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During human ontogeny, testosterone has powerful organizational and activational effects on the male organism. This has led to the hypothesis that the prenatal environment (as studied through the second-to-fourth digit ratio, 2D : 4D) is not only associated with robust adult male faces that are perceived as dominant and masculine, but also that there is an activational step during puberty. To test the latter, we collected digit ratios and frontal photographs of right-handed Caucasian boys (aged 4-11 years) along with age, body height and body weight. Using geometric morphometrics, we show a significant relationship between facial shape and 2D : 4D before the onset of puberty (explaining 14.5% of shape variation; p = 0.014 after 10 000 permutations, n = 17). Regression analyses depict the same shape patterns as in adults, namely that the lower the 2D : 4D, the smaller and shorter the forehead, the thicker the eyebrows, the wider and shorter the nose, and the larger the lower face. Our findings add to previous evidence that certain adult male facial characteristics that elicit attributions of masculinity and dominance are determined very early in ontogeny. This has implications for future studies in various fields ranging from social perception to life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of fatty acid sugar esters through direct esterification was performed in 2-methyl 2-butanol as solvent. Fructose and saturated fatty acids were used as substrates and the reaction was catalyzed by immobilized Candida antarctica lipase. The effect of the initial fructose/acyl donor molar ratio and the carbon-chain length of the acyl donor as well as their reciprocal interactions on the reaction performance were investigated. For this purpose, an experimental design taking into account variations of the molar ratio (from 1:1 to 1:5) and the carbon-chain length of the fatty acid (from C8 to C18) was employed. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that the two factors as well as their interactions had significant effects on the sugar esters synthesis. The obtained results showed that whatever the molar ratio used, the highest concentration (73 g l−1), fructose and fatty acid conversion yields (100% and 80%, respectively) and initial reaction rate (40 g l−1 h−1) were reached when using the C18 fatty acid as acyl donor. Low molar ratios gave the best fatty acid conversion yields and initial reaction rates, whereas the best total sugar ester concentrations and fructose conversion yields were obtained for high molar ratios.  相似文献   

The second-to-fourth digit length ratio of an individual’s hand (digit ratio) is a putative biomarker for prenatal exposure to testosterone. We examine the hypothesized negative association between the digit ratio and the preference for risk taking within a large U.S. population survey. Our statistical framework provides a cardinal proxy for the true digit ratio based on ordinal digit ratio measurements and accounts for measurement error under the assumptions of Gaussianity and time-invariant true digit ratios. Our empirical findings support the hypothesis and suggest a meaningful biological basis for risk preferences.  相似文献   

M. R. Strand 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):219-224
Summary The sex allocation behavior of the solitary egg parasitoid Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead was investigated by examining the response of females reared in isolation and under crowded conditions. Females reared in isolation adjusted their sex ratio with foundress and host number per patch in accordance with the predictions of local mate competition (LMC) theory. However, females did not shift their sex ratio in response to conspecifics foraging on the same host patch or to contact with previously parasitized hosts. Instead, shifts were associated with encounter rate and a sequence of oviposition. Females maintained under crowded conditions responded to host patches much differently. One-day-old females which had lived under crowded conditions for 24 h produced sex ratios similar to those of continuously isolated females. However, females reared under crowded conditions for 7 days consistently produced unbiased sex ratios, and exhibited a different sequence of oviposition. This shift appeared to be due directly to crowding rather than age, oviposition experience or sperm depletion since the effect could be reversed by subsequent isolation.  相似文献   

