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The gut is composed of a single layer of intestinal epithelial cells and plays important roles in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, immune and barrier functions and amino acid metabolism. Weaning stress impairs piglet intestinal epithelium structural and functional integrities, which results in reduced feed intake, growth rates and increased morbidity and mortality. Several measures are needed to maintain swine gut development and growth performance after weaning stress. A large body of evidence indicates that, in weaning piglets, glutamine, a functional amino acid, may improve growth performance and intestinal morphology, reduce oxidative damage, stimulate enterocyte proliferation, modulate cell survival and death and enhance intestinal paracellular permeability. This review focuses on the effects of glutamine on intestinal health in piglets. The aim is to provide evidentiary support for using glutamine as a feed additive to alleviate weaning stress.  相似文献   

The EU ban on in-feed antibiotics has stimulated research on weaning diets as a way of reducing post-weaning gut disorders and growth check in pigs. Many bioactive components have been investigated but only few have shown to be effective. Amongst these, organic acids (OA) have been shown to exert a bactericidal action mediated by non-dissociated OA, by lowering gastric pH, increasing gut and pancreas enzyme secretion and improving gut wall morphology. It has been postulated that they may also enhance non-specific immune responses and improve disease resistance. In contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to the impact of OA on the stomach but recent data show they can differently affect gastric histology, acid secretion and gastric emptying. Butyrate and precursors of butyric acid have received special attention and although promising results have been obtained, their effects are dependent upon the dose, treatment duration, initial age of piglets, gastrointestinal site and other factors. The amino acids (AA) like glutamine, tryptophan and arginine are supportive in improving digestion, absorption and retention of nutrients by affecting tissue anabolism, stress and (or) immunity. Glutamine, cysteine and threonine are important for maintaining mucin and permeability of intestinal barrier function. Spray-dried plasma (SDP) positively affects gut morphology, inflammation and reduces acquired specific immune responses via specific and a-specific influences of immunoglobulins and other bioactive components. Effects are more pronounced in early-weaned piglets and under poorer health conditions. Little interaction between plasma protein and antibiotics has been found, suggesting distinct modes of action and additive effects. Bovine colostrum may act more or less similarly to SDP. The composition of essential oils is highly variable, depending on environmental and climatic conditions and distillation methods. These oils differ widely in their antimicrobial activity in vitro and some components of weaning diets may decrease their activity. Results in young pigs are highly variable depending upon the product and doses used. These studies suggest that relatively high concentrations of essential oils are needed for beneficial effects to be observed and it has been assumed that these plant extracts mimic most of the effects of antibiotics active on gut physiology, microbiology and immunology. Often, bioactive substances protective to the gut also stimulate feed intake and growth performance. New insights on the effects of selected OA and AA, protein sources (especially SDP, bovine colostrum) and plant extracts with anti-bacterial activities on the gut are reported in this review.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that late weaning and the availability of creep feed during the suckling period compared with early weaning, improves feed intake, decreases stress and improves the integrity of the intestinal tract. In this study with 160 piglets of 16 litters, late weaning at 7 weeks of age was compared with early weaning at 4 weeks, with or without creep feeding during the suckling period, on post-weaning feed intake, plasma cortisol (as an indicator of stress) and plasma intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP; a marker for mild intestinal injury) concentrations, intestinal morphology, intestinal (macro)molecular permeability and intestinal fluid absorption as indicators of small intestinal integrity. Post-weaning feed intake was similar in piglets weaned at 4 weeks and offered creep feed or not, but higher (P < 0.001) in piglets weaned at 7 weeks with a higher (P < 0.05) intake for piglets offered creep feed compared with piglets from whom creep feed was witheld. Plasma cortisol response at the day of weaning was lower in piglets weaned at 7 weeks compared with piglets weaned at 4 weeks, and creep feed did not affect cortisol concentration. Plasma I-FABP concentration was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Intestinal (macro)molecular permeability was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Both in uninfected and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-infected small intestinal segments net fluid absorption was not affected by the age of weaning or creep feeding. Creep feeding, but not the age of weaning, resulted in higher villi and increased crypt depth. In conclusion, weaning at 7 weeks of age in combination with creep feeding improves post-weaning feed intake and reduces weaning stress but does not improve functional characteristics of the small intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of two different probiotic bacteria on the humoral immune system of swine, two animal studies were carried out with sows and their litters. The sows' feed was supplemented with either Enterococcusfaecium NCIMB 10415 (SF68) or Bacillus cereus var. toyoi NCIMB 40112 beginning early in pregnancy. The total IgA content in the faeces as well as the total IgG concentration in the blood of the sows was recorded before and after weaning. The same parameters were determined in the blood and faeces of the piglets. In sows, only feed supplementation with B. cereus led to a clear increase in faecal IgA. Serum IgG levels were not significantly affected by any probiotic feeding in sows. In piglets, the group that was fed B. cereus showed significantly higher faecal IgA levels shortly before weaning, whereas in the E. faecium group, a significant decrease in IgA levels was observed one week after weaning. In both probiotic fed groups the post-weaning IgG levels were significantly decreased compared to the respective control groups. We conclude that B. cereus var. toyoi feed supplementation led to an increased intestinal IgA secretion both in sows and piglets. This effect could be related to a more successful mucosal defence which in turn led to a lower level in systemic IgG production in piglets after weaning.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract of pigs is densely populated with microorganisms that closely interact with the host and with ingested feed. Gut microbiota benefits the host by providing nutrients from dietary substrates and modulating the development and function of the digestive and immune systems. An optimized gastrointestinal microbiome is crucial for pigs’ health, and establishment of the microbiome in piglets is especially important for growth and disease resistance. However, the microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets is immature and easily influenced by the environment. Supplementing the microbiome of piglets with probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus could help create an optimized microbiome by improving the abundance and number of lactobacilli and other indigenous probiotic bacteria. Dominant indigenous probiotic bacteria could improve piglets’ growth and immunity through certain cascade signal transduction pathways. The piglet body provides a permissive habitat and nutrients for bacterial colonization and growth. In return, probiotic bacteria produce prebiotics such as short-chain fatty acids and bacteriocins that benefit piglets by enhancing their growth and reducing their risk of enteric infection by pathogens. A comprehensive understanding of the interactions between piglets and members of their gut microbiota will help develop new dietary interventions that can enhance piglets’ growth, protect piglets from enteric diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, and maximize host feed utilization.  相似文献   


