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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Next-Generation Sequencing has revolutionized our approach to ancient DNA (aDNA) research, by providing complete genomic sequences of ancient individuals and extinct species. However, the recovery of genetic material from long-dead organisms is still complicated by a number of issues, including post-mortem DNA damage and high levels of environmental contamination. Together with error profiles specific to the type of sequencing platforms used, these specificities could limit our ability to map sequencing reads against modern reference genomes and therefore limit our ability to identify endogenous ancient reads, reducing the efficiency of shotgun sequencing aDNA. RESULTS: In this study, we compare different computational methods for improving the accuracy and sensitivity of aDNA sequence identification, based on shotgun sequencing reads recovered from Pleistocene horse extracts using Illumina GAIIx and Helicos Heliscope platforms. We show that the performance of the Burrows Wheeler Aligner (BWA), that has been developed for mapping of undamaged sequencing reads using platforms with low rates of indel-types of sequencing errors, can be employed at acceptable run-times by modifying default parameters in a platform-specific manner. We also examine if trimming likely damaged positions at read ends can increase the recovery of genuine aDNA fragments and if accurate identification of human contamination can be achieved using a strategy previously suggested based on best hit filtering. We show that combining our different mapping and filtering approaches can increase the number of high-quality endogenous hits recovered by up to 33%. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that Illumina and Helicos sequences recovered from aDNA extracts could not be aligned to modern reference genomes with the same efficiency unless mapping parameters are optimized for the specific types of errors generated by these platforms and by post-mortem DNA damage. Our findings have important implications for future aDNA research, as we define mapping guidelines that improve our ability to identify genuine aDNA sequences, which in turn could improve the genotyping accuracy of ancient specimens. Our framework provides a significant improvement to the standard procedures used for characterizing ancient genomes, which is challenged by contamination and often low amounts of DNA material.  相似文献   



Methylation of CpG dinucleotides is a fundamental mechanism of epigenetic regulation in eukaryotic genomes. Development of methods for rapid genome wide methylation profiling will greatly facilitate both hypothesis and discovery driven research in the field of epigenetics. In this regard, a single molecule approach to methylation profiling offers several unique advantages that include elimination of chemical DNA modification steps and PCR amplification.  相似文献   

We present ParaDB (http://abi.marseille.inserm.fr/paradb/), a new database for large-scale paralogy studies in vertebrate genomes. We intended to collect all information (sequence, mapping and phylogenetic data) needed to map and detect new paralogous regions, previously defined as Paralogons. The AceDB database software was used to generate graphical objects and to organize data. General data were automatically collated from public sources (Ensembl, GadFly and RefSeq). ParaDB provides access to data derived from whole genome sequences (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Drosophila melanogaster): cDNA and protein sequences, positional information, bibliographical links. In addition, we provide BLAST results for each protein sequence, InParanoid orthologs and 'In-Paralogs' data, previously established paralogy data, and, to compare vertebrates and Drosophila, orthology data.  相似文献   

D Schlessinger 《Trends in genetics : TIG》1990,6(8):248, 255-248, 258
Libraries of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are representative of complex genomes, and typical YACs contain single fragments of DNA that are up to a megabase or more in size, are stable during growth, and are faithful to genomic DNA. Such YACs may permit (1) the use of complete gene units for a number of research and medical purposes; and (2) the assembly of chromosome-sized contigs in a single map that unifies genetic and physical data.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of bacterial genomes.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

New approaches for physical mapping of small genomes.   总被引:26,自引:12,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文

Locating DNA sequences to specific chromosomal segments is essential for associating genes with phenotypes. It is routinely achieved by segregation analysis using meiotic mapping populations that have also been used to collect phenotypic information. However, meiotic mapping is struggling to cope with the shear volume of sequences emerging from high-throughput (HTP) gene-discovery programs. We describe two approaches, Radiation Hybrid and ‘HAPPY’ mapping, which, in conjunction with meiotic mapping, represent valuable HTP tools in the quest to link genes to phenotypes.  相似文献   



