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Muscle compression commonly occurs in daily life (for instance wearing backpacks or compression garments, and during sitting). However, the effects of the compression on contraction dynamics in humans are not well examined. The aim of the study was to quantify the alterations of contraction dynamics and muscle architecture in human muscle with external transverse loads.The posterior tibialis nerve of 29 subjects was stimulated to obtain the maximal double-twitch force of the gastrocnemius muscle with and without transverse compression that was generated using an indentor. The muscle architecture was determined by a sonographic probe that was embedded within the indentor. Five stimulations each were conducted at 5 conditions: (1) pretest (unloaded), (2) indentor loading with 2 kg, (3) 4.5 kg, (4) 10 kg, and (5) posttest (unloaded).Compared to the pretest maximal force decreased by 9%, 13% and 16% for 2 kg, 4.5 kg and 10 kg, respectively. The half-relaxation time increased with increased transverse load whereas the rate of force development decreased from pretest to 2 kg and from 4.5 kg to 10 kg. The lifting height of the indentor increased with transverse load from 2 kg to 4.5 kg but decreased from 4.5 kg to 10 kg. Increases in pennation during the twitches were reduced at the highest transverse load.The results demonstrate changes of the contraction dynamics due to transversal muscle loading. Those alterations are associated with the applied pressure, changes in muscle architecture and partitioning of muscle force in transversal and longitudinal direction.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that uniaxial transverse loading (FG) of a rat gastrocnemius medialis muscle resulted in a considerable reduction of maximum isometric muscle force (ΔFim). A hill-type muscle model assuming an identical gearing G between both ΔFim and FG as well as lifting height of the load (Δh) and longitudinal muscle shortening (ΔlCC) reproduced experimental data for a single load.Here we tested if this model is able to reproduce experimental changes in ΔFim and Δh for increasing transverse loads (0.64 N, 1.13 N, 1.62 N, 2.11 N, 2.60 N). Three different gearing ratios were tested: (I) constant Gc representing the idea of a muscle specific gearing parameter (e.g. predefined by the muscle geometry), (II) Gexp determined in experiments with varying transverse load, and (III) Gf that reproduced experimental ΔFim for each transverse load.Simulations using Gc overestimated ΔFim (up to 59%) and Δh (up to 136%) for increasing load. Although the model assumption (equal G for forces and length changes) held for the three lower loads using Gexp and Gf, simulations resulted in underestimation of ΔFim by 38% and overestimation of Δh by 58% for the largest load, respectively. To simultaneously reproduce experimental ΔFim and Δh for the two larger loads, it was necessary to reduce Fim by 1.9% and 4.6%, respectively. The model seems applicable to account for effects of muscle deformation within a range of transverse loading when using a linear load-dependent function for G.  相似文献   

To determine the external force that induces maximal deoxygenation of brachioradialis muscle 32 trained male subjects maintained isometric contractions using the elbow flexor muscles up to the limit time (isotonic part of the isometric contraction, IIC) and beyond that time for 120 s (anisotonic part of the isometric contraction). During IIC each subject maintained relative forces of either 25% and 70% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), 50% and 100% MVC, or 40% and 60% MVC. Muscle oxygenation was assessed using a near infrared spectroscope, and expressed as a percentage of the reference value (ΔO2rest) which was the difference between the minimal oxygenation obtained after 6 min of ischaemia at rest and the maximal reoxygenation following the release of the tourniquet. During IIC at 25% MVC, muscle oxygenation decreased to 17 (SEM 3)% ΔO2rest, then it levelled off [25 (SEM 1)% ΔO2rest]. After the point at which target force could not be maintained, reoxygenation was very weak. During IIC at 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% MVC, the lowest muscle oxygenation values were obtained after 15–20 s of contraction and corresponded to −18 (SEM 6), −59 (SEM 12) −31 (SEM 6), and −29 (SEM 6)% ΔO2rest, respectively. For the contraction at 100% MVC, the lowest oxygenation [−19 (SEM 9)% ΔO2rest] was obtained while force was decreasing (69% MVC). During the anisotonic part of the isometric contractions, the greatest reoxygenation rate was obtained after 50% MVC IIC (P < 0.001). Our results showed that during isometric elbow flexions between 25% and 100% MVC, there was no linear relationship between external force and muscle oxygenation, and that the maximal deoxygenation of the brachioradialis muscle was obtained at 50% MVC. Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

