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In a year-long study, I investigated the ranging behavior of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in a terra firma rainforest in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador, and examined the relationship between ranging, diet, food availability, and food patch use for this population. In Yasuní the total home range sizes for two social groups were 124 and 108 ha, which are much smaller than has been reported previously for Lagothrix elsewhere in its geographic distribution. The mean yearly day range estimates for these same groups were 1,792 m and 1,878 m, which are well within the range of variation previously reported. Ranging behavior was not correlated with the current habitat-wide abundance of ripe fruit, which comprises 76.3% of the yearly diet for this population, but was associated with one measure of likely insect prey abundance and with the availability of immature fruits, a minimal part of the diet. Specifically, one study group moved significantly greater distances during months of high likely insect prey abundance and when immature fruits were abundant. The second study group also traveled farther when likely insect prey abundance was high and when immature fruits were abundant, although the latter relationship only approached significance. This group also devoted significantly more of its daily activity budget to travel during these times. These results indicate that variation in ripe fruit abundance makes no meaningful contribution to explaining variation in ranging behavior for this population of woolly monkeys. Instead, the results raise the possibility that some aspects of the ranging behavior of frugivorous primates may be related to the availability of alternative food sources, such as animal prey, or to monitoring the phenological status of important fruit trees, rather than simply reflecting the degree of intragroup feeding competition.  相似文献   



The threats facing Ecuador''s Yasuní National Park are emblematic of those confronting the greater western Amazon, one of the world''s last high-biodiversity wilderness areas. Notably, the country''s second largest untapped oil reserves—called “ITT”—lie beneath an intact, remote section of the park. The conservation significance of Yasuní may weigh heavily in upcoming state-level and international decisions, including whether to develop the oil or invest in alternatives.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We conducted the first comprehensive synthesis of biodiversity data for Yasuní. Mapping amphibian, bird, mammal, and plant distributions, we found eastern Ecuador and northern Peru to be the only regions in South America where species richness centers for all four taxonomic groups overlap. This quadruple richness center has only one viable strict protected area (IUCN levels I–IV): Yasuní. The park covers just 14% of the quadruple richness center''s area, whereas active or proposed oil concessions cover 79%. Using field inventory data, we compared Yasuní''s local (alpha) and landscape (gamma) diversity to other sites, in the western Amazon and globally. These analyses further suggest that Yasuní is among the most biodiverse places on Earth, with apparent world richness records for amphibians, reptiles, bats, and trees. Yasuní also protects a considerable number of threatened species and regional endemics.


Yasuní has outstanding global conservation significance due to its extraordinary biodiversity and potential to sustain this biodiversity in the long term because of its 1) large size and wilderness character, 2) intact large-vertebrate assemblage, 3) IUCN level-II protection status in a region lacking other strict protected areas, and 4) likelihood of maintaining wet, rainforest conditions while anticipated climate change-induced drought intensifies in the eastern Amazon. However, further oil development in Yasuní jeopardizes its conservation values. These findings form the scientific basis for policy recommendations, including stopping any new oil activities and road construction in Yasuní and creating areas off-limits to large-scale development in adjacent northern Peru.  相似文献   



Management and conservation of biodiversity requires adequate species inventories. The Yasuní National Park is one of the most diverse regions on Earth and recent studies of terrestrial vertebrates, based on genetic evidence, have shown high levels of cryptic and undescribed diversity. Few genetic studies have been carried out in freshwater fishes from western Amazonia. Thus, in contrast with terrestrial vertebrates, their content of cryptic diversity remains unknown. In this study, we carried out genetic and morphological analyses on characin fishes at Yasuní National Park, in eastern Ecuador. Our goal was to identify cryptic diversity among one of the most speciose fish families in the Amazon region. This is the first time that genetic evidence has been used to assess the species content of the Napo Basin, one of the richest regions in vertebrate diversity.


Phylogenetic analyses of partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene (∼600 pb) DNA sequences from 232 specimens of the family Characidae and its closest groups revealed eight candidate new species among 33 species sampled, representing a 24% increase in species number. Analyses of external morphology allowed us to confirm the species status of six of the candidate species.


