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By the method of spectral-coherent analysis the dynamics was studied of successive changes in the structure the rabbit brain electrical activity coherent relations in the process of formation of motor polarization dominant created by DC anode action on the sensorimotor cortical region. It has been shown that at earlier stages, when the motor "dominant" reaction is absent, there appears an interhemispheric asymmetry in Coh spectra of electrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex and of the thalamus VPL. On the contrary, interhemispheric asymmetry in Coh spectra of electrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex and dorsal hippocampus CA3 field appears only at the stage when the motor "dominant" reaction is recorded. Asymmetry in alpha- and beta-frequencies ranges in biopotentials Coh spectra of the studied regions coinciding with the motor "dominant" reaction realization is connected with processes of movement organization.  相似文献   

For more precise definition of the role of hemispheric interconnections in mechanisms of human CNS compensation the intercentral relations of the electrical activity of the left and right cerebral hemispheres were studied on physiological model of focal interhemispheric asymmetry. Spectral-coherent EEG characteristics of 36 patients with tumoral damage of one hemisphere were studied in condition of chronic (prior to operation) and acute (early terms of postoperative period) brain decompensation. In was shown that the reorganization of the structure of the EEG intercentral relations correlated with definite stages of CNS compensatory processes and that the character of hemispheric interconnections depended on the lateralization of the damage focus. The primary role was revealed of the degree of the left (dominant) hemisphere preservation in restoration of normal pattern of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the coherence of human brain electrical processes.  相似文献   

Study of the motor dominant in man has shown that in aftereffect of rhythmic electrocutaneous stimulation of hand, a latent focus of excitation is formed in the CNS. When using sensory stimuli (light, sound) and also stimuli, addressed to the second signal system, a hand motor reaction appears in the rhythm of earlier electrocutaneous stimulation, what testifies to preservation of rhythmic nature of excitation in the dominant focus. Summation process in the dominant focus is not reflected in human consciousness. Study of the brain biopotentials has shown that at formation of human motor dominant, typical changes of spectral-coherent characteristics of the neocortex electrical activity appear: within the "dominant" hemisphere, the spectrum power, increases in the range of low frequencies; highly coherent connections of electrical processes appear in the delta-range of the frontal-parietal area at conjugate decrease of combination of processes in the parietal-occipital area of the cerebral cortex. Formation of the dominant focus in one hemisphere causes general reconstruction of the structure of intercentral relations of both hemispheres electrical activity.  相似文献   

In healthy subjects (11 right-handed men) reorganization was studied of intra- and interhemispheric correlation of the electrical brain activity at transition from the state of alertness to drowsiness. At the lowering of alertness level, the coherence of hemispheres symmetrical points changed not abruptly, with a tendency towards an increase at differently directed character of changes of combinations of separate physiological rhythms ranges. Comparison of the EEG coherence changes within the right and left hemispheres revealed a greater reactivity of the left (dominant) hemisphere. The reduction of the predominance (observed in the dominant hemisphere in alertness) of the degree of EEG conjunction, at transition to drowsiness, leads to smoothing of interhemispheric asymmetry in the organization of electrical brain processes.  相似文献   

Functional interhemispheric asymmetry was investigated by evoked potentials method in experiments on ten cats under ethaminal anaesthesia at 200 points of the visual cortex during the action of binocular and monocular photic flashes of submaximal intensity. Topographic maps have been plotted of the functional interhemispheric asymmetry. In most of the animals a hemisphere dominant and non-dominant at the given moment can be singled out. Section of the callosal body leads to reduction of the functional interhemispheric asymmetry due to a decrease of the focus of maximum activity in the dominant hemisphere and its increase in the non-dominant one. A mozaic pattern of functional interhemispheric asymmetry has been demonstrated, as expressed in the existence of zones of inverse dominance along with prevailing zones of direct dominance. Section of the callosal body produced a decrease in the area of direct dominance and an increase in that of inverse dominance. Absolute interhemispheric asymmetry was most pronounced in the central part of the visual cortex (field 18 and its medial boundary) and the relative one, on the periphery of the visual area (fields 17 and 19).  相似文献   

By means of daily alimentary deprivation the dominant of hunger was created in rabbits. In response to acoustic stimuli summational swallowing and chewing movements appeared. Spectral analysis of the electrical brain activity showed the presence of primary dominant focus zone (lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus), characterized by an increase of spectrum power in delta-range while in the orbito-frontal, sensorimotor, parietal cerebral cortex, in the medial and lateral preoptic hypothalamic zones the power of biopotentials spectrum decreased within the whole analyzed frequency range.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on 49 curarized adult rats without general anaesthesia, we studied the transmission of discharges of cortical penicillin foci between the two hemispheres after transecting the corpus callosum. Projected discharges of the cortical penicillin focus appeared in the contralateral hemisphere later than in the controls and had a very different shape. The interhemispheric response of the experimental rats consisted of a small positive and a small negative deflection with long latent periods. Focal discharges could be triggered by electrical stimulat;on of the contralateral hemisphere only irregularly and for short periods of time. In rats with a transected corpus callosum, two symmetrical cortical foci at first behaved independently of each other; their synchronization then slowly improved, but never attained 100 per cent. The corpus callosum is the preferential pathway for interhemispheric transmission of focal activity. Transection of this pathway makes the transmission conditions much worse, but further connections, with a longer conduction time and lower efficacy, gradually come into action.  相似文献   

