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栖息地质量对两种网蛱蝶集合种群结构和分布的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在河北省赤城县研究了栖息地质量对大网蛱蝶Melitaea phoebe和金堇蛱蝶Euphydryas aurinia两种网蛱蝶集合种群结构和分布的影响。这两种网蛱蝶在约10 km2的区域内共存,成虫期的蜜源植物几乎相同,大网蛱蝶的发生峰期比金堇蛱蝶晚约一个月,两者只有不到一周左右的时间重叠。大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶幼虫的寄主植物分别是: 祁州漏芦(菊科)和华北蓝盆花(川续断科)。蜜源植物的丰度与两种网蛱蝶的局域种群大小呈正相关;祁州漏芦的密度对大网蛱蝶的局域种群大小影响很大,金堇蛱蝶的局域种群大小则与其寄主植物华北蓝盆花的高度正相关;斑块内平均植被高度与两种网蛱蝶的局域种群大小均呈正相关,植物多样性、植物均匀性和植被盖度均与金堇蛱蝶的局域种群大小负相关,与大网蛱蝶的关系不大。同时分析了其他因子如斑块的坡向、坡度等的影响。主要结论是:1)幼虫寄主植物的不同和成蝶飞行峰期的分离允许两种网蛱蝶在这样一个小的斑块区域内共存;2)蜜源是重要的限制因子,并且受气候随机性的影响很大,蜜源的波动可以很好地解释网蛱蝶集合种群在年度间的动态变化;3)大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶的飞行、食物搜寻能力的不同以及各自寄主植物的生物学特性、空间分布的不同决定了它们具有不同的集合种群结构: 金堇蛱蝶是经典的集合种群,大网蛱蝶是源-汇集合种群;4)斑块质量和昆虫行为共同决定了两种网蛱蝶的集合种群结构和分布。  相似文献   

研究对象是中国河北省赤城县闫家坪村的两种共存网蛱蝶—大网蛱蝶和金堇蛱蝶, 这两种网蛱蝶以不同的集合种群类型续存. 在此区域内, 适宜网蛱蝶生存的栖息地斑块是干草地. 在这里主要的人为干扰是放牧和耕作. 研究结果表明: 斑块内是否嵌有耕地和在斑块内放牧对金堇蛱蝶的斑块占据性以及种群密度有交互作用, 金堇蛱蝶在内部嵌有耕地并且适度放牧的斑块上的占据性和种群密度最高. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地对两种网蛱蝶的斑块占据性都有显著影响, 两种网蛱蝶都喜欢占据内部嵌有耕地的斑块. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地对金堇蛱蝶的种群密度有显著影响, 而对大网蛱蝶种群密度没有影响. 但是两种网蛱蝶在田垄间的幼虫组的比例有逐年增加的趋势. 两种网蛱蝶都是在适度放牧的斑块内有最高的占据性和种群密度. 结果说明在该类型山区的小规模的耕种和适度放牧对蝴蝶的保育是有利的. 斑块内是否嵌有耕地和在斑块内放牧对两种网蛱蝶有不同的影响. 因此, 在对有人为活动的山区进行保育规划时, 要综合考虑其利弊以及不同物种的异同.  相似文献   

茶园黑刺粉虱自然种群生命表   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
韩宝瑜  崔林 《生态学报》2003,23(9):1781-1790
1989年黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus在我国茶区大发生。在皖南茶区选常年虫情较重的茶园,每5天1次系统地调查了全年各个世代各虫态的种群波动及其与气候因子的关系,及茶园生境、品种间虫口密度的差异,连续研究了3个世代的自然种群生命表,分析了粉虱种群暴发至衰退过程中各种致死因子的作用。2002年轻发生,又调查了种群数量与天气的关系。经轻、重发生年份的比较分析认为,该粉虱趋荫湿郁闭的茶丛中下层,1988年越冬代蛹的累积基数较大,越冬期间天气稍温暖干燥,死亡率较低。1989年春温暖湿润宜于化蛹、羽化和第1代卵的孵化而暴发。至第1代蛹期,寄生蜂的控制作用显著增强,羽化的成蜂紧接着寄生第2代粉虱的1、2龄幼虫。自第2代3龄幼虫起,长时期阴雨、高湿,几种虫生真菌在粉虱种群中酿成流行病。第1~3代粉虱种群趋势指数分别为0.47、0.09和0.02,种群数量逐代锐藏,于8月下旬崩溃。经关键因子分析认为,10余种寄生蜂的寄生和4种虫生真菌的侵染为重要制约因子。斯氏寡节蚜小蜂Prospaltella smithi、刺粉虱黑蜂Amitus hesperidum、蚧侧链孢Pleurodesmospora coccora、枝孢霉Cladosporium sp.、顶孢霉Acremonium sp.和韦伯虫座孢Aegerita webberi是优势种天敌。  相似文献   

