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Soft tissue artefact (STA), i.e. the motion of the skin, fat and muscles gliding on the underlying bone, may lead to a marker position error reaching up to 8.7 cm for the particular case of the scapula. Multibody kinematics optimisation (MKO) is one of the most efficient approaches used to reduce STA. It consists in minimising the distance between the positions of experimental markers on a subject skin and the simulated positions of the same markers embedded on a kinematic model. However, the efficiency of MKO directly relies on the chosen kinematic model. This paper proposes an overview of the different upper limb models available in the literature and a discussion about their applicability to MKO.The advantages of each joint model with respect to its biofidelity to functional anatomy are detailed both for the shoulder and the forearm areas. Models capabilities of personalisation and of adaptation to pathological cases are also discussed. Concerning model efficiency in terms of STA reduction in MKO algorithms, a lack of quantitative assessment in the literature is noted. In priority, future studies should concern the evaluation and quantification of STA reduction depending on upper limb joint constraints.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the performances of the global optimisation (GO) method (Bone position estimation from skin marker co-ordinates using GO with joint constraints. Journal of Biomechanics 32, 129-134) within the upper limb kinematics analysis. First the model of the upper limb is presented. Then we apply GO method in order to reduce skin movement artefacts that imply relative movement between markers and bones. The performances of the method are then evaluated with the help of simulated movements of the upper limb. Results show a significant reduction of the errors and of the variability due to skin movement.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate test and retest reliability according to examiner experience with the three-dimensional kinematics of the trunk, scapula, and arm segments during flexion and unilateral abduction of the arm. Ten men and 10 women (mean age, 25.1 [1.1] years) participated in this study. Each volunteer participated in six test sessions, four on the first day (two for each examiner) and two on the second day (one for each examiner). A 48-h interval was given between test days. The assessments were made by one examiner with movement analysis experience and a second examiner without experience. For each session (intra-day), the volunteers performed five repetitions of unilateral arm flexions and abductions using their dominant arms. After 1 h, the data were re-collected and all markers were replaced. Data from the trunk, scapula, and arm were analysed at 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of arm flexion and abduction using intraclass coefficient correlation, standard error of the measurement, and analysis of variance. The results did not differ between the experienced and inexperienced examiners except for trunk axial rotation at all studied angles and for arm rotation at 120° of abduction. The examiner previously trained in movement analysis marker placement demonstrated the same intra-tester reliability as the inexperienced tester when marker placement accuracy was the variable of interest.  相似文献   

Background: Muscle fatigue is associated with biomechanical changes that may lead to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Alterations in trunk and pelvis kinematics may also be involved in ACL injury. Although some studies have compared the effects of muscle fatigue on lower limb kinematics between men and women, little is known about its effects on pelvis and trunk kinematics. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of fatigue on lower limb, pelvis and trunk kinematics and muscle activation between men and women during landing. Methods: The participants included forty healthy subjects. We performed kinematic analysis of the trunk, pelvis, hip and knee and muscle activation analysis of the gluteal muscles, vastus lateralis and biceps femoris, during a single-leg landing before and after fatigue. Results: Men had greater trunk flexion than women after fatigue. After fatigue, a decrease in peak knee flexion and an increase in Gmax and BF activation were observed. Conclusion: The increase in the trunk flexion can decrease the anterior tibiofemoral shear force resulted from the lower knee flexion angle, thereby decreasing the stress on the ACL.  相似文献   

The occurrence and management of Pressure Ulcers remain a major issue for patients with reduced mobility and neurosensory loss despite significant improvement in the prevention methods. These injuries are caused by biological cascades leading from a given mechanical loading state in tissues to irreversible tissue damage. Estimating the internal mechanical conditions within loaded soft tissues has the potential of improving the management and prevention of PU. Several Finite Element models of the buttock have therefore been proposed based on either MRI or CT-Scan data. However, because of the limited availability of MRI or CT-Scan systems and of the long segmentation time, all studies in the literature include the data of only one individual. Yet the inter-individual variability can’t be overlooked when dealing with patient specific estimation of internal tissue loading. As an alternative, this contribution focuses on the combined use of low-dose biplanar X-ray images, B-mode ultrasound images and optical scanner acquisitions in a non-weight-bearing sitting posture for the fast generation of patient-specific FE models of the buttock. Model calibration was performed based on Ischial Tuberosity sagging. Model evaluation was performed by comparing the simulated contact pressure with experimental observations on a population of 6 healthy subjects. Analysis of the models confirmed the high inter-individual variability of soft tissue response (maximum Green Lagrange shear strains of 213 ± 101% in the muscle). This methodology opens the way for investigating inter-individual factors influencing the soft tissue response during sitting and for providing tools to assess PU risk.  相似文献   