Our results show high levels of cryptic diversity in Amazonian characins. If this group is representative of other Amazonian fish, our results would imply that the species richness of the Amazonian ichthyofauna is highly underestimated. Molecular methods are a necessary tool to obtain more realistic inventories of Neotropical freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Given its broad geographical distribution, Aotus is a productive genus for comparative studies that evaluate how different ecological factors influence the morphology, behavior, ecology, and demography of closely related species. During 18 mo we collected demographic, ranging, and activity data from owl monkeys (Aotus vociferans) in Yasuní National Park in eastern Ecuador. To collect demographic data, we monitored the trail system several times per week searching for groups. To characterize patterns of activity, we recorded the time when the subjects began and ended their nocturnal activity, and we collected data on range use and daily path length during 12 full-moon and 12 new-moon night follows of 1 radiocollared group. They ranged in size between 3 and 5 individuals (n = 4 groups). All groups were strictly nocturnal, beginning their activity between 1800 and 1900 h and finishing it between 0500 and 0600 h. The territory size of the radiocollared group was 6.3 ha. On average, the subjects traveled 645 m per night (±286 m) and ranged farther during full-moon than new-moon nights. The owl monkeys used a small number of preferred daytime sleeping trees. Our data conform well with previous studies of other tropical owl monkeys from Colombia and Perú. A comparison of tropical owl monkeys with more temperate Aotus azarai from the Argentinean Gran Chaco reveals that grouping patterns, day range length, and territory size are relatively conserved across the genus despite dramatic differences in body size and activity pattern.  相似文献   

National parks are an important tool for conserving biodiversity, particularly in areas of high biodiversity and endemism such as the tropical Andes. However, national parks often face a variety of stressors related to recreation, road construction and illegal extraction of natural resources. Unfortunately, the influence of these stressors for biodiversity is rarely well documented. Cajas National Park in Ecuador is no exception. Despite being traversed by the Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal road, effects of the road construction on biodiversity have not been determined. We therefore assessed the influence of road proximity on bird species richness and abundance as well as composition of bird habitat groups in Cajas National Park using transect walks at 25 m and 250 m distance to the road (overall 18 transects, each 1 km length). In total, we recorded 1110 individuals of 28 páramo bird species. Overall species richness did not differ between transects near and far from the road. Nevertheless, the average abundance of shrubby páramo species was significantly higher far from the road than near the road (Far = 36, Near = 25). Moreover, we found a tendency towards differences in the composition of bird habitat groups between transects near and far from the road. One aspect potentially driving the observed patterns was the increasing proportion of planted non-native woody tree species within páramo grassland near the road, which may have caused reduced abundances of shrubby páramo bird species there. While roads represented a clear impact on the composition of bird species in the páramo, the major effect seems to be driven by the introduction of non-native plant species along the roadside. In order to reduce the impact of roads to a minimum, we suggest that park managers should control the introduction of such plant species.  相似文献   

Valuation of Forests and Plant Species in Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia. A quantitative ethnobotanical study was conducted in Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure (TIPNIS), Bolivia, to assess the usefulness assigned by local Yuracaré and Trinitario ethnic groups to different terra firme and floodplain forests. Furthermore, we investigated which variables are good predictors for the use value attributed to plant species in the research area. Plants were collected during transect, walk-in-the-woods and homegarden sampling. Ethnobotanical and ethnoecological data of the inventoried plants were obtained from 12 Yuracaré and 14 Trinitario participants through semistructured interviews. On average, 84% of species in transects were claimed to be useful to people. The understorey (2.5 cm ≤ dbh < 10 cm) of the sampled forest types contained more useful species than the overstorey (dbh ≥ 10 cm), particularly for species with a medicinal and/or social use function. The local use value of plant species can be predicted, in part, from their botanical family, growth form, density, frequency, mean and maximum dbh, and ecological importance value. Our data confirm the hypothesis that density and frequency of plants in the landscape are both related to perceived plant accessibility. Accessibility of plants partly seems to guide their usefulness in TIPNIS. Indigenous assessment of accessibility and abundance of plants also covaried with their perceived usefulness and therefore has a potential for uncovering patterns in the perceived utility of plants.  相似文献   

