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Bmp4 and Fgf10 play opposing roles during lung bud morphogenesis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Morphogenesis of the mouse lung involves reciprocal interactions between the epithelial endoderm and the surrounding mesenchyme, leading to an invariant early pattern of branching that forms the basis of the respiratory tree. There is evidence that Fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (Bmp4), expressed in the distal mesenchyme and endoderm, respectively, play important roles in branching morphogenesis. To examine these roles in more detail, we have exploited an in vitro culture system in which isolated endoderm is incubated in Matrigel(TM) substratum with Fgf-loaded beads. In addition, we have used a Bmp4(lacZ) line of mice in which lacZ faithfully reports Bmp4 expression. Analysis of lung endoderm in vivo shows a dynamic pattern of Bmp4(lacZ) expression during bud outgrowth, extension and branching. In vitro, Fgf10 induces both proliferation and chemotaxis of isolated endoderm, whether it is derived from the distal or proximal lung. Moreover, after 48 hours, Bmp4(lacZ) expression is upregulated in the endoderm closest to the bead. Addition of 30-50 ng/ml of exogenous purified Bmp4 to the culture medium inhibits Fgf-induced budding or chemotaxis, and inhibits overall proliferation. By contrast, the Bmp-binding protein Noggin enhances Fgf-induced morphogenesis. Based on these and other results, we propose a model for the combinatorial roles of Fgf10 and Bmp4 in branching morphogenesis of the lung.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) is involved in numerous different aspects of embryonic development and especially in active epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during morphogenesis of many organs as a mesenchymal regulator by activating its receptors (FGFR1b and FGFR2b) expressed in the epithelial tissue. FGFR2b is also activated by FGF7 although FGF7 does not bind to FGFR1b. To provide basic data to analyze function of FGFs in the developing gut, here we cloned Fgf7 and studied expression patterns of Fgf7, Fgf10 and Fgfr1-4 during the development of chicken stomach (glandular stomach; proventriculus and muscular stomach; gizzard). Fgf10 is expressed both in the proventricular and gizzard mesenchyme while Fgf7 is expressed only in gizzard mesenchyme. Fgfr1-4 are expressed both in the epithelium and mesenchyme with a different spatial expression patterns. Furthermore, RT-PCR analysis reveals that Fgfr1b and Fgfr2b are expressed only in epithelia of both organs.  相似文献   

Antibodies to corneal keratan sulfate proteoglycan (KSPG) were used to characterize the pattern of KSPG accumulation during differentiation of neural crest cells in the stroma of embryonic chick cornea. Immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibody I22 to keratan sulfate found this KSPG antigen localized inside stromal cells at stage 29 (Day 6), ca. 12 hr after migration into the primary stroma. A 2- to 3-day lag then occurred before appearance of extracellular keratan sulfate, first seen on Day 9 (Stage 35) in the posterior stroma. Keratan sulfate antigen accumulated in a posterior to anterior direction during subsequent development. Uniform staining of the stroma for keratan sulfate did not occur until after Day 16. Among several tissues, only corneal stroma contained an extracellular matrix which stained for keratan sulfate, though intracellular staining of some cartilage cells was observed. Accumulation of KSPG antigens in developing cornea was measured in unfractionated guanidine extracts with a quantitative ELISA using three different antibodies against KSPG. Increases were first detected after Day 9 using monoclonal I22, and somewhat later with the other two antibodies. Assays with all three antibodies detected a sustained, exponential increase of KSPG throughout the 5 days prior to hatching. Keratan sulfate continued to accumulate after hatching, but an antibody with specificity to KSPG core protein, detected no relative increase in antigen after hatching. This suggests a modulation of KSPG primary structure late in development and after hatching. Overt differentiation of individual neural crest cells thus appears to begin ca. 12 hr after their arrival in the primary stroma; a lag of 2-3 days precedes active secretion of KSPG.  相似文献   

The Dan gene was first identified as the putative rat tumor suppressor gene and encodes a protein structurally related to Cerberus and Gremlin in vertebrates. Xenopus DAN, as with Cerberus and Gremlin, was demonstrated to block bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling by binding BMPs, and to be capable of inducing additional anterior structures by ectopic overexpression in Xenopus embryos. DAN, thus, is suggested to play pivotal roles in early patterning and subsequent organ development, as in the case of other BMP antagonists. In this report, we isolated the chicken counterpart of Dan. Chicken Dan is mainly expressed in the cephalic and somitic mesoderm and several placodes during organ development.  相似文献   

The combination of genetic and molecular biology techniques has uncovered the intricacies of several gene networks controlling developmental processes. In the face of such complex regulatory networks, developmental geneticists cannot rely on reasoning alone; a thorough understanding of the spatio-temporal properties of these networks clearly requires the use of proper computational tools and methods.  相似文献   

