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Meuwissen TH  Goddard ME 《Genetics》2000,155(1):421-430
A multimarker linkage disequilibrium mapping method was developed for the fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) using a dense marker map. The method compares the expected covariances between haplotype effects given a postulated QTL position to the covariances that are found in the data. The expected covariances between the haplotype effects are proportional to the probability that the QTL position is identical by descent (IBD) given the marker haplotype information, which is calculated using the genedropping method. Simulation results showed that a QTL was correctly positioned within a region of 3, 1.5, or 0.75 cM in 70, 62, and 68%, respectively, of the replicates using markers spaced at intervals of 1, 0.5, and 0.25 cM, respectively. These results were rather insensitive to the number of generations since the QTL occurred and to the effective population size, except that 10 generations yielded rather poor estimates of the QTL position. The position estimates of this multimarker disequilibrium mapping method were more accurate than those from a single marker transmission disequilibrium test. A general approach for identifying QTL is suggested, where several stages of disequilibrium mapping are used with increasingly dense marker spacing.  相似文献   

Recently, a method for fine mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) using linkage disequilibrium was proposed to map QTL by modeling covariance between individuals, due to identical-by-descent (IBD) QTL alleles, on the basis of the similarity of their marker haplotypes under an assumed population history. In the work presented here, the advantage of using marker haplotype information for fine mapping QTL was studied by comparing the IBD-based method with 10 markers to regression on a single marker, a pair of markers, or a two-locus haplotype under alternative population histories. When 10 markers were genotyped, the IBD-based method estimated the position of the QTL more accurately than did single-marker regression in all populations. When 20 markers were genotyped for regression, as single-marker methods do not require knowledge of haplotypes, the mapping accuracy of regression in all populations was similar to or greater than that of the IBD-based method using 10 markers. Thus for populations similar to those simulated here, the IBD-based method is comparable to single-marker regression analysis for fine mapping QTL.  相似文献   

Causal mutations and their intra- and inter-locus interactions play a critical role in complex trait variation. It is often not easy to detect epistatic quantitative trait loci (QTL) due to complicated population structure requirements for detecting epistatic effects in linkage analysis studies and due to main effects often being hidden by interaction effects. Mapping their positions is even harder when they are closely linked. The data structure requirement may be overcome when information on linkage disequilibrium is used. We present an approach using a mixed linear model nested in an empirical Bayesian approach, which simultaneously takes into account additive, dominance and epistatic effects due to multiple QTL. The covariance structure used in the mixed linear model is based on combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage information. In a simulation study where there are complex epistatic interactions between QTL, it is possible to simultaneously map interacting QTL into a small region using the proposed approach. The estimated variance components are accurate and less biased with the proposed approach compared with traditional models.  相似文献   

We present a maximum likelihood method for mapping quantitative trait loci that uses linkage disequilibrium information from single and multiple markers. We made paired comparisons between analyses using a single marker, two markers and six markers. We also compared the method to single marker regression analysis under several scenarios using simulated data. In general, our method outperformed regression (smaller mean square error and confidence intervals of location estimate) for quantitative trait loci with dominance effects. In addition, the method provides estimates of the frequency and additive and dominance effects of the quantitative trait locus.  相似文献   

A linkage disequilibrium-based method for fine mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) has been described that uses similarity between individuals' marker haplotypes to determine if QTL alleles are identical by descent (IBD) to model covariances among individuals' QTL alleles for a mixed linear model. Mapping accuracy with this method was found to be sensitive to the number of linked markers that was included in the haplotype when fitting the model at a putative position of the QTL. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal haplotype structure for this IBD-based method for fine mapping a QTL in a previously identified QTL region. Haplotypes consisting of 1, 2, 4, 6, or all 10 available markers were fit as a "sliding window" across the QTL region under ideal and nonideal simulated population conditions. It was found that using haplotypes of 4 or 6 markers as a sliding "window" resulted in the greatest mapping accuracy under nearly all conditions, although the true IBD state at a putative QTL position was most accurately predicted by IBD probabilities obtained using all markers. Using 4 or 6 markers resulted in greater discrimination of IBD probabilities between positions while maintaining sufficient accuracy of IBD probabilities to detect the QTL. Fitting IBD probabilities on the basis of a single marker resulted in the worst mapping accuracy under all conditions because it resulted in poor accuracy of IBD probabilities. In conclusion, for fine mapping using IBD methods, marker information must be used in a manner that results in sensitivity of IBD probabilities to the putative position of the QTL while maintaining sufficient accuracy of IBD probabilities to detect the QTL. Contrary to expectation, use of haplotypes of 4-6 markers to derive IBD probabilities, rather than all available markers, best fits these criteria. Thus for populations similar to those simulated here, optimal mapping accuracy for this IBD-based fine-mapping method is obtained with a haplotype structure including a subset of all available markers.  相似文献   

