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Restoring functional gait speed is an important goal for rehabilitation post-stroke. During walking, transferring of one’s body weight between the limbs and maintaining balance stability are necessary for independent functional gait. Although it is documented that individuals post-stroke commonly have difficulties with performing weight transfer onto their paretic limbs, it remains to be determined if these deficits contributed to slower walking speeds. The primary purpose of this study was to compare the weight transfer characteristics between slow and fast post-stroke ambulators. Participants (N = 36) with chronic post-stroke hemiparesis walked at their comfortable and maximal walking speeds on a treadmill. Participants were stratified into 2 groups based on their comfortable walking speeds (≥0.8 m/s or <0.8 m/s). Minimum body center of mass (COM) to center of pressure (COP) distance, weight transfer timing, step width, lateral foot placement relative to the COM, hip moment, peak vertical and anterior ground reaction forces, and changes in walking speed were analyzed. Results showed that slow walkers walked with a delayed and deficient weight transfer to the paretic limb, lower hip abductor moment, and more lateral paretic limb foot placement relative to the COM compared to fast walkers. In addition, propulsive force and walking speed capacity was related to lateral weight transfer ability. These findings demonstrated that deficits in lateral weight transfer and stability could potentially be one of the limiting factors underlying comfortable walking speeds and a determinant of chronic stroke survivors’ ability to increase walking speed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of gait speed on the control of mediolateral dynamic stability during gait initiation. Thirteen healthy young adults initiated gait at three self-selected speeds: Slow, Normal and Fast. The results indicated that the duration of anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) decreased from Slow to Fast, i.e. the time allocated to propel the centre of mass (COM) towards the stance-leg side was shortened. Likely as an attempt at compensation, the peak of the anticipatory centre of pressure (COP) shift increased. However, COP compensation was not fully efficient since the results indicated that the mediolateral COM shift towards the stance-leg side at swing foot-off decreased with gait speed. Consequently, the COM shift towards the swing-leg side at swing heel-contact increased from Slow to Fast, indicating that the mediolateral COM fall during step execution increased as gait speed rose. However, this increased COM fall was compensated by greater step width so that the margin of stability (the distance between the base-of-support boundary and the mediolateral component of the “extrapolated centre of mass”) at heel-contact remained unchanged across the speed conditions. Furthermore, a positive correlation between the mediolateral extrapolated COM position at heel-contact and step width was found, indicating that the greater the mediolateral COM fall, the greater the step width. Globally, these results suggest that mediolateral APA and step width are modulated with gait speed so as to maintain equivalent mediolateral dynamical stability at the time of swing heel-contact.  相似文献   

The association between low back pain and spine movement control suggests that it is important to reliably quantify movement behavior. One method to characterize spine movement behavior is to measure the local dynamic stability (LDS) of spine movement during a repetitive flexion task in which a participant is asked to touch multiple targets repetitively. Within the literature, it has been well established that an individual’s focus of attention (FOA) can modulate their neuromuscular control and affect task performance. The goal of this project was to examine the unknown effect of FOA on LDS measurements and timing error during a repetitive spine flexion task that is commonly used to assess movement control. Fourteen healthy adults (7 male) were instructed to touch two targets (shoulder height and knee height) to the beat of a metronome (4 s/cycle) for 35 consecutive cycles. They completed this task under internal (focus on trunk movement) and external (focus on targets) FOA conditions. Motion capture data of the trunk and sacrum were collected at 120 Hz. The lumbar spine angle was defined as the orientation of the trunk relative to the pelvis. The local divergence exponent (λmax) was calculated from the sum of squares of the 3-dimensional spine angle. Timing error was calculated as the time difference between target touches and metronome beats. Changing an individual’s FOA had no effect on λmax calculations or timing error. Although clear task instructions are important, it is not essential to control for FOA during this movement assessment protocol.  相似文献   

