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JinML ZhanP 《Cell research》2001,11(2):125-134
INTRODUCTIIONThe nuclear matrix is an essential component ofthe nucleus which is important for the nuclear structural integrity and specific genomic functions[1, 2].Several articles have reported that the nuclear matrix, as a higher order framework structures, mightbe disassembled du-ring the apoptotic process[3-5].Accordingly3 nuclear lamins A/C or B have beenfound to decrease in apoptotic thymocytes[6], Tcells[7], and carcinoma cell line[8, 9]. The nucleolar protein B23, an obscure ma…  相似文献   

The patterns of cellular metabolites related to redox status and sucrose biosynthesis in mesophyll protoplasts of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were examined in the absence or presence of oligomycin (inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation) or antimycin A (inhibitor of cytochrome pathway) or salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) (inhibitor of alternative pathway). The increase on illumination in the rate of photosynthesis or cellular metabolites was more at optimal CO2 (1.0 mM NaHCO3) compared to that at limiting CO2 (0.1 mM NaHCO3). Furthermore, the inhibition of photosynthesis in presence of mitochondrial inhibitors was more pronounced at optimal CO2 than that at limiting CO2. There was a marked increase in steady-state levels of triose-P/PGA (phosphoglyceric acid) and glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) in the presence of oligomycin and antimycin A. In contrast, SHAM caused a marked increase in malate/OAA (oxaloacetate). We suggest that dissipation of excess redox equivalents generated in photosynthesis occurs through both cytochrome and alternative pathways, while sucrose biosynthesis is backed up by cytochrome pathway alone. Thus, mitochondrial respiration (through both cytochrome and alternative pathways of mitochondrial electron transport) optimizes chloroplast photosynthesis by modulating cellular metabolites related to both intracellular redox state and sucrose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) is the inducible isozyme of COX, a key enzyme in arachidonate metabolism and the conversion of arachidonic acid (AA) to prostaglandins (PGs) and other eicosanoids. Previous studies have demonstrated that the COX2 protein is up-regulated in prostate cancer cells after irradiation and that this results in elevated levels of PGE(2). In the present study, we further investigated whether radiation-induced COX2 up-regulation is dependent on the redox status of cells from the prostate cancer cell line PC-3. l-Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), which inhibits gamma glutamyl cysteine synthetase (gammaGCS), and the antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) were used to modulate the cellular redox status. BSO decreased the cellular GSH level and increased cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in PC-3 cells, whereas alpha-lipoic acid and NAC increased the GSH level and decreased cellular ROS. Both radiation and the oxidant H(2)O(2) had similar effects on COX2 up-regulation and PGE(2) production in PC-3 cells, suggesting that radiation-induced COX2 up-regulation is secondary to the production of ROS. The relative increases in COX2 expression and PGE(2) production induced by radiation and H(2)O(2) were even greater when PC-3 cells were pretreated with BSO. When the cells were pretreated with alpha-lipoic acid or NAC for 24 h, both radiation- and H(2)O(2)-induced COX2 up-regulation and PGE(2) production were markedly inhibited. These results demonstrate that radiation-induced COX2 up-regulation in prostate cancer cells is modulated by the cellular redox status. Radiation-induced increases in ROS levels contribute to the adaptive response of PC-3 cells, resulting in elevated levels of COX2.  相似文献   

The methylation inhibitors Neplanocin A (Nep A), 3'-deazaadenosine (dzAdo), and 3-deaza(+/-)aristeromycin (Dari) were tested for their effect on the expression of histone H2B, actin, and the protooncogenes c-myc, and v-fos. Nep A and Dari bind to the S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase resulting in the accumulation of S-adenosylhomocysteine, while dzAdo served as a substrate for the enzyme. With dzAdo, inordinant amounts of 3-deazaadenosylhomocysteine (dzAdoHcy) accumulated in the cell, provided L-homocysteine (Hcy) was present. When added at sublethal concentrations, the methylation inhibitors had little or no effect on c-myc, v-fos, histone H2B, or actin expression, nor did any significant number of the drug-treated cells demonstrate myeloid characteristics. However, growth and gene expression were markedly inhibited upon the addition of Hcy and dzAdo. One of the earliest effects of dzAdoHcy on HL-60 cells was the disappearance of c-myc mRNA. Within 1 h of the addition of dzAdo and Hcy, only trace amounts of c-myc mRNA were detectable. After 4-5 h v-fos, histone H2B, and actin mRNAs also decreased to about 40% of control levels. Differences in the stability of preexisting mRNAs would appear to account for these results. Within 1 h following the addition of dzAdo and Hcy, the synthesis of rRNA and mRNA were completely blocked as measured by the incorporation of [3H]uridine.  相似文献   