Multitrait least squares for quantitative trait loci detection   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Knott SA  Haley CS 《Genetics》2000,156(2):899-911
A multiple-trait QTL mapping method using least squares is described. It is presented as an extension of a single-trait method for use with three-generation, outbred pedigrees. The multiple-trait framework allows formal testing of whether the same QTL affects more than one trait (i.e., a pleiotropic QTL) or whether more than one linked QTL are segregating. Several approaches to the testing procedure are presented and their suitability discussed. The performance of the method is investigated by simulation. As previously found, multitrait analyses increase the power to detect a pleiotropic QTL and the precision of its location estimate. With enough information, discrimination between alternative genetic models is possible.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Van der Werf JH 《Genetics》2006,173(4):2329-2337
Within a small region (e.g., <10 cM), there can be multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying phenotypes of a trait. Simultaneous fine mapping of closely linked QTL needs an efficient tool to remove confounded shade effects among QTL within such a small region. We propose a variance component method using combined linkage disequilibrium (LD) and linkage information and a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling for model selection. QTL identity-by-descent (IBD) coefficients between individuals are estimated by a hybrid MCMC combining the random walk and the meiosis Gibbs sampler. These coefficients are used in a mixed linear model and an empirical Bayesian procedure combines residual maximum likelihood (REML) to estimate QTL effects and a reversible jump MCMC that samples the number of QTL and the posterior QTL intensities across the tested region. Note that two MCMC processes are used, i.e., an (internal) MCMC for IBD estimation and an (external) MCMC for model selection. In a simulation study, the use of the multiple-QTL model clearly removes the shade effects between three closely linked QTL located at 1.125, 3.875, and 7.875 cM across the region of 10 cM, using 40 markers at 0.25-cM intervals. It is shown that the use of combined LD and linkage information gives much more useful information compared to using linkage information alone for both single- and multiple-QTL analyses. When using a lower marker density (11 markers at 1-cM intervals), the signal of the second QTL can disappear. Extreme values of past effective size (resulting in extreme levels of LD) decrease the mapping accuracy.  相似文献   

Wu R  Ma CX  Casella G 《Genetics》2002,160(2):779-792
Linkage analysis and allelic association (also referred to as linkage disequilibrium) studies are two major approaches for mapping genes that control simple or complex traits in plants, animals, and humans. But these two approaches have limited utility when used alone, because they use only part of the information that is available for a mapping population. More recently, a new mapping strategy has been designed to integrate the advantages of linkage analysis and linkage disequilibrium analysis for genome mapping in outcrossing populations. The new strategy makes use of a random sample from a panmictic population and the open-pollinated progeny of the sample. In this article, we extend the new strategy to map quantitative trait loci (QTL), using molecular markers within the EM-implemented maximum-likelihood framework. The most significant advantage of this extension is that both linkage and linkage disequilibrium between a marker and QTL can be estimated simultaneously, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of genome mapping for recalcitrant outcrossing species. Simulation studies are performed to test the statistical properties of the MLEs of genetic and genomic parameters including QTL allele frequency, QTL effects, QTL position, and the linkage disequilibrium of the QTL and a marker. The potential utility of our mapping strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel and robust method for the fine-scale mapping of genes affecting complex traits, which combines linkage and linkage-disequilibrium information, is proposed. Linkage information refers to recombinations within the marker-genotyped generations and linkage disequilibrium to historical recombinations before genotyping started. The identity-by-descent (IBD) probabilities at the quantitative trait locus (QTL) between first generation haplotypes were obtained from the similarity of the marker alleles surrounding the QTL, whereas IBD probabilities at the QTL between later generation haplotypes were obtained by using the markers to trace the inheritance of the QTL. The variance explained by the QTL is estimated by residual maximum likelihood using the correlation structure defined by the IBD probabilities. Unlinked background genes were accounted for by fitting a polygenic variance component. The method was used to fine map a QTL for twinning rate in cattle, previously mapped on chromosome 5 by linkage analysis. The data consisted of large half-sib families, but the method could also handle more complex pedigrees. The likelihood of the putative QTL was very small along most of the chromosome, except for a sharp likelihood peak in the ninth marker bracket, which positioned the QTL within a region <1 cM in the middle part of bovine chromosome 5. The method was expected to be robust against multiple genes affecting the trait, multiple mutations at the QTL, and relatively low marker density.  相似文献   

