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Jeffrey Conner 《Genetica》1993,90(1):41-45
The number of gene loci coding for quantitative traits is an important issue in genetics. However, there are still very few empirical data on this point, especially in natural populations. I tested for major gene effects on ten quantitative traits in wild radish, using an indirect method based on the patterns of family means and within and between family variances for traits. This method should reveal whether a single locus is responsible for most of the variation in a trait. Eight of the traits measured were morphological dimensions of leaves and flowers; no strong evidence for major gene effects on these traits was found. In contrast, evidence for major gene effects was found in the other two traits, emergence time and flowering time.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of evolutionary divergence requires knowledge of the strength, form, and targets of selection, as well as the genetic architecture of the divergent traits. Quantitative genetic approaches to understanding multivariate selection and genetic response to selection have proven to be powerful tools in this endeavor, particularly with respect to short-term evolution. However, the application of quantitative genetic theory over periods of substantial phenotypic change is controversial because it requires that the requisite genetic parameters remain constant over the period of time in question. We show herein how attempts to determine the stability of key genetic parameters may be misled by the many genes of small effect type of genetic architecture generally assumed in quantitative genetics. The presence of genes of major effect (GOMEs) can alter the genetic variance-covariance matrix dramatically for brief periods of time, significantly alter the rate and trajectory of multivariate evolution, and thereby mislead attempts to reconstruct or predict long term evolution.  相似文献   

Genetic markers linked to quantitative traits in poultry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study utilized DNA fingerprints and crosses of two genetically distinct lines of layer-type chickens to identify genetic markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL). In phase I, back-cross (BC1) hens were separately ranked for each of eight traits and then blood pools were produced in groups along each phenotypic distribution. The DNA was isolated from the blood pools and used in a gradient analysis to screen for DNA fingerprint bands that exhibited intensity gradients associated with the phenotypic traits. To identify linkage of bands with QTL and to estimate band effects, F2 progeny were produced in phase II from the phase I BC, population. A single-trait animal model was used for analysis of associations of all individual DNA fingerprint bands of sires and their progeny phenotypic performance. Twenty fingerprint bands, only two of which had shown trait-associated gradients in phase I, were identified by the animal model analysis of the progeny test as QTL linked (P≤005) to specific traits of growth, reproduction and egg quality. These 20 bands warrant further study as potentially valuable molecular markers for QTL.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprints of dogs and cats   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Human minisatellite probes consisting of tandem repeats of the 'core' sequence, a putative recombination signal in human DNA, cross-hybridize to multiple polymorphic fragments in dog and cat DNA to produce individual-specific DNA 'fingerprints'. Pedigree analysis shows that most of the DNA fragments detected in an individual are heterozygous, and that these fragments are derived from multiple dispersed autosomal loci. DNA fingerprints of cats and dogs should prove suitable for individual identification and for establishing family relationships. They are also suitable for rapid marker generation in large pedigrees and could be applied to linkage analysis in these animals.  相似文献   

Summary. Human minisatellite probes cross-hybridize to DNA of several species of poultry (chicken, duck, turkey and goose), and detect high levels of polymorphism. The resulting DNA fingerprints are individual specific, and allow the discrimination even between closely related birds. The pattern of poultry DNA fingerprints is different from that of humans and other animals, having a higher average proportion of large DNA fragments. Pedigree analysis revealed a low number of allelic pairs of variable DNA fragments, indicating that most of the alleles are unresolved in the DNA fingerprint or too small to be detected. The total number of detectable loci in broilers, using probe 33.6, was estimated as 62, of which 13 loci are on average scoreable and available for use. Poultry DNA fingerprints can be used for individual identification, linkage studies and as an aid in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprints of sheep using an M13 probe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacteriophage M13 DNA was used to detect hypervariable minisatellites in several families of Booroola sheep as well as Merino and Suffolk sheep. Digestion of sheep DNA gave rise to three to eight fragments with different restriction enzymes demonstrating considerable polymorphism between the different breeds. The length of informative DNA fragments varied in size from 6 to 20kb. The DNA fingerprints generated were individual specific and allowed for differentiation between closely related animals. The pattern obtained with sheep DNA was different from that observed with humans and other vertebrates in the proportion of high molecular weight DNA fragments present. Pedigree analysis of DNA patterns of dams and their offspring for several sets of twins and triplets showed a clear distinction between individuals and failed to reveal the presence of monozygosity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if DNA fingerprints (DFPs) could be used to estimate relatedness and inbreeding of strains of geese and to compare three methods of calculating relatedness indices. Strains included a control and selected strain from each of the Chinese and Synthetic (Chinese, Hungarian and Pilgrim) breeds. DFP patterns for each strain were based on individual DNA samples from six females, or on pooled DNA from 15 females different from those used for individual samples. Three relatedness indices were used, namely, genetic distance, modified Rogers distance and band sharing. All relatedness indices showed a closer relationship of strains within than between breeds. Correlation coefficients among relatedness indices were higher based on pooled DNA (r ≥|0·97|) than those based on individual DNA (r ≥|0·741). Inbreeding estimates were higher for selected compared with control strains. It appears that the use of DFPs to estimate relatedness, regardless of index used, and inbreeding can be valuable for studying geese where there is a limited breeding history.  相似文献   

