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HeLa cells, labeled with Na235SO4, release into the culture medium 35SO4 bound to plasma membrane vesicles next to 35SO4-glycoproteins and free 35SO4. Plasma membrane vesicles, experimentally produced by treatment with formaldehyde, contain 35SO4 and their surface can be stained with high iron diamine. Scanning of chromatograms of the trypsinate from labeled cells demonstrates radioactivity on the spot of heparan sulfate. It is concluded that HeLa cells synthesize heparan sulfate, which is incorporated at the plasma membrane and released by shedding of small vesicles.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate represents approximately 15% of the 35SO4-labeled glycosaminoglycans carried by the proteoglycans of the cell surface and of the basolateral secretions of normal mouse mammary epithelial cells in culture. Evidence is provided that these chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans are hybrid proteoglycans, carrying both chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate chains. Complete N-desulfation but limited O-desulfation, by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide, of the proteoglycans decreased the anionic charge of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans to a greater extent than it decreased the charge of their constituent chondroitin sulfate chains. Partial depolymerization of the heparan sulfate residues of the proteoglycans with nitrous acid or with heparin lyase also reduced the effective molecular radius of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans. The effect of heparin lyase on the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans was prevented by treating the proteoglycan fractions with dimethyl sulfoxide, while the effect of nitrous acid on the dimethyl sulfoxide-treated proteoglycans was prevented by acetylation. This occurrence of heparan sulfate-chondroitin sulfate hybrid proteoglycans suggests that the substitution of core proteins by heparan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate chains may not solely be determined by the specific routing of these proteins through distinct chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate synthesizing mechanisms. Moreover, regional and temporal changes in pericellular glycosaminoglycan compositions might be due to variable postsynthetic modification of a single gene product.  相似文献   

E-selectin is a cell adhesion molecule involved in the initial rolling and adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium during inflammation. In addition, in vitro studies have suggested that an interaction between E-selectin and binding sites such as sialyl Lewis X-containing oligosaccharides on endothelial cells may be important for angiogenesis. In order to investigate the binding of E-selectin to endothelial cells, we developed an ELISA assay using chimeric E-selectin-Ig molecules and endothelial cells fixed on poly-L-lysine coated plates. Our results indicate that E-selectin-Ig binds to both bovine capillary endothelial cells and human dermal microvascular endothelial cells in a calcium-dependent and saturable manner. The binding is inhibited markedly by heparin and by syndecan-1 ectodomain, and moderately by chondroitin sulfate, but not by sialyl Lewis X-containing oligosaccharides. These results suggest that heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on endothelial cells are potential ligands for E-selectin.  相似文献   