In a simulation study, different designs were compared for efficiency of fine-mapping of QTL. The variance component method for fine-mapping of QTL was used to estimate QTL position and variance components. The design of many families with small size gave a higher mapping resolution than a design with few families of large size. However, the difference is small in half sib designs. The proportion of replicates with the QTL positioned within 3 cM of the true position is 0.71 in the best design, and 0.68 in the worst design applied to 128 animals with a phenotypic record and a QTL explaining 25% of the phenotypic variance. The design of two half sib families each of size 64 was further investigated for a hypothetical population with effective size of 1000 simulated for 6000 generations with a marker density of 0.25 cM and with marker mutation rate 4 × 10-4 per generation. In mapping using bi-allelic markers, 42~55% of replicated simulations could position QTL within 0.75 cM of the true position whereas this was higher for multi allelic markers (48~76%). The accuracy was lowest (48%) when mutation age was 100 generations and increased to 68% and 76% for mutation ages of 200 and 500 generations, respectively, after which it was about 70% for mutation ages of 1000 generations and older. When effective size was linearly decreasing in the last 50 generations, the accuracy was decreased (56 to 70%). We show that half sib designs that have often been used for linkage mapping can have sufficient information for fine-mapping of QTL. It is suggested that the same design with the same animals for linkage mapping should be used for fine-mapping so gene mapping can be cost effective in livestock populations.  相似文献   

Mott R  Flint J 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1609-1618
We describe a method to simultaneously detect and fine map quantitative trait loci (QTL) that is especially suited to the mapping of modifier loci in mouse mutant models. The method exploits the high level of historical recombination present in a heterogeneous stock (HS), an outbred population of mice derived from known founder strains. The experimental design is an F(2) cross between the HS and a genetically distinct line, such as one carrying a knockout or transgene. QTL detection is performed by a standard genome scan with approximately 100 markers and fine mapping by typing the same animals using densely spaced markers over those candidate regions detected by the scan. The analysis uses an extension of the dynamic-programming technique employed previously to fine map QTL in HS mice. We show by simulation that a QTL accounting for 5% of the total variance can be detected and fine mapped with >50% probability to within 3 cM by genotyping approximately 1500 animals.  相似文献   

Jung J  Fan R  Jin L 《Genetics》2005,170(2):881-898
Using multiple diallelic markers, variance component models are proposed for high-resolution combined linkage and association mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on nuclear families. The objective is to build a model that may fully use marker information for fine association mapping of QTL in the presence of prior linkage. The measures of linkage disequilibrium and the genetic effects are incorporated in the mean coefficients and are decomposed into orthogonal additive and dominance effects. The linkage information is modeled in variance-covariance matrices. Hence, the proposed methods model both association and linkage in a unified model. On the basis of marker information, a multipoint interval mapping method is provided to estimate the proportion of allele sharing identical by descent (IBD) and the probability of sharing two alleles IBD at a putative QTL for a sib-pair. To test the association between the trait locus and the markers, both likelihood-ratio tests and F-tests can be constructed on the basis of the proposed models. In addition, analytical formulas of noncentrality parameter approximations of the F-test statistics are provided. Type I error rates of the proposed test statistics are calculated to show their robustness. After comparing with the association between-family and association within-family (AbAw) approach by Abecasis and Fulker et al., it is found that the method proposed in this article is more powerful and advantageous based on simulation study and power calculation. By power and sample size comparison, it is shown that models that use more markers may have higher power than models that use fewer markers. The multiple-marker analysis can be more advantageous and has higher power in fine mapping QTL. As an application, the Genetic Analysis Workshop 12 German asthma data are analyzed using the proposed methods.  相似文献   

