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A survey of recent publications shows that research on Phragmites australishas oftenapplied character because of the considerableecological and economic significance of the species.The main applications are water treatment, agriculture(food production or weed control) and natureconservation. In Europe, most research on natural reedstands has been motivated by reed die-back and effortstowards protection or restoration. Reed progressionand reed control have been the main concerns in otherparts of the world, and reed progression has alsoreceived increasing attention in Europe. While reeddie-back generally affects aquatic stands, progressioncan occur at both terrestrial and aquatic sites, andit can be desired (e.g. lake shore restoration)or unwanted (e.g. in species-rich fens ormarshes). Therefore, reed stands need to be assessedindividually to decide on management aims andappropriate methods. The varying status of Phragmites australisformed the background of the`European Reed Conference' held in Zürich/Switzerlandin October 1998. The seven contributions published inthis special issue are introduced with particularreference to differences between aquatic andterrestrial reed stands and to approaches used in theirassessment.  相似文献   

Performance of young Phragmites australis plants was examined after 7 weeks on an artificial nutrient-enriched inorganic substrate and on the same substrate to which an organic sediment from a eutrophic lake was added, at three different water depth treatments. Growth decreased, and proportional allocation of biomass to roots increased, with the addition of sediment. These differences were significant in shallow and deep water, but not at a medium depth. Concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in plant biomass decreased, and concentration of iron increased, with addition of sediment.The effects of sediment addition may have resulted from a decreased availability of nutrients in the substrate or from an impaired root functioning. Nutrient exhaustion in the substrate, due to a fast plant growth, can explain the relatively strong effects in shallow water. Deep water, on the other hand, probably restricted oxygen transport to the roots, resulting in an impaired root functioning in the low-redox sediment environment. The results show that, especially in relatively deep water, growth of undisturbed plants of P. australis may be inhibited by eutrophication of sediments, probably because of an impaired root functioning in sediments containing reduced toxic compounds (e.g. ferrous iron).  相似文献   

Rhizome dynamics and resource storage in Phragmites australis   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Seasonal changes in rhizome concentrations of total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), and mineral nutrients (N, P and K) were monitored in two Phragmites australis stands in southern Sweden. Rhizome biomass, rhizome length per unit ground area, and specific weight (weight/ length ratio) of the rhizomes were monitored in one of the stands.Rhizome biomass decreased during spring, increased during summer and decreased during winter. However, changes in spring and summer were small (< 500 g DW m-2) compared to the mean rhizome biomass (approximately 3000 g DW m–2). Winter losses were larger, approximately 1000 g DW m-2, and to a substantial extent involved structural biomass, indicating rhizome mortality. Seasonal changes in rhizome length per unit ground area revealed a rhizome mortality of about 30% during the winter period, and also indicated that an intensive period of formation of new rhizomes occurred in June.Rhizome concentrations of TNC and WSC decreased during the spring, when carbohydrates were translocated to support shoot growth. However, rhizome standing stock of TNC remained large (> 1000 g m–2). Concentrations and standing stocks of mineral nutrients decreased during spring/ early summer and increased during summer/ fall. Only N, however, showed a pattern consistent with a spring depletion caused by translocation to shoots. This pattern indicates sufficient root uptake of P and K to support spring growth, and supports other evidence that N is generally the limiting mineral nutrient for Phragmites.The biomass data, as well as increased rhizome specific weight and TNC concentrations, clearly suggests that reloading of rhizomes with energy reserves starts in June, not towards the end of the growing season as has been suggested previously. This resource allocation strategy of Phragmites has consequences for vegetation management.Our data indicate that carbohydrate reserves are much larger than needed to support spring growth. We propose that large stores are needed to ensure establishment of spring shoots when deep water or stochastic environmental events, such as high rhizome mortality in winter or loss of spring shoots due to late season frost, increase the demand for reserves.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the histological effects of exposure to microcystin-LR (MC-LR), a cyanotoxin, on axenic Phragmites australis plantlets. Plantlets were regenerated from embryogenic reed calli by tissue culture methods. Microcystin-LR inhibited the growth and development of embryogenic calli and the growth of reed plantlets. The 50% plantlet growth inhibitory concentration value (IC50) of MC-LR was 12 microg ml(-1) (12.07 microM) on mineral medium and 36 microg ml(-1) (36.22 microM) on Murashige-Skoog medium. In the case of roots, the IC50 value was 4.1 microg ml(-1) (4.12 microM) on both media. Microcystin-LR induced aerenchyma obturation, altered lignification of cell walls in the axial organs, root necrosis and the capture of lateral or adventitious roots in the tissues of axial organs of reed plantlets. Cyanotoxin induced the premature development of lateral roots, root coalescence and early aerenchyma formation. Our data suggest that microcystin-LR, a cyanotoxin, induced developmental and histological alterations leading to growth inhibition of reed, and the induced harms have an impact on understanding reed decay in eutrophic fresh waters.  相似文献   