Piazzesi et al. [G. Piazzesi, L. Lucii, V. Lombardi, J. Physiol. 545 (2002) 145–151] made a study on the muscle transients due to step changes in force using improved time resolution and recorded filament movement and shortening velocities in the four phases. They point to Phase 2 and to Phase 4 (working muscle) and claim that their results do not contradict the swinging-cross-bridge (SCB) model which has a much-quoted constant power stroke of about 150 Å (their value of 70 Å was smaller). Siding with the SCB model, they nevertheless record that the power stroke decreases with load. We are pleased with this experimental result as it conforms to our theory, published in 1996, of an impulsive model with a much smaller step-size distance z (≈20 Å). Using their data we obtain precise interval times and estimates of filament movement in Phase 2 and in working muscle. Our first result is that the time frames (interval times) for Phase 2 are the same as in working muscle. Moreover, we demonstrate that the authors’ data verify the correctness of our calculated z values. There are eight active ATP events in Phase 2 in time frame t compared to one in working muscle in the same time frame t. This gives, for the first time, precise numbers for contractile events. We show that the SCB model is incorrect and our analysis supports the impulsive model with a much smaller filament (zero-load) motion, ≈20 Å per ATP split.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of spatial reorganisation of muscle activity on task-related and tangential components of force variability during sustained contractions. Three-dimensional forces were measured from isometric elbow flexion during submaximal contractions (50 s, 5–50% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) and total excursion of the centre of pressure was extracted. Spatial electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from the biceps brachii muscle. The centroids of the root mean square (RMS) EMG and normalised mutual information (NMI) maps were computed to assess spatial muscle activity and spatial relationship between EMG and task-related force variability, respectively. Result showed that difference between the position of the centroids at the beginning and at the end of the contraction of the RMS EMG and the NMI maps were different in the medial–lateral direction (P < 0.05), reflecting that muscle regions modulate their activity without necessarily modulating the contribution to the task-related force variability over time. Moreover, this difference between shifts of the centroids was positively correlated with the total excursion of the centre of pressure at the higher levels of contractions (>30% MVC, R2 > 0.30, P < 0.05), suggesting that changes in spatial muscle activity could impact on the modulation of tangential forces. Therefore, within-muscle adaptations do not necessarily increase force variability, and this interaction can be quantified by analysing the RMS EMG and the NMI map centroids.  相似文献   

Ultrasound scanning was performed at three sites above the fossa supraspinata on nine healthy subjects and five patients with myofascial shoulder pain. This method produced a well-defined depiction of the soft tissue layers above the fossa supraspinata and reproducible muscle thickness measurements. In the healthy subjects the average distance from the skin surface to the trapezius muscle was 7.7 mm and the average thickness of the trapezius muscle was 5.3 mm, and the average thickness of supraspinatus muscle was 20.0 mm. The supraspinatus muscle was thinner at the medial measuring site than at the other two sites. In contrast, a tendency towards a larger distance was seen from the skin to trapezius muscle at the medial measuring site than at the other two sites. No statistical differences were found between the two groups of subjects either at rest or during brief shoulder abductions. All the subjects performed a 30° unilateral isometric shoulder abduction test to exhaustion. The median endurance time was 33 min for the healthy subjects and only 5 min for the patients. The ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were in line with this, since the increment in RPE with time was larger for the patients than for the healthy group. The reduced shoulder abduction endurance time in the patient group may have been related to impaired muscle function and/or pain development. During the 33-min shoulder abduction in the healthy subjects, the thickness of supraspinatus muscle increased by 14%, indicating muscle swelling, whereas the thickness of trapezius muscle remained constant. The fluid imbalance in the supraspinatus muscle compartment may well play a role in the development of muscle fatigue and the disorders found in industry resulting from prolonged work with arms elevated.  相似文献   