A multi-locus DNA probe, R18.1, derived from a bovine genomic library, detected DNA fingerprints of highly polymorphic loci in hybridization to genomic DNA from poultry and sheep, and of moderate polymorphic loci in cattle and human DNA. The average numbers of detected bands in chickens and sheep were 27.8 and 21.4, and the average band sharing levels were 0.25 and 0.33, respectively. In hybridization to cattle and human DNA, the results were less polymorphic; nevertheless, individual identification is feasible using probe R18.1. The results obtained by R18.1 were compared to results obtained by Jeffreys minisatellite probe 33.6 and two microsatellite oligonucleotides, (GT)12 and (GTG)5. The total number of detected loci using probes R18.1 and 33.6 were estimated in chickens through family analysis of broilers and the maximal number of detectable loci was calculated.  相似文献   

Crosses were produced between two lines of White Plymouth Rock chickens, one of which had been selected for low 8-week body weight for 31 generations (L) and the other of which was a bantam population (B). The parental lines, reciprocal F1s, reciprocal F2s and all possible back-crosses to each parental line (total of 16 populations) were available for study. Blood was obtained from 10 females within each population. DNA was extracted from blood mixes (equal amounts of blood from each individual) for each population, and from blood samples of each individual in the two parental lines. Fourteen line-specific DNA fingerprint (DFP) bands (those bands present in one parental population, but not in the other parental population) were analysed (eight from line L and six from line B). Regression analyses were conducted to compare the known proportion of genomic contribution from each parental population with values based on relative band intensity obtained with a scanning densitometer. The resulting regression coefficient of 1.004 demonstrated that DFP analysis of relative band intensity is an effective method of estimating the relative proportion of genome contributed by parental populations.  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular dissection of quantitative traits in rice   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
Recent progress in the generation of a molecular genetic map and markers for rice has made possible a new phase of mapping individual genes associated with complex traits. This type of analysis is often referred to as quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. Increasing numbers of QTL analyses are providing enormous amounts of information about QTLs, such as the numbers of loci involved, their chromosomal locations and gene effects. Clarification of genetic bases of complex traits has a big impact not only on fundamental research on rice plant development, but it also has practical benefits for rice breeding. In this review, we summarize recent progress of QTL analysis of several complex traits in rice. A strategy for positional cloning of genes at QTLs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Deterministic sampling was used to numerically evaluate the expected log-likelihood surfaces of QTL-marker linkage models in large pedigrees with simple structures. By calculating the expected values of likelihoods, questions of power of experimental designs, bias in parameter estimates, approximate lower-bound standard errors of estimates and correlations among estimates, and suitability of statistical models were addressed. Examples illustrated that bracket markers around the QTL approximately halved the standard error of the recombination fraction between the QTL and the marker, although they did not affect the standard error of the QTL's effect, that overestimation of the distance between the markers caused overestimation of the distance between the QTL and marker, that more parameters in the model did not affect the accuracy of parameter estimates, that there was a moderate positive correlation between the estimates of the QTL effect and its recombination distance from the marker, and that selective genotyping did not introduce bias into the estimates of the parameters. The method is suggested as a useful tool for exploring the power and accuracy of QTL linkage experiments, and the value of alternative statistical models, whenever the likelihood of the model can be written explictly.  相似文献   

Sequence comparisons of 14 distinct MHC class I cDNA clones isolated from species representing the three major taxonomic lineages of Felidae (domestic cat lineage, ocelot lineage, and pantherine lineage) revealed that feline MHC class I alleles have highly mosaic structures with short polymorphic sequence motifs that are rearranged between alleles of individual MHC loci, between MHC class I genes within cat species, and between homologous MHC loci in different species. The pattern of sequence variation in felids supports the role of the following factors in production and maintenance of MHC variation: (1) gradual spontaneous mutation; (2) selective pressure to conserve certain residues but also to vary in hypervariable regions, notably residues that functionally participate in antigen recognition and presentation; and (3) recombination-mediated gene exchange between alleles and between related genes. The overall amount of genetic variation observed among MHC class I genes in the Felidae family is no greater than the amount of variation within any outbred cat species (i.e., domestic cat, ocelot). The occurrence of equivalent levels of polymorphism plus the simultaneous persistence of the same sequence motifs in divergent feline species suggest that most MHC class I nucleotide site polymorphism predated species divergences. Ancient polymorphisms have been transmitted through the speciation events and modern feline MHC class I alleles were derived by recombinational exchange of polymorphic sequence motifs. Moreover, some of these sequence motifs were found in other mammalian MHC class I genes, such as classical human HLA-B5, nonclassical human HLA-E class I genes, and bovine class I genes. These results raise the prospect of an ancient origin for some motifs, although the possibility of convergence in parallel mammalian radiations cannot be excluded. Correspondence to: N. Yuhki  相似文献   

