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Natural reproduction of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus has been limited for decades and a recruitment bottleneck is hypothesized to occur during the larval stage of development. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water velocity and temperature on the swimming activity, energy use, settling behaviour and mortality of endogenously feeding larvae. The swimming activity of drifting sturgeon larvae (i.e., fish exhibiting negative rheotaxis) increased at low water velocity. In subsequent experiments, we observed greater energy depletion and resultant mortality of larvae in no-flow environments (0 cm s−1) compared to tanks with water velocity ranging from 3.5 to 8.3 cm s−1. The growth rate of drifting larvae was positively related to water temperature (18.7–23.3°C), but reduced growth rate at low water temperature (18.7°C) resulted in protracted development that extended average drift duration by ~4 days compared to larvae reared at 23.3°C. This study provides evidence that cooler summer water temperatures, characteristic of present-day conditions in the upper Missouri River, can reduce larval development and extend both the drift duration and distance requirements of S. albus. Moreover, if dispersed into low velocity environments, such as in reservoir headwaters, larvae may experience increased mortality owing to a mismatch between early life stage drift requirements and habitat conditions in the river. Manipulation of water releases to increase seasonal water temperature below dams may aid survival of S. albus larvae by shortening the time and distance spent drifting.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional morphology of lingual prey capture in the blue‐tongued skink, Tiliqua scincoides, a lingual‐feeding lizard nested deep within the family Scincidae, which is presumed to be dominated by jaw‐feeding. We used kinematic analysis of high‐speed video to characterize jaw and tongue movements during prey capture. Phylogenetically informed principal components analysis of tongue morphology showed that, compared to jaw‐feeding scincids and lacertids, T. scincoides and another tongue‐feeding scincid, Corucia zebrata, are distinct in ways suggesting an enhanced ability for hydrostatic shape change. Lingual feeding kinematics show substantial quantitative and qualitative variation among T. scincoides individuals. High‐speed video analysis showed that T. scincoides uses significant hydrostatic elongation and deformation during protrusion, tongue‐prey contact, and retraction. A key feature of lingual prey capture in T. scincoides is extensive hydrostatic deformation to increase the area of tongue‐prey contact, presumably to maximize wet adhesion of the prey item. Adhesion is mechanically reinforced during tongue retraction through formation of a distinctive “saddle” in the foretongue that supports the prey item, reducing the risk of prey loss during retraction.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the Yellowstone River is hypothesized to preclude recruitment of endangered Scaphirhynchus albus (pallid sturgeon) by impeding upstream spawning migrations and access to upstream spawning areas, thereby limiting the length of free‐flowing river required for survival of early life stages. Building on this hypothesis, the reach of the Yellowstone River affected by Intake Diversion Dam (IDD) is targeted for modification. Structures including a rock ramp and by‐pass channel have been proposed as restoration alternatives to facilitate passage. Limited information on migrations and swimming capabilities of pallid sturgeon is available to guide engineering design specifications for the proposed structures. Migration behavior, pathways (channel routes used during migrations), and swimming capabilities of free‐ranging wild adult pallid sturgeon were examined using radiotelemetry, and complemented with hydraulic data obtained along the migration pathways. Migrations of 12–26% of the telemetered pallid sturgeon population persisted to IDD, but upstream passage over the dam was not detected. Observed migration pathways occurred primarily through main channel habitats; however, migrations through side channels up to 3.9 km in length were documented. The majority of pallid sturgeon used depths of 2.2–3.4 m and mean water velocities of 0.89–1.83 m/s while migrating. Results provide inferences on depths, velocities, and habitat heterogeneity of reaches successfully negotiated by pallid sturgeon that may be used to guide designs for structures facilitating passage at IDD. Passage will provide connectivity to potential upstream spawning areas on the Yellowstone River, thereby increasing the likelihood of recruitment for this endangered species.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is a large member of Acipenseridae now found only in the Yangtze River and the Yellow and East China seas. The goal of this paper was to describe the skull of A. sinensis in the context of recent anatomical and systematic studies of sturgeons. Five specimens (354–670 mm standard length) were prepared as skeletons. The left and right parietals and frontals are broadly separated by a median fontanelle. The lateral‐most lateral extrascapular variably supports the confluence of the supratemporal, occipital and trunk lateral lines. There is no distinct ventral supraorbital process as found in other sturgeons. The anterodorsal portion of the snout is unique among Acipenseridae by having a single large anamestic dorsal rostral bone instead of a series of separate dorsal rostral bones. There are 0–2 lateral rostral bones on each side positioned anterior to but not in contact with the horizontal arm of the jugal. The dorsal surface of the neurocranium lacks a pineal opening, and its anterior tip is sharply pointed in the smaller specimens examined and gently curved in larger specimens. The anteromedial arm of the palatopterygoid is broad relative to other acipenserids. These new morphological data are discussed and compared among Acipenseridae.  相似文献   