Mechanical assistance on joint movement is generally beneficial; however, its effects on cooperative performance and muscle activity needs to be further explored. This study examined how motor performance and muscle activity are altered when mechanical assistance is provided during isometric force control of ramp-down and hold phases. Thirteen right-handed participants (age: 24.7 ± 1.8 years) performed trajectory tracking tasks. Participants were asked to maintain the reference magnitude of 47 N (REF) during isometric elbow flexion. The force was released to a step-down magnitude of either 75% REF or 50% REF and maintained, with and without mechanical assistance. The ramp-down durations of force release were set to 0.5, 2.5, or 5.0 s. Throughout the experiment, we measured the following: (1) the force output using load cells to compute force variability and overshoot ratio; (2) peak perturbation on the elbow movement using an accelerometer; (3) the surface electromyography (sEMG) from biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles; and (4) EMG oscillation from the biceps brachii muscle in the bandwidth of 15–45 Hz. Our results indicated that mechanical assistance, which involved greater peak perturbation, demonstrated lower force variability than non-assistance (p < 0.01), while EMG oscillation in the biceps brachii muscle from 15 to 45 Hz was increased (p < 0.05). These findings imply that if assistive force is provided during isometric force control, the central nervous system actively tries to stabilize motor performance by controlling specific motor unit activity in the agonist muscle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of changes in ankle joint angle on the mechanomyogram (MMG) amplitude of the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle during voluntary isometric plantarflexion contractions. Ten healthy individuals were asked to perform voluntary isometric contractions at six different contraction intensities (from 10% to 100%) and at three different ankle joint angles (plantarflexion of 26°; plantarflexion of 10°; dorsiflexion of 3°). MMG signals were recorded from the surface over the MG muscle, using a 3-axis accelerometer. The relations between root mean square (RMS) MMG and isometric plantarflexion torque at different ankle joint angles were characterized to evaluate the effects of altered muscle mechanical properties on RMS MMG.We found that the relation between RMS MMG and plantarflexion torque is changed at different ankle joint angles: RMS MMG increases monotonically with increasing the plantarflexion torque but decreases as the ankle joint became dorsiflexed. Moreover, RMS MMG shows a negative correlation with muscle length, with passive torque, and with maximum voluntary torque, which were all changed significantly at different ankle joint angles.Our findings demonstrate the potential effects of changing muscle mechanical properties on muscle vibration amplitude. Future studies are required to explore the major sources of this muscle vibration from the perspective of muscle mechanics and muscle activation level, attributable to changes in the neural command.  相似文献   

To investigate the time- and frequency-domain responses of mechanomyograms (MMGs) during the progressive fatigue induced by intermittent incremental contractions, a surface MMG was obtained from the three muscle heads of the quadriceps muscle in seven subjects while they performed isometric knee extensions lasting 7.6 min. Isometric intermittent incremental contractions started at 1% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 3 s, with a 3-s relaxation period in between each contraction, and the contraction level was increased by 1% of MVC for every contraction (by 10% of MVC per min) up to exhaustion. Separate contractions with sufficient rest periods were also conducted to serve for the MMG characteristics without fatigue. The integrated MMG (iMMG) was linearly related to force in all of the muscles when fatigue was not involved. With regard to the incremental contractions, the relationship exhibited an ascending-descending shape, but the behavior was not the same for the individual muscle heads, especially for the rectus femoris muscle. A steep increase in the median frequency of MMG from around 60% of MVC corresponded to a decrease in iMMG. These results suggest that analysis of MMG in the time- and frequency-domain during an incremental protocol is a useful way of characterizing the motor unit recruitment strategy and fatigue properties of individual muscles. Accepted: 19 March 1998  相似文献   