Scapular kinematics during sports performances can be recorded using skin-mounted trackers attached to the skin overlying the acromion for continuous data collection without restricting natural motions of the subject relative to medical imaging analyses limiting its use for wide-range or high-speed motions. This study aimed to describe the existence of a directional bias in the translational and rotational errors of skin-mounted trackers using a 3D magnetic resonance imaging (3D-MRI) protocol. 3D-MRI scans of the healthy right shoulders of 19 males were acquired in 12 arm positions. The relative transformation of the scapular configuration determined to be the measurement error, as recorded by the configuration of the small cuboid imitating a skin-mounted tracker relative to the actual scapular configuration measured by the voxel-based registration. These measurement errors were expressed with either positive or negative values to describe the bias. Overall translational errors in the lateral, anterior, and superior directions were 3.7 ± 8.4 mm, 9.5 ± 6.4 mm, and 6.2 ± 4.6 mm, respectively. Overall rotational errors in protraction, upward rotation, and posterior tilt were 7.8 ± 8.4°, 0.2 ± 7.4°, and − 4.0 ± 7.5°, respectively. The skin-mounted tracker displayed a high probability of displacement in antero-superior (93% and 91%) directions and rotates in a protracting manner (82%) relative to the position of the underlying bone with the gradual nature of its change. The existence of the directional bias with its gradual change suggests a statistical predictability in measurement errors, which can be used to predict accurate scapular translation and rotation.  相似文献   

Scapular kinematics in healthy adults is well described in the literature but little is known on typical children. This study aimed to compare the three-dimensional (3-D) scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm during the elevation and lowering of the arm in the scapular plane in typical children and healthy adults. Twenty-six healthy adults (35.34 ± 11.65 years, 1.70 ± 0.10 m, 70.00 ± 12.30 kg) and 33 typical children (9.12 ± 1.51 years, 1.40 ± 0.10 m, 35.40 ± 10.45 kg) participated in this study. 3-D scapular kinematics were obtained using an electromagnetic tracking device. The subjects were asked to elevate and lower their arm in the scapular plane. Children showed less scapular protraction compared to adults at 120° during arm elevation, more anterior tilt than adults in the elevation and also at 60°, 90° and 120° during lowering of the arm. Children also showed higher scapulohumeral rhythm during lowering of the arm compared to adults from 90° to 60°. It was also found a low to little correlation between scapular position and age. The study showed small but significant differences in scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm between children and adults. These results can help clinicians to improve diagnosis and treatment protocols directed to children with dysfunction, as reference values on scapular kinematics in healthy children are also provided in this study.  相似文献   

This study described the three-dimensional shoulder motion during the arm elevation in individuals with isolated acromioclavicular osteoarthritis (ACO) and ACO associated with rotator cuff disease (RCD), as compared to controls. Seventy-four participants (ACO = 23, ACO + RCD = 25, Controls = 26) took part of this study. Disability was assessed with the DASH, three-dimensional kinematics were collected during arm elevation in the sagittal and scapular planes, and pain was assessed with the 11-point numeric pain rating scale. For each kinematic variable and demographic variables, separate linear mixed-model 2-way ANOVAs were performed to compare groups. Both ACO groups had higher DASH and pain scores. At the scapulothoracic joint, the isolated ACO group had greater internal rotation than control, and the ACO + RCD group had greater upward rotation than both other groups. At the sternoclavicular joint, both groups with ACO had less retraction, and the isolated ACO group had less elevation and posterior rotation. At the acromioclavicular joint, the isolated ACO group had greater upward rotation, and both ACO groups had greater posterior tilting. Patients with ACO had altered shoulder kinematics, which may represent compensatory responses to reduce pain and facilitate arm motion during arm elevation and lowering.  相似文献   

The inverse dynamics technique applied to musculoskeletal models, and supported by optimisation techniques, is used extensively to estimate muscle and joint reaction forces. However, the solutions of the redundant muscle force sharing problem are sensitive to the detail and modelling assumptions of the models used. This study presents four alternative biomechanical models of the upper limb with different levels of discretisation of muscles by bundles and muscle paths, and their consequences on the estimation of the muscle and joint reaction forces. The muscle force sharing problem is solved for the motions of abduction and anterior flexion, acquired using video imaging, through the minimisation of an objective function describing muscle metabolic energy consumption. While looking for the optimal solution, not only the equations of motion are satisfied but also the stability of the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints is preserved. The results show that a lower level of muscle discretisation provides worse estimations regarding the muscle forces. Moreover, the poor discretisation of muscles relevant to the joint in analysis limits the applicability of the biomechanical model. In this study, the biomechanical model of the upper limb describing the infraspinatus by a single bundle could not solve the complete motion of anterior flexion. Despite the small differences in the magnitude of the forces predicted by the biomechanical models with more complex muscular systems, in general, there are no significant variations in the muscular activity of equivalent muscles.  相似文献   

