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Group size affects many aspects of the ecology and social organization of animals. We investigated group size stability for five primate species in Kibale National Park, Uganda from 1996 to 2011 at three nested spatial scales. Survey data indicated that group sizes did not change for most species, with the exception of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus), in which group size increased at all spatial scales. Mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) group size increased in old‐growth forest, but the sample size and increase were small. To augment this survey data, we collected several years of demographic data on three habituated groups of redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), eight groups of black‐and‐white colobus (Colobus guereza), and one red colobus group. The red colobus group increased from 59 to 104 individuals, while redtail monkey and black‐and‐white colobus group sizes were stable, mirroring our survey results. To understand mechanisms behind group size changes in red colobus versus stability in other primates, we monitored forest dynamics at two spatial scales between 1990 and 2013, considered changes in predator population, and explored evidence of disease dynamics. The cumulative size of all trees and red colobus food trees increased over 24 yr, suggesting that changing food availability was driving group size changes for red colobus, while predation and disease played lesser roles. Overall, our results and evidence of changing primate densities suggest that the Kibale primate community is in a non‐equilibrium state. We suggest future conservation and management efforts take this into consideration.  相似文献   

A goal of conservation biology is to determine which types of species are most susceptible to habitat disturbance and which types of disturbed habitats can support particular species. We studied 20 forest fragments outside of Kibale National Park, Uganda, to address this question. At each patch, we determined the presence of primate species, tree species composition, patch size, and distance to nearest patch. We collected demographic, behavioral, and dietary data for Abyssinian black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza). Black-and-white colobus and red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius) were in almost all fragments; Pennant's red colobus (Procolobus pennantii) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were in some fragments; and blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) and gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) were absent from all fragments. No species characteristics—home range, body size, group size, or degree of frugivory—predicted the ability of species to live in patches. No characteristics of patches—area, distance to the nearest patch, distance to Kibale, or number of food trees present—predicted the presence of a particular species in a patch, but distance to Kibale may have influenced presence of red colobus. Black-and-white colobus group size was significantly smaller in the forest patches than in the continuous forest of Kibale. For a group of black-and-white colobus in one patch, food plant species and home range size were very different from those of a group within Kibale. However, their activity budget and plant parts eaten were quite similar to those of the Kibale group. The lack of strong predictive variables as well as differences between other studies of fragmentation and ours caution against making generalizations about primate responses to fragmentation.  相似文献   

Summary The time-activity budget and energy expenditure of a riverine bird, the dipper Cinclus cinclus, was studied from March 1988 to July 1989, across a range of streams of contrasting acidity in upland Wales. Differences in time-activity budgets of birds on acidic and circumneutral streams were consistent with documented differences in prey availability and diet. Birds spent a significantly greater proportion of their active day foraging, swimming and flying, and less time resting, on acidic streams. Activity measurements varied significantly through the year, through the day, and with river flow. Despite differences in time budgets, mean Daily Energy Expenditure (DEE) on acidic streams was only 4.5–7.0% greater than on circumneutral streams. However, rates of energy gain were greater for dippers on circumneutral streams for every month of the year, a pattern confirmed by differences in body condition. By spending more time feeding, dippers on acidic streams will have less time for other activities such as self-maintenance and predator surveillance; they may also be less able to meet the additional demands accompanying the initiation of breeding. These findings are discussed in relation to the feeding ecology and breeding performance of dippers on streams of contrasting water quality in upland Wales.  相似文献   

In mammals, access to mates is probably the most important influence on male reproductive success, whereas foraging efficiency is probably the most important influence on female reproductive success Emlen and Oring (Science 197:215–223, 1977). Male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are highly gregarious and form cooperative relationships with other males. In contrast, female social relationships vary within and between populations. Females in most East African populations, e.g., Gombe, Mahale, Kibale-Kanyawara, are less gregarious than males and spend most of their time alone or with only their dependent offspring. Researchers have attributed low female gregariousness to the high potential for feeding competition. I provide the first data on association patterns and agonistic interactions of female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the unusually large Ngogo community, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Ngogo females were less gregarious than males, but spent a mean of 64% of their time in association with ≥1 other females and as much time in all-female parties as they did alone. Further, female dyads associated nonrandomly and they formed associative cliques. Association levels within cliques were similar to those among the relatively gregarious West African chimpanzee females at Taï (Pan troglodytes verus) and among bonobo (P. paniscus) females. Agonistic interfemale interactions were extremely rare, and monthly mean party size and the numbers of anestrous females per party do not correlate significantly with fruit availability. Thus, Ngogo females maintained relatively high levels of gregariousness, but avoided detrimental feeding competition by preferentially associating with a small subset of other community females.  相似文献   

