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Group communications (multicast) are foreseen to be one of the most critical yet challenging technologies to meet the exponentially growing demands for data distribution in a large variety of applications of the Internet (such as grid computing, web applications and distributed simulations). When reliability is required, there is no straightforward solutions and meeting the objectives of reliable multicast is not an easy task. Active networks open a new perspective in providing more efficient solutions for the problem of reliability. In this context, routers are able to perform customized computations on the packets flowing through them. In this paper, we propose a receiver-based (replier) local recovery multicast protocol with dynamic repliers elected on a per-packet basis. Designed to provide an efficient reliable multicast service without any cache facilities inside the network, our approach, uses low-overhead active services in routers. The current paper addresses the design, evaluation and the implementation of an efficient and scalable reliable multicast protocol noted DyRAM standing for Dynamic Replier Active reliable multicast. 相似文献
Multicast (group) communications have been widely recognized by current research and industry. Multicast is very useful for various network applications such as distributed (replicated) database, video/audio conference, information distribution and server locations, etc. But design and implementation of such multicast communication systems in networks are complicated tasks, especially when quality of services (QoS) of applications such as real-time and reliability are desired. To quick design and implement multicast communication, good tools are crucial and must be facilitated. This paper presents a novel object-oriented (O-O) QoS driven approach for the quick design and prototyping of multicast communication systems under certain QoS requirements for multicast message transmission and receptions such as real-time, total ordering, atomicity and fault-tolerance, etc. 相似文献
绩效反馈是医院绩效管理工作的关键一环,能否达到绩效管理的预期目的,取决于绩效反馈的实施效果。针对目前医院在绩效反馈中存在的一些不足,提出优化方案,以提高绩效反馈效用。 相似文献
This paper presents a molecular dynamics simulation of the behaviours of non-polar droplets merging and also the fluid molecules interacting with a hydrophobic surface. Such behaviours and transport phenomena are popular in general microchannel flow boiling and two-phase flow. The droplets are assumed to be composed of Lennards-Jones type molecules. Periodic boundary conditions are applied in three coordinate directions of a 3-D system, where there exist two liquid droplets and their vapour. The two droplets merge when they come within the prescribed small distance. The merging of two droplets apart from each other at different initial distances is tested and the possible larger (or critical) non-dimensional distance, in which droplets merging can occur, is discussed. The evolution of the merging process is simulated numerically by employing the Molecular Dynamics (MD) method. For interactions with hydrophobic solid wall, a system with fluid confined between two walls is used to study the wetting phenomena of fluid and solid wall. The results are compared with those of hydrophilic wall to show the unique characteristics of hydrophobic interactions by microscopic methods. 相似文献
Magnetic microswimmers are useful for navigating and performing tasks at small scales.To demonstrate effective control over such microswimmers,we implemented feedback control of the three-bead achiral microswimmers in both simulation and experiment.The achiral microswimmers with the ability to swim in bulk fluid are controlled wirelessly using magnetic fields generated from electromagnetic coils.The achirality of the microswimmers introduces unknown handedness resulting in uncertainty in swimming direction.We use a combination of rotating and static magnetic fields generated from an approximate Helmholtz coil system to overcome such uncertainty.There are also movement uncertainties due to environmental factors such as unsteady flow conditions.A kinematic model based feedback controller was created based on data fitting of experimental data.However,the controller was unable to yield satisfactory performance due to uncertainties from environmental factors;i.e.,the time to reach target pose under adverse flow condition is too long.Following the implementation of an integral controller to control the microswimmers' swimming velocity,the microswimmers were able to reach the target in roughly half the time.Through simulation and experiments,we show that the feedback control law can move an achiral microswimmer from any initial conditions to a target pose. 相似文献
Atrial flutter is a supraventricular arrhythmia, based on a reentrant mechanism mainly confined to the right atrium. Although
atrial flutter is considered a regular rhythm, the atrial flutter interval (i.e., the time interval between consecutive atrial