Livestock depredation by leopards is one of the key conservation issues in landscapes with limited resources worldwide. Any attempts to mitigate human–leopard conflict and conserve the species in conflict should be based on an unequivocal understanding of the conflict patterns. A household survey was conducted with an intention to quantify livestock losses resulting from depredation by leopards in and around the Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. A total of 301 livestock were killed between June 2007 and August 2008 by leopards. The extent of loss varied in different months, with maximum killing occurring in the month of May. Small-bodied livestock such as goats and sheep were more vulnerable than large-bodied cattle. Goats were killed in significantly higher numbers as compared to other livestock. Domestic animals were killed more frequently at night as compared to other times of the day. There was a significant effect of the nighttime protection measures on depredation. Most attacks happened in valleys and in areas far from the forests. Factors most closely associated with livestock depredation included decline of natural prey, herding practices, guarding especially during the nighttime, and repeated use of pastures where predators were known to be hunting actively. Attitudes of the local community towards leopards were largely negative, and further efforts should be made to improve support for carnivore conservation. We suggest widespread local community education and proactive human–leopard conflict management, particularly through adopting carnivore-friendly livestock protection measures.  相似文献   

“Brush structures” are temporary wooden structures built with unmodified local materials and used as shelters by First Nation Peoples in the forests of the Yukon prior to European contact. This paper reports a preliminary attempt to date these structures using dendrochronology. Investigations were carried out of four njel (“teepee like”) structures and eight män-ku (low 2–3 sided wall structures) at four main sites. The primary material cored was poles (dead spruce trunks), often only 10–20 cm diameter, with narrow, sometimes extremely suppressed ring sequences. These structures are dated between 1865 and 1887, based on the latest (outermost) ring in the sampled material. The limited sampling and use of old wood in these structures (whether fire-kill, standing dead or reused from previous features) makes it difficult to give precise dates for the initial evidence of First Nation activity at these sites: more extensive sampling could provide further insight into the settlement history and construction techniques used. The sites investigated date from the latter half of the nineteenth century shortly before the first European gold rush to this region.  相似文献   

In Venezuela, mammals represent an important group of wildlife with high anthropogenic pressures that threaten their permanence. Focused on the need to generate baseline information that allows us to contribute to document and conserve the richness of local wildlife, we conducted a mammalogical inventory in Yurubí National Park, located in Yaracuy State in Venezuela. We carried out fieldworks in three selected vegetation types: an evergreen forest at 197m, a semi-deciduous forest ranging between 100-230m, and a cloud forest at 1 446m. We used Victor, Sherman, Havahart and pitfall traps for the capture of small non-volant mammals and mist nets for bats. In addition, we carried out interviews with local residents and direct-indirect observations for medium-large sized mammals. At least 79 species inhabit the area, representing 28% of the species recorded for the North side of the country. Chiroptera (39 spp.), Carnivora (13 spp.) and Rodentia (9 spp.) were the orders with the highest richness, as expected for the Neotropics. The evergreen forest had the greatest species richness (n=68), with a sampling effort of 128 net-hours, 32 bucket-days, 16 hours of observations, and three persons interviewed, followed by cloud forest (n=45) with 324 net-hours, 790 traps-night, 77 bucket-days, 10 hours of observations, and one person interviewed. The lowest richness value was in the semi-deciduous forest (n=41), with 591 traps-night, 15 net-hours, 10 hours of observations and three persons interviewed. Data and observations obtained in this inventory (e.g., endemism, species known as "surrogate species" threatened in Venezuela) give an important role at the Yurubí National Park in the maintenance and conservation of local ecosystems and wildlife, threatened by human pressures in the Cordillera de la Costa.  相似文献   