As global climate is warming and the nitrogen cycle accelerates, plants are likely to respond not only by shifting community composition, but also by adjusting traits such as tissue chemistry. We subjected a widespread wetland plant, Phragmites australis, to increased nitrate supply and elevated temperature in enclosures that were established in a littoral permanently submerged freshwater marsh. The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in green leaves ranged from 11.4 to 13.8 mg N and from 1.5 to 2.0 mg P g−1 dry mass. While the N concentration changed little in brown litter, the P concentration decreased to 0.53–0.65 mg P g−1 litter dry mass. Neither experimental warming of the water and sediment surface, nor nitrate enrichment during the growing season affected nitrogen or phosphorus concentrations in green leaves. Concentrations of the two major structural carbon compounds in plant litter, cellulose and lignin, were also unaffected, ranging from 32.1 to 34.2% of dry mass for cellulose and from 16.3 to 17.7% of dry mass for lignin. Warming, however, significantly increased the nitrogen concentration of fully brown leaf litter. Thus, temperature appears to be more important than the supply of dissolved N in the water, especially in affecting leaf litter N concentrations in P. australis, even when only water but not air temperature is increased. This result may have implications for decomposition processes and decomposer food webs, which both depend on the quality of plant litter.  相似文献   

Invasive plants can substantially modify wetland structure and animal distribution patterns. In eastern North America, a Eurasian haplotype of the common reed (Phragmites australis, haplotype M) is invading wetlands. We studied the invasion of common reed in freshwater wetlands of an urbanized landscape and its effects on the distribution of amphibians at different life stages. Specifically, we hypothesized that the probability of reed invasion would be greatest in wetlands near anthropic disturbances. We predicted that the probability of desiccation at sampling stations increases with reed cover. Furthermore, we expected that wetlands invaded by common reed would have lower amphibian abundances, apparent survival, and rates of recruitment. We conducted trapping surveys to compare anuran assemblages of tadpoles, juveniles, and adults in 50 wetlands during two field seasons. The probability of reed invasion in wetlands increased with the cover of heavily-managed areas within 1,000 m and the distance to the nearest forest, but decreased with the length of roads within 1,000 m. The probability of station desiccation increased with reed cover. We found no evidence of a negative effect of reed presence on anuran population parameters, at any life stage. Landscape variables, such as the percent cover of forest or heavily-managed areas within a given radius from each wetland, influenced the abundance or the apparent survival of juvenile frogs and the abundance of ranid tadpoles. Our results show that amphibian patterns depend more strongly on the structure of the landscape surrounding wetlands than on exotic reed invasion in wetlands.  相似文献   

The shoot growth during the vegetation period andshoot morphology at the end of the season wereinvestigated in four monoclonal aquatic reed stands(Phragmites australis) with differentproductivity in Berlin and Brandenburg. Investigationswere conducted over a period of six years (1991–96) toascertain the effects of differences in temperatures.All clones showed significant year-to-year variationin shoot morphology. The mean final shoot length ofthe two clones with highest variation ranged from252 cm (1991) to 388 cm (1993; Templiner See), andfrom 170 cm (1993) to 229 cm (1994; Parsteiner See).In spite of this considerable variation, morphologicalparameters measured at the end of the growing seasonshowed only a slight relation to the average airtemperature either during the main growth phase (Aprilto June) or during the period of bud formation (Augustto October of the previous year). Contrary to meanshoot length at the end of the growing season, shootelongation during the main growth phase (from April toJune) was clearly related to the sum of daily averagetemperatures. Thus, taking into account temperaturemay enhance the accuracy of studies on reed growthwhenever these studies are carried out at localitiesdiffering in temperature or in different years.  相似文献   