The kinematics of prey capture by Ascaphus truei was investigated. High-speed films (100 fps) of 13 successful and one unsuccessful prey capture sequences from six adult frogs were analysed. Ascaphus , the sister group of all living frogs, shares several aspects of feeding kinematics, including rotation of the tongue pad about the mandibular symphysis and mandibular bending during mouth opening and closing, with more derived frogs such as Bufo marinus. The times required for tongue retraction, mouth opening and closing are similar in Ascaphus and Bufo. However, because Bufo is much larger and protracts its tongue much farther than Ascaphus , the velocities of tongue retraction, mouth opening and mouth closing are relatively lower in Ascaphus than in Bufo. Differences in prey capture between Ascaphus and Bufo marinus are (1) the distance of tongue protraction is less in Ascaphus (±0.5 cm) than in Bufo (c. 2 cm); and (2) lunging of the whole body is more pronounced in Ascaphus. Prey capture is highly variable in Ascaphus. An intraoral transport sequence is sometimes (7 of 14 observations) inserted into the prey capture cycle before the completion of mouth closing. The gape cycles range from 80–150 ms for sequences with no oral transport and from 130–280 ms for sequences with oral transport. Also, the time required for tongue retraction is significantly longer in the unsuccessful capture attempt. This variability is generally greater than that observed during prey capture in salamanders, and suggests that frogs and salamanders may differ in the importance of sensory feedback in coordinating prey capture.  相似文献   

We quantified the bycatch of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in Tennessee's shovelnose sturgeon ( Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) fishery by accompanying commercial fishers and monitoring their catch on five dates in spring 2007. Fishers were free to keep or discard any sturgeon they collected in their gillnets and trotlines and we were afforded the opportunity to collect meristic and morphometric data and tissue samples from discarded and harvested specimens. Fishers removed 327 live sturgeon from their gear in our presence, of which 93 were harvested; we also obtained the carcasses of 20 sturgeon that a fisher harvested out of our sight while we were on the water with another fisher. Two of the 113 harvested sturgeon were confirmed pallid sturgeon based on microsatellite DNA analyses. Additionally, fishers gave us five, live pallid sturgeon that they had removed from their gear. If the incidental harvest rate of pallid sturgeon (1.8% of all sturgeon harvested) was similar in the previous two commercial seasons, at least 169 adult pallid sturgeon were harvested by commercial fishers in the Tennessee waters of the Mississippi River in 2005–2007. If fishers altered their behavior because of our presence (i.e. if they were more conservative in what they harvested), the pallid sturgeon take was probably higher when they fished unaccompanied by observers. While retrieving a gill net set the previous day, a fisher we were accompanying retrieved a gillnet lost 2 days earlier; this ghost net caught 53 sturgeon whereby one fish was harvested but most fish were dead, including one confirmed pallid sturgeon.  相似文献   

