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Enzymes and yeast are important ingredients in the production of ethanol, yet the energy consumption and emissions associated with their production are often excluded from life-cycle analyses of ethanol. We provide new estimates for the energy consumed and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted during enzyme and yeast manufacture, including contributions from key ingredients such as starch, glucose, and molasses. We incorporated these data into Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation model and observed that enzymes and yeast together contribute 1.4 and 27?% of farm-to-pump GHG emissions for corn and cellulosic ethanol, respectively. Over the course of the entire corn ethanol life cycle, yeast and enzymes contribute a negligible amount of GHG emissions, but increase GHG emissions from the cellulosic ethanol life cycle by 5.6?g CO2e/MJ.  相似文献   

The market for electric vehicles is growing rapidly, and there is a large demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Studies have predicted a growth of 600% in LIB demand by 2030. However, the production of LIBs is energy intensive, thus contradicting the goal set by Europe to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and become GHG emission free by 2040. Therefore, in this study, it was analyzed how the energy consumption and corresponding GHG emissions from LIB cell production may develop until 2030. Economic, technological, and political measures were considered and applied to market forecasts and to a model of a state-of-the art LIB cell factory. Notably, different scenarios with trend assumptions and above/below-trend assumptions were considered. It could be deduced that, if no measures are taken and if the status quo is extrapolated to the future, by 2030, ∼5.86 Mt CO2-eq will be emitted due to energy consumption from European LIB cell production. However, by applying a combination of economic, technological, and political measures, energy consumption and GHG emissions could be decreased by 46% and 56% by 2030, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that political measures, such as improving the electricity mix, are important but less dominant than improving the production technology and infrastructure. In this study, it could be deduced that, by 2030, through industrialization and application of novel production technologies, the energy consumption and GHG emissions from LIB cell production in Europe can be reduced by 24%.  相似文献   

The supply of water, food, and energy in our global economy is highly interlinked. Virtual blue water embedded into internationally traded food crops has therefore been extensively researched in recent years. This study focuses on the often neglected energy needed to supply this blue irrigation water. It provides a globally applicable and spatially explicit approach to the watershed level for water source specific quantification of energy consumption and related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of irrigation water supply. The approach is applied to Israel's total domestic and imported food crop supply of 105 crops by additionally including import-related transportation energy and emissions. Total energy use and related emissions of domestic crop production were much lower (551 GWh/422 kt CO2-equivalents [CO2e]) than those embedded into crop imports (1639 GWh/649 kt CO2e). Domestic energy and emissions were mainly attributable to the irrigation water supply with artificial water sources (treated domestic wastewater and desalinated water, 84%). Transport accounted for 79% and 66% of virtually imported energy and emissions, respectively. Despite transport, specific GHG emissions (CO2e per ton of crop) were significantly lower for several crops (e.g., olives, almonds, chickpeas) compared to domestic production. This could be attributed to the high share of energy-intensive artificial water supply in combination with higher irrigation water demands in Israel. In the course of an increasing demand for artificial water supply in arid and semi-arid regions, our findings point to the importance of including “energy for water” into comparative environmental assessment of crop supply to support decision-making related to the water–energy–food nexus.  相似文献   

Dairy systems are a source of pollutant emissions, such as greenhouse gases (GHG) and NH3 that are associated with impacts on the environment. Gas emissions in barns are related mainly to diet intake and chemical composition, N excretion and manure management. A reduction in dietary N is known to be an effective way to reduce N excretion and the resulting NH3 emissions. However, most studies consider manure in liquid form with frequent removal from the barn. In deep litter systems, several processes can occur during the accumulation of solid manure that result in variable gas emissions. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the influence of the interaction between dietary CP (low or high) and manure management (liquid or solid) on gas emissions (NH3, N2O, CH4) at the barn level. Dietary treatments provided either low (LowN; 12% CP) or high (HighN; 18% CP) degradable protein to modify the amount of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excreted. The cows were housed for two 8-week periods in two mechanically ventilated rooms equipped to manage manure either in liquid (LM; slurry) or solid form (SM; deep litter). In the LM treatment, N balance was measured for 4 days. As expected, animals fed the LowN diet ingested 35% less N and excreted 65% less N in their urine, with no reduction in faecal N excretion and N secretion in milk. On the LowN diet, excretion of urea-N and NH3-N emissions were reduced regardless of the manure management. On the HighN diet, urinary urea-N excretion was three times as high, while NH3-N emissions were 3.0 and 4.5 times as high in LM and SM, respectively. Manure management strongly influenced CH4-C emissions, which were 30% higher in SM than in LM, due to the accumulation of litter. Moreover, gas emissions from solid manure increased over the accumulation period, except for NH3 on the LowN diet. Finally, our results suggest that methods used for national inventories would become more accurate by considering the variability in TAN excretion, which is the primary factor that influences NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

