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Sitting-acquired deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe form of pressure ulcer (PU) often affecting patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) who also tend to suffer from intramuscular fat infiltration, soft tissue scarring (due to previous PU), and/or muscle spasticity in their buttocks. We previously used finite element (FE) modeling to evaluate whether abnormal bodyweight is a risk factor for sitting-acquired DTI. Here we hypothesize that fat infiltration, scarring, or spasms increase internal loads in the gluteus muscles in the vicinity of the ischial tuberosities during sitting, which consequently put SCI patients with these conditions at a higher risk for DTI. Our objective was to determine changes in gluteal strains and stresses and tissue volumes exposed to elevated strains/stresses associated with these factors. Thirty-five FE models of coronal slices through the seated buttocks, simulating these conditions at different severities, were developed. We calculated peak strains and stresses in glutei and percentage volumes of muscle tissue exposed to above-critical strains/stresses (compression strain≥50%, compression/von Mises stress≥2?kPa, and strain energy density≥0.5?kPa). Progressive intramuscular fat infiltration increased all the aforementioned outcome measures. Increase in size of scar patterns that were contained in both muscle and fat tissues similarly elevated the outcome measures. Spasms increased muscle stresses and volumetric exposures to stress, but tissue volumes at risk were ~1-2% and increases due to spasticity were slight. We conclude that the above potential risk factors can be listed according to the following order of importance: (i) fat infiltration, (ii) scars contained in both muscle and fat tissues, and (iii) spasms. This information should be considered when prioritizing prevention means and resources for patients with SCI.  相似文献   

A common but potentially severe malady afflicting permanent wheelchair users is pressure sores caused by elevated soft tissue strains and stresses over a critical prolonged period of time. Presently, there is paucity of information regarding deep soft tissue strains and stresses in the buttocks of humans during sitting. Strain and stress distributions in deep muscle and fat tissues were therefore calculated in six healthy subjects during sitting, in a double-donut Open-MR system, using a "reverse engineering" approach. Specifically, finite element (FE) models of the undeformed buttock were built for each subject using MR images taken at the coronal plane in a non-weight-bearing sitting posture. Using a second MR image taken from each subject during weight-bearing sitting we characterized the ischial tuberosity sagging toward the sitting surface in weight-bearing, and used these data as displacement boundary conditions for the FE models. These subject-specific FE analyses showed that maximal tissue strains and stresses occur in the gluteal muscles, not in fat or at the skin near the body-seat interface. Peak principal compressive strain and stress in the gluteus muscle were 74+/-7% and 32+/-9 kPa (mean+/-standard deviation), respectively. Peak principal compressive strain and stress in enveloping fat tissue were 46+/-7% and 18+/-4 kPa, respectively. Models were validated by comparing measured peak interface pressures under the ischial tuberosities (17+/-4 kPa) with those calculated by means of FE (18+/-3 kPa), for each subject. This is the first study to quantify sub-dermal tissue strain and stress distributions in sitting humans, in vivo. These data are essential for understanding the aetiology of pressure sores, particularly those that were recently termed "deep tissue injury" at the US National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) 2005 Consensus Conference.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading of soft tissues covering bony prominences can cause skeletal muscle damage, ultimately resulting in a severe pressure ulcer termed deep tissue injury (DTI). Deformation plays an important role in the aetiology of DTI. Therefore, it is essential to minimise internal muscle deformations in subjects at risk of DTI. As an example, spinal cord-injured (SCI) individuals exhibit structural changes leading to a decrease in muscle thickness and stiffness, which subsequently increase the tissue deformations. In the present study, an animal-specific finite element model, where the geometry and boundary conditions were derived from magnetic resonance images, was developed. It was used to investigate the internal deformations in the muscle, fat and skin layers of the porcine buttocks during loading. The model indicated the presence of large deformations in both the muscle and the fat layers, with maximum shear strains up to 0.65 in muscle tissue and 0.63 in fat. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis showed that the tissue deformations depend considerably on the relative stiffness values of the different tissues. For example, a change in muscle stiffness had a large effect on the muscle deformations. A 50% decrease in stiffness caused an increase in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.99, whereas a 50% increase in stiffness resulted in a decrease in maximum shear strain from 0.65 to 0.49. These results indicate the importance of restoring tissue properties after SCI, with the use of, for example, electrical stimulation, to prevent the development of DTI.  相似文献   

Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe form of pressure ulcers that occur in subcutaneous tissue under intact skin by the prolonged compression of soft tissues overlying bony prominences. Pressure ulcers and DTI in particular are common in patients with impaired motosensory capacities, such as those with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Obesity is also common among subjects with SCI, yet there are contradicting indications regarding its potential influence as a risk factor for DTI in conditions where these patients sit in a wheelchair without changing posture for prolonged times. It has been argued that high body mass may lead to a greater risk for DTI due to increase in compressive forces from the bones on overlying deep soft tissues, whereas conversely, it has been argued that the extra body fat associated with obesity may reduce the risk by providing enhanced subcutaneous cushioning that redistributes high interface pressures. No biomechanical evaluation of this situation has been reported to date. In order to elucidate whether obesity can be considered a risk factor for DTI, we developed computational finite element (FE) models of the seated buttocks with 4° of obesity, quantified by body mass index (BMI) values of 25.5, 30, 35 and 40 kg/m2. We found that peak principal strains, strain energy densities (SED) and von Mises stresses in internal soft tissues (muscle, fat) overlying the ischial tuberosities (ITs) all increased with BMI. With a rise in BMI from 25.5 to 40 kg/m2, values of these parameters increased 1.5 times on average. Moreover, the FE simulations indicated that the bodyweight load transferred through the ITs has a greater effect in increasing internal tissue strains/stresses than the counteracting effect of thickening of the adipose layer which is concurrently associated with obesity. We saw that inducing some muscle atrophy (30% reduction in muscle volume, applied to the BMI=40 kg/m2 model) which is also characteristic of chronic SCI resulted in further substantial increase in all biomechanical measures reflecting geometrical distortion of muscle tissue, that is, SED, tensile stress, shear stress and von Mises stress. This result highlights that obesity and muscle atrophy, which are both typical of the chronic phase of SCI, contribute together to the state of elevated tissue loads, which consequently increases the likelihood of DTI in this population.  相似文献   

This note reports observations of the change of stiffness of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) with the progress of cell death as measured by AFM. hMSC with impaired membrane, dead and viable cells were labelled with Annexin V and Propidium Iodide after 24 h cold storage, followed by AFM measurement and Young's modulus of cells was derived. Viable hMSCs have a Young's modulus (E) in the range of 0.81–1.13 kPa and consistent measurement was observed when different measurement locations were chosen. E of cells with partially impaired membrane was 0.69±0.17 kPa or in the range of 2.04–4.74 kPa, depending upon the measurement locations. With the loss of membrane integrity, though there was no variation on measured E between different locations, a mixed picture of cell stiffness was observed as indicated by cells with E as low as 0.09±0.03 kPa, in a mid-range of 4.62±0.67 kPa, and the highest of up to 48.98±19.80 kPa. With the progress of cell death, the highest stiffness was noticed for cells showing a more granular appearance; also the lowest stiffness for cells with vacuole appearance. Findings from this study indicate that cell stiffness is significantly altered with the progress of cell death.  相似文献   

The relation between the chemical and mechanical steps of the myosin-actin ATPase reaction that leads to generation of isometric force in fast skeletal muscle was investigated in demembranated fibers of rabbit psoas muscle by determining the effect of the concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) on the stiffness of the half-sarcomere (hs) during transient and steady-state conditions of the isometric contraction (temperature 12°C, sarcomere length 2.5 μm). Changes in the hs strain were measured by imposing length steps or small 4 kHz oscillations on the fibers in control solution (without added Pi) and in solution with 3-20 mM added Pi. At the plateau of the isometric contraction in control solution, the hs stiffness is 22.8 ± 1.1 kPa nm−1. Taking the filament compliance into account, the total stiffness of the array of myosin cross-bridges in the hs (e) is 40.7 ± 3.7 kPa nm−1. An increase in [Pi] decreases the stiffness of the cross-bridge array in proportion to the isometric force, indicating that the force of the cross-bridge remains constant independently of [Pi]. The rate constant of isometric force development after a period of unloaded shortening (rF) is 23.5 ± 1.0 s−1 in control solution and increases monotonically with [Pi], attaining a maximum value of 48.6 ± 0.9 s−1 at 20 mM [Pi], in agreement with the idea that Pi release is a relatively fast step after force generation by the myosin cross-bridge. During isometric force development at any [Pi], e and thus the number of attached cross-bridges increase in proportion to the force, indicating that, independently of the speed of the process that leads to myosin attachment to actin, there is no significant (>1 ms) delay between generation of stiffness and generation of force by the cross-bridges.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the abdominal wall biomechanics could help designing new treatments for incisional hernia. In the current study, an experimental protocol was developed to evaluate the contributions of the abdominal wall components to the structural response of the anterior part of the abdominal wall. The specimens underwent 3 dissections (removal of (1) skin and subcutaneous fat, (2) anterior rectus sheath, (3) rectus abdominis muscles). After each dissection, they were subjected to air pressure up to 3 kPa. Ultrasound images and associated elastographic maps were collected at 0, 2 and 3 kPa in the intact state and strains on the internal surface were calculated using stereo-correlation in all states. Strains on the rectus abdominis and linea alba were analyzed. After the dissection of the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis, longitudinal strain was found significantly different on the linea alba (5% at 3 kPa) and on the rectus abdominis area (11% at 3 kPa). The current results highlight the importance of the rectus sheath in the structural response of the anterior part of the abdominal wall ex vivo. Geometrical characteristics such as thicknesses and radii of curvature and mechanical properties (shear modulus of the rectus abdominis, e.g. at 0 pressure the average value is 14 kPa) were provided in order to facilitate future modeling efforts.  相似文献   

