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The objective of this study was to develop an instrumented Lofstrand crutch system, which quantifies three-dimensional (3-D) upper extremity (UE) kinematics and kinetics using an inverse dynamics model. The model describes the dynamics of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and crutches and is compliant with the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) recommended standards. A custom designed Lofstrand crutch system with four, six-degree-of-freedom force transducers was implemented with the inverse dynamics model to obtain triaxial UE joint reaction forces and moments. The crutch system was validated statically and dynamically for accuracy of computing joint reaction forces and moments during gait. The root mean square (RMS) error of the system ranged from 0.84 to 5.20%. The system was demonstrated in children with diplegic cerebral palsy (CP), incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI), and type I osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The greatest joint reaction forces were observed in the posterior direction of the wrist, while shoulder flexion moments were the greatest joint reaction moments. The subject with CP showed the highest forces and the subject with SCI demonstrated the highest moments. Dynamic quantification may help to elucidate UE joint demands in regard to pain and pathology in long-term assistive device users.  相似文献   

Current inverse dynamics models of the upper extremity (UE) are limited for the measurement of Lofstrand crutch-assisted gait. The objective of this study is to develop, validate, and demonstrate a three-dimensional (3-D) UE motion assessment system to quantify crutch-assisted gait in children. We propose a novel 3-D dynamic model of the UEs and crutches for quantification of joint motions, forces, and moments during Lofstrand crutch-assisted gait. The model is composed of the upper body (i.e., thorax, upper arms, forearms, and hands) and Lofstrand crutches to determine joint dynamics of the thorax, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and crutches. The model was evaluated and applied to a pediatric subject with myelomeningocele (MM) to demonstrate its effectiveness in the characterization of crutch gait during multiple walking patterns. The model quantified UE dynamics during reciprocal and swing-through crutch-assisted gait patterns. Joint motions and forces were greater during swing-through gait than reciprocal gait. The model is suitable for further application to pediatric crutch-user populations. This study has potential for improving the understanding of the biomechanics of crutch-assisted gait and may impact clinical intervention strategies and therapeutic planning of ambulation.  相似文献   

Researchers of wheelchair propulsion have usually suggested that a wheelchair can be properly designed using anthropometrics to reduce high mechanical load and thus reduce pain and damage to joints. A model based on physiological features and biomechanical principles can be used to determine anthropometric relationships for wheelchair fitting. To improve the understanding of man-machine interaction and the mechanism through which propulsion performance been enhanced, this study develops and validates an energy model for wheelchair propulsion. Kinematic data obtained from ten able-bodied and ten wheelchair-dependent users during level propulsion at an average velocity of 1m/s were used as the input of a planar model with the criteria of increasing efficiency and reducing joint load. Results demonstrate that for both experienced and inexperienced users, predicted handrim contact forces agree with experimental data through an extensive range of the push. Significant deviations that were mostly observed in the early stage of the push phase might result from the lack of consideration of muscle dynamics and wrist joint biomechanics. The proposed model effectively verified the handrim contact force patterns during dynamic propulsion. Users do not aim to generate mechanically most effective forces to avoid high loadings on the joints.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine the role of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints to single-finger tapping. Six human subjects tapped with their index finger at a rate of 3 taps/s on a keyswitch across five conditions, one freestyle (FS) and four instructed tapping strategies. The four instructed conditions were to tap on a keyswitch using the finger joint only (FO), the wrist joint only (WO), the elbow joint only (EO), and the shoulder joint only (SO). A single-axis force plate measured the fingertip force. An infra-red active-marker three-dimensional motion analysis system measured the movement of the fingertip, hand, forearm, upper arm and trunk. Inverse dynamics estimated joint torques for the metacarpal-phalangeal (MCP), wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints. For FS tapping 27%, 56%, and 18% of the vertical fingertip movement were a result of flexion of the MCP joint and wrist joint and extension of the elbow joint, respectively. During the FS movements the net joint powers between the MCP, wrist and elbow were positively correlated (correlation coefficients between 0.46 and 0.76) suggesting synergistic efforts. For the instructed tapping strategies (FO, WO, EO, and SO), correlations decreased to values below 0.35 suggesting relatively independent control of the different joints. For FS tapping, the kinematic and kinetic data indicate that the wrist and elbow contribute significantly, working in synergy with the finger joints to create the fingertip tapping task.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the forces and moments of the whole upper limb, analyzing forces and moments at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints simultaneously during manual wheelchair propulsion of persons with different levels of spinal cord injury (SCI) on a treadmill. Fifty-one people participated in this study and were grouped by their level of SCI: C6 tetraplegia (G1), C7 tetraplegia (G2), high paraplegia (G3), and low paraplegia (G4). An inverse dynamic model was defined to compute net joint forces and moments from segment kinematics, the forces acting on the pushrim, and subject anthropometrics. Right side, upper limb kinematic data were collected with four camcorders (Kinescan–IBV). Kinetic data were recorded by replacing the wheels with SmartWheels (Three Rivers Holdings, LLC). All participants propelled the wheelchair at 3 km/h for 1 min. The most noteworthy findings in both our tetraplegic groups in relation to paraplegic groups were increased superior joint forces in the shoulder (G1 and G2 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 and G2 vs G4 p<0.01), elbow (G1 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 vs G4 p<0.05) and wrist (G1 vs G4 p<0.001), an increased adduction moment in the shoulder (G1 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 vs G4 p<0.01; G2 vs G3 and G4 p<0.05) and the constancy of the moments of force of the wrist the fact that they reached their lowest values in the tetraplegic groups. This pattern may increase the risk of developing upper limb overuse injuries in tetraplegic subjects.  相似文献   

