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In soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) the uninfected cells of the root nodule are responsible for the final steps in ureide production from recently fixed nitrogen. Stereological methods and an original quantitative method were used to investigate the organization of these cells and their spatial relationships to infected cells in the central region of nodules of soybean inoculated with Rhizobium japonicum strain USDA 3I1B110 and grown with and without nitrogen (as nitrate) in the nutrient medium. The volume occupied by the uninfected tissue was 21% of the total volume of the central infected region for nodules of plants grown without nitrate, and 31% for nodules of plants grown with nitrate. Despite their low relative volume, the uninfected cells outnumbered the much larger infected cells in nodules of plants grown both without and with nitrate. The surface density of the interface between the ininfected and infected tissue in the infected region was similar for nodules in both cases also, the total range being from 24 to 26 mm2/mm3. In nodules of plants grown without nitrate, all sampled infected cells were found to be in contact with at least one uninfected cell. The study demonstrates that although the uninfected tissue in soybean nodules occupies a relatively small volume, it is organized so as to produce a large surface area for interaction with the infected tissue.  相似文献   

Particle frequency of the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) from nodules of Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Maple Arrow infected with Bradyrhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 (wild-type strain) was determined by freeze-fracturing to be about 2200·m-2 in the protoplasmic fracture face and 700·m-2 in the exoplasmic fracture face. In membranes isolated from nodules infected with the mutant RH 31-Marburg of B. japonicum, the particle frequency was similar in both fracture faces with 1200–1300 particles·m-2. Analysis of particlesize distribution on peribacteroid membranes showed a loss, especially of particle sizes larger than 11 nm, in the mutant-infected nodules. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focussing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide) showed 27 different polypeptides in the PBM from nodules infected with the wild-type strain, four of which were absent from the PBM of nodules infected with the mutant RH 31-Marburg, which also exhibited one extra small-molecular-weight polypeptide. At least 14 of the 27 polypeptides in the PBM from the wild-type-infected nodule were glycoproteins. In three of these glycoproteins, post-translational modifications were either lacking or different when the membrane was derived from mutant-infected nodules.Abbreviations EF exoplasmatic fracture face - HRPO horse radish peroxidase - IEF Isoelectric focussing - PBM peribacteroid membrane - PF protoplasmatic fracture face - PNA peanut agglutinin - PSA Pisum sativum agglutinin - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

G. I. Cassab 《Planta》1986,168(4):441-446
In soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root nodules the level of hydroxyproline-containing molecules is developmentally regulated. Hydroxyproline accumulates in both nodule cortex and medulla. In the cortex, the hydroxyproline is mainly localized in the cell wall, presumably as extensin, but in the medulla it is mainly in the soluble fraction as an arabinogalactan protein (AGP). Nodule-specific AGPs are present at early nodulation. The highest concentration of AGP is in the nodule medulla, followed by nodule cortex, uninfected roots, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds. Root nodules and all organs of the soybean plant that were tested were found to express a tissue-specific set of arabinogalactan proteins.Abbreviation AGP Arabinogalactan protein  相似文献   

The distribution of leghemoglobin (Lb) in resin-embedded root nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) was investigated using immunogold labeling. Using anti-Lb immunoglobulin G and protein A-gold, Lb or its apoprotein was detected both in cells infected by Bradyrhizobium japonicum and in uninfected interstitial cells. Leghemoglobin was present in the cytoplasm, exclusive of the organelles, and in the nuclei of both cell types. In a comparison of the density of labeling in adjacent pairs of infected and uninfected cells, Lb was found to be about four times more concentrated in infected cells. This is the first report of Lb in uninfected cells of any legume nodule; it raises the possibility that this important nodule-specific protein may participate in mediating oxygen flow to host plant organelles throughout the infected region of the nodule.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - IgG immunoglobulin G - kDA kilodalton - Lb leghemoglobin - TBST Tris-buffered saline plus Tween 20  相似文献   

