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Transverse plane shear stress between the prosthetic socket and residual limb often results in soft tissue breakdown and discomfort for individuals with lower-limb amputation. To better understand the effects of reduced transverse plane stiffness in the shank of a prosthesis, a second-generation variable stiffness torsion adapter (VSTA II) was tested with individuals with a transtibial amputation (n = 10). Peak transverse plane moments, VSTA II deflection, range of whole body angular momentum (WBAM), ground reaction impulse, joint work, and personal stiffness preference were evaluated at three fixed stiffness levels (compliant: 0.25 Nm/°, intermediate: 0.75 Nm/°, stiff: 1.25 Nm/°) at three walking speeds (self-selected, fast and slow: +/− 20% of self-selected, respectively) while straight-line walking and performing left and right turns. Residual limb loading decreased and VSTA II displacement increased for reductions in stiffness and both metrics increased with increasing walking speed, while ground reaction impulse and joint work were unaffected. The range of WBAM increased with decreased stiffness, which suggests an increased risk of falling when using the VSTA II at lower stiffness settings. Preference testing showed no significant result, but trends for lower stiffness settings when turning and walking at self-selected speeds were noted, as were stiffer settings when walking straight and at faster speeds. These results show that a device with rotational compliance like the VSTA II could reduce loading on the residual limb during straight walking and turning activities and that factors such as walking speed, activity type and user preference can affect the conditions for optimal use.  相似文献   


In this study, we developed an approach for prosthetic foot design incorporating motion analysis, mechanical testing and computer analysis. Using computer modeling and finite element analysis, a three-dimensional (3D), numerical foot model of the solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) foot was constructed and analyzed based upon loading conditions obtained from the gait analysis of an amputee and validated experimentally using mechanical testing. The model was then used to address effects of viscoelastic heel performance numerically. This is just one example of the type of parametric analysis and design enabled by this approach. More importantly, by incorporating the unique gait characteristics of the amputee, these parametric analyses may lead to prosthetic feet more appropriately representing a particular user's needs, comfort and activity level.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of force in masticatory muscles is not a routine clinical test, probably due to the lack of an “easy-to-use” device. Aim of this study is (1) to present a low cost bite force instrument located in a custom-made housing, designed to guarantee a comfortable and effective bite action, (2) to evaluate its mechanical characteristics, in order to implement it in clinical settings and in experimental setups.Linearity, repeatability and adaptation over time were assessed on a set of four different sensors in bare and housed condition. Application of the housing to the transducer may appreciably alter the transducer's response. Calibration of the housed transducer is thus necessary in order to correctly record real bite force. This solution may represent a low cost and reliable option for biting force measurement and objective assessment of individual force control in the scientific and clinical setting.  相似文献   

Transhumeral amputation has a significant effect on a person’s independence and quality of life. Myoelectric prostheses have the potential to restore upper limb function, however their use is currently limited due to lack of intuitive and natural control of multiple degrees of freedom. The goal of this study was to evaluate a novel transhumeral prosthesis controller that uses a combination of kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) signals recorded from the person’s proximal humerus. Specifically, we trained a time-delayed artificial neural network to predict elbow flexion/extension and forearm pronation/supination from six proximal EMG signals, and humeral angular velocity and linear acceleration. We evaluated this scheme with ten able-bodied subjects offline, as well as in a target-reaching task presented in an immersive virtual reality environment. The offline training had a target of 4° for flexion/extension and 8° for pronation/supination, which it easily exceeded (2.7° and 5.5° respectively). During online testing, all subjects completed the target-reaching task with path efficiency of 78% and minimal overshoot (1.5%). Thus, combining kinematic and muscle activity signals from the proximal humerus can provide adequate prosthesis control, and testing in a virtual reality environment can provide meaningful data on controller performance.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening has become a popular method used to identify new “leads” for potentially therapeutic compounds. Further screening of these lead compounds is typically done with secondary assays which may utilize living, functioning cells as screening tools. A problem (or benefit) with these cell-based assays is that living cells are very sensitive to their environment. We have been interested in the process of stem cell migration and how it relates to the cellular therapy of bone marrow transplantation. In this study we describe a secondary, cell-based assay for screening the effects of variousin-vitro conditions on Immature Hematopoietic Cell (IHC) migration. Our results have revealed many subtle factors, such as the cell's adhesive characteristics, or the effect of a culture's growth phase, that need to be accounted for in a screening protocol. Finally, we show that exponentially growing KG1a cells (a human IHC cell line) were 10 times more motile than those in the lag or stationary phases. These data strongly suggest that KG1a cells secrete a chemokinetic factor during the exponential growth phase of a culture.  相似文献   

