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The increasingly deeper understanding of how the immune system recognizes and destroys tumors promises to enable the development of new approaches for gene therapy and immunotherapy. However, a treatment that induces safe and potentially beneficial antitumor responses is expected to require stepwise refinements. As part of this challenge, assays are needed to measure specific antitumor immune responses in patients. This becomes problematic because most tumors express unknown tumor antigens and it is often difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of viable tumor material for in vitro assays. Recently it was demonstrated that RNA derived from tumor cells stimulated T cells in an antigen-specific manner. These studies have formed the basis for the development of dendritic cell vaccines that express tumor antigens following translation of tumor RNA. Therefore, it occurred to us that antigen-presenting cells transfected with total tumor RNA might also be valuable in monitoring the antitumor responses induced in patients who participate in clinical trials. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model in which Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)–transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines were used as a source of RNA. Since this RNA encodes for known EBV antigens, it was possible to determine whether the expected responses were observed. Our results show for the first time that T cells primed to APC transfected with RNA isolated from EBV-infected lymphocytes exhibited a fine specificity that enabled them to recognize individual EBV antigens.This work was supported by a Developmental Research Grant from the Derald H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine.  相似文献   

Glycolipid-enriched membrane (GEM) domains, or lipid rafts, function in signaling in immune cells, but their properties during Ag presentation are less clear. To address this question, GEM domains were studied using fluorescence cell imaging of mouse CH27 B cells presenting Ag to D10 T cells. Our experiments showed that APCs were enriched with GEM domains in the immune synapse, and this occurred in an actin-dependent manner. This enrichment was specific to GEM domains, because a marker for non-GEM regions of the membrane was excluded from the immune synapse. Furthermore, fluorescence photobleaching experiments showed that protein in the immune synapse was dynamic and rapidly exchanged with that in other compartments of CH27 cells. To identify the signals for targeting GEM domains to the immune synapse in APCs, capping of the domains was measured in cells after cross-linking surface molecules. This showed that co-cross-linking CD48 with MHC class II was required for efficient capping and intracellular signaling. Capping of GEM domains by co-cross-linking CD48 and MHC class II occurred with co-capping of filamentous actin, and both domain capping and T cell-CH27 cell conjugation were inhibited by pretreating CH27 cells with latrunculin B. Furthermore, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton of the CH27 cells also inhibited formation of a mature immune synapse in those T cells that did conjugate to APCs. Thus, Ag presentation and efficient T cell stimulation occur by an actin-dependent targeting of GEM domains in the APC to the site of T cell engagement.  相似文献   

APCs, like T cells, are affected by calcineurin inhibitors. In this study, we show that calcineurin inhibitors efficiently block MHC-restricted exogenous Ag presentation in vivo. Mice were injected with clinical doses of tacrolimus (FK-506) followed by soluble OVA, and dendritic cells (DCs) were isolated from lymph nodes and spleens. The efficacy of OVA peptide presentation by DCs was evaluated using OVA-specific CD8 and CD4 T cells. Tacrolimus inhibited both class I- and class II-restricted DC presentation of OVA to T cells. Tacrolimus also inhibited both class I- and class II-restricted presentation of OVA in peritoneal macrophages isolated from mice injected with tacrolimus followed by soluble OVA. Tacrolimus-treated peritoneal macrophages, however, were able to present synthetic OVA peptide, SIINFEKL. Inclusion of cyclosporine A to biodegradable microspheres containing OVA greatly reduced their capacity to induce OVA-specific CTL response in mice. These findings provide novel insight into the mode of action of calcineurin inhibitors and have important implications for clinical immunosuppression regimens.  相似文献   

B cells and dendritic cells (DC) internalize and degrade exogenous Ags and present them as peptides bound to MHC class II molecules for scrutiny by CD4(+) T cells. Here we use an Ab specific for a processed form of the model Ag, hen egg lysozyme (HEL), to demonstrate that this protein is not efficiently presented by lymph node DC following s.c. immunization. HEL presentation by the DC can be dramatically enhanced upon coinjection of a microbial adjuvant, which appears to act by enhancing peptide loading onto MHC class II. CD40 cross-linking or the presence of a high frequency of T cells specific for HEL can similarly improve presentation by DC in vivo. For any of these activating stimuli, CD8alpha(+) DC consistently display the highest proportion of HEL-loaded MHC class II molecules. These data indicate that exogenous Ags can be displayed to T cells in lymphoid tissues by a large cohort of resident DC whose presentation is regulated by innate and adaptive stimuli. Our data further reveal the existence of a feedback mechanism that augments Ag presentation during cognate APC-T cell interactions.  相似文献   