Bats represent a key component in the dynamics of many terrestrial ecosystems, and one of the groups of mammals with the highest levels of diversification in the Neotropics. Here we describe the results of a study of the bat fauna from Yurubí National Park (mountain area in Northern Venezuela), that includes a taxonomic list and the characterization of some community attributes in forested areas. Data was collected from zoological collections and diversified sampling methods from February to July of 2009 in an altitudinal gradient (100-1 500m), with three principal ecological units: semideciduous, evergreen and cloud forests. We recorded 64 species grouped in five families (63% of the bats known from La Cordillera de la Costa), of which Phyllostomidae was the dominant taxa (42 species; 66% of total), followed by Vespertilionidae, Molossidae, Emballonuridae and Mormoopidae. The community with the highest taxonomic diversification was found in the lowest elevation range, while the lowest number of species was found at the highest range. Eleven trophic guilds were identified; the insectivorous guild was the richest, whereas the frugivorous was the most abundant. Our results allow us to indicate these forest ecosystems have an appropriate conservation status, taking into account the presence of a relatively high proportion of species from the subfamily Phyllostominae, as well as the presence of other species with conservation priorities. All these aspects, and the fact that this represents a reservoir of the biological diversity of the forest ecosystems of La Cordillera de la Costa, make this protected area of an essential conservation value, in a highly endangered bioregion by neighboring socio-economic growth.  相似文献   

Mazuelos  Narciso  Toja  Julia  Guisande  Cástor 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):429-434
32 ephemeral dune ponds were studied at the end of January 1990. 34 rotifer species were identified. The distribution of only a few species was related to salinity, suspended matter, chlorophyll-a and total water protein concentrations. However, most of the species seem to be better related to the colonization possibilities than to the environmental characteristics of the ponds.  相似文献   

Uses and Conservation of Plant Species in a National Park—A Case Study of Ben En, Vietnam. This paper surveys the use of wild and cultivated plants by local people in Ben En National Park, Vietnam, and analyzes its impact on the conservation status of some of the utilized species. A total of 208 species used for a range of nonmedicinal purposes are listed. See Hoang et al. (2008a) for 230 medicinal plants used in the park. Most species are used for food. The use of plants contributes very significantly to the livelihood of local people in the park, but the current use patterns are not sustainable and would lead to local extinction of rare and endangered species if no additional conservation measures are introduced. Men collect nonmedicinal plants more often than women. A total of 38 useful plant species are commercialized, and contribute 12% of the average income of individual households. Bamboo shoots of Schizostachyum funghomii (Poaceae) are the most important for income generation. The monetary equivalent of noncommercialized useful plants probably far exceeds the value of the traded plant products. Plant use is independent of the ethnicity of the different populations living in the park. Larger households make use of a greater variety of useful plant species than small families. Abundant species in the forest have a higher use index (UI) than less common species. Out of the 208 useful species, as many as 27 were found to be endangered locally, many more than the 11 or 8 endangered species included in national or global red lists. Currently, useful plants, especially important timber trees, are more abundant in the less disturbed parts of the park, far away from the villages, indicating the pressures of illegal logging and harvesting near villages on the ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. An entomological inventory was conducted between 1993 and 1996 to obtain information on the diversity of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Jaú National Park, State of Amazonas, Brazil. A total of 10,159 adult (91%) and immature mosquito specimens, representing 130 taxa (species + morphospecies) in 16 genera, was collected. A species list for the family Culicidae is presented, including 30 new records for the State of Amazonas. The collecting localities were restricted to the alluvial subregion of the Open Tropical Forest found in the park. Most of the specimens (71%) were collected in forest habitats and the rest in areas of second growth and peridomicile. The majority of immature specimens (46%) were collected in bodies of water along the edges of rivers, flooded forests, lakes and streams. Among the various collection methods used, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Shannon traps together were responsible for capturing 60% of the adults. More than 90% of the material collected belongs to the genera Culex (65%), Psorophora (19%), Wyeomyia (4%), and Anopheles (3%), which together represent 70% of the identified taxa. The genus Culex presented the largest number of species (45). The species Culex (Melanoconion) vaxus, Cx. (Mel.) pedroi, Psorophora amazonica, Cx. (Mel.) portesi and Cx. (Mel.) theobaldi together (< 4% of the recorded species) represent more than 63% of the material collected and identified to the species level. The most abundant species was Cx. (Mel.) vaxus, representing 17% of the material identified to species. The possible epidemiological and ecological implications of the species hereby recorded in the Jaú National Park are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Colobus have been observed to associate frequently with Cercopithecus monkeys in several African sites. In the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, one group of western red colobus was found to be in association with one particular group of diana monkeys more than could be expected by chance (Holenweg et al., 1996). We show that dyadic association is not an idiosyncrasy of these two groups, but rather a pattern that is general for our study site. All five red colobus groups we studied were closely associated with diana monkeys during more than 60% of the time. Four groups had one particular diana partner group, the fifth two different partners. Apart from the red colobus, three more primate species, the olive colobus, Campbell's monkey, and the lesser spot-nosed monkey, were also strongly attracted to diana monkeys.  相似文献   