This study investigated how baseball players generate large angular velocity at each joint by coordinating the joint torque and velocity-dependent torque during overarm throwing. Using a four-segment model (i.e., trunk, upper arm, forearm, and hand) that has 13 degrees of freedom, we conducted the induced acceleration analysis to determine the accelerations induced by these torques by multiplying the inverse of the system inertia matrix to the torque vectors. We found that the proximal joint motions (i.e., trunk forward motion, trunk leftward rotation, and shoulder internal rotation) were mainly accelerated by the joint torques at their own joints, whereas the distal joint motions (i.e., elbow extension and wrist flexion) were mainly accelerated by the velocity-dependent torques. We further examined which segment motion is the source of the velocity-dependent torque acting on the elbow and wrist accelerations. The results showed that the angular velocities of the trunk and upper arm produced the velocity-dependent torque for initial elbow extension acceleration. As a result, the elbow joint angular velocity increased, and concurrently, the forearm angular velocity relative to the ground also increased. The forearm angular velocity subsequently accelerated the elbow extension and wrist flexion. It also accelerated the shoulder internal rotation during the short period around the ball-release time. These results indicate that baseball players accelerate the distal elbow and wrist joint rotations by utilizing the velocity-dependent torque that is originally produced by the proximal trunk and shoulder joint torques in the early phase.  相似文献   

Shoulder muscle function has been documented based on muscle moment arms, lines of action and muscle contributions to contact force at the glenohumeral joint. At present, however, the contributions of individual muscles to shoulder joint motion have not been investigated, and the effects of shoulder and elbow joint position on shoulder muscle function are not well understood. The aims of this study were to compute the contributions of individual muscles to motion of the glenohumeral joint during abduction, and to examine the effect of elbow flexion on shoulder muscle function. A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the upper limb was used to determine the contributions of 18 major muscles and muscle sub-regions of the shoulder to glenohumeral joint motion during abduction. Muscle function was found to depend strongly on both shoulder and elbow joint positions. When the elbow was extended, the middle and anterior deltoid and supraspinatus were the greatest contributors to angular acceleration of the shoulder in abduction. In contrast, when the elbow was flexed at 90°, the anterior deltoid and subscapularis were the greatest contributors to joint angular acceleration in abduction. This dependence of shoulder muscle function on elbow joint position is explained by the existence of dynamic coupling in multi-joint musculoskeletal systems. The extent to which dynamic coupling affects shoulder muscle function, and therefore movement control, is determined by the structure of the inverse mass matrix, which depends on the configuration of the joints. The data provided may assist in the diagnosis of abnormal shoulder function, for example, due to muscle paralysis or in the case of full-thickness rotator cuff tears.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relative contributions of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles to glenohumeral joint stability during arm abduction. A three-dimensional model of the upper limb was used to calculate the muscle and joint-contact forces at the shoulder for abduction in the scapular plane. The joints of the shoulder girdle-sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and glenohumeral joint-were each represented as an ideal three degree-of-freedom ball-and-socket joint. The articulation between the scapula and thorax was modeled using two kinematic constraints. Eighteen muscle bundles were used to represent the lines of action of 11 muscle groups spanning the glenohumeral joint. The three-dimensional positions of the clavicle, scapula, and humerus during abduction were measured using intracortical bone pins implanted into one subject. The measured bone positions were inputted into the model, and an optimization problem was solved to calculate the forces developed by the shoulder muscles for abduction in the scapular plane. The model calculations showed that the rotator cuff muscles (specifically, supraspinatus, subscapularis, and infraspinatus) by virtue of their lines of action are perfectly positioned to apply compressive load across the glenohumeral joint, and that these muscles contribute most significantly to shoulder joint stability during abduction. The middle deltoid provides most of the compressive force acting between the humeral head and the glenoid, but this muscle also creates most of the shear, and so its contribution to joint stability is less than that of any of the rotator cuff muscles.  相似文献   