湿地公园等现有自然保护体系能否有效保护越冬水鸟一直是鸟类保护生物学重点关注的问题,本研究于2021年1至3月在新疆玛纳斯国家湿地公园采用卫星跟踪法研究了大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)的活动区及其与湿地公园的关系.通过对5只来自成鸟群和4只来自有幼鸟的家庭群(幼鸟家庭群)的大天鹅共3 657个位点的分析,运用自相关的核密度估计法(autocorrelated kernel density estimation,AKDE)计算大天鹅的活动区与核心活动区,并用广义线性混合模型(GLMM)对比了成鸟群和幼鸟家庭群大天鹅活动区和核心活动区面积,以及它们对玛纳斯国家湿地公园利用程度的差异.研究结果显示:(1)幼鸟家庭群和成鸟群大天鹅的活动区和核心活动区面积以及与湿地公园重叠的比例、日平均移动距离均没有显著差异;(2)相较于幼鸟家庭群,成鸟群在湿地公园外的位点距湿地公园更远、在湿地公园外停留时间更长,表明成鸟群和幼鸟家庭群在湿地公园的利用上有差异.尽管越冬大天鹅成鸟群与幼鸟家庭群的活动区大小没有差异,但它们对湿地公园的利用方式存在差异,越冬大天鹅幼鸟家庭群更倾向在湿地公园内活动,而成鸟群更多在湿地公园外活动.幼鸟家庭群偏好在国家湿地公园内活动的原因可能是那里人为活动干扰少,食物资源更丰富,安全性更高.基于以上结果,建议相关管理部门制定有针对性的保护措施,以实现对大天鹅越冬地的有效保护管理.  相似文献   

Very few locomotor studies have been conducted on galagos. This is surprising given their interesting anatomy and ecology, as well as their increasing species diversity. In this study we investigated locomotion and postures in two sympatric galagos species (Galagoides thomasi and Galago matschiei) living in Kibale National Park, Uganda. G. thomasi uses arboreal quadrupedalism and leaping, while G. matschiei is more leaping-oriented. Both species utilize small oblique branches in the mid-canopy. These similarities in substrate use are most likely due to the similar body sizes and anatomies of the two species, as well as to the structure and availability of trees in Kibale National Park. Lastly, we compare the locomotor patterns of G. thomasi and G. matschiei with those observed in the few other quantitative locomotor studies available for galagos.  相似文献   

In the face of the continuing destruction of tropical rainforests, a major challenge is to understand the consequences of these habitat changes for biodiversity and the time scale at which biodiversity can recover after such disturbances. In this study, we assessed the patterns in communities of birds among forests of varying age consisting of clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations, selectively logged compartments and primary forests in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Birds were surveyed by 10-minute point counts at 174 randomly located points in nine forest areas during September–October 2011. A total of 2 688 birds representing 115 species were recorded. The species density, diversity and dominance of all birds, and dominance of forest specialists showed no differences between forest areas, whereas the species density and diversity of forest specialists differed significantly between forest areas. The composition of communities of all birds and of forest specialists varied significantly among the forest areas. Our results show that even after 19 and 43 years, respectively, communities of birds in clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations and selectively logged forests have not fully recovered from the disturbances of logging, highlighting the need to preserve primary forests for conservation of birds.  相似文献   

