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Insect osmoregulation is subject to highly sophisticated endocrine control. In Drosophila, both Drosophila kinin and tyramine act on the Malpighian (renal) tubule stellate cell to activate chloride shunt conductance, and so increase the fluid production rate. Drosophila kinin is known to act through intracellular calcium, but the mode of action of tyramine is not known. Here, we used a transgenically encoded GFP::apoaequorin translational fusion, targeted to either principal or stellate cells under GAL4/UAS control, to demonstrate that tyramine indeed acts to raise calcium in stellate, but not principal cells. Furthermore, the EC(50) tyramine concentration for half-maximal activation of the intracellular calcium signal is the same as that calculated from previously published data on tyramine-induced increase in chloride flux. In addition, tyramine signalling to calcium is markedly reduced in mutants of NorpA (a phospholipase C) and itpr, the inositol trisphosphate receptor gene, which we have previously shown to be necessary for Drosophila kinin signalling. Therefore, tyramine and Drosophila kinin signals converge on phospholipase C, and thence on intracellular calcium; and both act to increase chloride shunt conductance by signalling through itpr. To test this model, we co-applied tyramine and Drosophila kinin, and showed that the calcium signals were neither additive nor synergistic. The two signalling pathways thus represent parallel, independent mechanisms for distinct tissues (nervous and epithelial) to control the same aspect of renal function.  相似文献   

Changes in cell shape and position drive morphogenesis in epithelia and depend on the polarized nature of its constituent cells. The spectrin-based membrane skeleton is thought to be a key player in the establishment and/or maintenance of cell shape and polarity. We report that apical beta(Heavy)-spectrin (beta(H)), a terminal web protein that is also associated with the zonula adherens, is essential for normal epithelial morphogenesis of the Drosophila follicle cell epithelium during oogenesis. Elimination of beta(H) by the karst mutation prevents apical constriction of the follicle cells during mid-oogenesis, and is accompanied by a gross breakup of the zonula adherens. We also report that the integrity of the migratory border cell cluster, a group of anterior follicle cells that delaminates from the follicle epithelium, is disrupted. Elimination of beta(H) prevents the stable recruitment of alpha-spectrin to the apical domain, but does not result in a loss of apicobasal polarity, as would be predicted from current models describing the role of spectrin in the establishment of cell polarity. These results demonstrate a direct role for apical (alphabeta(H))(2)-spectrin in epithelial morphogenesis driven by apical contraction, and suggest that apical and basolateral spectrin do not play identical roles in the generation of apicobasal polarity.  相似文献   

Processes of gastrulation in the sea urchin embryo have been intensively studied to reveal the mechanisms involved in the invagination of a monolayered epithelium. It is widely accepted that the invagination proceeds in two steps (primary and secondary invagination) until the archenteron reaches the apical plate, and that the constituent cells of the resulting archenteron are exclusively derived from the veg2 tier of blastomeres formed at the 60-cell stage. However, recent studies have shown that the recruitment of the archenteron cells lasts as late as the late prism stage, and some descendants of veg1 blastomeres are also recruited into the archenteron. In this review, we first illustrate the current outline of sea urchin gastrulation. Second, several factors, such as cytoskeletons, cell contact and extracellular matrix, will be discussed in relation to the cellular and mechanical basis of gastrulation. Third, differences in the manner of gastrulation among sea urchin species will be described; in some species, the archenteron does not elongate stepwise but continuously. In those embryos, bottle cells are scarcely observed, and the archenteron cells are not rearranged during invagination unlike in typical sea urchins. Attention will be also paid to some other factors, such as the turgor pressure of blastocoele and the force generated by blastocoele wall. These factors, in spite of their significance, have been neglected in the analysis of sea urchin gastrulation. Lastly, we will discuss how behavior of pigment cells defines the manner of gastrulation, because pigment cells recently turned out to be the bottle cells that trigger the initial inward bending of the vegetal plate.  相似文献   

Drosophila oogenesis is a complex developmental process involving the coordinated differentiation of germ line and somatic cells. Correct execution and timing of cell fate specification and patterning events is achieved during this process by the integration of different cell-cell signalling pathways, eventually leading to the generation of positional information inside the oocyte, that is instrumental for the establishment of embryonic polarity. The large body of data accumulated at both cellular and molecular levels in the last decade clearly demonstrated how Drosophila oogenesis is a genetically tractable system particularly suited for the investigation of key developmental biology questions. Our recent contribution to the field relies on the characterisation of three different mutants named tegamino (teg), hold hup (hup) and tulipano (tip), identifying novel gene functions required during oogenesis. Specifically, teg is implicated in the morphogenesis of the follicular epithelium surrounding the germ line cells in the egg chamber, hup is involved in the establishment of egg chamber polarity and tip in the regulation of the dynamic germ cell chromatin organisation.  相似文献   


Beta-carbonic anhydrases (β-CAs) have been recently reported to be present in many protozoan and metazoan species, whereas it is absent in mammals. In this review, we introduce β-CA from Drosophila melanogaster as a model enzyme for pesticide development. These enzymes can be targeted with various enzyme inhibitors, which can have deleterious effects on pathogenic and other harmful organisms. Therefore, β-CAs represent a new potential target to fight against Dipteran vectors and pests relevant to medicine, veterinary medicine, and agriculture.  相似文献   

The development of the tracheal system of Drosophila melanogaster represents a paradigm for studying the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of a branched tubular network. Tracheogenesis has been characterized at the morphological, cellular and genetic level and a series of successive, but linked events have been described as the basis for the formation of the complex network of tubules which extend over the entire organism. Tracheal cells stop to divide early in the process of tracheogenesis and the formation of the interconnected network requires highly controlled cell migration events and cell shape changes. A number of genes involved in these two processes have been identified but in order to obtain a more complete view of branching morphogenesis, many more genes carrying essential functions have to be isolated and characterized. Here, we provide a progress report on our attempts to identify further genes expressed in the tracheal system. We show that empty spiracles (ems), a head gap gene, is required for the formation of a specific tracheal branch, the visceral branch. We also identified a Sulfotransferase and a Multiple Inositol Polyphosphate phosphatase that are strongly upregulated in tracheal cells and discuss their possible involvement in tracheal development.  相似文献   

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