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Structure and function of heparan sulphate proteoglycans.   总被引:47,自引:11,他引:36  

Heparin, with or without the addition of an adrenocorticosteroid,can inhibit normal angiogenesis in the chick embryo chorioallantoicmembrane. Low- or non-sulphated heparin fragments also haveanti-angiogenic effect. Attempts to define a saccharide structureresponsible for the anti-angiogenic effect implicated a -[GlcAß1,4-GlcNAc  相似文献   

Rat liver cells grown in primary cultures in the presence of [35S]sulphate synthesize a labelled heparan sulphate-like glycosaminoglycan. The characterization of the polysaccharide as heparan sulphate is based on its resistance to digestion with chondroitinase ABC or hyaluronidase and its susceptibility to HNO2 treatment. The sulphate groups (including sulphamino and ester sulphate groups) are distributed along the polymer in the characteristic block fashion. In 3H-labelled heparan sulphate, isolated after incubation of the cells with [3H]galactose, 40% of the radioactive uronic acid units are l-iduronic acid, the remainder being d-glucuronic acid. The location of heparan sulphate at the rat liver cell surface is demonstrated; part of the labelled polysaccharide can be removed from the cells by mild treatment with trypsin or heparitinase. Further, a purified plasma-membrane fraction isolated from rats previously injected with [35S]sulphate contains radioactively labelled heparan sulphate. A proteoglycan macromolecule composed of heparan sulphate chains attached to a protein core can be solubilized from the membrane fraction by extraction with 6m-guanidinium chloride. The proteoglycan structure is degraded by treatment with papain, Pronase or alkali. The production of heparan [35S]sulphate by rat liver cells incubated in the presence of [35S]sulphate was followed. Initially the amount of labelled polysaccharide increased with increasing incubation time. However, after 10h of incubation a steady state was reached where biosynthetic and degradative processes were in balance.  相似文献   

Metabolism of biosynthetically [35S]sulphate-labelled heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) was studied in the isolated glomerulus. Chromatography and electrophoresis resolved HS into 5 components, designated HS1a, HS1b, and HS2 to HS4 in order of increasing Kd. Both HS1a (250 kDa) and HS1b (130 kDa) are present in the glomerular basement membrane and have glycosaminoglycan chains of 25-45 kDa. Chemical analysis of glycosaminoglycan chains indicated a similar content of 50% N-sulphation and 30% 6-O-sulphation on the hexosamine residues of all HSs, with the remaining 20% of sulphate likely at the 2-O-position of uronic acid residues. By pulse-chase analysis, the basement-membrane fraction was found to have a half-life of residency in the glomerulus of 37 h. Both HS1a and HS1b are mainly released intact into the medium and are not further broken down in that compartment. In contrast, HS2 is almost completely released into the medium immediately after synthesis and is not normally recovered from the tissue. It is a 90-kDa HSPG with a hydrophobic core protein and glycosaminoglycan chains similar in size to those of HS1. In addition to these larger PGs, HS3 and HS4 represent glycosaminoglycan chains with little or no core protein. HS1a, HS1b and HS2 were iodinated and deglycosylated. Each has a 30-kDa core protein in addition to 18 kDa of chondroitinase ABC- and nitrous-acid-resistant O-linked carbohydrate. This suggests the possibility of a single core protein with variable glycosylation and destination. HS1a has 5-6 glycosaminoglycan chains, HS1b 2-3 and HS2 1-2. We propose that basement-membrane HSPG (HS1a and HS1b) and a related, underglycosylated secreted HSPG (HS2) are the major HSPGs synthesized by the isolated glomerulus. Other molecular species may represent discrete steps in the turnover of basement-membrane HSPG.  相似文献   