This study aimed to test whether adding a rest recovery parameter, r, to the analytical three-compartment controller (3CC) fatigue model (Xia and Frey Law, 2008) will improve fatigue estimates during intermittent contractions. The 3CC muscle fatigue model uses differential equations to predict the flow of muscle between three muscle states: Resting (MR), Active (MA), and Fatigued (MF). This model uses a feedback controller to match the active state to target loads and two joint-specific parameters: F, fatigue rate controlling flow from active to fatigued compartments) and R, the recovery rate controlling flow from the fatigued to the resting compartments. This model does well to predict intensity-endurance time curves for sustained isometric tasks. However, previous studies find when rest intervals are present that the model over predicts fatigue. Intermittent rest periods would allow for the occurrence of subsequent reactive vasodilation and post-contraction hyperemia. We hypothesize a modified 3CC-r fatigue model will improve predictions of force decay during intermittent contractions with the addition of a rest recovery parameter, r, to augment recovery during rest intervals, representing muscle re-perfusion. A meta-analysis compiling intermittent fatigue data from 63 publications reporting decline in peak torque (% torque decline) were used for comparison. The original model over-predicted fatigue development from 19 to 29% torque decline; the addition of a rest multiplier significantly improved fatigue estimates to 6–10% torque decline. We conclude the addition of a rest multiplier to the three-compartment controller fatigue model provides a physiologically consistent modification for tasks involving rest intervals, resulting in improved estimates of muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Surface electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mean power frequency (MPF) were used to study the isometric muscular activity of the right versus the left upper trapezius muscles in 14 healthy right-handed women. The EMG activity was recorded simultaneously with force signals during a 10-15 s gradually increasing exertion of force, up to maximal force. Only one side at a time was tested. On both sides there was a significant increase in EMG amplitude (microV) during the gradually increasing force from 0% to 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The right trapezius muscle showed significantly less steep slopes for regression of EMG amplitude versus force at low force levels (0%-40% MVC) compared intra-individually with high force levels (60%-100% MVC). This was not found for the left trapezius muscle. At 40% MVC a significantly lower MPF value was found for the right trapezius muscle intra-individually compared with the left. An increase in MPF between 5% and 40% MVC was statistically significant when both sides were included in the test. The differences in EMG activity between the two sides at low force levels could be due to more slow-twitch (type I fibres) motor unit activity in the right trapezius muscles. It is suggested that this is related to right-handed activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify the dynamic material properties of human passive muscle tissues for the strain rates relevant to automobile crashes. A novel methodology involving genetic algorithm (GA) and finite element method is implemented to estimate the material parameters by inverse mapping the impact test data. Isolated unconfined impact tests for average strain rates ranging from 136 s−1 to 262 s−1 are performed on muscle tissues. Passive muscle tissues are modelled as isotropic, linear and viscoelastic material using three-element Zener model available in PAMCRASHTM explicit finite element software. In the GA based identification process, fitness values are calculated by comparing the estimated finite element forces with the measured experimental forces. Linear viscoelastic material parameters (bulk modulus, short term shear modulus and long term shear modulus) are thus identified at strain rates 136 s−1, 183 s−1 and 262 s−1 for modelling muscles. Extracted optimal parameters from this study are comparable with reported parameters in literature. Bulk modulus and short term shear modulus are found to be more influential in predicting the stress-strain response than long term shear modulus for the considered strain rates. Variations within the set of parameters identified at different strain rates indicate the need for new or improved material model, which is capable of capturing the strain rate dependency of passive muscle response with single set of material parameters for wide range of strain rates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the endurance of the soleus muscle, and to examine the joint position at which it is most active, while simultaneously suppressing the activity of the gastrocnemius. Ten young males performed maximum isometric contraction of the triceps surae for 100 s, and the endurance and plantar flexion torque of this muscle were measured at various angles of the knee and ankle joints. The electromyogram was measured simultaneously and subsequently converted into integrated electromyogram (IEMG) values. With the knee flexed at 130 degrees, the rate of change in IEMG values for the soleus (0.454% x s(-1)) with the ankle in a neutral position was significantly higher than that for the medial and lateral gastrocnemius. Both with the ankle dorsiflexed at 10 degrees and in the neutral position, the rate of change in IEMG for the soleus was significantly higher with the knee flexed at 90 degrees and 130 degrees than with the knee fully extended. With the knee flexed at 90 degrees and 130 degrees, the IEMG activity of the soleus during the initial (5-10 s) and final 5 s tended to be higher than those for the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, regardless of the ankle joint position. We conclude that the position in which the soleus acts most selectively during a sustained maximum isometric contraction of the triceps surae is with the ankle in a neutral position and the knee flexed at 130 degrees.  相似文献   