A geometric musculoskeletal model of the elbow and wrist joints was developed to calculate muscle moment arms throughout elbow flexion/extension, forearm pronation/supination, wrist flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation. Model moment arms were verified with data from cadaver specimen studies and geometric models available in the literature. Coefficients of polynomial equations were calculated for all moment arms as functions of joint angle, with special consideration to coupled muscles as a function of two joint angles. Additionally, a “normalized potential moment (NPM)” contribution index for each muscle across the elbow and wrist joints in four degrees-of-freedom was determined using each muscle's normalized physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and peak moment arm (MA). We hypothesize that (a) a geometric model of the elbow and wrist joints can represent the major attributes of MA versus joint angle from many literature sources of cadaver and model data and (b) an index can represent each muscle's normalized moment contribution to each degree-of-freedom at the elbow and wrist. We believe these data serve as a simple, yet comprehensive, reference for how the primary 16 muscles across the elbow and wrist contribute to joint moment and overall joint performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of using geared wheels on glenohumeral joint dynamics and shoulder muscle activity during manual wheelchair propulsion. Seven veterans with spinal cord injury propelled their wheelchairs equipped with geared wheels over a carpeted floor in low gear (1.5:1) and standard gear (1:1) conditions. Hand-rim kinetics, glenohumeral joint dynamics, and muscle activity were measured using a custom instrumented geared wheel, motion analysis, and surface electromyography. Findings indicated that the propulsion speed and stroke distance decreased significantly during the low gear condition. The peak hand-rim resultant force and propulsive moment, as well as the peak glenohumeral inferior force and flexion moment, were significantly less during the low gear condition. The peak and integrated muscle activity of the anterior deltoid and pectoralis major decreased significantly, while the normalized integrated muscle activity (muscle activity per stroke distance) was not significantly different between the two conditions. Propulsion on carpeted floor in the low gear condition was accompanied by a reduced perception of effort. The notable decrease in the peak shoulder loading and muscle activity suggests that usage of geared wheels may be beneficial for wheelchair users to enhance independent mobility in their homes and communities while decreasing their shoulder demands.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine the consistency of wheelchair athletes' upper-limb kinematics in consecutive propulsive cycles and to investigate the relationship between the maximum angular velocities of the upper arm and forearm and the consistency of the upper-limb kinematical pattern. Eleven elite international wheelchair racers propelled their own chairs on a roller while performing maximum speeds during wheelchair propulsion. A Qualisys motion analysis system was used to film the wheelchair propulsive cycles. Six reflective markers placed on the right shoulder, elbow, wrist joints, metacarpal, wheel axis, and wheel were automatically digitized. The deviations in cycle time, upper-arm and forearm angles, and angular velocities among these propulsive cycles were analyzed. The results demonstrated that in the consecutive cycles of wheelchair propulsion the increased maximum angular velocity may lead to increased variability in the upper-limb angular kinematics. It is speculated that this increased variability may be important for the distribution of load on different upper-extremity muscles to avoid the fatigue during wheelchair racing.  相似文献   