activation times) presents a spontaneous beat-to-beat variability, which has been suggested to be related to ventricular contraction
and respiration by mechano-electrical feedback. This paper introduces a model to predict atrial activity during atrial flutter,
based on the assumption that atrial flutter variability is related to the phase of the reentrant activity in the ventricular
and respiratory cycles. Thus, atrial intervals are given as a superimposition of phase-dependent ventricular and respiratory
modulations. The model includes a simplified atrioventricular (AV) branch with constant refractoriness and conduction times,
which allows the prediction of ventricular activations in a closed-loop with atrial activations. Model predictions are quantitatively
compared with real activation series recorded in 12 patients with atrial flutter. The model predicts the time course of both
atrial and ventricular time series with a high beat-to-beat agreement, reproducing 96±8% and 86±21% of atrial and ventricular
variability, respectively. The model also predicts the existence of phase-locking of atrial flutter intervals during periodic
ventricular pacing and such results are observed in patients. These results constitute evidence in favor of mechano-electrical
feedback as a major source of cycle length variability during atrial flutter. 相似文献
Protein kinase A (PKA) controls diverse cellular processes and homeostasis in eukaryotic cells. Many processes and substrates of PKA have been described and among them are direct regulators of autophagy. The mechanisms of PKA regulation and how they relate to autophagy remain to be fully understood. We constructed a reporter of PKA activity in yeast to identify genes affecting PKA regulation. The assay systematically measures relative protein-protein interactions between the regulatory and catalytic subunits of the PKA complex in a systematic set of genetic backgrounds. The candidate PKA regulators we identified span multiple processes and molecular functions (autophagy, methionine biosynthesis, TORC signaling, protein acetylation, and DNA repair), which themselves include processes regulated by PKA. These observations suggest the presence of many feedback loops acting through this key regulator. Many of the candidate regulators include genes involved in autophagy, suggesting that not only does PKA regulate autophagy but that autophagy also sends signals back to PKA. 相似文献
The effects of exogenous moulting hormones, ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone on ecdysteroid production were studied in vivo in Pieris brassicae pupae. Both hormones inhibit ecdysteroid production; however, 20-hydroxyecdysone is much more efficient than ecdysone, and it is likely that the ecdysone effect is due to its partial conversion into 20-hydroxyecdysone. These results suggest that 20-hydroxyecdysone acts on ecdysteroid production as a negative-feedback regulator. Furthermore, since 20-hydroxyecdysone elicits inhibition in headless pupae, it is suggested that 20-hydroxyecdysone acts directly upon the prothoracic glands. 相似文献
无源性不仅是系统的一个重要性质,而且是控制一个系统的重要途径.本文研究不确定时滞关联大系统的无源控制问题.利用Lyapunov泛函方法,通过求解线性矩阵不等式得到了无源控制器的显示表达,保证闭环系统稳定且严格无源.由于控制器采用动态输出反馈得到,因而控制器的设计也容易实现.最后用数值例子说明了得到定理的有效性. 相似文献
Lukas A. Hoffmann Conor W. Kelly David A. Nicholson Samuel J. Sober 《Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE》2012,(69)
Experimental manipulations of sensory feedback during complex behavior have provided valuable insights into the computations underlying motor control and sensorimotor plasticity1. Consistent sensory perturbations result in compensatory changes in motor output, reflecting changes in feedforward motor control that reduce the experienced feedback error. By quantifying how different sensory feedback errors affect human behavior, prior studies have explored how visual signals are used to recalibrate arm movements2,3 and auditory feedback is used to modify speech production4-7. The strength of this approach rests on the ability to mimic naturalistic errors in behavior, allowing the experimenter to observe how experienced errors in production are used to recalibrate motor output.Songbirds provide an excellent animal model for investigating the neural basis of sensorimotor control and plasticity8,9. The songbird brain provides a well-defined circuit in which the areas necessary for song learning are spatially separated from those required for song production, and neural recording and lesion studies have made significant advances in understanding how different brain areas contribute to vocal behavior9-12. However, the lack of a naturalistic error-correction paradigm - in which a known acoustic parameter is perturbed by the experimenter and then corrected by the songbird - has made it difficult to understand the computations underlying vocal learning or how different elements of the neural circuit contribute to the