Synchronization of HeLa cells by vinblastine sulfate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are complex molecules composed of a core protein with covalently attached glycosaminoglycan chains. While the protein part determines localization of the proteoglycan on the cell surfaces or in the extracellular matrix, the glycosaminoglycan component, heparan sulfate, mediates interactions with a variety of extracellular ligands such as growth factors and adhesion molecules. Through these interactions, heparan sulfate proteoglycans participate in many events during cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation. We are determining the multitude of proteoglycan functions, as their intricate roles in many pathways are revealed. They act as coreceptors for growth factors, participate in signalling during cell adhesion, modulate the activity of a broad range of molecules, and partake in many developmental and pathological processes, including tumorigenesis and wound repair. This review concentrates on biological roles of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans, namely syndecans and glypicans, and outlines the progress achieved during the last decade in unraveling the molecular interactions behind proteoglycan functions.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cell self-renewal and pluripotency are maintained by several signaling cascades and by expression of intrinsic factors, such as Oct3/4 and Nanog. The signaling cascades are activated by extrinsic factors, such as leukemia inhibitory factor, bone morphogenic protein, and Wnt. However, the mechanism that regulates extrinsic signaling in ES cells is unknown. Heparan sulfate (HS) chains are ubiquitously present as the cell surface proteoglycans and are known to play crucial roles in regulating several signaling pathways. Here we investigated whether HS chains on ES cells are involved in regulating signaling pathways that are important for the maintenance of ES cells. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of HS chain elongation inhibited mouse ES cell self-renewal and induced spontaneous differentiation of the cells into extraembryonic endoderm. Furthermore, autocrine/paracrine Wnt/beta-catenin signaling through HS chains was found to be required for the regulation of Nanog expression. We propose that HS chains are important for the extrinsic signaling required for mouse ES cell self-renewal and pluripotency.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary epithelial cells, of the normal murine mammary gland (NMuMG) cell line, bear a heparan sulfate-rich proteoglycan (HSPG) on their surfaces. A hybridoma (281-2) secreting a monoclonal antibody that recognizes this HSPG was produced by fusion of SP-2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells from rats immunized with NMuMG cells. The 281-2 monoclonal antibody is directed against the core protein of the cell surface HSPG, as demonstrated by (a) recognition of the isolated proteoglycan but not its glycosaminoglycan chains, (b) co-localization of 281-2-specific antigen and radioactive cell surface HSPG on gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and on isopycnic centrifugation, and (c) abolition of immunofluorescent staining of the NMuMG cell surface by the intact, but not the protease-digested ectodomain of the cell surface HSPG. The antibody is specific for cell surface HSPG and does not recognize the HSPG that accumulates extracellularly beneath the basal cell surface. Therefore, the 281-2 antibody may be used to isolate the cell surface HSPG and to explore its distribution in tissues.  相似文献   

On incubation of intact HeLa cells with micromolar concentrations of [gamma 32 P]ATP under physiological conditions, the generation of inorganic pyrophophate in the supernatant has been observed. The reaction depends on incubation time and cell number employed; the enzymatic activity is not shed into the supernatant. Isotope dilution data support that the responsible enzyme(s) is located at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Protein kinase activity and substrates at the surface of intact HeLa cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Evidence is presented for the location at the surface of HeLa cells of a protein kinase capable of phosphorylating surface as well as extracellular (foreign) proteins. The reaction products have been found to be proteins containing phosphoryl groups as monoesters of seryl and threonyl residues (but not of tyrosine). The enzyme is of the cyclic AMP-independent type, since neither cyclic AMP nor the heat- and acid-stable inhibitor protein (specific for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases) influenced its activity. Further, co-substrate ATP could in part be substituted by GTP, and the spectrum of proteins phosphorylated by the ecto-enzyme differed from that phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases. Evidence for the ecto-enzymic nature of this protein kinase includes (a) utilization of co-substrate and location of products at the surface of cells carefully controlled as being in an intact state and (b) phosphorylation of exogenous protein (phosvitin; specific serum proteins) by intact cells. Conclusive proof was gained by qualitative and quantitative comparative studies of phosphorylation in cultures with varying degrees of damaged cells either as a whole or after separation into groups of intact and damaged cells by electronic cell sorting. The results of experiments with cell sonicates excluded the possibility that either enzyme or substrates released from damaged cells were simply adsorbing to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Anoikis is a form of programmed cell death induced by loss of contact from neighboring cells or from their extracellular matrix (ECM). Many tumorigenic cells are anoikis resistant, facilitating cancer progression and metastasis. Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody used for the treatment of breast and gastric cell cancer, but its mechanism of action is not well elucidated and its target molecules not well defined. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play important roles in tumor development and in response of cancer cells to drugs. This study investigates the effect of trastuzumab on the expression of HSPGs and sulfated glycosaminoglycans (SGAGs) in anoikis-resistant endothelial cells. After trastuzumab treatment, endothelial cells resistant to anoikis show an increase in adhesion to fibronectin followed by a decrease in invasion, proliferation, and angiogenic capacity. In addition, a significant increase in the number of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle was also observed. In relation to HSPGs and SGAGs expression, we observed a decrease in syndecan-4 and perlecan expression, as well as in the heparan sulfate biosynthesis in anoikis-resistant endothelial cells after exposure to trastuzumab. Our results suggest that trastuzumab interacts with GAGs and proteoglycans of the cell surface and ECM and through this interaction controls cellular events in anoikis-resistant endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The formation of heparan sulfate (HS) chains is catalyzed by glycosyltransferases encoded by EXT (hereditary multiple exostosin gene) family members. Genetic screening for mutations affecting morphogen signaling pathways in Drosophila has identified three genes, tout-velu (ttv), sister of tout-velu (sotv), and brother of toutvelu (botv), which encode homologues of human EXT1, EXT2, and EXTL3, respectively. So far, in vitro glycosyltransferase activities have been demonstrated only for BOTV/DEXTL3, which harbors both N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-I (GlcNAcT-I) and N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-II (GlcNAcT-II) activities responsible for the chain initiation and elongation of HS, and no glucuronyltransferase-II (GlcAT-II) activity. Here we demonstrated that TTV/DEXT1 and SOTV/DEXT2 had GlcNAcT-II and GlcAT-II activities required for the biosynthesis of repeating disaccharide units of the HS backbone, and the coexpression of TTV with SOTV markedly augmented both glycosyltransferase activities when compared with the expression of TTV or SOTV alone. Moreover, the polymerization of HS was demonstrated on a linkage region analogue as an acceptor substrate by BOTV and an enzyme complex composed of TTV and SOTV (TTV-SOTV). In contrast to human, TTV-SOTV exhibited no GlcNAcT-I activity, indicating that BOTV/DEXT3, which is an EXT-Like gene and possesses GlcNAcT-I activity required for the initiation of HS, is indispensable for the biosynthesis of HS chains in Drosophila. Thus, all three EXT members in Drosophila, TTV, SOTV, and BOTV, are required for the biosynthesis of full-length HS in Drosophila.  相似文献   