Immunogold labeling was used to study the time of appearance and distribution of a nodule-specific form of uricase (EC in developing nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The enzyme was detected in thin sections of tissue embedded in either L R White acrylic resin or Spurr's epoxy resin, by employing a polyclonal antibody preparation active against a subunit of soybean nodule uricase. Antigenicity was better preserved in L R White resin, but ultrastructure was better maintained in Spurr's. Uricase was first detectable with protein A-gold in young, developing peroxisomes in uninfected cells, coincident with the release of Bradyrhizobium bacteroids from infection threads in adjacent infected cells. As the peroxisomes enlarged, labeling of the dense peroxisomal matrix increased. Gold particles were never observed over the paracrystalline inclusions of peroxisomes, however. Despite a close association between enlarging peroxisomes and tubular endoplasmic reticulum, uricase was not detectable in the latter. In mature nodules, labeling of uricase was limited to the large peroxisomes in uninfected cells. Small peroxisome-like bodies present in infected cells did not become labeled.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Da dalton - ER endoplasmic reticulum - IgG immunoglobulin G  相似文献   

The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (E.C. strongly increased during the maturation of soybean (Glycine max L. Weber) root-nodules. By using a specific immune serum it was shown that this increase was the consequence of an elevated population of enzyme molecules whose appearance preceded the emergence of nitrogen fixing capacity. Whether or not the phenomenon could be ascribed to the formation of a specific isoenzyme is not known. The location of the enzyme was also investigated. Immunocyto-fluorescence experiments established that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was present in the cytoplasmic compartment of both infected and uninfected cells of nodules.Abbreviation PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase  相似文献   

Summary A method for the separation and purification of bacteroids and mitochondria from nodules of soybean roots is described. Cross contamination between these two oxidative fractions was easily assessible by using NADH oxidase and -hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase respectively as specific mitochondrial and bacteroid markers. Bacteroid respiration was characterized by substantial endogenous respiration which could be reduced by keeping plants in the dark prior to isolation, and stimulated by uncoupler or organic acids. Nodule mitochondria readily oxidized external NADH and a range of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, with good respiratory control. A major difference between nodule and root mitochondria was the former's high sensitivity to the inhibitors rotenone and cyanide. This indicates a reduced capacity for non-phosphorylating electron transport in nodule mitochondria, which may be related to the large energy demand during ammonia assimilation in nodule cells.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH, EC was purified from root nodules of soybean (Glycine max) and used to prepare a polyclonal rabbit antiserum. Monospecificity of this antiserum was ascertained by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the immunoprecipate. During root nodule development of soybean, only one form of XDH was detected on an immunological basis. Titration of XDH by immunoelectrophoresis showed that a remarkable increase in the amount of XDH occurred between two and four weeks after inoculation, in parallel with the increase in enzyme activity. Localization of XDH by immunofluorescence indicated that the enzyme was present exclusively in uninfected cells where it appeared to be associated with discrete organellelsAbbreviations IgG immunoglobulin G - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate — polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - XDH xanthine dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Werner  Dietrich  Mörschel  Erhard  Kort  Renate  Mellor  Robert B.  Bassarab  Stephan 《Planta》1984,162(1):8-16
In nodules of Glycine max cv. Mandarin infected with a nod +fix- mutant of Rhizobium japonicum (RH 31-Marburg), lysis of bacteroids was observed 20 d after infection, but occurred in the region around the host cell nucleus, where lytic compartments were formed. Bacteroids, and peribacteroid membranes in other parts of the host cell remained stable until senescence (40d after infection). With two other nod+ fix- mutants of R. japonicum either stable bacteroids and peribacteroid membranes were observed throughout the cell (strain 61-A-165) or a rapid degeneration of bacteroids without an apparent lysis (strain USDA 24) occurred. The size distribution of RH 31-Marburg-infected nodules exhibited only two maxima compared with four in wild-type nodules and nodule leghaemoglobin content was found to be reduced to about one half that of the wild type. The RH 31-Marburg-nodule type is discussed in relation to the stability of the bacteroids and the peribacteroid membrane system in soybean.  相似文献   