To examine the influence of two different probiotic bacteria on the humoral immune system of swine, two animal studies were carried out with sows and their litters. The sows' feed was supplemented with either Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 (SF68) or Bacillus cereus var. toyoi NCIMB 40112 beginning early in pregnancy. The total IgA content in the faeces as well as the total IgG concentration in the blood of the sows was recorded before and after weaning. The same parameters were determined in the blood and faeces of the piglets. In sows, only feed supplementation with B. cereus led to a clear increase in faecal IgA. Serum IgG levels were not significantly affected by any probiotic feeding in sows. In piglets, the group that was fed B. cereus showed significantly higher faecal IgA levels shortly before weaning, whereas in the E. faecium group, a significant decrease in IgA levels was observed one week after weaning. In both probiotic fed groups the post-weaning IgG levels were significantly decreased compared to the respective control groups. We conclude that B. cereus var. toyoi feed supplementation led to an increased intestinal IgA secretion both in sows and piglets. This effect could be related to a more successful mucosal defence which in turn led to a lower level in systemic IgG production in piglets after weaning.  相似文献   

The low feed intake and stress associated with abrupt weaning in conventional pig farming often result in poor post-weaning performance, which is related to impaired intestinal function. We investigated effects of housing conditions before weaning on performance around weaning of relatively light and heavy piglets. Before weaning, piglets were housed either with five sows and their litters in a multi-suckling (MS) system or in pens with individually housed sows in farrowing crates (FC). After weaning at 4 weeks of age (day 0), 16 groups of four piglets (two light and two heavy litter-mates) were housed under equal conditions in enriched pens. Mannitol (day −5 and day 5) and galactose (day 5) were orally administered as markers for gastrointestinal carbohydrate absorption, and after 20 min a blood sample was taken (sugar absorption test). In addition, BW, feed intake and faecal consistency as an indicator for diarrhoea, were assessed frequently during 2 weeks post-weaning. Pre-weaning housing, weight class and their interaction did not affect post-weaning faecal consistency scores. Weight gain over 2 weeks did not differ between pre-weaning housing treatments, but MS piglets gained more (0.67±0.12 kg) than FC piglets (0.39±0.16 kg) between days 2 and 5 post-weaning, P=0.02), particularly in the ‘heavy’ weight class (interaction, P=0.04), whereas feed intake was similar for both treatments. This indicates a better utilisation of the ingested feed of the MS piglets compared with the FC piglets in the early post-weaning period. Pre-weaning mannitol concentrations were unaffected by pre-weaning housing, weight class and their interaction. On day 5 post-weaning, however, MS piglets had a lower plasma concentration of mannitol (320 v. 592 nmol/ml, SEM=132, P=0.04) and galactose (91 v. 157 nmol/ml, SEM=20, P=0.04) than FC piglets, regardless of weight class. In conclusion, MS and FC piglets differed in aspects of post-weaning gastrointestinal carbohydrate absorption and in weight gain between days 2 and 5 after weaning, but pre-weaning housing did not affect feed intake, weight gain and measures of faecal consistency over the first 2 weeks after weaning.  相似文献   