Growth and shoot: root ratio of seedlings in relation to nutrient availability   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
Ericsson  Tom 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):205-214
The influence of mineral nutrient availability, light intensity and CO2 on growth and shoot:root ratio in young plants is reviewed. Special emphasis in this evaluation is given to data from laboratory experiments with small Betula pendula plants, in which the concept of steady-state nutrition has been applied.Three distinctly different dry matter allocation patterns were observed when growth was limited by the availability of mineral nutrients: 1, Root growth was favoured when N, P or S were the major growth constraints. 2, The opposite pattern obtained when K, Mg and Mn restricted growth. 3, Shortage of Ca, Fe and Zn had almost no effect on the shoot:root ratio. The light regime had no effect on dry matter allocation except at very low photon flux densities (< 6.5 mol m-2 day-1), in which a small decrease in the root fraction was observed. Shortage of CO2, on the other hand, strongly decreased root development, while an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration had no influence on dry matter partitioning. An increased allocation of dry matter to below-ground parts was associated with an increased amount of starch in the tissues. Depletion of the carbohydrate stores occurred under all conditions in which root development was inhibited. It is concluded that the internal balance between labile nitrogen and carbon in the root and the shoot system determines how dry matter is being partitioned in the plant. The consistency of this statement with literature data and existing models for shoot:root regulation is examined.  相似文献   

Wu D  Lü F  Gao H  Shao L  He P 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):5855-5862
As the potential source of environmental antibiotic pollution, large amount of biowaste generated from antibiotic fermentation manufacture highlights its beneficial utilization for resource and nutrients recovery; which is suitable for anaerobic bio-liquefaction (hydrolysis and acidification). However, its high solid content and residual antibiotics are a cause for concern. In this study, batch anaerobic experiments were conducted to evaluate the bio-liquefaction performance of lincomycin manufacturing biowaste at different total solid content (TS) and the ratios of seeding granular sludge (inoculum) to substrate (ISR). The results showed that lincomycin manufacturing biowaste had high bio-liquefaction efficiency, with the highest 10d volatile solid (VS) degradation rate being approximately 38%. The bio-liquefaction efficiency of protein could reach 100%. Predicted by response surface methodology, 1580 mg/L gVS volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and 497 mg/L gVS ammonium were obtained at a TS of 10%, ISR of 3 and solid retention time of 9.5 d, which is the optimum scenario.  相似文献   

We argue that broad, simplegeneralizations, not specifically linked tocontingencies, will rarely approach truth in ecologyand evolutionary biology. This is because mostinteresting phenomena have multiple, interactingcauses. Instead of looking for single universaltheories to explain the great diversity of naturalsystems, we suggest that it would be profitable todevelop general explanatory frameworks. A frameworkshould clearly specify focal levels. The process orpattern that we wish to study defines our level offocus. The set of potential and actual states at thefocal level interacts with conditions at thecontiguous lower and upper levels of organization,through sets of many-to-one and one-to-manyconnections. The number of initiating conditions andtheir permutations at the lower level define thepotential states at the focal level, whereas theactual state is constrained by the upper-levelboundary conditions. The most useful generalizationsare explanatory frameworks, which are road maps tosolutions, rather than solutions themselves. Suchframeworks outline what is understood about boundaryconditions and initiating conditions so that aninvestigator can pick and choose what is required toeffectively understand a specific event or situation. We discuss these relationships in terms of examplesinvolving sex ratio and mating behavior, competitivehierarchies, insect life-histories and the evolutionof sex.  相似文献   

Using antibody phage display technique,a human single chain antibody to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been cloned.The antibody expression reached 45% of the total bacterial proteins.The purification and refolding of the antibody were completed in one step by using gel filtration chromatograph.ELISA analysis showed that the antibody not only specifically bound to human VEGF,but also competitively inhibited VEGF reacting with its receptors.In order to raise the affinity of the single chain antibody,its heavy chain variable region was randomly mutated using error-prone PCR and an antibody mutant library was constructed,from which a mutant with higher affinity was screened out.The three-dimensional structure and binding affinity of wild type and mutant antibody were compared.Our study provided a potential reagent for tumor angiogenic therapy and a significant model for antibody high-level expression and affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Human MHC class I chain-related A (MICA) is a tumor-associated antigen that can be recognized by Vdelta1 subset of tumor-infiltrating gammadelta T cells. We previously reported that immobilized recombinant MICA protein could induce the proliferation of tumor-infiltrating Vdelta1 gammadelta T cells in vitro. But there has been no direct evidence showing the engagement of gammadelta T cell receptors (TCR) of the induced cells with MICA. In the current investigation, we show that MICA induces specific cytolytic activity of the expanded gammadelta T cells. We expressed the coupled V domains from the MICA-induced T cells as a single polypeptide chain Vdelta Vgamma TCR (gammadelta scTCR). Such scTCR can specifically bind MICA of HeLa cells. Direct interaction of gammadelta scTCRs with in vitro expressed MICA was monitored using an IAsys biosensor. We found that the Vdelta1 scTCR can specifically bind to immobilized MICA molecule and MICA alpha1alpha2 domains are responsible for the binding reaction.  相似文献   

