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We studied the reproductive biology of alpine ibex bred at the Peter & Paul Wildlife Park, St. Gallen, Switzerland, from 1930 through 1943 and 1968 through 1983. Peter & Paul Wildlife Park had supplied most of the original stock used to reestablish ibex populations in the European Alps after they had become extinct. Ibex females were seasonally polyestrous. Their estrous cycle averaged 20 days, and their gestation period averaged 167 days. Females between 1 and 15 years of age on average produced 0.78 young per year; females between 3 and 13 years of age produced 0.99 young per year. The average age at which captive ibex females gave birth was 8.44 years. Sex ratio at birth was unbiased. More singletons than twins were born, but the proportion of twins born during the years 1968 through 1983 was higher than during the earlier study period. There were no differences in the survival rates of male or female and single or twin offspring.  相似文献   

The association of three pairs of mother-yearling Siberian ibex was recorded by noting the distance between the mothers and daughters at 5-min intervals for 1–2-h observation periods for 1 yr at the Brookfield Zoo. Monthly averages of climatological data were obtained. All three pairs showed a seasonal fluctuation of association, with a higher level during spring and fall-winter and a low degree of sociality in midsummer and late winter. Within the high social periods, short 1–3-wk periods of low association occurred, which were correlated to actual rut and calving times in individual females. The mother-daughter associations were most highly correlated to day length and sunrise of the climatological measures. These data seem to support the original hypothesis that these social periods, which began as developmental associations in the infant, aid in keeping the matrifocal herd structure together despite aggression at the times of rut and calving. It seems also that the social cycling, although linked to reproductive cycling, has its own physiological mechanism.  相似文献   

In arctic and alpine environments, warm summer temperatures may force a reduction in foraging time of large herbivores, whose tolerance for heat is lower than for species adapted to warmer weather. We constructed time budgets for marked ibex (Capra ibex) males over two summers to test whether warm temperatures constrained foraging behaviour and forced altitudinal migrations. As daily temperature and solar radiation increased, feeding activity was reduced at midday and evening, but increased in the early morning, probably to anticipate for an expected reduction in foraging later in the day. With increasing temperature and solar radiation, ibex moved to higher elevations where they spent very little time feeding. Changes in forage quality and availability could not explain altitudinal migration. Temperatures above 15–20°C apparently result in heat discomfort in male Alpine ibex. As temperature and solar radiation increased, older and larger ibex spent less time feeding during daylight and showed a steeper decrease in feeding time than younger and smaller ibex. Larger males may be more sensitive to temperature and solar radiation, or may have more flexibility in allocating time to different activities, given their lower relative energetic requirements. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the early 2000s, several colonies of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in Switzerland ceased growing or began to decrease. Reproductive problems due to infections with abortive agents might have negatively affected recruitment. We assessed the presence of selected agents of abortion in Alpine ibex by serologic, molecular, and culture techniques and evaluated whether infection with these agents might have affected population densities. Blood and fecal samples were collected from 651 ibex in 14 colonies throughout the Swiss Alps between 2006 and 2008. All samples were negative for Salmonella spp., Neospora caninum, and Bovine Herpesvirus-1. Antibodies to Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Chlamydophila abortus, Toxoplasma gondii, and Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus were detected in at least one ibex. Positive serologic results for Brucella spp. likely were false. Overall, 73 samples (11.2%) were antibody-positive for at least one abortive agent. Prevalence was highest for Leptospira spp. (7.9%, 95% CI=5.0-11.7). The low prevalences and the absence of significant differences between colonies with opposite population trends suggest these pathogens do not play a significant role in the population dynamics of Swiss ibex. Alpine ibex do not seem to be a reservoir for these abortive agents or an important source of infection for domestic livestock in Switzerland. Finally, although interactions on summer pastures occur frequently, spillover from infected livestock to free-ranging ibex apparently is uncommon.  相似文献   

The nitrogen economy of the Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana), a ruminant that inhabits harsh deserts, was studied in the laboratory when fed three diets of different quality. Even on the low quality roughage (wheat straw) the ibex was found capable of balancing its nitrogen economy. On feeds low in protein, recycling of urea played a major role in helping the ibex maintaining a balanced nitrogen metabolism. When on wheat straw, the ibex recycled 71.6% of the urea synthesized in its liver. When on feeds lower in protein, blood urea concentration dropped (from 11.4 mM when on alfalfa hay to 3.2 mM when on wheat straw). GFR that amounted to 44.28 ml/min when on alfalfa hay decreased to 28.97 ml/min when on wheat straw. Reabsorption of urea amounted to 48% of the urea filtered when on alfalfa hay and increased to 78.8% on wheat straw.  相似文献   

