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Charles Kaminski 《Planta》1971,99(1):63-72
Summary The specific peroxidase ( and phenoloxidase ( activities are quantitatively measured during the life of Coleus, from germination until flowering. In most organs investigated, the peroxidase activity increases rapidly with growth while the phenoloxidase activity remains low. The latter activity is higher in root apices than in more differentiated regions of roots. From the results obtained it may be concluded that the phenoloxidase activity accompanies cellular proliferation. It is suggested that the peroxidase activity plays an indirect role in root initiation through its role in cellular differentiation.

Extrait d'une thèse de doctorat soutenue à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Liège.  相似文献   

The effect of growth temperature on the evolution of kinetic parameters and yields was determined for Candida lipolytica cultures with ntetradecane as substrate, in a temperature range of 18°C to 30°C, which is below the critical growth temperature in order to work only in the activation zone of these parameters.In such a culture limited by substrate transfer, growth rate depends on biological rates, related to microorganisms characteristics, and diffusional rates, related to mass transfer. The effect of temperature thus depends on the limiting step. The activation energy, calculated from exponential growth rate determinations is .When the activation energy is calculated from the maximal rate of cell production (determined at the growth curve's inflexion point), it's found to be E X=71,200 J/mole in the 18°C–24°C range, and E X=28,000 J/mole in the 24°C–30°C range. The latter one is characteristic of a diffusion-limited process. Above 24°C, growth is controlled by substrate-transfer, as physiological potentialities are preferentially increased with temperature than diffusional ones: 24°C is thus the transition temperature T t from physiological to diffusional limitation.The apparent yield is almost constant, over the 18°C to 30°C temperature range, although maintenance coefficients are very dependent on temperature. The activation energies related to maintenance coefficients for alkane and oxygen respectively are and .The m s/mO 2 ratio is about 3 (g/g), whereas that, for a strict oxidation reaction of n-tetradecane ought to be 3.47 (g/g). A satisfactory correlation, relating maintenance coefficients to the maximal growth rate of yeast, is given.

Liste des symboles A constante de saturation de modèle de croissance(1) - B vitesse spécifique considérée - C substrat carboné ou oxygène (g/l) - E energie d'activation (J/mole) - S m quantité de substrat consommée par maintenance au cours d'une fermentation discontinue (g) - O2 quantité d'oxygène transférée au milieu de culture (g/l) - R rendement global de la fermentation - R rendement global de la fermentation - constante des gaz parfaits (J/mole K) - S concentration en substrat carboné (g/l) - T température de croissance (°K) - X concentration en biomasse (g/l) - Y rendement limite - m coefficient de maintenance (h-1) - t duree de fermentation (h) - tømpérature de croissance (o Celsius) - taux de croissance (h-1) Indices 1 relatif à la température 1. - 2 relatif à la température 2 - c relatif au substrat carboné ou à l'oxygène - f relatif au temps final - i relatif au point d'inflexion - m maximum - mO2 relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur l'oxygène - m s relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur le substrat carboné - o relatif au temps initial - O2 relatif à l'oxygène - s relatif au substrat carboné - t de transition - T relatif à la température de croissance T - U m relatif au taux de croissance maximal - X relatif à la productivité maximale en biomasse  相似文献   

Two abundant phytoplankters from the St-Lawrence river: Scenedesmus spinosus Chodat 1913 and Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.) Menegh (Chlorophyta, Chlorococca) were sampled, isolated and cultured in monospecific culture. Growth responses were measured after acclimation to different temperatures and after thermal shock treatments.Post-acclimation specific growth rates followed similar patterns with optimal temperatures at about 24°C (S. spinosus) and 26°C (P. boryanum). Final densities were much less influenced by temperature in S. spinosus than in P. boryanum. Post-treatment responses depended on the temperature level maintained after treatment rather than on treatment conditions. No treatment seemed to delay the exponential growth phase. The time needed to reach final densities corresponding to stationary growth phase was not influenced by any thermal treatment. In situ thermal effects at Gentilly nuclear site could be more severe, due to differences in time-temperature history experienced by the algae.