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R M Pope  C S Raska  S C Thorp  J Liu 《Glycobiology》2001,11(6):505-513
A highly sensitive method to identify and quantify heparan sulfate (HS) oligosaccharides by using nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (nESI-MS) is described. The new approach allows us to detect approximately 50 nM of a chemically synthesized pentasaccharide with a structure of GlcNS6S-GlcA-GlcNS6S-IdoA2S-GlcNS6SOMe (3-OH pentasaccharide). Typically, solutions were infused for a total of 5 min, at an average flow rate of 30 nl/min, and the remaining sample was recovered from the nanovial. The spectra shown were obtained by summing scans for 1--3 min. Hence, our data indicated that as little as 3 x 10(-15) mole of the pentasaccharide was consumed to obtain a reasonable spectrum at the concentration as low as 50 nM. In addition, we found a linear relationship between the relative response of the molecular ion and the concentration of the analyzed 3-OH pentasaccharide, demonstrating that this approach can be used to determine the amount of HS oligosaccharides. To this end, a 3-O-sulfated pentasaccharide was prepared by incubating the 3-OH pentasaccharide with purified HS 3-O-sulfotransferase-1 and 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phospho[(35)S]sulfate. The resulting 3-O-sulfated pentasaccharide was purified and analyzed by nESI-MS. Based on the standard curve constructed with the 3-OH pentasaccharide, we calculated the concentration of the 3-O-sulfated pentasaccharide by the relative response. The result indicates that this value is very close to the value measured by [(35)S]sulfate radioactivity. In conclusion, nESI-MS provides both high sensitivity and the capacity to quantify HSs. This approach is likely to become a very important tool for structural analysis and sequencing of HS and heparin oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate have both antithrombotic and anticoagulant properties. These are, however, significantly weaker than those of a comparable amount of standard pig mucosal heparin. Antithrombotic and anticoagulant effects of glycosaminoglycans depend on their ability to catalyse the inhibition of thrombin and/or to inhibit the activation of prothrombin. Since heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate are less sulphated than unfractionated heparin, we investigated whether the decreased sulphation contributes to the lower antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities compared with standard heparin. To do this, we compared the anticoagulant activities of heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate with those of their derivatives resulphated in vitro. The ratio of sulphate to carboxylate in these resulphated heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate derivatives was approximately twice that of the parent compounds and similar to that of standard heparin. Anticoagulant effects were assessed by determining (a) the catalytic effects of each glycosaminoglycan on the inhibition of thrombin added to plasma, and (b) the ability of each glycosaminoglycan to inhibit the activation of 125I-prothrombin in plasma. The least sulphated glycosaminoglycans were least able to catalyse the inhibition of thrombin added to plasma and to inhibit the activation of prothrombin. Furthermore, increasing the degree of sulphation improved the catalytic effects of glycosaminoglycans on the inhibition of thrombin by heparin cofactor II in plasma. The degree of sulphation therefore appears to be an important functional property that contributes significantly to the anticoagulant effects of the two glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

Selective periodate oxidation of unsubstituted l-iduronic acid residues in copolymeric dermatan sulphate chains was followed by reduction-hydrolysis or alkaline elimination. By this procedure the glucuronic acid-containing periods were isolated in oligosaccharide form; general formula: [Formula: see text] Further degradation of these oligosaccharides with chondroitinase-AC yielded three types of products: (a) sulphated trisaccharide containing an unsaturated uronosyl moiety in the non-reducing terminal and a C(4) fragment in the reducing terminal, DeltaUA-GalNAc-(-SO(4))-R; (b) monosulphated, unsaturated disaccharide, DeltaUA-GalNAc-SO(4) when n is greater than or equal to 2; and (c) N-acetylgalactosamine with or without sulphate. Oligosaccharides containing a single glucuronic acid residue (n=1) comprised more than half of the glucuronic acid-containing oligosaccharides. The terminal N-acetylgalactosamine moiety of the shortest oligosaccharide was largely 4-sulphated, whereas higher oligosaccharides primarily contained 6-sulphated or unsulphated hexosamine moieties in the same position. Moreover, IdUA-SO(4)-containing oligosaccharides were encountered. These oligosaccharides were resistant to the action of chondroitinase-ABC.  相似文献   