The sucrose breath test (SBT) is a simple noninvasive technique used currently to determine intestinal absorptive function in humans and rodents. However, to date, the test has not been adapted for use in swine. During weaning, intestinal sucrase activity in piglets temporarily declines in response to stressors and is commonly used as a marker of the intestinal response to weaning. Here we assessed the sucrose dose needed for using the SBT in piglets. Six randomly allocated piglets were orogastrically gavaged with 13C-labeled sucrose at a dose of 2 g/kg; breath samples were collected for measurement of 13CO2 on days 0 (approximately 17 h after weaning), 5, and 10 after weaning. The resultant SBT value (cumulative dose at 90 min) was decreased by 46% on day 5 after weaning relative to baseline levels, consistent with temporal changes in gastrointestinal sucrase activity associated with weaning. We conclude that a sucrose dose of 2 g/kg is satisfactory to conduct SBT studies in piglets. With further development, the SBT may provide a new tool to noninvasively monitor digestive function in weaned piglets, to assess the effects of nutritional strategies on intestinal health, and as an indicator of gut integrity and function in swine models of human gastrointestinal disease.Abbreviations: SBT, sucrose breath testThe activity of the digestive brush border enzymes, specifically sucrase, develops gradually in the small intestine as piglets mature.3,9 Sucrase activity is absent in the newborn piglet, with levels increasing slowly during the first 4 d postnatally.3,7,9 Sucrase activity is measurable in all segments of the small intestine by 7 d of age9,16 and continues to increase thereafter, reaching a plateau at approximately 14 d of age.7 However, this pattern of sucrase activity is adversely affected by the weaning process, with the abrupt weaning typical of commercial pig production resulting in decreased villus height, increased crypt depth, and significantly reduced intestinal sucrase activity.13Studies in rats1,2,6,11,22,23 and humans21 have demonstrated that total intestinal sucrase activity can be determined accurately and noninvasively by using the recently developed sucrose breath test (SBT). The release of 13CO2 from 13C-labeled substrates forms the basis for several noninvasive gut function tests, including those to assess gastric emptying,17 and gastrointestinal transit.8 The SBT relies on the detection of 13CO2 in expired breath after oral ingestion of an appropriate substrate. For the SBT, the substrate used is sucrose, which is metabolized to glucose and fructose by sucrase. After transit through the hepatic and respiratory systems, 13CO2 is released. The expression of sucrase decreases in a proximal-to-distal gradient along the small intestine.15 Therefore, the SBT provides an integrated index of the total activity of sucrase throughout the small intestine.The SBT quantifies 13CO2 in the expired breath after oral ingestion of 13C-sucrose to provide a marker of total intestinal sucrase activity.2,20 This technique has demonstrated diagnostic application in humans to monitor the development of chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis.21 Moreover, the SBT has been used in rats to determine the potential of diverse nutraceutical agents1,22,23 and probiotics19 to modify small intestinal absorption. Pigs are an excellent omnivore model on which to base relevant nutritional models to investigate the mechanisms underlying chronic human gastrointestinal diseases.14 However, to date, the SBT has not been adapted for use in pigs, in which it might become a valuable tool to assess longitudinal changes in intestinal sucrase activity in response to weaning, dietary manipulations, and disease processes. This technique therefore might be applied in the biomedical field in addition to the animal production research environment. In the current study, we sought to establish the experimental conditions required to conduct the SBT in piglets and noninvasively determine total intestinal sucrase activity at 3 time points after weaning.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the intestinal yeasts in weaning piglets and to establish their possible relationships with main bacterial groups. German Landrace piglets were weaned (WP, n=32) at 28 days of age or kept with the dams until day 39 without creep feed (UP, n=32). The experiment was performed at an experimental and a commercial farm (CF). Faeces were collected from the piglets, sows and pen floors on days 28, 33 and 39 for isolation of DNA and cultivation for enumeration of yeasts, enterobacteria, enterococci and lactobacilli. Fragments of the D1 domain of 26S rRNA gene were amplified and separated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). No yeasts could be cultured from water and feed samples. No or only low numbers of yeasts were detected among all UP. In WP at CF, yeasts correlated with lactobacilli (r=0.456; P=0.009) and enterobacteria (r=-0.407; P=0.021). Kazachstania slooffiae dominated among the cultured yeasts. It was the only yeast species detected by PCR-DGGE. Yeasts, especially K. slooffiae, established in the porcine gastrointestinal tract after consumption of grain-based feed and may interrelate with the intestinal microbiota. The study provides data indicating importance of K. slooffiae for the development of balanced porcine gut microbiota.  相似文献   