correction of vocal errors13.The technique described here gives the experimenter precise control over auditory feedback errors in singing birds, allowing the introduction of arbitrary sensory errors that can be used to drive vocal learning. Online sound-processing equipment is used to introduce a known perturbation to the acoustics of song, and a miniaturized headphones apparatus is used to replace a songbird''s natural auditory feedback with the perturbed signal in real time. We have used this paradigm to perturb the fundamental frequency (pitch) of auditory feedback in adult songbirds, providing the first demonstration that adult birds maintain vocal performance using error correction14. The present protocol can be used to implement a wide range of sensory feedback perturbations (including but not limited to pitch shifts) to investigate the computational and neurophysiological basis of vocal learning. 相似文献
Jonathan E. Henninger Ozgur Oksuz Krishna Shrinivas Ido Sagi Gary LeRoy Ming M. Zheng J. Owen Andrews Alicia V. Zamudio Charalampos Lazaris Nancy M. Hannett Tong Ihn Lee Phillip A. Sharp Ibrahim I. Cissé Arup K. Chakraborty Richard A. Young 《Cell》2021,184(1):207-225.e24
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To examine whether transfer of heart rate (HR) feedback training to tasks not used during training could be improved by using multiple tasks during training, a modified multiple baseline across tasks, single subject design study was conducted using six high HR-reactive young adults. Participants received HR feedback training during the presentation of a videogame, and transfer of training was assessed to a mental arithmetic challenge and handgrip task. Transfer of training was next assessed following training with the mental arithmetic challenge and handgrip task. HR responses to each training task with no HR feedback were assessed during a pre-treatment session, an immediate post-training period following training on each task, a short delay (1–2 days) post-training session, and a long delay (1–2 weeks) post-training session. HR response to a novel speech task was assessed at pre-treatment and during short delay and long delay post-training sessions. Results revealed that participants reduced HR during training and generally maintained this reduction in HR during the immediate post-training assessment when HR feedback was not present. Participants were not able to reduce HR responses to tasks during short delay and long delay post-training sessions, and they were unable to transfer HR reduction skills to the speech task. Transfer of HR feedback training to new tasks was limited in nature and efforts to train across multiple stressors did not appear to improve transfer of training. 相似文献
According to a popular hypothesis, short-term memories are stored as persistent neural activity maintained by synaptic feedback loops. This hypothesis has been formulated mathematically in a number of recurrent network models. Here we study an abstraction of these models, a single neuron with a synapse onto itself, or autapse. This abstraction cannot simulate the way in which persistent activity patterns are distributed over neural populations in the brain. However, with proper tuning of parameters, it does reproduce the continuously graded, or analog, nature of many examples of persistent activity. The conditions for tuning are derived for the dynamics of a conductance-based model neuron with a slow excitatory autapse. The derivation uses the method of averaging to approximate the spiking model with a nonspiking, reduced model. Short-term analog memory storage is possible if the reduced model is approximately linear and if its feedforward bias and autapse strength are precisely tuned. 相似文献
对医疗物资管理的现状,抓住医疗物资供应链关键节点,采用先进库存策略、网上申领、“采”、“购”分开、射频识别技术以及重塑团队精神的理念,创新管理模式,提高医疗物资的管理绩效。 相似文献
This study was designed to examine underlying hemodynamic changes that accompany observed reductions in heart rate (HR) response to mental stress following HR feedback training. Twenty-five college males, assigned to either a HR feedback training group (FB+) or a control group (FB–), were presented with a videogame and mental arithmetic challenge, as HR, blood pressure, and impedance cardiography-derived measures of hemodynamic functioning were recorded. During training, the FB+ group received HR feedback and the FB– group was not provided with HR feedback while playing a videogame. At posttraining, results revealed that the FB+ group exhibited significantly lower HR, systolic blood pressure, stroke volume, and total peripheral resistance responses to the videogame compared to that at pretraining. There was no evidence that the acquired skills generalized to a mental arithmetic task. These results suggest that HR feedback training is an effective method for reducing cardiovascular and hemodynamic responses to a mental stressor; however, the generalizability of this effect remains questionable. 相似文献