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During insertion of a cancellous bone screw, the torque level reaches a plateau, at the engagement of all the screw threads prior to the screw head contact. This plateau torque (TPlateau) was found to be a good predictor of the insertion failure torque (stripping) and also exhibited strong positive correlations with areal bone mineral density (aBMD) in ovine bone. However, correlations between TPlateau and aBMD, as well as correlations between TPlateau and bone microarchitecture, have never been explored in human bone.  相似文献   

A recent article (Burr and Piotrowski, 1982) suggested that structural analyses of long bone cross-sectional geometry will be inaccurate and should be considered inappropriate when cancellous bone accounts for 10-15% or more of the cross-sectional area. Consideration of material property differences between compact and cancellous bone, however, indicates that even significant proportions of cancellous bone (10-40% of total cross-sectional area) will very likely have negligible effects on bone strength and rigidity, and can be effectively ignored in geometrical analyses of diaphyseal sections. In metaphyseal and epiphyseal regions, however, geometric analyses of section properties such as area moments of inertia are inappropriate, both because of significant trabecular bone effects, and because of the inherent constraints of mechanical beam models.  相似文献   

Cancellous bone is a highly porous material, and two types of waves, fast and slow, are observed when ultrasound is used for detecting bone diseases. There are several possible stimuli for bone remodelling processes, including bone fluid flow, streaming potential, and piezoelectricity. Poroelasticity has been widely used for elucidating the bone fluid flow phenomenon, but the combination of poroelasticity with charge density has not been introduced. Theoretically, general poroelasticity with a varying charge density is employed for determining the relationship between wave velocity and attenuation with charge density. Fast wave velocity and attenuation are affected by porosity as well as charge density; however, for a slow wave, both slow wave velocity and attenuation are not as sensitive to the effect of charge density as they are for a fast wave. Thus, employing human femoral data, we conclude that charged ions gather on trabecular struts, and the fast wave, which moves along the trabecular struts, is significantly affected by charge density.  相似文献   

Strong correspondence between the uniaxial apparent strength and stiffness of cancellous bone allows the use of stiffness as a predictor of bone strength. Measured values of mechanical properties in cancellous bone can be different between experiments due to different experimental conditions. In the current study, bone volume fraction, experimentally determined and finite element (FE) predicted stiffness were examined as predictors of cancellous bone ultimate strength in two different groups each of which was tested using a different end constraint. It is demonstrated that, although always significant, the relationships of strength with bone volume fraction and experimentally determined stiffness are different between test groups. Apparent stiffness, estimated by FE modeling, predicts the ultimate strength of human cancellous bone consistently for all examined experimental protocols.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of digital tomosynthesis (DTS) derived cancellous bone textural measures to predict vertebral strength under conditions simulating a wedge fracture. 40 vertebral bodies (T6, T8, T11, and L3 levels) from 5 male and 5 female cadaveric donors were utilized. The specimens were scanned using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) to obtain measures of bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC), and DTS to obtain measures of bone texture. Using a custom loading apparatus designed to deliver a nonuniform displacement resulting in a wedge deformity similar to those observed clinically, the specimens were loaded to fracture and their fracture strength was recorded. Mixed model regressions were used to determine the associations between wedge strength and DTS derived textural variables, alone and in the presence of BMD or BMC information. DTS derived fractal, lacunarity and mean intercept length variables correlated with wedge strength, and individually explained up to 53% variability. DTS derived textural variables, notably fractal dimension and lacunarity, contributed to multiple regression models of wedge strength independently from BMC and BMD. The model from a scan orientation transverse to the spine axis and in the anterior-posterior view resulted in highest explanatory capability (R2adj = 0.91), with a scan orientation parallel to the spine axis and in the lateral view offering an alternative (R2adj = 0.88). In conclusion, DTS can be used to examine cancellous texture relevant to vertebral wedge strength, and potentially complement BMD in assessment of vertebral fracture risk.  相似文献   

