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Our objective was to test the hypothesis that exposure to prolonged hypoxia results in altered responsiveness to chemoreceptor stimulation. Acclimatization to hypoxia occurs rapidly in the awake goat relative to other species. We tested the sensitivity of the central and peripheral chemoreceptors to chemical stimuli before and after 4 h of either isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia (arterial PO2 40 Torr). We confirmed that arterial PCO2 decreased progressively, reaching a stable value after 4 h of hypoxic exposure (poikilocapnic group). In the isocapnic group, inspired minute ventilation increased over the same time course. Thus, acclimatization occurred in both groups. In goats, isocapnic hypoxia did not result in hyperventilation on return to normoxia, whereas poikilocapnic hypoxia did cause hyperventilation, indicating a different mechanism for acclimatization and the persistent hyperventilation on return to normoxia. Goats exposed to isocapnic hypoxia exhibited an increased slope of the CO2 response curve. Goats exposed to poikilocapnic hypoxia had no increase in slope but did exhibit a parallel leftward shift of the CO2 response curve. Neither group exhibited a significant change in response to bolus NaCN injections or dopamine infusions after prolonged hypoxia. However, both groups demonstrated a similar significant increase in the ventilatory response to subsequent acute exposure to isocapnic hypoxia. The increase in hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity, which was not dependent on the modality of hypoxic exposure (isocapnic vs. poikilocapnic), reinforces the key role of the carotid chemoreceptors in ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow and O2 delivery during exercise are important for well-being at altitude but have not been studied. We expected flow to increase on arrival at altitude and then to fall as O2 saturation and hemoglobin increased, thereby maintaining cerebral O2 delivery. We used Doppler ultrasound to measure internal carotid artery flow velocity at sea level and on Pikes Peak, CO (4,300 m). In an initial study (1987, n = 7 men) done to determine the effect of brief (5-min) exercises of increasing intensity, we found at sea level that velocity [24.8 +/- 1.4 (SE) cm/s rest] increased by 15 +/- 7, 30 +/- 6, and 22 +/- 8% for cycle exercises at 33, 71, and 96% of maximal O2 uptake, respectively. During acute hypobaric hypoxia in a decompression chamber (inspired PO2 = 83 Torr), velocity (23.2 +/- 1.4 cm/s rest) increased by 33 +/- 6, 20 +/- 5, and 17 +/- 9% for exercises at 45, 72, and 98% of maximal O2 uptake, respectively. After 18 days on Pikes Peak (inspired PO2 = 87 Torr), velocity (26.6 +/- 1.5 cm/s rest) did not increase with exercise. A subsequent study (1988, n = 7 men) of the effect of prolonged exercise (45 min at approximately 100 W) found at sea level that velocity (24.8 +/- 1.7 cm/s rest) increased by 22 +/- 6, 13 +/- 5, 17 +/- 4, and 12 +/- 3% at 5, 15, 30, and 45 min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of sympathetic withdrawal on blood flow responses in cutaneous arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) and capillaries to direct and indirect heat stress. This was achieved by clamping sympathetic activity (SC) to the tail of anesthetized rats so that constrictor tone remained invariant during exposure of either the animal's tail (direct heating) or body (indirect heating) to a 35 degrees C environment. Flow through the AVAs in the tail was evaluated by laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF), while capillary flow was investigated by videodensitometry measurements of blood cell velocity (CBV) in single capillaries within the subepidermal vascular plexus. Both direct and indirect heating significantly increased LDF and CBV. In comparison to blood flow responses in sham-operated control rats, the SC procedure resulted in significantly lower LDF responses to both direct and indirect heat stress. By contrast, the response of CBV was not significantly affected by SC during either mode of heating. These results indicate that the withdrawal of sympathetic constrictor tone plays a role in the response of cutaneous AVAs, but not precapillary arterioles, to direct as well as indirect heat stress. Additional studies on unanesthetized animals showed that superimposing body heating on a base of local heating elicited a further increase in LDF, suggesting that local heating does not deplete neural mediated dilatory reserve.  相似文献   