The ability of liver sinusoidal lining cells (LSLC), a mixture of Kupffer cells and endothelial cells, to function as antigen-presenting cells (APC) was examined. Guinea pig LSLC were found to present antigen in vitro, albeit somewhat less effectively than a reference population of peritoneal exudate macrophages. The difference in APC function could not be explained by a deficiency of interleukin 1 (IL 1), as LSLC secreted IL 1 and expressed membrane-bound thymocyte stimulatory activity. The ability of LSLC to take up antigen from the portal blood in vivo and present it to primed T lymphocytes in vitro was also investigated. Trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin was injected intraportally into either strain 13 or strain 2 guinea pigs. The LSLC were subsequently isolated by collagenase digestion and density separation and assessed for the ability to induce proliferation of antigen-primed accessory cell-depleted syngeneic peritoneal exudate T lymphocytes in vitro. The in vivo antigen-pulsed LSLC were found to present antigen in vitro to primed T cells in an antigen-specific and genetically restricted manner. T cell DNA synthesis induced by antigen-bearing LSLC could be augmented by coculture with additional accessory cells, but not IL 1-containing macrophage supernatants. Enhancement of responsiveness was not genetically restricted. The demonstration that LSLC can take up, process, and retain antigen in vivo and present it to primed T cells in vitro suggests that LSLC are capable of contributing to the immune response to antigens appearing in portal blood.  相似文献   

Modelling the impact of antigen kinetics on T-cell activation and response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses are thought to be important for the control of many viral and other infections. Qualitative aspects of the CTL response, including the epitope specificity, affinity, and clonal composition, may affect the ability of T cells to mediate infection control. Although it is clear that the mode of introduction and the dose of antigen can affect these qualitative aspects of the response, little is understood of the mechanisms. We have developed an in silico model of the CTL response, which we use to study the impact of antigen dose, antigen kinetics and repeated antigen delivery on the response. The results suggest that recent observations on differences in response to killed antigen can be explained simply by differences in timing of T-cell activation. These findings may provide insight into how different vaccination strategies can quantitatively and qualitatively affect the outcome of the immune response.  相似文献   

B cells are well documented as APC; however, their role in supporting and programming the T cell response in vivo is still unclear. Studies using B cell-deficient mice have given rise to contradictory results. We have used mixed BM chimeric mice to define the contribution that B cells make as APC. When the B cell compartment is deficient in MHC class II, while other APC are largely normal, T cell clonal expansion is significantly reduced and the differentiation of T cells into cytokine-secreting effector cells is impaired (in particular, Th2 cells). The development of the memory T cell populations is also decreased. Although MHC class II-mediated presentation by B cells was crucial for an optimal T cell response, neither a B cell-specific lack of CD40 (influencing costimulation) nor lymphotoxin alpha (influencing lymphoid tissue architecture) had any effect on the T cell response. We conclude that in vivo B cells provide extra and essential Ag presentation capacity over and above that provided by dendritic cells, optimizing expansion and allowing the generation of memory and effector T cells.  相似文献   

Natural Killer T cells (NKT) are critical determinants of the immune response to cancer, regulation of autioimmune disease, clearance of infectious agents, and the development of artheriosclerotic plaques. In this interview, Mitch Kronenberg discusses his laboratory's efforts to understand the mechanism through which NKT cells are activated by glycolipid antigens. Central to these studies is CD1d--the antigen presenting molecule that presents glycolipids to NKT cells. The advent of CD1d tetramer technology, a technique developed by the Kronenberg lab, is critical for the sorting and identification of subsets of specific glycolipid-reactive T cells. Mitch explains how glycolipid agonists are being used as therapeutic agents to activate NKT cells in cancer patients and how CD1d tetramers can be used to assess the state of the NKT cell population in vivo following glycolipid agonist therapy. Current status of ongoing clinical trials using these agonists are discussed as well as Mitch's prediction for areas in the field of immunology that will have emerging importance in the near future.  相似文献   