Summary The femurs from rats given 120 ppm fluoride in their drinking water for 4 weeks were examined with histological, histochemical, and radiographic methods. Blood removed from the rats prior to sacrifice was analyzed for calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase. Results of this study indicated that the ingestion of fluoride produced wide osteoid seams on the periosteal surface of the femoral diaphysis within 4 weeks. The increase in osteoid appeared to be due to an increase in the number of osteoid-producing cells (osteoblasts) along with a subsequent delay in the mineralization of this tissue. The metabolic activity of osteoblasts did not appear to be affected since the intracellular production of acid and alkaline phosphatase was not inhibited. However, due to the high concentration of fluoride ingested, abnormal collagen deposition and a change in bone mineral may have combined to cause a delay in osteoid mineralization. Mineralization was also delayed in the distal femoral epiphyseal plate resulting in an increase in the number of hypertrophied cells. Resorption of metaphyseal trabecular bone, presumably formed prior to fluoride administration, was increased causing a reduction in the amount of trabeculae extending into the shaft of the femur. Concurrent with these changes in bone, the serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase remained within normal ranges.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the elastic modulus of trabeculae using tensile tests and assess the effects of nanostructure at the hydroxyapatite (HAp) crystal scale on the elastic modulus. In the experiments, 18 trabeculae that were at least 3 mm in length in the proximal epiphysis of three adult bovine femurs were used. Tensile tests were conducted using a small tensile testing device coupled with microscopy under air-dried condition. The c-axis orientation of HAp crystals and the degree of orientation were measured by X-ray diffraction. To observe the deformation behavior of HAp crystals under tensile loading, the same tensile tests were conducted in X-ray diffraction measurements. The mineral content of specimens was evaluated using energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The elastic modulus of a single trabecula varied from 4.5 to 23.6 GPa, and the average was 11.5±5.0 GPa. The c-axis of HAp crystals was aligned with the trabecular axis and the crystals were lineally deformed under tensile loading. The ratio of the HAp crystal strain to the tissue strain (strain ratio) had a significant correlation with the elastic modulus (r=0.79; P<0.001). However, the mineral content and the degree of orientation did not vary widely and did not correlate with the elastic modulus in this study. It suggests that the strain ratio may represent the nanostructure of a single trabecula and would determine the elastic modulus as well as mineral content and orientation.  相似文献   

The mandibular condyle is considered a good model for developing cancellous bone because of its rapid growth and high rate of remodeling. The aim of the present study was to analyze the simultaneous changes in microarchitecture and mineralization of cancellous bone during development in a three-dimensional fashion. Eight mandibular condyles of pigs aged 8 weeks prepartum to 108 weeks postpartum were scanned using microCT with an isotropic spatial resolution of 10 microm. The number of trabeculae decreased during development, whereas both the trabecular thickness and the distance between the trabeculae increased. The bone surface to volume ratio decreased during development, possibly limiting the amount of (re)modeling. Both the mean degree of mineralization and intratrabecular differences in mineralization between the surfaces and cores of trabecular elements increased during development. The trabecular surfaces were more highly mineralized in the older condyles compared to the younger ones. Together with the observed decrease in the relative size of trabecular surface, this finding suggests a decrease in (re)modeling activity during development. In accordance with the general growth and development of the pig, it was concluded that most developmental changes in cancellous bone occur until the age of 40 weeks postpartum.  相似文献   

Failures of orthopaedic procedures that use morselized cancellous bone (MCB) graft for load bearing are often due to gross displacement within the graft material. For this reason the mechanical behavior of MCB must be better understood. Our purpose is to present a detailed testing methodology for the mechanical characterization of MCB, and to illustrate how this methodology can be used to study the influence of water and fat content. Complete one-dimensional consolidation testing was performed on bovine cancellous bone processed to represent MCB typically used in surgery (52% water, 31% fat). The one-dimensional consolidation strain under a stress of 1.09 MPa was 30.9% and the confined modulus was 8.0 MPa. The coefficient of consolidation (rate of consolidation) was 2.2×10−5 cm2/s and the coefficient of secondary strain (steady-state creep rate) was 1.9%. While reducing the water content alone had some influence on properties, reducing the fat content improved both the static and dynamic behavior. A sample of MCB which had fat intentionally minimized and a lower overall moisture content (56% water, 5% fat) demonstrated 23.1% strain, a confined modulus of 9.6 MPa, a coefficient of consolidation of 3.4×10−3 cm2/s, and a coefficient of secondary strain of 0.9%. The test methods described in this technical note can be used to evaluate the influence of fluid content on the mechanical behavior of MCB.  相似文献   

A mini-compression jig was built to perform in situ tests on bovine trabecular bone monitored by micro-MRI. The MRI antenna provided an isotropic resolution of 78 μm that allows for a volume correlation method to be used. Three-dimensional displacement fields are then evaluated within the bone sample during the compression test. The performances of the correlation method are evaluated and discussed to validate the technique on trabecular bone. By considering correlation residuals and estimates of acquisition noise, the measured results are shown to be trustworthy. By analyzing average strain levels for different interrogation volumes along the loading direction, it is shown that the sample size is less than that of a representative volume element. This study shows the feasibility of the 3D-displacement and strain field analyses from micro-MRI images. Other biological tissues could be considered in future work.  相似文献   