Using antibody phage display technique, a human single chain antibody to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been cloned. The antibody expression reached 45% of the total bacterial proteins. The purification and refolding of the antibody were completed in one step by using gel filtration chromatograph. ELISA analysis showed that the antibody not only specifically bound to human VEGF, but also competitively inhibited VEGF reacting with its receptors. In order to raise the affinity of the single chain antibody, its heavy chain variable region was randomly mutated using error-prone PCR and an antibody mutant library was constructed, from which a mutant with higher affinity was screened out. The three-dimensional structure and binding affinity of wild type and mutant antibody were compared. Our study provided a potential reagent for tumor angiogenic therapy and a significant model for antibody high-level expression and affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Root:shoot (R:S) biomass partitioning is one of the keys to the plants' ability to compensate for limiting resources in the environment and thus to survive and succeed in competition. In adult plants, it can vary in response to many factors, such as nutrient availability in the soil or reserves in the roots from the previous season. The question remains whether, at the interspecific level, reserves in seeds can affect seedlings' R:S ratio in a similar way. Proper allocation to resource‐acquiring organs is enormously important for seedlings and is likely to determine their survival and further success. Therefore, we investigated the effect of seed mass on seedling R:S biomass partitioning and its interaction with nutrient supply in the substrate. We measured seedling biomass partitioning under two different nutrient treatments after 2, 4, 6, and 12 weeks for seventeen species differing in seed mass and covering. We used phylogenetically informed analysis to determine the independent influence of seed mass on seedling biomass partitioning. We found consistently lower R:S ratios in seedlings with higher seed mass. Expectedly, R:S was also lower with higher substrate nutrient supply, but substrate nutrient supply had a bigger effect on R:S ratio for species with higher seed mass. These findings point to the importance of seed reserves for the usage of soil resources. Generally, R:S ratio decreased over time and, similarly to the effect of substrate nutrients, R:S ratio decreased faster for large‐seeded species. We show that the seed mass determines the allocation patterns into new resource‐acquiring organs during seedling development. Large‐seeded species are more flexible in soil nutrient use. It is likely that faster development of shoots provides large‐seeded species with the key advantage in asymmetric above‐ground competition, and that this could constitute one of the selective factors for optimum seed mass.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The sex determination mechanism in gall midges is little understood, although it is known that the females of several species primarily or exclusively produce unisexual broods throughout their lifetime.
2. The gall midge Izeniola obesula Dorchin is a multivoltine species, inducing multi-chambered stem galls on the salt-marsh plant Suaeda monoica . Each gall contains 5–70 individuals, all being the progeny of a single female. Sampling of more than 450 galls, from which adult midges were reared, suggested that I .  obesula exhibits strict monogeny, resulting in galls that contain either all female or all male progeny.
3. Characterisation of the growth pattern of young S .  monoica shoots revealed that shoots in apical positions grew more rapidly than shoots in more basal positions. Galls that were induced on such shoots were larger and yielded more adult midges.
4. No difference in the site of gall induction was found between male and female galls, with galls of either sex being mainly induced on more rapidly growing shoots. It is concluded that I .  obesula females cannot control the sex of their progeny, and that both female-producers and male-producers strive to maximise their reproductive success by choosing the faster-growing shoots for gall induction.
5. Female galls were larger and more abundant than male galls at almost all times. The sex ratio among galls fluctuated throughout the year, ranging from 4:1 in spring to 1:1 in winter. The skewed sex ratio among galls possibly results from greater mortality rates among male galls than among female galls, due to either primary or secondary factors. Alternatively, it is possible that the number or fitness of male-producers in the population is reduced relative to female-producers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The production of axillary shoots (tillering) in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) depends on intraspecific competition. The mechanisms that underlie this competition are complex, but light within the wheat canopy plays a key role. The main objectives of this paper are to analyse the effects of plant population density and shade on tillering dynamics of spring wheat, to assess the canopy conditions quantitatively at the time of tillering cessation, and to analyse the relationship between the tiller bud and the leaf on the same phytomer. METHODS: Spring wheat plants were grown at three plant population densities and under two light regimes (25 % and 100 % light). Tiller appearance, fraction of the light intercepted, and red : far-red ratio at soil level were recorded. On six sampling dates the growth status of axillary buds was analysed. KEY RESULTS: Tillering ceased earlier at high population densities and ceased earlier in the shade than in full sunlight. At cessation of tillering, both the fraction of light intercepted and the red : far-red ratio at soil level were similar in all treatments. Leaves on the same phytomer of buds that grew out showed more leaf mass per unit area than those on the same phytomer of buds that remained dormant. CONCLUSIONS: Tillering ceases at specific light conditions within the wheat canopy, independent of population density, and to a lesser extent independent of light intensity. It is suggested that cessation of tillering is induced when the fraction of PAR intercepted by the canopy exceeds a specific threshold (0.40-0.45) and red : far-red ratio drops below 0.35-0.40.  相似文献   

