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Two groups of tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) were conditionedto respond to odorant-air mixtures of n-butyl acetate (8.9 x10–5M) or n-butyl alcohol (6.7 x l0–5M). They werethen given tests with various concentrations of the trainingodorants presented using a temporal forced-choice method ofascending limits. Results showed that reliable responses toodorant-air presentations were obtained with concentrationsof n-butyl acetate above 2.4 x l0–7M and with concentrationsof n-butyl alcohol above 8.5 x 10–8M. These results arein substantial agreement with previous dectrophysiological findings.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological, multi-unit responses from the ethmoidbranch of the trigeminal nerve to chemical stimuli (amyl acetate,d-carvone, l-carvone, l-menthol and toluene) were examined,using self- and cross-adaptation paradigms, to address the questionof whether different chemical stimuli may stimulate trigeminalnerve fibers using different ‘receptive pathways’and thus to suggest whether qualitative distinctions betweendifferent compounds may be made by trigeminal chemoreceptors.No adaptation occurred between l-menthol and toluene, suggestingthat these two compounds activate different receptive pathwaysin the trigeminal nerve which may be capable of making qualitativediscriminations between these two compounds. Symmetrical adaptationoccurred between amyl acetate and d-carvone, amyl acetate andl-carvone, amyl acetate and toluene, and l-carvone and d-carvonesuggesting that these compounds may activate the same receptivepathways in the trigeminal nerve which may not be capable ofmaking qualitative discriminations between these compounds.Asymmetrical adaptation occurred between amyl acetate and l-menthol,d-carvone and l-menthol, l-carvone and l-menthol, d-carvoneand toluene, and l-carvone and toluene. This implies that theprocessing of these stimuli by trigeminal nerve fibers may bemore complex than anticipated previously.  相似文献   

The calcium/calmodulin-regulated Ca-ATPase of the plasma membraneis implicated in Paramecium chemosensory transduction. Calmodulinantisense oligonucleotides electroporated into Paramecium disruptchemosensory responses to sodium acetate but not to ammoniumchloride. Chem. Senses 21: 55–58, 1996.  相似文献   

A combined electrophysiological, behavioral, and biochemicalstudy was initiated to determine the effects of the sulfhydryl-specificreagent fluorescein mercuric acetate (FMA) on olfaction in thetobacco budworm moth Heliothis virescens. The electroantennogram(EAG) response to the standard odorant n-pentyl acetate showedboth a time and concentration dependent inhibition by FMA. Treatmentof insect antennae with 2.52 x 10–5 M FMA for 2 min reducedthe EAG by 50%, while treatment for 17 min reduced the EAG by80%. Incubation of antennae for 7 min with 2.52 x 10–6M FMA resulted in 30% inhibition, while incubation with 2.52x 10–6 M FMA for 7 min resulted in 65% inhibition. Antennalgrooming behavior was inhibited by FMA in a similar time andconcentration dependent manner as the EAG. Regeneration of previouslyinhibited behavioral and EAG responses has been observed withina 24-hr period. The interaction of protein, obtained by sonicatingintact antennae in phosphate buffer, with FMA was monitoredfluorometrically. Successive additions of antennal sonicateto FMA resulted in stepwise decreases in fluorescence. Partialrecovery of fluorescence was obtained by addition of cysteineto the FMA-antennal sonicate solution. The polarization of theFMA-antennal sonicate fluorescence decreased upon addition ofcysteine. These data indicate that FMA is reacting with a relativelylarge antennal protein (s) by mercaptide linkage and blockingthe olfactory transduction process.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

Regulation of sterol synthesis was studied in Solanum species.A significant negative correlation was found between sterolcontent and rate of sterol synthesis from (1-14C) acetate inplant organs of Solanum nigrum and cell cultures of S. dulcamara.Exogenous cholesterol significantly inhibited the rate of sterolsynthesis from (14C) acetate in cell cultures of S. dulcamarawithout affecting synthesis from (3H) mevalonate. Exogenouscholesterol stimulated the rate of total lipid synthesis fromboth (14C) acetate and (3H) mevalonate. Thus, cholesterol inhibitedconversion of acetate to mevalonate; this is taken as evidenceof a negative feedback control on sterol synthesis. Key words: Feedback control, Phytosterol biosynthesis, Plant cell culture, Solanum species  相似文献   