CD133 is extensively used as a surface marker to identify and isolate glioma-initiating cells (GICs) from malignant brain tumors; however, instances of CD133(-) cells exhibiting similar properties have also been reported. To clarify the availability of CD133 as the GIC marker, we first evaluated the ratio of CD133(+) cells and malignancy of glioma spheroids GIC1 and GIC2, respectively. GIC1, which showed a lower percentage of CD133(+) cells, exhibited a highly aggressive behavior in comparison with GIC2. The following experiments demonstrated that tumor suppressor PTEN was lost in GIC1, resulting in the activation of AKT pathway. Overexpression of recombinant PTEN in GIC1 suppressed its proliferation and self-renew without significant effect on CD133 expression level, indicating that the inconsistence between the ratio of CD133(+) cells and proliferation and self-renewal capacity of GIC1 and GIC2 was caused by PTEN deficiency. To further validate our conclusion, a series of GICs were analyzed and the percentages of CD133(+) cells could not reflect the degrees of cell proliferation and self-renewal characteristics in the PTEN deficient GICs, suggesting that the application of CD133 as the GIC maker was restricted by PTEN loss. Furthermore, down-regulation of PTEN in the PTEN-expressing GICs could break the positive correlation between the ratio of CD133(+) cells and proliferation and self-renewal capacity. Our results demonstrated that PTEN status is related to cell proliferation and self-renewal independent of CD133 phenotype in the glioma-initiating cells, resulting in the limitations of CD133 as a biomarker for PTEN deficient GICs.  相似文献   

The effect of the cell cycle and differentiation on S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) metabolism in HL-60 cells has been investigated. Synthesis and pool sizes of SAM and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) were cell-cycle-independent (SAM, 315, μM; SAH, 4.6 μM). The SAM-synthase (ATP: l-methionine S-adenosyltransferase) of HL-60 cells has a Km for methionine of 12.8±2.0 μM and thus appears to be of the intermediate Km type found in other malignant tissues. The enzyme does not show cell-cycle regulation. Treatment of cells with DMSO resulted in a rapid and marked decrease of SAM and SAH levels without affecting pool turnover or the SAM/SAH ratio. A decrease in SAM concentration could also be observed in a variant cell line resistant to differentiation with DMSO. DMSO inhibited SAM-synthase in cell-free extracts. This inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to l-methionine. Inhibition of SAM-synthase by cycloleucine lowered SAM levels in intact cells, but resulted in differentiation of only a minor percentage of cells. These data indicate that changes in SAM and SAH levels in HL-60 cells seem to be a consequence rather than a cause of differentiation.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanism of H(2)O(2)-induced cytotoxicity and its relationship to oxidation in human leukemia cells. The HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cell line was sensitive to H(2)O(2), and at concentrations up to about 20-25 micrometer, the killing was mediated by apoptosis. There was limited evidence of lipid peroxidation, suggesting that the effects of H(2)O(2) do not involve hydroxyl radical. When HL-60 cells were exposed to H(2)O(2) in the presence of the spin trap alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN), we detected a 12-line electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum assigned to the POBN/POBN(.) N-centered spin adduct previously described in peroxidase-containing cell-free systems. Generation of this radical by HL-60 cells had the same H(2)O(2) concentration dependence as initiation of apoptosis. In contrast, studies with the K562 human erythroleukemia cell line, which is often used for comparison with the HL-60, and with high passaged HL-60 cells (spent HL-60) studied under the same conditions failed to generate POBN(.). Cellular levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase did not explain the differences between these cell lines. Interestingly, the K562 and spent HL-60 cells, which did not generate the radical, also failed to undergo H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis. Based on this we reasoned that the difference in H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis might be due to the enzyme myeloperoxidase. Only the apoptosis-manifesting HL-60 cells contained appreciable immunoreactive protein or enzymatic activity of this cellular enzyme. When HL-60 cells were incubated with methimazole or 4-aminobenzoic acid hydrazide, which are inhibitors of myeloperoxidase, they no longer underwent H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis. Hypochlorous acid stimulated apoptosis in both HL-60 and spent HL-60 cells, indicating that another oxidant generated by myeloperoxidase induces apoptosis and that it may be the direct mediator of H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis. Taken together these observations indicate that H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis in the HL-60 human leukemia cell is mediated by myeloperoxidase and is linked to a non-Fenton oxidative event marked by POBN(.).  相似文献   