By the method of spectral-coherent analysis, the intercentral relations were studied of the electrical activity of the sensorimotor and premotor cortices and of CAs field of the dorsal hippocampus of both hemispheres during the motor polarization dominant, created by the action of the direct current on the rabbits sensorimotor cortical area. The formation was shown of a new structure of the intercentral relations of electrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex and CA3 of the dorsal hippocampus. It should be noted that the dominant optimum and its inhibition are characterized by different interhippocampal relations: at the optimum a low range of the theta-rhythm is highly coherent while at the activation of "the non-dominant" hemisphere--a high range.  相似文献   

Topographic mapping method was used to study the spatial-temporal organization of neocortical electrical activity at norm and asthenic neurosis. Patients with asthenic syndrome had shown right hemisphere dominance by the number of cortical interconnections in theta-band and interhemispheric discordance by coherence function.  相似文献   

The interaction between two dominant foci was carried out on different models of dominant. It was shown that the following pairs: latent motor and blinking excitation foci; hunger and hypnotic dominants, decaying polarization dominant (related with functioning of the left-hemisphere) and hypnotic dominant can function simultaneously. After repeated formation of a new dominant focus against the background of the existing stable dominant created earlier, a replacement of dominants takes place. This process passes through the stage of formation of the latent dominant not yet apparent at the behavioral level but with the electrical activity typical for the dominant focus. Actually, two dominants exist at this stage: the previous active and latent foci. The latter determines further behavior of the animal.  相似文献   

The influence was studied of the gonadectomy in the newborn and mature male and female rats on functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the reaction of avoidance of pain scream of another rat ("emotional resonance"), and motor and investigatory activity in the open field. Consecutive inactivation of the hemispheres was realized by K+ spreading depression. It has been shown that neonatally gonadectomized rats have no interhemispheric asymmetry of the studied reactions. In male rats gonadectomized in mature state, interhemispheric asymmetry of "the emotional resonance" reaction is not significant and in the motor and investigatory activity in the open field, in contrast to intact animals, the right hemisphere is dominant and not the left one. Ovariectomy of mature female rats led to the increase of the dominance of the left hemisphere in the control of "the emotional resonance" and change of the right hemispheric dominance in the control of the motor and investigatory activity in the open field for the left hemispheric one. Gonadectomy of male and female mature rats had an opposite effect on the functioning of the right hemisphere: facilitating in male rats and inhibitory in female ones.  相似文献   

By spectral-correlative analysis the dynamics was studied of structural changes of coherent relations of the electrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex and medial geniculate body (MGB) of the rabbit under motor polarization dominant created by the action of DC anode on the sensorimotor cortex area. It was shown, that in the power spectra of the MGB, besides the increase of the delta-region components in interstimulus intervals at the dominant, during the action of the sound stimulus a distinct maximum appeared in the alpha-rhythm range of the electrical activity of MGB of the "dominant" hemisphere. The coherence increase of the delta-range of the MGB and the sensorimotor cortex electrical activity in the "dominant" part of the brain was manifested exclusively in the period of sound stimulus action.  相似文献   

Inter- and intrahemispheric relations of electrical activity of the pre-motor, sensorimotor (representation of forelimb and blinking) and visual zones of rabbit's cerebral cortex in calm alertness was studied by method of spectral-correlative analysis. Mean coherence levels of the EEG of tested hemispheric symmetric points and symmetric pairs of leads in the left and right hemispheres were characterized by a high temporal stability in the state of calm alertness and during sensory stimulation. A comparison of mean coherence values of EEG in symmetric leads, revealed a tendency to left-side dominance of statistical bonds of electrical processes. A tendency was shown towards interhemispheric asymmetry by mean parameters of EEG power spectra: the left hemisphere of the rabbit is characterized by a lower mean frequency of electrical activity and a more narrow effective frequency of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Individual features of the regional interhemispheric relations in the brain were studied in dogs during alimentary conditioning. The electrical activity was recorded from symmetrical anterior (frontal and motor cortices) and posterior (visual and auditory cortices) areas of the neocortex. Comparison between the averaged left and right intrahemispheric EEG coherences revealed a dynamic character of interhemispheric relations dependent on the stage of conditioning. Individual features were shown. In a dog with strong type of the nervous system, in the anterior brain regions, the EEG coherence was higher in the left hemisphere than in the right one, whereas, on the contrary, in the posterior regions, the values were higher in the right than in the left hemisphere. In dogs with weak type of the nervous system, there was an inverse relationship. Thus, the spatial organization of the cortical electrical activity in the associative and projection brain areas was different.  相似文献   

