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Choi H  Murray TF  Aldrich JV 《Biopolymers》2003,71(5):552-557
As part of an effort to develop peptide-based affinity labels for opioid receptors, [Leu(5)]enkephalin (LeuEnk) and DTLET (Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr), potent agonists for delta receptors, were selected as the parent peptides for further modification. The affinity label derivatives were prepared using standard Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis in conjunction with Fmoc-Phe(p-NHAlloc) (Fmoc: 9-flourenylmethoxycarbonyl;) and selective modification of the p-amino group on this residue. The electrophilic isothiocyanate and bromoacetamide groups were introduced into the para position of Phe(4); the corresponding free amine-containing peptides were also prepared for comparison. The pure peptides were evaluated in radioligand binding assays using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing delta and micro opioid receptors. Modification of Phe(4) in LeuEnk and DTLET significantly decreased delta-receptor binding affinity (40 to >2,000-fold). Among the synthesized analogues, [Phe(p-NH(2))(4)]DTLET showed the highest delta-receptor binding affinity (IC(50) = 39 nM) and enhanced selectivity for delta receptors compared to DTLET while other derivatives exhibited much lower delta receptor affinity. The differences in affinities between the two series of analogues and between the derivatives of LeuEnk and N,N-dibenzyl[Leu(5)]Enk reported previously suggest subtle differences in interactions of Phe(4) with delta receptors depending on other modifications in the sequences.  相似文献   

Extracellular cysteine proteases, in particular cathepsin B, have been implicated in a variety of pathological processes. Selectively targeting labels of this enzyme are important tools to gain more detailed understanding of its specific roles. Starting from our recently developed irreversible epoxysuccinyl-based inhibitor (R-Gly-Gly-Leu-(2S,3S)-tEps-Leu-Pro-OH, R=OMe), we have synthesized two affinity labels, R=NH-(CH(2))(6)-NH-rhodamine B and R=NH-(CH(2))(6)-NH-biotin. Using MCF-7 cells, the labeled inhibitors were shown to be virtually non-cell-permeant. Moreover, affinity blot analysis with the biotinylated inhibitor allowed a highly sensitive and selective non-radioactive detection of active cathepsin B.  相似文献   

A series of morphinan derivatives which are cyclic imines and pyrrolidines containing a constrained phenyl group has been synthesised and tested for their opioid receptor binding affinity. In opioid binding assays the ligands displayed very high affinity particularly for μ receptors and some showed substantial μ selectivity.  相似文献   

The analysis of proteomic samples with affinity labels has been firmly established as a tool for the post-genomic researcher. Recent examples highlight the advantages of profiling functionally active members of specific protein families to identify therapeutically relevant protein targets that have escaped normal physiological regulation leading to increased or decreased activity. This dysregulation may result from any number of biological changes that modulate a protein's activity; for example, post-translational modifications of the protein or an imbalance between the protein and its endogenous inhibitor(s). By providing a direct measure of a protein's functional activity, affinity probe analysis identifies these changes and allows investigators to focus their research efforts upon those proteins that are most likely to be responsible for the biological changes under evaluation.  相似文献   

Dermorphin and [Lys7]dermorphin, selective micro -opioid receptor ligands originating from amphibian skin, have been modified with various electrophiles in either the 'message' or 'address' sequences as potential peptide-based affinity labels for micro -receptors. Introduction of the electrophilic isothiocyanate and bromoacetamide groups on the para position of Phe3 and Phe5 was accomplished by incorporating Fmoc-Phe(p-NHAlloc) into the peptide followed by selective deprotection and modification. The corresponding amine-containing peptides were also prepared. The pure peptides were evaluated in radioligand binding experiments using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing micro - and delta-opioid receptors. In dermorphin, introduction of the electrophilic groups in the 'message' domain lowered the binding affinity by > 1000-fold; only [Phe(p-NH2)3]dermorphin retained nanomolar affinity for micro -receptors. Modifications in the 'address' region of both dermorphin and [Lys7]dermorphin were relatively well tolerated. In particular, [Phe(p-NH2)5,Lys7]dermorphin showed similar affinity to dermorphin, with almost 2-fold higher selectivity for micro -receptors. [Phe(p-NHCOCH2Br)5]- and [Phe(p-NHCOCH2Br)5,Lys7]dermorphin exhibited relatively high affinity (IC50 = 27.7 and 15.1 nm, respectively) for micro -receptors. However, neither of these peptides inhibited [3H]DAMGO binding in a wash-resistant manner.  相似文献   