The primordium of the mammalian adenohypophysis derived from Rathke's pouch (RP) is known to be formed by oral ectoderm invagination. However, in the early phase of pituitary development, the detailed process by which the oral ectoderm develops into the adenohypophysis remains largely unknown. Using high-resolution non-radiolabeled in situ hybridization and the BrdU and TUNEL methods, we have examined the detailed expression pattern of factors involved in the formation of RP of chicken and the changes in the mitotic and apoptotic cell regions in RP. In the chicken embryo, Sonic hedgehog (Shh) mRNA was initially expressed in the stomodeal plate but not in the oral ectoderm. After prospective diencephalon had detached from the oral ectoderm, another Shh-expressing region appeared in the most rostral part of the recess. LIM homeobox gene 3 (Lhx3) mRNA first appeared in the anterior area of Rathke's recess, and expression then spread to the caudal region. alphaGSU mRNA-expressing cells were observed at both ends of the Lhx3-expressing region, and thereafter the expression area moved to the posterior region. Furthermore, a close overlap was found between the proliferating region and Lhx3 mRNA-expressing area, and TUNEL-positive cells appeared in Seessel's pouch derived from the foregut. Thus, the primordium of the pituitary gland corresponding to the Lhx3-expressing region is surrounded by the Shh-expressing region, which appears in two steps, and the mass growth and invagination of RP of chicken result from the coordination of the dorsal extension of the anterior region and the ventral extension of the posterior region of RP.  相似文献   

Summary The developmental profiles of 15 different gangliosides of the optic lobes and cerebrum of the chicken were followed from the 6 th day of incubation to hatching and correlated to morphological development. Five of these gangliosides appearing in both structures between the sixth and tenth day, have not been reported previously in higher vertebrates. Three chromatographed on TLC-plates similarly to GT3, GT2, and GT1c gangliosides, which have been demonstrated in fish brain. One fraction moved just below GQ1b and is suggested, to contain GQ1c. These novel gangliosides, which are possibly related to a recently proposed separate and probably phylogenetically older biosynthetic pathway, contained up to 20% of total ganglioside sialic acid. The fifth novel fraction, containing up to 16% of total ganglioside-sialic acid, moved below the penta-sialoganglioside GP1 and is suggested to contain hexa-sialogangliosides.There were two main changes in ganglioside synthesis, which were identical in both structures.The first occurred from the sixth to the eleventh day, parallel to decreased proliferation, maximal cell migration and neuroblast differentiation, GD3 and GD2 decreased rapidly in favour of GQ1b, GP1, and to the novel fractions, described above.The second occurred from the eleventh to the eighteenth day, parallel to increased growth and arborization of dendrites and axons as well as functional establishment of synaptic contacts, there was a sharp rise in the amount of GD1b, GT1b, and GD1a. Concomitantly the novel gangliosides decreased. At hatching GD1a was the predominant ganglioside. GM3, GM2, and GM1 were always minor fractions, each accounting for less than 4% of total ganglioside-sialic acid. GM4 was never detected, indicating neglegible myelinisation until hatching.Abbreviations NeuAc N-Acetylneuraminic acid - GM4 I3NeuAc-GalCer - GM3 II3NeuAc-LacCer - GM2 II3NeuAc-GgOse3Cer - GM1 II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer - GD3 II3(NeuAc)2LacCer - GD1a IV3NeuAc, II3NeuAc GgOse4Cer - GT3 II3 (NeuAc)3LacCer - GD2 II3(NeuAc)2GgOse3Cer - GD1b II3(NeuAc)2GgOse3Cer - GD1b II3(NeuAc)2GgOse4Cer - GT2 II3(NeuAc)3GgOse3Cer - GT1b IV3NeuAc, II3(NeuAc)2GgOse4Cer - GT1c II3(NeuAc)3GgOse4Cer - GQ1b IV3(NeuAc)2 II3(NeuAc)2GgOse4Cer - GQ1c IV3NeuAc, II3(NeuAc)3GgOse4Cer - GP1 IV3(NeuAc)2, II3(NeuAc)3GgOse4Cer - GH(?) IV3(NeuAc)3, II3(NeuAc)3GgOse4Cer  相似文献   

TBX20 gain-of-function mutations in humans are associated with congenital heart malformations and myocardial defects. However the effects of increased Tbx20 function during cardiac chamber development and maturation have not been reported previously. CAG-CAT-Tbx20 transgenic mice were generated for Cre-dependent induction of Tbx20 in myocardial lineages in the developing heart. βMHCCre-mediated overexpression of Tbx20 in fetal ventricular cardiomyocytes results in increased thickness of compact myocardium, induction of cardiomyocyte proliferation, and increased expression of Bmp10 and pSmad1/5/8 at embryonic day (E) 14.5. βMHCCre-mediated Tbx20 overexpression also leads to increased expression of cardiac conduction system (CCS) genes Tbx5, Cx40, and Cx43 throughout the ventricular myocardium. In contrast, Nkx2.5Cre mediated overexpression of Tbx20 in the embryonic heart results in reduced cardiomyocyte proliferation, increased expression of a cell cycle inhibitor, p21(CIP1), and decreased expression of Tbx2, Tbx5, and N-myc1 at E9.5, concomitant with decreased phospho-ERK1/2 expression. Together, these analyses demonstrate that Tbx20 differentially regulates cell proliferation and cardiac lineage specification in embryonic versus fetal cardiomyocytes. Induction of pSmad1/5/8 at E14.5 and inhibition of dpERK expression at E9.5 are consistent with selective Tbx20 regulation of these pathways in association with stage-specific effects on cardiomyocyte proliferation. Together, these in vivo data support distinct functions for Tbx20 in regulation of cardiomyocyte lineage maturation and cell proliferation at embryonic and fetal stages of heart development.  相似文献   

Classically, somites have been the preparation of choice for the study of muscle development, while the limb bud is the preferred model of axis formation. Nevertheless, the limb bud offers some experimental advantages for muscle studies. This review describes the successive events involved in limb muscle formation during embryonic development, the properties of the key marker molecules and resumes our current knowledge of the signalling pathways involved.  相似文献   

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