The Eretmodini are closely related cichlids endemic to Lake Tanganyika with very divergent oral tooth shapes, ranging from spatulate in Eretmodus to conical in Tanganicodus. To study how closely related cichlids can generate such divergent tooth shapes, we investigated how the enamel organ directs the development of spatulate teeth in Eretmodus cf. cyanostictus (lineage A), both in ontogeny and in adults, and of conical teeth in adult Tanganicodus cf. irsacae, using 3D-reconstructions from serially sectioned tooth germs. The spatulate oral tooth shape that characterizes adult E. cf. cyanostictus (lineage A) is preceded early in ontogeny by a conical tooth shape. We propose two possible hypotheses to account for changes in the folding of the enamel organ (in particular its epithelio-mesenchymal boundary) capable of generating such distinct tooth shapes. Different arguments lead us to favor the hypothesis of an asymmetric growth and differentiation of the enamel organ, such that the tip of a conical tooth corresponds to one "corner" of a spatulate tooth. Applying current molecular models of tooth shape variation, this would imply the existence of asymmetric fields of inhibition. Whether such asymmetric growth reflects the reutilization of a simple mechanism operating in ontogeny has to be clarified.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the global pattern of the net primary production (NPP)/gross primary production (GPP) ratio of the Earth's land area along geographical and climatic gradients. Location The global planetary ecosystem. Methods The 4‐year average annual NPP/GPP ratio of the Earth's land area was calculated using 2000–03 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. The global pattern of the NPP/GPP ratio was investigated by comparing it among each typical terrestrial ecosystem and plotting it along a geographical and climatic gradient, including latitude, altitude, temperature and precipitation. Results The global terrestrial ecosystem had an average NPP/GPP ratio value of 0.52 with minor variation from 2000 to 2003. However, the NPP/GPP ratio showed considerable spatial variation associated with ecosystem type, geographical location and climate. Densely vegetated ecosystems had a lower NPP/GPP ratio than sparsely vegetated ecosystems. Forest ecosystems had a lower NPP/GPP ratio than shrub and herbaceous ecosystems. Geographically, the NPP/GPP ratio increased with altitude. In the Southern Hemisphere, the NPP/GPP ratio decreased along latitude from 30° to 10° and it exhibited high fluctuation in the Northern Hemisphere. Climatically, the NPP/GPP ratio exhibited a decreasing trend along enhanced precipitation when it was less than 2300 mm year?1 and a static trend when the annual precipitation was over 2300 mm. The NPP/GPP ratio showed a decreasing trend along temperature when it was between –20 °C and 10 °C, and showed an increasing trend along rising temperature when it was between –10 °C and 20 °C. Within each ecosystem, the NPP/GPP ratio revealed a similar trend to the global trend along temperature and precipitation. Conclusions The NPP/GPP ratio exhibited a pattern depending on the main climatic characteristics such as temperature and precipitation and geographical factors such as latitude and altitude. The findings of this research challenge the widely held assumption that the NPP/GPP ratio is consistent regardless of ecosystem type.  相似文献   