Amphibian chytridiomycosis, caused by infection with the non-hyphal, zoosporic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), is an emerging infectious disease recognised as a cause of recent amphibian population declines and extinctions worldwide. The Do?ana National Park (DNP) is located in southwestern Spain, a country with widespread Bd infection. This protected area has a great diversity of aquatic habitats that constitute important breeding habitats for 11 native amphibian species. We sampled 625 amphibians in December 2007 and February to March 2008, months that correspond to the early and intermediate breeding seasons for amphibians, respectively. We found 7 of 9 sampled species to be infected with Bd and found differences in prevalence between sampling periods. Although some amphibians tested had higher intensities of infection than others, all animals sampled were apparently healthy and, so far, there has been no evidence of either unusually high rates of mortality or amphibian population declines in the DNP.  相似文献   


Cereal‐based bait containing 20 ppm brodifacoum was used in bait stations continuously from December 1997 to August 2000 in the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project area, for controlling brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), ship rat (Rattus rattus), and house mouse (Mus musculus) populations. Concurrently (and before and after), baits containing brodifacoum, bromadiolone, flocoumafen, coumatetralyl, or warfarin were also used in St Arnaud village and on farms immediately adjacent to the project area. Brodifacoum residues were detected in the livers of 234 mammals from eight species, and two birds from two species captured alive, and a further seven birds from five species found dead in the project area (cause of death unknown). The highest concentration of brodifacoum residues in mammalian livers was recorded during the period brodifacoum was used in the project area. However, residues were present in the livers of some individuals at least 24 months after brodifacoum use in the project area stopped. These residues may have persisted in animals surviving brodifacoum use in the project area, and/or been transported into the area by animals moving to and from the adjacent village and farms, where brodifacoum use continued. Residues of flocoumafen, coumatetralyl, or warfarin, used only in the village and on farms, were also detected in the livers of animals captured up to at least 8 km from the nearest source. The results concur with other studies cautioning against indiscriminate or prolonged use of persistent anticoagulants for vertebrate pest control. However, the risks from such pesticides must be balanced against the demonstrable benefits of reducing pest abundance.  相似文献   

Although it is an anatomical folivore, the diet of the Milne-Edwards’ sifaka (Propithecus diadema edwardsiA. Grandidier, 1871) in Ranomafana National Park contained 35% seeds, 30% whole fruit, and 28% leaves. Plant species used as seed sources differed from those used as whole fruit sources in terms of temporal variation in consumption, taxonomic affiliation, morphology, and phenology. Although seeds were destroyed in both exploitation styles used by the sifakas—seed and whole fruit-eating—the gross morphology of species used as seed sources conformed to the complex of traits typical for fruits experiencing seed predation, while species used as whole fruit sources conformed to traits typical for fruits that do not experience predispersal predation. Many of the 19 plant species from which the seed was extracted and eaten contained a single seed with moderate testa thickness, and fruits containing this type of seed were medium-sized with dry or fibrous flesh, moderate skin thickness, and a dull color. In contrast, brightly colored, juicy fruits with minimally protected seeds were characteristic of the 38 plant species from which both pericarp and seed were eaten. Compared to transectwide measures of fruit availability or patterns restricted to whole fruit sources, fewer species of seed sources produced fruit per month and fruiting activity was more seasonal.  相似文献   