Many cell types alter their morphology and gene expression profile when grown on chemically equivalent surfaces with different rigidities. One expectation of this change in morphology and composition is that the cell’s internal stiffness, governed by cytoskeletal assembly and production of internal stresses, will change as a function of substrate stiffness. Atomic force microscopy was used to measure the stiffness of fibroblasts grown on fibronectin-coated polyacrylamide gels of shear moduli varying between 500 and 40,000 Pa. Indentation measurements show that the cells’ elastic moduli were equal to, or slightly lower than, those of their substrates for a range of soft gels and reached a saturating value at a substrate rigidity of 20 kPa. The amount of cross-linked F-actin sedimenting at low centrifugal force also increased with substrate stiffness. Together with enhanced actin polymerization and cross-linking, active contraction of the cytoskeleton can also modulate stiffness by exploiting the nonlinear elasticity of semiflexible biopolymer networks. These results suggest that within a range of stiffness spanning that of soft tissues, fibroblasts tune their internal stiffness to match that of their substrate, and modulation of cellular stiffness by the rigidity of the environment may be a mechanism used to direct cell migration and wound repair.  相似文献   

Pressure sores affecting muscles are severe injuries associated with ischemia, impaired metabolic activity, excessive tissue deformation, and insufficient lymph drainage caused by prolonged and intensive mechanical loads. We hypothesize that mechanical properties of muscle tissue change as a result of exposure to prolonged and intensive loads. Such changes may affect the distribution of stresses in soft tissues under bony prominences and potentially expose additional uninjured regions of muscle tissue to intensified stresses. In this study, we characterized changes in tangent elastic moduli and strain energy densities of rat gracilis muscles exposed to pressure in vivo (11.5, 35, or 70 kPa for 2, 4, or 6 h) and incorporated the abnormal properties that were measured in finite element models of the head, shoulders, pelvis, and heels of a recumbent patient. Using in vitro uniaxial tension testing, we found that tangent elastic moduli of muscles exposed to 35 and 70 kPa were 1.6-fold those of controls (P < 0.05, for strains /=5%). Histological (phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin) evaluation showed that this stiffening accompanied extensive necrotic damage. Incorporating these effects into the finite element models, we were able to show that the increased muscle stiffness in widening regions results in elevated tissue stresses that exacerbate the potential for tissue necrosis. Interfacial pressures could not predict deep muscle (e.g., longissimus or gluteus) stresses and injuring conditions. We conclude that information on internal muscle stresses is required to establish new criteria for pressure sore prevention.  相似文献   

Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe pressure ulcer characteristic of chairfast or bedfast individuals, such as those with impaired mobility or neurological disorders. A DTI differs from superficial pressure ulcers in that the onset of DTI occurs under intact skin, in skeletal muscle tissue overlying bony prominences, and progression of the wound continues subcutaneously until skin breakdown. Due to the nature of this silently progressing wound, it is highly important to screen potentially susceptible individuals for their risk of developing a DTI. Abnormally low and high values of the body mass index (BMI) have been proposed to be associated with pressure ulcers, but a clear mechanism is lacking. We hypothesize that during sitting, exposure to internal muscle tissue loads under the ischial tuberosities (IT) is elevated at abnormally high or low body mass indices. Our aims in this study were: (a) to develop biomechanical models of the IT region in the buttocks that represent an individual who is gaining or losing weight drastically. (b) To determine changes in internal tissue load measures: principal compression strain, strain energy density (SED), principal compression stress and von Mises stress versus the BMI. (c) To determine percentage volumes of muscle tissue exposed to critical levels of the above load measures, which were defined based on our previous animal and tissue engineered model experiments: strain≥50%, stress≥2 kPa, SED≥0.5 kPa. A set of 21 finite element models, which represented the same individual, but with different BMI values within the normal range, above it and below it, was solved for the outcome measures listed above. The models had the same IT shape, size, distance between the IT, and (non-linear) mechanical properties for all soft tissues, but different thicknesses of gluteus muscles and fat tissue layers, corresponding to the BMI level. The resulted data indicated a trend of progressive increase in internal tissue loading, particularly in volumetric exposure to critical loading for BMI values outside the 17≤BMI≤22 kg/m2 range, supporting our hypothesis for this study. We concluded that exposure to internal muscle tissue loads under the IT during sitting is optimally reduced at the low-normal BMI range, which is important not only in the context of DTI research, but also for understanding general sitting biomechanics.  相似文献   

Mechanics of carpal tunnel soft tissue, such as fat, muscle and transverse carpal ligament (TCL), around the median nerve may render the median nerve vulnerable to compression neuropathy. The purpose of this study was to understand the roles of carpal tunnel soft tissue mechanical properties and intratunnel pressure on the TCL tensile strain and carpal arch area (CAA) using finite element analysis (FEA). Manual segmentation of the thenar muscles, skin, fat, TCL, hamate bone, and trapezium bone in the transverse plane at distal carpal tunnel were obtained from B-mode ultrasound images of one cadaveric hand. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to examine the dependence of TCL tensile strain and CAA on TCL elastic modulus (0.125–10 MPa volar-dorsally; 1.375–110 MPa transversely), skin-fat and thenar muscle initial shear modulus (1.6–160 kPa for skin-fat; 0.425–42.5 kPa for muscle), and intratunnel pressure (60–480 mmHg). Predictions of TCL tensile strain under different intratunnel pressures were validated with the experimental data obtained on the same cadaveric hand. Results showed that skin, fat and muscles had little effect on the TCL tensile strain and CAA changes. However, TCL tensile strain and CAA increased with decreased elastic modulus of TCL and increased intratunnel pressure. The TCL tensile strain and CAA increased linearly with increased pressure while increased exponentially with decreased elastic modulus of TCL. Softening the TCL by decreasing the elastic modulus may be an alternative clinical approach to carpal tunnel expansion to accommodate elevated intratunnel pressure and alleviate median nerve compression neuropathy.  相似文献   

Collagen type V is highly expressed during tissue development and wound repair, but its exact function remains unclear. Cell binding to collagen V affects various basic cell functions and increased collagen V levels alter the structural organization and the stiffness of the ECM. We studied the combined effects of collagen V and substrate stiffness on the morphology, focal adhesion formation, and actin organization of fibroblasts. We found that a hybrid collagen I/V coating impairs fibroblast spreading on soft substrates (<10 kPa), but not on stiffer substrates (68 kPa or glass). In sharp contrast, a pure collagen I coating does not impair cell spreading on soft substrates. The impairment of cell spreading by collagen V is accompanied by diffuse actin staining patterns and small focal adhesions. These observations suggest that collagen V plays an essential role in modifying cell behavior during development and remodeling, when very soft tissues are present.  相似文献   