Résumé La germination des semences de radis (Raphanus sativus) est étudiée en fonction de la salinité exercée, d'une part, par les sels de sodium (organique ou minéraux), et d'autre part, par des sels de chlorure (de K, Ca ou Na). Les sels minéraux de sodium (comme les sel de chlorure ou de nitrate) apparaissent moins toxiques à la germination de la plante, par rapport à un sel organique (barbital ou salicylate). Par comparison, un milieu contenant NaCl est plus sélectif à la germination qu'un milieu contenant CaCl2 ou KCl (ce dernier étant le moins nocif). Dans tous les cas, les sels agissent plus du point de vue toxicité que du point de vue stimulation de germination: l'action toxique de l'anion d'accompagnement (pour les sels organiques ou minéraux de sodium) ou des cations (pour les sels de chlorure) est supérieure à l'effet de la pression osmotique.
Germination of radish (Raphanus sativus) seeds is studied as a function of salinity caused by sodium (organic or mineral) and chloride salts (K, Ca or Na chloride). Mineral salts of sodium (chloride or nitrate for exemple) seem to be less toxic for germination than organic salts (barbital or salicylate). A NaCl medium is more toxic for germination than the CaCl2 or KCl medium, this last being the last toxic of the salts tested. In all cases, salts have a more toxic than stimulatory effect on germination. The toxic action of the accompanying anion (for organic and mineral salts) or cation (for chloride salts) is greater than the osmotic pressure effect.

Claude Picard 《Planta》1967,74(3):302-312
Summary Oenothera biennis L. is a typical biennial plant with an absolute cold requirement for subsequent floral initiation under long-day conditions. Flowering of vernalized Oe. biennis is associated with transition from a rosette habit to the formation of a long flower-bearing stem. Vernalization in Oe. biennis consists of two consecutive stages: (1) preparation for flowering; (2) preparation of stem elongation. At the end of the second stage, the level of endogenous gibberellin-like substances is sufficient to allow the stem elongation which is requisite for subsequent floral development.Applications of (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) via the roots, when made after the cold treatment, have no effect on internodal elongation and subsequent flowering of vernalized Oe. biennis. Relatively small amounts of CCC applied onto the apical bud of the rosette promote stem growth. However, 750 g of CCC act as a growth inhibitor and delay the beginning of stem elongation but this retardant has no effect on the number of flower buds.In contrast, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B 995), when applied after a cold treatment, delays the beginning of stem growth, this delay increasing with greater amounts of applied B 995. However, with relatively small amounts of B 995, the rate of later stem growth increases rapidly so that treated plants flower at the same time as controls.If gibberellic acid (GA3) is applied on the apical bud just at the same time as B 995, it reverses the effects of the growth retardant, even when the amount of B 995, applied by itself, is sufficient to inhibit entirely stem elongation and flowering.B 995 is particularly effective if the preceding cold treatment was just sufficient for effective vernalization. If the cold treatment was extended beyond this time, a greater amount of retardant was required to obtain the same degree of stem growth inhibition.B 995 probably acts by interference with the metabolism of endogenous gibberellin-like substances. The delay of floral initiation in vernalized Oe. biennis by B 995 is a consequence of the retarded internode elongation; if this retardation exceeds a certain limit, the plant is devernalized and exhibits a cold requirement identical with the original one.  相似文献   

Glucose derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acids have been identified in tomato fruits either as esters or glucosides, the latter always being the most abundant and increasing during growth and at the time of ripening. These compounds can be synthesized in vitro by a fruit glucosyltransferase from free hydroxycinnamic acids and UDPG; glucosides are always formed in higher amounts than esters.  相似文献   

Annick Isaia 《Planta》1971,96(2):175-182
Summary The activities of (±)-abscisic acid and a number of compounds derived from p-coumaric acid and coumarin and their interaction with gibberellic acid in the control of the elongation of the first wheat leaf are examined. (±)-Abscisic acid strongly inhibits leaf growth in the presence as well as in the absence of gibberellic acid, but the inhibition is greater in the presence of gibberellic acid (3 g/l already have an observable effect). Among other compounds, only ferulic acid and coumarin significantly reduce leaf elongation, and they are effective only at high concentrations (1.44 · 10-4 M/l).  相似文献   

Résumé Les fibrilles constitutives du phragmoplaste sont de nature protéique. L'action du-mercaptoéthanol permet de conclure que ces protéines sont liées par des ponts S-S. En présence d'urée, la structure du phragmoplaste est détruite, ce qui indique l'existence de liaisons hydrogènes.
Zusammenfassung Unsere Arbeit führt zu folgenden Resultaten: 1. Die im Phragmoplast befindliche Faserstruktur besitzt einen Eiweißstoffcharakter. 2. Der Effekt des-Merkaptoäthanols gestattet die Annahme, daß die Proteine mit S-S-Brücken verbunden sind. 3. Bei Anwesenheit von Harnstoff wird die Phragmoplaststruktur zerstört, was für das Vorhandensein von H-Brücken spricht.

Boursière de la Fondation Rockefeller  相似文献   

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