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This paper offers a defense against ad hominem aspersions cast in this journal by Ricciardi and Ryan (Biol Invasions 20(3):549–553, 2018) who allege that several articles I wrote represent “invasive species denialism” and “science denialism.” I summarize the arguments found in those articles. They are (1) science cannot define ecological “harm” and thus cannot measure its risk; (2) invasion biologists rely on tautologies, i.e., definitions of concepts like “biodiversity” and “ecosystem intactness,” that exclude exotic species; (3) no empirical evidence shows that introduced plants have been significant causes of extinction; (4) biologists cannot tell by observing a species whether it is native or a naturalized alien; and (5) debates over the meanings and measurements of key concepts in invasion biology have passed the point of diminishing returns. These arguments may be wrong but none is “similar to the denialism that has affected climate science and medical science” as Ricciardi and Ryan aver.  相似文献   

In view of the recent debate on the future of invasion biology, we argue that species could be regarded as invasive only when after adaptation in non-native habitats they reach yet another fitness maximum. We suggest that invasion biologists need to unambiguously clarify what constitutes being “invasive” to refute those who call for an end to invasion biology.  相似文献   

The harlequin ladybird as a model in invasion biology The harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis has been established as a promined model in invasion biology because it particularly suited to test hypotheses explaining the successful spread of some introduced species. Recent research elucidated that H. axyridis carries parasites which can infect native ladybird species if the feed on its eggs or larvae within intraguild predation. Besides these “bioweapons” H. axyridis accumulates small molecules in its hemolymph which provide as chemical weapons protection against pathogens and predators. The application of state of the art genetic tools will help to elucidate adaptations mediating invasive success at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Since Darwin's time, the question “what a species” has provoked fierce disputes and a tremendous number of publications, from short opinion papers to thick volumes. 1 The debates covered fundamental philosophical questions, such as: Do species exist at all independently of a human observer or are they just a construct of the human mind to categorize nature's organismic diversity and serve as a semantic tool in human communication about biodiversity? 2 - 4 or: Are species natural kinds (classes) or individuals that are “born” by speciation, change in course of time, and finally “die” when they go extinct or diverge into new species? 5 - 8 Also included was the problem of species as taxa (taxonomic) versus species as products of the speciation process (evolutionary). 9 More pragmatic issues arose, such as: How can we reliably delineate and delimitate species? 10 , 11 The great interest in what a species is reflects the importance of “species” as fundamental units in most fields of biology, especially evolutionary biology, ecology, and conservation. 2 , 12 - 14  相似文献   

A new species invading a new area may cause a decrease in diversity of the community already present there. Comparison of temporal changes in species diversity of the “new” community (including alien species) with those of the “original” community (including only native species) may clarify our understanding of the effect of alien species. Using a simulation-based modelling approach we considered several scenarios describing the invasion of native communities by alien species and calculated the trends in Shannon-Wiener indices and in the numbers of species of the “original” and “new” communities during the course of the invasion. We found that despite a large increase in the population size of the invasive alien species the diversity of the original community may be little affected. Native species numbers may stay relatively constant for a long time and then suddenly collapse. The results indicate some possibly still concealed consequences of the spread of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas).  相似文献   

Positive interactions between exotic species may increase ecosystem‐level impacts and potentially facilitate the entry and spread of other exotic species. Invader‐facilitated invasion success—”secondary invasion”—is a key conceptual aspect of the well‐known invasional meltdown hypothesis, but remains poorly defined and empirically underexplored. Drawing from heuristic models and published empirical studies, we explore this form of “secondary invasion” and discuss the phenomenon within the recognized conceptual framework of the determinants of invasion success. The term “secondary invasion” has been used haphazardly in the literature to refer to multiple invasion phenomena, most of which have other more accepted titles. Our usage of the term secondary invasion is akin to “invader‐facilitated invasion,” which we define as the phenomenon in which the invasion success of one exotic species is contingent on the presence, influence, and impacts of one or more other exotic species. We present case studies of secondary invasion whereby primary invaders facilitate the entry or establishment of exotic species into communities where they were previously excluded from becoming invasive. Our synthesis, discussion, and conceptual framework of this type of secondary invasion provides a useful reference to better explain how invasive species can alter key properties of recipient ecosystems that can ultimately determine the invasion success of other species. This study increases our appreciation for complex interactions following invasion and highlights the impacts of invasive species themselves as possible determinants of invasion success. We anticipate that highlighting “secondary invasion” in this way will enable studies reporting similar phenomena to be identified and linked through consistent terminology.  相似文献   