为了探究贵州习水国家级自然保护区特有植物习水杜鹃(Rhododendron xishuiense)种群现状,揭示该种群动态及濒危原因,加强对该种群的保护,在该保护区设置了13条样线,调查习水杜鹃在保护区的分布情况。对现存习水杜鹃分布地开展样地调查,采用4个多样性指数和Raunkiear生活型系统分析习水杜鹃分布群落的结构,通过空间代替时间得到种群年龄结构,据此编制静态生命表,并绘制存活曲线及4个生存函数曲线分析习水杜鹃种群的动态特征。结果表明,共有维管植物27科42属65种,其中种子植物24科39属62种,蕨类植物3科3属3种。以高位芽的物种数最多,有56种,占物种总数的86.15%,其次是地上芽植物、地面芽植物、地下芽植物。群落的多样性指数均表现为乔木层>灌木层>草本层,乔木层占有绝对的优势地位。种群年龄结构呈“金字塔”型,种群幼苗个体相对于整个种群数量较多;种群存活曲线属于DeeveyⅡ型,个体数量随着年龄的增加而不断减少;种群生存率持续下降,尤以中后期减少速度较快,种群衰退。习水杜鹃种群分布范围狭窄,分布群落物种多样性高,幼苗相对较多表现为增长型,但种群总量极少,且遭...  相似文献   


Synopsis Herbivory by wide-ranging fishes is common over tropical reefs, but rare in temperate latitudes where the effects of herbivorous fishes are thought to be minimal. Along the west coast of North America, herbivory by fishes on nearshore reefs is largely restricted to a few members of the Kyphosidae, distributed south of Pt. Conception. This paper presents information on natural diets and results from feeding choice experiments for two abundant kyphosids from intertidal habitats in San Diego, California —Girella nigricans andHermosilla azurea, and similar data for the lined shore crab,Pachygrapsus crassipes, which also forages over intertidal reefs. These results are compared with the availability of algae in intertidal habitats measured during summer and winter, on both disturbed and undisturbed habitats. The diets of juveniles ofG. nigricans andH. azurea collected from nearshore habitats were dominated by animal prey (mainly amphipods), but adults of these fishes, andP. crassipes, consumed algae nearly exclusively, with 26, 10, and 14 taxa of algae identified fromG. nigricans, H. azurea, andP. crassipes, respectively. Algae with sheet-like morphologies (e.g.Ulva sp.,Enteromorpha sp., members of the Delesseriaceae) were the principal algae in the diets of the fishes, and calcareous algae (e.g.Corallina sp.,Lithothrix aspergillum) and sheet-like algae (Enteromorpha sp.) comprised the greatest identifiable portion of the shore crab's diet. Feeding choice experiments indicated that the fishes preferred filamentous algae (e.g.Centroceras clavulatum, Polysiphonia sp.,Chondria californica) and sheet-like algae (e.g.Enteromorpha sp.,Ulva sp.,Cryptopleura crispa) over other algal morphologies, whereas the shore crab chose jointed calcareous algae (e.g.Lithothrix aspergillum, Corallina vancouveriensis, Jania sp.) most frequently. The diets and preferences for algae by the fishes were generally most similar to the assemblage of algae available in early successional (disturbed) habitats during summer when sheet-like and filamentous algae are abundant. The shore crab exhibited the opposite trend with a diet more similar to late successional (undisturbed) habitats.  相似文献   

The breeding population of the sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) on the German North Sea coast has undergone substantial fluctuations throughout the last 100 years. Numbers of breeding birds were fluctuating quite strongly in the first 30 years of the twentieth century. From 1930 to the mid-1950s, a relatively steady decrease occurred. A minimum was reached in 1965 with 2,243 pairs. Around 1970, numbers increased quite markedly up to the mid-1990s and reached a centurial maximum with 10,138 pairs in 1996. Most recently, the numbers have dropped to only 5,681 pairs in 2005, the lowest number over the last 30 years. Some colonies have existed over long periods, others only for short periods, with often substantial and sudden changes. The distribution at sea was studied by transect counts from ships. During the reproductive period, high totals were found between the mainland coast and the islands, up to 30 km from the outer coast/island line. The seaward extent of the sandwich tern distribution coincided quite well with the 20-m depth line. Maximum foraging ranges for single colonies were estimated to be ca. 45 km for Trischen, ca. 35 km for Norderoog and ca. 30 km for both Scharh?rn/Nigeh?rn and Juist. Overall flight ranges for all colonies were estimated at 33.8 km for 95% of the birds. Germany has a high international responsibility for the protection of this species. Only a few colonies exist every year, making this species very vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance, pollution events and fishing activities.
Stefan GartheEmail:

We studied the comparative feeding ecology of three species of colobus (Procolobus badius, Procolobus verus, and Colobus polykomos) on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone. We collected dietary data on each species by scan-sampling habituated groups. Because these groups were observed in the same study area during overlapping time periods, the confounding effects of temporal and spatial variability in food availability were reduced. Our results show that the annual diets of the two larger species (Procolobus badius and Colobus polykomos) include roughly equal proportions of fruits (including seeds), young leaf parts, and mature leaf parts, although P. badius had a greater intake of floral parts. Procolobus verus consumed almost no mature leaf parts, few fruits and seeds, and many young leaf parts. Colobus polykomos commonly fed from lianas. Seeds were the dominant fruit item eaten by all three colobus, and the fruits they selected were generally dull and non-fleshy, in contrast to the brightly-colored, pulpy fruits eaten by guenons. Leguminous plants contributed substantially to the diets of both the larger species, but comparisons with other African forest sites indicate that colobine biomass is not closely correlated with the abundance of leguminous trees in the forest.(Deceased)  相似文献   

We investigated long-term site fidelity of gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Concurrently, we monitored shifts in home range by individual females and subadult and adult males. We documented home range stability by calculating the area of overlap in successive years, and by recording the drift of each group’s monthly centroid from its initial location. Home ranges remained stable for 3 of our 4 groups (overlap over 10 yr >60%). Core areas were more labile, but group centroids drifted an average of only 530 m over the entire decade. Deviations from site fidelity were associated with dispersal or group fission. During natal dispersal, subadult males expanded their home ranges over many months, settling ≤4 home ranges away. Adult males, in contrast, typically dispersed within a few days to an adjacent group in an area of home range overlap. Adult males made solitary forays, but nearly always into areas used by their current group or by a group to which they had previously belonged. After secondary dispersal, they expanded their ranging in the company of their new group, apparently without prior solitary exploration of the new area. Some females also participated in home range shifts. Females shifted home ranges only within social groups, in association with temporary or permanent group splits. Our observations raise the possibility that male mangabeys use a finder-joiner mechanism when moving into new home ranges during secondary dispersal. Similarly, females might learn new resource locations from male immigrants before or during group fission.  相似文献   

Primates are confronted with an array of constraints in feeding on fruit, including the removal of adhesive, energy-rich pulp from seeds. In this paper, I discuss how primates meet this challenge and present data on the fruit-processing and seed-handling behavior of chimpanzees and redtail monkeys in Kibale National Park, Uganda. These data are then related to these species' services as seed dispersers. Particular attention was paid to the methods by which primates removed pulp from seeds, the density of seed clumps that they deposited (by spitting, dropping, or defecating) to the forest floor, and the distance seeds were moved from parent trees. Distance and density differences in chimpanzee and redtail seed dispersal resulted from distinct fruit-processing and seed-handling methods. It was observed, in general, that redtail monkeys engaged in fine oral processing and were seed spitters: most seeds were dispersed in close proximity to parent trees (84% of spat seeds <10 m of parent tree), and deposited singly (100% seeds spat singly). In contrast, chimpanzees were coarse fruit processors and seed swallowers: seeds were defecated in denser clumps (e.g., a mean of 149 large seeds/dung sample and hundreds of small seeds/dung sample), far from parent trees. I evaluate the factors that shape patterns of fruit processing in hominoids and cercopithecines, and argue that the observed seed handling differences can be attributed to differences in digestive retention times, oral anatomy, and alternative mechanisms by which to avoid the cost of seed ballast. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:365–386, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the recovery of insect communities after forest disturbance in tropical Africa is very limited. Here, fruit‐feeding butterflies in a tropical rain forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, were used as a model system to uncover how, and how fast, insect communities recover after forest disturbance. We trapped butterflies monthly along a successional gradient for one year. Traps were placed in intact primary forest compartments, heavily logged forest compartments with and without arboricide treatment approximately 43 years ago, and in conifer‐clearcut compartments, ranging from 9 to 19 years of age. The species richness, total abundance, diversity, dominance, and similarity of the community composition of butterflies in the eight compartments were compared with uni‐ and multivariate statistics. A total of 16,728 individuals representing 88 species were trapped during the study. Butterfly species richness, abundance, and diversity did not show an increasing trend along the successional gradient but species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate stages. There was monthly variation in species richness, abundance, diversity and composition. Butterfly community structure differed significantly among the eight successional stages and only a marginal directional change along the successional gradient emerged. The greatest number of indicator species and intact forest interior specialists were found in one of the primary forests. Our results show that forest disturbance has a long‐term impact on the recovery of butterfly species composition, emphasizing the value of intact primary forests for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