Muscle force-generating properties are often derived from cadaveric studies of muscle architecture. While the relative sizes of muscles at a single upper limb joint have been established in cadaveric specimens, the relative sizes of muscles across upper limb joints in living subjects remain unclear. We used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the volumes of the 32 upper limb muscles crossing the glenohumeral joint, elbow, forearm, and wrist in 10 young, healthy subjects, ranging from a 20th percentile female to a 97th percentile male, based on height. We measured the volume and volume fraction of these muscles. Muscles crossing the shoulder, elbow, and wrist comprised 52.5, 31.4, and 16.0% of the total muscle volume, respectively. The deltoid had the largest volume fraction (15.2%+/-1%) and the extensor indicis propius had the smallest (0.2%+/-0.05%). We determined that the distribution of muscle volume in the upper limb is highly conserved across these subjects with a three-fold variation in total muscle volumes (1427-4426cm(3)). When we predicted the volume of an individual muscle from the mean volume fraction, on average 85% of the variation among subjects was accounted for (average p=0.0008). This study provides normative data that forms the basis for investigating muscle volumes in other populations, and for scaling computer models to more accurately represent the muscle volume of a specific individual.  相似文献   

High mechanical load leads to pain and damage in the upper extremities of wheelchair users. Wheelchair users suffer a limited range of motion of the upper extremities due to the confining wheelchair configuration. This is a key factor affecting the efficiency of wheelchair propulsion and upper extremity loading. With a view toward further understanding the interaction between the user and wheelchair, this study identifies the accessible workspace of the elbow under conventional wheelchair design and identifies the actual location and range of motion of the elbow during wheelchair propulsion. An eight-camera motion analysis system recorded the kinematics of 14 non-experienced wheelchair users. Users under standardized conservative wheelchair-sitting position moved their right elbow as widely as possible at five different wheel angles while elbow positions were recorded, thereby establishing the maximum possible elbow workspace. Actual positions of the right elbow were recorded during wheelchair propulsion. The arc angles of the elbow workspace range from 68.8° to 83.4° and are located at the lateral and posterior quadrant of the circle on which the elbow trajectories located. Reachable workspace is smaller when the hand holds the hand rim at a larger wheel angle. The preferred positions for propulsion are located approximately 2/3's of the way through the total workspace. The obtained data will be useful for improved wheelchair design and biomechanical modeling of the wheelchair/user system.  相似文献   

Repetitive low-force contractions are common in the workplace and yet can lead to muscle fatigue and work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The current study aimed to investigate potential motion adaptations during a simulated repetitive light assembly work task designed to fatigue the shoulder region, focusing on changes over time and age-related group differences. Ten younger and ten older participants performed four 20-min task sessions separated by short breaks. Mean and variability of joint angles and scapular elevation, joint net moments for the shoulder, elbow, and wrist were calculated from upper extremity kinematics recorded by a motion tracking system. Results showed that joint angle and joint torque decreased across sessions and across multiple joints and segments. Increased kinematic variability over time was observed in the shoulder joint; however, decreased kinematic variability over time was seen in the more distal part of the upper limb. The changes of motion adaptations were sensitive to the task-break schedule. The results suggested that kinematic and kinetic adaptations occurred to reduce the biomechanical loading on the fatigued shoulder region. In addition, the kinematic and kinetic responses at the elbow and wrist joints also changed, possibly to compensate for the increased variability caused by the shoulder joint while still maintaining task requirements. These motion strategies in responses to muscle fatigue were similar between two age groups although the older group showed more effort in adaptation than the younger in terms of magnitude and affected body parts.  相似文献   

Upper limb loadings of gait with crutches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term crutch users and patients with arthritis are particularly susceptible to upper limb joint degeneration during aided gait. The function of the walking aid for stability, support, and restraint/propulsion must be optimized with the upper limb loadings caused by the aids. Post-operative total hip replacement (THR) patients, tibial fracture, and paraplegic subjects using sticks and elbow crutches were analyzed in this study. Elbow and shoulder joint centers and aid orientations were monitored simultaneously in three dimensions and combined with aid forces to determine upper limb moment loadings. Three loading effects were observed: tendency for the aids to cause 1) the elbow to flex and shoulder to extend, 2) the elbow and shoulder to extend, and 3) the shoulder to abduct. Moment values of up to 0.10 Nm per body weight (BW) causing the shoulder to extend were measured, i.e., of similar magnitude to the moments at the hip in unaided gait. A modification of the elbow crutch, designed to improve medial-lateral stability, was unsuccessful in use due to wrist instability. This reinforced the requirement that crutch designs integrate the aid's function in gait with the ability of the upper limb joints to balance the applied loads.  相似文献   

