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节节麦×普通小麦杂种的胚援救和胚愈伤组织再生植株 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过活体-离体胚培养和胚愈伤组织培养有效地克服了节节麦(Aegilops tauschii Cosson.)×小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)杂种幼胚的败育,产生了大量的杂种植株。采用活体-离体胚培技术,节节麦×小麦三个组合杂种幼胚的成苗率为55%,是前人所用传统胚培方法成功率的5—20倍。杂种幼胚在添加有2 mg/L 2,4-D的MS培养基上诱导为愈伤组织,经继代产生全能性愈伤组织,继而分化出再生植株。愈伤组织经继代保存150天仍不丧失分化能力。本文还对两种产生杂种的组织培养方法进行了比较研究。 相似文献
普通小麦与鸭茅摩擦禾的远缘杂交:Ⅲ.受精和早期胚的发育 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用石蜡制片法和整体解剖法,对小麦品种Fukuho经鸭茅状摩擦禾花粉粉后不同时间固定的子房样品进行了细胞胚胎学观察。结果表明,观察的168个授粉后120小时以内的小麦了房中有32.1%、0.6%和26.2%分别发生了卵细胞单受精、极核单受精和卵卵细胞、极核双受精现象。 相似文献
节节麦×硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体杂种F_1可孕配子形成途径的细胞学分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对节节麦×硬粒小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体杂种F_1减数分裂的观察结果表明:该杂种F_1的可孕性是由于杂种F_1产生了大量的(近于)未减数配子的结果。在一些PMC中,单价体中期Ⅰ集结到赤道板上,后期Ⅰ染色单体均等分离产生二分体,二分体发育成有功能的花粉粒。由于染色(单)体的丢失或不分离可产生大量的不完整的重复、缺失未减数配子,完整未减数配子的频率很低。杂种F_1和普通小麦杂交一代及F_2代的细胞学分析结果和F_1配子形成途径分析结果一致。推测从大量的F_2代中可能筛选到自发八倍体(DDAABBVV)。 相似文献
麦田节节麦发生动态及其对小麦产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
于2009—2011年采用固定样方和随机样方取样的方法研究了山东肥城、河北永年和河南新乡3个地区冬小麦田节节麦的出苗规律及在田间的消长动态,同时研究了不同密度的节节麦对小麦生长的竞争效应。结果表明,节节麦的出苗、分蘖、株高和鲜重的变化与温度密切相关。节节麦有2个出苗高峰期,分别在冬前10月下旬—11月上旬和春季3月下旬—4月上旬。节节麦单株有效分蘖在山东省、河北省及河南省分别多于小麦3.0、3.4个/株和2.2个/株。节节麦对小麦产量的影响主要是通过抑制小麦的有效穗数而实现,对千粒重影响不明显,当节节麦密度为640穗/m2时,小麦产量损失率达28.38%。 相似文献
用石蜡切片法,对小麦(Triticumaestivum)和长穗偃麦草(Elytrigiaelongata)杂交的受精和早期胚胎发育进行了观察。结果表明,长穗偃麦草花粉在小麦柱头上萌发良好,花粉管可顺利长入花柱和胚囊。观察的170个小麦子房中,1765%发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳;941%发生了单卵受精,只产生胚而无胚乳;471%发生了单极核受精,只产生胚乳而无胚;总受精率为3177%;成胚率为2706%。由于胚乳的缺乏或发育异常及败育,最终难以获得有生活力的种子。为小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交提供了细胞胚胎学证据。 相似文献
节节麦×大麦杂种胚再生植株的细胞遗传学研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
以节节麦(2n=14)为母本和大麦(2n=14)进行杂交,两组合平均结实率为31 .11%。对31个幼胚进行愈伤组织诱导培养,其中2个形成全能性愈伤组织进而分化出再生杂种植株。细胞学观察表明,杂种胚再生植株均是染色体加倍的节节麦-大麦双二倍体(2n=28)或染色体再加倍的多倍体。节节麦-大麦双二倍体在减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体配对平均构型为14.79Ⅰ+1.95Ⅱ+ 4.53Ⅱ′+0.01Ⅲ,表现为自交不育。杂种胚再生植株染色体数目再加倍的多倍体有少数产生了自交种子。
Abstract:Hybridizations between Aegilops tauschii(2n=14)and Hordeum vulgare(2n=14)were made using Ae.tauschii as female.The mean frequency of seed set was 31.11% in two cross combinations,13 hybrid embryos were cultured for inducing callus,of which 2 produced totipotent callus,and plants were regenerated from them.These plants were Ae.tauschii-H.vulgare amphidiploids with doubling chromosome number(2n=28)and octoploids with repeatedly doubling chromosome number(2n=50~56).The Ae.tauschii-H.vulgare amphidiploids were sterile and their average chromosome pairing at MI were 14.79I+1.95II+4.53II′+0.01III.Some octoploid(2n=56)plants produced seeds after selfing. 相似文献
用石蜡制片法和整体解剖法,对小麦品种Fukuho经鸭茅状摩擦禾花粉授粉后不同时间固定的子房样品进行了细胞胚胎学观察。结果表明,观察的168个授粉后120小时(5天)以内的小麦子房中有321%、06%和262%分别发生了卵细胞单受精、极核单受精和卵细胞、极核双受精现象。发生卵细胞受精、极核受精和总受精频率分别为583%、268%和589%。对116个授粉后9天的小麦子房进行整体解剖,检测到有500%的子房有幼胚。报道了小麦与鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交的受精过程和早期胚胎发育的情况。为小麦与鸭茅状摩擦禾杂交提供了高频率受精和胚形成的细胞胚胎学证据。 相似文献
用石蜡切片法,对小麦(Triticum aestivum)和长穗偃麦草(Elytrigia elongata)杂交的受精和早期胚胎发育进行了观察。结果表明,长穗偃麦草花粉在小麦柱头上萌发良好,花粉管可顺利长人花柱和胚囊。 观察的170个小麦子房中,17.65%发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳;9.41%发生了单卵受精,只产生胚而无胚乳;4.71%。发生了单极核受精,只产生胚乳而无胚;总受精率为31.77%;成胚率为27.06%。由于胚乳的缺乏或发育异常及败育,最终难以获得有生活力的种子。为小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交提供了细胞胚胎学证据。 相似文献
