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RNA metabolism was studied in apices of Pharbitis nil duringand after floral induction. In continuous light 3H-uridine accumulatedin RNA at a constant rate over an 18 hr period. In darkness,however, the rate of accumulation of label into RNA was constantuntil the 10th hour at which time a rapid burst of accumulationoccurred, peaking at the 14th hour of darkness and followedby a net loss of label. The RNA involved in this burst is probablymRNA due to its size and poly(A) content. This phenomenon doesnot seem to be associated with floral induction, since the siteof perception is the apex, and it also occurs under conditionswhere floral initiation is inhibited by a brief light interruptionof the dark period. Immediately after floral induction by a16-hr dark period the rate of RNA synthesis was suppressed about14%. This suppression lasts for about 12 hr and was followedby a twofold increase in the rate of RNA synthesis, comparedto non-induced apices, at 64 hr after the beginning of the inductivedark period. These post-induction changes were found to occurin all RNA fractions. 1Present address: Department of Radiation Biology and Biophysics,University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester,N.Y. 14642, U.S.A. (Received March 15, 1976; )  相似文献   

Suge  Hiroshi 《Plant & cell physiology》1972,13(6):1031-1038
Application of ethylene at 100 ppm or higher completely inhibitedflowering in Pharbitis nil when made during an inductive darkperiod. Exposing plants to ethylene before or after the inductivedark period produced only slight or almost no inhibition. Ethylenewas effective when it was applied only to a cotyledon, but wasineffective when applied only to a receptor bud. Ethylene hadno effect on translocation of the floral stimulus. Ethylene-treatedcotyledon did not transfer any flower inhibiting entity. Thus,ethylene is considered to inhibit the induction process(es)in cotyledons. Except for an initial temporary cotyledon epinasty, ethylenetreatment had no effect on the subsequent growth and vigor ofplants. This temporary cotyledon epinasty disappeared withinthe next 24 hr. (Received May 4, 1972; )  相似文献   

M. Lay-Yee  R. M. Sachs  M. S. Reid 《Planta》1987,171(1):104-109
Floral induction in seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy cv. Violet, with one cotyledon removed, was manipulated by applying various photoperiodic treatments to the remaining cotyledon. Populations of polyadenylated RNA from treated cotyledons were examined to identify messages specifically involved in floral induction. The RNA was translated in vitro using a wheat-germ system, and the resulting translation products were analysed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Substantial qualitative and quantitative differences were found between mRNA from cotyledons of seedlings kept in continuous light (non-induced) and of seedlings given a 16-h dark period (induced). In contrast, inhibition of flowering with a night-break resulted only in one detectable, quantitative difference in mRNA.Abbreviations CL continuous light - kDa kilodalton - NB 16 h darkness+10 min red-light break, 8 h into the dark period - poly(A)+ RNA polyadenylated RNA (isolated by binding to a cellulose oligodeoxythymidine affinity column) - SD short day (16 h dark) - SDP short-day plant - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Uridine and thymidine incorporation into the peripheral vs.central zone of the Japanese Morning Glory apex, as well asinto the apical leaves, was measured a few hours before andbeyond the end point of the inducing long night. The enhancedincorporation was greatest in the peripheral zone and in theapical leaves suggesting that immediate pre-prefloral effectsare mainly expressed "vegetatively". (Received December 11, 1974; )  相似文献   

No changes in metabolism of adenosine phosphates as a function of short day induction were detected in cotyledons of Pharbitis nil Chois strain Violet. A gradual increase in ATP level was detected throughout the dark period in plumules. A rapid decline of ATP pool size was observed in induced plumules shortly after floral induction. The decline occurred close to the 14th hour of the dark period, 1 to 1.5 h after the dark period length required for a 90% flowering response, which is thought to be the minimum time required for transport of the floral stimulus (and assimilates) from the induced cotyledons to the plumule. Transport of the major adenylates from the cotyledons was verified using [14C]-adenine. Estimates of the amount, and rate, of adenylate transport suggest that the cotyledons could be an important source of adenylates to re-establish the ATP pool size in evoked plumules.  相似文献   