Haloacetol phosphates as affinity labels for methylglyoxal synthase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3-Bromo- and 3-iodoacetol phosphates irreversibly inactivate methylglyoxal synthase. The substrate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, and inorganic phosphate protect against the inhibition. Although the 3-chloro derivative does not inactivate the enzyme, it is a competitive inhibitor. Reduction of the enzyme-inactivator complex with [3H]-NaBH4 indicates the incorporation of four haloacetol phosphates per mole of enzyme. These studies suggest the bromo- and iodoacetol phosphates inactivate the enzyme by reacting with a nucleophilic group located in the active center.  相似文献   

Iodination of peptidyl chloromethyl ketones for protease affinity labels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The specificity of peptidyl chloromethyl ketones has been used to label proteases in complex biological systems by incorporating tyrosine into the structure for eventual radioiodination. Contrary to results with iodination of proteins, a mild reagent, that is, one which iodinates at neutrality, was unsuitable, giving complex mixtures with poor reproducibility, apparently because of side reactions at the chloromethyl ketone group. On the other hand, iodine monochloride in acetic acid provided clean products. In the cases examined where a tyrosine residue was not appropriate for the specificity of the target protease, this residue was located well displaced from the primary specificity site. The resultant diiodotyrosine-containing derivatives were generally highly active as protease inhibitors. The p-aminobenzoyl group was used as an alternative to tyrosine as an iodinatable component.  相似文献   

4-Thiothymidine and 6-thiodeoxyguanosine were incorporated into synthetic dodecamers containing the recognition site d(GATATC) of the enzymes Eco RV endonuclease and Eco RV methyltransferase. Upon irradiation with long wavelength UV light (340-360 nm), these oligodeoxynucleotides were photochemically crosslinked to both enzymes. The yields were up to 35% with the methyltransferase, but lower (up to 6%) with the endonuclease. Oligodeoxynucleotides containing 4-thiothymidine generally gave higher yields of crosslinking than those containing 6-thiodeoxyguanosine. Although both specific (i.e. those containing the d(GATATC) sequence) and non-specific (lacking this sequence) photoreactive oligodeoxynucleotides gave rise to crosslinked products, the use of a non-reactive, competitive substrate oligodeoxynucleotide suppressed the crosslinking, indicating that the reaction takes place at the enzymes' active sites. Oligodeoxynucleotides containing 4-thiocyanatothymidine or 6-thiocyanatodeoxyguanosine were also prepared by treatment of the title oligomers with CNBr and KCN. The dodecamers containing 4-thiocyanatothymidine were found to covalently modify both enzymes under study, with levels of crosslinking reaching up to 42% with the endonuclease and up to 12% with the methyltransferase. No crosslinking was observed with oligodeoxynucleotides containing 6-thiocyanatodeoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

Thiol-reactive substances on chromatograms can be detected conveniently with a single spray reagent composed of Ellman's reagent and reduced glutathione, Data pertaining to the visualization of reactive halogen compounds are presented.  相似文献   