Weaning of the pig is generally regarded as a stressful event which could lead to clinical implications because of the changes in the intestinal ecosystem. The functional properties of microbiota inhabiting the pig's small intestine (SI), including lactobacilli which are assumed to exert health-promoting properties, are yet poorly described. Thus, we determined the ecophysiology of bacterial groups and within genus Lactobacillus in the SI of weaning piglets and the impact of dietary changes. The SI contents of 20 piglets, 4 killed at weaning (only sow milk and no creep feed) and 4 killed at 1, 2, 5, and 11 days post weaning (pw; cereal-based diet) were examined for bacterial cell count and bacterial metabolites by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Lactobacilli were the predominant group in the SI except at 1 day pw because of a marked reduction in their number. On day 11 pw, bifidobacteria and E. coli were not detected, and Enterobacteriaceae and members of the Clostridium coccoides/Eubacterium rectale cluster were only found occasionally. L. sobrius/L. amylovorus became dominant species whereas the abundance of L. salivarius and L. gasseri/johnsonii declined. Concentration of lactic acid increased pw whereas pH, volatile fatty acids, and ammonia decreased. Carbohydrate utilization of 76 Lactobacillus spp. isolates was studied revealing a shift from lactose and galactose to starch, cellobiose, and xylose, suggesting that the bacteria colonizing the SI of piglets adapt to the newly introduced nutrients during the early weaning period. Identification of isolates based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequence data and comparison with fermentation data furthermore suggested adaptation processes below the species level. The results of our study will help to understand intestinal bacterial ecophysiology and to develop nutritional regimes to prevent or counteract complications during the weaning transition.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to isolate bacterial strains from the pig gastrointestinal tract that have antagonistic activity against potential pathogens and are able to produce antimicrobial compounds. That ability would be a first requirement for the strains’ possible use as probiotics. Samples obtained from pig intestinal mucosa and contents were screened for the presence of antagonistic activity against pathogenic indicator strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Listeria by means of the double-layer technique. Samples displaying the largest inhibitory halos were further studied for the production of inhibitory substances using the agar diffusion and microtitration methods. The three most promising isolates were identified by sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and showed highest affiliation to Lactobacillus salivarius. Optimal growth conditions and bacteriocin production were recorded in de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe broth under anaerobic conditions at 37 °C. The antimicrobial substances were found to be sensitive to proteolytic enzymes but showed good stability at pH values below 6. Our findings suggest that these three intestinal strains are able to produce antimicrobial substances capable of inhibiting the growth of potential enteric pathogens and might have potential as probiotic feed additives for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.  相似文献   