Muscle contractile properties have been characterised for white myotomal muscle from the common carp Cyprinus carpio at 10, 15, and 20 °C. The time course of muscle force development was measured when one, two, or three stimuli were delivered at the onset of constant velocity shortening. As the shortening velocity increased several parameters decreased including the maximum force, the time course for the contraction and the relative duration of the deactivation compared to the activation. The maximum force and the relative rates of activation to deactivation for the contraction were relatively independent of temperature, whereas the duration of the contraction decreased with increasing temperature. A predictive model was developed which was based on fitting a modified Weibull distribution to these observations. The model was used to interpolate the expected contractile forces during cyclic length-changes. Measured and predicted values for force and power during such cyclic work-loop experiments showed an excellent agreement over the range of shortening regimes typically found during swimming behaviours. However, the predicted force was overestimated during the deactivation phase of the contractions when the shortening velocities exceeded those found during swimming. Accepted: 25 May 1999  相似文献   

Different behaviours of the EMG power spectrum across increasing force levels have been reported for the masseter muscle. A factor that could explain these different behaviours may be the type of contraction used, as was recently shown for certain upper limb muscles5. The purpose of this study was to compare, between two types of isometric contractions, the behaviour of EMG power spectrum statistics (median frequency (MF) and mean power frequency (MPF)) obtained across increasing force levels. Ten women exerted, while biting in the intercuspal position, three 5 s ramp contractions that increased linearly from 0 to 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). They also completed three step contractions (constant EMG amplitude) at each of the following levels: 20, 40, 60 and 80% MVC. EMG signals from the masseter muscle were recorded with miniature surface electrodes. The RMS, as well as the MPF and MF of the power spectrum were calculated at 20, 40, 60 and 80% MVC for each type of contraction. As expected, the RMS values showed similar increases with increasing levels of effort for both types of contractions. Different behaviours for both MPF (contraction*force interaction, ANOVA, P<0.05) and MF (contraction*force interaction, ANOVA, P>0.05) across increasing levels of effort were found between the two types of contraction. The use of step contractions gave rise to a decrease of both MPF and MF with increasing force, while the use of ramp contractions gave rise to an increase in both statistics up to at least 40% MVC followed by a decrease at higher force levels. These findings suggest that the type of contraction used does influence the behaviour of the spectral statistics across increasing force levels and that this could explain the differences obtained in previous studies for the masseter muscle.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to obtain force/velocity relationships for electrically stimulated (80 Hz) human adductor pollicis muscle (n = 6) and to quantify the effects of fatigue. There are two major problems of studying human muscle in situ; the first is the contribution of the series elastic component, and the second is a loss of force consequent upon the extent of loaded shortening. These problems were tackled in two ways. Records obtained from isokinetic releases from maximal isometric tetani showed a late linear phase of force decline, and this was extrapolated back to the time of release to obtain measures of instantaneous force. This method gave usable data up to velocities of shortening equivalent to approximately one-third of maximal velocity. An alternative procedure (short activation, SA) allowed the muscle to begin shortening when isometric force reached a value that could be sustained during shortening (essentially an isotonic protocol). At low velocities both protocols gave very similar data (r2 = 0.96), but for high velocities only the SA procedure could be used. Results obtained using the SA protocol in fresh muscle were compared to those for muscle that had been fatigued by 25 s of ischaemic isometric contractions, induced by electrical stimulation at the ulnar nerve. Fatigue resulted in a decrease of isometric force [to 69 (3)%], an increase in half-relaxation time [to 431 (10)%], and decreases in maximal shortening velocity [to 77 (8)%] and power [to 42 (5)%]. These are the first data for human skeletal muscle to show convincingly that during acute fatigue, power is reduced as a consequence of both the loss of force and slowing of the contractile speed.  相似文献   