HL-60 cells were incubated with [32P]-Pi in order to label endogenous phosphoproteins in situ. These were then resolved via two-dimensional electrophoresis and autoradiograms were made from the gels. A comparison of autoradiograms made from retinoic-acid-differentiated cells with those made from control cells revealed a small number of phosphoproteins whose labeling was enhanced in differentiated cells. Incubating HL-60 cells with [35S]-methionine revealed that RA induced the synthesis of one of these proteins, (53 kDa, pl 4.8) although not to a degree sufficient to account for the increased phosphate labeling observed in differentiated cells. Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), which arrests HL-60 cell proliferation without inducing differentiation, had no effect on endogenous protein phosphorylation. Treatment of DFMO-arrested cells with retinoic acid, however, increased the phosphorylation of the proteins and resulted in differentiation of the cells. Densitometric analysis of autoradiograms made from two-dimensional gels revealed that the phosphorylation of the 53-kDa, pl 4.8 protein was significantly elevated in cells exposed to RA for as little as 12 hours, i.e., before the cells were committed to differentiate and before a significant increase in the number of phenotypically mature cells was observed. It therefore appears that this protein may be an intermediate in the retinoic-acid-induced differentiation process.  相似文献   

The development of normal lung tissue toxicity after radiation exposure results from multiple changes in cell signaling and communication initiated at the time of the ionizing event. The onset of gross pulmonary injury is preceded by tissue hypoxia and chronic oxidative stress. We have previously shown that development of debilitating lung injury can be mitigated or prevented by administration of AEOL10150, a potent catalytic antioxidant, 24h after radiation. This suggests that hypoxia-mediated signaling pathways may play a role in late radiation injury, but the exact mechanism remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in the temporal expression of hypoxia-associated genes in irradiated mouse lung and determine whether AEOL10150 alters expression of these genes. A focused oligo array was used to establish a hypoxia-associated gene expression signature for lung tissue from sham-irradiated or irradiated mice treated with or without AEOL10150. Results were further verified by RT-PCR. Forty-four genes associated with metabolism, cell growth, apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, and extracellular matrix synthesis were upregulated after radiation. Elevated expression of 31 of these genes was attenuated in animals treated with AEOL10150, suggesting that expression of a number of hypoxia-associated genes is regulated by early development of oxidative stress after radiation. Genes identified herein could provide insight into the role of hypoxic signaling in radiation lung injury, suggesting novel therapeutic targets, as well as clues to the mechanism by which AEOL10150 confers pulmonary radioprotection.  相似文献   

A differentiation resistant subclone of HL-60, DMSOr, was removed from the selective pressure of dimethyl sulfoxide and characterized with a new stable phenotype of reversible differentiation. DMSOr cells, when treated with 1.25% dimethyl sulfoxide, differentiated in a manner similar to the parental HL-60 with respect to morphological changes, increase in superoxide production, and withdrawal from cell cycle. Upon removal of the dimethyl sulfoxide at points normally associated with commitment to terminal differentiation, DMSOr reverted to the immature phenotype. This demonstrates an uncoupling of the morphological, functional, and antiproliferative effects of differentiation from commitment to terminal differentiation. Associated with the reversible phenotype of DMSOr was an altered expression of the c-myb oncogene. In HL-60, c-myb expression was down-regulated by 72 h and completely diminished by 144 h. Northern blot analysis of DMSOr demonstrated greater levels of expression of c-myb at 72 and 144 h. Similar results were shown with histone H4, cdc2 kinase, and, to a lesser extent, ornithine decarboxylase. The c-myb related gene B-myb did not show altered regulation during differentiation. The results suggest that altered expression of genes that control cell cycle may be critical for the reversible phenotype of DMSOr.  相似文献   

Retinoids are known to induce the differentiation and cell cycle arrest of human myeloid leukemia cells in vitro. Differential display was used to identify putative early regulatory genes that are differentially expressed in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells treated with retinoic acid. One of the cDNAs cloned encodes sequences identifying Burkitt's lymphoma receptor 1 (BLR1), a recently described chemokine receptor. Northern blot analysis demonstrates that blr1 mRNA expression increases within 9 h of retinoic acid treatment, well before functional differentiation or G(1)/G(0) growth arrest at 48 h or onset of morphological changes, suggesting a possible regulatory function. The expression of blr1 mRNA is transient, peaking at 72 h when cells are differentiated. blr1 mRNA also is induced by other differentiation-inducing agents, 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) and DMSO. Induction of blr1 mRNA by retinoic acid is not blocked by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. In HL-60 cells stably transfected with blr1 cDNA, ectopic expression of blr1 causes an increase in ERK2 MAPK activation and promotes retinoic acid-induced G(1)/G(0) growth arrest and cell differentiation. The early expression of blr1 mRNA during differentiation, its ability to increase ERK2 activation, and its enhancement of retinoic acid-induced differentiation suggest that blr1 expression may be involved in retinoic acid-induced HL-60 differentiation.  相似文献   