Five men underwent a 2-wk exercise regimen and were then exposed to 45 degrees C db, 28 degrees C wb, wind speed 1 m/s for 12 h while at rest. Body weight was maintained with 0.1% saline. One week later the exposure was repeated without rehydration. After heat acclimatization, the 12-h experiments were repeated. Frequent body weights, rectal temperatures, and venous blood samples were obtained. Results indicated that hemodilution upon acute heat exposure is partially due to protein influx into the vascular volume and the hemodilution allowed considerable loss of body water before plasma volume returned to preexposure values. Water within the vascular volume appeared to be in equilibrium with that in other body compartments before but not after acclimatization. Acclimatization altered the rate of protein transfer (and water movement) such that hemodilution was accomplished more rapidly than before acclimatization. Early hemodilution was quite labile and depended upon subject hydration during the first hour of heat exposure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum osmotic changes, water intake and water balance in four, fit young men during and after exercise in the heat, before and after artificial heat acclimatization. During exercise, before steady-state conditions were reached, voluntary water intakes generally paralleled but were not proportional to the serum osmotic pressure. In steady-state conditions, drinking was approximately proportional to the effective osmotic pressure of the serum. During the post-exercise recovery period, when serum osmolarity returned to normal levels, water intake also subsided even though there was a total body water (wt) deficit of about 3%. Body weight did not return to control levels until 62 to 86 hr following the exercise. This slow recovery could not be accounted for by a loss of water associated with glycogen utilization during exercise or by sweat electrolyte depletion. In general, the results supported Dill's hypothesis but plasma volume changes, in addition to osmotic factors,are very likely operative in the initiation and satiation of drinking under these conditions. Perhaps slower acting volume control mechanisms mediate the slow recovery of total body water.
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde die Beziehung zwischen osmotischen Veränderungen im Serum, Wasseraufnahme und Wassergleichgewicht bei 4 gesunden,jungen Männern während und nach körperlicher Arbeit in der Hitze vor und nach künstlicher Hitzeakklimatisation. Die freiwillige Wasseraufnahme während der Arbeit, ehe ein steady state erreicht wurde, war im allgemeinen gleichlaufend, aber nicht proportional dem osmotischen Serumdruck. Im steady state war die Trinkmenge ungefähr proportional dem effektiven osmotischen Serumdruck. Wenn die Serumosmolarität während der Erholungsphase zur normalen Werten zurückkehrte, liess die Wasseraufnahme ebenfalls nach,obwohl das Gesamtkörperwasserdefizit ungefähr 3% betrug.Die Körpergewichte erreichten die Ausgangswerte 62–86 Std nach der Arbeit. Diese langsame Erholung war nicht bedingt durch einen Wasserverlust dur Glykogenverwertung während der Arbeit oder durch Elektrolytverluste beim Schwitzen. Die Ergebnisse stützen Dill's Hypothese, doch unter diesen Bedingungen wirken Plasmavolumen-Veränderungen zusätzlich zu osmotischen Faktoren sehr wahrscheinlich mit bei der Auslösung des Trinkens und der Sättiging mit Wasser. Vielleicht vermitteln langsamer wirkende Volumenkontrollmechanismen die langsame Wiederherstellung der Gesamtkörper-Wasservorräte.

Resume On a examiné les relations existant chez 4 jeunes hommes sains entre les variations de la pression osmotiques du sérum d'une part,l'ingestion d'eau et l'équilibre acqueux du corps d'autre part et cela pendant et après un travail corporel à la chaleur tant avant qu'après une acclimatisation artificielle au chaud.L'ingestion volontaire d'eau évolue similairement à la pression osmotique du sérum, mais ne lui est pas proportionnel. Ce phénomène s'observe jusqu'à ce qu'un état dit stationnaire soit atteint. Dès ce moment, les quantités bues sont à peu près proportionnelles à la pression osmotique effective. Pendant la phase de récupération, la pression osmotique redevient normale et l'eau ingérée diminue bien que le déficit en eau pour le corps entier soit encore de 3% environ.Le poids du corps ne retrouve sa valeur initiale que 62 à 86 heures après la période de travail. Ce lent rétablissement n'est pas dû à des pertes d'eau par suite de l'utilisation de glycogènes pendant l'exercice ou par suite de la perte d'électrolytes par la sueur. Ces résultats viennent confirmer les hypothèses de Dill. Pourtant, dans ces conditions, les variations de volume du plasma agissent très vraisemblablement en plus des facteurs osmotiques dans le besoin de boire ou l'état de satiété. Il est possible que des mécanismes de contrôle du volume agissant plus lentement président aux phénomènes de rétablissement des réserves en eau dans son ensemble.

Results were presented in part at the "Symposium on Nutrition and Physical Activity", The Swedish Nutrition Foundation, Tylösand, Sweden, 15–17 August,1966.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on 25 healthy male volunteers aged 20-25 years drawn randomly from the tropical regions of India. The subjects initially underwent an 8 day heat acclimatization schedule with 2 hours moderate work in a climatic chamber at 45 degrees C DB and 30% RH. These heat acclimatized subjects were then hypohydrated to varying levels of body weight deficits, i.e. 1.3 +/- 0.03, 2.3 +/- 0.04 and 3.3 +/- 0.04%, by a combination of water restriction and moderate exercise inside the hot chamber. After 2 hours rest in a thermoneutral room (25 +/- 1 degree C) the hypohydrated subjects were tested on a bicycle ergometer at a fixed submaximal work rate (40 W, 40 min) in a hot dry condition (45 degrees C DB, 30% RH, 34 degrees C WBGT). Significant increases in exercise heart rate and oral temperature were observed in hypohydrated subjects as compared to euhydration. Sweat rate increased with 1% and 2% hypohydration as compared to euhydration, but a significant decrease was observed with 3% hypohydration. Na+ & K+ concentrations in arm sweat increased with increase in the level of hypohydration. Oxygen consumption increased significantly only when hypohydration was about 2% or more. It appears that the increased physiological strain observed in tropical subjects working in heat with graded hypohydration is not solely due to reduced sweat rates.  相似文献   

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