菜蛾啮小蜂的生物学及温度对其 种群增长的影响   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
菜蛾啮小蜂Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) 是小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L. 的一种主要寄生天敌。观察表明,该蜂喜产卵于小菜蛾各龄幼虫,也可产卵于预蛹,进行幼虫至蛹期的跨期聚寄生。每头寄主蛹出蜂多为5~10头,平均7.8头,其中雌蜂占85%~90%。该蜂也可产卵于在小菜蛾幼虫体内寄生的菜蛾绒茧蜂高龄幼虫,故又是小菜蛾的兼性重寄生蜂。在杭州,每年该蜂在田间的活动期为4~10月,10月中下旬陆续以老熟幼虫或预蛹进入休眠越冬,第二年4月陆续羽化并开始产卵寄生。该蜂发育、存活和繁殖的适温范围为20~30℃,低于20℃或高于30℃对其存活不利,但在适温下发育羽化的雌蜂,短时间内在32~35℃高温下仍可大量产卵寄生。在20℃、25℃和30℃下,平均每雌一生可寄生小菜蛾幼虫数分别为3.1、13.2和6.8头,产子蜂数分别为20.5、92.1和504头,内禀增长率分别为0.082、0.240和0.263(雌/雌·天)。  相似文献   

记述了白带锯蛱蝶指名亚种Cethosia cyane cyane(Drury)的形态特征、生物学特性和规模化饲养的方法。良好的生态环境是白带锯蛱蝶规模化饲养成功的关键,而幼虫饲养是规模化饲养最重要的环节,必须通过匀虫控制好虫口密度。白带锯蛱蝶在海南尖峰岭地区全年发生、世代重叠,完成1个世代冬季需30~34d,夏季21~30d,1年发生8代左右,幼虫共5龄。成虫群集产卵和幼虫群集生活的习性,使该蝶成为规模化饲养中最易养殖的蝶种之一,其色彩华丽、飞翔姿态缓慢优美,尤其适宜在生态蝴蝶园与喜庆等场合放飞。嗜食的寄主植物有三开瓢(Adenia cardiophylla(Mast.)Engl)、龙珠果(Passiflora foetidaL.)。初孵幼虫至化蛹宜在室内饲养,3龄前用保湿养虫盒,4~5龄改用塑料花盆饲养并使其于盆的盖顶化蛹,将蛹盖挂入羽化室内,通过空调和喷雾装置温度控制在25~28℃,湿度控制在60%~80%,使蛹能正常发育和羽化。  相似文献   

嘉翠蛱蝶的生物学特性初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方健惠  李秀山 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):592-593,F004
在白水江自然保护区研究了嘉翠蛱蝶Euthaliakardama (Moore)的生物学特性。嘉翠蛱蝶 1年 1代 ,以老熟幼虫在棕榈棕中越冬 ;幼虫于翌年 5月中下旬从棕榈棕中爬出 ,取食嫩棕叶并于 6月初化蛹 ,7月至 8月均可见成虫 ,8月中旬在棕榈上发现大量卵 ,9月至 1 0月为幼虫期 ,1 0月底以幼虫在棕叶中越冬。卵和小幼虫易被天敌捕食 ,存活率低。  相似文献   

枯叶蛱蝶Kallima inachus的生物学研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
枯叶蛱蝶在四川峨眉山海拔450~1200 m地带一年发生3代,以第1代和第2代为主,以滞育成虫越冬.第2代成虫大部分在7月中旬后进入滞育状态,但3个世代的个体都可能存在于越冬种群中.在室内饲养条件下,第1代历期约为45~54天,第2、3代历期较长,越冬个体可达5~7个月.在日平均温度26.4~28.2℃,相对湿度63.2% ~84.7%条件下,卵期4~6天,幼虫期21~36天,蛹期10~15天.其寄主包括爵床科马兰属等多种植物.主要天敌有赤眼蜂、蜘蛛、蚂蚁和鸟类.  相似文献   

