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To explore the submicroscopic structure of the human callus by the polarization optical method, serial sections were prepared in three principal planes and the sign of double refraction as well as optic axes of various regions of the sections was determined. It was concluded that in areas under the grooves keratin is oriented parallel to the surface plane of the callus and to the direction of the grooves. In component structures of ridge areas such as in sweat duct areas a circumferential, in cross-band areas a linear, and in other parts a random structure was seen. The cross-bands of ridge areas in association with groove areas revealed a regular lattice-like submicroscopic pattern which was considered as an important mechanical system of the cornified epithelium.  相似文献   

阻断白色念珠菌粘附口腔膜上皮细胞的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
白色念珠菌的粘附与其表面甘露糖结构有关,为探讨阻断粘附的方法,我们采用体外法测定其对口腔上皮细胞的粘附数量,显示:白色念珠菌粘附感染上皮细胞后,甘露糖可以在一定程度上减少粘附,绿慕安及刀豆素A可以有效地减少粘附。提示甘露糖及绿慕安可能有助于治疗白色念珠菌感染。  相似文献   

Ruthenium red and colloidal lanthanum were used to determine the site of the structural barriers to diffusion within the intercellular spaces of frog skin epithelium. Electron micrographs show that occluding zonules located at the outer border of the stratum corneum and at the outer layer of the stratum granulosum are true tight junctions since they are impermeable to these tracers. Measurement of 140La uptake by the living skin shows that lanthanum moves across the external surface of the skin readily, into and out of a compartment that has a limited capacity and is bounded on its internal side by a barrier impermeable to lanthanum. Examination of these skins with the electron microscope suggests that the compartment is localized between the external membrane of the cells at the outer layer of the s. granulosum and at the outermost surface of the skin. These observations and other findings described in the literature indicate that the site of the external high resistance barrier of the frog skin is localized at the outer border of the s. granulosum.  相似文献   

Cycloscopic analyses of a series of electroencephalograms obtained from a mixed group of individuals, clinically classified as normal, schizophrenic, and "frank" epileptic, show the following characteristics: 1. A rather closely regulated potential oscillation which remains predominant throughout the sample of record under study. 2. Associated with this dominant cycle other definite anharmonic cycles are clearly evident. These associated cycles may operate in intermittent sequences or simultaneously with the dominant cycle. Subjects with "atypical" epilepsy show an apparently characteristic spread of low intensity cycles.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the fine structure of the microvilli on jejunal and colonic epithelial cells of the mouse intestine has been made. The microvilli in these two locations demonstrate a remarkably similar fine structure with respect to the thickness of the plasma membrane, the extent of the filament-free zone, and the characteristics of the microfilaments situated within the microvillous core. Some of the core microfilaments appear to continue across the plasma membrane limiting the tip of the microvillus. The main difference between the microvilli of small intestine and colon is in the extent and organization of the surface coat. In the small intestine, in addition to the commonly observed thin surface "fuzz," occasional areas of the jejunal villus show a more conspicuous surface coat covering the tips of the microvilli. Evidence has been put forward which indicates that the surface coat is an integral part of the epithelial cells. In contrast to the jejunal epithelium, the colonic epithelium is endowed with a thicker surface coat. Variations in the organization of the surface coat at different levels of the colonic crypts have also been noted. The functional significance of these variations in the surface coat is discussed.  相似文献   

He-Ne激光照射对血液及其组分荧光光谱影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究弱激光照射对人血液携氧能力的影响及机制,我们用荧光仪分别测量了He-Ne激光照射前后正常血液及其组分(血浆、红细胞)的荧光光谱,研究了激光照射导致的光谱变化,并分析了光谱变化与血液携氧能力改变的关系。实验结果显示:全血液标本在490nm及614nm附近有荧光峰值;血浆的荧光则主要分布在420-500nm之间;红细胞在500nm及614nm附近有荧光。He-Ne激光照射后,全血液及红细胞在614nm处的荧光谱都有较明显的变化,且较相似。由此可得出结论,He-Ne激光照射可影响血液的携氧能力。  相似文献   