Movement and distribution of the endangered pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus has generally been documented using radio telemetry. However, because of the time and cost involved in tracking individual fish (i.e. small sample size), it is often difficult to evaluate spatial distribution of groups of fish over long time periods (> 3 years). Standardized sampling for pallid sturgeon, which relies on a variety of gear types, has been conducted on the Missouri River downstream of Fort Randall Dam annually since 2003. Using catch data from 2003 to 2006, the spatial distribution of juvenile pallid sturgeon was evaluated using spatial scan statistics. Presence/absence of pallid sturgeon was summarized from a variety of gear and distribution patterns were analyzed based on: (i) each gear per season, (ii) all gear pooled per season, (iii) each gear pooled across seasons, and (iv) pooled data from all gear and years combined. Three significant clusters of pallid sturgeon captures were identified when all gear and years were pooled. Distribution patterns identified using data from summer trammel nets agreed well with the overall pooled dataset and could be used to identify areas with a high probability of pallid sturgeon presence. This methodology can be used to identify areas where pallid sturgeon are likely to occur, thus improving sampling efficiency for monitoring vital statistics for this endangered species. Moreover, this approach could be applied to other reaches of the Missouri River using existing data from the Pallid Sturgeon Monitoring and Assessment Program. Once identified, these areas could then be evaluated to better understand the habitat requirements of pallid sturgeon.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of environmental parameters on the probability of capturing endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) using trotlines in the lower Mississippi River. Pallid sturgeon were sampled by trotlines year round from 2008 to 2011. A logistic regression model indicated water temperature (T; P < 0.01) and depth (D; P = 0.03) had significant effects on capture probability (Y = ?1.75 ? 0.06T + 0.10D). Habitat type, surface current velocity, river stage, stage change and non‐sturgeon bycatch were not significant predictors (P = 0.26–0.63). Although pallid sturgeon were caught throughout the year, the model predicted that sampling should focus on times when the water temperature is less than 12°C and in deeper water to maximize capture probability; these water temperature conditions commonly occur during November to March in the lower Mississippi River. Further, the significant effect of water temperature which varies widely over time, as well as water depth indicate that any efforts to use the catch rate to infer population trends will require the consideration of temperature and depth in standardized sampling efforts or adjustment of estimates.  相似文献   

Predation can play an important role in the recruitment dynamics of fishes with intensity regulated by behavioral (i.e., prey selectivity) and/or environmental conditions that may be especially important for rare or endangered fishes. We conducted laboratory experiments to quantify prey selection and capture efficiency by three predators employing distinct foraging strategies: pelagic piscivore (walleye Sander vitreus); benthic piscivore (flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris) and generalist predator (smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu) foraging on two size classes of age-0 pallid sturgeon: large (75–100 mm fork length [FL]) and small (40–50 mm FL). Experiments at high (> 70 nephalometric turbidity units [NTU]) and low (< 5 NTU) turbidity for each predator were conducted with high and low densities of pallid sturgeon and contrasting densities of an alternative prey, fathead minnow Pimephales promelas. Predator behaviors (strikes, captures, and consumed prey) were also quantified for each prey type. Walleye and smallmouth bass negatively selected pallid sturgeon (Chesson’s α?=?0.04–0.1) across all treatments, indicating low relative vulnerability to predation. Relative vulnerability to predation by flathead catfish was moderate for small pallid sturgeon (α?=?0.44, neutral selection), but low for large pallid sturgeon (α?=?0.11, negative selection). Turbidity (up to 100 NTU) did not affect pallid sturgeon vulnerability, even at low density of alternative prey. Age-0 pallid sturgeon were easily captured by all predators, but were rarely consumed, suggesting mechanisms other than predator capture efficiency govern sturgeon predation vulnerability.  相似文献   

The pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) was not described until 1905, when it was commonly caught by commercial fishers. This species began to decline in the early 1900s presumably because of overharvest and habitat degradation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed S. albus as an endangered species in 1990. Because S. albus live in deep, turbid rivers that are difficult to sample, very little is known about its reproductive timing and spawning habitat. The act of spawning has never been observed in nature. Captures of wild young S. albus verifying natural reproduction are rare, the last being a 4‐year‐old fish taken in 1978. In this paper, we describe the first collection of a larval S. albus from the wild and subsequent larval collections in the Mississippi River from 1998 to 2000 using a modified slingshot balloon trawl (the Missouri Trawl) designed to capture small fishes in deep, turbulent rivers. We captured larval Scaphirhynchus spp., including verified S. albus, in association with island habitats often in heavy detritus, especially at downstream tips. We postulate that Scaphirhynchus spp. spawned at the heads of islands upstream from where we collected larvae, but we cannot be certain. The capture of larval S. albus verifies reproduction possibly from the lower Missouri River to the upper and lower Mississippi River. However, we found no evidence of recruitment of S. albus from 1998 to 2000 as we were unable to capture juveniles after 374 trawl hauls that captured over 21 735 fish.  相似文献   