High-pressure freezing of chemically untreated nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), in sharp contrast to chemical fixation and prefixation, appears to preserve the ultrastructure close to the native state. This is supported by the observation that the peribacteroid membrane of high-pressure-frozen samples is tightly wrapped around the bacteroids, a finding that is fully consistent with the current views on the physiology of oxygen and metabolite transport between plant cytosol and bacteroids. In soybean root nodules, the plant tissue and the enclosed bacteria are so dissimilar that conventional aldehyde-fixation procedures are unable to preserve the overall native ultrastructure. This was demonstrated by high-pressure freezing of nodules that had been pre-fixed in glutaraldehyde at various buffer molalities: no buffer strength tested preserved all ultrastructural aspects that could be seen after high-pressure freezing of chemically untreated nodules.  相似文献   

Generation of hydroxyl radicals by soybean nodule leghaemoglobin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Alain Puppo  Barry Halliwell 《Planta》1988,173(3):405-410
Leghaemoglobin, a protein present in root nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), generates the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (·OH) upon incubation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The H2O2 appears to cause breakdown of the haem, releasing iron ions that convert H2O2 into ·OH outside the protein. Oxyleghaemoglobin (oxygenated ferrous protein) is more sensitive to attack by H2O2 than is metleghaemoglobin (ferric protein). The possibility of oxyleghaemoglobin breakdown by H2O2 and formation of damaging ·OH may explain why the root nodule is equipped with iron-storage proteins and enzymes that can remove H2O2.  相似文献   

Early reports of the presence of calciumoxalate crystals in the cortices ofPhaseolus vulgaris root nodules have been confirmed. Crystals were found in all six genera examined (Cajanus, Desmodium, Glycine, Lespedeza, Phaseolus, Vigna) that have determinate nodules and export ureides. They were absent from six genera examined that have indeterminate nodules and export amides. The possible physiological significance of these structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteroids in ineffective (nitrogenase negative) nodules of Glycine max, infected with Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-24, as compared to those in effective nodules are characterized by reduced specific activities of alanine dehydrogenase to 15%, of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase to 50%, and an increase of glutamine synthetase to 400%. In the plant cytoplasm of ineffective nodules, glutamine synthetase activity is reduced to 10–30%, glutamate dehydrogenase to 50–70%, and the aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase are enhanced to 120–200%, depending on the age of the nodules. The total pool of soluble amino acids is reduced to 52 mol per g nodule fresh weight, as compared to 186 mol in effective nodules, with a replacement of asparagine (42 mol% of the amino acids) by an unknown amino compound. This compound is absent in nitrogenase, repressed and derepressed, free-living Rhizobium japonicum cells and in the uninfected root tissue. In nitrogenase derepressed, as compared to the repressed free-living cells of Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101, arginine shows the most obvious change with a reduction to less than one tenth. The ultrastructure of the ineffective nodule is different from the effective organ even in the early stages. The membrane envelopes of the infection vacuoles are decomposing in heavily infected cells within 18 to 20 d after infection. In lightly infected cells very large vacuoles develop with only a few bacteroids inside. No close associations of cristae-rich mitochondria with amyloplasts are observed as in effective nodules. The uninfected cells keep their large starch granules even 40 d after infection. Some poly--hydroxybutyrate accumulation in the bacteroids is observed but only in the early stages, and it is almost absent in old nodules (40 d). At this age the infected cells are obviously compressed by uninfected cells, whereas in effective nodules with nitrogenase activity and leghaemoglobin formation, the infected cells have a much higher osmotic pressure than the neighbouring uninfected cells.Abbreviations PHBA poly--hydroxybutyric acid Prof. Dr. A. Pirson on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max cv Forrest) root nodule homogenates oxidized aldrin to its epoxide, dieldrin. In crude tissue brei, addition of an NADPH-generating system was inhibitory to epoxidation. However, anaerobic gel filtration and sucrose density separation removed factors required for inhibition by NADPH, allowing a normal stimulation by the NADPH-generating system. In fractions from sucrose density gradients, activity was found predominantly at a density containing rough microsomes, with additional activities in the soluble and other fractions. Epoxidase activity was 2–4-times greater in the nitrogen-fixing nodules than in roots. This demonstration of active epoxidation indicates the capacity of nodules to detoxify other pesticides and xenobiotics.  相似文献   

