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Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》2004,56(3):245-248
Lectotypes are selected for names of five taxa in five genera of Brassicaceae;Boechera, Cardamine, Caulanthus, Cusickiella, Descurainia. Fourteen new combinations are made in six genera:Boechera, Descurainia, Erysimum, Parrya, Physaria, andThelypodium.  相似文献   

A cytological study was carried out for the first time on four populations of the only two species of Kelloggia (Rubiaceae), which occur disjunctly in eastern Asia (K. chinensis Franch.) and western North America (K. galioides Torr.). The consistent mitotic prophase chromosome condensation pattern and interphase nuclei type were determined for both species. The chromosome base number of the genus is suggested to be x=11. The karyotype of 2n=22=2x=16m+6sm was examined for both species. The karyotypical asymmetry of 1A and 2A was found in K. chinensis and K. galioides, respectively. According to the predominant evolutionary direction of karyotype asymmetry in angiosperms, K. galioides (2A) seems slightly more evolved than K. chinensis (1A). Our finding is consistent with the hypothesis of the Old World origin of Kelloggia based on molecular study.  相似文献   

New methods of weather analysis accompanied by microhabitat ‘bioassays’ have been applied in several case studies to demonstrate effects of atmospheric processes on patterns of community composition and structure and potential species evolution. Average spatial and seasonal airmass dynamics which determine regional and elevational patterns of relative microhabitat favorability, were found to vary between a recent global warming trend (ca 1900 to 1940) and the subsequent global cooling trend (ca 1940 to 1970). These apparently systematic spatial and temporal shifts in weather were related to plant establishment patterns and community composition and structure. The proposed causal mechanisms function, in part, through regional shifts in microhabitat size. These effects are similar to larger scale, longer term shifts deduced from the late Quaternary fossil record. By modifying the spatial approach, month-to-month and year-to-year variability of weather has been examined for the last 130 years at individual points in southwestern North America. Three climatic regimes (the end of the Little Ice Age, the recent warming trend and the recent cooling trend) exhibited distinct year-to-year patterns of weather that can be related to the establishment of different kinds of plants (e.g., C4 grasses versus C3 shrubs). Oscillations between different temporal climatic regimes appear to promote the episodic establishment of different life forms, but not necessarily their local extinction. The two methods of weather analysis have been combined in a regional assessment of climatic controls of different biomes in space and time with a primary focus on the Chihuahuan desert. Natural ecotones between the Chihuahuan desert and neighboring biomes are clearly related to large scale airmass dynamics associated with seasonal oscillations in jetstream position. The weather patterns controlling ecotonal positions result from seasonal topographic influences on the general circulation of the atmosphere. The apparent stability of these patterns allows causal hypotheses of biogeographic dynamics and the evolution of physiological traits and life history characteristics.  相似文献   

The systematic position of the North American species of the genusGlyptotendipes is reviewed using morphological characters from all life history stages. The cladistic analysis revealed adult characters which support the monophyly of the three species groups (A, B and C) of PINDER and REISS (1983, 1986) for pupae and larvae. These species groups are given formal subgeneric status, with Group A becomingGlytotendipes, s.s., placingPhytotendipes Goetghebuer, 1937 in synonymy, Group B is namedCaulochironomus (type-species,Tendipes caulicola Kieffer, 1913) and Group C is namedTrichotendipes (type-species,Tendipes signatus Kieffer, 1911).  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cleomaceae is one of 19 angiosperm families in which C4 photosynthesis has been reported. The aim of the study was to determine the type, and diversity, of structural and functional forms of C4 in genus Cleome.


Plants of Cleome species were grown from seeds, and leaves were subjected to carbon isotope analysis, light and scanning electron microscopy, western blot analysis of proteins, and in situ immunolocalization for ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC).

Key Results

Three species with C4-type carbon isotope values occurring in separate lineages in the genus (Cleome angustifolia, C. gynandra and C. oxalidea) were shown to have features of C4 photosynthesis in leaves and cotyledons. Immunolocalization studies show that PEPC is localized in mesophyll (M) cells and Rubisco is selectively localized in bundle sheath (BS) cells in leaves and cotyledons, characteristic of species with Kranz anatomy. Analyses of leaves for key photosynthetic enzymes show they have high expression of markers for the C4 cycle (compared with the C3–C4 intermediate C. paradoxa and the C3 species C. africana). All three are biochemically NAD-malic enzyme sub-type, with higher granal development in BS than in M chloroplasts, characteristic of this biochemical sub-type. Cleome gynandra and C. oxalidea have atriplicoid-type Kranz anatomy with multiple simple Kranz units around individual veins. However, C. angustifolia anatomy is represented by a double layer of concentric chlorenchyma forming a single compound Kranz unit by surrounding all the vascular bundles and water storage cells.


