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Gordon, A. J., Mitchell, D. F., Ryle, G. J. A. and Powell, C.E. 1987. Diurnal production and utilization of photosynthatein nodulated white clover.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 84–98. A steady-state 14C-labelling technique was used to examine thediurnal carbon fixation, storage and export characteristicsof white clover leaves. Approximately 70% of fixed carbon wasexported to other organs during the photoperiod. The remainingcarbon was stored mainly as starch (80% at the end of the photoperiod)with smaller amounts of sucrose, hexoses and charged compounds.Carbon export from the leaf at night was provided by remobilizationof starch. During the photoperiod it was estimated that c.60% of carbonexported from the leaf was directed towards the nodulated root;45% to nodules and 15% to roots. The 40% directed towards theshoot was supplemented by a further 11% of carbon (in the formof amides) re-exported from the nodules. During the photoperiod, all organs of the plant accumulatedcarbohydrate which was available for use during darkness, inconjunction with a diminished supply of exported carbon fromleaves. Nodules exhibited a striking pattern of carbohydratestorage and depletion. The levels of sucrose and starch in thenodules at the end of the photoperiod were sufficient to maintainN2 fixation for 8–9 h of the 12 h dark period. We proposethat continued import from leaves provided the additional sucrosenecessary to support undiminished nodule function throughoutthe entire dark period. Key words: White clover, photosynthate, starch, carbohydrate, nodules, N2 fixation  相似文献   

The economy of carbon in nodulated white lupin (Lupinus albusL.) was studied in terms of consumption of net photosynthatein nitrogen fixation, in maintenance of respiration, and inthe production of dry matter and protein. Net photosynthesisrose to a maximum in early fruiting and then fell abruptly dueto shedding of leaves. Nodulated roots acquired translocateequivalent to 51% of the plant's net photosynthate, 78% of thecarbon of this translocate being respired, 10% entering drymatter, and 12% returning to the shoot attached to productsof nitrogen fixation. Nodules utilized 4?0–6?5 g C infixing 1 g nitrogen. Photosynthate was utilized most effectivelyfor nitrogen fixation in late vegetative growth. Fruits sequestered16% of the plant's net photosynthate, shoot night respiration17%, and dry matter formation in shoot vegetative parts 22%.Averaged over growth, 9?9 g net photosynthate was required toproduce 1 g seed dry matter and 31 g net photosynthate to produce1 g seed protein. Budgets for utilization of the carbon of netphotosynthate were constructed for 10 d intervals of the plant'sgrowth cycle. Feeding of shoots with 14CO2 resulted in radiocarbonbecoming partitioned approximately as predicted by these budgets.The dependence of root respiration on recent photosynthate wasassessed by following the time course of release of 14CO2 tothe rooting medium of the 14CO-labelled plants.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which examine the flux of photosyntheticassimilates from leaves to nodules of soyabean during N2 fixation.The first part, where the respiratory efflux of 14CO2 by noduleswas used as a means of assessing the import of labelled photosynthatefrom leaves, shows that most 14CO2 loss from nodulated rootsis due to the metabolic activity of nodules. Much less photosynthatewas imported by nodules if the metabolic activity associatedwith N2 fixation was inhibited by low O2 concentration. The second part describes the chemical fate of current photosynthateas it is utilized by nodules. Labelled material was detectedin nodules within c.15 min of supplying 14CO2 to the leaf. Thisrose to a maximum at c.70 min before declining by 85% withinthe following 4 h. Most (80%) 14carbon imported by nodules waseither lost as respiratory 14CO2 or re-exported as productsof N2 fixation. Ten per cent of imported carbon was found asstructural material and 10% as starch. Of the 14C soluble in ethanol, most was found in the neutralfraction (80% declining to 50% as sucrose) with smaller amountsas amino acids, organic acids (each category rising from 10%to 20%) and phosphate esters (<5%). Comparison of the distribution of 14C among amino acids, amidesand ureides in the nodules with that of xylem exudates indicatedthat selected compounds were exported from nodules. The 14Cdata indicate that c.80% of the nitrogen exported from noduleswas in the form of ureides (mainly allantoic acid) and only10–12% as amides. Key words: Nodules, 14C-photosynthate, Respiration, Carbon flux  相似文献   

