pools, the similarity decay with elevation distance was marginally stronger in the southern Appalachian region. Main conclusions MacArthur’s hypothesis was not supported by our analysis. While the compositional distance decay with elevation revealed only a slight trend towards narrower realized niches in the tree flora of the southern Appalachian region, the co‐occurrence approach suggested the opposite. Our results indicate that species distributions are largely constrained by environmental tolerances, and that biotic pressure in the form of competition from ecologically similar species plays a relatively minor role in the ability of species to establish mature individuals in different habitat types.  相似文献   

The richness pattern of native vascular plants in North America (north of Mexico) was studied at the generic level. North America was divided into thirteen geographical regions, which were latitudinally grouped into four horizontal zones (northern, north-middle, south-middle, and southern zones); and longitudinally grouped into three vertical zones (eastern, central, and western zones). The native vascular flora of North America consisted of 1904 genera in 235 families and eighty-three orders. Along the latitudinal gradient, generic richness (in terms of the number of genera) showed a striking increase with decreasing latitude. The southern zone had more than four times as many genera as did the northern zone (with a difference of 1436 genera). 93.3% of genera in the northern zone also occurred in the southern zone. Along the longitudinal gradient, the central zone had the highest generic richness and the eastern zone had the lowest, but the difference in generic richness between the two zones was only sixty-one genera. The western and eastern zones shared 60% or more of their genera. Generic richness of vascular plants in North America was highly correlated ( r =0.965) to available environmental energy (expressed by annual potential evapotranspiration).  相似文献   

Aim  Assessment of cross-continental similarities and differences in climatic limiting values for deciduous tree species and of the possible deterministic influence of past and present climatic differences on the modern tree flora in two regions.
Location  The deciduous forest regions of western Eurasia and eastern North America.
Methods  Based on species distribution data (range maps) and climate site data, the realized climatic niches of 137 deciduous tree species from the two regions were quantified using climatic envelopes. To compare these envelopes on the two continents, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed, and principal components analysis was used to check cluster consistency.
Results  Significant differences do exist for upper limits of winter temperatures and for lower limits of summer temperatures between Western Eurasia and eastern North America. Lower limits for the annual water balance also appear different, suggesting that the deciduous trees may be more drought-tolerant in western Eurasia than in eastern North America. Climatic range types generated by the cluster analysis can be characterized, according to the distribution of the species, as boreal-temperate, northern temperate, temperate, southern temperate, and Appalachian. Five of the eight clusters contain trees from both regions, but three groups consist only of American species that have no European counterparts.
Main conclusions  Differences in temperature limitations can be explained by location on the east versus west side of the continents and by the almost complete lack of warm moist areas in western Eurasia. The difference in drought tolerance, on the other hand, is more likely to be the product of a deterministic sorting process that occurred during the Plio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Aim The diversity changes that occurred in Central European forests during the early Holocene can be better understood using ecological knowledge of modern analogues of these forests, which occur in far Eastern Europe. Here we compare the diversity of vascular plants, bryophytes and snails among different forest types of the Southern Urals to provide insights into the palaeoecology of the vanished Central European forests. Location Southern Ural Mountains, Bashkortostan, Russia. Methods We recorded all species of vascular plants, ground-dwelling bryophytes and land snails, and measured biotic and abiotic variables, in 100-m2 plots located in four forest types dominated by different trees: Pinus sylvestris–Larix sibirica, Betula pendula–Populus tremula, Quercus robur and Acer platanoides–Tilia cordata–Ulmus glabra. These types correspond to the chronosequence of forest communities that occurred in Central Europe in the early Holocene. Results The species richness of herb-layer plants was most affected by the canopy-transmitted light. The former three forest types had open canopy and were rich in species, whereas the Acer–Tilia–Ulmus forests were darker and poor in species. The species richness of ground-dwelling bryophytes decreased from coniferous to broad-leaved deciduous forests. In contrast, the highest species richness of snails was in the Acer–Tilia–Ulmus forests owing to the higher calcium content in the litter of these trees. Main conclusions Based on the modern analogue of the Southern Ural forests, we propose the hypothesis that the late-glacial open-canopy pine and larch forests of Central European lowlands were rich in light-demanding species of vascular plants, many of which were also typical of tall-grass steppes or mesic grasslands. They also contained several species of ground-dwelling bryophytes. The spread of birch, aspen and oak in the early Holocene reduced the local species richness of ground-dwelling bryophytes but not of vascular plants. The subsequent spread of elm, lime, maple and ash caused canopy closure, a retreat of the light-demanding herbs and a decline in the local species richness of vascular plants. Besides the increased shading by these tree species, their litter enriched soils in calcium, and enhanced decomposition and nutrient cycling. This supported an increase in the species richness of land snails.  相似文献   

Attached algal communities were studied during ice-free periods along the borders of the main channel and in backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River. Diatoms strongly dominated the phycoperiphyton except during late June through August when the green alga Stigeoclonium was abundant. Two distinct assemblages were apparent: a diverse, complex assemblage during spring and late fall annd a less complex, adnate, two-dimensional summer assemblage dominated by Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta and Navicula tripunctata var. schizonemoides. Simultaneous studies revealed two-dimensional periphytic colonization in the main channel and more complex communities in backwaters. Greater physical turbulence (e.g., surface waves) in the main channel may have favored adnate taxa and two-dimensional architecture, whereas lesser turbulence (e.g. protected backwaters) favored the more diverse, complex community. Community architecture and species composition were similar among communities on artificial substrates within each navigation pool (median SIMI0.87), but communities on artificial substrates were not taxonomically very similar (median SIMI=0.44) to epiphytic communities on Cladophora.Accrual of algal cells, chlorophyll a, and aufwuchs ash-free dry weight was usually greater in Pool 5 than in Pool 9. This may have been due to differences in discharges and/or sampler placement. The greatest accrual of cells and chlorophyll a occurred during summer and early fall. Chironomid and tricopteran larvae were common at that time and are known to affect algal accumulation by grazing.  相似文献   

森林损失和破碎化一直是国际社会普遍关注的重大环境问题之一。根据Forman景观变化包括穿孔、分割、破碎化、收缩和消失5种空间过程的理论,利用ArcGIS Modeler建立森林破碎化过程模型用以明确描述森林景观破碎化的空间过程和生态进程。基于NLCD2001、2006、2011 3期数据,以美国华盛顿州和密西西比州为研究区,利用森林破碎化过程模型,将森林损失斑块分为4种破碎化过程(分割类型因其线状特征被归入破碎化类型),对比分析天然林和人工林的破碎化过程在时空上的差异性。研究表明天然林破碎化斑块多分布于城市/森林、耕地/森林、以及灌木/森林的交界处,而人工林破碎化斑块分布格局较为零散;天然林中破碎化斑块和收缩斑块大多发生在上阶段收缩、破碎化以及穿孔斑块的边缘,而人工林中4种空间过程的承接关系不像天然林那么明显,但两者整体上都呈现相似的"收缩-消失-穿孔/破碎化"变化规律,主要表现为收缩类型占主导然后慢慢消退,穿孔和破碎化逐渐增多占据新的主导。  相似文献   

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