A pressure-related deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe pressure ulcer, which initiates in muscle tissue overlying a bony prominence (e.g. the ischial tuberosities, IT) and progresses outwards through fat and skin, unnoticed by the paralyzed patient. We recently showed that internal strains and stresses in muscle and fat of individuals at anatomical sites susceptible to DTI can be evaluated by integrating Open-MRI scans with subject-specific finite element (FE) analyzes (Linder-Ganz et al., Journal of Biomechanics, 2007); however, sub-dermal soft tissue strains/stresses from paraplegics are still missing in literature. We hypothesize that the pathoanatomy of the buttocks in paraplegia increases the internal soft tissue loads under the IT, making these patients inherently susceptible to DTI. We hence compared the strain and stress peaks in the gluteus muscle and fat tissues under the IT of six healthy and six paraplegic patients, using the coupled MRI-FE method. Peak principal compression, principal tension, von Mises and shear strains in the gluteus were 1.2-, 3.1-, 1.4- and 1.4-fold higher in paraplegics than in healthy, respectively (p<0.02). Likewise, peak principal compression, principal tension, von Mises and shear stresses in the gluteus were 1.9-, 2.5-, 2.1- and 1.7-fold higher for the paraplegics (p<0.05). Peak gluteal compression and shear stresses decreased by as much as 70% when the paraplegic patients moved from a sitting to a lying posture, indicating on the effectiveness of recommending such patients to lie down after prolonged periods of sitting. This is the first attempt to compare internal soft tissue loads between paraplegic and healthy subjects, using an objective standardized bioengineering method of analysis. The findings support our hypothesis that internal tissue loads are significantly higher in paraplegics, and that postural changes significantly affect these loads. The method of analysis is useful for quantifying the effectiveness of various interventions to alleviate sub-dermal tissue loads at sites susceptible to pressure ulcers and DTI, including cushions, mattresses, recommendations for posture and postural changes, etc.  相似文献   

Onabotulinum toxin A (BTX-A) is a frequently used treatment modality to relax spastic muscles by preventing acetylcholine release at the motor nerve endings. Although considered safe, previous studies have shown that BTX-A injections cause muscle atrophy and deterioration in target and non-target muscles. Ideally, muscles should fully recover following BTX-A treatments, so that muscle strength and performance are not affected in the long-term. However, systematic, long-term data on the recovery of muscles exposed to BTX-A treatments are not available, thus practice guidelines on the frequency and duration of BTX-A injections, and associated recovery protocols, are based on clinical experience with little evidence-based information. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate muscle recovery following a six months, monthly BTX-A injection (3.5 U/kg) protocol. Twenty seven skeletally mature NZW rabbits were divided into 5 groups: Control (n=5), zero month recovery – BTX-A+0 M (n=5), one month recovery – BTX-A+1 M (n=5), three months recovery – BTX-A+3 M (n=5), and six months recovery – BTX-A+6 M (n=7). Knee extensor strength, muscle mass and percent contractile material in injected and contralateral non-injected muscles was measured at each point of recovery. Strength and muscle mass were partially and completely recovered in injected and contralateral non-injected muscles for BTX-A+6 M group animals, respectively. The percent of contractile material partially recovered in the injected, but did not recover in the contralateral non-injected muscles. We conclude from these results that neither target nor non-target muscles fully recover within six months of a BTX-A treatment protocol and that clinical studies on muscle recovery should be pursued.  相似文献   

