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Environmental antibiotic contamination is due mainly to improper and illegal disposal of these molecules that, yet pharmacologically active, are excreted by humans and animals. These compounds contaminate soil, water and plants. Many studies have reported the bioaccumulation of antibiotics in plants and their negative effects on photosynthesis, cell growth and oxidative balance. Therefore, the principal objective of this paper was the study of antibiotic accumulation sites in plants and its uptake modality. Iberis sempervirens L., grown in soil and in agar in the presence or absence of tetracycline, were used as a model system. Using confocal and transmission electron microscopy, we demonstrated that tetracycline was absorbed and propagated in plants through apoplastic transport and also accumulated in intercellular spaces. Tetracycline was rarely detected inside cells (in cytoplasm and mitochondria where, coherent to its pharmacological activity, it probably affected ribosomes), except in stomata. Moreover, we verified and clarified further the phytotoxic effects of tetracycline on plants. We observed that the antibiotic induced a large reduction in plant growth and development and inhibition of photosynthetic activity. As tetracycline may lead to oxidative stress in plants, plant cells tried to balance this disequilibrium by increasing the amount and activity of some endogenous enzyme antioxidant agents (superoxide dismutase 1 and catalase) and levels of antiradical secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

The intercellular peroxidase and chitinase activities of three wheat cultivars [Triticum aestivum L. cvs `Tugela DN', `Molopo DN' (Gariep) and `Betta DN'] containing the Dn-1 gene for resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA) Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and the corresponding near-isogenic susceptible cultivars (`Tugela', `Molopo' and `Betta') were studied under conditions of infestation and non-infestation. The aim was to gain information on the mechanism of resistance. The resistance response was induced by RWA infestation. Infestation rapidly induced the activities of both enzymes selectively in resistant wheat to levels of magnitudes higher than those in susceptible wheat. The genetic background in which the Dn-1 resistance gene is bred played a role and the level of activity corresponded to the level of resistance. Immunologic studies confirmed that the induction of enzyme activities was due to the induction of higher protein levels. These results indicate that peroxidase and chitinase may have a role in insect resistance. Received: 20 June 1997 / Revision received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

A tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) monogenic semidominant mutation, stamenless (sl), which results in homeotic conversions in two adjacent floral whorls, was studied. When grown at standard temperature, flowers of sl/sl plants showed sepaloid petals in the second whorl and strong transformation of stamens to carpels in whorl three. These transformed carpels were fused with each other and with the genuine carpels in the fourth whorl to form a unique gynoecium. The mutation is semidominant since heterozygous plants showed a phenotype intermediate between that of the wild type (WT) and that of homozygous mutant plants, with nearly WT petals but with feminized stamens bearing naked ovules on the base of their adaxial face. The initiation and position of organ primordia in sl/sl flowers were not altered when compared with WT primordia although development of organ primordia in the second and third whorls deviated from WT at an early stage as observed by scanning electron microscopy. The mutant phenotype is temperature sensitive and when sl/sl plants were cultured at low temperature, the morphology of some flowers resembled that of the WT. This reversion of the mutant phenotype is also induced by treatment of young sl/sl plants with gibberellic acid, providing evidence that gibberellin synthesis or sensitivity could mediate the effect of low temperature on the mutant phenotype. Southern blot analyses using a Deficiens-homologous gene from Solanum tuberosum as a probe showed a restriction-fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) linked to the sl mutation. This result indicates that the mutation affects a Deficiens-like gene that controls the identity of petals and stamens. Received: 10 December 1998 / Accepted: 29 March 1999  相似文献   