The golf swing is a complex full body movement during which the spine and shoulders are highly involved. In order to determine shoulder kinematics during this movement, multibody kinematics optimization (MKO) can be recommended to limit the effect of the soft tissue artifact and to avoid joint dislocations or bone penetration in reconstructed kinematics. Classically, in golf biomechanics research, the shoulder is represented by a 3 degrees-of-freedom model representing the glenohumeral joint. More complex and physiological models are already provided in the scientific literature. Particularly, the model used in this study was a full body model and also described motions of clavicles and scapulae. This study aimed at quantifying the effect of utilizing a more complex and physiological shoulder model when studying the golf swing. Results obtained on 20 golfers showed that a more complex and physiologically-accurate model can more efficiently track experimental markers, which resulted in differences in joint kinematics. Hence, the model with 3 degrees-of-freedom between the humerus and the thorax may be inadequate when combined with MKO and a more physiological model would be beneficial. Finally, results would also be improved through a subject-specific approach for the determination of the segment lengths.  相似文献   

The upper trapezius (UT) has been widely studied and related to alterations in clavicular kinematics in subject with shoulder disorders. However, the most common electrode site used to capture UT EMG is between C7 and the acromion, placing the electrodes over the acromial fibers rather than clavicular ones. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between clavicular movements (elevation and retraction) and UT EMG recorded from three electrode sites (traditional electrode positioning and two different sites proposed for clavicular fibers evaluation). Furthermore, the position associated with the highest EMG during maximal isometric voluntary contractions (MVIC), for each electrode site, was determined for normalization purposes. EMG was simultaneously captured in the three electrode sites of 20 healthy subjects, during MVIC at five different positions and during shoulder elevation and abduction in scapular plane. Clavicular kinematics was recorded using an electromagnetic tracking system during the dynamic contractions. Shoulder abduction with head rotation and lateral flexion elicited the highest EMG amplitude on the three electrode sites and was used to normalize the signals. A cross-correlation analysis showed high correlations between all electrode sites and clavicular movements. However, the traditional electrode site seems to record more informative signals in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of joint loads implies using subject-specific musculoskeletal models. Moreover, as the lines of action of the muscles are dictated by the soft tissues, which are in turn influenced by gravitational forces, we developed a method to build subject-specific models of the lower limb in a functional standing position. Bones and skin envelope were obtained in a standing position, whereas muscles and a set of bony landmarks were obtained from conventional magnetic resonance images in a lying position. These muscles were merged with the subject-specific skeletal model using a nonlinear transformation, taking into account soft tissue movements and gravitational effects. Seven asymptomatic lower limbs were modelled using this method, and results showed realistic deformations. Comparing the subject-specific skeletal model to a scaled reference model rendered differences in terms of muscle length up to 4% and in terms of moment arm for adductor muscles up to 30%. These preliminary findings enlightened the importance of subject-specific modelling in a functional position.  相似文献   