35SO42(-)- and [3H]leucine-labelled proteoglycans were isolated from the medium and cell layer of human skin fibroblast cultures. Measures were taken to avoid proteolytic modifications during isolation by adding guanidinium chloride and proteolysis inhibitors immediately after harvest. The proteoglycans were purified and fractionated by density-gradient centrifugation, followed by gel and ion-exchange chromatography. Our procedure permitted the isolation of two major proteoglycan fractions from the medium, one large, containing glucuronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate chains, and one small, containing iduronic acid-rich ones. The protein core of the latter proteoglycan had an apparent molecular weight of 47000 as determined by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, whereas the protein core of the former was considerably larger. The major dermatan sulphate proteoglycan of the cell layer was similar to the large proteoglycan of the medium. Only small amounts of the iduronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate proteoglycan could be isolated from the cell layer. Instead most of the iduronic acid-rich glycans appeared as free chains. The heparan sulphate proteoglycans found in the cell culture were largely confined to the cell layer. This proteoglycan was of rather low buoyant density and seemed to contain a high proportion of protein. The major part of the heparan sulphate proteoglycan from the medium had a higher buoyant density and contained a smaller amount of protein.  相似文献   

The enzymatic sulphation of heparan sulphate by hen's uterus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Heparan sulphate proteoglycan, labelled with [35S]sulphate, was prepared from rat livers for studies of its interaction with purified rat transferrin. Affinity chromatography of the preparation on columns of immobilized differic transferrin and apotransferrin showed that the proteoglycan possessed affinity for both types of matrices at pH 7.3 and that this affinity significantly increased at pH 5.6. The glycosaminoglycan chains liberated from the proteoglycan by heparan sulphate lyase also bound to apotransferrin, albeit less strongly, whereas the deglycosylated core protein exhibited virtually no interaction with this matrix. In the presence of the proteoglycan at pH 5.6, the release of iron from the N-lobe of transferrin was accelerated. These observations suggest that heparan sulphate proteoglycan from the liver can mimick some of the known functions of bona fide transferrin receptors and, hence, interaction with the proteoglycan may provide an alternative nondegradative pathway for transferrin through hepatic cells.  相似文献   

The functions of sulphated monosaccharides within glycosaminoglycans(GAGs) and glycoproteins are being studied intensely, but progressis hindered by an inability to selectively desulphate glycoconjugates.We recently identified an N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate sulphatase(NG6SS) from bovine kidney that can remove sulphate from N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate(GlcNAc-6-SO4) within oligosaccharides and glycoproteins. However,the potential ‘endosulphatase’ activity of the NG6SStoward GAGs is not known. To test for this possibility, [3H]glucosamine-,[3H]galactose- and 35SO4- labelled keratan sulphate (KS) wereseparately prepared by metabolic radiolabelling of bovine cornea.NG6SS quantitatively removed sulphate from KS without releaseof sugar fragments. The enzyme had a Km of 4.7 mM toward freeGlcNAc-6-SO4, but its Km for commercially available bovine cornealKS was found to be 9.1 µM. Analyses of both KS and heparansulphate after treatment with NG6SS demonstrated significantloss of sulphate from GlcNAc-6-SO4 in both GAGs. These findingsmay be relevant for future studies aimed at defining the function(s)of GlcNAc-6-SO4 residues in GAGs and understanding the catabolismof GAGs, especially in regard to sulphatidoses, such as SanfilippoD syndrome in humans, which involves a deficiency of NG6SS activity catabolism endosulphatase glycosaminoglycans sulphation  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate and heparin are chemically related alpha beta-linked glycosaminoglycans composed of alternating sequences of glucosamine and uronic acid. The amino sugars may be N-acetylated or N-sulphated, and the latter substituent is unique to these two polysaccharides. Although there is general agreement that heparan sulphate is usually less sulphated than heparin, reproducible differences in their molecular structure have been difficult to identify. We suggest that this is because most of the analytical data have been obtained with degraded materials that are not necessarily representative of complete polysaccharide chains. In the present study intact heparan sulphates, labelled biosynthetically with [3H]glucosamine and Na2(35)SO4, were isolated from the surface membranes of several types of cells in culture. The polysaccharide structure was analysed by complete HNO2 hydrolysis followed by fractionation of the products by gel filtration and high-voltage electrophoresis. Results showed that in all heparan sulphates there were approximately equal numbers of N-sulpho and N-acetyl substituents, arranged in a similar, predominantly segregated, manner along the polysaccharide chain. O-Sulphate groups were in close proximity to the N-sulphate groups but, unlike the latter, the number of O-sulphate groups could vary considerably in heparan sulphates of different cellular origins ranging from 20 to 75 O-sulphate groups per 100 disaccharide units. Inspection of the published data on heparin showed that the N-sulphate frequency was very high (greater than 80% of the glucosamine residues are N-sulphated) and the concentration of O-sulphate groups exceeded that of the N-sulphate groups. We conclude from these and other observations that heparan sulphate and heparin are separate families of N-sulphated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

