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Yoo SY  Kim Y  Kim SY  Lee JS  Ahn JH 《PloS one》2007,2(7):e642

Polyploidy is prevalent in nature. As the fate of duplicated genes becomes more complicated when the encoded proteins function as oligomers, functional investigations into duplicated oligomer‐encoding genes in polyploid genomes will facilitate our understanding of how traits are expressed. In this study, we identified GmCHLI1, a gene encoding the I subunit of magnesium (Mg)‐chelatase, which functions in hexamers as responsible for the semi‐dominant etiolation phenotype in soybean. Four GmCHLI copies derived from two polyploidy events were identified in the soybean genome. Further investigation with regard to expression patterns indicated that these four copies have diverged into two pairs; mutation in the other copy of the pair that includes GmCHLI1 also resulted in a chlorophyll‐deficient phenotype. Protein interaction assays showed that these four GmCHLIs can interact with each other, but stronger interactions were found with mutated subunits. The results indicate that, in polyploidy, deficiency in each copy of duplicated oligomer‐encoding genes could result in a mutant phenotype due to hetero‐oligomer formation, which is different from the model of allelic dosage or functional redundancy. In addition, we interestingly found an increase in isoflavonoids in the heterozygous etiolated plants, which might be useful for improving soybean seed quality.  相似文献   

In a screen for MADS box genes which activate and/or repress flowering in rice, we identified a gene encoding a MADS domain protein (OsSOC1) related to the Arabidopsis gene AtSOC1. AtSOC1 and OsSOC1 show a 97% amino acid similarity in their MADS domain. The rice gene contains a large first intron of 27.6 kb compared to the 1 kb intron in Arabidopsis. OsSOC1 is located on top of the short arm of chromosome 3, tightly linked to the heading date locus, Hd9. OsSOC1 is expressed in vegetative tissues, and expression is elevated at the time of floral initiation, 40-50 days after sowing, and remains uniformly high thereafter, similar to the expression pattern of AtSOC1. The constitutive expression of OsSOC1 in Arabidopsis results in early flowering, suggesting that the rice gene is a functional equivalent of AtSOC1. We were not able to identify FLC-like sequences in the rice genome; however, we show that ectopic expression of the Arabidopsis FLC delays flowering in rice, and the up-regulation of OsSOC1 at the onset of flowering initiation is delayed in the AtFLC transgenic lines. The reciprocal recognition and flowering time effects of genes introduced into either Arabidopsis or rice suggest that some components of the flowering pathways may be shared. This points to a potential application in the manipulation of flowering time in cereals using well characterized Arabidopsis genes.  相似文献   

Successful sexual reproduction in plants relies upon the strict coordination of flowering time with favourable seasons of the year. One of the most important seasonal cues for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) is day length. Genes influencing flowering time in Arabidopsis have been isolated, some of which are involved in the perception and signalling of day length. This review discusses recent progress that has been made in understanding how Arabidopsis integrates environmental and internal signals to ensure a sharp transition to flowering and new insights on the role of the circadian clock in controlling the expression of genes that promote flowering in response to day length.  相似文献   

水稻开花光周期调控相关基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻开花调控是一个极其复杂的生命过程,由自身遗传因素和外界环境共同决定。光周期途径是调控水稻开花的关键途径,在这个途径中成花素基因Hd3a和RTF1处于核心地位,其上游调控途径主要包括Hd1依赖途径、Ehd1依赖途径及不依赖于Hd1和Ehd1的途径。这3条途径在汇集了光信号的各种信息后,将信号在Hd3a和RTF1处整合,并通过成花素形式将信息传递给下游开花基因,调控水稻开花。本文从成花素、光信号感受基因和昼夜节律基因、成花素上游调控基因、互作蛋白和下游调控基因等几方面阐述水稻开花光周期调控相关基因的研究现状,为水稻开花调控的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic mechanisms regulating the transition from the vegetative to reproductive growth in Arabidopsis, double mutants between three different early-flowering mutants, early flowering 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, (elf 1-1, 2-1, 3-1) and five different late-flowering mutants, gi-1, ft-1, fwa-1, ld-1, and fca-9, were constructed and phenotypes analyzed. Double mutants in all combinations displayed the late-flowering phenotypes which resembled their respective late-flowering parents in both flowering time and the number of vegetative leaves produced. The results indicate that five late-flowering mutants are epistatic to all three early-flowering mutants tested here. This epistatic relationship suggests that ELF1, ELF2, and ELF3 genes function upstream of these five late-flowering genes no matter if they are functioning in autonomous or photoperiod pathways. These three early-flowering genes may negatively modify the activity of most late-flowering genes to influence the time of the vegetative-to-reproductive transition in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD54 gene has critical roles in DNA double-strand break repair, homologous recombination, and gene targeting. Previous results show that the yeast gene enhances gene targeting when expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this work we address the trans-species compatibility of Rad54 functions. We show that overexpression of yeast RAD54 in Arabidopsis enhances DNA damage resistance severalfold. Thus, the yeast gene is active in the Arabidopsis homologous-recombination repair system. Moreover, we have identified an A. thaliana ortholog of yeast RAD54, named AtRAD54. This gene, with close sequence similarity to RAD54, complements methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) sensitivity but not UV sensitivity or gene targeting defects of rad54Delta mutant yeast cells. Overexpression of AtRAD54 in Arabidopsis leads to enhanced resistance to DNA damage. This gene's assignment as a RAD54 ortholog is further supported by the interaction of AtRad54 with AtRad51 and the interactions between alien proteins (i.e., yeast Rad54 with AtRAD51 and yeast Rad51 with AtRad54) in a yeast two-hybrid experiment. These interactions hint at the molecular nature of this interkingdom complementation, although the stronger effect of the yeast Rad54 in plants than AtRad54 in yeast might be explained by an ability of the Rad54 protein to act alone, independently of its interaction with Rad51.  相似文献   