Trehalose, a common microbial disaccharide, has been reported to be toxic to plants, and plant trehalase has therefore been hypothesized to function as a detoxifying enzyme. To test this, aseptically grown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) plantlets were supplied with trehalose. The plants accumulated trehalose only when validamycin A, a potent trehalase inhibitor, was added as well. Under these conditions, they accumulated trehalose to up to 8% of the dry weight in their primary leaves without any detectable impairment of growth or health. We have previously shown that in soybean nodules, trehalose is generated by the symbiotic bacteria, and trehalase is strongly induced. However, direct exposure of plants to trehalose did not affect their trehalase activity, whereas a treatment with auxin strongly increased it, indicating that the enzyme level is regulated by hormones rather than by its substrate. Addition of validamycin A to nodules caused an increase in the amount of trehalose and a decrease in the sucrose and starch pools, but nitrogen fixation was not affected. Similar results were obtained with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) plantlets and nodules. These results indicate that plant trehalase is functional in metabolizing trehalose from exogenous and endogenous sources, even though the disaccharide has no obvious toxic effects.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ARA acetylene-reduction activity (assay for nitrogenase) - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - GA3 gibberellic acid - -NAA, -NAA -,-naphthaleneacetic acid We are indebted to Prof. Dr. W. Broughton (University of Geneva, Switzerland) for kindly providing us cowpea seeds and the symbiont strain Rhizobium sp. NGR 234. Validamycin A was a gift of Dr. J.-P. Métraux, Ciba, Basel. This work was supported by the Swiss National Foundation.  相似文献   

The reduction of ferric leghemoglobin (Lb3+) from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nodules by riboflavin, FMN and FAD in the presence of NAD(P)H was studied in vitro. The system NAD(P)H + flavin reduced Lb3+ to oxyferrous (Lb2+ · O2) or deoxyferrous (Lb2+) leghemoglobin in aerobic or anaerobic conditions, respectively. In the absence of O2 the reaction was faster and more effective (i.e. less NAD(P)H oxidized per mole Lb3+ reduced) than in the presence of O2; this phenomenon was probably because O2 competes with Lb3+ for reductant, thus generating activated O2 species. The flavin-mediated reduction of Lb3+ did not entail production of superoxide or peroxide, indicating that NAD(P)H-reduced flavins were able to reduce Lb3+ directly. The NAD(P)H + flavin system also reduced the complexes Lb3+ · nicotinate and Lb3+ · acetate to Lb2+ · O2, Lb2+ or Lb2+ · nicotinate, depending on the concentrations of ligands and of O2. In the presence of 200 M nitrite most Lb remained as Lb3+ in aerobic conditions but the nitrosyl complex (Lb2+ · NO) was generated in anaerobic conditions. The above-mentioned characteristics of the NAD(P)H + flavin system, coupled with its effectiveness in reducing Lb3+ at physiological levels of NAD(P)H and flavins in soybean nodules, indicate that this mechanism may be especially important for reducing Lb3+ in vivo.Abbreviations and Terminology FLbR ferric leghemoglobin reductase - Hb2+ /Hb3+ hemoglobin containing Fe2+ /Fe2+ - Lb2+ /Lb3+ leghemoglobin containing Fe2+ /Fe3+ - Lb3+ · nicotinate/acetate Lb in which nicotinate or acetate are complexed to Lb3+ - Lb2+ · O2/CO/NO/nicotinate Lb in which O2, CO, NO or nicotinate are complexed to Lb2+ - Rfl riboflavin - SOD superoxide dismutase (EC Published as Paper No. 9237, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research DivisionWe thank M.B. Crusellas for his skillful drawings. M. Becana thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/Fulbright Commission for financial support.  相似文献   