A new method that we have called 'oligosaccharide mapping' is described for the analysis of radiolabelled heparan sulphate and other glycosaminoglycans. The method involves specific enzymic or chemical scission of polysaccharide chains followed by high-resolution separation of the degradation products by polyacrylamide-gradient-gel electrophoresis. The separated oligosaccharides are immobilized on charged nylon membranes by electrotransfer and detected by fluorography. A complex pattern of discrete bands is observed covering an oligosaccharide size range from degree of polymerization (d.p.) 2 (disaccharide) to approximately d.p. 40. Separation is due principally to differences in Mr, though the method also seems to detect variations in conformation of oligosaccharide isomers. Resolution of oligosaccharides is superior to that obtained with isocratic polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis systems or gel chromatography, and reveals structural details that are not accessible by other methods. For example, in this paper we demonstrate a distinctive repeating doublet pattern of iduronate-rich oligosaccharides in heparitinase digests of mouse fibroblast heparan sulphate. This pattern may be a general feature of mammalian heparan sulphates. Oligosaccharide mapping should be a valuable method for the analysis of fine structure and sequence of heparan sulphate and other complex polysaccharides, and for making rapid assessments of the molecular distinctions between heparan sulphates from different sources.  相似文献   

We prepared a series of oligosaccharides from commercial bovinekidney heparan sulphate after limited digestion with heparitinaseI from Flavobacterium heparinum, and determined the structuresof eight tetrasaccharides and a hexasaccharide by enzymaticanalysis, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and 500 MHz1H NMR spectroscopy. The tetrasaccharides share the common corestructure  相似文献   

The secretion of heparan sulphate by cultured rat hepatocytes was increased in the presence of (+)-catechin. The increase was due to a new species of heparan sulphate that lacked the carbohydrate-protein linkage between xylose and serine in normal heparan sulphate proteoglycan. The mean molecular weight of this heparan sulphate varied between 6300 and 9500, was not affected by treatment with alkali or Pronase and was 2-3-fold lower than that of chains released from heparan sulphate proteoglycan. After digestion with Pronase, only a minor fraction of chains contained serine, and after treatment with alkali and NaB3H4 reduction less than 5% of the chains exposed [3H]xylitol at the reducing terminals. These results suggested that (+)-catechin or metabolites of it acted as acceptors of heparan sulphate synthesis. In cultures treated wih cycloheximide, synthesis of heparan sulphate decreased to less than 5%. (+)-Catechin could restore the heparan sulphate synthesis to almost normal values. The (+)-catechin-induced heparan sulphate was secreted. Only a small fraction was incorporated into the plasma membrane or other cellular compartments. This may indicate that the protein core is essential for association of heparan sulphate with cellular compartments.  相似文献   

1. A method was developed for determination of the uronic acid composition of heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. Polymers or oligosaccharides are degraded to monosaccharides by a combination of acid hydrolysis and deamination with HNO2. The resulting uronic acid monosaccharides (accounting for about 70% of the uronic acid contents of the starting materials) are isolated and converted into the corresponding aldono-1,4-lactones, which are separated by g.l.c. The calculated ratios of glucuronic acid/iduronic acid are reproducible within 5%. 2. Samples of heparin from pig intestinal mucosa (molar ratio of sulphate/disaccharide unit, 2.40) and heparan sulphate from human aorta (sulphate/disaccharide ratio, 0.46) were subjected to uronic acid analysis. l-Iduronic acid constituted 77% and 19% respectively of the total uronic acid contents. 3. The correlation between the contents of sulphate and iduronic acid indicated by this finding also applied to the fractionated deamination products of the two polymers. The sulphated fragments varied in size from disaccharide to octasaccharide (or larger) and showed sulphate/disaccharide molar ratios in the range of 0.05–2.0. The proportion of iduronic acid increased with increasing ester sulphate contents of the oligosaccharides. 4. Previous studies on the biosynthesis of heparin in a cell-free system have shown that l-iduronic acid residues are formed by C-5 epimerization of d-glucuronic acid units at the polymer level; the process requires concomitant sulphation of the polymer. The results obtained in the present structural study conform to these findings, and suggest further that similar mechanisms may operate in the biosynthesis of heparan sulphate. The epimerization reaction appears to be linked to the sulphation of hydroxyl groups but does not seem to require sulphation of the target uronic acid residues. The significance of sulphamino groups in relation to the formation of iduronic acid is unknown.  相似文献   