A new approach based on nonlinear regression for the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using complete genetic marker linkage maps is advanced in this paper. We call the approach joint mapping as it makes comprehensive use of the information from every marker locus on a chromosome. With this approach, both the detection of the existence of QTLs and the estimation of their positions, with corresponding confidence intervals, and effects can be realized simultaneously. This approach is widely applicable because only moments are used. It is simple and can save considerable computer time. It is especially useful when there are multiple QTLs and/or interactions between them on a chromosome.  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci using molecular marker linkage maps   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary High-density restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and allozyme linkage maps have been developed in several plant species. These maps make it technically feasible to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) using methods based on flanking marker genetic models. In this paper, we describe flanking marker models for doubled haploid (DH), recombinant inbred (RI), backcross (BC), F1 testcross (F1TC), DH testcross (DHTC), recombinant inbred testcross (RITC), F2, and F3 progeny. These models are functions of the means of quantitative trait locus genotypes and recombination frequencies between marker and quantitative trait loci. In addition to the genetic models, we describe maximum likelihood methods for estimating these parameters using linear, nonlinear, and univariate or multivariate normal distribution mixture models. We defined recombination frequency estimators for backcross and F2 progeny group genetic models using the parameters of linear models. In addition, we found a genetically unbiased estimator of the QTL heterozygote mean using a linear function of marker means. In nonlinear models, recombination frequencies are estimated less efficiently than the means of quantitative trait locus genotypes. Recombination frequency estimation efficiency decreases as the distance between markers decreases, because the number of progeny in recombinant marker classes decreases. Mean estimation efficiency is nearly equal for these methods.  相似文献   

Fan R  Jung J 《Human heredity》2003,56(4):166-187
This paper proposes variance component models for high resolution joint linkage disequilibrium (LD) and linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on sibship data; this can include population data if independent individuals are treated as single sibships. One application of these models is late onset complex disease gene mapping, when parental data are not available. The models simultaneously incorporate both LD and linkage information. The LD information is contained in mean coefficients of sibship data. The linkage information is contained in the variance-covariance matrices of trait values for sibships with at least two siblings. We derive formulas for calculating the probability of sharing two trait alleles identical by descent (IBD) for sibpairs in interval mapping of QTL; this is the coefficient of dominant variance of the trait covariance of sibpairs on major QTL. To investigate the performance of the formulas, we calculate the numerical values via the formulas and get satisfactory approximations. We compare the power and sample sizes for both LD and linkage mapping. By simulation and theoretical analysis, we compare the results with those of Fulker and Abecasis "AbAw" approach. It is well known that the resolution of linkage analysis can be low for complex disease gene mapping. LD mapping, on the other hand, can increase mapping precision and is useful in high resolution mapping. Linkage analysis is less sensitive to population subdivisions and admixtures. The level of LD is sensitive to population stratification which may easily lead to spurious association. Performing a joint analysis of LD and linkage mapping can help to overcome the limits of both approaches. Moreover, the advantages of the two complementary strategies can be utilized maximally. In practice, linkage analysis may be performed using pedigree data to identify suggestive linkage between markers and trait loci based on a sparse marker map. In the presence of linkage, joint LD and linkage mapping can be carried out to do fine gene mapping based on a dense genetic map using both pedigree and population data. Population and pedigree data of any type can be combined to perform a joint analysis of high resolution LD and linkage mapping of QTL by generalizing the method.  相似文献   