The kinetics of 14C-2-acetate assimilation by Chlorella pyrenoidosain the light were examined. Under aerobic conditions the primaryproduct of acetate assimilation was succinic acid which, afterten seconds, contained over 60 per cent of the 14C incorporatedby the cells. The percentage of the total 14C in succinate fellwith time, while that in citrate and glutamate increased. After1800 sec over 60 per cent of 14C was present in two compounds,glutamic acid and an unknown compound (X). Glucose-6-phosphate,fructose-6-phosphate, phosphoglyceric acid and phosphoenolpyruvicacid became labelled after 60 sec but together never containedmore than one per cent of the total 14C incorporated. Underanaerobic conditions succinate was still the primary productof acetate assimilation, and the absence of carbon dioxide resultedin a decrease in 14C incorporation into compound X. The patternof acetate assimilation in acetate grown and acetate adaptedChlorella was very similar to that in photo-autotrophicallygrown Chlorella. In the presence of 10–6M DCMU, succinicacid was the primary product of acetate assimilation, but therewas an early Incorporation of 14C into glutamate, aspartate,and malate. 4 x10–3M MFA did not effect the early incorporationof 14C into succinic acid, but resulted in accumulation of 14Cin citrate and a decreased amount in glutamate and in compound X.  相似文献   

All three races of Neotricula aperta, an epilithic, schistosometransmitting, snail of the Mekong and Mul rivers of NortheastThailand and southern Laos, were found to take up acetate froma dilute solution. After 48 h incubation the mean specific netuptake rates (µmol–1 g–1 h–1), from750 µM acetate, were: 1.86, -race; 1.39, ß-raceand 3.25, y-race. Over 48 h the snails were able to achievereductions in the ambient acetate concentration of up to 60%.Incubations under bacteriostatis suggested that bacteria arenot involved in the uptake of acetate by N. aperta. The uptakecharacteristics conform to the Michaelis-Menten model. The transportconstants, Jmax (µmol–1 g–1 h–1) andKt (µM) were 1.10 and 102 respectively (-race). Racialdifferences in uptake characteristics are discussed in relationto micro-habitat differences. HPLC indicated concentrations of acetate in y-N. aperta microhabitatsof around 325 µM. This suggests a pool size sufficientto satisfy only 6% of the snail's basal metabolic rate (BMR).Levels within the epilithic aufwuchs, however, are probablyhigh enough to provide for more than 50% of the BMR. The possible role of acetate in the energy metabolism of N.aperta is discussed. Short-chain carboxylic acids (such as acetate),arising from the decomposition of the aufwuchs, could representsources of fermentable organics that may be taken up by N. apertasnails and used to supplement their nutrition during times offood shortage. However, further investigations involving 14C-labellingtechniques are required. The findings of this investigationhave implications for the chemical ecology and life-cycle ofN. aperta. (Received 16 June 1994; accepted 28 July 1994)  相似文献   

Trifluoromethyl ketones (TFMKs) and analogues affect pheromonedetection and behaviour in male moths. 3-Octylthio-1, 1, 1-trifluoropropan-2-one(OTFP), one of the most effective antiesterase agents, decreasedthe EAG amplitude and increased the repolarization time in spodopteralittoralis. It also modified EAG responses of Marnestra brassicaeand Heliothis zea to their pheromones and analogues, containingan acetate, an alcohol or an aldehyde function. In addition,OTFP also reduced the amplitude of the EAG response to linalool,a monoterpenic alcohol, but not its kinetics. The responsesof male S. littoralis to the pheromone in the wind tunnel weresignificantly reduced after pre-exposure to vapours of OTFP.Comparison of the activity of other TFMKs and analogues withthat of OTFP revealed a good agreement on EAG and behaviour.The effects of TFMKs on the EAG kinetics are discussed consideringthe hypothesis of an inhibition of the pheromone deactivationin the antenna. Chem. Senses 22: 407–416, 1997.  相似文献   

  1. The metabolism of a citric-acid-forming strain of A. nigerwhengrown on a glucose-acetate medium has been investigated.
  2. Acetate greatly accelerated the rate of utilization of glucose.
  3. Citric acid production from glucose was much increased bythepresence of acetate.
  4. The formation of oxalate from glucose-acetatecultures was muchless than from acetate alone.
  5. In some cultureslarge amounts of glucose and acetate were consumedbut no acidicproducts were formed.