The effect of six Siberian tree species on two stages of denitrification—N2O production and consumption—was studied. Broadleaf species (aspen and birch) proved to have lower rates of N2O consumption compared to coniferous species. The factors influencing production and consumption of N2O were also evaluated. The replacement of coniferous forests with broadleaf trees will double the N2O/N2 ratio in the denitrification end-products. Doubled N2O emission from Siberian forest soils to the atmosphere can be expected due to changes in tree species composition of forest ecosystems even without considering changes in water and temperature regimes in soil.  相似文献   

Livestock farmers in Sweden usually grow feed grains for livestock but import protein feed from outside Sweden. Aside from the economic implications, some environmental issues are associated with this practice. We used life cycle assessment to evaluate the impact of local protein feed production on land use and greenhouse gas emissions, compared with the use of imported protein feed, for pig meat and dairy milk produced in Sweden. Our results showed that local production reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 4.5% and 12%, respectively, for pigs and dairy cows. Land use for feed production in Sweden increased by 11% for pigs and 25% for dairy cows, but total land use decreased for pig production and increased for dairy milk production. Increased protein feed cultivation in Sweden decreased inputs needed for animal production and improved some ecological processes (e.g. nutrient recycling) of the farm systems. However, the differences in results between scenarios are relatively small and influenced to an extent by methodological choices such as co-product allocation. Moreover, it was difficult to assess the contribution of greenhouse emissions from land use change. The available accounting methods we applied did not adequately account for the potential land use changes and in some cases provided conflicting results. We conclude that local protein feed production presents an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but at a cost of increasing land occupation in Sweden for feed production.  相似文献   

The respiration metabolismand excretion of marinebivalves were studied by different researchers[1—6].Themetabolic rate of bivalves is influenced by a number ofvariables,includingtemperature,body size,oxygen ten-sion,food concentration,reproductive state,activityleveland physiological condition.The excreted metabolites ofbivalves include ammonia,urea,uric acid and others,with ammonia comprising70%of the total excretion.Solenaia oleivorais a proper freshwater bivalve in China.For the consumer it has the follo...  相似文献   

病毒性疾病严重威胁着人类及动植物的健康。目前正在应用的防治病毒性疾病的方法及其作用有限,开发无毒副作用、生态友好的抗病毒产品防控病毒性疾病非常必要。益生芽胞杆菌可产生核糖核酸酶、胞外聚合物等代谢物或成分,通过增强机体免疫功能等机制发挥抗病毒作用,有望被进一步开发用于病毒性疾病的防治。  相似文献   



The crude palm oil (CPO) extraction is normally done by a wet extraction process, and wastewater treatment of the wet process emits high levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs). A dry process extracts mixed palm oil (MPO) from palm fruit without using water and has no GHG emissions from wastewater treatment. This work is aimed at determining the GHG emissions of a dry process and at evaluating GHG savings on changing from wet to dry process, including land use change (LUC) effects.


Life cycle assessment from cradle to gate was used. The raw material is palm fruits. The dry process includes primary production, oil room, and utilities. MPO is the main product, while palm cake and fine palm residue are co-products sold for animal feed. Case studies were undertaken without and with carbon stocks of firewood and of nitrogen recycling at plantations from fronds. Allocations by mass, economic, and heating values were conducted. The trading of GHG emissions from co-products to GHG emissions from animal feed was assessed. The GHG emissions or savings from direct LUC (dLUC) and from indirect LUC (iLUC) effects and for the change from wet to dry process were determined.