Two cases of acute attack of pseudogout associated with primary hyperparathyroidism are reported. Case 1 suffered from acute pain and swelling of the right ankle and dorsal of the right foot. Case 2 suffered from unknown fever and pain of the bilateral jaw, shoulder, elbow, wrist and knee joints. Postoperative radiological studies revealed the association of chondrocalcinosis in both cases. Synovial fluid in case 2 was aspirated and analyzed for calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal by microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Generating muscle-driven forward dynamics simulations of human movement using detailed musculoskeletal models can be computationally expensive. This is due in part to the time required to calculate musculotendon geometry (e.g., musculotendon lengths and moment arms), which is necessary to determine and apply individual musculotendon forces during the simulation. Modeling upper-extremity musculotendon geometry can be especially challenging due to the large number of multi-articular muscles and complex muscle paths. To accurately represent this geometry, wrapping surface algorithms and/or other computationally expensive techniques (e.g., phantom segments) are used. This paper provides a set of computationally efficient polynomial regression equations that estimate musculotendon length and moment arms for thirty-two (32) upper-extremity musculotendon actuators representing the major muscles crossing the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Equations were developed using a least squares fitting technique based on geometry values obtained from a validated public-domain upper-extremity musculoskeletal model that used wrapping surface elements (Holzbaur et al., 2005). In general, the regression equations fit well the original model values, with an average root mean square difference for all musculotendon actuators over the represented joint space of 0.39 mm (1.1% of peak value). In addition, the equations reduced the computational time required to simulate a representative upper-extremity movement (i.e., wheelchair propulsion) by more than two orders of magnitude (315 versus 2.3 s). Thus, these equations can assist in generating computationally efficient forward dynamics simulations of a wide range of upper-extremity movements.  相似文献   

Past studies have hypothesized that aspects of hominin upper limb morphology are linked to the ability to produce stone tools. However, we lack the data on upper limb motions needed to evaluate the biomechanical context of stone tool production. This study seeks to better understand the biomechanics of stone tool‐making by investigating upper limb joint kinematics, focusing on the role of the wrist joint, during simple flake production. We test the hypotheses, based on studies of other upper limb activities (e.g., throwing), that upper limb movements will occur in a proximal‐to‐distal sequence, culminating in rapid wrist flexion just prior to strike. Data were captured from four amateur knappers during simple flake production using a VICON motion analysis system (50 Hz). Results show that subjects utilized a proximal‐to‐distal joint sequence and disassociated the shoulder joint from the elbow and wrist joints, suggesting a shared strategy employed in other contexts (e.g., throwing) to increase target accuracy. The knapping strategy included moving the wrist into peak extension (subject peak grand mean = 47.3°) at the beginning of the downswing phase, which facilitated rapid wrist flexion and accelerated the hammerstone toward the nodule. This sequence resulted in the production of significantly more mechanical work, and therefore greater strike forces, than would otherwise be produced. Together these results represent a strategy for increasing knapping efficiency in Homo sapiens and point to aspects of skeletal anatomy that might be examined to assess potential knapping ability and efficiency in fossil hominin taxa. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:134‐145, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Extant hominoids share similar elbow joint morphology, which is believed to be an adaptation for elbow stability through a wide range of pronation-supination and flexion-extension postures. Mild variations in elbow joint morphology reported among extant hominoids are often qualitative, where orangutans are described as having keeled joints, and humans and gorillas as having flatter joints. Although these differences in keeling are often linked to variation in upper limb use or loading, they have not been specifically quantified. Many of the muscles important in arboreal locomotion in hominoids (i.e., wrist and finger flexors and extensors) take their origins from the humeral epicondyles. Contractions of these muscles generate transverse forces across the elbow, which are resisted mainly by the keel of the humeroulnar joint. Therefore, species with well-developed forearm musculature, like arboreal hominoids, should have more elbow joint keeling than nonarboreal species. This paper explores the three- and two-dimensional morphology of the trochlear notch of the elbow of extant hominoids and fossil hominins and hominoids for which the locomotor habitus is still debated. As expected, the elbow articulation of habitually arboreal extant apes is more keeled than that of humans. In addition, extant knuckle-walkers are characterized by joints that are distally expanded in order to provide greater articular surface area perpendicular to the large loads incurred during terrestrial locomotion with an extended forearm. Oreopithecus is characterized by a pronounced keel of the trochlear notch and resembles Pongo and Pan. OH 36 has a morphology that is unlike that of extant species or other fossil hominins. All other hominin fossils included in this study have trochlear notches intermediate in form between Homo and Gorilla or Pan, suggesting a muscularity that is less than in African apes but greater than in humans.  相似文献   

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