Osaki  M.  Shinano  T.  Yamada  M.  Yamada  S. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(1):123-131
Leaf-root interaction is a critical factor for plant growth during maturation and activity of roots is maintained by a sufficient supply of photosynthates. To explain photosynthate distribution among organs in field crops, the node unit hypothesis is proposed. One node unit consists of a leaf and an upper adventitous root, as well as the axillary organs and the lower adventitious root, which is adjacent to one node. Using 14C as tracer, the carbon distribution system has been clarified using spring wheat, soybean, tomato, and potato. The interrelationship among organs from the strongest to the weakest is in the following order: (1) within the node unit > (2) between the node unit in the same or adjacent phyllotaxy > (3) in the main root or apical organs, which are adjacent to the node unit. Within the node unit, 14C assimilated in the leaf on the main stem tended to distribute to axillary organs in the same node unit. The 14C assimilated in the leaf of axillary organs tended to distribute within the axillary organs, including adventitious roots in the axillary organ and then translocated to the leaf on the main leaf of the same node unit. In different organs of the node unit in the same or adjacent phyllotaxy, 14C assimilated in the leaf on the main stem was also distributed to the organs (node unit) belonging to the same phyllotaxy in dicotyledons, while in monocotyledons, the effect of phyllotaxy on 14C distribution was not clear. Among roots/apical organs and node unit, 14C assimilated in the upper node unit was distributed to apical organs and 14C assimilated in the lower node unit was distributed to roots. Thus the node unit hypothesis of photosynthate distribution among organs is very important for understanding the high productivity of field crops.  相似文献   

Kouchi, H., Yoneyama, T. and Akao, S. 1986. Compartmental analysisof the partitioning of photo-assimilated carbon in nodulatedsoybean plants during the light period.—J. exp. Bot. 37:994–1005. Dynamics of the partitioning of photo-assimilated carbon invegetative nodulated soybean (Glycine max L.) plants in thelight period was investigated by compartmental analysis basedon data from steady-state 13CO2 assimilation experiments. Themodel assumes a total of 18 compartments consisting of activeand temporary storage pools for soluble materials, starch andstructural materials in leaves, stems plus petioles, roots andnodules together with respired carbon from the roots and nodules.Carbon flow between compartments was described by 22 rate parameters.The rate parameters were evaluated by a non-linear least squaresearch method to optimize the fitness of the simulated resultswith the experimental tracer distribution. The compartment model was well applicable to interpret the carbonpartitioning in whole plants. The analysis showed that: (I)The largest carbon flux during the light period was to storagematerials (starch and temporary storage soluble pools) in theabove-ground parts. The total flux to storage pools was considerablylarger than the transporting flux to below-ground parts. (2)The main carbon flux to the nodules was via direct phloem pathwaysfrom the shoot and not via the compartment of root soluble materials.This flux was 72% of the total carbon flux from the shoot tothe nodulated root system. (3) A large amount of carbon wasreturned to the shoot from below-ground parts. The total returnof carbon flux to the shoot (85% from nodules) was equivalentto 54% of the total influx of carbon to below-ground parts.Direct carbon transfers between roots and nodules were relativelysmall. Key words: Compartmental analysis, carbon partitioning, root nodules, Glycine max L., 13CO2, assimilation  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Hobbit) plants were grown in a growth chamber for 56 days in a phosphorus- and nitrogen-deficient soil and were colonized by the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd) Gerd. and Trappe and Rhizobium japonicum strain USDA 136, or by either organism alone, or by neither. Non-VAM plants received supplemental phosphorus and nonnodulated plants supplemental nitrogen to achieve the same rate of growth in all treatments. Plants of all four treatments had the same (P > 0.05) dry weights at harvest, but VAM plants had higher rates of CO2 exchange (CER, P < 0.05) and lower leaf P concentrations (P < 0.01). Leaf nitrogen concentrations were lower in nodulated than in nitrogen-supplemented plants (P < 0.01) while starch concentrations were higher (P < 0.01). There was a significant negative relationship between nitrogen and starch (r = −0.989). Statistical evaluation of the data showed that some parameters (CER, leaf area and phosphorus content) were associated with phosphorus nutrition (or the presence of the VAM fungus), others (leaf fresh weight and root dry weight) with nitrogen nutrition (or the presence of Rhizobium), and some (leaf nitrogen and starch content) by both factors. The development of microsymbiont structures and nodule activity were significantly lower in the tripartite association than in plants colonized by one endophyte only. The findings suggest that endophyte effects go beyond those of simple nutrition and associated source-sink relationships.  相似文献   