Acetyl CoA Carboxylase 1 (ACC1) is a biotin-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of Acetyl CoA to form Malonyl CoA, the key intermediate metabolite in fatty acid synthesis. In this study, the mRNA expression of the ACC1 gene was evaluated in four different tissues (liver, visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, and longissimus muscle) of the domestic goat (Capra hircus) kids feeding on four different levels of trivalent chromium (0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mg/day) as food supplementation. RT-qPCR technique was used for expression analyses and heat shock protein 90 gene (HSP-90) was considered as reference gene for data normalization. Our results revealed that 1.5 mg/day chromium significantly reduced the expression of the ACC1 gene in liver, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat tissues, but not in longissimus muscles (P < 0.05). We measured some phenotypic traits of kid's carcasses to detect their probable correlations with chromium-mediated downregulation of ACC1 expression. Interestingly, changes in ACC1 expression were accompanied with decreased accumulation of fats in adipose tissues such that the subcutaneous fat thickness and heart fat percentage decreased in kids feeding on chromium. By contrast, chromium supplemented kids showed higher percentage of muscles despite the fact that their total body weight did not differ from that of non-supplemented kids. Our study suggests that trivalent chromium alters the direction of energy accumulation towards muscles rather than fats and provides insights into application of chromium supplementation as a useful strategy for improvement of meat quality in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Pressure distributions at the interface between skin and supporting tissues are used in design of supporting surfaces like beds, wheel chairs, prostheses and in sales brochures to support commercial products. The reasoning behind this is, that equal pressure distributions in the absence of high pressure gradients is assumed to minimise the risk of developing pressure sores. Notwithstanding the difficulty in performing reproducible and accurate pressure measurements, the question arises if the interface pressure distribution is representative of the internal mechanical state of the soft tissues involved. The paper describes a study of the mechanical condition of a supported buttock contact, depending on cushion properties, relative properties of tissue layers and friction. Numerical, mechanical simulations of a buttock on a supporting cushion are described. The ischial tuberosity is modelled as a rigid body, whereas the overlying muscle, fat and skin layers are modelled as a non-linear Ogden material. Material parameters and thickness of the fat layer are varied. Coulomb friction between buttock and cushion is modelled with different values of the friction coefficient. Moreover, the thickness and properties of the cushion are varied. High shear strains are found in the muscle near the bony prominence and the fat layer near the symmetry line. The performed parameter variations lead to large differences in shear strain in the fat layer but relatively small variations in the skeletal muscle. Even with a soft cushion, leading to a high reduction of the interface pressure the deformation of the skeletal muscle near the bone is high enough to form a risk, which is a clear argument that interface pressures alone are not sufficient to evaluate supporting surfaces.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell-mediated immunosuppression is one of the crucial mechanisms that tumor cells use to evade the immune system. The forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) gene regulates regulatory T-cell development and function and may modulate the susceptibility to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Because a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) within the FoxP3 gene (rs3761548 in the promoter region) is associated with susceptibility to Graves' disease, this study detected rs3761548 in a hospital-based case–control study. A total of 192 NSCLC patients and 259 healthy subjects were recruited for the polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) analysis of FoxP3 SNP. The data showed that the A allele of rs3761548 significantly increased NSCLC risk (P = 0.000, OR = 2.32, 95%CI = 1.736–3.102). The AC genotype, AA genotype, and the combined A variant genotype (AA + AC) were also associated with a higher risk of NSCLC (OR [95%CI] = 2.147[1.419–3.247], 4.413[2.359–8.255], and 2.563[1.746–3.761], respectively). Moreover, a significantly higher frequency of AA + AC genotype was observed in patients with stage II NSCLC (OR, 2.053; 95%CI, 1.033–4.078). In conclusion, the data from the current study demonstrated for the first time the association of the FoxP3 SNP with a risk of developing NSCLC in the Chinese Han population.  相似文献   

Cell motility and cell stiffness are closely related to metastatic activity of cancer cells. (−)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has been shown to inhibit spontaneous metastasis of melanoma cell line into the lungs of mice, so we studied the effects of EGCG on cell motility, cell stiffness, and expression of vimentin and Slug, which are molecular phenotypes of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). Treatments of human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines H1299 and Lu99 with 50 and 100 μM EGCG reduced cell motility to 67.5% and 43.7% in H1299, and 71.7% and 31.5% in Lu99, respectively in in vitro wound healing assay. Studies on cell stiffness using atomic force microscope (AFM) revealed that treatment with 50 μM EGCG increased Young’s modulus of H1299 from 1.24 to 2.25 kPa and that of Lu99 from 1.29 to 2.28 kPa, showing a 2-fold increase in cell stiffness, i.e. rigid elasticity of cell membrane. Furthermore, treatment with 50 μM EGCG inhibited high expression of vimentin and Slug in the cells at a leading edge of scratch. Methyl-β-cyclodextrin, a reagent to deplete cholesterol in plasma membrane, showed inhibition of EMT phenotypes similar that by EGCG, suggesting that EGCG induces inhibition of EMT phenotypes by alteration of membrane organization.  相似文献   

The body wall musculature of a Drosophila larva is composed of an intricate pattern of 30 segmentally repeated muscle fibers in each abdominal hemisegment. Each muscle fiber has unique spatial and behavioral characteristics that include its location, orientation, epidermal attachment, size and pattern of innervation. Many, if not all, of these properties are dictated by founder cells, which determine the muscle pattern and seed the fusion process. Myofibers are then derived from fusion between a specific founder cell and several fusion competent myoblasts (FCMs) fusing with as few as 3-5 FCMs in the small muscles on the most ventral side of the embryo and as many as 30 FCMs in the larger muscles on the dorsal side of the embryo. The focus of the present review is the formation of the larval muscles in the developing embryo, summarizing the major issues and players in this process. We have attempted to emphasize experimentally-validated details of the mechanism of myoblast fusion and distinguish these from the theoretically possible details that have not yet been confirmed experimentally. We also direct the interested reader to other recent reviews that discuss myoblast fusion in Drosophila, each with their own perspective on the process [1], [2], [3] and [4]. With apologies, we use gene nomenclature as specified by Flybase (http://flybase.org) but provide Table 1 with alternative names and references.  相似文献   

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