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Two filamentous phage gene products are required for the replication of phage DNA. One of these, the gene II protein, is a site-specific endonuclease required for all phage-specific DNA synthesis. The other, the gene V protein, is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein required only for single-strand synthesis. Purified gene V protein, when added to an in vitro protein synthesizing system programmed by f1 DNA, specifically inhibits the synthesis of gene II protein. Inhibition seems to be translational, since synthesis of gene II protein from an RNA template is also inhibited by gene V protein. Gene V protein control of gene II expression can account for the regulation of the level of expression of the filamentous phage genome.  相似文献   

The origin of DNA replication of bacteriophage f1 functions as a signal, not only for initiation of viral strand synthesis, but also for its termination. Viral (plus) strand synthesis initiates and terminates at a specific site (plus origin) that is recognized and nicked by the viral gene II protein. Mutational analysis of the 5' side (upstream) of the origin of plus strand replication of phage f1 led us to postulate the existence of a set of overlapping functional domains. These included ones for strand nicking, and initiation and termination of DNA synthesis. Mutational analysis of the 3' side (downstream) of the origin has verified the existence of these domains and determined their extent. The results indicate that the f1 "functional origin" can be divided into two domains: (1) a "core region", about 40 nucleotides long, that is absolutely required for plus strand synthesis and contains three distinct but partially overlapping signals, (a) the gene II protein recognition sequence, which is necessary both for plus strand initiation and termination, (b) the termination signal, which extends for eight more nucleotides on the 5' side of the gene II protein recognition sequence, (c) the initiation signal that extends for about ten more nucleotides on the 3' side of the gene II protein recognition sequence; (2) a "secondary region", 100 nucleotides long, required exclusively for plus strand initiation. Disruption of the secondary region does not completely abolish the functionality of the f1 origin but does drastically reduce it (1% residual biological activity). We discuss a possible explanation of the fact that this region can be interrupted (e.g. f1, M13 cloning vectors) by large insertions of foreign DNA without significantly affecting replication.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of the f1 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (gene V protein) to DNA oligonucleotides and RNA synthesized in vitro. The first 16 nucleotides of the f1 gene II mRNA leader sequence were previously identified as the gene II RNA-operator; the target to which the gene V protein binds to repress gene II translation. Using a gel retardation assay, we find that the preferential binding of gene V protein to an RNA carrying the gene II RNA-operator sequence is affected by mutations which abolish gene II translational repression in vivo. In vitro, gene V protein also binds preferentially to a DNA oligonucleotide whose sequence is the DNA analog of the wild-type gene II RNA-operator. Therefore, the gene V protein recognizes the gene II mRNA operator sequence when present in either an RNA or DNA context.  相似文献   

Filamentous phage gene V, which encodes a single-stranded DNA binding protein, has been cloned and placed under control of the lac promoter. Cells bearing the clone are refractory to filamentous phage infection if the expression of the gene is induced with isopropyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactoside. The inhibition of infection is shown to occur at an early stage, and can be reversed if the cells express gene II in addition to gene V protein. These observations support the hypothesis that gene II protein, in addition to its role in nicking and facilitating the synthesis of phage viral (+) strand DNA, functions to prevent the gene V-mediated inhibition of complementary (-) strand synthesis. We proposed a model in which the absolute and relative concentrations of the products of genes II, X and V determine whether a single strand is to be exported as phage or incorporated into double-stranded replicative form DNA.  相似文献   

The gene II region of bacteriophage f1 DNA codes for two proteins, the 46 kd gene II protein and the 13 kd gene X protein, which results from an in-phase start at codon 300 of gene II. Using antigens II protein IgG, we show that the intracellular concentration of both proteins is controlled by the phage gene V protein. In wild-type f1-infected cells, the amount of gene II protein reaches a plateau of about 1500 molecules per cell at 20 min after infection, as measured by blot immunoassay. Similarly, the amount of gene X protein reaches a peak of about 500 molecules per cell around 10 min after infection. In contrast, when the gene V protein is inactive, both gene II and gene X proteins continue to accumulate at a high rate for at least 40 min after infection. This difference is caused by decreased synthesis of gene II and gene X proteins in the presence of gene V protein, which represses the translation of these two proteins.  相似文献   