A heparan sulfate-rich proteoglycan is on the surface of NMuMG mouse mammary epithelial cells apparently intercalated into their plasma membranes. Mild treatment of the cells with trypsin releases the GAG-bearing region (ectodomain) of this molecule as a discrete proteoglycan which is readily purified. At physiological pH and ionic strength, the ectodomain binds collagen types I, III, and V but not types II, IV, or denatured type I. The proteoglycan binds to a single class of high affinity saturable sites on type I collagen fibrils, sites which are selective for heparin-like glycosaminoglycans. The binding of NMuMG cells to type I collagen duplicates that of their cell surface proteoglycan; cells bind to native but not denatured collagen, and binding is inhibited by heparin but not by other glycosaminoglycans. These binding properties suggest that cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans could act as receptors for interstitial collagens and mediate changes in cell behavior induced by collagenous matrices.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are expressed broadly and regulate a diverse array of developmental events in vivo. Essential to many of these functions is the establishment of activity gradients of BMP, which provide positional information that influences cell fates. Secreted polypeptides, such as Noggin, bind BMPs and inhibit their function by preventing interaction with receptors on the cell surface. These BMP antagonists are assumed to be diffusible and therefore potentially important in the establishment of BMP activity gradients in vivo. Nothing is known, however, about the potential interactions between Noggin and components of the cell surface or extracellular matrix that might limit its diffusion. We have found that Noggin binds strongly to heparin in vitro, and to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the surface of cultured cells. Noggin is detected only on the surface of cells that express heparan sulfate, can be specifically displaced from cells by heparin, and can be directly cross-linked to a cell surface proteoglycan in culture. Heparan sulfate-bound Noggin remains functional and can bind BMP4 at the plasma membrane. A Noggin mutant with a deletion in a putative heparin binding domain has reduced binding to heparin and does not bind to the cell surface but has preserved BMP binding and antagonist functions. Our results imply that interactions between Noggin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans in vivo regulate diffusion and therefore the formation of gradients of BMP activity.  相似文献   