The recovery criterion for pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus consists of attaining a self‐sustaining genetically diverse population for two generations. The suppressed pallid sturgeon population is theorized as a potential factor limiting recovery; therefore, the Pallid Sturgeon Conservation and Augmentation Program (PSCAP) was implemented to proliferate the overall population. The pallid sturgeon population has been quantified in the lower basin of the Missouri River (Gavins Point Dam [rkm 1,305.2] to the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers [rkm 0.0]), but previous population estimates have only covered less than ten percent of the lower basin. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to quantify the annual pallid sturgeon population (2015–2017) in a novel, unquantified 30.1 rkm reach of the lower Missouri River basin and compare these results to previously published population estimates in the lower Missouri River basin. The study area included a six‐bend reach in the upper channelized Missouri River, approximately 226.3 rkm below the last main‐stem dam. Population estimates (Nsp) for the “super‐population” of pallid sturgeon within the 30.1 rkm study area varied from 593 (95% CI 471–716) in 2015 to 471 (373–569) in 2016 and 608 (482–734) in 2017. The population estimates (fish/rkm ± SE) ranged from 15.6 ± 1.0 to 20.2 ± 1.3 fish/rkm. This study aligned with a previously published estimate in the same proximal reach but was two or three times higher compared to an estimate reported from approximately 500 rkm downstream. Understanding the temporal and spatial variations of the pallid sturgeon population is critical as recovery efforts continue, especially to seed input parameters into population prediction models that provide management guidance.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an obligate suction feeder that preys on benthic invertebrates and fish. Its cranial morphology exhibits a suite of structural and functional modifications that facilitate this mode of prey capture. During suction‐feeding, subambient pressure is generated by the ventral expansion of the hyoid apparatus and the floor of its buccopharyngeal cavity. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, the nurse shark exhibits expansive, compressive, and recovery kinematic phases that produce posterior‐directed water flow through the buccopharyngeal cavity. However, there is generally neither a preparatory phase nor cranial elevation. Suction is generated by the rapid depression of the buccopharyngeal floor by the coracoarcualis, coracohyoideus, and coracobranchiales muscles. Because the hyoid arch of G. cirratum is loosely connected to the mandible, contraction of the rectus cervicis muscle group can greatly depress the floor of the buccopharyngeal cavity below the depressed mandible, resulting in large volumetric expansion. Suction pressures in the nurse shark vary greatly, but include the greatest subambient pressures reported for an aquatic‐feeding vertebrate. Maximum suction pressure does not appear to be related to shark size, but is correlated with the rate of buccopharyngeal expansion. As in suction‐feeding bony fishes, suction in the nurse shark is only effective within approximately 3 cm in front of the mouth. The foraging behavior of this shark is most likely constrained to ambushing or stalking due to the exponential decay of effective suction in front of the mouth. Prey capture may be facilitated by foraging within reef confines and close to the substrate, which can enhance the effective suction distance, or by foraging at night when it can more closely approach prey. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We produced pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus embryos at five pre-hatch developmental stages and isolated and quantified genomic DNA from four of the stages using four commercial DNA isolation kits. Genomic DNA prepared using the kit that produced the largest yields and concentrations were used for microsatellite DNA analyses of 10–20 embryos at each of the five developmental stages. We attempted to genotype the hatchery-produced embryos at 19 microsatellite loci and confirmed reliable genotyping by comparing the microsatellite genotypes to those of known parents. Embryos at stages 5 and 8 did not produce reliable genotyping while those at stages 14, 24 and 33 did. We used the same DNA isolation method on 262 wild-caught acipenseriform embryos collected from the lower Yellowstone River. A total of 200 of the wild embryos were successfully identified to stages 8 to 34 and the rest could not be staged. Using a combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and microsatellite markers, 249 of the wild-caught embryos were genetically identified as paddlefish Polyodon spathula, five were identified as shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus and eight failed to amplify. None were identified as pallid sturgeon. This study demonstrates that early-stage wild-spawned acipenseriform embryos can be genetically identified less than 24 h post-spawn. This methodology will be useful for recovery efforts for endangered pallid sturgeon and can be applied to other acipenseriform species.  相似文献   