Results and discussion

Palm fruit and firewood were the major GHG emission sources. Nitrogen recycling on plantations from fronds significantly affects the GHG emissions. With the carbon stocks, the GHG emissions allocated by energy value were 550 kg CO2 eq/t MPO. The GHG emissions were affected by ?3 to 37% for the change from wet to dry process. When the plantation area was increased by 1 ha and the palm oil extraction was changed from wet to dry process, and the change included dLUC and iLUC, the GHG savings ranged from ?0.94 to 5.08 t CO2 eq/ha year. The iLUC was the main GHG emission source. The GHG saving mostly originated from the change of extraction process and from the dLUC effect. Based on the potential use of biodiesel production from oil palm, during 2015–2036 in Thailand, when the extraction process was changed and dLUC and iLUC effects were included, the saving in GHG emissions was estimated to range from ?35,454 to 274,774 t CO2 eq/year.


The change of palm oil extraction process and the LUC effects could minimize the GHG emissions from the palm oil industry. This advantage encourages developing policies that support the dry extraction process and contribute to sustainable developments in palm oil production.

Across the energy sector, alternatives to fossil fuels are being developed, in response to the dual drivers of climate change and energy security. For transport, biofuels have the greatest potential to replace fossil fuels in the short‐to medium term. However, the ecological benefits of biofuels and the role that their deployment can play in mitigating climate change are being called into question. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a widely used approach that enables the energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of biofuel production to be calculated. Concerns have nevertheless been raised that published data show widely varying and sometimes contradictory results. This review describes a systematic review of GHG emissions and energy balance data from 44 LCA studies of first‐ and second‐generation biofuels. The information collated was used to identify the dominant sources of GHG emissions and energy requirements in biofuel production and the key sources of variability in published LCA data. Our analysis revealed three distinct sources of variation: (1) ‘real’ variability in parameters e.g. cultivation; (2) ‘methodological’ variability due to the implementation of the LCA method; and (3) ‘uncertainty’ due to parameters rarely included and poorly quantified. There is global interest in developing a sustainability assessment protocol for biofuels. Confidence in the results of such an assessment can only be assured if these areas of uncertainty and variability are addressed. A more defined methodology is necessary in order to allow effective and accurate comparison of results. It is also essential that areas of uncertainty such as impacts on soil carbon stocks and fluxes are included in LCA assessments, and that further research is conducted to enable a robust calculation of impacts under different land‐use change scenarios. Without the inclusion of these parameters, we cannot be certain that biofuels are really delivering GHG savings compared with fossil fuels.  相似文献   