The Sulston score is a well-established, though approximate metric for probabilistically evaluating postulated clone overlaps in DNA fingerprint mapping. It is known to systematically over-predict match probabilities by various orders of magnitude, depending upon project-specific parameters. Although the exact probability distribution is also available for the comparison problem, it is rather difficult to compute and cannot be used directly in most cases. A methodology providing both improved accuracy and computational economy is required.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases for pulsed field mapping of bacterial genomes.   总被引:67,自引:17,他引:67  
Fundamental to many bacterial genome mapping strategies currently under development is the need to cleave the genome into a few large DNA fragments that can be resolved by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Identification of endonucleases that infrequently cut a genome is of key importance in this process. We show that the tetranucleotide CTAG is extremely rare in most bacterial genomes with G+C contents above 45%. As a consequence, most of the sixteen bacterial genomes we have tested are cleaved less than once every 100,000 base pairs by one or more endonucleases that have CTAG in their recognition sequences: Xba I (TCTAGA), Spe I (ACTAGT), Avr II (CCTAGG) and Nhe I (GCTAGC). Similarly, CCG and CGG are the rarest trinucleotides in many genomes with G+C content of less than 45%. Thus, Sma I (CCCGGG), Rsr II (CGGWCCG), Nae I (GCCGGC) and Sac II (CCGCGG) are often suitable endonucleases for producing fragments that average over 100,000 base pairs from such genomes. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the fragments that result from cleavage with endonucleases that cleave only a few times per genome should assist in the physical mapping of many prokaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many techniques for imaging systems at a resolution greater than the diffraction limit have been developed. These methods have allowed systems previously inaccessible to fluorescence microscopy to be studied and biological problems to be solved in the condensed phase. This brief review explains the basic principles of super-resolution imaging in both two and three dimensions, summarizes recent developments, and gives examples of how these techniques have been used to study complex biological systems.  相似文献   

This Short Communication highlights the diversity of 'secondary' genome data (like mitochondrial and plastid genomes) that can be gleaned from next-generation sequencing projects, and encourages researchers to be mindful that these data are often as informative and useful as the 'primary' genome data.  相似文献   

A report on the American Society for Microbiology Conference on Mobile DNA, Banff, Canada, 24 February-1 March 2006.  相似文献   

A simple method for complete genome radiolabelling is described, involving long-wave UV exposure of agarose-embedded chromosomal DNA and [α-32P]dCTP incorporation mediated by the Klenow fragment. Experiments on the budding yeast genome show that the labelling procedure can be coupled with two new two-dimensional pulsed field gel electrophoresis (2D-PFGE) protocols of genome analysis: (i) the KARD (karyotype and restriction display)-PFGE which provides a complete view of the fragments resulting from a single restriction of the whole genome and (ii) the DDIC (double digestion of isolated chromosome)-PFGE which is the eukaryotic counterpart of complete/complete 2D-PFGE in bacterial genomics.  相似文献   