Hatchery augmentation has been used to mitigate declines in fish populations worldwide, especially for sturgeon species. Information regarding stocking success including survival, dispersal, and growth of sturgeon post‐stocking may refine sturgeon augmentation programs and facilitate recovery. Pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus populations have been supplemented by hatchery‐reared stocks for 25 years in the Missouri River, USA. We assessed survival, dispersal patterns, and growth characteristics of post‐stocked pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon stocked at age‐1 (4.1%) and > age‐1 (2.9%) were recaptured at a higher frequency than fish stocked at age‐0 (0.3%). Post‐stocking dispersal patterns suggested dispersal range increase as age increased, but individuals tended to remain in the same river segment as their stocking location. Growth rates varied by year class with younger year classes having truncated growth trajectories compared to older year classes. Post‐stock survival of pallid sturgeon varied by age‐at‐stocking and suggest age‐1 survival has declined through time. Augmentation of pallid sturgeon may benefit from considering dispersal from stocking location and by stocking older individuals which appear to have increased survival post‐stocking. A better understanding regarding environmental drivers of growth and specific habitat features used is needed to better predict optimal timing and location of future stockings.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in the lower Missouri River are relatively unknown. Therefore, data collected from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program was synthesized to (i) document the population structure of pallid sturgeon by origin (hatchery‐reared or wild), gender, and reproductive readiness, (ii) document the minimum size and age‐at‐maturity by gender, and (iii) document the fecundity rates of the fish that were successfully spawned in the hatchery. During this 4‐year study (2008–2011), relative abundance for wild and hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon collected with gill nets did not significantly change whereas relative abundance for wild fish using trot lines declined significantly. The proportion of hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon increased annually, with the population being composed primarily of hatchery‐reared fish. The proportion of reproductively ready females to non‐reproductively ready females was 1 : 2.0, compared to male ratios at 1 : 0.9. Minimum fork length‐at‐maturity was estimated for females at 788 mm and for males at 798 mm. Minimum age‐at‐maturity for hatchery‐reared released fish was age‐9 for females and age‐7 for males. Highest relative fecundity, based on the ovosomatic index, was 10% with an overall mean of 7%. The number of eggs per ml (egg size) was not correlated with fork length (P = 0.0615) or weight (P = 0.0957). Relative condition factor (Kn) for females was significantly different by reproductive condition (P = 0.0014) and Kn for males did not differ between reproductive conditions (P = 0.2634). Detecting shifts in population characteristics are essential not only to understand population dynamics since hatchery inputs and natural perturbations continue to change the population structure but also to assess species recovery efforts to ensure long‐term species sustainability.  相似文献   