Interestingly, young and highly active people with lower limb amputation appear to maintain a similar trunk and upper body stability during walking as able-bodied individuals. Understanding the mechanisms underlying how this stability is achieved after lower-leg amputation is important to improve training regimens for improving walking function in these patients. This study quantified how superior (i.e., head, trunk, and pelvis) and inferior (i.e., thigh, shank, and feet) segments of the body respond to continuous visual or mechanical perturbations during walking. Nine persons with transtibial amputation (TTA) and 12 able-bodied controls (AB) walked on a 2 m×3 m treadmill in a Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN). Subjects were perturbed by continuous pseudo-random mediolateral movements of either the treadmill platform or the visual scene. TTA maintained a similar local and orbital stability in their superior body segments as AB throughout both perturbation types. However, for their inferior body segments, TTA subjects exhibited greater dynamic instability during perturbed walking. In TTA subjects, these increases in instability were even more pronounced in their prosthetic limb compared to their intact leg. These findings demonstrate that persons with unilateral lower leg amputation maintain upper body stability in spite of increased dynamic instability in their impaired lower leg. Thus, transtibial amputation does significantly impair sensorimotor function, leading to substantially altered dynamic movements of their lower limb segments. However, otherwise relatively healthy patients with unilateral transtibial amputation appear to retain sufficient remaining sensorimotor function in their proximal and contralateral limbs to adequately compensate for their impairment.  相似文献   

Repetitive falls degrade the quality of life of elderly people and of patients suffering of various neurological disorders. In order to prevent falls while walking, one should rely on relevant early indicators of impaired dynamic balance. The local dynamic stability (LDS) represents the sensitivity of gait to small perturbations: divergence exponents (maximal Lyapunov exponents) assess how fast a dynamical system diverges from neighbor points. Although numerous findings attest the validity of LDS as a fall risk index, reliability results are still sparse. The present study explores the intrasession and intersession repeatability of gait LDS using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM). Ninety-five healthy individuals performed 5 min treadmill walking in two sessions separated by 9 days. Trunk acceleration was measured with a 3D accelerometer. Three time scales were used to estimate LDS: over 4–10 strides (λ4–10), over one stride (λ1) and over one step (λ0.5). The intrasession repeatability was assessed from three repetitions of either 35 strides or 70 strides taken within the 5 min tests. The intersession repeatability compared the two sessions, which totalized 210 strides. The intrasession ICCs (70-strides estimates/35-strides estimates) were 0.52/0.18 for λ4–10 and 0.84/0.77 for λ1 and λ0.5. The intersession ICCs were around 0.60. The SEM results revealed that λ0.5 measured in medio-lateral direction exhibited the best reliability, sufficient to detect moderate changes at individual level (20%). However, due to the low intersession repeatability, one should average several measurements taken on different days in order to better approximate the true LDS.  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to delineate age-associated kinematic and kinetic gait patterns of normal walking, and to test the hypothesis that older adults exhibit gait patterns that reduce generative mechanical work expenditures (MWEs). We studied 52 adult Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging participants (means age 72±9, from 60 to 92 years) who could walk 4 m unaided. Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic parameters assessed during rotation-defined gait periods were used to estimate MWEs for the rotation of lower extremities about the medial–lateral (ML) and anterior–posterior (AP) axes of proximal joints, which represent MWEs in the AP and ML sides, respectively. Relationships between gait parameters and age were examined using regression analysis with adjustments for walking speed, sex, height, and weight. Older age was associated with slower self-selected walking speed (p<0.001), shorter stride length (p<0.001), and greater propensity of landing flat-footed (p=0.003). With older age, hip generative MWE for thigh rotation was lower about the AP axis (hip abduction and adduction) during stance (p=0.010) and higher about the ML axis (hip extension and flexion) during late stance (p<0.001). Knee absorptive MWE for shank rotation about the AP axis (knee abduction and adduction) during early stance was also lower with older age (p<0.003). These age-related gait patterns may represent a compensatory effort to maintain balance and may also reflect mobility limitations.  相似文献   

Healthy humans display a preference for walking at a stride frequency dependent on the inertial properties of their legs. Walking at preferred stride frequency (PSF) is predicted to maximize local dynamic stability, whereby sensitivity to intrinsic perturbations arising from natural variability inherent in biological motion is minimized. Previous studies testing this prediction have employed different variability measures, but none have directly quantified local dynamic stability by computing maximum finite-time Lyapunov exponent (λMax), which quantifies the rate of divergence of nearby trajectories in state space. Here, ten healthy adults walked 45 m overground while sagittal motion of both knees was recorded via electrogoniometers. An auditory metronome prescribed 7 different frequencies relative to each individual's PSF (PSF; ±5, ±10, ±15 strides/min). Stride frequencies were performed under both freely adopted speed (FS) and controlled speed (CS: set at the speed of PSF trials) conditions. Local dynamic stability was maximal (λMax was minimal) at the PSF, becoming less stable for higher and lower stride frequencies. This occurred under both FS and CS conditions, although controlling speed further reduced local dynamic stability at non-preferred stride frequencies. In contrast, measures of variability revealed effects of stride frequency and speed conditions that were distinct from λMax. In particular, movement regularity computed by approximate entropy (ApEn) increased for slower walking speeds, appearing to depend on speed rather than stride frequency. The cadence freely adopted by humans has the benefit of maximizing local dynamic stability, which can be interpreted as humans tuning to their resonant frequency of walking.  相似文献   