The effects on olfaction of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a specificreagent of free sulfhydryl groups, were studied in the mothMamestra brassicae. The antennae of male M.brassicae bear twotypes of specialist receptor neurons involved in pheromone communication.One type is tuned to (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:Ac),the main pheromone component; the second type is tuned to (Z)-9-tetradecenylacetate (Z9-14:Ac), an interspecific inhibitor not producedby the females of this species. Vapours of NEM irreversiblyinhibited the electro-antennographic (EAG) responses to Z11-16:Acand Z9-14:Ac. When Zll-16:Ac was applied before and during NEMtreatment, the responses to Z9-14:Ac were preserved and someprotection was observed in the responses to Zll-16:Ac. In return,Z9-14:Ac partially prevented the disappearance of responsesto Zll-16:Ac but not to Z9-14:Ac. A third compound, hexadecylacetate (16:Ac), found in the pheromone gland, but not detectedby the antennal receptors, did not prevent the inhibition causedby NEM.  相似文献   

Using a behavioral paradigm designed to simulate olfactory-guidedforaging, the ability of five squirrel monkeys to distinguishiso-amyl acetate from n-and iso-forms of other acetic esters(ethyl acetate to decyl acetate) and from other esters carryingthe iso-amyl group (iso-amyl propionate to iso-amyl capronate)was investigated. We found (i) that all five animals were clearlyable to discriminate between all odor pairs tested; (ii) a significantnegative correlation between discrimination performance andstructural similarity of odorants in terms of differences incarbon chain length of both the aliphatic alcohol group andthe aliphatic acid group of the esters; and (iii) that iso-and n-amyl acetate were perceived as qualitatively similar despitedifferent steric conformation. Using a triple-forced choiceprocedure, 20 human subjects were tested on the same tasks inparallel and showed a very similar pattern of discriminationperformance compared with the squirrel monkeys. Thus, the resultsof this study provide evidence of well-developed olfactory discriminationability in squirrel monkeys for aliphatic esters and supportthe assumption that human and non-human primates may share commonprinciples of odor quality perception. Chem. Senses 22: 457–465,1997.  相似文献   

Chlorella pyrenoidosa can utilize sodium acetate as a carbonsource for growth in the light. Growth proceeds under aerobicconditions both in the presence and in the absence of carbondioxide, but under anaerobic conditions only in its presence.The assimilation of acetate does not result from oxidation tocarbon dioxide followed by photosynthetic fixation because theproducts of 14C-acetate assimilation are different from theproducts of 14CO2 fixation in the presence of unlabelled acetate. In aerobic conditions 10-6 M DCMU induces a pattern of acetateassimilation in the light similar to that in the dark. Thus,in the presence of DCMU in the light, less acetate carbon isincorporated into cells, particularly into lipids, polysaccharide,and protein, and more is released as carbon dioxide than inits absence. The effect of 4 x 10-3 M MFA on acetate assimilationin the presence of 10-6 M DCMU is the same in light and dark.Acetate assimilation is unaffected by desaspidine and sodiumbisulphite. The mean generation time of C. pyrenoidosa growing on acetatein the light under aerobic conditions is 20 hours. When 10-5M DCMU is added the mean generation time is 60 hours, the sameas that for Chlorella growing on acetate in the dark. The activityof the enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, isocitrate lyase (E.C. malate synthetase (E.C. is repressed in the light,but activity of both enzymes increases markedly when DCMU isadded.  相似文献   

Chorda tympani responses to sugars were greater in diabetic(db/db) than in non-diabetic control mice. A kinetic analysissuggested that the greater sugar responses in db/db mice wereunlikely due to the increased number of sugar receptors. Chem.Senses 21: 59–63, 1996.  相似文献   