Radioiodinated meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is used in the diagnosis and therapy of various neuroendocrine tumors. To investigate whether an additional guanidine function in the structure of MIBG will yield analogues that may potentially enhance tumor-to-target ratios, two derivatives-one with a guanidine moiety and another with a guanidinomethyl group at the 4-position of MIBG-were prepared. In the absence of any uptake-1 inhibiting conditions, the uptake of 4-guanidinomethyl-3-[(131)I]iodobenzylguanidine ([(131)I]GMIBG) by SK-N-SH cells in vitro was 1.7+/-0.1% of input counts, compared to a value of 40.3+/-1.4% for [(125)I[MIBG suggesting that guanidinomethyl group at the 4-position negated the biological properties of MIBG. On the other hand, 4-guanidino-3-[(131)I]iodobenzylguanidine ([(131)I]GIBG) had an uptake (5.6+/-0.3%) that was 12-13% that of [(125)I]MIBG (46.1+/-2.7%), and the ratio of uptake by control over DMI-treated (nonspecific) cultures was higher for [(131)I]GIBG (20.9+/-0.3) than [(125)I]MIBG itself (15.0+/-2.7). The exocytosis of [(131)I]GIBG and [(125)I]MIBG from SK-N-SH cells was similar. The uptake of [(131)I]GIBG in the mouse target tissues, heart and adrenals, as well as in a number of other tissues was about half that of [(125)I]MIBG. These results suggest that substitution of guanidine functions, especially a guanidinomethyl group, in MIBG structure may not be advantageous.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis and the biological activity of new analogues of Ac-RFMWMK-NH2 and Ac-RYYRWK-NH2, modified in position 4 and 5, respectively, with incorporation of newly synthesized β2-tryptophan analogues. Trp was substituted by the (S)-2-(1-methyl-1H-indol-3-yl)propionic residue or by (S)-2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)propionic residue. The biological activity (pEC50 and Emax) of these compounds was tested on electrically stimulated preparations of rat vas deferens. The 5-methoxy β-tryptophan group reverses the affinity of the compounds.  相似文献   

Polyketides are a diverse class of natural products having important clinical properties, including antibiotic, immunosuppressive and anticancer activities. They are biosynthesized by polyketide synthases (PKSs), which are modular, multienzyme complexes that sequentially condense simple carboxylic acid derivatives. The final reaction in many PKSs involves thioesterase-catalyzed cyclization of linear chain elongation intermediates. As the substrate in PKSs is presented by a tethered acyl carrier protein, introduction of substrate by diffusion is problematic, and no substrate-bound type I PKS domain structure has been reported so far. We describe the chemical synthesis of polyketide-based affinity labels that covalently modify the active site serine of excised pikromycin thioesterase from Streptomyces venezuelae. Crystal structures reported here of the affinity label-pikromycin thioesterase adducts provide important mechanistic insights. These results suggest that affinity labels can be valuable tools for understanding the mechanisms of individual steps within multifunctional PKSs and for directing rational engineering of PKS domains for combinatorial biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A method for modifying and isotopic labeling the sialyl moiety of sialoglycoproteins is described. The basis of the procedure is the reductive amination of the exocyclic aldehyde group, generated on sialic acid by mild periodate oxidation, with a variety of amino compounds and sodium cyanoborohydride. Optimal conditions were selected to obtain maximum modification of sialic acid and minimal non-specific incorporation of the amino compound (glycine). The glycine modified model glycoproteins (α1-acid glycoprotein, fetuin) yielded single homogenous peaks upon gel filtration and on ion exchange chromatography. On gel electrophoresis a major band accounting for 92–98% of the modified glycoprotein and two minor bands consisting of dimers and trimers of the glycoprotein were observed. The modification did not alter the ability of the sialoglycoproteins to bind to wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose or to interact with antibodies. The modified sialic acid was only partially released by mild acid hydrolysis suggesting that the introduction of an amino compound into the polyol chain of sialic acid has a stabilizing effect on the ketosidic linkage of the sugar. Interestingly, the modification rendered the sialic acid resistant to a variety of sialidases. The potential uses of this modification procedure include 1) the introduction of different isotopic labels (3H,14C,35S,125I) into the sialic acid moiety of glycoproteins; 2) the preparations of biologically active sialoglycoprotein (hormones, enzymes, co-factors) with increased circulating half-lives in animals; 3) preparation of substrates to search for endoglycosidases; 4) the direct comparison of sialoglycoprotein patterns obtained in small amounts from normal and pathological cells or tissues, and 5) the isolation and purification of cell surface sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