应用生命表评价食蚜瘿蚊扩繁系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢明  程洪坤  邱卫亮 《昆虫学报》2000,43(-1):151-156
应用生命表技术,考察我国食蚜瘿蚊Aphidoletes aphidimyza大量扩繁系统主要环节的效率。结果表明,卵期、1龄幼虫期、蛹期的死亡率较大,分别为13.5%、18.2%和19.0%,是影响种群数量增长的主要因子。通过对各发育阶段的观察,初步明确了造成死亡的主要因素,连续多代饲养中的性比失调问题对卵的饱满率及产卵量有很大影响,化蛹的场所条件、发育及贮藏条件、1龄幼虫的食物供给状况也是造成实验种群大量死亡的主要因子。本实验结果为进一步改进该天敌的扩繁体系,提高扩繁效率,具有指导作用。  相似文献   

白带锯蛱蝶幼虫和蛹的营养成分比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探寻白带锯蛱蝶幼虫和蛹的主要营养成分,为它们的食用开发提供理论基础。运用营养分析方法分析表明白带锯蛱蝶幼虫和蛹的矿质元素含量丰富,粗脂肪含量分别占其干重的7.74%和12.1%,蛋白质含量分别占其干重的70.2%和67.8%,总氨基酸的含量分别为478.0 mg/g干重和519.4 mg/g干重,必需氨基酸分别占总氨基酸的比例为36.4%和33.7%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值分别为0.57和0.51,它们的第一限制氨基酸都为苏氨酸,第二限制氨基酸都为缬氨酸,必需氨基酸指数分别为0.86和0.93。白带锯蛱蝶幼虫和蛹除了各种矿质元素含量差异显著外,其余各营养成分含量相近,具有高蛋白、低脂肪、矿质元素含量丰富、蛋白质质量较好、必需氨基酸含量较高以及氨基酸结构较不平衡等特点。综上,白带锯蛱蝶幼虫和蛹具有较高的营养价值,它的食用开发具有巨大的潜力和广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

沈阳地区国槐尺蠖发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏宝玲  柳丽婷  佟忠勇  宋菁 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1194-1200
通过室内饲养和田间观察,对国槐尺蠖Semiothisa cinerearia Bremer et Grey各虫态(成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹)特征进行了详细的描述。对国槐尺蠖的行为习性、生活史以及田间种群消长规律进行了深入的研究。研究结果表明,国槐尺蠖在沈阳一年发生3代,无世代重叠,以蛹在树下松软土壤中越冬。国槐尺蠖幼虫共有7龄,1~4龄取食量小,5龄以后食量大增,进入暴食期,取食量占全幼虫期的80%~90%,而且随着虫龄的增长,其存活率增加。国槐尺蠖幼虫发生期为5月到9月,6月上旬、中旬至7月下旬为幼虫为害盛期,9月以后种群呈递减趋势,老熟幼虫开始入土化蛹越冬。  相似文献   

In the study area (Yanjiaping Village, Hebei Province, China), grazing extensity varies at different loca-tions, small and discontinuous croplands are imbedded in some arid grassland, which are habitats for the melitaeine butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe. These two species of butterflies coexist in this area, in which grazing and cultivation are the main disturbances. Grazing and cultivation have a reciprocal effect on E. aurinia, rather than M. phoebe. We observed that E. aurinia preferred to occupy patches with moderate grazing and imbedded with small and discontinuous croplands, where E. aurinia also has high population density. The percentage of E. aurinia larval groups in the ribbings was significantly higher than that of M. phoebe, whereas larvae of both species tended to increase in recent years. Our data also showed that the population density and the patch occupancy rate of both E. aurinia and M. phoebe were the highest under moderate grazing. It indicates that cultivation of small and dis-continuous croplands within the patch has a significant effect on the population density of both spe-cies of melitaeine butterflies. Thus, to artificially create or maintain semi-natural habitats, comple-mented by moderate grazing, might be an ecological strategy to conserve melitaeine butterflies effec-tively. Considering the distinct impacts of cultivation and grazing on the population distribution and dynamics of the two different species, human disturbance in the mountainous area might be strategi-cally involved in proposing conservation plans for the target species in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Mark–release–recapture studies were conducted on two species of chequerspot butterfly, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe , in the same habitat patch network in Yanjiaping, a small basin in the Taihang Mountains, north-west of Beijing, China, in 2000.
2. Euphydryas aurinia tended to stay in the habitat patches and to move to neighbouring patches, whereas M. phoebe moved widely among patches in the entire network.
3. The parameters of the virtual migration model showed higher daily emigration propensity in M. phoebe and in E. aurinia males than in E. aurinia females, and significantly greater average daily movement distance in M. phoebe than in E. aurinia .
4. The results are consistent with the previous findings showing genetic structuring among local populations of E. aurinia but not among local populations of M. phoebe .
5. Based on the genetic and ecological results, it was concluded that E. aurinia has a classic metapopulation in the study area, whereas M. phoebe appears to have a source–sink metapopulation.
6. In 2000, when there was an overall increase in the abundance of the two species, the limited mobility of E. aurinia resulted in an increase in the average local population size, whereas the increase in the number of local populations in M. phoebe was due to its high mobility .  相似文献   