If, following an inductive treatment of 2 d of continuous darkness, shoot apices of Pharbitis nil are cultured 1 d later on White's medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, they cannot form carpels, but they can if they are cultured on 2% glucose. It was hypothesized that the differential effect of these sugars was because of differential expression of carpel-specific genes. Partial cDNA homologues to the Arabidopsis genes, LEAFY (PnLFY), AGAMOUS (PnAG1/2), and CRABS CLAWS (PnCRC1/2) were cloned. PnLFY was expressed in the shoot apex 1 d following the start of induction and remained higher than in non-induced apices for a further 6 d before exhibiting a major peak of expression on day 7. Peaks of expression of PnAG1 and PnAG2 spanned days 7-11, coinciding with the appearance of stamens and then carpels. The Pharbitis 'PnCRC2' showed greatest homology to Arabidopsis YABBY2 (PnYABBY). Its expression peaked on day 8 when the carpels first appeared. 'PnCRC1' showed greatest homology to Arabidopsis FILAMENTOUS (PnFIL). Its expression was approximately the same in inductive and non-inductive treatments. Apart from PnFIL these partial cDNAs could be used as markers to test the hypothesis concerning differential effects of sucrose and glucose. Cultured shoot apices from induced plants were sampled at weekly intervals. All four genes were expressed more strongly in the glucose compared with the sucrose treatment, most notably at day 17. A more intensive sampling (days 15-19) indicated that PnLFY and PnYABBY exhibited much higher expression on glucose compared with sucrose, most notably on days 15-16 and days 18-19.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine inhibitory effect of calcium chelator; ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) on flowering of a short-day (SD) plant Pharbitis nil. It was found that 20 mM solution of EGTA applied on cotyledons of 5-d-old P. nil seedlings four hours before the start of 16-h-long induction night decreased the flowering response by 55% compared to the control plants not treated with this Ca2+ chelator. It also caused a very significant decrease of photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance both in light and darkness conditions. The results of this study confirm earlier hypothesis suggesting the effect of Ca2+ and its modulators on P. nil flowering is due to their influence on the stomata.  相似文献   

(—)-Kaurene-U-3H was metabolized in seedlings of Pharbitisnil, a short-day plant, to labeled ( — )-kaurenol, ( —)-kaurenal, ( — )-kaurenoic acid, and unidentified polarsubstances, in this sequence. No significant effect of photoperiodicfloral induction upon the metabolism of ( — )-kaurene-U-3Hor ( — )-kaurenol-U-3H was observed, which suggests that( — )-kaurene metabolism is not involved in photoperiodicfloral induction 1This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministryof Education. (Received September 24, 1970; )  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in the growth of floral organs of Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence that the synthesis of GA3 is involved in the growthof floral orga'ns of Pharbitis nil is presented. GAs in floralorgans at different developmental stages were surveyed usingTLC followed by the bioassay with two dwarf rice seedlings,‘Tanginbozu’ and ‘Waito-C’. The amountof GAs in the petal and stamen increased rapidly after the petalemerged from calyx, reached a maximum 12 hr before anthesis,then declined markedly thereafter. The GA content in the calyxremained unchanged before and after anthesis, and that in thepistil increased after anthesis. Pharbitis flowers containedat least two active GAs, one of which was probably GA3, theother appeared to be GA19. GA3 was detected in relatively largeamounts in both the petal and stamen during their rapid elongation.In the calyx, which showed little increase in fresh weight duringrapid flower growth, GA9 was the dominant GA. Exogenously suppliedGA3 promoted elongation of sections in excised young filaments.Sucrose was necessary for definite growth promotion by GA3.GA19 had little effect on filament elongation, and IAA was ratherinhibitive. (Received July 29, 1972; )  相似文献   

The nature of macromolecular "auxin protector substances" causinglag periods rather than inhibition in the rate of IAA oxidationwas reinvestigated. Three different peaks were separated bySephadex gel filtration; each was then examined by means ofenzymatic (IAA oxidase, peroxidase) and electrophoretic techniquesand correlated with the activities of both enzymes and withzymogram patters. The auxin protector activity of the high molecularweight fractions increased after high temperature treatment.On the basis of experiments involving dialysis and chromatographybefore and after heating, auxin protectors appear to be complexesof macromolecules with small molecules. (Received May 18, 1971; )  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA)-like substances were analyzed in extracts from cotyledons and phloem exudate collected from cotyledons in photoinduced and vegetative seedlings of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Chois. var. Violet, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the dwarf rice bioassay, to see whether any specific GA-like substances were transported from the photoinduced cotyledons via phloem. Cotyledon extracts exhibited five peaks of free GA-like activity in HPLC, whereas only one or two active peaks were detected in phloem exudate extracts. The level of free GA-like activity was considerably lower in phloem exudate than in the cotyledons. In five out of six analyses of cotyledons and phloem exudate, there were substantially higher levels of free GA-like substances in photoinduced plants. Conjugated GA-like substances were present in much higher levels than free GA-like substances in the cotyledon extracts but the levels were not influenced by daylength. In phloem exudate extracts there was no conjugated GA-like substances. The free GA-like substances that are transported via phloem cochromatographed with GA5/20 and GA19 on HPLC. These were significantly higher in photoinduced plants and thus could have some influence on the photoperiodically-induced flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