Daphnia may respond with an array of anti-predator defences(behavioural, morphological and life history) to a chemicalcue (kairomone) exuded by its predators: fish and Chaoborus.Given the wide array of potential responses, it is an interestingquestion whether anti-predator defences are coupled or independentof each other. Since anti-predator responses are costly andeven possessing the genetic information to respond to a certainpredator might involve a cost, clones may only react to predatorsthey co-occur with in nature. In this study, we provide evidencefor an uncoupling of responses by Daphnia pulex in several anti-predatordefences against Chaoborus. We were unable to detect a correlationbetween behavioural (migration), morphological (neck-spine induction)and life history [growth rate, neonate size and size at firstreproduction (SFR)] responses. Furthermore, anti-predator responsesdid not always comply with what is commonly believed. We foundthat Daphnia clones can migrate up or down when exposed to fishor Chaoborus kairomone and that population growth rate, neonatesize and SFR can increase or decrease in response to Chaoboruskairomone. We also show patterns in anti-predator defences thatseem to relate to the habitat from which clones were derived.Daphnia clones that were collected in habitats with Chaoborusas the dominant predator tended to react strongly to Chaoboruskairomone by migrating upward and producing neck-spines. Themigration behaviour against fish kairomone in these clones wasoften an unexpected upward migration. The Daphnia clone thatco-existed with fish predators showed a downward migration inthe presence of fish as well as Chaoborus kairomone. Clonesthat had occurred with either both or no predators had mixedresponses. We sometimes found an upward migration in combinationwith smaller body size as a response to Chaoborus kairomone.This may be interpreted as a behavioural defence against Chaoborusand a life-history defence against fish. Daphnia seem not toexhibit defence behaviour against predators they do not co-occurwith. It might be costly for Daphnia to maintain genetic informationto respond to these predators and protect that information fromgenetic drift.  相似文献   

Feeding responses to five hexoses were examined in three closelyrelated species of fiddler crabs, Uca minax, U.pugnax and U.pugilator.Hexoses tested were glucose, galactose, sorbose, fructose andmannose. Intact crabs and eyestalk-ablated crabs were tested.Responses to sugars were species specific. Eyestalks are directlyinvolved in vision and overall neural integration as well aswith chemosensory and metabolic pathways associated with feeding.Overall, eyestalk-ablated crabs were more sensitive uian intactcrabs. Studies of responses of individuals within a populationto hexoses showed tiiere are individual U.pugnax that respondto galactose and others that do not. Similarly, there were U.pugilatorindividuals that were mannose responsive and others that didnot respond to mannose. An additional study of differences inpopulation responses to hexoses would provide valuable toolsin studying geographic relationships between fiddler crab populations.  相似文献   

The path of LFA synthesis from acetate in developing castorbean seeds was associated with subcellular 10,000 g particles.Further fractionation of these particles by a stepwise densitygradient method showed the high possibility that the site ofLFA synthesis is the proplastid. A study on cofactor requirementswhen [1-14C]acetate predominantly incorporated into LFAs indicatedthat synthesis would be achieved by acetyl-CoA carboxylation,malonyl-ACP condensation. ATP, CoA, HCO3 and Mg++ orMn++ were essential for synthesis from acetate by the 10,000gparticulate system. Results of inhibhitor experiment suggestedthat the supply of ATP to the LFA synthesizing system is broughtabout by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, when acetateis the sole precursor for LFA synthesis in this system. TheNADPH generating system was contained in the paticles, althoughthe addition of NADP+ and G-6-P increased synthesis. NADH markedlystimulated LFA synthesis from acetate. The primary role of NADHseems to be as a direct reductant in both steps involving thereduction and oxidative desaturation of fatty acid chains; particularly,in the former step, although NADH partially contributes to thesupply of ATP as a respiratory substrate. It is unlikely thatNADH works as a hydrogen donor to NADP+. LFA synthesis by thecastor bean particulate system was not stimulated by light,thus differing from that by leaf chloroplasts. (Received July 23, 1973; )  相似文献   