The replication initiator protein of bacteriophage f1 (gene II protein) binds to the phage origin and forms two complexes that are separable by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Complex I is formed at low gene II protein concentrations, and shows protection from DNase I of about 25 base-pairs (from position +2 to +28 relative to the nicking site) at the center of the minimal origin sequence. Complex II is produced at higher concentrations of the protein, and has about 40 base-pairs (from -7 to +33) protected. On the basis of gel mobility, complex II appears to contain twice the amount of gene II protein as does complex I. The 40 base-pair sequence protected in complex II corresponds to the minimal origin sequence as determined by in-vivo analyses. The central 15 base-pair sequence (from +6 to +20) of the minimal origin consists of two repeats in inverted orientation. This sequence, when cloned into a plasmid, can form complex I, but not complex II. We call this 15 base-pair element the core binding sequence for gene II protein. Methylation interference with the formation of complex I by the wild-type origin indicates that gene II protein contacts six guanine residues located in a symmetric configuration within the core binding sequence. Formation of complex II requires, in addition to the core binding sequence, the adjacent ten base-pair sequence on the right containing a third homologous repeat. A methylation interference experiment performed on complex II indicates that gene II protein interacts homologously with the three repeats. In complex II, gene II protein protects from DNase I digestion not only ten base-pairs on the right but also ten base-pairs on the left of the sequence that is protected in complex I. Footprint analyses of various deletion mutants indicate that the left-most ten base-pairs are protected regardless of their sequence. The site of nicking by gene II protein is located within this region. A model is presented for the binding reaction involving both protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Gene II protein is required for all phases of filamentous phage DNA synthesis other than the conversion of the infecting single strand to the parental double-stranded molecule. It introduces a specific nick into the double-stranded replicative form DNA, is required for the initiation of (+) strand synthesis and is responsible for termination and ring closure of the (+) strand product. Here we show that the gene II protein also promotes minus strand synthesis later in infection. Over-expression of gene II protein can induce the conversion of all nascent single-stranded phage DNA to the double-stranded form, even in the presence of the single-stranded DNA-binding gene V protein that would normally sequester the newly synthesized single strands. We also present evidence that the gene X protein (separately translated from an initiator codon within gene II, and identical to the C-terminal one-third of the gene II protein) is a powerful inhibitor of phage-specific DNA synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

The interaction between DNA and the structural protein IV of bacteriophage PM2 was studied by co-sedimentation, filter binding and electron microscopy. The co-sedimentation data and the sigmoid-shaped filter binding curve were interpreted in terms of co-operative binding. At a given DNA/protein input ratio, some DNA molecules were associated with a large amount of protein IV while others had no detectable protein bound to them. Electron microscopic examination of DNA-protein IV mixtures showed highly condensed DNA molecules alongside uncomplexed native DNA. Dissociation experiments revealed the presence of two types of complexes. Type I dissociated rapidly while type II had a long half-life. Dissociation of complexes obtained with increasing protein/DNA ratios suggested that the type I complex was a precursor of type II complex. Protein IV binds equally well to superhelical, relaxed or linear DNA as well as to single-stranded DNA. These observations lead to a model for the interaction and for the consequent alterations in the DNA structure.  相似文献   