Summary. Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from a genomic library. The library was constructed in the bacteriophage Λ vector EMBL3 and comprises approximately 10 times the equivalent of the haploid genome. Half the library was screened with the human DQA, DQB, DRA and DRB cDNA probes. Of the 100 positively hybridizing phage clones, 37 were eventually fully characterized and mapped by means of Southern blot analysis. The exons encoding the first, second and transmembrane domain of all different A and B genes were subcloned and mapped in more detail. These analyses showed that these 37 clones were derived from five different A and 10 different B genes. The hybridization studies indicate that we have cloned and mapped two DQA genes, one DRA gene, two other A genes, four DQB genes, three DRB genes and three other B genes. Since the library was made from a heterozygous animal, this would suggest that there are at least one DQA, one DRA one other undefined A, two DQB, two DRB and one or two other undefined B genes in the haploid genome of Holstein Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

Minisatellite DNA markers in the chicken genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the detailed characterization of multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprints in the chicken. Results are presented of DNA fingerprint segregation analyses carried out in three chicken pedigrees, calculating the number of detected loci, testing for Mendelian inheritance, and cosegregation among fingerprint bands. Two pedigrees (families 1 and 2) were analysed using the Jeffreys probes 33.6 and 33.15 only, and one pedigree (family 3) was analysed using 33.6, 33.15. 3′α-globin HVR and M13 protein III gene repeat. Mean band transmission frequencies in families 1 and 2 were near to the Mendelian expectation of 0.5 and no mutations were observed. Family 3 showed transmission frequencies slightly exceeding 0.5. Linkage among bands was higher than observed in some other avian species, with each allele represented by a mean of 1.48 HaeIII fragments. Cosegregation of heterozygous parental fragments representing distinguishable loci followed the expected binomial distribution. The number of minisatellites detectable by the four probes was estimated to be 217. The pattern of cosegregation among those minisatellite loci was tested against that expected for different levels of recombination through the use of a simulation model. We conclude that most minisatellites are unlinked and probably widely dispersed in the chicken genome.  相似文献   

With the use of spinach chloroplast RNAs as probes, we have mapped the rRNA genes and a number of protein genes on the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of the duckweed Spirodela oligorhiz. For a more precise mapping of these genes we had to extend the previously determined [14] restriction endonuclease map of the duckweed cpDNA with the cleavage sites for the restriction endonucleases Sma I and Bgl I. The physical map indicates that duckweed cpDNA contains two inverted repeat regions (18 Md) separated by two single copy regions with a size of 19 Md and 67 Md, respectively.By hybridization with spinach chloroplast rRNAs it could be shown that each of the two repeat units contains one set of rRNA genes in the order: 16S rRNA gene — spacer — 23S rRNA gene — 5S rRNA gene.A spinach chloroplast mRNA preparation (14S RNA), which is predominantly translated into a 32 Kilodalton (Kd) protein [9], hybridized strongly to a DNA fragment in the large single copy region, immediately outside one of the inverted repeats. With another mRNA preparation (18S), which mainly directs the in vitro synthesis of a 55 Kd protein [9], hybridization was observed with two DNA regions, located between 211° and 233° and between 137° and 170°, respectively. Finally, with a spinach chloroplast genomic probe for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase [17], hybridization was found with a DNA fragment located between 137° and 158° on the map.  相似文献   

Selective DNA pooling is an efficient method to identify chromosomal regions that harbor quantitative trait loci (QTL) by comparing marker allele frequencies in pooled DNA from phenotypically extreme individuals. Currently used single marker analysis methods can detect linkage of markers to a QTL but do not provide separate estimates of QTL position and effect, nor do they utilize the joint information from multiple markers. In this study, two interval mapping methods for analysis of selective DNA pooling data were developed and evaluated. One was based on least squares regression (LS-pool) and the other on approximate maximum likelihood (ML-pool). Both methods simultaneously utilize information from multiple markers and multiple families and can be applied to different family structures (half-sib, F2 cross and backcross). The results from these two interval mapping methods were compared with results from single marker analysis by simulation. The results indicate that both LS-pool and ML-pool provided greater power to detect the QTL than single marker analysis. They also provide separate estimates of QTL location and effect. With large family sizes, both LS-pool and ML-pool provided similar power and estimates of QTL location and effect as selective genotyping. With small family sizes, however, the LS-pool method resulted in severely biased estimates of QTL location for distal QTL but this bias was reduced with the ML-pool.  相似文献   