The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell has long been considered an important regulatory cell, maintaining physiological and structural balance within the retina. We have previously shown that the RPE cell may also be important in autoimmunity and transplantation. These cells can be induced by cytokines to express MHC class II Ag in ocular inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. In this report we show that isolated rat RPE cells can be induced to express class II Ag following incubation with rat rIFN-gamma. The ability of RPE cells to present Ag was determined by both T cell proliferation assays and IL-2 production. Only the Ia-positive RPE cells can present retinal Ag (S-Ag and interphotoreceptor-binding protein) to specifically sensitized rat Th cells. Moreover, the ability of chloroquine to inhibit this activity suggests that the RPE cell is also capable of processing Ag prior to Ag presentation. These studies indicate that cytokine-mediated activation of RPE cells may be a basic component of ocular immunity and an important aspect of RPE cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Here we describe a multiplex, fluorescence-based, in vivo cytotoxic T-cell assay using the three vital dyes carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester, cell trace violet, and cell proliferation dye efluor 670. When used to label cells in combination, these dyes can discriminate >200 different target cell populations in the one animal due to each target population having a unique fluorescence signature based on fluorescence intensity and the different emission wavelengths of the dyes. This allows the simultaneous measurement of the in vivo killing of target cells pulsed with numerous peptides at different concentrations and the inclusion of many replicates. This fluorescent target array killing assay can be used to measure the fine antigen specificity and avidity of polyclonal cytotoxic T-cell responses in vivo, immunological parameters that were previously impossible to monitor.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells at environmental interfaces provide protection from potentially harmful agents, including pathogens. In addition to serving as a physical barrier and producing soluble mediators of immunity, such as cytokines or antimicrobial peptides, these cells are thought to function as nonprofessional APCs. In this regard, intestinal epithelial cells are particularly prominent because they express MHC class II molecules at the site of massive antigenic exposure. However, unlike bone marrow-derived professional APC, such as dendritic cells or B cells, little is known about the mechanisms of MHC class II presentation by the nonprofessional APC in vivo. The former use the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin S (Cat S), whereas thymic cortical epithelial cells use cathepsin L (Cat L) for invariant chain degradation and MHC class II maturation. Unexpectedly, we found that murine Cat S plays a critical role in invariant chain degradation in intestinal epithelial cells. Furthermore, we report that nonprofessional APC present a class II-bound endogenous peptide to naive CD4 T cells in vivo in a Cat S-dependent fashion. These results suggest that in vivo, both professional and nonprofessional MHC class II-expressing APC use Cat S, but not Cat L, for MHC class II-mediated Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Six T-cell clones from SJL mice were prepared from T-cell lines that were obtained by passage with synthetic myoglobin (Mb) peptide 107-120. In addition, a T-cell clone, specific to this region of Mb, was isolated from a Mb-passaged T-cell culture. The proliferative responses of these clones to Mb variants from 14 different species were studied. It was found, as expected, that amino acid replacements within the site affected its recognition by the T-cell clones. In addition to these effects, the T-cell recognition site, like the sites recognized by antibodies, was also influenced by substitutions of residues that are close to site residues in three-dimensional structure but are otherwise distant in sequence. This is noteworthy in view of the fact that six of the clones were selected with a free peptide, and thus the environmental residues are clearly not part of the 'contact' residues of the site. These findings are discussed in relation to the presentation of the antigen and are interpreted as indicating that Mb is presented in its intact form to the T-cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioidomycosis is a mycotic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), that starts with inhalation of the fungus; thus, lung cells such as DC are part of the first line of defense against this microorganism. Migration of DC to the lymph nodes is the first step in initiating T cell responses. The mechanisms involved in resistance to Pb infection are poorly understood, but it is likely that DC play a pivotal role in the induction of effector T cells that control Pb infection. In this study, we showed that after Pb Infection, an important modification of lung DC receptor expression occurred. We observed an increased expression of CCR7 and CD103 on lung DC after infection, as well as MHC-II. After Pb infection, bone marrow-derived DC as well lung DC, migrate to lymph nodes. Migration of lung DC could represent an important mechanism of pathogenesis during PCM infection. In resume our data showed that Pb induced DC migration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that bone marrow-derived DC stimulated by Pb migrate to the lymph nodes and activate a T helper (Th) response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported data showing that Pb induces migration of DC and activate a T helper (Th) response.  相似文献   