In polarized B lymphoid cells, syndecan-1 is targeted specifically to a discrete membrane domain termed the uropod that is located at the cell's trailing edge. Within this functional domain, syndecan-1 promotes cell-cell adhesion and concentration of heparin binding growth factors. The present study reveals the surprising finding that targeting of syndecan-1 to uropods is mediated by its heparan sulfate chains and that targeting is regulated by cell surface events rather than solely by intracellular mechanisms. The addition of exogenous heparin or the treatment of polarized cells with heparitinase initiates a rapid and dramatic redistribution of uropod syndecan-1 over the entire cell surface, and a mutated syndecan-1 lacking heparan sulfate chains fails to concentrate within uropods. Interestingly, the heparan sulfate-bearing proteoglycans glypican-1 and beta glycan fail to concentrate in uropods, indicating that targeting may require heparan sulfate structural motifs unique to syndecan-1 or that the core protein of syndecan-1 participates in specific interactions that promote heparan sulfate-mediated targeting. These findings suggest functional specificity for syndecan-1 within uropods and, in addition, reveal a novel mechanism for the targeting of molecules to discrete membrane subcellular domains via heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

The complex microenvironment that surrounds hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow niche involves different coordinated signaling pathways. The stem cells establish permanent interactions with distinct cell types such as mesenchymal stromal cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts or endothelial cells and with secreted regulators such as growth factors, cytokines, chemokines and their receptors. These interactions are mediated through adhesion to extracellular matrix compounds also. All these signaling pathways are important for stem cell fates such as self-renewal, proliferation or differentiation, homing and mobilization, as well as for remodeling of the niche. Among these complex molecular cues, this review focuses on heparan sulfate (HS) structures and functions and on the role of enzymes involved in their biosynthesis and turnover. HS associated to core protein, constitute the superfamily of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) present on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix of all tissues. The key regulatory effects of major medullar HSPGs are described, focusing on their roles in the interactions between hematopoietic stem cells and their endosteal niche, and on their ability to interact with Heparin Binding Proteins (HBPs). Finally, according to the relevance of HS moieties effects on this complex medullar niche, we describe recent data that identify HS mimetics or sulfated HS signatures as new glycanic tools and targets, respectively, for hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cell based therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Stem cell division is tightly controlled via secreted signaling factors and cell adhesion molecules provided from local niche structures. Molecular mechanisms by which each niche component regulates stem cell behaviors remain to be elucidated. Here we show that heparan sulfate (HS), a class of glycosaminoglycan chains, regulates the number and asymmetric division of germline stem cells (GSCs) in the Drosophila testis. We found that GSC number is sensitive to the levels of 6-O sulfate groups on HS. Loss of 6-O sulfation also disrupted normal positioning of centrosomes, a process required for asymmetric division of GSCs. Blocking HS sulfation specifically in the niche, termed the hub, led to increased GSC numbers and mispositioning of centrosomes. The same treatment also perturbed the enrichment of Apc2, a component of the centrosome-anchoring machinery, at the hub–GSC interface. This perturbation of the centrosome-anchoring process ultimately led to an increase in the rate of spindle misorientation and symmetric GSC division. This study shows that specific HS modifications provide a novel regulatory mechanism for stem cell asymmetric division. The results also suggest that HS-mediated niche signaling acts upstream of GSC division orientation control.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells are the most popular host cells for transient gene expression (TGE) of therapeutic proteins. These host cells require high transfection efficiency in order to enhance TGE. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) at the cell surface is known to regulate endocytosis for gene delivery. The HSPG expression in CHO DG44 and HEK293E cells was investigated in an effort to enhance the TGE. Immunostaining of HSPGs followed by confocal microscopy and flow cytometry analyses revealed that CHO DG44 cells possessed a higher amount of cell-surface and intracellular HSPGs than HEK293E cells. The mRNA levels of the representative enzymes involved in the HSPG biosynthesis in CHO DG44, which were determined by quantitative real time PCR, were quite different from those in HEK293E cells. Taken together, the results obtained here would be useful in improving TGE in CHO DG44 and HEK293E cells through genetic engineering of HSPG synthesis.  相似文献   

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