Reversible denaturation of the gene V protein of bacteriophage f1   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H Liang  T C Terwilliger 《Biochemistry》1991,30(11):2772-2782
The guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl)-induced denaturation of the gene V protein of bacteriophage f1 has been studied, using the chemical reactivity of a cysteine residue that is buried in the folded protein and the circular dichroism (CD) at 211 and 229 nm as measures of the fraction of polypeptide chains in the folded form. It is found that this dimeric protein unfolds in a single cooperative transition from a folded dimer to two unfolded monomers. A folded, monomeric form of the gene V protein was not detected at equilibrium. The kinetics of unfolding of the gene V protein in 3 M GuHCl and the refolding in 2 M GuHCl are also consistent with a transition between a folded dimer and two unfolded monomers. The GuHCl concentration dependence of the rates of folding and unfolding suggests that the transition state for folding is near the folded conformation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the O gene in bacteriophage lambda DNA is presented. According to two possible initiator codons, the primary structure of the O protein deduced from the DNA sequence consists of 278 or 299 amino acid residues. Structure and function of the O protein--one of the two phage initiator proteins for lambda DNA replication--are discussed in the light of a secondary structure model for the O protein. The central part of the O gene contains a cluster of symmetrical sequences extending over 160 base pairs. The point mutation of the cis-dominant replication mutant ti12 is located in this region.  相似文献   

SPP1-encoded replication and recombination proteins, involved in the early steps of the initiation of concatemeric DNA synthesis, have been analyzed. Dimeric G34.1P exonuclease degrades, with a 5' to 3' polarity and in a Mg2+-dependent reaction, preferentially linear double-stranded (ds) DNA rather than single-stranded (ss) DNA. Binding of the replisome organizer, G38P, to its cognate sites (oriDNA) halts the 5' to 3' exonucleolytic activity of G34.1P on dsDNA. The G35P recombinase increases the affinity of G34.1P for dsDNA, and stimulates G34.1P activity on dsDNA, but not on ssDNA. Then, filamented G35P promotes limited strand exchange with a homologous sequence. The ssDNA binding protein, G36P, protects ssDNA from the G34.1P exonuclease activity and stimulates G35P-catalyzed strand exchange. The data presented suggest a model for the role of G34.1P during initiation of sigma replication: G38P bound to oriDNA might halt replication fork progression, and G35P, G34.1P and G36P in concert might lead to the re-establishment of a unidirectional recombination-dependent replication that accounts for the direction of DNA packaging.  相似文献   

A dense complex has been isolated from bacteria infected with gene V amber mutant f 1 bacteriophage. The major protein in this complex is the f 1 bacteriophage-specific gene II protein. Other proteins in the complex include the f 1 bacteriophage coat protein and proteins which migrate on sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with the f1 bacteriophage-specific gene III, gene IV and X protein. A protein of approximately 20,000 Mr is also present in the complex. Examination of bacteria infected with gene V mutant f1 bacteriophage revealed the complex as a densely staining amorphous body which appears to be associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. Bacteria infected with f1 bacteriophage that contain amber mutations in genes other than gene V do not contain this complex.  相似文献   

The gene 45 protein from bacteriophage T4 has been purified and is crystallized. This protein is part of the T4 DNA replication complex. The crystallized protein is active in complementation assays. X-ray diffraction analysis is in progress; data are measured for the native and several heavy atom derivatives. The crystals diffract to about 3.5-A resolution.  相似文献   

The in vivo function of the gene 2 protein of bacteriophage T7 has been examined. The gene 2 protein appears to modulate the activity of the gene 3 endonuclease in order to prevent the premature degradation of any newly-formed DNA concatemers. This modulation is not however a direct interacton between the two proteins. In single-burst experiments rifamycin can substitute for the gene 2 protein, allowing formation of fast-sedimenting replicative DNA intermediates and progeny phage production. This suggests that the sole function of the gene 2 protein is inhibition of the host RNA polymerase and that the latter enzyme directs or promotes the endonucleolytic action of the gene 3 protein.  相似文献   