Cleaner fishes are well known for removing and consuming ectoparasites off other taxa. Observers have noted that cleaners continuously “pick” ectoparasites from the bodies of their respective client organisms, but little is known about the kinematics of cleaning. While a recent study described the jaw morphology of cleaners as having small jaw‐closing muscles and weak bite forces, it is unknown how these traits translate into jaw movements during feeding to capture and remove ectoparasites embedded in their clients. Here, we describe cranial morphology and kinematic patterns of feeding for three species of cleaner wrasses. Through high‐speed videography of cleaner fishes feeding in two experimental treatments, we document prey capture kinematic profiles for Labroides dimidiatus, Larabicus quadrilineatus, and Thalassoma lutescens. Our results indicate that cleaning in labrids may be associated with the ability to perform low‐displacement, fast jaw movements that allow for rapid and multiple gape cycles on individually targeted items. Finally, while the feeding kinematics of cleaners show notable similarities to those of “picker” cyprinodontiforms, we find key differences in the timing of events. In fact, cleaners generally seem to be able to capture prey twice as fast as cyprinodontiforms. We thus suggest that the kinematic patterns exhibited by cleaners are indicative of picking behavior, but that “pickers” may be more kinematically diverse than previously thought. J. Morphol. 276:1377–1391, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Long‐term population trends of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in the lower Missouri River were evaluated via a discrete and stochastic age‐structure population viability model. The intent of this model was to (i) estimate the local pallid sturgeon population size, (ii) quantify the contribution of hatchery‐reared fish to the overall population, (iii) predict the level of natural production needed to create a self‐sustaining population, and (iv) determine the parameters that produce the largest model sensitivity. The model estimated that the wild, adult population size was approximately 6000 fish that remained in the lower Missouri River in 2012 compared to approximately 42 000 hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon. Under the assumption of no natural recruitment, the population size will continue to decline at approximately 8% annually, with an annual egg to age‐1 survival rate of 0.00011 predicted to maintain a stable population. The model was most sensitive to survival rates of fish ≥ age‐1 and less sensitive to age‐0 survival rates and fecundity. Decreasing or increasing the female spawning interval by 1 year had minimal effect on the overall population trajectory. Recovery management planning for a species such as pallid sturgeon, which is slow‐growing, late‐maturing, and has intermittent spawning would require several years to access recovery potential and management decisions. Barring any unforeseen natural catastrophe, the pallid sturgeon population in the lower Missouri River is not in immediate danger of local extirpation; however, the population appears to be far from viable and self‐sustaining.  相似文献   

Pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus relative condition has been observed to be declining along the Nebraska reach (rkm 1212.6–801.3) of the Missouri River over the past several years; therefore, pallid sturgeon capture data was synthesized from the entire Missouri and Middle Mississippi rivers to document and compare how pallid sturgeon condition varies spatially and temporally throughout much of their current range. The study area was subdivided into four river reaches based on a priori statistical differences for pallid sturgeon catches from 2003 to 2015. Pallid sturgeon in the Middle Mississippi River (Alton Dam [rkm 321.9]) to the confluence of the Ohio River (rkm 0.0) were in the best condition while pallid sturgeon in the Middle Missouri River (Fort Randall Dam [rkm 1416.2]) to the Grand River confluence (rkm 402.3) were in the poorest condition. Furthermore, pallid sturgeon condition in the Upper Missouri River (Fort Peck Dam [rkm 2850.9] to the headwaters of Lake Sakakawea [rkm 2523.5] and lower Yellowstone River) and the Lower Missouri River (Grand River confluence to the Mississippi River confluence [rkm 0.0]) were significantly less than in the Middle Mississippi River but significantly higher than the Middle Missouri River. Temporally, pallid sturgeon condition was highly variable. Relative condition in the Middle Mississippi River was consistently above average (Kn = 1.1). Comparatively, Kn throughout the Missouri River rarely exceeded “normal” (Kn = 1.0), with Kn in the middle and lower reaches of the Missouri River having declined to the lowest observed. As pallid sturgeon recovery efforts continue, understanding the range‐wide differences and effects on condition could be critical, as poor condition may cause maturation delays, reproductive senescence or even mortality, which affects the likelihood of natural reproduction and recruitment.  相似文献   

The mechanical basis of prey capture and behaviour of Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884, as with most members of the Order Rhizostomeae, has not been described. Free-swimming medusae were videotaped in order to quantitatively describe the feeding process of P. punctata. Kinematic data demonstrated that adult medusae were surrounded by relatively high Re (102–103) flows while swimming. Therefore, momentum dominated these flows and the motions of particles entrained in the fluid surrounding swimming P. punctata. Artemia salina nauplii entrained within these flows contacted two principle capture surfaces: the oral arm cylinder and the underside of the subumbrellar surface. Prey were ingested by small polyp-like mouthlets located on these surfaces. Ingestion followed capture at these sites. P. punctata's body morphology is highly modified to channel flows into these capture surfaces and feeding is dependent upon this pattern. Swimming activity, and hence the creation of flows used for prey capture, is continuous, as is feeding, and plays a central role in this medusa's foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

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