Kouchi, H. and Higuchi, T. 1988. Carbon flow from nodulatedroots to the shoots of soybean {Glycine max L. Merr.) plants:An estimation of the contribution of current photosynthate toureides in the xylem stream.–J. exp. Bot. 39: 1015–1023. Well-nodulated, water-cultured soybean plants were allowed toassimilate 13CO2 at a constant specific activity for 10 h andthe 13C-labelling of total carbon and ureides in xylem sap wasinvestigated. Labelled carbon appeared very rapidly in the xylem stream. Percentageof labelled carbon (relative specific activity, RSA) in xylemsap was 18% at 2 h after the start of 13CO2 assimilation andreached 53% at the end of the 10 h assimilation. The amountof labelled carbon exported from nodulated roots to the shootsvia the xylem during the 10 h labelling period accounted for33% of total labelled carbon imported into the nodulated roots.Ureides (allantoin and allantoic acid) in xylem sap were stronglydependent on currently assimilated carbon. The RSA of ureidesin xylem sap had reached 83% at the end of the assimilationperiod. Labelled carbon in ureides accounted for 51% of totallabelled carbon returned from nodulated roots to the shootsvia the xylem during the 10 h assimilation period. A treatmentwith 20 mol m–3 nitrate in the culture medium for 2 ddecreased the ureide concentration in the xylem sap slightly,but greatly decreased the RSA of ureides. By comparing the data with the results of analysis of the xylemsap of nodule-detached plants, it was concluded that the majorityof labelled carbon exported to the xylem stream from noduleswas in ureide form. A considerable amount of carbon was alsoreturned from roots to shoots via the xylem stream but it wasmore dependent on (non-labelled) carbon reserved in the roottissues. Key words: Soybean(Glycine max L.), root nodule, carbon partitoning, 13CO2 assimilation, xylem  相似文献   

The movement of photosynthetically incorporated carbon downthe stem of soybean plants has been studied in vivo using carbondioxide labelled with the short-lived isotope 11C. The rateof accumulation of radioactivity at several points in the stemwas measured during continuous illumination. This accumulationrate quickly became constant and remained so for at least severalhours. The effects of stopping photosynthesis, of removing thelabelled carbon dioxide, and of different light pretreatmentsof the plants were investigated. The results are discussed interms of a flow translocation process and a pool of labelledphotosynthate in the upper part of the plant.  相似文献   

The transport of photosynthetically incorporated carbon downthe soybean stem is discussed in terms of flow from a reservoirin the upper part of the plant. A comparison of this model withthe experimental data from the preceding paper leads to an estimateof translocation velocity of about 60 cm. per hr. and to leakageof material from the sieve tubes of about o.8 per cent. percm. of stem traversed. The effects of velocity distributionsand delays in the translocation system are considered.  相似文献   

