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Speciation often involves the evolution of numerous prezygotic and postzygotic isolating barriers between divergent populations. Detailed knowledge of the strength and nature of those barriers provides insight into ecological and genetic factors that directly or indirectly influenced their origin, and may help predict whether they will be maintained in the face of sympatric hybridization and introgression. We estimated the magnitude of pre- and postzygotic barriers between naturally occurring sympatric populations of Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. Prezygotic barriers, including divergent flowering phenologies, differential pollen production, mating system isolation, and conspecific pollen precedence, act asymmetrically to completely prevent the formation of F(1) hybrids among seeds produced by M. guttatus (F(1)g), and reduce F(1) hybrid production among seeds produced by M. nasutus (F(1)n) to only about 1%. Postzygotic isolation is also asymmetric: in field experiments, F(1)g but not F(1)n hybrids had significantly reduced germination rates and survivorship compared to parental species. Both hybrid classes had flower, pollen, and seed production values within the range of parental values. Despite the moderate degree of F(1)g hybrid inviability, postzygotic isolation contributes very little to the total isolation between these species in the wild. We also found that F(1) hybrid flowering phenology overlapped more with M. guttatus than M. nasutus. These results, taken together, suggest greater potential for introgression from M. nasutus to M. guttatus than for the reverse direction. We also address problems with commonly used indices of isolation, discuss difficulties in calculating meaningful measures of reproductive isolation when barriers are asymmetric, and propose novel measures of prezygotic isolation that are consistent with postzygotic measures.  相似文献   

In Mimulus guttatus, copper tolerance is determined largely by a single gene and is expressed in both the sporophyte and microgametophyte. This study explores the extent to which selection during pollen formation affects copper tolerance in the sporophytic generation. Two sets of plants heterozygous for copper tolerance, produced by reciprocal crosses between different copper-tolerant or sensitive families, and the plant on which the original observations were based, were cloned and grown in control or copper-supplemented solutions. Pollen viability and the number of tolerant progeny produced in backcrosses to sensitive plants were compared. In addition, the effect of copper treatment on pollen viability in vitro was compared for plants tolerant, sensitive and heterozygous for copper tolerance. The extent to which in vitro pollen viability decreased in response to copper treatment corresponded to the copper tolerance of the pollen source. When grown with added copper, four of the five plants showed significant reductions in pollen viability, ranging from 18% to 48% of control values. The reductions in pollen viability were correlated with an increase in tolerant progeny (r= 0.679, p=0.004). Increases in tolerant progeny could be large, ranging from 119% to 170% of that of controls, but were usually smaller than was predicted from the reductions in viable pollen. In addition, plants derived from reciprocal crosses differed significantly in the extent to which pollen viability was decreased and sporophytic tolerance increased. Thus, while selection during pollen formation could increase sporophytic tolerance, sporophytic factors, perhaps including cytoplasmic or epigenetic ones, moderated the effectiveness of pollen selection for copper tolerance.  相似文献   

N. J. Robinson  D. A. Thurman 《Planta》1986,169(2):192-197
A Cu-complex was isolated from the roots of copper-tolerant Mimulus guttatus. The elution volume of the complex determined by gel permeation chromatography was similar to that of rat-liver cadmium thionein. The complex was heat stable, had a relatively high ratio of absorbance at 254 nm: 280 nm and incorporated 35S. The complex, purified using a combination of gel permeation chromatography and anion-exchange chromatography, contained more glutamine/glutamic acid and glycine residues than mammalian metallothioneins. The amount of the complex in roots increased after 5 h growth in a solution containing 16 M Cu. Induction was preceded by an increase in the concentrations in root tissue of unknown compounds containing sulphur which may serve as precursors. The availability of these compounds appeared to regulate the rate of synthesis of this Cu-complex.Abbreviations CuBP copper-binding protein - HPLC highperformance liquid chromatography - MT metallothionein - Th thionein - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)1-3-propanediol  相似文献   