We provide a quantitative assessment of the prospects for current and future biomass feedstocks for bioenergy in Australia, and associated estimates of the greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation resulting from their use for production of biofuels or bioelectricity. National statistics were used to estimate current annual production from agricultural and forest production systems. Crop residues were estimated from grain production and harvest index. Wood production statistics and spatial modelling of forest growth were used to estimate quantities of pulpwood, in‐forest residues, and wood processing residues. Possible new production systems for oil from algae and the oil‐seed tree Pongamia pinnata, and of lignocellulosic biomass production from short‐rotation coppiced eucalypt crops were also examined. The following constraints were applied to biomass production and use: avoiding clearing of native vegetation; minimizing impacts on domestic food security; retaining a portion of agricultural and forest residues to protect soil; and minimizing the impact on local processing industries by diverting only the export fraction of grains or pulpwood to bioenergy. We estimated that it would be physically possible to produce 9.6 GL yr?1 of first generation ethanol from current production systems, replacing 6.5 GL yr?1 of gasoline or 34% of current gasoline usage. Current production systems for waste oil, tallow and canola seed could produce 0.9 GL yr?1 of biodiesel, or 4% of current diesel usage. Cellulosic biomass from current agricultural and forestry production systems (including biomass from hardwood plantations maturing by 2030) could produce 9.5 GL yr?1 of ethanol, replacing 6.4 GL yr?1 of gasoline, or ca. 34% of current consumption. The same lignocellulosic sources could instead provide 35 TWh yr?1, or ca. 15% of current electricity production. New production systems using algae and P. pinnata could produce ca. 3.96 and 0.9 GL biodiesel yr?1, respectively. In combination, they could replace 4.2 GL yr?1 of fossil diesel, or 23% of current usage. Short‐rotation coppiced eucalypt crops could provide 4.3 GL yr?1 of ethanol (2.9 GL yr?1 replacement, or 15% of current gasoline use) or 20.2 TWh yr?1 of electricity (9% of current generation). In total, first and second generation fuels from current and new production systems could mitigate 26 Mt CO2‐e, which is 38% of road transport emissions and 5% of the national emissions. Second generation fuels from current and new production systems could mitigate 13 Mt CO2‐e, which is 19% of road transport emissions and 2.4% of the national emissions lignocellulose from current and new production systems could mitigate 48 Mt CO2‐e, which is 28% of electricity emissions and 9% of the national emissions. There are challenging sustainability issues to consider in the production of large amounts of feedstock for bioenergy in Australia. Bioenergy production can have either positive or negative impacts. Although only the export fraction of grains and sugar was used to estimate first generation biofuels so that domestic food security was not affected, it would have an impact on food supply elsewhere. Environmental impacts on soil, water and biodiversity can be significant because of the large land base involved, and the likely use of intensive harvest regimes. These require careful management. Social impacts could be significant if there were to be large‐scale change in land use or management. In addition, although the economic considerations of feedstock production were not covered in this article, they will be the ultimate drivers of industry development. They are uncertain and are highly dependent on government policies (e.g. the price on carbon, GHG mitigation and renewable energy targets, mandates for renewable fuels), the price of fossil oil, and the scale of the industry.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that an animal''s metabolic rate can be estimated through measuring the whole-organism oxygen consumption rate. However, oxygen consumption alone is unlikely to be a sufficient marker of energy metabolism in many situations. This is due to the inherent variability in the link between oxidation and phosphorylation; that is, the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generated per molecule of oxygen consumed by mitochondria (P/O ratio). In this article, we describe how the P/O ratio can vary within and among individuals, and in response to a number of environmental parameters, including diet and temperature. As the P/O ratio affects the efficiency of cellular energy production, its variability may have significant consequences for animal performance, such as growth rate and reproductive output. We explore the adaptive significance of such variability and hypothesize that while a reduction in the P/O ratio is energetically costly, it may be associated with advantages in terms of somatic maintenance through reduced production of reactive oxygen species. Finally, we discuss how considering variation in mitochondrial efficiency, together with whole-organism oxygen consumption, can permit a better understanding of the relationship between energy metabolism and life history for studies in evolutionary ecology.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Fly ash, a by-product of coal-fired power stations, is substituted for Portland cement to improve the properties of concrete and reduce the embodied greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Much of the world’s fly ash is currently disposed of as a waste product. While replacing some Portland cement with fly ash can reduce production costs and the embodied emissions of concrete, the relationship between fly ash content and embodied GHG emissions in concrete has not been quantified. The impact of fly ash content on embodied water is also unknown. Furthermore, it is not known whether a global trade in fly ash for use in concrete is feasible from a carbon balance perspective, or if transport over long distances would eliminate any CO2 savings. This paper aims to quantify GHG emissions and water embodied in concrete (fc = 32 MPa) as a function of fly ash content and to determine the critical fly ash transportation distance, beyond which use of fly ash in concrete increases embodied GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Wetlands are biogeochemical hotspots that have been identified as important sites for both nitrogen (N) removal from surface waters and greenhouse gas (GHG) production. Floating vegetation (FV) commonly occurs in natural and constructed wetlands, but the effects of such vegetation on denitrification, N retention, and GHG production are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we used microcosm experiments to examine how FV affects N and GHG dynamics. Denitrification and N retention rates were significantly higher in microcosms with FV (302 μmol N m?2 h?1 and 203 μmol N m?2 h?1, respectively) than in those without (63 μmol N m?2 h?1 and 170 μmol N m?2 h?1, respectively). GHG production rates were not significantly different between the two treatments. Denitrification rates were likely elevated due to decreased dissolved oxygen (DO) in microcosms with FV. The balance of photosynthesis and respiration was more important in affecting DO concentrations than decreased surface gas exchange. The denitrification fraction (N2-N production: N retention) was higher in microcosms with FV (100 %) than those without (33 %) under increased (tripled) N loading. A 5 °C temperature increase resulted in significantly lower denitrification rates in the absence of FV and significantly lowered N2O production with FV, but did not significantly change CH4 production or N retention in either treatment. These results suggest that intentional introduction of FV in constructed wetlands could enhance N removal while leaving GHG production unchanged, an insight that should be further tested via in situ experiments.  相似文献   