The epithelial content of an estradiol-sensitive immunological marker (CVA) has been quantified by mixed haemagglutination on tissue sections from the vagina of neonatal mice exposed to different schedules of estradiol treatment.
Daily administration of estradiol-17β (5 μg/day) was especially efficient in elevating the CVA content when the hormone was administered during the first four days after birth.
Following a single injection of estradiol-17β (5 μg in aqueous suspension) on one of the first five days of life, the vaginal epithelium reacted with a more vigourous CVA accumulation when challenged with estradiol at a later time. The effect was most pronounced for days 2 and 3. The possibility that this early effect of estradiol may involve other mechanisms than those operative in the estradiol action at later stages, is discussed.  相似文献   

 神经鞘脂病是一类神经鞘脂分解代谢障碍的遗传性疾病,酶学检测是确诊的一种主要手段。在通常采用的标本中,培养的人皮肤成纤维细胞是最理想的酶源。本文改良七种用人工底物检测酶活性的方法,通过控制细胞传代和细胞生长时相的措施,用自己培养的34个正常人的皮肤成纤维细胞建立对GM_1-神经节苷脂累积症,GM_2-神经节苷脂累积症,异染质型脑白质营养不良症,krabbe氏病,Gaucher氏病,Niemann-Pick氏病和Fabry氏病等七种相对常见的神经鞘脂病的酶学诊断正常值。并就标本供体的年龄,培养细胞的传代与细胞所处的生长时相对酶活性的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

扫描电镜观察表明,花背蟾蜍眼形态发生过程中角膜上皮细胞表面形态结构的变化,大致可分三个阶段。1.从神经管期至肌肉感应期预定角膜上皮表面无明显变化;2.在心跳期和鳃血循环期预定角膜上皮表面出现较多的细胞缢束和其下细胞表面的下陷;3.在以后各期,角膜上皮中纤毛细胞的纤毛逐渐退化消失,在右鳃盖封闭期纤毛细胞全部消失。上述变化与视网膜及其中光感受器的发育分化密切相关,纤毛的退化和消失更精确地反映了这种依赖关系,似可作为角??膜上皮分化的一个形态指标。  相似文献   

山西甘草化学成分的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文报导了从山西甘草中分离出的八种化合物,经化学方法和光谱分析(UV,IR,MS,^1HNMR和^13C NMR)鉴定出其中六种化合物,1蔗糖(sucrose),Ⅱ4’5,7-三羟革-8-异然基黄酮(4’,5,7-Trithydroxy-8-prenyl-flavone);Ⅲ异芒柄花甙(Isoononin),Ⅳ,4‘,7-二羟基黄酮(4’-7-Dithydroxyflavone);Ⅳ(liquir  相似文献   

本文用扫描电镜法研究了入胎儿的皮纹发生过程,包括初级真皮嵴、次级真皮嵴、真皮乳头和表皮隆线的发生。为研究人皮纹的发生和皮肤的异常提供了皮肤正常发育的形态学依据。共观察111例从第6周到第9个月胎儿的皮纹区皮肤,表明第3个月末胎儿开始形成初级真皮嵴,以后逐渐加深,至第16周嵴的顶端中央产生纵沟形成两条平行的次级真皮嵴;自19周后,次级真皮嵴局部隆起,由波浪形逐渐形成乳头。至30周乳头呈犬牙状。表皮隆线于第4—5月形成,随真皮乳头的增高而渐趋明显。至第6个月,全部皮纹图样已可辨认。本文还讨论了真皮乳头发生的过程。  相似文献   

目的 :了解牙根部有机质破坏的机制。方法 :将健康恒牙根颈 1/ 3牙体硬组织 ,磨制成 38.5~149m组织粉粒作样本 ,乳酸 (p H 4.0和 p H5 .5 )及醋酸 (p H 4.5和 p H5 .5 )溶液预处理后 ,测定钙、总蛋白和胶原含量 ;再经胰酶、胶原酶处理后分析释出的胶原量。结果 :乳酸和醋酸预处理不能降解人牙根部的胶原 ,但采用 p H4.0的乳酸处理牙齿后可以使酶对牙本质胶原的降解量明显增高 ,达 (4 4.0 5± 4.5 0 ) μl/ mg;随 p H升高 ,胰酶和胶原酶对根部牙体组织胶原的降解量明显下降 ,脱矿程度减弱 ,钙释出减少。结论 :酸和酶有协同降解胶原的作用。  相似文献   