We examined the effect of self- and cross-pollination on germination success, flowering probability, pollen and ovule production, survivorship, and adult aboveground biomass in two species of Mimulus with contrasting mating systems: the highly seifing M. micranthus and an outcrossing population of M. guttatus. Cross-pollinations were performed both within and between populations in order to examine the scale at which the genetic load is distributed. We found significant inbreeding depression in M. guttatus in four of the six traits, with the highest inbreeding depression observed in biomass (68% and 69% based on within- and between-population crosses, respectively) and lowest in ovule production (21% based on between-population crosses only). M. micranthus displayed significant inbreeding depression in only two of the six traits examined. Again, we observed the highest inbreeding depression in biomass (47–60% based on within- and between-population crosses, respectively), but both traits showing significant differences between self and outcross progeny expressed lower inbreeding depression than in M. guttatus. We detected no significant inbreeding depression for either pollen or ovule production in M. micranthus. An estimate of total inbreeding depression based on the multiplicative effects of all traits was also lower in M. micanthus than∗∗∗ in M. guttatus. Our results are consistent with the expected purging of genetic load in populations with high selfing rates. The absence of inbreeding depression in M. micranthus pollen and ovule production, two traits with strong links to fitness in a selfing annual, further suggests the important role of directional selection in determining the population's genetic load. Comparison of cross-pollinations made within and between populations revealed little evidence of divergence of genetic load among the M. micranthus and M. guttatus populations examined.  相似文献   

Tilstone  G.H.  Macnair  M.R. 《Plant and Soil》1997,191(2):173-180
Previous work on M. guttatus suggested that nickel tolerance in copper mine populations may also be given by the genes for copper tolerance. It has been shown that copper tolerance in M. guttatus is controlled by a single major gene, plus a number of minor genes (or modifiers) which elevate copper tolerance. Crosses between nickel tolerant individuals from three families and non - tolerants showed that nickel tolerance in M. guttatus is heritable. In order to study the effects of the major copper tolerance gene on copper - nickel co - tolerance in M. guttatus, homozygous copper tolerant and non - tolerant lines were screened against nickel. Significant differences occur between these lines for copper, but were not found when analysed for nickel, indicating that copper - nickel tolerance is not governed by the major gene for copper tolerance. To test whether the minor genes for copper have a pleiotropic effect on nickel tolerance, five selection lines derived from three copper mines (Copperopolis, Penn and Quail) in Calaveras county, California, which vary in degree of tolerance to copper, by the presence or absence of minor copper genes, were also screened against nickel. Two out of three of the lines from Copperopolis showed elevated tolerance to nickel, but two further selection lines derived from Penn and Quail copper mines gave no indication of increased nickel tolerance. These results suggest that the minor genes for copper do not give tolerance to nickel. This was confirmed by the screening of modifier lines, in which modifiers for differing degrees of copper tolerance were inserted into a non - tolerant background. Genotypes possessing fewer copper modifiers yielded higher nickel tolerance than those genotypes which have a greater number of modifiers. Thus nickel tolerance in this species is heritable and under the control of different genes to those producing copper tolerance.  相似文献   

A new species, Achetaria latifolia V.C.Souza, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its broadly ovate leaves, indument of stems and leaves of noncapitate hairs, and pubescent capsule. Achetaria latifolia is known only in the coastal dune-area of Cabo Frio region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 73–75.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf energy balance and gas-exchange characteristics were studied in Mimulus cardinalis at 400 m and Mimulus lewisii at 2,700 m in the Sierra Nevada of central California. In contrast to previous observations, leaf temperatures were not near 30° C at air temperatures from 20 to 40° C but were coupled quite closely to air temperature. Stomatal conductance in both species decreased in response to increases in the water vapor concentration gradient, a response opposite that required to establish 30°C leaf temperatures over a wide range of air temperatures. The temperature optima for photosynthesis were broad in both species but 5° C higher for M. cardinalis than for M. lewisii. The direct or indirect effects of altitude did not contribute significantly to the maintenance of constant leaf temperatures. For both species, maintaining constant leaf temperatures appears to be less important than avoiding inhibitory water stress or diffusion limitation of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Differential adaptation to local environmental conditions is thought to be an important driver of speciation. Plants, whose sedentary lifestyle necessitates fine‐tuned adaptation to edaphic conditions such as water availability, are often distributed based on these conditions. Populations occupying water‐limited habitats may employ a variety of strategies, involving numerous phenotypes, to prevent and withstand desiccation. In sympatry, two closely related Mimulus species—M. guttatus and M. nasutus—occupy distinct microhabitats that differ in seasonal water availability. In a common garden experiment, we characterized natural variation within and between sympatric M. guttatus and M. nasutus in the ability to successfully set seed under well‐watered and drought conditions. We also measured key phenotypes for drought adaptation, including developmental timing, plant size, flower size, and stomatal density. Consistent with their microhabitat associations in nature, M. nasutus set seed much more successfully than M. guttatus under water‐limited conditions. This divergence in reproductive output under drought was due to differences in mortality after the onset of flowering, with M. nasutus surviving at a much higher rate than M. guttatus. Higher seed set in M. nasutus was mediated, at least in part, by a plastic increase in the rate of late‐stage development (i.e., fruit maturation), consistent with the ability of this species to inhabit more ephemeral habitats in the field. Our results suggest adaptation to water availability may be an important factor in species maintenance of these Mimulus taxa in sympatry.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusSanicula (sect.Sanicoria) endemic to the southern Sierra Juárez of Baja California, Mexico, is described and illustrated.Sanicula moranii resemblesS. deserticola andS. bipinnatifida, but has thicker basal leaves, with broader petioles and rachises, and shorter fruit prickles that are confined to the apical part of the mericarps. The taxonomic relationships of these species are discussed, along with aspects of their distribution and habitat.
Resumen  Una neuva especie del géneroSanicula (secciónSanicoria) endémica de la Sierra Juárez de Baja California, México, es descrita e ilustrada.Sanicula moranii presenta similitud conS. deserticola yS. bipinnatifida, no obstante tiene gruesas hojas basales con pecíolos y raquis anchos, y espínulas del fruto más cortas que se distribuyen únicamente en la parte apical de los mericarpos. Además, se comentan las relaciones taxonómicas de las tres especies, así como algunos aspectos de sus distribuciones y hábitats.