Load carriage perturbs the neuromuscular system, which can be impaired due to ageing. The ability to counteract perturbations is an indicator of neuromuscular function but if the response is insufficient the risk of falls will increase. However, it is unknown how load carriage affects older adults. Fourteen older adults (65 ± 6 years) attended a single visit during which they performed 4 min of walking in 3 conditions, unloaded, stable backpack load and unstable backpack load. During each walking trial, 3-dimensional kinematics of the lower limb and trunk movements and electromyographic activity of 6 lower limb muscles were recorded. The local dynamic stability (local divergence exponents), joint angle variability and spatio-temporal variability were determined along with muscle activation magnitudes. Medio-lateral dynamic stability was lower (p = 0.018) and step width (p = 0.019) and step width variability (p = 0.015) were greater in unstable load walking and step width variability was greater in stable load walking (p = 0.009) compared to unloaded walking. However, there was no effect on joint angle variability. Unstable load carriage increased activity of the Rectus Femoris (p = 0.001) and Soleus (p = 0.043) and stable load carriage increased Rectus Femoris activity (p = 0.006). These results suggest that loaded walking alters the gait of older adults and that unstable load carriage reduces dynamic stability compared to unloaded walking. This can potentially increase the risk of falls, but also offers the potential to use unstable loads as part of fall prevention programmes.  相似文献   

Peripheral sensory feedback is believed to contribute significantly to maintaining walking stability. Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have a greatly increased risk of falling. Previously, we demonstrated that slower walking speeds in neuropathic patients lead to improved local dynamic stability. However, all subjects exhibited significant local instability during walking, even though no subject fell or stumbled during testing. The present study was conducted to determine if and how significant changes in peripheral sensation and walking speed affect orbital stability during walking. Trunk and lower extremity kinematics were examined from two prior experiments that compared patients with significant neuropathy to healthy controls and walking at multiple different speeds in young healthy subjects. Maximum Floquet multipliers were computed for each time series to quantify the orbital stability of these movements. All subjects exhibited orbitally stable walking kinematics, even though these same kinematics were previously shown to be locally unstable. Differences in orbital stability between neuropathic and control subjects were small and, with the exception of knee joint movements (p=0.001), not statistically significant (0.380p0.946). Differences in knee orbital stability were not mediated by differences in walking speed. This was supported by our finding that although orbital stability improved slightly with slower walking speeds, the correlations between walking speed and orbital stability were generally weak (r(2)16.7%). Thus, neuropathic patients do not gain improved orbital stability as a result of slowing down and do not experience any loss of orbital stability because of their sensory deficits.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the mechanical determinants of walking energetics, we investigated the effects of aging and arm swing on the metabolic cost of stabilization. We tested two hypotheses: (1) elderly adults consume more metabolic energy during walking than young adults because they consume more metabolic energy for lateral stabilization, and (2) arm swing reduces the metabolic cost of stabilization during walking in young and elderly adults. To test these hypotheses, we provided external lateral stabilization by applying bilateral forces (10% body weight) to a waist belt via elastic cords while young and elderly subjects walked at 1.3m/s on a motorized treadmill with arm swing and with no arm swing. We found that the external stabilizer reduced the net rate of metabolic energy consumption to a similar extent in elderly and young subjects. This reduction was greater (6-7%) when subjects walked with no arm swing than when they walked normally (3-4%). When young or elderly subjects eliminated arm swing while walking with no external stabilization, net metabolic power increased by 5-6%. We conclude that the greater metabolic cost of walking in elderly adults is not caused by a greater cost of lateral stabilization. Moreover, arm swing reduces the metabolic cost of walking in both young and elderly adults likely by contributing to stability.  相似文献   

In studies on polyol-mediated protein stabilization, the polyols are the preferred variable and less importance is given to the intrinsic properties of the protein used. We investigated the stabilizing effects of glycerol on three in vitro evolved lipase mutants with varying stabilities and also in a broad pH range of 3.3-12.1. Significant linear negative correlation between increment in stability due to glycerol and prior stability suggests that stabilizing effects of glycerol depend on the prior stability of the protein. Polar/nonpolar surface area and charge do not have a bearing on the stabilizing effects of glycerol.  相似文献   