Under normal culture conditions, the tumor cell lines MPC-11 and HL-60 exhibit high rates of proliferation and show a peculiar expression of intermediate filament proteins as they appear to synthesize only lamin B. A 48-h exposure of murine plasmacytomas MPC-11 to the phorbol ester TPA reduces their growth and induces vimentin synthesis without affecting the composition of their nuclear lamina. When applied to human leukemic promyelocytes HL-60, such treatment promotes their maturation into macrophage-like cells: their proliferative ability is suppressed, a differentiated phenotype is developed, and their content in intermediate filament proteins now includes vimentin and a full complement of lamins A, B, and C. In the present study, a kinetic analysis of vimentin and lamin A/C expression in relation to proliferation and differentiation has been performed in these two cellular systems. Proliferation rates of MPC-11 and HL-60 populations were evaluated by monitoring cell growth and measuring thymidine incorporation. Maturation of HL-60 cells was assessed by Giemsa staining and percentage of adherent cells. Expression of vimentin and lamins A/C was analyzed using immunofluorescence and immunoblotting techniques. Our data show that there is a relationship between the level of vimentin expression and the extent of growth inhibition in both systems. They also suggest that the expression of lamins A/C during the TPA-induced maturation of HL-60 promyelocytes might be part of the processes which lock these cells into the macrophage pathway.  相似文献   

Griseofulvin (GF), an oral antifungal agent, has been shown to exert antitumorigenesis effect through G2/M cell cycle arrest in colon cancer cells. But the underlying mechanisms remained obscure. The purpose of this study is to test the cytotoxic effect of GF on HL-60 and HT-29 cells and elucidate its underlying molecular pathways. Dose-dependent and time-course studies by flow cytometry demonstrated that 30 to 60 microM GF significantly induced G2/M arrest and to a less extend, apoptosis, in HL-60 cells. In contrast, only G2/M arrest was observed in HT-29 cells under similar condition. Pretreatment of 30 microM TPCK, a serine protease inhibitor, completely reversed GF-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in HL-60 cells but not in HT-29 cells. The GF-induced G2/M arrest in HL-60 cells is reversible. Using EMSA and super-shift analysis, we demonstrated that GF stimulated NF-kappaB binding activity in HL-60 cells, which was completely inhibited by pretreatment of TPCK. Treatment of HL-60 with 30 microM GF activated JNK but not ERK or p38 MAPK and subsequently resulted in phosphorylation of Bcl-2. Pretreatment of TPCK to HL-60 cells blocked the GF-induced Bcl-2 phosphorylation but not JNK activation. Time course study demonstrated that activation of cdc-2 kinase activity by GF correlated with Bcl-2 phosphorylation. Taken together, our results suggest that activation of NF-kappaB pathway with cdc-2 activation and phosphorylation of Bcl-2 might be involved in G2/M cell cycle arrest in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the expression of IgA Fc receptors (FcR alpha) by human myeloid cells. By using a sensitive cytofluorometric IgA binding assay, we found that approximately 85% of peripheral blood monocytes bound IgA in an isotype-specific fashion. The HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cell line failed to express FcR alpha; however, treatment of HL-60 cells with the differentiating agent calcitriol induced the expression of FcR alpha on greater than 90% of these cells. Monocytes and calcitriol-treated HL-60 cells were capable of ingesting IgA-coated erythrocyte targets, suggesting that phagocytosis could be mediated through FcR alpha. The induced HL-60 cell system represents a useful model for further studies on FcR alpha expression and function.  相似文献   

The expression and activity of NADPH oxidase increase when HL‐60 cells are induced into terminally differentiated cells. However, the function of NADPH oxidase in differentiation is not well elucidated. With 150–500 μM H2O2 inducing differentiation of HL‐60 cells, we measured phagocytosis of latex beads and investigated cell electrophoresis. Two inhibitors of NADPH oxidase, DPI (diphenyleneiodonium) and APO (apocynin), blocked the differentiation potential of cells induced by 200 μM H2O2. However, H2O2 stimulated the generation of intracellular superoxide (O2 ? ?), which decreased in the presence of the two inhibitors. DPI also inhibited H2O2‐induced ERK (extracellular‐signal‐regulated kinase) activation, as detected by Western blotting. Furthermore, PD98059, the inhibitor of the ERK pathway, inhibited the differentiation of HL‐60 cells induced by H2O2. This shows that H2O2 can activate NADPH oxidase, leading to O2 ? ? production, followed by ERK activation and ultimately resulting in the differentiation of HL‐60 cells. The data indicate that NADPH oxidase is an important cell signal regulating cell differentiation.  相似文献   