对同一网络斑块中金堇蛱蝶(Euphydryas aurinia)和大网蛱蝶(Meiltaea phoebe)雌性成虫的产卵地进行了调查,以确定影响它们斑块质量的因素.结果表明,2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫均选择体积大的寄主植物、周围植被高度低、开放的区域产卵,它们的卵块主要分布在温暖向阳的坡面.金堇蛱蝶的卵块距离农田边缘为3.55±0.33 m (n=246),且集中分布在<3 m区域内;大网蛱蝶卵块距离农田边缘为7.34±1.53 m (n=25),但在<3 m区域内的数量少.研究表明,由于这2种网蛱蝶雌性成虫对产卵地要求的特异性,评价它们斑块质量以及对其制定保护管理措施时均应有所不同.  相似文献   

寄生蜂对美洲斑潜蝇自然种群控制作用的评价   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
应用作用因子生命表方法以及在此基础上提出的排除作用控制指数法评价了寄生蜂对美洲班潜蝇自然种群的控制作用,结果表明,底比斯釉姬小蜂,丽潜蝇姬小蜂,冈崎釉姬小蜂,异角姬小蜂,黄潜蝇姬小蜂,甘蓝潜潜蝇茧蜂和离潜蝇的种群数量将比原各群增长1.23,2.73,5.98,5.92和5.71倍,在春季菜豆,豇豆,丝瓜和黄瓜上第2代美洲斑潜蝇中,若排除寄生蜂作用因子后,美洲斑潜蝇在上述4种蔬菜上的种群数量将分别多增长2.73,2.87,2.24和1.89倍,寄生蜂对美洲班潜蝇3龄幼虫的控制作用大于1龄,2龄幼虫和蛹的控制作用;春季美洲斑潜连续世代中,第1,2代寄生蜂的控制作用较第3,4,5代低,寄生蜂有菜豆和豇豆上的控制作用比在丝瓜和黄瓜上高。  相似文献   

1 Life tables were constructed for seven generations of the invasive horse‐chestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridella in Switzerland, to assess the factors allowing the moth to build and maintain outbreak densities and to identify ‘gaps’ among their mortality factors that could be targeted by new control methods. The fecundity of females was calculated and the mortality factors affecting all developmental stages determined. 2 Females contained 106.6 eggs. In captivity, the mean number of eggs laid per female varied between 34 and 82 eggs, with a maximum of 184 eggs. Egg mortality was 18–75% and was mostly due to unknown factors. 3 The main mortality factors affecting larvae and pupae in the leaves were predation by birds and arthropods in all generation and leaf senescence in the autumn generation. Parasitoids killed less than 5% of the population. 4 Nearly 90% of overwintering pupae died in dead leaves, the majority of them being killed by earthworms and other leaf decomposers. As a result, the overwintering generations were the only ones showing a net rate of increase less than one. Non‐overwintering generations had net rates of increase between four and 11, allowing populations to build up from spring to autumn. 5 The persistence of high outbreak densities in Europe is explained by a combination of at least three factors: (i) high fecundity; (ii) multivoltinism; (iii) the unusually low impact of traditional natural enemies of leaf miners and particularly parasitoids. 6 Yearly variations in population densities could be at least partly explained by differences in larval mortality due to leaf senescence and intraspecific competition in the last generation in autumn.  相似文献   

In the study area (Yanjiaping Village, Hebei Province, China), grazing extensity varies at different locations, small and discontinuous croplands are imbedded in some arid grassland, which are habitats for the melitaeine butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe. These two species of butterfilies coexist in this area, in which grazing and cultivation are the main disturbances. Grazing and cultivation have a reciprocal effect on E. aurinia, rather than M. phoebe. We observed that E. aurinia preferred to occupy patches with moderate grazing and imbedded with small and discontinuous croplands, where E. aurinia also has high population density. The percentage of E. aurinia larval groups in the ribbings was significantly higher than that of M. phoebe, whereas larvae of both species tended to increase in recent years. Our data also showed that the population density and the patch occupancy rate of both E. aurinia and M. phoebe were the highest under moderate grazing. It indicates that cultivation of small and discontinuous croplands within the patch has a significant effect on the population density of both species of melitaeine butterflies. Thus, to artificially create or maintain semi-natural habitats, complemented by moderate grazing, might be an ecological strategy to conserve melitaeine butterflies effectively. Considering the distinct impacts of cultivation and grazing on the population distribution and dynamics of the two different species, human disturbance in the mountainous area might be strategically involved in proposing conservation plans for the target species in the future.  相似文献   

The efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae DAT F-001 against Adoryphorus couloni was examined over 4 years on a sheep grazing property ('Inverell') in central Tasmania. Three generations of the primary A. couloni population and two generations of the overlapping population were studied. Application of 5.1 0.7 104 M. anisopliae spores g-1 of soil (2 cm below the soil surface), during midwinter 1989, when the primary population was in the middle of the L3 larval stage, resulted in 30.3% fewer larvae in treated plots by 21 weeks and 57.8% less pupae by 27 weeks. The population decline was consistent with a mortality model developed from laboratory data. In the two subsequent generations of the primary population, there were 63.2% (1991) and 45.0% (1993) fewer larvae in the treated plots before the damaging L3 stage. The two sequential generations of the overlapping A. couloni larval populations had 68% (1990) and 65% (1992) fewer larvae in the treated plots than in the untreated plots. Reductions in larval numbers led to a greater retention of sown perennial grasses, reduced weed invasion and a 23% increase in pasture productivity in the autumn of 1992. Incorporation of M. anisopliae into the soil did not reduce the numbers of non-target invertebrates. The level of M. anisopliae DAT F-001 in the pasture remained at levels close to the applied concentration (5.1 0.7 colony-forming units g-1 of soil), but increased 10-fold when mummified L3 larval, prepupal and pupal cadavers were present from January to June 1990. The level of the fungus in the soil was still twice the original applied concentration at the conclusion of sampling in March 1992.  相似文献   

The various diapause and post-diapause stages entered by cabbage root fly pupae during the overwintering period are shown schematically. Although diapause induction started in mid-Aug., the early-pupating insects did not develop further but were maintained in diapause by the warm autumn temperatures. Therefore, diapause development was simultaneous in all Wellesbourne pupae, whether of second or third generation origin. Diapause development started only in mid-Oct., when mean soil temperatures fell below 10°. In the field, 90% of the overwintering population of cabbage root fly pupae had completed pleted diapause by 5 March 1980, 17 Feb. 1981 and 18 Feb. 1982. This was equivalent to a duration of 19 weeks from mid-Oct. onwards, during the winters of 1979–80, 1980–81 and 1981–82 respectively. A further break between the completion of diapause and the warm conditions required to start post-diapause development also helps to condense the emergence of flies in the spring. Hence, an accurate forecast of the time of spring attack by populations of flies similar to those at Wellesbourne should be possible.This study was financed partly by the Commission of the European Communities as CEC Contract No. 0771.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of killed house fly (Musca domestica L) pupae for production of two economically important pupal parasitoids. Two-day-old fly pupae were subjected to heat shock treatments of varying temperatures and durations in an oven at >or=70% RH; exposure to temperatures of 55 degrees C or higher for 15 min or longer resulted in 100% mortality. Exposure to 50 degrees C resulted in 40 and 91% mortality at 15 and 60 min, respectively. All (100%) pupae placed in a -80 degrees C freezer were killed after 10-min exposure; exposure times of <5 min resulted in <21% mortality. Progeny production of Spalangia cameroni Perkins and Muscidifurax raptor Girault and Sanders (Hymeoptera: Pteromalidae) from pupae killed by heat shock or 50 kR of gamma radiation was not significantly different from production on live hosts on the day when pupae were killed. Freeze-killed pupae produced 16% fewer S. cameroni than live pupae and an equivalent amount of M. raptor progeny on the day when pupae were killed. When killed pupae were stored in freezer bags at 4 degrees C for 4 mo, heat-killed, irradiated, and freeze-killed pupae remained as effective for production of M. raptor as live pupae. Production of S. cameroni on heat-killed and irradiated pupae was equal to parasitoid production on live pupae for up to 2 mo of storage, after which production on killed pupae declined to 63% of that observed with live pupae. Production of S. cameroni on freeze-killed pupae was 73-78% of production using live pupae during weeks 2-8 of storage and declined to 41 and 28% after 3 and 4 mo, respectively. Killing pupae by heat shock provides a simple and low-cost method for stockpiling high-quality hosts for mass-rearing both of these filth fly biological control agents.  相似文献   

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