Weaning of piglets is associated with important changes in gut structure and function resulting from stressful events such as separation from the sow, moving to a new facility and dietary transition from a liquid to a solid feed. This may result in post-weaning diarrhoea and a decrease in feed intake and growth. In humans, the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis (SP) and the freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris (CV) are known for their beneficial health effects. This study aimed to determine the effects of early oral administration of Spirulina and Chlorella in piglets on mucosal architecture and cytokine expression in the intestine around weaning, and consequences on growth performance and diarrhoea incidence. The experiment was conducted on 108 suckling piglets of 14 days of age (initial BW=4.9±0.7 kg) and weaned at 28 days of age (day 0). Animals received orally 385 mg/kg BW per day of SP or CV, or water (negative control (NC)) during 4 weeks from day −14 to day 14 and their growth performance was measured daily. After weaning, growth, feed intake and diarrhoea incidence were measured daily. Intestinal morphology and functionality were assessed at day −1, day 2, and day 14. During the suckling period, average daily gain (ADG) in SP piglets was higher, resulting in a higher weaning BW compared to NC and CV piglets (P<0.05). No significant difference between treatments was observed for ADG, average daily feed intake, and gain to feed (G : F) ratio after weaning, but the extent of growth retardation after weaning was the lowest in piglets supplemented with Chlorella (P<0.01). Supplementation with Spirulina reduced diarrhoea incidence by 50% from day 0 to day 14 (P<0.05). Mucosal architecture at the jejunum was unaffected by Spirulina or Chlorella administration (P>0.10). Shorter ileal villi were measured in SP and CV piglets than in NC piglets (P<0.05). Cytokine expression did not differ between treatments in response to weaning. At day 14, IL-8 expression in the ileum was higher in SP piglets, while IL-1β expression in the jejunum was higher in CV piglets (P<0.05). This study shows that Spirulina administration around weaning alleviates diarrhoea in weaned piglets, without marked modulation of local inflammation.  相似文献   

Intensive farming may involve the use of diets, environments or management practices that impose physiological and psychological stressors on the animals. In particular, early weaning is nowadays a common practice to increase the productive yield of pig farms. Still, it is considered one of the most critical periods in swine production, where piglet performance can be seriously affected and where they are predisposed to the overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens. Pig producers nowadays face the challenge to overcome this situation in a context of increasing restrictions on the use of antibiotics in animal production. Great efforts are being made to find strategies to help piglets overcome the challenges of early weaning. Among them, a nutritional strategy that has received increasing attention in the last few years is the use of probiotics. It has been extensively documented that probiotics can reduce digestive disorders and improve productive parameters. Still, research in probiotics so far has also been characterized as being inconsistent and with low reproducibility from farm to farm. Scientific literature related to probiotic effects against gastrointestinal pathogens will be critically examined in this review. Moreover, the actual practical approach when using probiotics in these animals, and potential strategies to increase consistency in probiotic effects, will be discussed. Thus, considering the boost in probiotic research observed in recent years, this paper aims to provide a much-needed, in-depth review of the scientific data published to-date. Furthermore, it aims to be useful to swine nutritionists, researchers and the additive industry to critically consider their approach when developing or using probiotic strategies in weaning piglets.  相似文献   

To assess the importance of natural variation in colostrum intake on piglet gastrointestinal and reproductive development, two equally sized female piglets from each of 27 litters were selected, one with low (average 226 g) and one with high (average 401 g) colostrum intake. At weaning (23 d of age), piglets were euthanised to perform macromorphological measurements on ileum, colon, cervix and uterus tissues, and to obtain tissue samples from the cervix and uterus for histology. Sections of uterine and cervical preparations were analysed using digital image analysis. Despite being selected for the same birth weight (average 1.1 kg, standard deviation 0.18 kg), piglets with low colostrum intake weighed 5.91 ± 0.17 kg and piglets with high colostrum intake weighed 6.96 ± 0.19 kg at weaning (P < 0.05). Most of the micro- and macroscopic measures such as length and weight of ileum and colon, cervix and uterus, luminal size of cervix and uterus, number of cervical crypts and uterine glands, were greater in gilts with high colostrum intake. The histological architecture of the uterus and cervix in gilts with high colostrum intake showed more complexity, reflecting more advanced development in these piglets. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that independent of birth weight, natural variation in colostrum intake is related to the overall development of neonatal piglets, affecting body growth, as well as growth and development of the gut and reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty piglets were used in a 2 x 6 factorial experiment to study the effects of weaning age (26 or 36 d) and four formic acid-based feed additives on the performance of pigs from weaning to slaughter. Either formic acid (F) or a mixture of formic acid, propionic acid, and potassium sorbate (FPS) or a mixture of formic acid, propionic acid, and sodium benzoate (FPB) or formic acid in a diatomaceous earth carrier (FD) were added to the diets of weaned piglets (from weaning to 60 d of age) and growing (18-46 kg) and finishing pigs (46-107 kg) to provide 8, 6, and 6 g acid per kg feed, respectively. The negative control treatment's (C) diets contained no growth promoters, whereas the positive control treatment's weaner and grower diets were supplemented with 40 mg/kg of avilamycin (A). The piglets weaned at the age of 26 and 36 d weighed 7.6 and 10.7 kg at weaning (p < 0.001), and 18.5 and 17.9 kg at the age of 60 d (p > 0.05), respectively. There was a weaning age x feed additive interaction in the weight gain of piglets after weaning (p < 0.05). The weight gain of piglets weaned on day 26 was enhanced by A, FPS, and FD (p < 0.05), and that of piglets weaned on day 36 by A and FPB (p < 0.05). The feed conversion ratio was not affected by weaning ages but was decreased in groups A, F, FBS, and FPB (p < 0.05). The severity of post-weaning diarrhoea was less in groups A, F, FPS, and FD than in C (p < 0.05). In piglets weaned on day 26, faecal water content and the total Escherichia coli count were highest 9 d after weaning. The total E. coli count was reduced only by FD (p < 0.05). Increased faecal water content was characterized by increased faecal Na+ and decreased K+ concentrations. Weaning age did not influence performance or carcass quality in the growing-finishing pigs. Feed additives did not affect weight gain in the growing pigs, but FPS and FPB enhanced weight gain during finishing period and total fattening (p < 0.05). In summary, the pigs' growth performance from weaning to slaughter was not affected by weaning age but it was enhanced by mixtures of formic and propionic acids with small amounts of sorbate or benzoate.  相似文献   