Recently, antibody-based fluorescent biosensors are receiving considerable attention as a suitable biomolecule for diagnostics, namely, homogeneous immunoassay and also as an imaging probe. To date, several strategies for “reagentless biosensors” based on antibodies and natural and engineered binding proteins have been described. In this review, several approaches are introduced including a recently described fluorescent antibody-based biosensor Quenchbody, which works on the principle of fluorescence quenching of attached dye and its antigen-dependent release. The merits and possible demerits of each approach are discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Recent advances in molecular engineering of antibody.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 4808 fishes of 20 species caught in the eastern part of the Patagonian Shelf between 1999 and 2012 were analysed to assess dietary contributions of gelatinous plankton resources. Gelatinous plankton occurred in diets of seven species with two species, Patagonotothen ramsayi and Squalus acanthias, having >10% ctenophores in their diet. Consumption of gelatinous plankton was important in P. ramsayi and was strikingly seasonal, with maximum occurrence (up to 46% of non‐empty stomachs) in late summer to autumn. Ctenophores were most abundant in P. ramsayi of 25–34 cm total length, LT, whereas salps were more frequent in larger >35 cm LT individuals. In winter to spring, occurrence of gelatinous plankton in diets was minimal, reflecting their overall seasonal abundance in the ocean. The recent increase in abundance of P. ramsayi has enabled the species to recycle a significant proportion of the ecosystem production from gelatinous dead end to the main muscular food chain via seasonal reliance on ctenophores, jellyfish and tunicates. This additional influx of production that has been diverted from the gelatinous food chain favours the increase in abundance of several piscivorous top predators and affects the trophic web structure of the Patagonian Shelf ecosystem.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that reduction/loss of very long chain PUFAs (VLC-PUFAs) due to mutations in the ELOngase of very long chain fatty acid-4 (ELOVL4) protein contributes to retinal degeneration in autosomal dominant Stargardt-like macular dystrophy (STGD3) and age-related macular degeneration; hence, increasing VLC-PUFA in the retina of these patients could provide some therapeutic benefits. Thus, we tested the efficiency of elongation of C20-C22 PUFA by the ELOVL4 protein to determine which substrates are the best precursors for biosynthesis of VLC-PUFA. The ELOVL4 protein was expressed in pheochromocytoma cells, while green fluorescent protein-expressing and nontransduced cells served as controls. The cells were treated with 20:5n3, 22:6n3, and 20:4n6, either individually or in equal combinations. Both transduced and control cells internalized and elongated the supplemented FAs to C22-C26 precursors. Only ELOVL4-expressing cells synthesized C28-C38 VLC-PUFA from these precursors. In general, 20:5n3 was more efficiently elongated to VLC-PUFA in the ELOVL4-expressing cells, regardless of whether it was in combination with 22:6n3 or with 20:4n6. In each FA treatment group, C34 and C36 VLC-PUFAs were the predominant VLC-PUFAs in the ELOVL4-expressing cells. In summary, 20:5n3, followed by 20:4n6, seems to be the best precursor for boosting the synthesis of VLC-PUFA by ELOVL4 protein.  相似文献   

An increasing number of genes have been implicated in skeletal muscle fiber diversity. To study the contribution of diverse genetic elements to the regulation of fiber-type composition, we generated a transgenic mouse in which CRE recombinase expression is driven by muscle-specific regulatory sequences of the myosin light chain 1/3 locus (MLC). Using ROSA26 conditional reporter mice, we detected expression of the MLC-Cre transgene starting from embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5). By E15, recombination was detected in all muscle-derived structures. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed CRE activity was restricted to fast-twitch (type II) and excluded from slow-twitch (type I) fibers of skeletal muscle. The MLC-Cre transgenic mouse can be used in conjunction with conditional alleles to study both developmental patterning and maintenance of fast fiber-type phenotypes.  相似文献   

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