Greater hamstring musculotendinous stiffness is associated with lesser ACL loading mechanisms. Stiffness is enhanced via training, but previous investigations evaluated tendon rather than musculotendinous stiffness, and none involved the hamstrings. We evaluated the effects of isometric and isotonic training on hamstring stiffness and ACL loading mechanisms. Thirty-six healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to isometric, isotonic, and control groups. Isometric and isotonic groups completed 6 weeks of training designed to enhance hamstring stiffness. Stiffness, anterior tibial translation, and landing biomechanics were measured prior to and following the interventions. Hamstring stiffness increased significantly with isometric training (15.7%; p = 0.006), but not in the isotonic (13.5%; p = 0.089) or control (0.4%; p = 0.942) groups. ACL loading mechanisms changed in manners consistent with lesser loading, but these changes were not statistically significant. These findings suggest that isometric training may be an important addition to ACL injury prevention programs. The lack of significant changes in ACL loading mechanisms and effects of isotonic training were likely due to the small sample sizes per group and limited intervention duration. Future research using larger sample sizes and longer interventions is necessary to determine the effects of enhancing hamstring stiffness on ACL loading and injury risk.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles are surrounded by other muscles, connective tissue and bones, which may transfer transversal forces to the muscle belly. Simple Hill-type muscle models do not consider transversal forces. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine and model the influence of transversal muscle loading on contraction dynamics, e.g. on the rate of force development and on the maximum isometric muscle force (Fim). Isometric experiments with and without transversal muscle loading were conducted on rat muscles. The muscles were loaded (1.3 N cm? 2) by a custom-made plunger which was able to move in transversal direction. Then the muscle was fully stimulated, the isometric force was measured at the distal tendon and the movement of the plunger was captured with a high-speed camera. The interaction between the muscle and the transversal load was modelled based on energy balance between the (1) work done by the contractile component (CC) and (2) the work done to lift the load, to stretch the series elastic structures and to deform the muscle. Compared with the unloaded contraction, the force rate was reduced by about 25% and Fim was reduced by 5% both in the experiment and in the simulation. The reduction in Fim resulted from using part of the work done by the CC to lift the load and deform the muscle. The response of the muscle to transversal loading opens a window into the interdependence of contractile and deformation work, which can be used to specify and validate 3D muscle models.  相似文献   

During maximum effort, the supraspinatus muscle contributes approximately 50% of the torque need to elevate the arm, but this has not been examined at sub-maximal levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of the supraspinatus muscle to shoulder elevation at sub-maximal levels. Seven healthy subjects (four males, three females) performed isometric ramp contractions at the shoulder. Middle deltoid electromyography (EMG) and force applied at the wrist were collected before and after a suprascapular nerve block. For the same level of deltoid EMG, less external force will be measured after the nerve block as the supraspinatus muscle no longer contributes. The difference between the EMG/force curve was the contribution of the supraspinatus muscle. The supraspinatus contributed 40%, 95% CI [32%–48%], to shoulder elevation. The effect of angle (p = .67) and % maximal voluntary contraction (p = .13) on supraspinatus contribution were not significant. The maximum is slightly less than reported in a previous suprascapular nerve block study using maximal contractions. The results from this study can be used to assess supraspinatus contribution in rotator cuff tears, after rehabilitation interventions, and as a restraint in computation modelling.  相似文献   

Summary Myofilaments of striated muscles can be recognized in the electron microscope to be in structural continuity with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. The very site of insertion of these myofilaments at the membrane surface frequently appears characterized by a dense basal knob of 85–135 Å. It is hypothesized that this attachment of myofilaments to the nuclear membrane plays a role in mechanically transmitting the contraction of the fiber to the nucleus, thus bringing about the harmonica-like folded appearance of the nucleus which is known for the contracted states of striated, smooth and cardiac muscles.The work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.The author is indebted to Miss Sigrid Krien and Miss Marianne Winter for careful technical assistance as well as to Drs. Heinz Falk and U. Scheer for valuable discussions.  相似文献   

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