Marker-based mapping of quantitative trait loci using replicated progenies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary When heritability of the trait under investigation is low, replicated progenies can bring about a major reduction in the number of individuals that need to be scored for marker genotype in determining linkage between marker loci and quantitative trait loci (QTL). Savings are greatest when heritability of the trait is low, but are much reduced when heritability of the quantitative trait is moderate to high. Required numbers for recombinant inbred lines will be greater than those required for a simple F2 population when heritabilities are moderate to high and the proportion of recombination between marker locus and quantitative trait locus is substantial.Contribution No. 2613-E of the Agricultural Research Organization, 1989 series  相似文献   

Recently, the use of linkage disequilibrium (LD) to locate genes which affect quantitative traits (QTL) has received an increasing interest, but the plausibility of fine mapping using linkage disequilibrium techniques for QTL has not been well studied. The main objectives of this work were to (1) measure the extent and pattern of LD between a putative QTL and nearby markers in finite populations and (2) investigate the usefulness of LD in fine mapping QTL in simulated populations using a dense map of multiallelic or biallelic marker loci. The test of association between a marker and QTL and the power of the test were calculated based on single-marker regression analysis. The results show the presence of substantial linkage disequilibrium with closely linked marker loci after 100 to 200 generations of random mating. Although the power to test the association with a frequent QTL of large effect was satisfactory, the power was low for the QTL with a small effect and/or low frequency. More powerful, multi-locus methods may be required to map low frequent QTL with small genetic effects, as well as combining both linkage and linkage disequilibrium information. The results also showed that multiallelic markers are more useful than biallelic markers to detect linkage disequilibrium and association at an equal distance.  相似文献   

This paper reviews linkage analysis methods for detecting loci associated with quantitative traits in humans. All such methods are based on the underlying principle that family members who have similar trait values should have higher than expected levels of sharing of genetic material (identity by descent) near the genes that influence those traits. A number of different statistical methods for testing that association between shared trait values and shared identity by descent have been developed over the past 30 or more years. These different types of tests are reviewed here, with emphasis on their theory and derivations. Robustness and power are also discussed.  相似文献   

To identify the disease-susceptibility genes of type 2 diabetes, we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis in F(2) populations generated from a BKS.Cg-m+/+Lepr(db) and C3H/HeJ intercross, taking advantage of genetically determined obesity and diabetes traits associated with the db gene. A genome-wide scan in the F(2) populations divided by sex and db genotypes identified 14 QTLs in total and 3 major QTLs on chromosome (Chr) 3 (LOD 5.78) for fat pad weight, Chr 15 (LOD 6.64) for body weight, and Chr 16 (LOD 8.15) for blood glucose concentrations. A linear-model-based genome scan using interactive covariates allowed us to consider sex- or sex-by db-specific effects of each locus. For the most significant QTL on Chr 16, the high-resolution haplotype comparison between BKS and C3H strains reduced the critical QTL interval from 20 to 4.6 Mb by excluding shared haplotype regions and identified 11 nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms in six candidate genes.  相似文献   

C Chen  K Ritland 《Heredity》2013,111(2):106-113
We present an approach for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, termed as ‘lineage-specific QTL mapping'', for inferring allelic changes of QTL evolution along with branches in a phylogeny. We describe and analyze the simplest case: by adding a third taxon into the normal procedure of QTL mapping between pairs of taxa, such inferences can be made along lineages to a presumed common ancestor. Although comparisons of QTL maps among species can identify homology of QTLs by apparent co-location, lineage-specific mapping of QTL can classify homology into (1) orthology (shared origin of QTL) versus (2) paralogy (independent origin of QTL within resolution of map distance). In this light, we present a graphical method that identifies six modes of QTL evolution in a three taxon comparison. We then apply our model to map lineage-specific QTLs for inbreeding among three taxa of yellow monkey-flower: Mimulus guttatus and two inbreeders M. platycalyx and M. micranthus, but critically assuming outcrossing was the ancestral state. The two most common modes of homology across traits were orthologous (shared ancestry of mutation for QTL alleles). The outbreeder M. guttatus had the fewest lineage-specific QTL, in accordance with the presumed ancestry of outbreeding. Extensions of lineage-specific QTL mapping to other types of data and crosses, and to inference of ancestral QTL state, are discussed.  相似文献   

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