Public gardens can help prevent detrimental effects of plant invasions by collecting and sharing data on taxa spreading from cultivation early in the invasion process, thereby acting as sentinels of plant invasion. Existing initiatives have called for public gardens to adopt measures preventing plant invasion, but it is unclear what actions individual gardens are implementing, as there is no formal mechanism for communicating their progress. This study used internal lists of escaping taxa from seven public gardens in the Midwestern United States and Canada to demonstrate how public gardens can collectively contribute data that is critical to assessing potential invasiveness. It also reveals methodological differences in how gardens develop their lists of escaping plants, leading to recommendations for standardization. Data pooled across gardens yielded 769 species spreading from cultivation at one or more gardens. Eight woody species were listed by all gardens despite not consistently being recognized as invasive by states and provinces containing the gardens; some species recorded by multiple gardens did not appear on any invasive lists. While it may be premature to call taxa escaping from cultivation at a few public gardens “invasive” or even “potentially invasive”, these plants should be monitored and evaluated with this information shared to facilitate stronger conclusions about risk. Thus, public gardens have a unique expertise in assisting invasive plant efforts as sentinels, particularly if challenges related to methodological inconsistencies and data sharing are suitably addressed, which is herein recommended through the adoption of a set of standardized guidelines.


This study aimed to understand the use of “invasive species” as a normative concept and discuss its implications in conservation science, using introduced ascidians worldwide as model species. A specific search in Web of Science was performed and articles suitable for analysis were selected. Each article was classified according to the type of environment, species under study, type of effects and spread that ascidians are linked to. Most of the 184 articles analysed did not consider dispersal or effects as study subject (82 and 71%, respectively). Most research was conducted in laboratory conditions (41%) or human-made environments (32%) or indicating few escapes to natural environments. Almost half of the articles (47%) were made with the six more conspicuous introduced ascidians and this raised to 70% while considering articles that worked with two or more (pooled) species. The normative use of “invasive” is widely used regarding introduced ascidians. Spread and effects, necessary conditions to consider a species as invasive, are notoriously understudied. Most research was not conducted in natural environments and over a few species, weakening the perception of introduced ascidians as a conservation problem. To discuss the extent of the normative use of invasion science is important to distinguish two phenomena: are some species intrinsically problematic for conservation (i.e. invasive) or is the movement of non-native species (i.e. biological invasion) the conservation problem? By using invasive as a normative concept, we risk ending with a weakened concept potentially hindering the progress of invasion science.  相似文献   

The characteristics possessed by invasive species have been suggested to be the reverse of those possessed by species threatened with extinction, such that relationships of species’ traits to invasion success should be opposite in sign to relationships of the same traits to extinction threat. A recent study (Jeschke, J. M. and Strayer, D. L. 2008. Are threat status and invasion success two sides of the same coin? – Ecography 31: 124–130) found no evidence for this “two‐sides‐of‐the‐same‐coin” hypothesis but compared characteristics of species in each taxon that were invasive to a control group consisting of all other species. A different view of the “two‐sides‐of‐the‐same‐coin” hypothesis may be obtained if the characters of invasive species are compared to those of a control group consisting of species that have not invaded despite actually being introduced. Here, we show that changing the control group for comparison with invasive species does not change the lack of support for the “two‐sides‐of‐the‐same‐coin” hypothesis but does change views about which specific traits are consistent with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Several authors have recently argued that invasion biologists should adopt a more objective and dispassionate stance towards invasive species. Brown and Sax (Austral Ecol 29:530–536, 2004; Austral Ecol 30:481–483, 2005) assert that invasion biologists risk their objectivity, “commit the naturalist fallacy” or “embark on a slippery slope” with engaged concern about invasive species. Elsewhere, Colautti and MacIsaac (Divers Distrib 10:135–141, 2004) propose a neutral language for invasion biology, one that insulates scientific from popular discussion about invasive species. While there is certainly hyperbole about the effects of some invasive species, the type of objectivity promoted in these papers may often be inappropriate for invasion biology. It implies a policy of non-action that is inconsistent with the conservation values of many invasion biologists. To engage these values, invasion biologists can adopt deliberative methods for environmental problem-solving that involve stakeholders in their research design and which still promote high standards of scientific rigor.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been a rather acrimonious debate on matters concerning the biology of invasive species, some as fundamental as the definition and what constitutes an invasive species. However, an abiding commonality of all invasive species is the fact that they have all moved away from their native ranges to newer and often non-native ranges. In plants, Lantana camara has shifted from its native South American range distribution to most other parts of the world. In animals, the African giant snail has dispersed from Africa to most parts of Asia. What do such niche shifts signify about the nature and quality of the habitats to which the invasive species have moved? In this paper, using the classical niche paradigm, we analyse if niche shifts of thirty-three of the world’s top invasive species constitute just moving from one habitat to another similar habitat somewhere on the earth (home away from home) or that they have moved to totally new habitats (different from their native home). Surprisingly, our results show that for 90% of the world’s top invasive species, movements have been largely restricted to homes away from home, rather than into alien homes. This clearly indicates the potential inertia that species might face in moving out of their fundamental niche. We discuss these results in the context of the overall debate on invasion biology and how niche conservatism may have played a role in dampening the rates of invasion.