Understanding the process by which hybrid incompatibility alleles become established in natural populations remains a major challenge to evolutionary biology. Previously, we discovered a two-locus Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility that causes severe hybrid male sterility between two inbred lines of the incompletely isolated wildflower species, Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. An interspecific cross between these two inbred lines revealed that the M. guttatus (IM62) allele at hybrid male sterility 1 (hms1) acts dominantly in combination with recessive M. nasutus (SF5) alleles at hybrid male sterility 2 (hms2) to cause nearly complete hybrid male sterility. In this report, we extend these genetic analyses to investigate intraspecific variation for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility in natural populations of M. nasutus and M. guttatus, performing a series of interspecific crosses between individuals collected from a variety of geographic locales. Our results suggest that hms2 incompatibility alleles are common and geographically widespread within M. nasutus, but absent or rare in M. guttatus. In contrast, the hms1 locus is polymorphic within M. guttatus and the incompatibility allele appears to be extremely geographically restricted. We found evidence for the presence of the hms1 incompatibility allele in only two M. guttatus populations that exist within a few kilometers of each other. The restricted distribution of the hms1 incompatibility allele might currently limit the potential for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility to act as a species barrier between sympatric populations of M. guttatus and M. nasutus. Extensive sampling within a single M. guttatus population revealed that the hms1 locus is polymorphic and that the incompatibility allele appears to segregate at intermediate frequency, a pattern that is consistent with either genetic drift or natural selection.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence due to habitat differences is thought to play a major role in formation of new species. However it is rarely clear the extent to which individual reproductive isolating barriers related to habitat differentiation contribute to total isolation. Furthermore, it is often difficult to determine the specific environmental variables that drive the evolution of those ecological barriers, and the geographic scale at which habitat-mediated speciation occurs. Here, we address these questions through an analysis of the population structure and reproductive isolation between coastal perennial and inland annual forms of the yellow monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus. We found substantial morphological and molecular genetic divergence among populations derived from coast and inland habitats. Reciprocal transplant experiments revealed nearly complete reproductive isolation between coast and inland populations mediated by selection against immigrants and flowering time differences, but not postzygotic isolation. Our results suggest that selection against immigrants is a function of adaptations to seasonal drought in inland habitat and to year round soil moisture and salt spray in coastal habitat. We conclude that the coast and inland populations collectively comprise distinct ecological races. Overall, this study suggests that adaptations to widespread habitats can lead to the formation of reproductively isolated species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology is in an exciting era, in which powerful genomic tools make the answers accessible to long‐standing questions about variation, adaptation and speciation. The availability of a suite of genomic resources, a shared knowledge base and a long history of study have made the phenotypically diverse plant genus Mimulus an important system for understanding ecological and evolutionary processes. An international Mimulus Research Meeting was held at Duke University in June 2014 to discuss developments in ecological and evolutionary genetic studies in Mimulus. Here, we report major recent discoveries presented at the meeting that use genomic approaches to advance our understanding of three major themes: the parallel genetic basis of adaptation; the ecological genomics of speciation; and the evolutionary significance of structural genetic variation. We also suggest future research directions for studies of Mimulus and highlight challenges faced when developing new ecological and evolutionary model systems.  相似文献   

The evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-fertilization has far-reaching implications for patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity and the potential for speciation. Using DNA sequence variation at two nuclear loci, we examined the divergence history of two closely related species of Mimulus. To investigate the effects of mating system and introgressive hybridization on the outcrossing M. guttatus and the selfing M. nasutus, we inspected nucleotide diversity within and between natural populations spanning the species' geographic ranges. High sequence similarity among populations of the selfing M. nasutus points to a single evolutionary origin for the species. Consistent with their distinct mating systems, all genetic variation in M. nasutus is distributed among populations, whereas M. guttatus exhibits appreciable levels of nucleotide diversity within populations. Silent genetic diversity is extensive in M. guttatus (mean theta(sil)/site = 0.077) and greatly exceeds the predicted twofold elevation in neutral variation for outcrossers relative to selfers. The finding of several M. guttatus sequences that share complete identity with sequences from M. nasutus suggests that recent asymmetric introgression may have occurred. We argue that exceptionally high nucleotide diversity in M. guttatus is consistent with a long-term history of directional introgression from M. nasutus to M. guttatus throughout the divergence of these two species.  相似文献   

Copper is ubiquitous as a biocide component in wood preservatives. Some fungi detoxify copper by immobilizing copper ions with oxalate, decreasing its physiological availability (bioavailability). Decreases in copper bioavailability may also occur during wood treatment. To date, however, copper retention in wood has been measured as overall weight-to-volume concentration without an estimate of its bioavailability and without assessment of its relative contribution to preservative efficacy. Here, we gauge the bioavailability of copper ions in treated wood by using oxalate to pre-treat wood prior to colonization by a moderately copper-tolerant fungus. Copper-treated wood was treated with a gradient of sodium oxalate concentrations, rinsed thoroughly, and exposed in soil-block jars to an isolate of Serpula himantioides. Wood treated with copper ethanolamine was extremely effective in preventing decay by S. himantioides, but toxicity could repeatedly be overcome above a threshold level of oxalate pretreatment. In agar plates, copper-treated wood stimulated oxalate production by S. himantioides, but levels were less than those needed (>10 mM) to overcome copper in soil-block jars. This capacity to overcome copper using an oxalate pretreatment was absent in commercially available samples treated with co-biocide(s). Results demonstrate a useful relative measure of copper bioavailability, with potential to be modified for specific quantification.  相似文献   

Here we report our characterization of a widespread, highly selfing Mimulus allotetraploid formed by interspecific hybridization between M. nasutus and M. guttatus. Nucleotide variation at two nuclear loci (mCYCA and mAP3) within and among tetraploid populations resolves two haplotype clusters for each locus: one shares near identity with sequences from M. nasutus and the other group shares substantial variation with M. guttatus. With respect to the two loci studied, each allotetraploid individual is a 'fixed heterozygote' carrying sequences from both clusters. Moreover, mCYCA variation is consistent with at least two evolutionary origins for the Mimulus allotetraploid. We show that the allotetraploid is strongly reproductively isolated from M. nasutus and M. guttatus; interploidy crosses produce almost no viable seeds. By extension, we infer strong triploid block and argue that Mimulus allotetraploid formation might proceed in one step via the union of unreduced gametes in an M. nasutus-M. guttatus F(1) hybrid. We also discuss the potential roles of mating system and flowering asynchrony in allotetraploid establishment.  相似文献   

Populations of endemic Croatian dace were found to belong to two different species, one of which is first described in this study. Telestes karsticus sp. nov. differed morphologically from Telestes polylepis in the total count of lateral line scales, number of gill rakers and the shape of the posterior margin of the anal fin. Morphological differences were corroborated with mtDNA analyses (with p-distance between T. polylepis and T. karsticus sp. nov. ranging between 3·2 and 4·1%; and the number of substitutions between 37 and 47). The newly described species is geographically very localized. It has been recorded from only four localities around Velika Kapela and Mala Kapela mountains in Croatia.  相似文献   

A new species,Eupatorium correlliorum, is described from Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, where it is apparently endemic.  相似文献   

1. It is frequently asserted that the adaptation of metal tolerance involves a cost, i.e. tolerant individuals have a lowered fitness on uncontaminated soil. To date, however, evidence for a cost has been highly circumstantial. One well-known example of metal tolerance, copper tolerance in Mimulus guttatus, is used in this paper to search for a cost.
2. The absence of highly tolerant plants in the field, despite the ability to select, rapidly and artificially, for extreme levels of tolerance, indicates that strong selection against extreme tolerance occurs in this species.
3. Negative genetic correlations between plants selected for increased degree of tolerance and other fitness traits were sought to test the trade-off hypothesis that energy/resources needed to manifest tolerance are diverted away from other essential traits.
4. The case for using replicated selection lines when using this methodology to demonstrate a cost is put forward. It is argued that replication is required to show unambiguously that any correlations found result from the pleiotropic effects of the gene(s) that govern the adaptation and not the consequence of linkage disequilibrium.
5. No clear evidence to support the trade-off hypothesis was found.  相似文献   

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