Fox, V.E., Lindeque, P.M., Simmons, R.E., Berry, H.H., Brain, C. & Braby, R. 1997. Flamingo ‘rescue’ in Etosha National Park, 1994: technical, conservation and economic considerations. Ostrich 68 (2–4): 72–76.

During April 1994,144 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber chicks were taken from Etosha Pan, Namibia, following drying of the shallow water and the death of hundreds of chicks. The captured chicks ranged from approximately 2 weeks to 2 months of age and were hand-reared at Okaukuejo until being released (7 weeks later) or sold (12 weeks later). Fourteen birds died within 8 days; only two died later. Of 77 chicks released at Walvis Bay, their traditional wintering grounds, 76 were fitted with yellow plastic rings and 73 with numbered metal rings. These grey juveniles were highly visible in the lagoon among the pink adults, and were resighted regularly. Most of the 20 birds recovered dead within two months of release were birds with wing chord measurements less than 315 mm, and black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas predation was the most likely cause of death. Bird counts 11 and 14 months later at Walvis Bay and surrounding wetlands revealed no juveniles at all, suggesting high mortality. However, four ringed flamingos were sighted in Jan. 1997, and one debilitated ringed flamingo was recovered at the Namibia-Botswana border in Feb. 1997. A lack of predator avoidance was thought to be the main factor responsible for the high mortalities.  相似文献   

Jaú National Park is a large rain forest reserve that contains small populations of four caiman species. We sampled crocodilian populations during 30 surveys over a period of four years in five study areas. We found the mean abundance of caiman species to be very low (1.0 +/- 0.5 caiman/km of shoreline), independent of habitat type (river, stream or lake) and season. While abundance was almost equal, the species' composition varied in different waterbody and study areas. We analysed the structure similarity of this assemblage. Lake and river habitats were the most similar habitats, and inhabited by at least two species, mainly Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger. However, those species can also inhabit streams. Streams were the most dissimilar habitats studied and also had two other species: Paleosuchus trigonatus and P. palpebrosus. The structure of these assemblage does not suggest a pattern of species associated and separated by habitat. Trends in species relationships had a negative correlation with species of similar size, C. crocodilus and P. trigonatus, and an apparent complete exclusion of M. niger and P. trigonatus. Microhabitat analysis suggests a slender habitat partitioning. P. trigonatus was absent from river and lake Igapó (flooded forest), but frequent in stream Igapó. This species was the most terrestrial and found in microhabitats similar to C. crocodilus (shallow waters, slow current). Melanosuchus niger inhabits deep, fast moving waters in different study areas. Despite inhabiting the same waterbodies in many surveys, M. niger and C. crocodilus did not share the same microhabitats. Paleosuchus palpebrosus was observed only in running waters and never in stagnant lake habitats. Cluster analysis revealed three survey groups: two constitute a mosaic in floodplains, (a) a cluster with both M. niger and C. crocodilus, and another (b) with only C. crocodilus. A third cluster (c) included more species, and the presence of Paleosuchus species. There was no significant difference among wariness of caimans between disturbed and undisturbed localities. However, there was a clear trend to increase wariness during the course of consecutive surveys at four localities, suggesting that we, more than local inhabitants, had disturbed caimans. The factors that are limiting caiman populations can be independent of human exploitation. Currently in Amazonia, increased the pressure of hunting, habitat loss and habitat alteration, and there is no evidence of widespread recovery of caiman populations. In large reserves as Jaú without many disturbance, most caiman populations can be low density, suggesting that in blackwater environments their recovery from exploitation should be very slow.  相似文献   

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