NAD-malic enzyme-type C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times in the family Cleomaceae, twice with atriplicoid-type anatomy in compound leaves having flat, broad leaflets in the pantropical species C. gynandra and the Australian species C. oxalidea, and once by forming a single Kranz unit in compound leaves with semi-terete leaflets in the African species C. angustifolia. The leaf morphology of C. angustifolia, which is similar to that of the sister, C3–C4 intermediate African species C. paradoxa, suggests adaptation of this lineage to arid environments, which is supported by biogeographical information.  相似文献   

Lectotypes are selected for 10 names inHypericum (Clusiaceae),Elatine (Elatinaceae),Arctostaphylos andVaccinium (Ericaceae),Androsace (Primulaceae), andViola (Violaceae).  相似文献   

Nathan W. Riser 《Hydrobiologia》1993,266(1-3):141-157
A majority of the nemertine species from the western North Atlantic were originally described from life in the nineteenth century. Many of these were established by A. E. Verrill who had ‘an eye for species’ no matter which phylum he was working with, and thus when living nemertines which he described are encountered, they can usually be recognized. The morphology of most of these species has never been reported; some may prove to be species described earlier from the eastern North Atlantic. Morphological observations on the nemertine species from the North East coast of the Pacific are inadequate and have prevented satisfactory comparison with species from Japan and eastern Russia. The morphology of some species collected in the Gulf of Maine and from Cape Cod, as well as a re-examination of some of the slides of type specimens of species from the west coast of North America, indicates that their generic placement must be re-examined. The architectonic plan of the heteronemertines postulated over 100 years ago can not be substantiated and is redescribed. Three new heteronemertean genera are described: Tenuilineus gen.n. Parvicirrus gen.n., Tarrhomyos gen.n.  相似文献   

Six specimens (2 flexion larvae: 9.5–10.4mm in notochord length; 4 postflexion larvae: 12.3–18.2mm in standard length) collected from the western North Pacific are tentatively ascribed to the genus Uncisudis of the tribe Lestidiini of the subfamily Paralepidinae (Paralepididae) in sharing remarkably elongate and filamentous pelvic fin rays, their tips reaching the origin of the anal fin. They are described as Uncisudis posteropelvis sp. nov. in uniquely having the insertion of pelvic fins closer to the origin of anal fin than to the posterior end of dorsal fin base among lestidiine species. Addition to this character, the new species has remarkably elongate and filamentous dorsal fin rays, the short distance between anus and origin of anal fin (4.2–6.1% of standard length, SL), the posteriorly located pelvic fins (prepelvic length 69.4–71.5% SL), dorsal fin rays 10, anal fin rays 28–29, myomeres 41–42+38–40=80–81 (vertebrae 38+41=79), and peritoneal pigment spots 11–12. The occurrence of larvae differing in pigment pattern from the present new species suggests another undescribed species of Uncisudis in the western South Pacific.  相似文献   

Variation in lateral awn length and pulvini development is described for A. pansa and A. gypsophila. The two species are distinguished by lateral awn development. Within each species, forms are based on pulvini development. Three new forms are described (A. pansa f. contracta; A. gypsophila f. gypsophiloides and f. diffusa), A. dissita is reduced to a form of A. pansa, and A. tehuacanensis is considered synonymous with A. pansa f. dissita. Keys, illustrations, and maps are provided.  相似文献   

Arnold Tiehm 《Brittonia》1985,37(4):344-346
Silene nachlingerae is described, illustrated, and compared toS. aperta. The similarly floweredS. invisa is considered to be closely related toS. bernardina, and especially to its var.rigidula (Robinson) Tiehm, comb nov.  相似文献   

A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   

The recently recognized western North American sectionsBrewerianae, Mexicanae, andSitchenses in the genusSalix were studied in the field and herbarium. SectionsSitchenses andBrewerianae are here combined and placed under sectionViminella as a subsection. Three species and an additional variety are recognized in subsectionSitchenses and seven species are recognized in sectionMexicanae. Keys for identification and distribution maps are provided.  相似文献   