Gaining a deeper understanding into the underlying mechanisms associated with intestinal function and immunity during the weaning transition is critical to help shed new light into applied nutrition approaches to improve piglet performance and health during this critical life-stage transition. The transient anorexia triggered at weaning leads to compromised intestinal barrier function and a localized inflammatory response. Considering barrier function, specific nutrient fractions appear to have a significant impact on the development and function of the immune and microbial systems around weaning. Understanding the specific impact of nutrients in the small intestine and hindgut is important for helping to bring more focus and consistency to nutritional approaches to support health and immunity during the weaning transition period. The challenge continues to be how to translate these modes of action into practical and scalable approaches for swine nutrition. We will focus specifically on practical nutritional approaches to influence intestinal immunity through lipid, protein and antioxidant nutrition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether feeding an antibiotic-free creep feed supplemented with either oligofructose, probiotics or synbiotics to suckling piglets influences growth performance, the gut microflora, gut morphology and hematological traits at weaning. Twenty sows with 10 piglets each were randomly assigned to one of four treatments. The treatments consisted of a control (antibiotic-free) diet, 0.2% oligofructose (OF), 0.3% probiotics or 0.5% synbiotics (mixture of 0.2% OF+0.3% probiotics). Piglets were offered the diet ad libitum from 7 d after birth until one day after weaning (21 d of age). At the day after weaning, blood samples were collected from the jugular vein to determine the immune response. Digesta samples of the ileum and colon were collected to determine the microbial composition. Tissue segments from the duodenum and ileum were collected for morphometric measurements of the small intestine. The average daily weight gain was significantly higher for piglets fed the OF or synbiotics diet compared with the pigs fed the control diet. The hematological traits (the concentration of lymphocytes and neutrophils in whole blood) were not affected by the diet. Piglets fed the OF, probiotics or synbiotics diet had a significantly decreased number of total coliform bacteria in the colon. Feeding OF, probiotics or synbiotics significantly increased the population of bifidobacteria in the ileum compared to the control. In the colon, the probiotics and synbiotics diet significantly increased the number of bifidobacteria compared with the control diet. The results of this experiment showed that supplementation of oligofructose or synbiotics to an antibiotic-free creep feed during the preweaning period affected gut microbial population and performance of piglets.  相似文献   