近年来,生命科学和医学的基础研究已深入到单细胞阶段。单细胞研究为揭示生命活动的基本规律、探索细胞异质性、提高对疾病发病机制的认识等提供了重要的线索和依据,同时,单细胞技术已被应用于日常实践中,如法医学和临床生殖医学。单细胞研究中使用的技术也在不断变化,并越来越复杂。文中主要介绍单细胞分离技术,包括手工挑取、激光捕获显微切割和微流控技术,以及单细胞中DNA、RNA和蛋白质分析方法的各种技术。此外,文中总结了近年来生命科学和医学领域的主要单细胞研究成果,讨论了单细胞相关技术和研究的不足,并介绍了其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Balance is a complex, sensorimotor task requiring an individual to maintain the center of gravity within the base of support. Quantifying balance in a reliable and valid manner is essential to evaluating disease progression, aging complications, and injuries in clinical and research settings. Typically, researchers use force plates to track motion of the center of gravity during a variety of tasks. However, limiting factors such as cost, portability, and availability have hindered postural stability evaluation in these settings. This study compared the “gold standard” for assessing postural stability (i.e., the laboratory-grade force plate) to a more affordable and portable assessment tool (i.e., BTrackS balance plate) in healthy young adults. Correlations and Bland-Altman plots between the center of pressure outcome measures derived from these two instruments were produced. Based on the results of this study, the measures attained from the portable balance plate objectively quantified postural stability with high validity on both rigid and compliant surfaces, demonstrated by thirty-five out of thirty-eight observed postural stability metrics in both surface conditions with a correlation of 0.98 or greater. The low cost, portable system performed similarly to the lab-grade force plate indicating the potential for practitioners and researchers to use the BTrackS balance plate as an alternative to the more expensive force plate option for assessing postural stability, whether in the lab setting or in the field.  相似文献   

A prototype disc stack centrifuge was tested for the separation of mammalian cell cultures from 80- and 2000-L fermentations. The clarification capacity for mammalian cells was excellent, but some smaller particles remained in the supernatant and reduced its usefulness for downstream processing. In order to identify the source of such particle formation, several parameters were assessed and minimum particle size for separation was calculated. An analysis of particle distribution was performed. Temperature and pressure effects inside the centrifuge bowl were measured. Some modifications of mechanical engineering can be suggested for the improvement of the use of standard disc stack centrifuges for mammalian cells. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary We report here on the establishment of aCydia pomonella (Cp) hybrid cell line IZD-Cp 4/13. As there have been no reports on somatic cell fusion involving lepidopteran cell lines so far, we had to develop an appropriate fusion procedure. We first tried—but without much success—to obtain HAT (hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymidine)- or TAM (thymidine, adenine, and methotrexate)-selectable strains of the threeCydia pomonella cell lines IZD-Cp 2202, IZD-Cp 0508 and Cp 169. We then tried and succeeded in developing a fusion procedure based on the use of biochemically blocked permanent cells as one partner in the fusion. Biochemically inhibited IZD-Cp 2202 cells and embryonic Cp cells were hybridized by polyethyleneglycol treatment. The cells of the hybrid cell line IZD-Cp 4/13 differ from the permanent parental cells (cell line IZD-Cp 2202) with respect to morphology, DNA content isoenzyme patterns, and response to challenge with theChoristoneura murinana nuclear polyhedrosis virus. This work was supported by the Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, FRG.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the lower limb was developed to study the influence of biarticular muscles on the muscle force distribution and joint loads during walking. A complete walking cycle was recorded for 9 healthy subjects using the standard optoelectronic motion tracking system. Ground contact forces were also measured using a 6-axes force plate. Inverse dynamics was used to compute net joint reactions (forces and torques) in the lower limb. A static optimization method was then used to estimate muscle forces. Two different approaches were used: in the first one named global method, the biarticular muscles exerted a torque on the two joints they spanned at the same time, and in the second one called joint-by-joint method, these biarticular muscles were divided into two mono-articular muscles with geometrical (insertion, origin, via points) and physiological properties remained unchanged. The hip joint load during the gait cycle was then calculated taking into account the effect of muscle contractions. The two approaches resulted in different muscle force repartition: the biarticular muscles were favoured over any set of single-joint muscles with the same physiological function when using the global method. While the two approaches yielded only little difference in the resultant hip load, the examination of muscle power showed that biarticular muscles could produce positive work at one joint and negative work at the other, transferring energy between body segments and thus decreasing the metabolic cost of movement.  相似文献   