Phenetic investigations were undertaken to evaluate differences between the cloud forest endemicViola domingensis of the Dominican Republic and the morphologically similarV. macloskeyi of continental North America. Cluster, principal components (PCA), and canonical variates analyses (CVA) of leaf characters and of ratios derived from them consistently separateV. macloskeyi subsp.macloskeyi of the Pacific states fromV. domingensis and transcontinentalV. macloskeyi subsp.pallens. However, all analyses portray the latter two as extensively intergradient extremes of a continuum, withV. domingensis plants tending to be smaller. Phenetic analyses of capsule and seed features, which are often divergent among other species of subsect.Stolonosae, showV. domingensis to be nested within a broaderV. macloskeyi subsp.pallens. Similarly, floral morphology does not provide observable differences between the pair. Results support the synonymy ofV. domingensis underV. macloskeyi subsp.pallens and reveal that it represents a disjunct outlier of an otherwise continental North American violet.  相似文献   

The crevice spawning behavior of Diondadichroma is described for the first time, andcompared to spawning behavior in the genusCyprinella. The evolution of crevice spawningwith respect to other spawning behaviors ofNorth American shiners is examined usingexplicitly phylogenetic hypotheses for thisgroup. We present evidence that broadcastspawning is plesiomorphic and all otherspawning behaviors are independently derived. There is evidence that crevice spawning hasevolved independently at least three timeswithin the shiner clade. There is no supportfor an evolutionary transition between eggclustering and crevice spawning. Nestassociation, spawning on habitat prepared byother species, has also evolved multiple timeswithin this clade. Evolution of spawning inshiners is best described by phylogeneticstasis with several independent origins ofspecialized spawning stragegies.  相似文献   

The subspecies concept has received considerable debate throughout the past century. Subspecies were originally used to delineate potential incipient species, but were later employed to simply capture geographical variation. There is a recent trend to eliminate the trinomial in light of new evidence. Discrete, diagnosable lineages are elevated to specific status, while those that show clinal variation and/or appear to represent ecological pattern classes are placed in synonymy with the parent species and the subspecific epithets are disregarded. Here, I examine the species boundaries of nightsnakes (Hypsiglena torquata) using standard phylogeographic methods and mtDNA data from 178 individuals. Previously, seventeen subspecies of H. torquata were described. In this study, I recognize six species in what was previously considered H. torquata: one is novel, two were previously recognized subspecies, while the remaining three are wide-spread, polymorphic lineages, composed of multiple subspecies. I make the case to maintain the subspecific lineages in these wide-ranging species because they are geographically cohesive, morphologically discrete, and may represent incipient species within each complex, which have not yet achieved speciation. These subspecies are maintained, not only pending future investigations, but because they provide a useful identity for the taxonomy of this diverse lineage.  相似文献   

The surprising diversity and recent dramatic decline of freshwater mussels in North America have been well documented, although inventory efforts to date have been concentrated in the eastern United States. Unlike their eastern counterparts, western freshwater mussels have received comparatively little attention. The accurate identity of western lineages is a necessary component for future inventory, monitoring, and ecological work involving these taxa. Here we initiate a study involving the most speciose genus (Anodonta) in western North America, incorporating information about type localities and type specimen morphology and describing the discovery of three highly divergent lineages among four western Anodonta species. In a limited phylogenetic analysis, we find (1) that A. californiensis/nuttalliana and A.oregonensis/kennerlyi are distinct, highly divergent clades, and (2) that A. beringiana is more closely allied with A. woodiana, an Asian species, than either of the other two western North American clades. We were largely unable to resolve the placement of these three clades with respect to other anodontines, and suggest the need for a broader phylogenetic framework. We recommend, however, that the existence of these three deeply divergent groups be considered in the development of regional monitoring, conservation and research plans despite the taxonomic uncertainty.  相似文献   

Seven isolates ofTorulomyces from Asian and Australian soil samples were studied in comparison with known taxa of the genus and withMonocillium indicum, the type species ofMonocillium. Three new species,Torulomyces parviverrucosus, T. laevis, andT. ovatus, are described, andT. brunneus is described as a new combination. Conidial characteristics, especially their shape and surface structure, are useful taxonomic criteria for distinguishing species ofTorulomyces. Monocillium is considered to be a distinct genus.  相似文献   

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