This article considers professionalization as a governance strategy for synthetic biology, reporting on social science interviews done with scientists, science journal editors, members of science advisory boards and authors of nongovernmental policy reports on synthetic biology. After summarizing their observations about the potential advantages and disadvantages of the professionalization of synthetic biology, we analyze professionalization as a strategy that overcomes dichotomies found in the current debates about synthetic biology governance, specifically “top down” versus “bottom up” governance and scientific fact versus public values. Professionalization combines community and state, fact and value. Like all governance options, professionalization has limitations, particularly regarding war and peace. It is best conceptualized as potentially part of a wider range of governance mechanisms working in concert: a “web of prevention”.  相似文献   

The United States and much of the world is struggling with what “education” and being “educated” mean. Daily media are replete with debates on issues ranging from gender and class rights to the ideological and practical purpose of education. Prominent among these debates are discussions about whether education should be geared toward vocational purposes and employability or toward the creation of engaged, informed, and intellectually aware citizens. In this article we problematize the role and limitations of current research on drama and theater in and as education. To do this, we first share a sampling of the current state of research in this arts area. We then articulate the role this diverse range of research methodologies and foci play in shaping national and global educational policy.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins and introduction pathways of invasive species is a fundamental issue for invasion biology, which is necessary for predicting and preventing future invasion. Once an invasive species is established in a new location, this location could serve as a stepping‐stone for further invasions. However, such “stepping‐stone” effect has not been widely investigated. Using the published literature and records, we compiled the first found locations of 127 top invasive species in China. Our study showed that the most common landing spots of these invasive species were Hong Kong (22 species) and Taiwan (20 species), which accounted for one‐third of the invasive species in China. Our analysis revealed that the invasive species in mainland China were more likely to transport from Hong Kong than Macau, a neighboring region with a similar area and colonial history. Similarly, more invasive species were also first landed on Taiwan than Hainan, a nearby island sharing similar climate conditions. Together, our findings indicate that Hong Kong and Taiwan are the most important stepping‐stones for invasive species to the mainland of China and suggesting that the increasing trade exchange of China's coastal ports constitutes a potential risk for the spread of more invasive species. We suppose that they would be the future stepping‐stones for invasive species to the mainland of China and these coastal ports regions where improved biosecurity is needed now.  相似文献   

Despite our growing understanding of the impacts of invasive plants on ecosystem structure and function, important gaps remain, including whether native and exotic species respond differently to plant invasion. This would elucidate basic ecological interactions and inform management. We performed a meta‐analytic review of the effects of invasive plants on native and exotic resident animals. We found that invasive plants reduced the abundance of native, but not exotic, animals. This varied by animal phyla, with invasive plants reducing the abundance of native annelids and chordates, but not mollusks or arthropods. We found dissimilar impacts among “wet” and “dry” ecosystems, but not among animal trophic levels. Additionally, the impact of invasive plants increased over time, but this did not vary with animal nativity. Our review found that no studies considered resident nativity differences, and most did not identify animals to species. We call for more rigorous studies of invaded community impacts across taxa, and most importantly, explicit consideration of resident biogeographic origin. We provide an important first insight into how native and exotic species respond differently to invasion, the consequences of which may facilitate cascading trophic disruptions further exacerbating global change consequences to ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Marine invasion ecology and management have progressed significantly over the last 30 years although many knowledge gaps and challenges remain. The kelp Undaria pinnatifida, or “Wakame,” has a global non‐native range and is considered one of the world's “worst” invasive species. Since its first recorded introduction in 1971, numerous studies have been conducted on its ecology, invasive characteristics, and impacts, yet a general consensus on the best approach to its management has not yet been reached. Here, we synthesize current understanding of this highly invasive species and adopt Undaria as a case study to highlight challenges in wider marine invasion ecology and management. Invasive species such as Undaria are likely to continue to spread and become conspicuous, prominent components of coastal marine communities. While in many cases, marine invasive species have detectable deleterious impacts on recipient communities, in many others their influence is often limited and location specific. Although not yet conclusive, Undaria may cause some ecological impact, but it does not appear to drive ecosystem change in most invaded regions. Targeted management actions have also had minimal success. Further research is needed before well‐considered, evidence‐based management decisions can be made. However, if Undaria was to become officially unmanaged in parts of its non‐native range, the presence of a highly productive, habitat former with commercial value and a broad ecological niche, could have significant economic and even environmental benefit. How science and policy reacts to the continued invasion of Undaria may influence how similar marine invasive species are handled in the future.  相似文献   