采用改良的ASG法获得了中期和3个染色体凝缩程度不同的早中期阶段(分别称为早中期Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ)染色体的G-带,并进行了G-带核型和变动性分析。所分析的分裂时期和阶段,每条染色体的全长显示出了密切邻近的多重的带纹,带纹细窄、大小较相近,带间区小,带纹分布较密集而均匀。随着有丝分裂进程推进,染色体的带纹数目减少,早中期Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ于中期单倍染色体组的G-带带纹总数分别减少41%、36%、28%,而染色体组的绝对长度分别缩短43%、37%、27%,带数减少幅度与染色体长度缩短的幅度几乎相等。早中期Ⅰ至早中期Ⅱ、Ⅲ和早中期Ⅱ至早中期Ⅲ的带纹减少幅度与染色体长度缩短幅度也基本一致。染色体组中各染色体之间带纹减少和染色体缩短的比例不尽相同,有一定的变幅。早中期Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和中期染色体组中每单位绝对长度的带数(带/μm)分别为2.19、2.22、2.32和2.29,差异不大。对节节麦G-带的特性等问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
尾状山羊草与硬粒小麦,普通小麦的杂交及外源染色质检测 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
尾状山羊草(AegilopscaudataL.)具有丰富的抗病虫和高赖氨酸、高蛋白优良性状,是进行小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)遗传改良的重要遗传资源。合成了硬粒小麦(TriticumdurumDesf.)-尾状山羊草双二倍体、进行了普通小麦与双二倍体的杂交。并以作者克隆的尾状山羊草C基因组特异重复序列PAeca212为探针,对上述杂交后代的花粉母细胞进行了染色体原位杂交检测。证实了新合成的双二倍体中有7对C基因组染色体;在F2中检测到C基因组染色体的自发纯合易位,显示出从C基因组向小麦转移外源基因的光明前景。 相似文献
Aegilops caudata L. carries resistance genes against wheat diseases as well as genes of high crude protein and lysine contents, which can be useful for wheat improvement. An amphiploid of Triticum durum - Ac. caudata was synthesized and the hybridization of T. aestivum with the amphiploid Am 8 was carried out. Chromosome in situ hybridization was carried out for the PMC (pollen mother cell) of the synthesized amphiploid (AABBCC) and ( T. aestivum Beijing 837 × Am 8) F2 by using the pAeca 212 as a probe. The results showed that the 7 bivalents from C genome had hybridization signals in the amphiploid. The detection for F2(Beijing 837× Am 8) indicated that translocation, even (pure) home translocation, occurred in F2 generations spontaneously. The study showed the bright prospect in transferring alien resistance genes from C genome to wheat. 相似文献
为有效地利用钩刺山羊草(Aegilops triuncialis L.)的抗白粉病基因对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)进行遗传改良,了解两者杂交后杂种F1的遗传机制是十分必要的。对F1杂种的研究表明,二价体频率高于理论值,是分别存在于钩刺山羊草C和U基因组中的小麦5B染色体上Ph基因抑制因子联合作用的结果。以尾状山羊草(Aegilops caudata L.)C基因组特异重复序列 相似文献
Morphologcal and cytological studies of hybrids between hexaploid Aegilops crassa Boiss. (2n = 6x = 42, DDD2 D2Mcr Mcr), Ae. vavilovii (Zhuk.) Chen. (2n = 6x = 42, DDMcr McrSp Sp) and Triticum aestivum L. (2n= 6x = 42, AABBDD) were carried out. The results showed that most of the F1 hybrids morphologically resembled their Aegilops parental species. Four Fl hybrids of Ae. vavilovii × T. aestivum and one of Ae. crassa × T. aestivum produced seeds containing few endosperms. The percentage of seed obtained ranged from 0.1% to 6.5 %. These seeds were not vigorous and only a few of them germinated. A large number of univalents appeared at meiosis MI. The frequencies of bivalents were lower than those being theoriticaly estimated. These results indicated that the D genomes in Ae. Crassa and Ae. vavilovii may have been substantially modified. Trivalents were observed in all Fl hybrids. Quadrivalents and pentavalents were also observed in some PMCs during meiosis. The chiasmata frequencies in hybrids using Aegilops species as maternal parents were higher than those in their reciprocal ones. Chromosome segrigations were abnormal at A Ⅰ and A Ⅱ . Polyads and micronuclei appeared frequently at telophase tetrad stage. A plant with 21 chromosomes was obtained in Ae. vavilovii × Jimai 30, although the reason was not yet clear. 相似文献