In the HL-60 sublines that were isolated after a long-term continuous culture, abnormally stained or abnormally banded regions on chromosomes replaced extrachromosomal double minutes. The c-MYC gene is amplified in these structures. We followed the c-MYC gene loci during a consecutive passage by using FISH, and have found a large extrachromosomal element (LEE) that preexisted at the earliest passage in a very small fraction of cells. No chromosomal integration of c-MYC sequences was observed in up to 225 passages. The LEEs persistently evolved during culture and were not excluded from the nucleus. In the LEE-positive cells, the spontaneous differentiation was blocked and the granulocytic differentiation that was induced by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide was reversed by withdrawal of the drug. The c-MYC gene integration into LEEs is unlikely to lead to these phenotypes. The reversibility might be related to the reversible c-MYC down-regulation during the early phase of the drug treatment of HL-60 cells at early cell passages.  相似文献   

The role of proteasomes in ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent protein degradation was studied by analyzing lysates of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells by glycerol density gradient centrifugation. High succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide hydrolyzing activity was found in the 26S fraction, whereas the 20S fraction containing proteaomes had no activity. Addition of 0.05% sodium dodecylsulfate to the latter fraction, however, induced marked activity. The 26S, but not the 20S fraction catalyzed ATP-dependent degradation of [125I]lysozyme-Ub conjugate. Depletion from the lysate of ATP caused complete shift of the active 26S complex to the latent 20S form, whereas in the lysate prepared from ATP-depleted cells, ATP converted 20S proteasomes to 26S complexes. The immunoprecipitated 26S complexes were found to consist of proteasomes and 13-15 other proteins ranging in size from 35 to 110 kDa. We conclude that in the lysate, latent proteasomes undergo reversible, ATP-dependent association with multiple protein components to form 26S complexes that catalyze ATP-dependent degradation of Ub-protein conjugates.  相似文献   

The ability to generate reactive oxidative intermediates is one of the quintessential properties of mature human neutrophils. Endogenously generated oxidants have been shown to be an important mechanism underlying neutrophil cell death. In acute lung inflammation, newly recruited neutrophils further encounter external oxidants, including reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates. In our present study, we showed that A1, a constitutive and inducible Bcl-2 homologue expressed in mature circulating human neutrophils, might confer the protection from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)- and peroxynitrite (ONOO)-induced cell death. Utilizing the myeloid precursor cell line, HL-60, we further examined the hypothesis that A1 was capable of conferring cytoprotective activity against these oxidative stresses. Whereas the control-transfected HL-60 cells expressed small amounts of A1 and were sensitive to the biologically relevant, cell death-inducing oxidants, H2O2 and ONOO, the stable transfectants that overexpressed A1 were significantly more tolerant. Furthermore, there was a correlation between the level of A1 expression and the anti-apoptotic activity. Thus, our results suggest a cytoprotective role of A1 in mature human neutrophils under oxidant stresses in host defense and inflammation.  相似文献   

The Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is a disease associated with mutations in the WAS gene and characterised by developmental defects in haematopoietic cells such as myeloid cells. The Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASP)-family includes Scar1 and WASP, which are key regulators of actin reorganization in motile cells. To understand the roles of Scar1 and WASP in myeloid cells and their cytoskeletal control in haematopoietic tissues, we have explored their expression during differentiation of the promyeloid cell line HL-60. Undifferentiated HL-60 cells expressed Scar1 and WASP, and differentiation to neutrophils, induced by retinoic acid or non-retinoid agent treatments, led to a decrease in the level of expression of Scar1, whereas WASP expression was unaffected. Differentiation to monocytes/macrophages, induced by phorbol ester treatment, resulted in a decreased expression of both proteins in the adherent mature cells. Vitamin D(3) treatment or cytochalasin D in combination with PMA treatment did not affect WASP expression suggesting that adhesion and cytoskeletal integrity were both essential to regulate WASP expression. Scar1 expression was regulated by differentiation, adhesion, and cytoskeletal integrity. Recently, WASP was found to colocalize with actin in the podosomes. In contrast, we show here that Scar1 did not localize with the podosomes in mature monocytes/macrophages. These observations show for the first time that modulation of Scar1 and WASP expression is a component of the differentiation program of myeloid precursors and indicate that WASP and Scar1 have different roles in mature myeloid cells.  相似文献   

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