Viable epididymal sperm can be obtained in the Spanish ibex during 24h after death, but it has been observed a significant effect of the post-mortem time on fertility success, so only goats inseminated with semen recovery during the first 8h became pregnant. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of post-mortem time on epididymal semen samples from of Spanish ibex. For this purpose, sperm samples from 36 males were collected at different post-mortem times, from 2 to 24h, and cryopreserved. Thawed samples were incubated for 2h at 37°C without dilution or after dilution in a modified Tyrode medium, in order to study the sperm resistance to dilution. Moreover, flow cytometry was used to assess the sperm viability (PI), phospolipid disorder of the plasma membrane (M540), mitochondrial membrane potential (Mitotracker Deep Red), indirect apoptosis markers (YOPRO-1) and sperm chromatin stability (SCSA(?)). Sperm motility was evaluated by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Our results have shown that post-mortem time caused a reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential. In this regard, the loss of energy could be responsible for the loss of maintenance of the membrane with a consequent increase in permeability leading to a decrease in sperm viability and motility, losing linearity and speed. Moreover, the loss of maintenance of the membrane influence the extent to which sperm will survive the cryopreservation process, as it shows the results obtained from the dilution-incubation resistance test. Finally, one important finding of this study is the demonstration of no effect of post-mortem time on post-thaw DNA integrity, giving us the possibility of using sperm samples from valuable males, even if it was not possible to process during the first 8h.  相似文献   

The authors describe three coccidian species (eimeria arloingi, E. ninakohylakimovae, E. parva) found in the faeces of some Nubian ibexes (Capra ibex nubiana) in the "Hai-Bar Wildlife Reserve", Israel. The results of the study represent the first finding of coccidia in C. ibex nubiana.  相似文献   

We investigated whether sexual segregation might affect parasite transmission and host dynamics, hypothesising that if males are the more heavily infected sex and more responsible for the transmission of parasite infections, female avoidance of males and the space they occupy could reduce infection rates. A mathematical model, simulating the interaction between abomasal parasites and a hypothetical alpine ibex (Capraibex) host population composed of its two sexes, was developed to predict the effect of different degrees of sexual segregation on parasite intensity and on host abundance. The results showed that when females tended to be segregated from males, and males were distributed randomly across space, the impact of parasites was the lowest, resulting in the highest host abundance, with each sex having the lowest parasite intensity. The predicted condition that minimises the impact of parasites in our model was the one closest to that observed in nature where females actively seek out the more segregated sites while males are less selective in their ranging behaviour. The overlapping of field observation with the predicted optimal strategy lends support to our idea that there might be a connection between parasite transmission and sexual segregation. Our simulations provide the biological boundaries of host-parasite interaction needed to determine a parasite-mediated effect on sexual segregation and a formalised null hypothesis against which to test future field experiments.  相似文献   

Tris-egg yolk based diluents provide adequate cryoprotection for the sperm of most wild species in which they have been tested. The objective of the current study was to evaluate various Tris-based diluents containing different concentrations of egg yolk, for the fertilizing ability of epididymal spermatozoa of the Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica) after freezing and thawing. For this purpose, we used heterologous in vivo fertilization by intrauterine insemination of domestic goats (Capra hircus). In Experiment 1, a Tris-citric acid-glucose (TCG) diluent containing 6% (v/v) egg yolk and a TCG extender containing 20% egg yolk were compared. In Experiment 2, a TCG-6% egg yolk extender was compared with Triladyl-20% egg yolk. Diluted samples were cooled slowly to 5 degrees C over 1 h and equilibrated at that temperature for 2 h. At that point, aliquots of samples were loaded into 0.25 ml straws, and frozen in nitrogen vapor for 10 min. The fertility of spermatozoa frozen in TCG-6% egg yolk was higher (P<0.05) than for those extended with TCG-20% egg yolk, and tended to be higher than for those frozen with Triladyl-20% egg yolk. From the results of this study, the use of Tris-based extenders containing low concentrations of egg yolk (6%) is recommended for cryopreserving Spanish ibex epididymal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of microsatellites and recently developed statistical methods for the conservation management of fragmented and reintroduced populations, using the alpine ibex (Capra ibex) as a model species. First, we assessed the effects of past reintroduction programmes on genetic diversity and population differentiation considering different population sizes and histories. We show that genetic variability in ibex populations (HE 0.13) is among the lowest reported from microsatellites in mammal species, and that the Alpi Marittime-Mercantour population has suffered from a severe genetic bottleneck associated with its reintroduction. Second, using a computer-simulation approach, we provide examples and rough guidelines for translocation programmes concerning the number and origin of individuals for future reintroductions and for the reinforcement of populations with low genetic variability. Finally, we use the ibex microsatellite data to assess the usefulness of several published statistical tests for detecting population bottlenecks and assigning individuals to their population of origin. This study illustrates that microsatellites allow: (i) evaluation of alternative translocation scenarios by simulating different numbers and origins of migrants; (ii) identification of bottlenecked populations (especially using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test); and (iii) population assignment with a high certainty (P < 0.001) of almost 100 of the individuals (or trophies or carcasses) from two distant populations (especially using stucture or whichrun software).  相似文献   