This study evaluated effects of farming practice scenarios aiming to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and subsequent alternative land use on environmental impacts of a beef cattle production system using the life cycle assessment approach. The baseline scenario includes a standard cow–calf herd with finishing heifers based on grazing, and a standard bull-fattening herd using a diet mainly based on maize silage, corresponding to current farm characteristics and management by beef farmers in France. Alternative scenarios were developed with changes in farming practices. Some scenarios modified grassland management (S1: decreasing mineral N fertiliser on permanent grassland; S2: decreasing grass losses during grazing) or herd management (S3: underfeeding of heifers in winter; S4: fattening female calves instead of being reared at a moderate growth rate; S5: increasing longevity of cows from 7 to 9 years; S6: advancing first calving age from 3 to 2 years). Other scenarios replaced protein sources (S7: partially replacing a protein supplement by lucerne hay for the cow–calf herd; S8: replacing soya bean meal with rapeseed meal for the fattening herd) or increased n-3 fatty acid content using extruded linseed (S9). The combination of compatible scenarios S1, S2, S5, S6 and S8 was also studied (S10). The impacts, such as climate change (CC, not including CO2 emissions/sequestration of land use and land-use change, LULUC), CC/LULUC (including CO2 emissions of LULUC), cumulative energy demand, eutrophication (EP), acidification and land occupation (LO) were expressed per kg of carcass mass and per ha of land occupied. Compared with the baseline, the most promising practice to reduce impacts per kg carcass mass was S10 (all reduced by 13% to 28%), followed by S6 (by 8% to 10%). For other scenarios, impact reduction did not exceed 5%, except for EP (up to 11%) and LO (up to 10%). Effects of changes in farming practices (the scenarios) on environmental impacts varied according to impact category and functional unit. For some scenarios (S2, S4, S6 and S10), permanent grassland area and LO per kg of carcass decreased by 12% to 23% and 9% to 19%, respectively. If the ‘excess’ permanent grassland was converted to fast-growing conifer forest to sequester carbon in tree and soil biomass, CC/LULUC per kg of carcass could be reduced by 20%, 25%, 27% and 48% for scenarios S2, S4, S6 and S10, respectively. These results illustrate the potential of farming practices and forest as an alternative land use to contribute to short- and mid-term GHG mitigation of beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   

Many peatlands were affected by drainage in the past, and restoration of their water regime aims to bring back their original functions. The purpose of our study was to simulate re-wetting of soils of different types of drained peatlands (bogs and minerotrophic mires, located in the Sumava Mountains, Czech Republic) under laboratory conditions (incubation for 15 weeks) and to assess possible risks of peatland water regime restoration - especially nutrient leaching and the potentials for CO2 and CH4 production. After re-wetting of soils sampled from drained peatlands (simulated by anaerobic incubation) (i) phosphorus concentration (SRP) did not change in any soil, (ii) concentration of ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) increased, but only in a drained fen, (iii) DOC increased significantly in the drained fen and degraded drained bog, (iv) CO2 production decreased, (v) CH4 production and the number of methanogens increased in all soils, and (vi) archaeal methanogenic community composition was also affected by re-wetting; it differed significantly between drained and pristine fens, whereas it was more similar between drained and pristine bogs. Overall, the soils from fens reacted more dynamically to re-wetting than the bogs, and therefore, some nutrients (especially nitrogen) and DOC leaching may be expected from drained fens after their water regime restoration. However, if compared to their state before restoration, ammonium and phosphorus leaching should not increase and leaching of nitrates and DON should even decrease after restoration, especially during the vegetation season. Further, CO2 production in soils of fens and bogs should decrease after their water regime restoration, whereas CH4 production in soils should increase. However, we cannot derive any clear conclusions about CH4 emissions from the ecosystems based on this study, as they depend strongly on environmental factors and on the actual activity of methanotrophs in situ.  相似文献   

History of development of safety criteria for continuous human and animal cell lines approved for manufacture of immunobiologic preparations. It was noted that current WHO documents recommend mandatory use of respective WHO's reference cell cultures (Vero-10-87 for continuous cell lines, and Wi-38 or MRC-5 for diploid cell lines) during attestation of new cell cultures proposed for the manufacturing of immunobiologic preparations. Examples of practical use of continuous cell lines (CCLs) for production of viral vaccines on industrial scale are described. On the basis of modern data most important principles were formulated which should be considered to provide safety and efficacy of vaccines produced on the CCLs.  相似文献   

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