A well-established and characterized somatic cell hybrid panel was used to map three polymorphic microsatellites. Microsatellite S0072, representing the linkage group S0007-S0072, was assigned to porcine chromosome 14. Micro-satellite S0009, representing the unassigned linkage group EAM-S0009-S0071, was assigned tentatively to porcine chromosome 11. Finally, S0062 was tentatively mapped to chromosome 18. S0062 may represent the first marker for porcine chromosome 18.  相似文献   

The increased use of gait analysis has raised the need for a better understanding of how walking speed and demographic variations influence asymptomatic gait. Previous analyses mainly reported relationships between subsets of gait features and demographic measures, rendering it difficult to assess whether gait features are affected by walking speed or other demographic measures. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the kinematic and kinetic profiles during ambulation that tests for the effect of walking speed in parallel to the effects of age, sex, and body mass index. This was accomplished by recruiting a population of 121 asymptomatic subjects and analyzing characteristic 3-dimensional kinematic and kinetic features at the ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis during walking trials at slow, normal, and fast speeds. Mixed effects linear regression models were used to identify how each of 78 discrete gait features is affected by variations in walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index. As expected, nearly every feature was associated with variations in walking speed. Several features were also affected by variations in demographic measures, including age affecting sagittal-plane knee kinematics, body mass index affecting sagittal-plane pelvis and hip kinematics, body mass index affecting frontal-plane knee kinematics and kinetics, and sex affecting frontal-plane kinematics at the pelvis, hip, and knee. These results could aid in the design of future studies, as well as clarify how walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index may act as potential confounders in studies with small populations or in populations with insufficient demographic variations for thorough statistical analyses.  相似文献   

An experiment using plant protoplasts has been accepted for the IML-1 mission to be flown on a space shuttle in 1991. Preparatory experiments include studies of cell wall formation, cell division, the effect of simulated weightlessness using fast and slow rotating clinostats, and the development and testing of hardware for the IML-1 mission. After 24 h at 25°C, protoplasts isolated from hypocotyls or leaves of rapeseed seedlings, or from carrot suspension cells, show 60, 20 and 15% cell wall formation, respectively. The time course of formation of the cell wall and cell division could be delayed by treatment at low temperatures or immobilization in alginate or agarose. This aspect is of importance in connection with problems of late access to the space shuttle before launch. At 4°C only 18% of the rapeseed hypocotyl protoplasts had formed cell walls after 24 h. Protoplasts immobilised in agarose or alginate gradually regain their cell division capacity and after 72 h the frequencies are 51 and 26%, respectively, compared to non-immobilised control protoplasts. A significant decrease in cell division activity is observed after rotation for 6 h on the slow clinostat. A similar effect is not observed on the fast clinostat. Protoplasts, cultured in the specially designed plant chamber for up to 14 days established cell aggregates which have further developed into plants.  相似文献   

Accelerometers are increasingly used tools for gait analysis, but there remains a lack of research on their application to running and their ability to classify running patterns. The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory examination into the capability of a tri-axial accelerometer to classify runners of different training backgrounds and experience levels, according to their 3-dimensional (3D) accelerometer data patterns. Training background was examined with 14 competitive soccer players and 12 experienced marathon runners, and experience level was examined with 16 first-time and the same 12 experienced marathon runners. Discrete variables were extracted from 3D accelerations during a short run using root mean square, wavelet transformation, and autocorrelation procedures. A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on all variables, including gait speed to account for covariance. Eight PCs were retained, explaining 88% of the variance in the data. A stepwise discriminant analysis of PCs was used to determine the binary classification accuracy for training background and experience level, with and without the PC of Speed. With Speed, the accelerometer correctly classified 96% of runners for both training background and experience level. Without Speed, the accelerometer correctly classified 85% of runners based on training background, but only 68% based on experience level. These findings suggest that the accelerometer is effective in classifying athletes of different training backgrounds, but is less effective for classifying runners of different experience levels where gait speed is the primary discriminator.  相似文献   

Kuhlmann I 《Cytotechnology》1995,19(2):95-105
This article describes the historical development of the prophylactic use of antibiotics in cell culture as well as their effects on cells. The influence of antibiotics on cell morphology, cellular degeneration and cell death and cellular function is summarized. Cellular DNA as well as protein synthesis are affected which can lead to interference with, or even changes in, metabolic processes. Such effects must be considered in cell culture research. As antibiotics are used in multifold ways, the otherwise standardized conditions in cell culture are no longer comparable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics is rejected for scientific reasons.  相似文献   