Walking speed is modulated using propulsive forces (FP) during push-off and both preferred speed and FP decrease with aging. However, even prior to walking slower, reduced FP may be accompanied by potentially unfavorable changes in joint power generation. For example, compared to young adults, older adults exhibit a redistribution of mechanical power generation from the propulsive plantarflexor muscles to more proximal muscles acting across the knee and hip. Here, we used visual biofeedback based on real-time FP measurements to decouple and investigate the interaction between joint-level coordination, whole-body FP, and walking speed. 12 healthy young subjects walked on a dual-belt instrumented treadmill at a range of speeds (0.9–1.3 m/s). We immediately calculated the average FP from each speed. Subjects then walked at 1.3 m/s while completing a series of biofeedback trials with instructions to match their instantaneous FP to their averaged FP from slower speeds. Walking slower decreased FP and total positive joint work with little effect on relative joint-level contributions. Conversely, subjects walked at a constant speed with reduced FP, not by reducing total positive joint work, but by redistributing the mechanical demands of each step from the plantarflexor muscles during push-off to more proximal leg muscles during single support. Interestingly, these naturally emergent joint- and limb-level biomechanical changes, in the absence of neuromuscular constraints, resemble those due to aging. Our findings provide important reference data to understand the presumably complex interactions between joint power generation, whole-body FP, and walking speed in our aging population.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effects of load carriage on gait balance stability is important in various applications. However, their quantification has not been rigorously addressed in the current literature, partially due to the lack of relevant computational indices. The novel Dynamic Gait Measure (DGM) characterizes gait balance stability by quantifying the relative effects of inertia in terms of zero-moment point, ground projection of center of mass, and time-varying foot support region. In this study, the DGM is formulated in terms of the gait parameters that explicitly reflect the gait strategy of a given walking pattern and is used for computational evaluation of the distinct balance stability of loaded walking. The observed gait adaptations caused by load carriage (decreased single support duration, inertia effects, and step length) result in decreased DGM values (p < 0.0001), which indicate that loaded walking motions are more statically stable compared with the unloaded normal walking. Comparison of the DGM with other common gait stability indices (the maximum Floquet multiplier and the margin of stability) validates the unique characterization capability of the DGM, which is consistently informative of the presence of the added load.  相似文献   