I report data collected on red-tailed guenon (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti) fruit processing behaviors between June 1993 and April 1994. Red-tailed guenons consumed the fruit of Strychnos mitis in 542 of 2,930 fruit-eating events (FEEs). The monkeys spat out cleaned seeds of Strychnos mitis in a majority of these records (477/542; 88%); seeds were occasionally swallowed whole, but only when pulp was unripe (69/542; 12%). In 83% of the FEEs on Strychnos, the red-tailed guenons spat out seeds within 10 m of the removal site; they typically stayed in the same tree while processing fruit, and in 56% of the FEEs, they moved <1 m before spitting seeds. I monitored spat seeds to evaluate the impact of monkey fruit processing on seed fate. Results indicate that 83% of seeds spat out by the red-tailed guenons germinated, while only 12% of unprocessed seeds survived to germination (p < 0.01). Of the processed seeds that germinated, 60% survived to germination and seedling establishment, while only 5% of unprocessed seeds survived to seedling establishment (p < 0.01). Unprocessed seeds were also more likely to be attacked by seed predators (p < 0.01) and fungus (p < 0.01). Although there is generally high mortality in seeds/seedlings, mature trees of Strychnos mitis are found in groves of adults, under which dense populations of seedlings and saplings can occur. These data suggest that Strychnos mitis does not conform to expectations of the Janzen-Connell model of seed escape from parent trees. Instead, I suggest that by removing pulp, a process that results in a reduction of fungal pathogen attack, red-tailed guenons positively effect the seed survivorship of Strychnos mitis. Although this effect has been observed in pulp-cleaning ant species, it is a hitherto undescribed effect of primates on their fruit resources.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees are well known for their territorial behavior. Males who belong to the same community routinely patrol their territories, occasionally making deep incursions into those of their neighbors. Male chimpanzees may obtain several fitness benefits by participating in territorial boundary patrols, but patrolling is also likely to involve fitness costs. Patrollers risk injury or even death, and patrols may be energetically costly and may involve opportunity costs. Although territorial patrols have been reported at all long‐term chimpanzee study sites, quantitative data on their energetic costs have not previously been available. I evaluated the energy costs of patrolling for male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda during 14 months of observation. In 29 patrols and matched control periods, I recorded the distances covered and time spent traveling and feeding by chimpanzees. I found that male chimpanzees covered longer distances, spent more time traveling, and spent less time feeding during patrols than during control periods. These results support the hypothesis that chimpanzees incur energetic costs while patrolling and suggest that ecological factors may constrain the ability of chimpanzees to patrol. Am. J. Primatol. 72:93–103, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The patterns of spatial heterogeneity in density and demography were studied in a population of Peromyscus leucopus inhabiting a deciduous forest in west-central Indiana. A series of 9 live-trapping grids sampled densities from 3 spatial scales: 3 ha, 80 ha and 350 km2. We found high levels of variation within all three spatial scales. There was as much variation within a single, large grid as within the entire Sugar Creek Valley (350 km2). The patterns of density variation were not temporally stable and thus represent variation in demographic processes rather than simply differences in habitat quality. We suggest that the Sugar Creek Valley represents a metapopulation of Peromyscus leucopus composed of a number of temporally unstable subpopulations. This structure provides considerable demographic variation that dispersing animals can exploit.  相似文献   

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