Statistical techniques for detection of major genes in animal breeding data   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Statistical techniques for detection of major loci and for making inferences about major locus parameters such as genotypic frequencies, effects and gene action from field-collected data are presented. In field data, major genotypic effects are likely to be masked by a large number of environmental differences in addition to additive and nonadditive polygenic effects. A graphical technique and a procedure for discriminating among genetic hypotheses based on a mixed model accounting for all these factors are proposed. The methods are illustrated by using simulated data.Journal Paper No. J-12733 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 1901  相似文献   

用微卫星探针(GGAT)4得到了罗伯逊易位猪群体内共9个家猪品种的DNA指纹图。1-9品种依次为:13/17罗伯逊易位纯合子猪群体、13/17罗伯逊易位杂合子猪群体、13/17罗伯逊易位杂合子猪互交所得到的正常核型猪群体(杂交0号)、丹系长白猪群体、加系双肌臂杜洛克猪群体、加系双肌臀大约克猪群体、加系双肌臀长白猪群体、丹系长白猪与13/17易位杂合子猪产生的杂交后备猪群体(杂交1号)、杜洛克猪与13/17易位杂合子猪产生的杂交后备猪群体(杂交2号)。根据指纹带型计算了每个群体的相似系数(F)、平均等位基因频率(Q)、最底平均杂合率(H)和遗传距离指数(D)。9个品种的相似系数介于0.546-0.931,根据各品种之间的遗传距离指数作出矩阵图,并据此绘制出品种间亲缘关系树状聚类图。  相似文献   

To gain insight into the number of loci of large effect that underlie variation in cattle, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan for 14 economically important traits was performed in two commercial Angus populations using 390 microsatellites, 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one duplication loci. The first population comprised 1769 registered Angus bulls born between 1955 and 2003, with Expected Progeny Differences computed by the American Angus Association. The second comprised 38 half‐sib families containing 1622 steers with six post‐natal growth and carcass phenotypes. Linkage analysis was performed by half‐sib least squares regression with gridqtl or Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of complex pedigrees with loki . Of the 673 detected QTL, only 118 have previously been reported, reflecting both the conservative approach to QTL reporting in the literature, and the more liberal approach taken in this study. From 33 to 71% of the genetic variance and 35 to 56% of the phenotypic variance in each trait was explained by the detected QTL. To analyse the effects of 11 SNPs and one duplication locus within candidate genes on each trait, a single marker analysis was performed by fitting an additive allele substitution model in both mapping populations. There were 53 associations detected between the SNP/duplication loci and traits with ?log10Pnominal≥ 4.0, where each association explained 0.92% to 4.4% of the genetic variance and 0.01% to 1.86% of the phenotypic variance. Of these associations, only six SNP/duplication loci were located within 8 cM of a QTL peak for the trait, with two being located at the QTL peak: SST_DG156121:c.362A>G for ribeye muscle area and TG_X05380:c.422C>T for calving ease. Strong associations between several SNP/duplication loci and trait variation were obtained in the absence of any detected linked QTL. However, we reject the causality of several commercialized DNA tests, including an association between TG_X05380:c.422C>T and marbling in Angus cattle.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were mapped in segregating progeny from a cross between two soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars: Minsoy (PI 27.890) and Noir 1 (PI 290.136). The 15 traits analyzed included reproductive, morphological, and seed traits, seed yield and carbon isotope discrimination ratios (13C/12C). Genetic variation was detected for all of the traits, and transgressive segregation was a common phenomenon. One hundred and thirty-two linked genetic markers and 24 additional unlinked markers were used to locate QTL by interval mapping and one-way analysis of variance, respectively. Quantitative trait loci controlling 11 of the 15 traits studied were localized to intervals in 6 linkage groups. Quantitative trait loci for developmental and morphological traits (R1, R5, R8, plant height, canopy height, leaf area, etc.) tended to be clustered in three intervals, two of which were also associated with seed yield. Quantitative trait loci for seed oil were separated from all the other QTL. Major QTL for maturity and plant height were linked to RFLP markers R79 (31% variation) and G173 (53% variation). Quantitative trait loci associated with unlinked markers included possible loci for seed protein and weight. Linkage between QTL is discussed in relation to the heritability and genetic correlation of the traits.  相似文献   

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