应用细胞化学的定性、定位,显微分光光度计定量分析的方法,测定人参不同部位皂甙对低代龄和高代龄人胚肺成纤维细胞内多糖类(PAS反应)、酸性非特异性酯酶(ANAE)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、单胺氧化酶(MAO)含量的影响,实验结果表明:人参根、果、茎叶皂甙(SRG、SFG、SSLG)使低代龄细胞的多糖类、MAO含量下降或上升,对ANAE台量没有显著影响。但对高代龄细胞,SFG、SRG、SSLG则显著增加了多糖类、ANAE、ALP、ACP的相对含量,同时降低了MAO的含量。本文提示,人参不同部位皂甙均可以提高衰老细胞内多糖类,ALP、ACP、ANAE的相对含量,降低MAO的含量,而对年青细胞的影响则很不一致。  相似文献   

An estimate is made of the frequency of occurrence of nexuses ("gap junctions") in a spectrum of human cervical epithelia, ranging from normal to malignant, since a deficiency of nexuses may be important in abnormal cell-to-cell communication in malignant tissues. The normal cervical epithelium has approximately ten nexuses per cell in the basal layer of proliferating cells and 200 nexuses per cell in the more differentiated intermediate zone. Nexuses are rare between invasive malignant epithelial cells (carcinoma cells). In many areas of cell proliferation near the edge of the tumor mass, fewer than one nexus per cell is present. However, up to four nexuses per cell can be found in some well differentiated regions of invasive carcinoma. Preinvasive malignant epithelia (severe dysplasia and carcinoma-in situ) have as few nexuses as invasive carcinoma. In abnormal but benign epithelia (squamous metaplasia and mild dysplasia), nexuses are abundant. The data indicate that a decrease in number of nexuses correlates with the severity of the morphological alteration in the dysplastic epithelium. Also the deficiency of nexuses in groups of carcinoma cells can occur many cell generations before the development of invasion of the malignant epithelium into the connective tissue. The diminution of nexuses before invasion suggests that a deficiency of nexuses may be one of the important factors in eventually permitting the development of the diffusely infiltrating type of invasion which is characteristic of highly malignant tumors such as squamous carcinomas.  相似文献   

氟尿嘧啶诱发人支气管损伤修复过程及支气管干细胞的定位   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的观察离体人支气管损伤修复过程,进行支气管干细胞的定位。方法取肺癌手术切除的人支气管的正常部分进行组织培养,应用氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)诱发支气管上皮损伤,动态观察修复过程,用免疫组化SP法检测PCNA,β1-整合素及CK-19的表达,同时进行Hoechst33342荧光染色。结果1.5-FU作用12h后人支气管上皮细胞绝大部分脱落,可见少量间隔分布的类似裸核的细胞呈钉状位于基底膜上,PCNA染色阴性,证明为G0期细胞。其中部分细胞Hoechst33342染色阴性。2.将5-FU去除3~6h后,细胞形态变为扁平,PCNA染色见核染色阳性的细胞与阴性细胞(Go期细胞)间隔分布;12h后细胞变为立方,细胞数目逐渐增多,到48~72h恢复假复层柱状上皮。3.β1-整合素及CK-19在已分化细胞中呈阳性反应。结论在5-FU的打击下,进入增殖期细胞死亡、脱落,仅余Go期细胞,其中含有支气管干细胞。正是这些干细胞增殖分化使支气管上皮修复。  相似文献   

用毛细管气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用技术、毛细管气相色谱保留指数法和标准品叠加法分析了银木叶精油的化学成分。从分离出来的250个成分中,初步鉴定出59个成分,其含量占总组成的97.27%。最主要成分是樟脑(28.57%)等。  相似文献   

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