The development of nutritional strategies to improve microbial homeostasis and gut health of piglets post-weaning is required to mitigate the high prevalence of post-weaning diarrhea and subsequent growth checks typically observed during the weaning transition. Therefore the objective of this study was to determine the effect of supplementing piglet creep and nursery feed with a yeast-derived mannan-rich fraction (MRF) on piglet growth performance, cecal microbial profiles, and jejunal morphology and gene expression. Ten litters of piglets (n=106) were selected on postnatal day (PND) 7 and assigned to diets with or without MRF (800 mg/kg) until weaning (n=5 litters/treatment; initial weight 3.0±0.1 kg). On PND 21, 4 piglets per litter (n=40) were selected and weaned into the nursery where they remained on their respective diets until PND 42. A two-phase feeding program was used to meet nutrient requirements, and pigs were switched from phase 1 to phase 2 on PND 28. Feed intake and piglet weights were recorded on PND 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. On PND 28 and 42, ten piglets per treatment were euthanized to collect intestinal tissue and digesta. Piglets supplemented with MRF had 21.5% greater (P<0.05) average daily feed intake between PND 14-21. However, MRF supplementation did not affect piglet growth performance compared to control. On PND 28, jejunal villus height was 16.8% greater (P<0.05) in piglets consuming MRF supplemented diets. Overall microbial community structure in cecal digesta on PND 28 tended to differ in pigs supplemented with MRF (P=0.076; analysis of similarities (ANOSIM)) with increased (P<0.05) relative abundance of Paraprevotellaceae genera YRC22 and CF231, and reduced (P<0.05) relative abundance of Sutterella and Prevotella. Campylobacter also tended to reduce (P<0.10) in MRF supplemented piglets. On PND 28 differential gene expression in jejunal tissue signified an overall effect of supplementing MRF to piglets. Downstream analysis of gene expression data revealed piglets supplemented with MRF had enriched biological pathways involved in intestinal development, function and immunity, supporting the observed improvement in jejunal villus architecture on PND 28. On PND 42 there was no effect of MRF supplementation on jejunal morphology or overall cecal microbial community structure. In conclusion, supplementing Actigen™, a MRF, to piglets altered cecal microbial community structure and improved jejunal morphology early post-weaning on PND 28, which is supported by enrichment of intestinal development pathways.  相似文献   

He Q  Tang H  Ren P  Kong X  Wu G  Yin Y  Wang Y 《Journal of proteome research》2011,10(11):5214-5221
Arginine plays an important role in preventing intestinal dysfunction and metabolic disorders caused by early weaning stress. However, little is known about how arginine mitigates early weaning stress. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of weaning stress and dietary arginine supplementation on the metabonome in the serum of piglets using (1)H NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with multivariate data analysis. Thirty castrated male piglets aged 21 d were evenly divided into three groups and fed in three different regimes: sow-fed (SF), weaned with l-alanine supplementation (ALA), and weaned with arginine supplementation (ARG). We found that early weaning stress led to a significantly reduced bodyweight gain (15.6%) and that supplementation with arginine can improve growth rates in piglets by 5.6% (P < 0.05). The early weaning stress was associated with marked alterations in lipid and amino acid metabolisms and perturbations in population and/or activities of gut microorganisms, which were manifested in increased levels of organic acids, amino acids, and acetyl-glycoproteins and reduced levels of choline metabolism and lipoproteins. Dietary supplementation with arginine could partially counteract the changes of metabolites induced by weaning stress, such as lipid and amino acid metabolisms. However, arginine was not able to restore disturbed gut microbiota. These results demonstrate the central role of arginine supplementation in regulating the metabolisms of weaned piglets.  相似文献   

Although dietary fiber (DF) negatively affects energy and nutrient digestibility, there is growing interest for the inclusion of its fermentable fraction in pig diets due to their functional properties and potential health benefits beyond supplying energy to the animals. This paper reviews some of the relevant information available on the role of different types of DF on digestion of nutrients in different sections of the gut, the fermentation process and its influence on gut environment, especially production and utilization of metabolites, microbial community and gut health of swine. Focus has been given on DF from feed ingredients (grains and coproducts) commonly used in pig diets. Some information on the role DF in purified form in comparison with DF in whole matrix of feed ingredients is also presented. First, composition and fractions of DF in different feed ingredients are briefly reviewed. Then, roles of different fractions of DF on digestion characteristics and physiological functions in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are presented. Specific roles of different fractions of DF on fermentation characteristics and their effects on production and utilization of metabolites in the GIT have been discussed. In addition, roles of DF fermentation on metabolic activity and microbial community in the intestine and their effects on intestinal health are reviewed and discussed. Evidence presented in this review indicates that there is wide variation in the composition and content of DF among feed ingredients, thereby their physico-chemical properties in the GIT of swine. These variations, in turn, affect the digestion and fermentation characteristics in the GIT of swine. Digestibility of DF from different feed ingredients is more variable and lower than that of other nutrients like starch, sugars, fat and CP. Soluble fractions of DF are fermented faster, produce higher amounts of volatile fatty acid than insoluble fractions, and favors growth of beneficial microbiota. Thus, selective inclusion of DF in diets can be used as a nutritional strategy to optimize the intestinal health of pigs, despite its lower digestibility and consequential negative effect on digestibility of other nutrients.  相似文献   

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