The chromatin in interphase nuclei is much less condensed than are metaphase chromosomes, making the resolving power of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) two orders of magnitude higher in interphase nuclei than on metaphase chromosomes. In mammalian species it has been demonstrated that within a certain range the interphase distance between two FISH sites can be used to estimate the linear DNA distance between the two probes. The intephase mapping strategy has never been applied in plant species, mainly because of the low sensitivity of the FISH technique on plant chromosomes. Using a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera system, we demonstrate that DNA probes in the 4 to 8 kb range can be detected on both metaphase and interphase chromosomes in maize. DNA probes pA1-Lc and pSh2.5·SstISalI, which contain the maize locia1 andsh2, respectively, and are separated by 140 kb, completely overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. However, when the two probes were mapped in interphase nuclei, the FISH signals were well separated from each other in 86% of the FISH sites analyzed. The average interphase distance between the two probes was 0.50 µm. This result suggests that the resolving power of interphase FISH mapping in plant species can be as little as 100 kb. We also mapped the interphase locations of another pair of probes, ksu3/4 and ksu16, which span theRp1 complex controlling rust resistance of maize. Probes ksu3/4 and ksu16 were mapped genetically approximately 4 cM apart and their FISH signals were also overlapped on metaphase chromosomes. These two probes were separated by an average of 2.32 µm in interphase nuclei. The possibility of estimating the linear DNA distance between ksu3/4 and ksu16 is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms are powerful tools for many evolutionary and genomic studies in plants including molecular breeding. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most elemental DNA marker for genomic studies, but even with advances in DNA sequencing technology, SNP discovery remains costly and computationally demanding, especially in large genomes that are rich in repetitive DNA such as those of many plants. Here we report a method using DNA renaturation kinetics (Cot techniques), sequencing, and BLAST-based screening to identify low-copy, non-coding DNA sequences that were subsequently found to be relatively rich in polymorphisms. A total of of 63 such fragments isolated from a diploid D genome cotton species (Gossypium raimondii) revealed a higher frequency of polymorphisms than that observed for cotton expressed sequence tags or hypomethylated (PstI-susceptible) genomic DNA. While microsatellite-derived loci show still higher polymorphism rates, they often fall in repetitive elements and their sequence analysis is often complicated by alignment difficulties. The potential applications of Cot-filtered noncoding (CFNC) DNA in development of DNA markers are discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed two whole genome-scanning techniques to aid in the discovery of polymorphisms as well as horizontally acquired genes in prokaryotic organisms.First, two-dimensional bacterial genomic display (2DBGD) was developed using restriction enzyme fragmentation to separate genomic DNA based on size, and then employing denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in the second dimension to exploit differences in sequence composition. This technique was used to generate high-resolution displays that enable the direct comparison of >800 genomic fragments simultaneously and can be adapted for the high-throughput comparison of bacterial genomes. 2DBGDs are capable of detecting acquired and altered DNA, however, only in very closely related strains. If used to compare more distantly related strains (e.g. different species within a genus) numerous small changes (i.e. small deletions and point mutations) unrelated to the interesting phenotype, would encumber the comparison of 2DBGDs. For this reason asecond method, bacterial comparative genomic hybridization (BCGH), was developed to directly compare bacterial genomes to identify gain or loss of genomic DNA. BCGH relies on performing 2DBGD on a pooled sample of genomic DNA from 2 strains to be compared and subsequently hybridizing the resulting 2DBGD blot separately with DNA from each individual strain. Unique spots (hybridization signals) represent foreign DNA. The identification of novel DNA is easily achieved by excising the DNA from a dried gel followed by subsequent cloning and sequencing. 2DBGD and BCGH thus represent novel high resolution genome scanning techniques for directly identifying altered and/or acquired DNA. Published: June 15, 2003  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid mapping (RH mapping) is considered as one of the main methods of constructing physical maps of mammalian genomes. In introduction, theoretical prerequisites of developing of the RH mapping and statistical methods of data analysis are discussed. Comparative characteristics of universal commercial panels of the radiation hybrid somatic cells (RH panels) are shown. In experimental part of the work, RH mapping is used to localise nucleotide sequences adjacent to NotI sites of human chromosome 3 with the aim to integrate contig map of NotI clones to comprehensive maps of human genome. Five nucleotide sequences adjacent to the sites of integration of papilloma virus in human genome and expressed in the cells of cervical cancer were localised. It was demonstrated that the region 13q14.3-q21.1 was enriched with nucleotide sequences involved in the processes of oncogenesis. RH mapping can be considered as one of the most perspective applications of the modern radiation biology in the field of molecular genetics, that is, in constructing physical maps of mammalian genomes with high resolution level.  相似文献   

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