不同生境两种生态型芦苇的抗氧化系统   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以分布于甘肃临泽平川乡的两种芦苇生态型——水生芦苇(水芦)和重度盐化草甸芦苇(盐芦)叶片为材料,研究了其抗氧化系统的特征。结果表明,与水芦相比,盐芦中未出现活性氧和MDA(丙二醛)的积累,抗氧化酶SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)、CAT(过氧化氢酶)、POD(过氧化物酶)和APX(抗坏血酸过氧化物酶)的活性显著升高。总抗坏血酸和类胡萝卜素含量在两种生态型芦苇中没有差异,但还原型抗坏血酸和总谷胱甘肽含量在盐芦中显著升高。而且,盐芦的LOX(脂氧合酶)活性比水芦低。这些结果表明,盐芦中有效的抗氧化防御系统对抵抗盐渍胁迫起着重要的作用。此外,盐芦中高活性的Ca^2 -和Mg^2 -ATPase对细胞中过多离子的转运以及避免离子毒害起着重要的作用。  相似文献   


In this study, roots, stems and leaves of the worldwide distributed macrophyte Phragmites australis (common reed) were tested as potential removal and biomonitors of trace elements contamination in sediment. In particular, the concentrations (100, 200, and 500?mg/kg) of the following elements were analyzed: Zn, Cu, Pb, and Fe. Results showed that the amount of concentrations in plant tissues is significantly (p?≤?0.01) dependent on the kind of organ and element. Trace element concentrations decreased according to the pattern of Fea (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesb) > Znb (Roota > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Cuc (Rootsa > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Pbc (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesc), as well as the roots acted as the main centers of bioaccumulation for all elements studied, and stems as the transit organs for translocation from roots to leaves. The major mechanisms employed by the plant were probably phytostabilization on the basis of the calculated Biological Concentration Factor (BCF – metal concentration ratio of plant root to soil); and Translocation Factor (TF – metal concentration ratio of plants roots to above ground part). Finally, due to the low scavenger effect of the radical DPPH, we excluded the hypothesis of the use of antioxidant mechanism in the tolerance of metals.  相似文献   

氮沉降对黄河三角洲芦苇湿地土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2012年6月至2012年10月, 对黄河三角洲芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地进行了模拟氮沉降试验, 氮沉降水平分别为对照(CK, 0 kg N·hm-2·a-1)、低氮(LN, 50 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和高氮(HN, 100 kg N·hm-2·a-1)。利用LI-8100土壤碳通量测量系统测定土壤呼吸速率。结果表明, 氮沉降促进了芦苇湿地土壤呼吸作用, LN和HN处理使芦苇生长季(6-10月)平均土壤呼吸速率比CK分别提高19%和58%。积水改变了芦苇湿地土壤呼吸日动态。地面无积水时, 各处理土壤呼吸日动态均呈单峰型曲线; 地面有积水时, 土壤呼吸日动态峰值推后或无单峰型波动规律。积水影响土壤呼吸作用对温度的响应。地面无积水时, 各处理土壤呼吸速率均与气温呈极显著的正指数相关关系, 气温分别解释了CK、LN和HN处理下土壤呼吸季节变化的69.9%、64.5%和59.9%; 地面有积水时, 各处理土壤呼吸与气温相关性不显著。CK、LN和HN处理下土壤呼吸温度敏感性系数Q10值分别为1.68、1.75和1.68, 表明LN处理增强了土壤呼吸温度敏感性, HN处理对其影响不显著。  相似文献   

Summary Different ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis Trinius) provide an ideal resource for studies on plant environmental adaptations and presence of genes relating to stress resistance. Dune reed is a drought-tolerant reed ecotype growing in the desert regions of north-west China. In this work, in vitro culture systems of dune reed and local swamp reed (as control) were established by optimizing the culture conditions for each of them. Bright yellow calluses were induced on a Murashige and Skoog medium containing 4.5 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 5.4 μM naphthaleneacetic acid and 2.2μM benzyladenine. Benzyladenine promoted callus induction, but was not required for callus maintenance. Four types of callus have been identified from each of the reed ecotypes. Two types of callus, i.e. type A (formed normal green shoots) and type C (formed albino plants), were both found as embryogenic calluses. The optimal concentrations of 2,4-D to maintain embryogenic callus were 2.3–4.5 μM for dune reed and 9.0–13.5 μM for swap reed. Plant regeneration was achieved from types A and C callus in a hormone-free medium. The embryogenic calluses of swamp reed have been maintained for over 2 yr and still retain their strong embryogenic potential; however, those of dune reed gradually lost their embryogenic potential after only 7 mo. of culture. Regenerated plants from the two reed ecotypes showed, after a growth season, similar morphology and the same chromosome number (2n=8x=96, octoploid) as the wild plants.  相似文献   