Ability of peripheral blood monocytes in association with HLA-DR molecules to support T-cell activation in response to soluble Leishmania donovani antigen was investigated. Adherent cells were stained with monoclonal antibodies. The increased number of cells with DR expression was more efficient in presenting L. donovani antigen to sensitized T-cells. The results suggest that quantitative variation in monocytes with expression of DR molecules, correlates with their ability to support T-cell response to L. donovani antigen, in vitro, as assessed by migration inhibition factor (MIF). However, it is not clear whether this is due to only HLA-DR antigen on the surface or whether other factors are involved.  相似文献   

The regulation of CD28/B7 is important in T-cell activation. It has been argued that its aberrant expression is involved in the radiosensitivity of B-cell-stimulated T-cell response. Here, this possibility is studied in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) induced by minor lymphocyte-stimulating (Mls) antigen-presenting irradiated B cells. By using anti-CD28 antibody, the CD28/B7-2-, LFA-1/ICAM-1-dependent Mls-MLR was found to be restored. By flow cytometry, approximately 70% B cells were lost but with unaffected B7-2 expression, indicating that the moderate CD28 costimulation was caused by mortality of antigen presenting cells. Despite of costimulatory deficiency, T cells were shown primed. However, the expression of early activation markers CD25 and CD69, which was shown unaffected by B7/CD28 blocking, was found partially inhibited. To further understand the regulation, we examined the ICAM-1 expression, and found that it was again not altered on irradiated B cells. Thus, the radiation-induced rapid loss of resting B cells may be the basic mechanism causing insufficient costimulatory activity in radiosensitive B-T interaction. Furthermore, the presence of an element, other than B7-2, involving in controlling early T-cell response is suggested.  相似文献   

The oral administration of antigen can lead to systemic antigen-specific hyporesponsiveness, also known as oral tolerance. This phenomenon is a representative form of immune tolerance to exogenous antigen under physiological conditions. We have previously reported that long term feeding of dietary antigen to ovalbumin-specific T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice induced oral tolerance of peripheral T cells with impairment in their TCR-induced calcium-signaling pathway. In this study, we utilized two-dimensional electrophoresis to compare intracellular protein expression patterns of orally tolerant and unsensitized CD4 T cells. We detected 26 increased and 16 decreased protein spots and identified 35 of these by mass spectrometry. The results indicated that the expression of caspases was up-regulated and that the protein levels of intact proteins susceptible to caspase cleavage, such as Grb2-related adaptor downstream of Shc (GADS), were decreased in orally tolerant CD4 T cells. Western blotting experiments confirmed that expression of the active form of caspase-3 and the antiapoptotic factor, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, were both up-regulated in orally tolerant CD4 T cells, which were found to be nonapoptotic. We further demonstrated that orally tolerant CD4 T cells could not form normal TCR signaling complexes associated with GADS and showed down-regulated phospholipase C-gamma1 activation, which is likely to contribute to the impairment of TCR-induced calcium signaling. Our findings indicate that orally tolerant CD4 T cells up-regulate caspase activation and show decreased levels of caspase-targeted proteins, including TCR signaling-associated molecules, while up-regulating antiapoptotic factors, all of which appear to contribute to their unique tolerant characteristics.  相似文献   

The murine T-lymphoma cell line LBRM-33 is known to require synergistic signals delivered through the antigen receptor (Ti-CD3) complex, together with interleukin 1 (IL-1), for activation of IL-2 gene expression and IL-2 production. Although 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) was capable of replacing IL-1 as an activating stimulus under certain conditions, biologic studies indicated that TPA failed to synergize with Ti-CD3-dependent stimuli under conditions in which IL-1 was clearly active. Acute exposure to TPA and other active phorbol esters resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of the increases in phosphoinositide hydrolysis and intracellular free Ca2+ concentration stimulated by phytohemagglutinin or anti-Ti antibodies. TPA treatment induced no direct alteration of phospholipase C enzymatic activities in LBRM-33 cells. In contrast, both Ti-CD3 cross-linkage and TPA rapidly stimulated the phosphorylation of identical CD3 complex polypeptides, presumably via activation of protein kinase C. Exposure of LBRM-33 cells to TPA resulted in a time-dependent, partial down-regulation of surface Ti-CD3 expression. Thus, TPA treatment inhibited the responsiveness of LBRM-33 cells to Ti-CD3-dependent stimuli by inducing an early desensitization of Ti-CD3 receptors, followed by a decrease in membrane receptor expression. These studies indicate that phorbol esters deliver bidirectional signals that both inhibit Ti-CD3-dependent phosphoinositide hydrolysis and augment IL-2 production in LBRM-33 cells.  相似文献   

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