The affinity-labeling technique is an extremely important method in receptor biochemistry. The 3-nitro-2-pyridinesulfenyl (Npys) group, attached to a mercapto group, can react only with a free thiol group (the beta-mercapto group of cysteine residue) of the target receptor molecules, forming a disulfide bond. This disulfide bonding is mediated through the thiol-disulfide exchange reaction. Unlike other labeling methods, the approach utilizing such chemically activated thiol-containing ligands is able to reproduce an unlabeled protein by treatment with dithiothreitol, a reducing reagent. This provides several unique aspects for the studies elucidating the structure-function relationships between the peptide and the receptor. Based on the SNpys affinity technique, we have achieved the discriminative disulfide-bonding affinity labeling of the three different subtypes of opioid receptors: mu, delta and kappa. This article reviews our novel affinity techniques in the in vitro receptor biochemistry.  相似文献   

A series of novel high affinity opioid receptor ligands have been made whereby the phenolic-OH group of nalbuphine, naltrexone methiodide, 6-desoxonaltrexone, hydromorphone and naltrindole was replaced by a carboxamido group and the furan ring was opened to the corresponding 4-OH derivatives. These furan ring ‘open’ derivatives display very high affinity for μ and κ receptors and much less affinity for δ. The observation that these target compounds have much higher receptor affinity than the corresponding ring ‘closed’ carboxamides significantly strengthens our underlying pharmacophore hypothesis concerning the bioactive conformation of the carboxamide group.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify potential peptide-based affinity labels for opioid receptors, endomorphin-2 (Tyr-Pro-Phe-PheNH2), a potent and selective endogenous ligand for mu-opioid receptors, was chosen as the parent peptide for modification. The tetrapeptide analogs were prepared using standard Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis in conjunction with incorporation of Fmoc-Phe(p-NHAlloc) and modification of the p-amino group. The electrophilic groups isothiocyanate and bromoacetamide were introduced into the para position on either Phe3 or Phe4; the corresponding free amine-containing peptides were also prepared for comparison. The peptides bearing an affinity label group and their free amine analogs were evaluated in a radioligand-binding assay using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing mu- and delta-opioid receptors. Modification on Phe4 was better tolerated than on Phe3 for mu-receptor binding. Among the analogs tested, [Phe(p-NH2)4]endomorphin-2 showed the highest affinity (IC50 = 37 nm) for mu-receptors. The Phe(p-NHCOCH2Br)4 analog displayed the highest mu-receptor affinity (IC50 = 158 nm) among the peptides containing an affinity label group. Most of the compounds exhibited negligible binding affinity for delta-receptors, similar to the parent peptide.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes containing multiple non-radioactive labels have been prepared by utilising and extending the methods used to prepare polyamide-oligonucleotide conjugates. The probes were prepared by incorporating suitable amino acid residues, such as lysines, in the polyamide, which were then used as sites for the attachment of the non-radioactive labels. The procedures developed give control over the distance of the label from the oligonucleotide, and also the inter-label distance. The labels can be conveniently introduced while the substrate is still on the solid support. Even though fluorescent oligonucleotide probes prepared in this way carrying multiple carboxyfluorescein labels gave low levels of fluorescence due to quenching, the probes containing ten biotin labels gave a detection sensitivity of approximately 5 attomole (3 million molecules).  相似文献   

Alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->4)-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-->2)]-beta-D-glucopyranose (chacotriose) is the oligosaccharide moiety of dioscin. Chacotriosyl trichloroacetimidate was synthesized from d-glucose and l-rhamnose, and glycosylated to mevalonate (diosgenin, cholesterol, and glycyrrhetic acid) to yield dioscin and neosaponins. In order to simplify the structure of the aglycone part, the mevalonate moiety was replaced with double-chain neoglycolipids that mimicked glycosyl ceramides. A cytotoxicity test revealed the importance of the glycosidic linkage of the naturally occurring beta-form and that dioscin and the neoglycolipid with the longest chain showed a moderate activity.  相似文献   

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