The glutathione (GSH) metabolic characteristics and redox balance in three ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis), swamp reed (SR), dune reed (DR), and heavy salt meadow reed (HSMR), from different habitats in desert regions of northwest China were investigated. The DR possessed the highest rate of GSH biosynthesis and metabolism with the lowest levels of total and reduced GSH and its biosynthetic precursors, gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-EC) and cysteine (Cys), of the three reed ecotypes. This suggests that a higher rate of GSH biosynthesis and metabolism, but not GSH accumulation, might be involved in the adaptation of this terrestrial reed ecotype to its dry habitat. The HSMR shared this profile although it exhibited the highest reduced thiol levels of the three ecotypes. Two key enzymes in the Calvin-cycle possessing exposed sulfhydryl groups, NADP(+)-dependent glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PD) and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), and other two key enzymes in the pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD), had very similar activities in the three reed ecotypes. Compared to the SR, the DR and HSMR had higher ratios of NADPH/NADP+ and NADH/NAD+, indicating that a more reduced redox status in the plant cells might be involved in the survival and adaptation of the two terrestrial reed ecotypes to long-term drought and salinity, respectively. These results suggest that changes of GSH metabolism and redox balance were important components of the adaptation of reed, a hydrophilic plant, to more extreme dune and saline habitats. The coordinated up-regulations of the rate of GSH biosynthesis and metabolism and reduction state of redox status of plant cells, conferred on the plant high resistance or tolerance to long-term drought and salinity.  相似文献   

The presented investigations have been carried out in order to estimate toxic sulphide levels and to examine detoxification capabilities in roots and rhizomes of the common reed (Phragmites australis). Underground organs of common reed are sensitive towards sulphide above 1 mM applied exogenously under hypoxia. However, certain tolerance may be achieved by sulphide detoxification. Accumulated sulphide is partially used for the synthesis of non-toxic thiols, mainly glutathione. But the detoxification capacity of the underground organs is limited. Maximum concentrations of thiols are about 60 nmol/g?1 fw in roots and 300 nmol/g?1 fw in rhizomes. Energy metabolism is considerably affected by low sulphide concentrations of 1 mM for 4 days, and immediately disturbed by increased concentrations up to 6 mM sulphide. Adenylate energy charge, total adenylates, posthypoxic respiration, and fermentation capacity decrease significantly. Roots are more sensitive than rhizomes.  相似文献   