Selection of a cell line suitable for a hybrid artificial liver model employing cellulose porous beads (CPBs) was investigated. Hep G2 cells grown in a culture dish exhibited appreciably higher ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis activities than those grown in CPBs. SEM observation of CPBs revealed marked difference in the distribution of attached cells from one bead to another, and showed that almost all the cell-bearing micropores were completely packed with cells. With the aim of selecting a cell line not prone to excessive aggregation and which grows moderately so as not to fill up the micropores, cells of 6 cell lines, HLE, HLF, Hep 3B, PLC/PRF/5, Huh 7 and Hep G2, were cultivated in dishes. Hep G2, HLE, and HLF increased to 5 × 105 cells/cm2, whereas PLC/PRF/5 grew only to 5 × 104, and Hep 3B and Huh 7 up to 2 × 104 cells/cm2. The specific activities of ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis of Huh 7 were the highest among the lines tested - 42- and 7-fold those of Hep G2, respectively. When the 6 cell lines were grown in a submerged culture with 0.6 g/l of CPBs, Huh 7 had the lowest cell concentration of 0.54 × 106 cells/ml, and the highest activities of ammonia consumption and urea and glucose production (1.38 μ mol NH3, 99 nmol urea, and 14.5 nmol glucose/106cells/h). Consequently, Huh 7 is considered to be a suitable cell line for use in the development of an artificial liver model employing porous beads. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In many analytic models of the knee joint, inter-insertional distance is used as the measure to define the load in a ligament. In addition, the direction of the load is taken to be the direction between the two insertions. Our in vivo data on the ovine ligament loads during gait, however, indicate that a wide range of forces is possible in the ligament for any specified inter-insertional distance. To understand the complex relationship between the bone orientations and ligament load better, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed. The six degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) in vivo kinematics of femur relative to tibia (joint kinematics) was used as input, and the magnitude of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) load was used as output/target. While the trained network was able to predict peak ligament loads with remarkable accuracy (R-square=0.98), an explicit relationship between joint kinematics and ACL load could not be determined. To examine the experimental and ANN observations further, a finite element (FE) model of the ACL was created. The geometry of the FE model was reconstructed from magnetic resonance images (MRI) of an ACL, and an isotropic, hyperelastic, nearly incompressible constitutive model was implemented for the ACL. The FE simulation results also indicate that a range of loads is possible in the ACL for a given inter-insertional distance, in concordance with the experimental/ANN observations. This study provides new insights for models of the knee joint; a simple force–length relationship for the ligament is not exact, nor is a single point to single point direction. More detailed microstructure-function data is required.  相似文献   

Cell lines are valuable resources for proteomic studies and can be used as tools to verify the significance of proteomic findings. Here, the authors overview the current status of the publicly available sarcoma cell lines. The authors surveyed seven major cell banks and found that the diversity observed in the sarcoma cell banks was largely insufficient; sarcoma cell lines are available for only a limited histological subtype. They also observed a number of issues with the pathological diagnosis of the cell lines, limitations in their behavioral diversity, and various unmet needs. Well characterized cell lines with accurate diagnosis based on modern diagnosis criteria should be available from public cell banks. The authors conclude that additional cell lines, along with detailed genetic and pathological analyses, should be prepared and deposited in order to promote sarcoma-specific proteomic research. The authors focused on sarcoma cell lines, but their discussion can be applied to the other cancers.  相似文献   

Viability of donor tissues is essential for the success of organ transplantation. Although much work has been done in the field of organ preservation, currently there are few objective methods for evaluating transplant organ viability, and thus preservation efficiency. In the field of cancer biology, single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) is a technique commonly used to measure the efficacy of anti-tumor treatments by measuring the breakdown of tumor cell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This assay has recently been applied to various organs from a postmortem porcine animal model, and cells were found to undergo postmortem breakdown in a way similar to apoptosis-induced DNA fragmentation. Collections of cells from each organ reached levels indicative of non-viability as the postmortem interval (PMI) progressed. The rates of cellular DNA degradation were found to be specific to each organ type at a given ambient temperature. We believe that following the application of various preservation techniques, SCGE assay has the potential to provide a clear indication of cell viability in an organ destined for transplant. As a readily available viability assay, this technique could provide transplant researchers with a useful tool to quantify the efficacy of their experimental organ preservation techniques.  相似文献   

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