Yamagata, M., Kouchi, H. and Yoneyama, T. 1987. Partitioningand utilization of photosynthate produced at different growthstages after anthesis in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.): Analysisby long term 13C-labelling experiments.—J. exp. Bot. 38:1247–1259. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. var. Akishirome) plants were allowedto assimilate 13CO2 with a constant specific activity for 10h at different growth stages (a total of seven times at aboutone week intervals) after anthesis. The plants were harvestedperiodically until the time of full maturity and the partitioningof 13C into individual plant parts was investigated with anemphasis on the contribution of carbon assimilated at differentgrowth stages to the seed formation. Carbon assimilated at the middle to late seed-filling stagecontributed most to the seed production; one day contributionaccounted for 3–4% in total carbon of the seed at fullmaturity. Integrated contribution of carbon assimilated afteranthesis was estimated as 96% of the final seed carbon. An approximationbased on the temporal data of the incorporation of labelledcarbon into the seeds indicates that 77% of the final seed carboncame from direct transfer of current photosynthate from sourceleaves, which occurred within a few days after the photosyntheticfixation, while the rest originated from remobilization of carbonreserved mainly in leaves and stems plus petioles. In comparison with the total carbon accumulation in the seeds,protein carbon in the seeds was relatively more dependent onphotosynthate produced during the early period of reproductivegrowth stage, whereas lipid carbon was more dependent on photosynthateproduced during the later reproductive stage. Key words: Photosynthate partitioning, soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), 13CO2 assimilation, seed formation  相似文献   

Cho MJ  Harper JE 《Plant physiology》1991,96(4):1277-1282
It was previously reported that the hypernodulating soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) mutants, derived from the cultivar Williams, had higher root concentration of isoflavonoid compounds (daidzein, genistein, and coumestrol) than did Williams at 9 to 12 days after inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. These compounds are known inducers of nod genes in B. japonicum and may be involved in subsequent nodule development. The current study involving reciprocal grafts between NOD1-3 (hypernodulating mutant) and Williams showed that root isoflavonoid concentration and content was more than twofold greater when the shoot genotype was NOD1-3. When grafted, NOD1-3 shoots also induced hypernodulation on roots of both Williams and NOD1-3, while Williams shoots induced normal nodulation on both root genotypes. This shoot control of hypernodulation may be causally related to differential root isoflavonoid levels, which are also controlled by the shoot. In contrast, the nonnodulating characteristic of the NN5 mutant was strictly root controlled, based on reciprocal grafts. Delayed inoculation (7 days after planting) resulted in greater nodule numbers on both NOD1-3 and Williams, compared with a seed inoculation treatment. The nodulation pattern of grafted plants was independent of whether the shoot portion was derived from inoculated seed or uninoculated seed, when grafted at day 7 onto seedling roots derived from inoculated seed. This observation, coupled with the fact that no difference existed in nodule number of NOD1-3 and Williams until after 9 days from seed inoculation, indicated that if isoflavonoids play a role in differential nodulation of the hypernodulating mutant and the wild type, the effect is on advanced stages of nodule ontogeny, possibly related to autoregulation, rather than on initial infection stages.  相似文献   

Well-nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants were allowedto assimilate 13CO2 for 10 h in the light, under steady-stateconditions in which CO2 concentration and 13C abundance wereboth strictly controlled at constant levels. The respiratoryevolution of 13CO2 from roots and nodules and 13C incorporationinto various metabolic fractions were measured during the 13CO2feeding and subsequent 48 h chase period. CO2 respired from nodules was much more rapidly labelled with13C than that from roots. The level of labelling (percentageof carbon currently assimilated during the 13COM2 feeding period)of CO2 respired from nodules reached a maximum of about 87 percent after 4 h of steady-state l3CO2 assimilation and thereafterremained fairly constant. The absolute amount of labelled carbonevolved by the respiration of the nodules during the 10 h 13CO2feeding period was 1·5-fold that of root respiration.These results demonstrated that the currently assimilated (labelled)carbon was preferentially used to support nodule respiration,while root respiration relied considerably on earlier (non-labelled)carbon reserved in the roots. Sucrose pools were mostly composed of currently assimilatedcarbon in all tissues of the plants, since the levels of labellingaccounted for 86–91 per cent at the end of the 13CO2 feeding.In the nodules, the kinetics and levels of sucrose labellingwere in fairly good agreement with those of respired CO2, whilein the roots, the level of labelling of respired CO2 was significantlylower than that of sucrose. Succinate and malate were highly labelled in both roots andnodules but they were labelled much more slowly than sucroseand respired CO2. The kinetics and levels of labelling of theseKrebs cycle intermediates resembled those of major amino acidswhich are derived directly from Krebs cycle intermediates. Itis suggested that large fractions of organic acids in noduleswere physically separate from the respiration site. Glycine max L., Soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, respiratory evolution of 13CO2, carbon metabolism in root nodules  相似文献   