Using 779 herbarium and modern specimens, we reconstructed the spread of the common reed ( Phragmites australis ) in Quebec, Canada, where large-scale invasion of this plant species has been reported since the 1960s. All specimens were genetically differentiated using molecular tools to identify the genotype (native or exotic). The exotic genotype (haplotype M) has been present in Quebec as early as 1916, but it was rare prior to the 1970s and was almost exclusively restricted to the shores of the St. Lawrence River. The exotic genotype spread inland only after the beginning of the 1970s. In less than 20 years, a complete shift occurred, from the dominance of native genotypes to the dominance of the exotic genotype. Today, more than 95% of common reed colonies found in Quebec are dominated by the haplotype M. It is especially abundant along roads, but colonies present in marshes are also dominated by the exotic genotype. This study provides evidence that, in Quebec, the development of the highway network in the 1960s and 1970s strongly contributed to the inland expansion of the exotic genotype. Moreover, it shows the usefulness of molecular techniques for reconstructing the spread of an invader. Without the use of molecular tools, the reconstruction of invasions of exotic taxa would be impossible because of the lack of clear phenotypic differences between genotypes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The freshwater gastropod Planorbis carinatus can enhance the aerobic respiration of micro-organisms on reed ( Phragmites australis ) litter in laboratory systems. This effect is contributed to by both direct and indirect mechanisms and, at least in the latter case, increased microbial respiration entails accelerated decomposition. Enhanced turnover of dissolved inorganic phosphate in the presence of the snail may play a role in these interactions.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2001,69(2-4):217-234
Decomposition processes were investigated in the soil of a declining, more eutrophic and a healthy, less eutrophic freshwater reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel) stand in the littoral zone of Rožmberk fishpond, Czech Republic. Soil and pore water were sampled five times from April to October 1998. Chemical properties, CO2 production in oxic and anoxic conditions, CH4 production, denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA) and bacterial biomass were measured under laboratory conditions in suspensions prepared from homogenised soil samples. The more eutrophic West stand was more anaerobic than the East stand, with lower redox potential, lower pH and with a higher amount of organic acids, mainly acetic and lactic acid. Mean seasonal concentrations of total nitrogen in pore water, nitrogen of amino acids and proteins, and reducing sugars were all higher in the soil at the more eutrophic stand. Higher nutrient status and more reduced conditions at the more eutrophic stand were accompanied by (i) a limitation of aerobic microbial activities (CO2 production in oxic conditions: 0.35 versus 0.54 μmol CO2 cm−3 h−1); lower DEA (4.0 versus 20.2 nmol N2O cm−3 h−1) and a lower proportion of bacteria that were active in aerobic conditions; (ii) by a prevalence of anaerobic over aerobic microbial processes; (iii) by a higher rate of methanogenesis (15.0 versus 11.5 nmol CH4 cm−3 h−1) and (iv) by an overall lower rate of microbial processes as compared to less eutrophied stand. The shift from aerobic to anaerobic microbial metabolism, and a coinciding restriction of metabolic activities at the more eutrophic stand are indicative of an elevated oxygen stress in the soil, associated with accumulation of metabolites toxic to both the micro-organisms and the reed. Possible links between eutrophication, decomposition processes in the soil and reed decline are discussed.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2001,69(2-4):209-216
Seasonal dynamics of concentrations of reserve carbohydrates (starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose and their sum denoted as total non-structural carbohydrates, TNC) were followed in five reed stands of Kis-Balaton wetland area in Hungary. The stands included three stands of tall and robust reed, situated in the Ingói area, and two stands of short and subtle reed situated in the downstream part. While both the seasonal pattern and the proportions of single carbohydrate species corresponded to findings for other sites, the absolute concentrations were markedly lower as compared to other European reed stands except lake Fertö in Hungary. The seasonal minimum values ranged from 54 to 87 mg g−1 dry weight. During the seasonal minimum, glucose reached the lowest concentrations (down to 0.01 mg g−1 dry weight) of all carbohydrates measured. The seasonal maximum concentrations of TNC reached 160–270 mg g−1 dry weight. Maximum TNC standing stock ranged from 240 to 520 g m−2, and was depleted by 60–80% during the period of spring shoot growth. It is proposed that the remaining TNC pool may not suffice to support complete recovery after a subsequent catastrophic event.  相似文献   

Microbial processes were investigated in the soil of a declining, more eutrophic (Romberk West) and a healthy looking, less eutrophic (Romberk East) freshwater reed stand. Soil was sampled monthly from June to September 1997. Glucose induced carbon dioxide (CO2) production in oxic and anoxic conditions, methane (CH4) production, nitrification and denitrification activities were measured in laboratory conditions in suspensions prepared from homogenised soil samples. Within a stand the proportion of anaerobic (as opposed to aerobic) microbial activity was greatest in June. Potential methanogenesis was highest in June and decreased later in both stands. Methane production was approximately the same in June at both stands but it was higher at Romberk East than at Romberk West stand in later months. Denitrifying activity was higher in August than July at both stands. Nitrifying activity was undetectable at both stands over the entire study period. Generally Romberk West was more anaerobic than Romberk East, with lower redox potential, higher amounts of oxygen-consuming organic matter and a lower ratio of CO2 production in oxic conditions to CO2 production in anoxic conditions. Microbial activity was apparently restricted at Romberk West stand in comparison to Romberk East. The shift from aerobic to anaerobic microbial metabolism and a coinciding restriction of metabolic activities at Romberk West are thought to be indicative of a strengthened oxygen stress in the soil, associated with accumulation of metabolites toxic to both the microorganisms and the reed. Possible links between eutrophication, microbial characteristics and reed performance are discussed.  相似文献   

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