玉米螟赤眼蜂对亚洲玉米螟益它素的嗅觉反应   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
在实验室条件下利用四臂嗅觉仪测定了玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen对来源于寄主亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)成虫、卵、附腺以及性信息素的益它素的嗅觉反应。结果表明: 已交配尚未产卵亚洲玉米螟雌蛾及其附腺对玉米螟赤眼蜂有明显的吸引作用,而处女蛾、产卵前期雌蛾、产卵后期雌蛾及其附腺却没有作用;当玉米螟卵块数量为2块及卵表正己烷提取物当量为0.25块卵时,对玉米螟赤眼蜂也有明显的吸引作用,尤其以产在玻璃管内卵块吸引最为显著,达到极显著水平(P<0.01);性信息素组分之一,反-12-十四碳烯乙酸酯(E12.14: Ac)在剂量为1 μg时亦显著刺激了赤眼蜂的活动,表现为进入处理区的次数明显增加,且滞留时间明显延长。  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in the oil composition ofBoronia megastigmaNees.(Rutaceae) was examined. Boronia absolute is extracted fromblossom primarily for use as a food additive. A major componentis ß-ionone andB. megastigmais one of the commercial,natural sources of this compound. Genotypes superior in productionof ß-ionone and low in monoterpene hydrocarbons weresought from natural populations in the south west of WesternAustralia as part of a breeding programme. Flowers were collectedfrom 25 plants in each of 29 different populations. Blossomwas extracted with ethanol and analysed using a gas liquid chromatographfitted with ionisation detectors. The contents of ß-ionone,dodecyl acetate, -pinene, ß-pinene and limonene inthe oil extract were compared. Intra-population variation wasas great as inter-population variation and no distinct chemotypeswere found. Considerable variation existed in the content ofcomponents. The highest ß-ionone content was 1787mg g-1f. wt. Some genotypes contained all five components analysed,others lacked one or more of the monoterpenes: -pinene, ß-pineneor limonene. Principle components analysis indicated that contentsof ß-ionone and dodecyl acetate were associated andthat they were distinct from the content of the monoterpenes,which were associated with each other. Natural shading was associatedwith lower levels of monoterpenes but other oils were unaffected.Young plants contained less pinenes than older plants and oldplants contained the most dodecyl acetate. Vigorous plants producedmore pinenes. Red flowers contained the least ß-iononeand dodecyl acetate.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Boronia megastigma,boronia, Rutaceae, oil, -pinene, ß-pinene, limonene, ß-ionone, dodecyl acetate, monoterpenes, chemotypes.  相似文献   

Bertocci, Loren A., John G. Jones, Craig R. Malloy, RonaldG. Victor, and Gail D. Thomas. Oxidation of lactateand acetate in rat skeletal muscle: analysis by13C-nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 32-39, 1997.The balance between carbohydrate and fatty acidutilization in skeletal muscle previously has been studied in vivo byusing a variety of methods such as arteriovenous concentrationdifferences and radioactive isotope tracer techniques. However, thesemethodologies provide only indirect estimates of substrate oxidation.We used 13C-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectroscopy and non-steady-state isotopomer analysisto directly quantify the relative oxidation of two competing exogenoussubstrates in rat skeletal muscles. We infused[1,2-13C]acetate and[3-13C]lactateintravenously in anesthetized rats during the final 30 min of 35 (n = 10) or 95 (n = 10) min of intense, unilateral, rhythmic hindlimb contractions.13C-NMR spectroscopy andisotopomer analysis were performed on extracts of gastrocnemius andsoleus muscles from both the contracting and contralateralresting hindlimbs. We found that1)[13C]lactate and[13C]acetate were taken up and oxidized by both restingand contracting skeletal muscles; and2) high-intensity musclecontractions altered the pattern of substrate utilization such that therelative oxidation of acetate decreased while that of lactate remainedunchanged or increased. Based on these findings, we propose that13C-NMR spectroscopy incombination with isotopomer analysis can be used to study the generaldynamics of substrate competition between carbohydrates and fats in ratskeletal muscle.


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