Studies on MADS-box genes in Arabidopsis and other higher eudicotyledonous flowering plants have shown that they are key regulators of flower development. Since Arabidopsis and monocotyledonous rice are distantly related plant species it is interesting to investigate whether the floral organ identity factors have been conserved in their functions, and if not, to understand the differences. Arabidopsis and rice are very suitable for these studies since they are both regarded as models for plant functional genomics. Both their genomes are sequenced and tools are available for the analysis of gene function. These developments have accelerated experiments and increased our knowledge on rice gene function. Therefore it is the right moment to perform a comparative analysis on MADS-box factors controlling floral organ identity as reported in this review.  相似文献   

Regulation of flowering time in rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Flowering plants produce floral meristems in response to intrinsic and extrinsic flowering inductive signals. In Arabidopsis, the floral meristem identity genes LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1) are activated to play a pivotal role in specifying floral meristems during floral transition. We show here that the emerging floral meristems require AP1 to partly specify their floral identities by directly repressing a group of flowering time genes, including SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP), AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) and SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO1 (SOC1). In wild-type plants, these flowering time genes are normally downregulated in emerging floral meristems. In the absence of AP1, these genes are ectopically expressed, transforming floral meristems into shoot meristems. By post-translational activation of an AP1-GR fusion protein and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we further demonstrate the repression of these flowering time genes by induced AP1 activity and in vivo AP1 binding to the cis-regulatory regions of these genes. These findings indicate that once AP1 is activated during the floral transition, it acts partly as a master repressor in floral meristems by directly suppressing the expression of flowering time genes, thus preventing the continuation of the shoot developmental program.  相似文献   

Chromatin-mediated regulation of flowering time in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

There is currently tremendous interest in the possibility of using genome-wide association mapping to identify genes responsible for natural variation, particularly for human disease susceptibility. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is in many ways an ideal candidate for such studies, because it is a highly selfing hermaphrodite. As a result, the species largely exists as a collection of naturally occurring inbred lines, or accessions, which can be genotyped once and phenotyped repeatedly. Furthermore, linkage disequilibrium in such a species will be much more extensive than in a comparable outcrossing species. We tested the feasibility of genome-wide association mapping in A. thaliana by searching for associations with flowering time and pathogen resistance in a sample of 95 accessions for which genome-wide polymorphism data were available. In spite of an extremely high rate of false positives due to population structure, we were able to identify known major genes for all phenotypes tested, thus demonstrating the potential of genome-wide association mapping in A. thaliana and other species with similar patterns of variation. The rate of false positives differed strongly between traits, with more clinal traits showing the highest rate. However, the false positive rates were always substantial regardless of the trait, highlighting the necessity of an appropriate genomic control in association studies.  相似文献   

A small family of plant proteins, designated PSEUDO RESPONSE REGULATORS (PRRs), is crucial for a better understanding of the molecular link between circadian rhythm and photoperiodic control of flowering time in the dicotyledonous model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Recently, we showed that the monocotyledonous model plant Oryza sativa also has homologous members of the OsPRR family (Oryza sativa PRR). In the previous experiments with rice, we mainly characterized a japonica variety (Nipponbare). By employing an indica variety (Kasalath), in this study we further characterized OsPRRs with reference to the photoperiod sensitivity Hd (Heading date) QTL (quantitative trait loci) implicated in the control of flowering time in rice. The circadian-controlled and sequential expression profiles of the five OsPRR genes were observed not only for Nipponbare but also for Kasalath. Then each of these OsPRR genes was mapped on the rice chromosomes. Among these OsPRR genes, OsPRR37 was mapped very closely to Hd2-QTL, which was identified as the major locus that enhances the photoperiod sensitivity of flowering in Nipponbare. Furthermore, we found that Kasalath has a severe mutational lesion in the OsPRR37 coding sequence.  相似文献   

To identify the ecological and genetic mechanisms of local adaptation requires estimating selection on traits, identifying their genetic basis, and evaluating whether divergence in adaptive traits is due to conditional neutrality or genetic trade‐offs. To this end, we conducted field experiments for three years using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from two ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (Italy, Sweden), and at each parental site examined selection on flowering time and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL). There was strong selection for early flowering in Italy, but weak selection in Sweden. Eleven distinct flowering time QTL were detected, and for each the Italian genotype caused earlier flowering. Twenty‐seven candidate genes were identified, two of which (FLC and VIN3) appear under major flowering time QTL in Italy. Seven of eight QTL in Italy with narrow credible intervals colocalized with previously reported fitness QTL, in comparison to three of four in Sweden. The results demonstrate that the magnitude of selection on flowering time differs strikingly between our study populations, that the genetic basis of flowering time variation is multigenic with some QTL of large effect, and suggest that divergence in flowering time between ecotypes is due mainly to conditional neutrality.  相似文献   

Genetic control of flowering time in rice, a short-day plant.   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
M Yano  S Kojima  Y Takahashi  H Lin  T Sasaki 《Plant physiology》2001,127(4):1425-1429

Flowering of the facultative long-day plant Arabidopsis is controlled by several endogenous and environmental factors, among them gibberellins (GAs) and day length. The promotion of flowering by long days involves an endogenous clock that interacts with light cues provided by the environment. Light, and specifically photoperiod, is also known to regulate the biosynthesis of GAs, but the effects of GAs and photoperiod on flowering are at least partially separable. Here, we have used a short-period mutant, toc1, to investigate the role of the circadian clock in the control of flowering time by GAs and photoperiod. We show that toc1 affects expression of several floral regulators and a GA biosynthetic gene, but that these effects are independent.  相似文献   

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