Slow walking speed and lack of balance control are common impairments post-stroke. While locomotor training often improves walking speed, its influence on dynamic balance is unclear. The goal of this study was to assess the influence of a locomotor training program on dynamic balance in individuals post-stroke during steady-state walking and determine if improvements in walking speed are associated with improved balance control. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected pre- and post-training from seventeen participants who completed a 12-week locomotor training program. Dynamic balance was quantified biomechanically (peak-to-peak range of frontal plane whole-body angular-momentum) and clinically (Berg-Balance-Scale and Dynamic-Gait-Index). To understand the underlying biomechanical mechanisms associated with changes in angular-momentum, foot placement and ground-reaction-forces were quantified. As a group, biomechanical assessments of dynamic balance did not reveal any improvements after locomotor training. However, improved dynamic balance post-training, observed in a sub-group of 10 participants (i.e., Responders), was associated with a narrowed paretic foot placement and higher paretic leg vertical ground-reaction-force impulse during late stance. Dynamic balance was not improved post-training in the remaining seven participants (i.e., Non-responders), who did not alter their foot placement and had an increased reliance on their nonparetic leg during weight-bearing. As a group, increased walking speed was not correlated with improved dynamic balance. However, a higher pre-training walking speed was associated with higher gains in dynamic balance post-training. These findings highlight the importance of the paretic leg weight bearing and mediolateral foot placement in improving frontal plane dynamic balance post-stroke.  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate the effects of obesity on falls and dynamic stability control in young adults when subject to a standardized treadmill-induced gait-slip. Forty-four young adults (21 normal-weight and 23 obese) participated in this study. After their muscle strength was assessed at the right knee under maximum voluntary isometric (flexion and extension) contractions, participants were moved to an ActiveStep treadmill. Following 5 normal walking trials on the treadmill, all participants encountered an identical and unexpected slip defined as a perturbation in the anterior direction with the magnitude of 24-cm slip distance and 2.4-m/s peak slip velocity. The trials were categorized as a fall or recovery based on the reliance of the subject on external support following the slip. Compared with the normal-weight group, the obese group demonstrated less relative muscle strength and fell more responding to the slip (78.3% vs. 40.0%, p=0.009). After adjusting the body height and gender, the results indicated that the obese group was 19.1-time (95% confidence interval: [2.06, 177.36]) more prone to a fall than the normal-weight group when experiencing the same treadmill-induced slip. The obese group showed significantly impaired dynamic stability after slip possibly due to the inability of controlling the trunk segment׳s backward lean movement. Obesity measurements explained more slip outcome variance than did the strength measurements (53.4% vs. 18.1%). This study indicates that obesity most likely influences the ability to recover from slip perturbations. It is important to develop interventions to improve the capability of balance recovery among individuals with obesity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of added noise, filtering and time series length on the largest Lyapunov exponent (LyE) value calculated for time series obtained from a passive dynamic walker. The simplest passive dynamic walker model comprising of two massless legs connected by a frictionless hinge joint at the hip was adopted to generate walking time series. The generated time series was used to construct a state space with the embedding dimension of 3 and time delay of 100 samples. The LyE was calculated as the exponential rate of divergence of neighboring trajectories of the state space using Rosenstein’s algorithm. To determine the effect of noise on LyE values, seven levels of Gaussian white noise (SNR = 55–25 dB with 5 dB steps) were added to the time series. In addition, the filtering was performed using a range of cutoff frequencies from 3 Hz to 19 Hz with 2 Hz steps. The LyE was calculated for both noise-free and noisy time series with different lengths of 6, 50, 100 and 150 strides. Results demonstrated a high percent error in the presence of noise for LyE. Therefore, these observations suggest that Rosenstein’s algorithm might not perform well in the presence of added experimental noise. Furthermore, findings indicated that at least 50 walking strides are required to calculate LyE to account for the effect of noise. Finally, observations support that a conservative filtering of the time series with a high cutoff frequency might be more appropriate prior to calculating LyE.  相似文献   

Prolonged walking could alter postural control leading to an increased risk of falls in older adults. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of level and uphill prolonged walking on the postural control of older adults. Sixteen participants (64 ± 5 years) attended 3 visits. Postural control was assessed during quiet standing and the limits of stability immediately pre, post and post 15 min rest a period of 30 min walking on level and uphill (5.25%) gradients on separate visits. Each 30 min walk was divided into 3 10 min blocks, the limits of stability were measured between each block. Postural sway elliptical area (PRE: 1.38 ± 0.22 cm2, POST: 2.35 ± 0.50 cm2, p = .01), medio-lateral (PRE: 1.33 ± 0.03, POST: 1.40 ± 0.03, p = .01) and anterio-posterior detrended fluctuation analysis alpha exponent (PRE: 1.43 ± 0.02, POST: 1.46 ± 0.02, p = .04) increased following walking. Medio-lateral alpha exponent decreased between post and post 15 min’ rest (POST: 1.40 ± 0.03, POST15: 1.36 ± 0.03, p = .03). Forward limits of stability decreased between the second walking interval and post 15 min’ rest (Interval 2: 28.1 ± 1.6%, POST15: 25.6 ± 1.6%, p = .01) and left limits of stability increased from pre-post 15 min’ rest (PRE: 27.7 ± 1.2%, POST15: 29.4 ± 1.1%, p = .01). The neuromuscular alterations caused by prolonged walking decreased the anti-persistence of postural sway and altered the limits of stability in older adults. However, 15 min’ rest was insufficient to return postural control to pre-exercise levels.  相似文献   

The effects of external resistance on the recruitment of trunk muscles in sagittal movements and the coactivation mechanism to maintain spinal stability were investigated using a simple computational model of iso-resistive spine sagittal movements. Neural excitation of muscles was attained based on inverse dynamics approach along with a stability-based optimisation. The trunk flexion and extension movements between 60° flexion and the upright posture against various resistance levels were simulated. Incorporation of the stability constraint in the optimisation algorithm required higher antagonistic activities for all resistance levels mostly close to the upright position. Extension movements showed higher coactivation with higher resistance, whereas flexion movements demonstrated lower coactivation indicating a greater stability demand in backward extension movements against higher resistance at the neighbourhood of the upright posture. Optimal extension profiles based on minimum jerk, work and power had distinct kinematics profiles which led to recruitment patterns with different timing and amplitude of activation.  相似文献   

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