Soft tissue artefacts (STA) introduce errors in joint kinematics when using cutaneous markers, especially on the scapula. Both segmental optimisation and multibody kinematics optimisation (MKO) algorithms have been developed to improve kinematics estimates. MKO based on a chain model with joint constraints avoids apparent joint dislocation but is sensitive to the biofidelity of chosen joint constraints. Since no recommendation exists for the scapula, our objective was to determine the best models to accurately estimate its kinematics. One participant was equipped with skin markers and with an intracortical pin screwed in the scapula. Segmental optimisation and MKO for 24-chain models (including four variations of the scapulothoracic joint) were compared against the pin-derived kinematics using root mean square error (RMSE) on Cardan angles. Segmental optimisation led to an accurate scapula kinematics (1.1°  RMSE  3.3°) even for high arm elevation angles. When MKO was applied, no clinically significant difference was found between the different scapulothoracic models (0.9°  RMSE  4.1°) except when a free scapulothoracic joint was modelled (1.9°  RMSE  9.6°). To conclude, using MKO as a STA correction method was not more accurate than segmental optimisation for estimating scapula kinematics.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have found significant variation in cervical intervertebral kinematics (IVK) among healthy subjects, but the effect of this variation on biomechanical properties, such as neck strength, has not been explored. The goal of this study was to quantify variation in model predictions of extension strength, flexion strength and gravitational demand (the ratio of gravitational load from the weight of the head to neck muscle extension strength), due to inter-subject variation in IVK. IVK were measured from sagittal radiographs of 24 subjects (14F, 10M) in five postures: maximal extension, mid-extension, neutral, mid-flexion, and maximal flexion. IVK were defined by the position (anterior-posterior and superior-inferior) of each cervical vertebra with respect to T1 and its angle with respect to horizontal, and fit with a cubic polynomial over the range of motion. The IVK of each subject were scaled and incorporated into musculoskeletal models to create models that were identical in muscle force- and moment-generating properties but had subject-specific kinematics. The effect of inter-subject variation in IVK was quantified using the coefficient of variation (COV), the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. COV of extension strength ranged from 8% to 15% over the range of motion, but COV of flexion strength was 20–80%. Moreover, the COV of gravitational demand was 80–90%, because the gravitational demand is affected by head position as well as neck strength. These results indicate that including inter-individual variation in models is important for evaluating neck musculoskeletal biomechanical properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of visual and proprioceptive feedback in upper limb posture control in fibromyalgia (FM) and to assess the coherence between acceleration measurements of upper limb micro movements and surface electromyography (sEMG) of shoulder muscle activity (upper trapezius and deltoid). Twenty-five female FM patients and 25 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) performed three precision motor tasks: (1) maintain a steady shoulder abduction angle of 45° while receiving visual feedback about upper arm position and supporting external loads (0.5, 1, or 2 kg), (2) maintain the same shoulder abduction angle without visual feedback (eyes closed) and no external loading, and (3) a joint position sense test (i.e., assessment of proprioceptive accuracy). Patients had more extensive increase in movement variance than HCs when visual feedback was removed (P < 0.03). Proprioceptive accuracy was related to movement variance in HCs (R  0.59, P  0.002), but not in patients (R  0.25, P  0.24). There was no difference between patients and HCs in coherence between sEMG and acceleration data. These results may indicate that FM patients are more dependent on visual feedback and less reliant on proprioceptive information for upper limb posture control compared to HCs.  相似文献   

During locomotion, mammalian limb postures are influenced by many factors including the animal's limb length and body mass. Polk (2002) compared the gait of similar-sized cercopithecine monkeys that differed limb proportions and found that longer-limbed monkeys usually adopt more extended joint postures than shorter-limbed monkeys in order to moderate their joint moments. Studies of primates as well as non-primate mammals that vary in body mass have demonstrated that larger animals use more extended limb postures than smaller animals. Such extended postures in larger animals increase the extensor muscle mechanical advantage and allow postures to be maintained with relatively less muscular effort (Polk, 2002; Biewener 1989). The results of these previous studies are used here to address two anthropological questions. The first concerns the postural effects of body mass and limb proportion differences between australopithecines and members of the genus Homo. That is, H. erectus and later hominins all have larger body mass and longer legs than australopithecines, and these anatomical differences suggest that Homo probably used more extended postures and probably required relatively less muscular force to resist gravity than the smaller and shorter-limbed australopithecines. The second question investigates how animals with similar size but different limb proportions differ in locomotor performance. The effects of limb proportions on gait are relevant to inferring postural and locomotor differences between Neanderthals and modern Homo sapiens which differ in their crural indices and relative limb length. This study demonstrates that primates with relatively long limbs achieve higher walking speeds while using lower stride frequencies and lower angular excursions than shorter-limbed monkeys, and these kinematic differences may allow longer-limbed taxa to locomote more efficiently than shorter-limbed species of similar mass. Such differences may also have characterized the gait of Homo sapiens in comparison to Neanderthals, but more experimental data on humans that vary in limb proportions are necessary in order to evaluate this question more thoroughly.  相似文献   

In the modelling of the upper limb, many muscles cannot be represented as a straight line from origin to insertion due to the complex morphology causing them to wrap around passive structures. The majority of bony contours that form these obstructions can be described adequately as simple geometric shapes such as spheres and cylinders.A novel technique for the parameterisation of muscle paths as they wrap around such shapes has been developed for use in an upper limb model. The new method involves the definition of moving co-ordinate systems in which the path of a wrapped muscle does not move, allowing simplified specification. In addition, an analytical calculation of the wrapping path around a cylinder is presented over previous approximate methods.Muscle moment arms were pre-calculated from vector considerations and within SIMM by tendon excursion. Close agreement between the two suggests that the proposed implementations accurately follow the theoretical relationship and can be used with confidence in musculoskeletal models.  相似文献   

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