Saliva plays a dual role in oxidation process in stomach medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of saliva in the oxidation process under the acidic condition of the stomach. Saliva specimens played varied roles in the lipid peroxidation process of heated muscle tissue in simulated gastric fluid: pro-oxidant effects, no effects, and antioxidant effects. To elucidate these differences, selected saliva components were examined. The pseudoperoxidase activity of lactoperoxidase increased lipid peroxidation, while thiocyanate and nitrite-reduced lipid peroxidation. The effect of a saliva specimen on lipid peroxidation was correlated with the concentration of nitrite in the specimen, but not with that of other saliva components. The inhibitory effect of nitrite may be due to its conversion to NO. Elucidation of the antioxidant effect of saliva on co-oxidation of d-alpha-tocopherol in gastric fluid, demonstrated that saliva alone cannot protect d-alpha-tocopherol from co-oxidation, although it partially protected against lipid peroxidation. The presence of red wine polyphenols in stomach medium totally inhibits food lipid peroxidation and d-alpha-tocopherol co-oxidation.  相似文献   

Inorganic pyrophosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt-PPase) is one of the possible targets for the rational design of anti-tuberculosis agents. In this paper, functional properties of this enzyme are characterized in the presence of the most effective activators--Mg2+ and Mn2+. Dissociation constants of Mt-PPase complexed with Mg2+ or Mn2+ are essentially similar to those of Escherichia coli PPase. Stability of a hexameric form of Mt-PPase has been characterized as a function of pH both for the metal-free enzyme and for Mg2+- or Mn2+-enzyme. Hexameric metal-free Mt-PPase has been shown to dissociate, forming monomers at pH below 4 or trimers at pH from 8 to 10. Mg2+ or Mn2+ shift the hexamer-trimer equilibrium found for the apo-Mt-PPase at pH 8-10 toward the hexameric form by stabilizing intertrimeric contacts. The pK(a) values have been determined for groups that control the observed hexamer-monomer (pK(a) 5.4), hexamer-trimer (pK(a) 7.5), and trimer-monomer (pK(a) 9.8) transitions. Our results demonstrate that due to the non-conservative amino acid residues His21 and His86 in the active site of Mt-PPase, substrate specificity of this enzyme, in contrast to other typical PPases, does not depend on the nature of the metal cofactor.  相似文献   

Allosamidin is a known inhibitor of class 18 chitinases. We show that allosamidin is a competitive inhibitor of the fungal chitinase CiX1 from Coccidioides immitis, with a K(i) of 60 nM. We report the X-ray structure of the complex and show that upon inhibitor binding the side-chain of Asp169 rotates to form an ion pair with the oxazolinium cation. The mechanism of action is thought to involve protonation of the leaving group by Glu171 and substrate assistance by the sugar acetamido moiety to form an oxazoline-like intermediate. We converted both amino acid residues to the corresponding amide and found that each mutation effectively abolishes enzyme activity. X-ray structures show the mutant enzymes retain the basic wild-type structure and that the loss of mutant activity is due to their altered chemical properties. The high affinity of allosamidin, and its similarity to the putative reaction intermediate, suggests it is a transition state analog. This helps validate our contention that the role of Asp169 is to electrostatically stabilize the reaction transition state.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the spindle position checkpoint ensures that cells do not exit mitosis until the mitotic spindle moves into the mother/bud neck and thus guarantees that each cell receives one nucleus [1-6]. Mitotic exit is controlled by the small G protein Tem1p. Tem1p and its GTPase activating protein (GAP) Bub2p/Bfa1p are located on the daughter-bound spindle pole body. The GEF Lte1p is located in the bud. This segregation helps keep Tem1p in its inactive GDP state until the spindle enters the neck. However, the checkpoint functions without Lte1p and apparently senses cytoplasmic microtubules in the mother/bud neck [7-9]. To investigate this mechanism, we examined mutants defective for septins, which compose a ring at the neck [10]. We found that the septin mutants sep7Delta and cdc10Delta are defective in the checkpoint. When movement of the spindle into the neck was delayed, mitotic exit occurred, inappropriately leaving both nuclei in the mother. In sep7Delta and cdc10Delta mutants, Lte1p is mislocalized to the mother. In sep7Delta, but not cdc10Delta, mutants, inappropriate mitotic exit depends on Lte1p. These results suggest that septins serve as a diffusion barrier for Lte1p, and that Cdc10p is needed for the septin ring to serve as a scaffold for a putative microtubule sensor.  相似文献   