The assimilation of 15NH3 by crude breis prepared from crushedsoybean nodules was examined. The highest enrichment during60 min of reaction time with 15N was found in alanine and thenext highest in the amide-N of asparagine and glutamate. Thelabelling of allantoic acid was relatively low, although itwas higher than that of other amino compounds. Nodule breiswere separated into a bacteroid fraction and a supernatant plantfraction, and the 15NH3 incorporation into the main nitrogencompounds by each fraction was determined. The bacteroid fractionwas much more efficient in converting 15NH3 into glutamate,alanine and glycine than the supernatant fraction, while forallantoic acid, the supernatant fraction showed a greater ability.The incorporation of 15NH3 into allantoic acid was stronglyinhibited by the addition of azaserine or allopurinol, and enhancedby organic acid compounds, especially fumarate, succinate andmalate. The mode of ureide formation in the course of ammoniaassimilation in the soybean nodule is discussed. 1Present address: Department of Pharmacology, Nara Medical University,Kashihara, Nara 634, Japan. (Received February 2, 1981; Accepted May 16, 1981)  相似文献   

薛仁镐  张标 《遗传学报》2007,34(4):339-346
茉莉酸甲酯是一种调节植物形态发生、诱导防御相关基因的植物信号转导分子。为了解内源茉莉酸甲酯在植物发育中的作用,将编码茉莉酸甲基转移酶的NTR1基因与CaMV 35S启动子连接并导入大豆植株。PCR及Northern杂交结果表明,NTR1基因稳定整合在大豆基因组并得到过量表达。与野生型植株相比,转基因大豆叶片与根的形态发生了显著的变化。大部分转基因大豆叶片变得细长,初生根生长受到抑制而侧根的生长却受到促进。定量分析结果表明,转基因大豆植株叶片中茉莉酸甲酯的含量比对照高出 2~2.5 倍。这些结果表明,内源茉莉酸甲酯的积累参与了大豆形态发生的调控。  相似文献   



Flooding significantly reduces the growth and grain yield of soybean plants. Proteomic and biochemical techniques were used to determine whether the function of cotyledon and root is altered in soybean under flooding stress.


Two-day-old soybean plants were flooded for 2 days, after which the proteins from root and cotyledon were extracted for proteomic analysis. In response to flooding stress, the abundance of 73 and 28 proteins was significantly altered in the root and cotyledon, respectively. The accumulation of only one protein, 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) (Glyma17g08020.1), increased in both organs following flooding. The ratio of protein abundance of HSP70 and biophoton emission in the cotyledon was higher than those detected in the root under flooding stress. Computed tomography and elemental analyses revealed that flooding stress decreases the number of calcium oxalate crystal the cotyledon, indicating calcium ion was elevated in the cotyledon under flooding stress.


These results suggest that calcium might play one role through HSP70 in the cotyledon under flooding stress.  相似文献   