Plants of Glycine max var. Caloria, infected as 14 d old seedlings with a defined titre of Rhizobium japonicum 3Il b85 in a 10 min inoculation test, develop a sharp maximum of nitrogenase activity between 17 and 25 d after infection. This maximum (14±3 nmol C2H4 h-1 mg nodule fresh weight-1), expressed as per mg nodule or per plant is followed by a 15 d period of reduced nitrogen fixation (20–30% of peak activity). 11 d after infection the first bacteroids develop as single cells inside infection vacuoles in the plant cells, close to the cell wall and infection threads. As a cytological marker for peak multiplication of bacteroids and for peak N2-fixation a few days later the association of a special type of nodule mitochondria with amyloplasts is described. 20 d after inoculation, more than 80% of the volume of infected plant cells is occupied by infection vacuoles, mostly containing only one bacteroid. The storage of poly--hydroxybutyrate starts to accumulate at both ends of the bacteroids. Non infected plant cells are squeezed between infected cells (25d), with infection vacuoles containing now more than two (up to five) bacteroids per section. Bacteroid development including a membrane envelope is also observed in the intercellular space between plant cells. 35 d after infection, more than 50% of the bacteroid volume is occupied by poly--hydroxybutyrate. The ultrastructural differentiation is discussed in relation to some enzymatic data in bacteroids and plant cell cytoplasm during nodule development.  相似文献   

溶磷性大豆根瘤内生菌的筛选、抗性及系统发育和促生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对采自河南省不同地区的大豆根瘤进行内生菌分离纯化、溶磷性筛选试验。根据能否产生溶磷圈及溶磷圈直径(D)、菌落直径(d)和D/d值大小确定菌株溶磷能力,采用钼锑抗比色法测定培养液中有效磷含量;平板筛选法对筛选菌株进行耐盐性、耐酸碱、重金属等抗性测定,并对筛选菌株进行理化特性、16S r DNA、rec A序列和系统发育分析。结果表明,从分离纯化的324株内生菌中筛选出36株具有溶磷特性,其中20株有较强溶磷性。菌株DD291发酵液中可溶性磷含量最高(452 mg/L),发酵液p H与对照相比均有不同程度下降,最大降幅达2.92。大部分溶磷性内生菌具有较强耐盐碱性,对Pb2+、Cr6+和Cu2+有较高耐受性,对Ni2+和Hg2+抗性较弱。结合细胞形态、生理生化、16S r DNA、rec A序列和系统发育分析结果,菌株确定为Bacillus cereus,Enterobacter cancerogenus,E.cloacae和Pseudomonas putida。部分溶磷菌株对大豆的生长有促进作用,显示出潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

Malate and succinate were taken up rapidly by isolated, intact peribacteroid units (PBUs) from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root nodules and inhibited each other in a competitive manner. Malonate uptake was slower and was severely inhibited by equimolar malate in the reaction medium. The apparent Km for malonate uptake was higher than that for malate and succinate uptake. Malate uptake by PBUs was inhibited by (in diminishing order of severity) oxaloacetate, fumarate, succinate, phthalonate and oxoglutarate. Malonate and butylmalonate inhibited only slightly and pyruvate,isocitrate and glutamate not at all. Of these compounds, only oxaloacetate, fumarate and succinate inhibited malate uptake by free bacteroids. Malate uptake by PBUs was inhibited severely by the uncoupler carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenyl hydrazone and the respiratory poison KCN, and was stimulated by ATP. We conclude that the peribacteroid membrane contains a dicarboxylate transport system which is distinct from that on the bacteroid membrane and other plant membranes. This system can catalyse the rapid uptake of a range of dicarboxylates into PBUs, with malate and succinate preferred substrates, and is likely to play an important role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Energization of both the bacteroid and peribacteroid membranes controls the rate of dicarboxylate transport into peribacteroid units.  相似文献   

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