Corrosion is the result of a series of chemical, physical and (micro) biological processes leading to the deterioration of materials such as steel and stone. It is a world-wide problem with great societal and economic consequences. Current corrosion control strategies based on chemically produced products are under increasing pressure of stringent environmental regulations. Furthermore, they are rather inefficient. Therefore, there is an urgent need for environmentally friendly and sustainable corrosion control strategies. The mechanisms of microbially influenced corrosion and microbially influenced corrosion inhibition are not completely understood, because they cannot be linked to a single biochemical reaction or specific microbial species or groups. Corrosion is influenced by the complex processes of different microorganisms performing different electrochemical reactions and secreting proteins and metabolites that can have secondary effects. Information on the identity and role of microbial communities that are related to corrosion and corrosion inhibition in different materials and in different environments is scarce. As some microorganisms are able to both cause and inhibit corrosion, we pay particular interest to their potential role as corrosion-controlling agents. We show interesting interfaces in which scientists from different disciplines such as microbiology, engineering and art conservation can collaborate to find solutions to the problems caused by corrosion.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of multimeric protein complexes of the inner mitochondrial membrane in yeast requires a number of nuclear-coded ancillary proteins. One of these, Pet100p, is required for cytochrome c oxidase. Previous studies have shown that Pet100p is not required for the synthesis, processing, or targeting of cytochrome c oxidase subunits to the mitochondrion nor for heme A biosynthesis. Here, we report that Pet100p does not affect the localization of cytochrome c oxidase subunit polypeptides to the inner mitochondrial membrane but instead functions after they have arrived at the inner membrane. We have also localized Pet100p to the inner mitochondrial membrane in wild type cells, where it is present in a subassembly (Complex A) with cytochrome c oxidase subunits VII, VIIa, and VIII. Pet100p does not interact with the same subunits after they have been assembled into the holoenzyme. In addition, we have identified two subassemblies that are present in pet100 null mutant cells: one subassembly (Complex A') is composed of subunits VII, VIIa, and VIII but not Pet100p, and another subassembly (Complex B) is composed of subunits Va and VI. Because pet100 null mutant cells lack assembled cytochrome c oxidase but accumulate Complexes A' and B it appears likely that these subassemblies of cytochrome c oxidase subunits are intermediates along an assembly pathway for holocytochrome c oxidase and that Pet100p functions in this pathway to facilitate the interaction(s) between Complex A' and other cytochrome c oxidase subassemblies and subunits.  相似文献   

Alpha helices, beta strands, and loops are the basic building blocks of protein structure. The folding kinetics of alpha helices and beta strands have been investigated extensively. However, little is known about the formation of loops. Experimental studies show that for some proteins, the formation of a single loop is the rate-determining step for folding, whereas for others, a loop (or turn) can misfold to serve as the hinge loop region for domain-swapped species. Computer simulations of an all-atom model of fragment B of Staphylococcal protein A found that the formation of a single loop initiates the dominant folding pathway. On the other hand, the stability analysis of intermediates suggests that the same loop is a likely candidate to serve as a hinge loop for domain swapping. To interpret the simulation result, we developed a simple structural parameter: the loop contact distance (LCD), or the sequence distance of contacting residues between a loop and the rest of the protein. The parameter is applied to a number of other proteins, including SH3 domains and prion protein. The results suggest that a locally interacting loop (low LCD) can either promote folding or serve as the hinge region for domain swapping. Thus, there is an intimate connection between folding and domain swapping, a possible cause of misfolding and aggregation.  相似文献   

An extracytoplasmic 86.7 kDa protein was isolated from intercellular washing fluids (IWF) of Phaseolus vulgaris etiolated hypocotyls. Micro sequencing of tryptic peptides of the 86.7 kDa protein revealed 100% identity with a bean lipoxygenase (LOX) protein fragment. Purified P87-LOX exhibited LOX activity characterized by an optimal pH of 6.0 and linolenic acid as an optimal substrate, and was classified as a 13-LOX with respect to its positional specificity of linoleic acid oxygenation. A protein identical to P87-LOX, as determined by MALDI-TOF analysis and biochemical characterization, was purified from hypocotyl microsomes. Immunoblot analysis showed that P87-LOX is present in plasma membrane-enriched fractions, from which it was solubilized using high ionic strength buffers. These observations suggest that P87-LOX is a peripheral protein associated to the apoplastic face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