The fluorescence method was used to reveal some differences in the interaction of gene 5 protein of phage f1 with single- and double-stranded polynucleotides (DNA). The binding with the duplexes is non-cooperative and the Kapp is twice lower than that for the cooperative formation of the complex with single-stranded structures. In the complex with a double-stranded polynucleotide (DNA) the protein cover 3 nucleotide pairs. The complex dissociates with a lower concentration of salt and the contribution of the energy of nonelectrostatic interactions to the total energy of complex formation for it is lower than for the complex with single-stranded DNA. In the complex of protein with single-stranded structure the fluorescence of the tyrosine (Tyr) residues is quenched to a greater degree and their accessibility to the external quencher is lower than that of the complex with double-stranded polynucleotides (DNA). The suggestion is made that in destabilization of nucleic double helices by gene 5 protein of phage f1, a great role belongs to Tyr residues because of their high affinity to single-stranded structures and because of their different localization in the complexes with single- and double-stranded polynucleotides.  相似文献   

The replication initiator protein RepA of the IncB plasmid pMU720 was purified and used in DNase I protection assays in vitro. RepA protected a 68-bp region of the origin of replication of pMU720. This region, which lies immediately downstream of the DnaA box, contains four copies of the sequence motif 5'AANCNGCAA3'. Mutational analyses identified this sequence as the binding site specifically recognized by RepA (the RepA box). Binding of RepA to the RepA boxes was ordered and sequential, with the box closest to the DnaA binding site (box 1) occupied first and the most distant boxes (boxes 3 and 4) occupied last. However, only boxes 1, 2, and 4 were essential for origin activity, with box 3 playing a lesser role. Changing the spacing between box 1 and the other three boxes affected binding of RepA in vitro and origin activity in vivo, indicating that the RepA molecules bound to ori(B) interact with one another.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage sk1 is a small isometric-headed lytic phage belonging to the 936 species. It infects Lactococcus lactis , a commonly used dairy starter organism. Nucleotide sequence data analysis indicated that the sk1 genome is 28 451 nucleotides long and contains 54 open reading frames (ORFs) of 30 or more codons, interspersed with three large intergenic regions. The nucleotide sequence of several of the sk1 ORFs demonstrated significant levels of identity to genes (many encoding proteins of unknown function) in other lactococcal phages of both small isometric-headed and prolate-headed morphotype. Based on this identity and predicted peptide structures, sk1 genes for the terminase, major structural protein and DNA polymerase have been putatively identified. Genes encoding holin and lysin were also identified, subcloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector, and their function demonstrated in vivo . The sk1 origin of replication was located by identifying sk1 DNA fragments able to support the maintenance in L. lactis of a plasmid lacking a functional Gram-positive ori . The minimal fragment conferring replication origin function contained a number of direct repeats and 179 codons of ORF47. Although no similarity between phage sk1 and coliphage λ at the nucleotide or amino acid sequence level was observed, an alignment of the sk1 late region ORFs with the λ structural and packaging genes revealed a striking correspondence in both ORF length and isoelectric point of the ORF product. It is proposed that this correspondence is indicative of a strong conservation in gene order within these otherwise unrelated isometric-headed phages that can be used to predict the functions of the sk1 gene products.  相似文献   

The human RIF1 protein controls DNA replication, but the molecular mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that human RIF1 negatively regulates DNA replication by forming a complex with protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) that limits phosphorylation‐mediated activation of the MCM replicative helicase. We identify specific residues on four MCM helicase subunits that show hyperphosphorylation upon RIF1 depletion, with the regulatory N‐terminal domain of MCM4 being particularly strongly affected. In addition to this role in limiting origin activation, we discover an unexpected new role for human RIF1‐PP1 in mediating efficient origin licensing. Specifically, during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, RIF1‐PP1 protects the origin‐binding ORC1 protein from untimely phosphorylation and consequent degradation by the proteasome. Depletion of RIF1 or inhibition of PP1 destabilizes ORC1, thereby reducing origin licensing. Consistent with reduced origin licensing, RIF1‐depleted cells exhibit increased spacing between active origins. Human RIF1 therefore acts as a PP1‐targeting subunit that regulates DNA replication positively by stimulating the origin licensing step, and then negatively by counteracting replication origin activation.  相似文献   

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