1. 3H- and 35S-labelled heparan sulphate was isolated from monolayers of human lung fibroblasts and subjected to degradations by (a) deaminative cleavage and (b) periodate oxidation/alkaline elimination. Fragments were resolved by gel- and ion-exchange-chromatography. 2. Deaminative cleavage of the radioactive glycan afforded mainly disaccharides with a low content of ester-sulphate and free sulphate, indicating that a large part (approx. 80%) of the repeating units consisted of uronosyl-glucosamine-N-sulphate. Blocks of non-sulphated [glucuronosyl-N-acetyl glucosamine] repeats (3–4 consecutive units) accounted for the remainder of the chains. 3. By selective oxidation of glucuronic acid residues associated with N-acetylglucosamine, followed by scission in alkali, the radioactive glycan was degraded into a series of fragments. The glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosamine-containing block regions yielded a compound N-acetylglucosamine–R, where R is the remnant of an oxidized and degraded glucuronic acid. Periodate-insensitive uronic acid residues were recovered in saccharides of the general structure glucosamine–(uronic acid–glucosamine)n–R. 4. Further degradations of these saccharides via deaminative cleavage and re-oxidations with periodate revealed that iduronic acid may be located in sequences such as glucosamine-N-sulphate→iduronic acid→N-acetylglucosamine. Occasionally the iduronic acid was sulphated. Blocks of iduronic acid-containing repeats may contain up to five consecutive units. Alternating arrangements of iduronic acid- and glucuronic acid-containing repeats were also observed. 5. 3H- and 35S-labelled heparan sulphates from sequential extracts of fibroblasts (medium, EDTA, trypsin digest, dithiothreitol extract, cell-soluble and cell-insoluble material) afforded similar profiles after both periodate oxidation/alkaline elimination and deaminative cleavage.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides were isolated from heparin and heparan sulfate by a procedure consisting of three major steps: (a) acid hydrolysis; (b) gel chromatography; and (c) cation exchange chromatography on an amino acid analyzer. To date, six new oligosaccharides have been isolated by this procedure and have been sequenced by a combination of NaB3H4-labeling and deaminative cleavage with nitrous acid. The structures of these oligosaccharides were as follows: 1. GlcN-GlcUA-GlcN 2. GlcN-IdUA-GlcN 3. GlcN-GlcUA-GlcN-GlcUA-GlcN 4. GlcN-IdUA-GlcN-GlcUA-GlcN 5. GlcN-GlcUA-GlcN-IdUA-GlcN 6. GlcN-IdUA-GlcN-IdUA-GlcN The linkage positions and anomeric configurations were assumed to be the same as in the polysaccharides from which the oligosaccharides originated. The usefulness of some of these oligosaccharides as enzyme substrates was tested after appropriate modifications and radioactive labeling. Oligosaccharides 2 and 3 were N-[35S]sulfated and were found to serve as substrates for heparan N-sulfate sulfatase (heparin sulfamidase), with a homogenate of cultured skin fibroblasts as enzyme source. Similarly, reduction of oligosaccharide 2 with NaB3H4 yielded a substrate for acetyl-CoA:alpha-D-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase. Finally, the previously known disaccharide, 4-O-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-L-iduronic acid, which was isolated in the course of this work, was N-acetylated with [3H] acetic anhydride and was shown to be a substrate for N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminidase.  相似文献   

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