The removal of fat from cancellous bone tissue promotes the clinical healing of the transplant and improves the penetration of chemical sterilisation media into the tissue. Treatment using chloroform/methanol (2:1, 2 h) is frequently used as a defatting procedure. Eight rinses with methanol followed by two rinses with aqua ad iniectabilia (20 min each, with ultrasonic effect) ensure depletion in the level of chloroform from defatted cancellous bone to a concentration below 25 ppm (limit value). For the necessary routine quality checks on the production process, a gas chromatography method has been developed that determines the level of chloroform in cancellous bone, for which the detection limit is 0.003 ppm.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional simulation of trabecular surface remodeling was conducted for a human proximal femur to investigate the structural change of cancellous bone toward a uniform stress state. Considering that a local mechanical stimulus plays an important role in cellular activities in bone remodeling, local stress nonuniformity was assumed to drive trabecular structural change to seek a uniform stress state. A large-scale pixel-based finite element model was used to simulate structural changes of individual trabeculae over the entire bone. As a result, the initial structure of trabeculae changed from isotropic to anisotropic due to trabecular microstructural changes caused by surface remodeling according to the mechanical environment in the proximal femur. Under a single-loading condition, it was shown that the apparent structural property evaluated by fabric ellipses corresponded to the apparent stress state in cancellous bone. As is observed in the actual bone, a distributed trabecular structure was obtained under a multiple-loading condition. Through these studies, it was concluded that trabecular surface remodeling toward a local uniform stress state at the trabecular level could naturally bring about functional adaptation phenomenon at the apparent tissue level. The proposed simulation model would be capable of providing insight into the hierarchical mechanism of trabecular surface remodeling at the microstructural level up to the apparent tissue level.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人体脊柱松质骨骨骼显微结构和力学性能的区域性差异,为松质骨三维结构采样部位的选取提供参考。方法:显微CT扫描6块颈6椎体标本获得三维图像,依据椎体内解剖位置的不同,将松质骨划分为6个位置组:外侧、内侧、腹侧、背侧、头侧和尾侧。利用显微结构参数骨体积分数(Bone volume to tissue volume,BV/TV)、骨表面积和骨体积的比值(Bone surface to bone volume,BS/BV)、骨小梁数量(Trabecular number,Tb.N)、骨小梁厚度(Trabecular thickness,Tb.Th)、骨小梁分离度(Trabecular separation,Tb.Sp)和个体化骨小梁分割方法(Individual trabeculae segmentation,ITS)分析6个位置组内松质骨显微结构,并利用有限元分析,获得6个位置组内松质骨的力学性能参数表观弹性模量和表观剪切模量。分别两两对比外侧和内侧,腹侧和背侧,头侧和尾侧松质骨的显微结构参数(BV/TV、BS/BV、Tb.N、Tb.Th、Tb.Sp和个体化骨小梁分割得到的参数)和力学性能参数(表观弹性模量和表观剪切模量)。结果:头侧和尾侧的主要显微结构参数BV/TV、Tb.Th、Tb.N等和表观弹性模量均存在显著差异(P0.05)。腹侧和背侧、内侧和外侧的主要显微结构参数BV/TV、Tb.Th、Tb.N等无显著差异。外侧和内侧的表观弹性模量在非主方向即内外方向和腹背放上上存在显著差异(P0.05),在主方向即头尾上无显著差异。结论:在实验中采集椎体松质骨样本以及临床上利用高分辨率CT分析椎体松质骨结构时,感兴趣区域要同时涵盖头侧和尾侧。  相似文献   

When compressed axially, cancellous bone often fails at an oblique angle along well-defined bands, highlighting the importance of cancellous bone shear properties. Torsion testing to determine shear properties of cancellous bone has often been conducted under conditions appropriate only for axis-symmetric specimens comprised of homogeneous and isotropic materials. However, most cancellous bone specimens do not meet these stringent test conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design and validate a uniaxial, incremental torsional testing system for non-homogeneous orthotropic or non-axis-symmetric specimens.Precision and accuracy of the newly designed torsion system was validated by using Plexiglas rods and beams, where obtained material properties were compared to those supplied by the manufacturer. Additionally, the incremental step-wise application of angular displacement and simultaneous time-lapsed μCT imaging capability of the system was validated using whale cancellous bone specimens, with step-wise application of angular displacement yielding similar torsional mechanical properties to continuous application of angular displacement in a conventional torsion study.In conclusion, a novel torsion testing system for non-homogeneous, orthotropic materials using the incremental step-wise application of torsion and simultaneous time-lapsed μCT imaging was designed and validated.  相似文献   