Zeller F. J. Heun M. 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1985,71(3):513-517
Summary In the progeny of a hybrid between monotelosomic line 3B of Chinese Spring wheat and Chinese Spring — Aegilops longissima ditelosomic addition line G a cytologically stable strain was selected consisting of 20 wheat chromosome pairs, one pair of telosomic chromosome 3BL and one pair of telosomic longissima chromosome G. Inoculating Chinese Spring — Aegilops longissima addition and substitution lines with ten different powdery mildew isolates, partial resistance was observed. The infection grade as well as the number of spores/cm2 leaf area were significantly reduced. 相似文献
A. Mujeeb-Kazi S. Roldan D. Y. Suh N. Ter-Kuile S. Farooq 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1989,77(2):162-168
Summary Intergeneric hybrids between Triticum aestivum L. and conventional rhizomatous Agropyron species were produced in variable frequencies. They were recovered in high percentage frequencies for T. aestivum cultivars with A. acutum (14.6%), A. intermedium (48.0%), A. pulcherrimum (53.3%), and A. trichophorum (46.6%). The crossability percentages with the highly crossable cultivar Chinese Spring for these Agropyron species accessions were 33.12%, 65.0%, 53.3%, and 65.4%, respectively. Autosyndetic associations of two of their three genomes gave mean meiotic chromosome association data of 17.0 I (univalents) +1.53 II (ring bivalents) + 7.04 II (rod bivalents) +1.43 III (trivalents) +0.05 IV (quadrivalents) +0.01 IV (pentavalents) for A. acutum and of 21.8 I + 1.56 II (rings) +7.22 II (rods) +0.84 III + 0.04 IV for A. intermedium. Chromosome pairing at metaphase I was comparatively lower for A. pulcherrimum (34.4 I + 0.2 II (rings) +3.4 II (rods) +0.14 III) and A. trichophorum (36.7 I + 0.35 II (rings) +2.26 II (rods) + 0.04 III) hybrids with T. aestivum. Hybrids of wheat with A. campestre and A. repens were obtained in low frequency. Direct crossing did not permit T. aestivum/ A. desertorum hybridization. However, by utilizing the 2n=10x=70 A. repens/A. desertorum amphiploid as the pollen source, hybridization with T. aestivum did indeed occur. Aneuploidy was prevalent in this hybrid combination while all other hybrid combinations were apparently normal. 相似文献
Suspension cell-derived protoplasts of wheat, inactivated with different concentrations (0-2.5mol/L) of IOA, were fused by PEG method with the Haynaldia villosa protoplasts which originated from the calli 4-5d after subculture and were irradiated with 60Co-γ ray. Cell colonies, calli or regenerated plants were obtained from different combinations of fusion. The calli and plants were verified to be hybrids by chromosome counting, isozyme analysis and morphological inspection. 相似文献
对同一生境下多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenn L.)和节节麦(Aegilops squarrosa L.)的根尖细胞染色体作了分析,并从细胞学角度比较了两者的同源性。结果表明:多年生黑麦草的核型公式为:2n=6x=42=24m+18sm(2SAT),属于六倍体的"2B"型,在第19号染色体上有一对随体,最长与最短染色体的比为2.13,臂比大于2的染色体占全套染色体的30%,核型不对称系数为60.48%;节节麦的核型公式为2n=2x=14=10m+4sm(2SAT),属于二倍体的"2A"型,在第4号染色体有一对随体,最长与最短染色体长度比为1.49,臂比大于2的染色体占全套染色体的14%,不对称系数为58.2%,表明同一生境下多年生黑麦草比节节麦更为进化,两者在染色体水平上没有亲缘关系。 相似文献