Arguments against essentialism in biology rely strongly on a claim that modern biology abandoned Aristotle’s notion of a species as a class of necessary and sufficient properties. However, neither his theory of essentialism, nor his logical definition of species and genus (eidos and genos) play much of a role in biological research and taxonomy, including his own. The objections to natural kinds thinking by early twentieth century biologists wrestling with the new genetics overlooked the fact that species have typical developmental cycles and most have a large shared genetic component. These are the “what-it-is-to-be” members of that species. An intrinsic biological essentialism does not commit us to Aristotelian notions, nor even modern notions, of essence. There is a long-standing definition of “species” and its precursor notions that goes back to the Greeks, and which Darwin and pretty well all biologists since him share, that I call the Generative Conception of Species. It relies on there being a shared generative power that makes progeny resemble parents. The “what-it-is-to-be” a member of that species is that developmental type, mistakes in development notwithstanding. Moreover, such “essences” have always been understood to include deviations from the type. Finally, I shall examine some implications of the collapse of the narrative about essences in biology.  相似文献   

Attempts to investigate the drivers of invasion success are generally limited to the biological and evolutionary traits distinguishing native from introduced species. Although alien species introduced to the same recipient environment differ in their invasion intensity – for example, some are “strong invaders”; others are “weak invaders” – the factors underlying the variation in invasion success within alien communities are little explored. In this study, we ask what drives the variation in invasion success of alien mammals in South Africa. First, we tested for taxonomic and phylogenetic signal in invasion intensity. Second, we reconstructed predictive models of the variation in invasion intensity among alien mammals using the generalized linear mixed‐effects models. We found that the family Bovidae and the order Artiodactyla contained more “strong invaders” than expected by chance, and that such taxonomic signal did not translate into phylogenetic selectivity. In addition, our study indicates that latitude, gestation length, social group size, and human population density are only marginal determinant of the variation in invasion success. However, we found that evolutionary distinctiveness – a parameter characterising the uniqueness of each alien species – is the most important predictive variable. Our results indicate that the invasive behavior of alien mammals may have been “fingerprinted” in their evolutionary past, and that evolutionary history might capture beyond ecological, biological and life‐history traits usually prioritized in predictive modeling of invasion success. These findings have applicability to the management of alien mammals in South Africa.  相似文献   

The field of regenerative medicine (RM) faces many challenges, including funding. Framing the analysis in terms of institutional politics, valuation studies and “technologies of knowledge”, the paper highlights growing debates about payment for RM in the UK, setting this alongside escalating policy debates about “value”. We draw on interviews and publicly available material to identify the interacting and conflicting positions of institutional stakeholders. It is concluded that while there is some common ground between institutional stakeholders such as industry and health system gatekeepers, there is significant conflict about reward systems, technology assessment methodologies and payment scenarios; a range of mostly conditional payment schemes and non-mainstream routes are being experimented with. We argue that current developments highlight a fundamental conflict between a concern for the societal value of medical technologies in a resource-limited system and a concern for engineering new reward and payment models to accommodate RM innovations.  相似文献   

Plant–animal mutualisms such as seed dispersal can play an important role in enabling some species to become invasive. For example, an introduced species could become invasive because birds prefer its fruits to those of native plants. To investigate this possibility, we compared various measures of fruit quality of 22 of the most common native and invasive woody species on the oceanic island Mahé (Seychelles, Indian Ocean). Individual measures of food quality tended to vary much more amongst invasive species than amongst native species; thus, whereas for particular traits the fruits of some invasive species had higher values than any native species, others had relatively low values. However, invasive species consistently produced fruits with a lower water content, resulting in a higher relative yield (i.e. dry pulp weight to total wet fruit weight ratio), and a higher energy content. The fruits of the most abundant invasive tree Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae) were of particularly high nutritional quality, with individual berries containing 3.5 times more protein and 55 times more lipid than the median values of the native species. We suggest that our results may reflect a general tendency for island plants to produce fruits of low energy content, perhaps reflecting reduced competition for dispersal agents on isolated islands. In addition, we argue that inconsistent results on the relevance of fruit quality for plant invasions reported in the literature may be resolved by comparing the widths of trait spectra for native and alien floras rather than average values. Gaps in the native fruit trait spectrum may provide opportunities for particular invasive species, and weaken the resistance of regional floras to invasions. Such empty niche opportunities may occur for several reasons, including generally broader trait spectra in globally assembled alien than regional native floras (especially on oceanic islands), or the loss of native species due to human activities. More generally, a focus on trait variation rather than average trends may help to advance generalisation in invasion biology.  相似文献   

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