Seventy-five per cent of the N2-fixing activity (measured asthe reduction of C2H2 to C2H4) and 50 per cent of the respiratoryactivity of detached soybean root nodules was lost when thewater potential () of the nodules was lowered from approximately–1 ? 105 Pa (turgid nodules) to –9 ? 105 Pa (moderatelystressed nodules). Severely stressed nodules ( = –1.8? 106 Pa) showed almost total loss of N2-fixing activity andup to 80 per cent loss of respiratory activity. Increasing theoxygen partial pressure (PO2) from 104 to 105 Pa completelyrestored both N2-fixation and respiration in moderately stressednodules, but only partial recovery was possible in severelystressed nodules. The activity of the stressed nodules was verylow at low PO2 (5 ? 103 and 104 Pa). The C2H2-reducing activityof nodule slices, nodule breis, and bacteroids from turgid andmoderately stressed nodules was almost identical but some activitywas lost in the breis and bacteroids from severely stressednodules. Calculations showed that at low PO2 (104 and 2 ? 104Pa), the rate of O2 diffusion into severely stressed noduleswas ten times lower than that for turgid nodules, but only fourtimes lower at a higher PO2 (4 ? 104 Pa). Carbon monoxide inhibitionof C2H2 reduction was slower in stressed nodules than in turgidnodules. The results are discussed in view of the possible developmentof a physical barrier to gaseous diffusion and/or the possiblealtered affinity of the nodule leghaemoglobin for O2 in thewater-stressed nodules.  相似文献   

The extracts from leaves of nodulated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. ) cv. Bragg and its nodulated mutants i. e. non-nodulated Nod 49, supernodulated nts 382 and nts 246 contained inhibitors of activities iNR, c1NR and c2NR in vitro. Both white light illumination of 300 μE · m-2 · s-1 and inoculation with strain USDAll0 were essential conditions for ac- cumulating these inhibitors in leaves. Comparing inhibiting activities of the extracts from different varieties indicated that Nod 49 extract showed stronger inhibition than Bragg extract did, but nts 382 extract had only weakest inhibitory effect. The inoculated Bragg root extract possessed the same inhibitory activity as its leaf extract. The inoculated nts 382 root extract, like its leaf extract, showed only a little inhibitory activity. However inoculated Nod 49 root extract lead to an inhibition of leaf c2NR activity, which was different from its leaf extract that inhibited three kinds of NR activities. The above results suggested that both leaf and root extracts contained common inhibitory factor which was accumulated after inoculation.  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):875-882
A long-term, steady-state 13CO2 assimilation system at a constantCO2 concentration with a constant 13C abundance was designedand applied to quantitative investigations on the allocationof photoassimilated carbon in nodulated soya bean (Glycine maxL.) plants. The CO2 concentration in the assimilation chamberand its 13C abundance were maintained constant with relativevariances of less than ±0.5 per cent during an 8-h assimilationperiod. At the termination of 8-h 13CO2 assimilation by plantsat early flowering stage, the currently assimilated carbon relativeto total tissue carbon (measured by the degree of isotopic saturation)were for young leaves (including flower buds), 13.9 per cent;mature leaves, 15.7 per cent; stems+petioles, 5.9 per cent;roots, 5.4 per cent and nodules, 6.9 per cent, 48 h after theend of the 13CO2 assimilation period, they were 12.3, 7.5, 7.4,6.8 and 6.1 per cent, respectively. The treatment with a highconcentration of nitrate in the nutrient media significantlydecreased the allocation of 13C into nodules. Experiments on13CO2 assimilation by plants at the pod-filling stage were alsoconducted. Labelling by 13C was weaker than at the early floweringstage, but an intense accumulation of 13C into reproductiveorgans was observed. Glycine max L., nodulated soya bean plants, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon dynamics  相似文献   

The response of leaf water potential to change in transpirationrate was examined in young soybean and cotton plants. Leaf waterpotential measured 1 h after transpiration became constant followinga change in humidity and was constant over a wide range of transpirationrates in both species. However, leaf water potential was notin equilibrium with flow until 3 h after transpiration becameconstant. At equilibrium an increase in transpiration alwaysresulted in a decrease in leaf water potential. It was alsofound that different responses of equilbrium leaf water potentialto transpiration rate occurred depending on whether transpirationwas altered by changing humidity, light intensity, or leaf area.Low light and decreased leaf area caused lower leaf water potentialsfor a given transpiration rate. These increases in root resistancecorrelated with lower rates of root elongation. The data indicatethat shoot-root interactions are occurring which affect apparentroot resistance to water flow, and complicate interpretationof whole plant data on leaf water potential and transpirationin terms of the flow dependence of root hydraulic characteristics.  相似文献   

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