COUP-TF plays a dual role in the regulation of the ovalbumin gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Park HM  Haecker SE  Hagen SG  Sanders MM 《Biochemistry》2000,39(29):8537-8545

In plants, the extracellular space (apoplast) is one of the main places where exchange of molecules occurs between cells. Not only is this compartment involved in the storage of multiple metabolites and ions, including calcium and protons, but it also plays a role in the transmission of signaling molecules for cell-to-cell communication. It has recently been shown multiple times that these two aspects are linked and can influence each other. In particular, apoplast pH was shown as a primary regulator of auxin (IAA) transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. To prove the role of apoplastic pH, we have developed a protocol for apoplastic fluid extraction from Arabidopsis leaves, followed by pH determination using the 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) fluorescent dye. This technique successfully allows one to monitor apoplastic pH variations among different plant lines and to link changes in apoplastic pH to cellular responses in the plant.  相似文献   

The social insect soldier is perhaps the most widely known caste, because it often exhibits spectacular weapons, such as highly enlarged jaws or reinforced appendages, which are used to defend the colony against enemies ranging in size from wasps to anteaters. We examined the function of the enlarged forelimbs of soldiers (both male and female) of the eusocial, gall-inhabiting insect Kladothrips intermedius, and discovered that they have little impact on their ability to repel the specialized invading thrips Koptothrips species. While the efficacy of the enlarged forelimb appears equivocal, we show that soldiers secrete strong antifungal compounds capable of controlling the specialized insect fungal pathogen, Cordyceps bassiana. Our data suggest that these thrips soldiers have evolved in response to selection by both macro- and micro-organisms. While it is unknown whether specialized fungal pathogens have been major selective agents in the evolution of the soldier caste in general, they were probably present when sociality first evolved and may have been the primordial enemies of social insects.  相似文献   

The auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), which is essential for plant growth and development, is suggested to be synthesized via several redundant pathways. In maize (Zea mays), the nitrilase ZmNIT2 is expressed in auxin-synthesizing tissues and efficiently hydrolyses indole-3-acetonitrile to IAA. Zmnit2 transposon insertion mutants were compromised in root growth in young seedlings and sensitivity to indole-3-acetonitrile, and accumulated lower quantities of IAA conjugates in kernels and root tips, suggesting a substantial contribution of ZmNIT2 to total IAA biosynthesis in maize. An additional enzymatic function, turnover of beta-cyanoalanine, is acquired when ZmNIT2 forms heteromers with the homologue ZmNIT1. In plants carrying an insertion mutation in either nitrilase gene this activity was strongly reduced. A dual role for ZmNIT2 in auxin biosynthesis and in cyanide detoxification as a heteromer with ZmNIT1 is therefore proposed.  相似文献   

T Roitsch  M Bittner    D E Godt 《Plant physiology》1995,108(1):285-294
Photoautotrophic suspension-culture cells of Chenopodium rubrum that were shifted to mixotrophic growth by adding glucose were used as model system to investigate the influence of the source-sink transition in higher plants on the expression and enzyme activities of intracellular and extracellular invertases. The complete cDNA coding for an extracellular invertase was cloned and sequenced from C. rubrum, and its identity has been proven by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The higher activity of extracellular invertase after preincubation in the presence of glucose was paralleled by an increased expression of the corresponding gene. The induction by glucose could be mimicked by the nonmetabolizable glucose analog 6-deoxyglucose. Both enzyme activity and mRNA level of extracellular invertase showed a sink-tissue-specific distribution in plants. The activity of neutral and acidic intracellular invertases were not affected by preincubation of autotrophic tissue cultures with sugars, nor did they show a tissue-specific distribution in plants. The data suggest that apoplastic invertase not only has an important function in phloem unloading and carbohydrate partitioning between source and sink tissues but may also have a role in establishing metabolic sinks.  相似文献   

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