Hormones are included in the essential elements that control the induction of flowering. Ethylene is thought to be a strong inhibitor of flowering in short day plants (SDPs), whereas the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of flowering of plants is not well understood. The dual role of ABA in the photoperiodic flower induction of the SDP Pharbitis nil and the interaction between ABA and ethylene were examined in the present experiments. Application of ABA on the cotyledons during the inductive 16-h-long night inhibited flowering. However, ABA application on the cotyledons or the shoot apices during the subinductive 12-h-long night resulted in slight stimulation of flowering. Application of ABA also resulted in enhanced ethylene production. Whereas nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) - an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor - applied on the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings during the inductive night inhibited both the formation of axillary and of terminal flower buds, application of 2-aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD) - inhibitors of ethylene action - reversed the inhibitory effect of ABA on flowering. ABA levels in the cotyledons of seedlings exposed to a 16-h-long inductive night markedly increased. Such an effect was not observed when the inductive night was interrupted with a 15-min-long red light pulse or when seedlings were treated at the same time with gaseous ethylene during the dark period. Lower levels of ABA were observed in seedlings treated with NDGA during the inductive night. These results may suggest that ABA plays an important role in the photoperiodic induction of flowering in P. nil seedlings, and that the inhibitory effect of ethylene on P. nil flowering inhibition may depend on its influence on the ABA level. A reversal of the inhibitory effect of ethylene on flower induction through a simultaneous treatment of induced seedlings with both ethylene and ABA strongly supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We isolated and cloned DNA fragments that exist as inverted-repeat structures in the genome of Pharbitis nil. The method used exploited the fact that if inverted repeat DNA is present in the DNA fragment, intramolecular double-stranded structures can be partly formed within single-stranded DNA molecules after denaturation and rapid renaturation of the fragment. The rapidly renaturing DNA fragments (termed snap-back DNA) were isolated by hybroxylapatite column chromatography and treatment with mungbean nuclease and were cloned into the pUC9 vector. Four snap-back DNA members out of thousands of independent clones obtained were characterized with respect to the reiteration frequency and the nucleotide sequences. When used as probes in Southern hybridization experiments, some of the members identified restriction fragment length polymorphism among the cultivars, suggesting that these sequences might be fluid in the genome. One of the four clones has regions of nucleotide sequence homology to those of inverted-repeat regions in the transposon Taml of Antirrhinum majus.  相似文献   

A practical and low cost system for isoelectric protein focusing (IEF) was developed. The system uses a multi-cell glass plate compatible with a common vertical one-dimensional electrophoresis chamber, dispensing specific IEF apparatus. After focusing, the IEF gels are easily recovered. The resulting two-dimensional (2-D) gels have provided efficient protein separation for different concentrations and extracts.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence to indicate that the floral stimulus moves along with photosynthate in the phloem. In the present study the effect of cooling a localized region of the stem of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Chois. on translocation was investigated. This low-temperature treatment simultaneously inhibited translocation of photosynthate and of the floral stimulus, thus further supporting the idea that the floral stimulus is transported concurrently with assimilates in the phloem.  相似文献   

A new computation method has been introduced into multicompartmentalanalysis, which saves computer time and gives good fitting parameterseven in complicated systems. This method was applied to theanalysis of phosphate metabolism in the cotyledons of Pharbitisnil during the early stage of germination. Soon after the startof imbibition, the metabolic flows of phosphate were initiatedby very small amounts of enzymes. Some enzymes involved in phosphorylation,RNA synthesis, and phospholipid synthesis were indicated asexisting in the seeds and as being activated from nonactiveforms during imbition. The activities of all phosphate metabolisms,except the breakdown of RNA, phospholipids and protein-boundphosphates, were activated about ten to hundred-fold after thestart of protein synthesis. The technique of multicompartmental analysis can be appliedto various physiological problems to estimate the quantitativeand systematic metabolic flows in any tissue. (Received July 5, 1973; )  相似文献   

The involvement of cGMP in the regulation of the flowering of Pharbitis nil was investigated through exogenous applications of cGMP and chemicals that are able to change the cGMP level and analyses of endogenous cGMP level. Exogenous applications of cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP (a cyclic GMP non hydrolyzed analog) to P. nil plants, which were exposed to a 12-h-long subinductive night, significantly increased flowering response. NS-2028 (guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) inhibited flowering when that compound was applied during a 16-h-long inductive night, whereas SNP (guanylyl cyclase activator) increased the flowering when plants were subjected to a 12-h-long subinductive night. The inhibitors of cyclic nucleotides phosphodiesterase (isobutyl-methylxanthine and dipyridamole), which increase the cytosolic cGMP level, promoted the flowering and allowed the length of the dark period necessary for induction of flowering to be reduced. The endogenous cGMP level was also measured after the treatment of P. nil seedlings with those chemicals. Results have clearly shown that compounds that were used in physiological experiments modulated endogenous cGMP level. There was a significant difference in the cyclic GMP level between 16-h-long night conditions and a long night with a night-break. During a long inductive night the oscillation of cGMP was observed with four main peaks in 4, 7, 11, 14 h, whereas a 10 min flash of red light in the middle of the night was able to modify these rhythmical changes in the second half of the long night. These results have shown that there are oscillations in the concentration of cGMP in the night and the biosynthesis and/or deactivation of cGMP is affected by light treatment and therefore it may be involved in the regulation of photoinduction processes in cotyledons. From these combined results, we propose a hypothesis that cGMP is involved in the control of photoperiodic flower induction in Pharbitis nil.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid, which applied to cotyledons of the short day plant Pharbitis nil prior to an inductive 16-h dark period inhibits flowering by 90 %, is converted to salicylic acid and to a lesser extent to gentisic acid in the cotyledons during this 16-h dark period. Our results confirmed that salicylic acid and gentisic acid are responsible for the inhibition of flowering. They also inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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