The dynamics of changes in intercentral relations of electrical activity of the sensorimotor and premotor zones of both hemispheres and the ventroposterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the left and right thalamus at formation of motor dominant under the action of the DC anode in the rabbit sensorimotor cortex was studied by the method of spectral-correlation analysis. It is shown that in the much less than dominant much greater than motor analyzer (the sensorimotor cortex and VPL) highly coherent connections of electrical processes are formed in the delta-range with conjugated lowering of biopotential connections between the structures of the motor analyzer of the much less than nondominant much greater than part of the brain. At the same time differently directed connections of electrical processes are formed between the structures of the motor analyzer, and between the premotor cortex and focus area. Thus, during formation of the much less than polarization much greater than dominant, a new structure of the intercentral relations of electrical processes is established not only in the much less than dominant much greater than but also in the other half of the brain.  相似文献   

The activity of epileptogenic foci was studied in acute experiments on adult male rats without general anaesthesia; the animals first received an intraperitoneal injection of phenobarbital [40 mg/kg] and 30 min later a cortical focus was induced by the local application of penicillin. These foci, which were induced in the sensorimotor area, had a lower discharge frequency than in the controls and the formation of projected discharges was delayed. In two symmetrical and asymmetrical cortical foci, activity was synchronized significantly more slowly after phenobarbital than in the controls. The cortical interhemispheric response was not influenced by the administered dose of phenobarbital. In these experiments, phenobarbital had an anti-epileptic effect both on the primary focus and on the spread of epileptic activity from this focus.  相似文献   

In healthy subjects and patients with chronic alcoholism, the ability to construct in mind geometric figures in conditions of masking was studied by means of recording the number of correct decisions, the reaction time and evoked cortical electrical activity. It has been found that solution of visual-spatial task of mentally constructing geometric figures is accomplished better if a figure-standard can be formed from the presented fragments. During solution of the visual-spatial task in norm the reaction time is shorter if the information comes "directly" to the right hemisphere. Such interhemispheric differences are not observed at chronic alcoholic intoxication. In patients with chronic alcoholism the late components of EPs N200 and P300 developed with a longer latency and lesser amplitude than in healthy subjects. The greatest depression of cortical activity is observed in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The pathology of the motor analyser, originating in connection with local lesions of the brain may be studied by means of sensorimotor tracing method. By this parameter, localizations of the lesion produce dissimilar disturbances of the percentive-motor activity. Disorders in movement control were revealed in the case of disturbance of interhemispheric relations resulting from a lesion of the dominant hemisphere; as a result of disfunction of the frontal lobes, which led to disturbance of prognostication; due to disturbance of the "body scheme" and proprioreception disturbances.  相似文献   

We tested whether evening exposure to unilateral photic stimulation has repercussions on interhemispheric EEG asymmetries during wakefulness and later sleep. Because light exerts an alerting response in humans, which correlates with a decrease in waking EEG theta/alpha-activity and a reduction in sleep EEG delta activity, we hypothesized that EEG activity in these frequency bands show interhemispheric asymmetries after unilateral bright light (1,500 lux) exposure. A 2-h hemi-field light exposure acutely suppressed occipital EEG alpha activity in the ipsilateral hemisphere activated by light. Subjects felt more alert during bright light than dim light, an effect that was significantly more pronounced during activation of the right than the left visual cortex. During subsequent sleep, occipital EEG activity in the delta and theta range was significantly reduced after activation of the right visual cortex but not after stimulation of the left visual cortex. Furthermore, hemivisual field light exposure was able to shift the left predominance in occipital spindle EEG activity toward the stimulated hemisphere. Time course analysis revealed that this spindle shift remained significant during the first two sleep cycles. Our results reflect rather a hemispheric asymmetry in the alerting action of light than a use-dependent recovery function of sleep in response to the visual stimulation during prior waking. However, the observed shift in the spindle hemispheric dominance in the occipital cortex may still represent subtle local use-dependent recovery functions during sleep in a frequency range different from the delta range.  相似文献   

By the method of spectral-correlation analysis, the dynamics was studied of changes in intercentral relations of electrical activity in the sensorimotor and premotor cortices of both cerebral hemispheres during formation, course, recovery and extinction of motor dominant created by a single action of DC anode in rabbits sensorimotor cortex. The motor dominant is capable to be preserved during the test for a long time after DC switching off and to recover in subsequent days under the action of testing stimuli. It should be noted that the recovery of the structure of intercentral relations of electrical brain activity, characteristic of dominant state, takes place much earlier than the motor "dominant" reaction.  相似文献   

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