A population’s neutral genetic variation is a composite of its size, degree of isolation and demographic history. Bottlenecks and founder events increase genetic drift, leading to the loss of genetic variation and increased genetic differentiation among populations. Gene flow has the opposite effects. Thus, gene flow can override the genetic patterns caused by founder events. Using 37 microsatellite loci, we investigated the effects of serial bottlenecks on genetic variation and differentiation among 42 Alpine ibex populations in Switzerland with known re‐introduction histories. We detected a strong footprint of re‐introduction events on contemporary genetic structure, with re‐introduction history explaining a substantial part of the genetic differentiation among populations. As a result of the translocation of a considerable number of individuals from the sole formerly surviving population in northern Italy, most of the genetic variation of the ancestral population is now present in the combined re‐introduced Swiss populations. However, re‐introductions split up the genetic variation among populations, such that each contemporary Swiss population showed lower genetic variation than the ancestral population. As expected, serial bottlenecks had different effects on the expected heterozygosity (He) and standardized number of alleles (sNa). While loss of sNa was higher in the first bottlenecks than in subsequent ones, He declined to a similar degree with each bottleneck. Thus, genetic drift was detected with each bottleneck, even when no loss of sNa was observed. Overall, more than a hundred years after the beginning of this successful re‐introduction programme, re‐introduction history was the main determinant of today’s genetic structure.  相似文献   

K. Habibi 《Journal of Zoology》1997,241(4):791-801
Group dynamics of the Nubian ibex ( Capra ibex nubiana ), a sub-species adapted to arid environments, were studied at the Ibex Reserve, Saudi Arabia. Most of the animals (83%) were seen in mixed herds during the rut and post-rut. Mean group size of all sex-age categories was 7.2, with the majority of the ibex seen in groups of < 10. The sex ratio of adult animals was equal but that of juveniles, older than six months, was skewed towards females. Habitat structure, sparse vegetation cover and a small population size are factors that favour small group size. An equal adult sex ratio and a high number of juveniles indicate that the population has a high reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Rumen protozoal diversity in the Spanish ibex (SI) was studied in males (n=4), females (n=7) and young (n=4) from the Maestrazgo (Spain) and contrasted with domestic goats (n=3; DG) of the same region. There were no differences among SI types in protozoal concentration or in the number of protozoal species. Only protozoa from the genus Entodinium were observed in SI (seven species), the highest numbers corresponding to E. damae, E. ovibos and E. parvum. DG harboured threefold more species than SI. Nine to 10 Entodinium spp. were observed, but E. ovibos was absent from the rumen of DG, and E. damae was in only one animal. E. caudatum (caudatum, dubardi and lobospinosum morphotypes) occurred in the highest percentage, and E. dubardi, E. exiguum and E. parvum were quite abundant. Four genera of the subfamily Diplodiniinae and the genera Isotricha and Dasytricha from the family Isotrichidae were detected in DG. Epidinium (two DG) and Ophryoscolex (one DG) were also observed. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis agreed with microscopic classification, showing up to 8 and 16 bands in SI and DG samples, respectively. The three DG clustered together (similarity index over 0.84), and separately from SI (similarity index over 0.86), with only 0.58 similarity between host species.  相似文献   

A method for cryopreserving wild ibex sperm at high cooling rates was developed. To design a freezing solution based on Tris, citric acid, and glucose (TCG), two preliminary experiments were performed using glycerol (GLY) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at different concentrations (5%, 10%, 20%). The 10% GLY + 10% DMSO combination reduced (P < 0.05) frozen-thawed sperm motility, which reached a minimum when 20% GLY + 20% DMSO was used. In the second experiment, sperm tolerance to three sucrose concentrations was evaluated (100-mM sucrose, 300-mM sucrose, 500-mM sucrose). Frozen-thawed sperm motility and sperm viability decreased (P < 0.05) at concentrations above 300 mM. The ultrarapid cooling procedure finally used involved a TCG egg yolk (ey)–based extender with 100-mM sucrose, either alone or with 5% GLY with or without BSA. Two warming procedures (37 °C vs. 60 °C) were also evaluated. The TCG ey with 100-mM sucrose but without GLY/BSA returned the best sperm quality variables. Slow warming at 37 °C strongly affected (P < 0.05) sperm motility and viability in all groups. Sperm selection by density gradient centrifugation produced no motile sperm when slow warming was performed. In contrast, when fast warming was used, sperm selection increased (P < 0.05) percentage of motility, viability, and the percentage of sperms with intact acrosomes. Heterologous in vivo fertilization involving domestic goats was performed to evaluate the in vivo fertilization capacity of the ultrarapidly cooled cryopreserved sperm (in TCG-ey + 100 mM sucrose), with warming undertaken at 60 °C. Inseminations of domestic goats resulted in three pregnancies (3 of 16, 18.7% fertility). In conclusion, ibex spermatozoa are strongly sensitive to high concentrations of permeable cryoprotectants and sucrose. However, the combination of ultrarapid cooling, using TCG-ey + 100-mM sucrose, and fast warming at 60 °C, followed by sperm selection by density gradient centrifugation to collect the motile sperm, has a positive effect on sperm viability.  相似文献   

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