Microdamage occurs in trabecular bone under normal loading, which impairs the mechanical properties. Architectural degradation associated with osteoporosis increases damage susceptibility, resulting in a cumulative negative effect on the mechanical properties. Treatments for osteoporosis could be targeted toward increased bone mineral density, improved architecture, or repair and prevention of microdamage. Delineating the relative roles of damage and architectural degradation on trabecular bone strength will provide insight into the most beneficial targets. In this study, damage was induced in bovine trabecular bone samples by axial compression, and the effects on the mechanical properties in shear were assessed. The damaged shear modulus, shear yield stress, ultimate shear stress, and energy to failure all depended on induced damage and decreased as the architecture became more rod-like. The changes in ultimate shear strength and toughness were proportional to the decrease in shear modulus, consistent with an effective decrease in the cross-section of trabeculae based on cellular solid analysis. For typical ranges of bone volume fraction in human bone, the strength and toughness were much more sensitive to decreased volume fraction than to induced mechanical damage. While ultimately repairing or avoiding damage to the bone structure and increasing bone density both improve mechanical properties, increasing bone density is the more important contributor to bone strength.  相似文献   

Osteoporotic vertebral fractures constitute a major clinical problem in ageing societies. A third of all vertebral fractures is caused by falls, 15% by lifting heavy loads or traffic accidents and over 50% are not relatable to a traumatic event. In the latter case vertebrae show sinter processes which indicate the accumulation of damage and permanent deformation. Accumulated damage may not be visible on radiographs but increases the risk of fracture and could lead to vertebral collapse. Clear understanding of the accumulation of damage and residual strains and their dependence on loading mode and direction is important for understanding vertebral fractures. Altogether, 251 cylindrical samples (8×18-25mm) were obtained from 50 male and 54 female fresh frozen human vertebrae (T1-L3) of 65 (21-94) years. Vertebrae were randomly assigned to three groups cranial-caudal, anterior-posterior and latero-lateral. Specimens were mechanically loaded in compression, tension or torsion in five load steps at a strain rate of 0.2%/s. Three conditioning cycles were driven per load step. Stress-strain curves were reconstructed from the force-displacement or from the moment-twist angle curves. Damage accumulated from 0 to 86% in compression, from 0 to 76% in tension and from 0 to 86% in torsion through the five load steps. Residual strains accumulated from 0 to -0.008mm/mm in compression, 0 to 0.006mm/mm in tension and 0 to 0.026rad/rad in torsion. Significantly less damage (p<0.05) but not residual strains accumulated in transverse directions. This study provides detailed experimental insights into the damage behaviour of vertebral trabecular bone under various loads occurring in vivo. Damage but not residual strain evolution seems to be anisotropic. Both seem to evolve differently under different loading modes. The results could be of importance in understanding vertebral fractures.  相似文献   

Theories of mechanical adaptation of bone suggest that mechanical loading causes bone formation at discrete locations within bone microstructure experiencing the greatest mechanical stress/strain. Experimental testing of such theories requires in vivo loading experiments and high-resolution finite element models to determine the distribution of mechanical stresses. Finite element models of in vivo loading experiments typically assume idealized boundary conditions with applied load perfectly oriented on the bone, however small misalignments in load orientation during an in vivo experiment are unavoidable, and potentially confound the ability of finite element models to predict locations of bone formation at the scale of micrometers. Here we demonstrate two different three-dimensional spatial correlation methods to determine the effects of misalignment in load orientation on the locations of high mechanical stress/strain in the rodent tail loading model. We find that, in cancellous bone, the locations of tissue with high stress are maintained under reasonable misalignments in load orientation (p<0.01). In cortical bone, however, angular misalignments in the dorsal direction can alter the locations of high mechanical stress, but the locations of tissue with high stress are maintained under other misalignments (p<0.01). We conclude that, when using finite element models of the rodent tail loading model, small misalignments in loading orientation do not affect the predicted locations of high mechanical stress within cancellous bone.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the effect of the addition of TGFβ3, alone or in combination with loading, on the survival of osteocytes in 3D human explant cancellous bone during long-term culture in an ex vivo loading bioreactor. Human cancellous bone explants were cultured for up to 14 days with or without TGFβ3 (15 ng ml−1) and with or without loading (300 cycles, at 1 Hz, producing 4000 microstrain). Bone core response was visualized using undecalcified histology with morphological methods after embedding with Technovit 9100 New® resin. Histological examination revealed normal gross level bone structure with or without the application of load or the addition of TGFβ3. The viability of the osteocytes within the bone was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. We demonstrate that this ex vivo loading bioreactor is able to maintain a high percentage (over 50%) of viable osteocytes throughout the bone explants after 14 days in ex vivo culture. Further to this, the combination of daily loading and TGFβ3 administration produced superior osteocyte survival at the core centres when compared to loading or TGFβ alone. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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