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A 3-year study assessed the diagnostic accuracy of touch imprint smears in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Touch imprint smears were prepared from 90 computerized tomographic-guided core needle lung biopsies. Cytological diagnosis of touch imprint smears were correlated with the histological diagnosis of the corresponding core needle biopsy specimen, which was taken as the gold standard. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of imprint smear results were 89%, 100%, 100% and 68%, respectively. There were no false positives, and all patients with small cell lung cancer were correctly diagnosed with this technique. Imprint cytology can be used to provide a rapid, preliminary diagnosis of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Purpose: Touch imprint cytology (TIC) facilitates rapid diagnosis of breast diseases in women attending triple assessment clinics. Some pathologists, in our centre, feel that pathological interpretation of TIC slides is contentious when the lesions are radiologically indeterminate (R3), as these can lead to potentially higher false positive or false negative cytology results. We hypothesised that: ‘(R3) lesions are more likely to have higher false positive or false negative TIC and/or be inadequate for TIC assessment’. In other words, ‘imaging influences cytological classification especially when indeterminate’. Methods: Review of the data collected in our centre between December 2003 and July 2005. All patients who attended the one stop symptomatic breast clinic and had a TIC performed following an ultrasound (US) guided core biopsy (CB) were included. Demographic, radiological, cytological and core biopsy grading data were collected. Cytology grading was correlated with radiology classification to assess our hypothesis. Results: A total of 248 patients underwent 254 CB/TIC. The average patient's age of the group was 54 years (range of 29–95). On TIC, 186 (73%) were deemed malignant, 23(9%) benign while 33(13%) were inadequate for assessment. There was no false positive or false negative TIC. There was good correlation between TIC and CB results (p < 0.0001). Thirty-three cases were inadequate (C1) for cytology assessment, of these16 (48.5%) were indeterminate on imaging. R3 lesions were 6 times more prone to have C1 cytology (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Touch imprint cytology is a reliable and efficient method in running a one stop breast clinic, with the backup of full tissue diagnosis. Careful selection of cases that would benefit from this technique is highly recommended as a significant number of radiologically indeterminate lesions are likely to be insufficient for cytological assessment. Further prospective trials are required to assess this further. Until then the diagnosis in this sub-group should depend on core biopsy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of cytology smears in distinguishing between tube and non-tube structures. METHODS: One hundred cytology smears of fallopian tube and non-tube structures (vessels, round and ovarian ligaments) were prepared from surgically removed uterus and fallopian tube specimens and stained by the Papanicolaou method. The slides were reviewed blindly by pathologists and interpreted as tube or non-tube structures. The results were compared to the histological examination of the same specimens. FINDINGS: Results indicated an overall accuracy of 97% with a specificity of 98% and sensitivity of 96% for cytology smears, taking histology as the gold standard. Positive and negative predictive values were 96.1% and 97.9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Cytology smears are a convenient and cost effective tool for laboratory confirmation of tubal sterilization. This method can reduce the costs of laboratory examination, especially in developing countries, where tubal sterilizations are done in large cohorts. However, histological slides remain the gold standard in cases of medicolegal problems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: No cytologic reports on spermatic cord sarcomas have been published. CASE: A 64-year-old man presented with a slowly growing, painless, left spermatic cord enlargement. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) obtained < 1 mL of bloody fluid consisting of solitary, mark-edly anaplastic and pleomorphic tumor giant cells occasionally arranged in small fragments. Rare atypical spindle cells could be observed. Some reactive lymphocytes were observed intermingled with tumor cells. Immunohistochemistry displayed vimentin reactivity and negativity for keratins and leukocytic common antigen. The specimen removed showed a well-circumscribed, 30-mm, yellowish solid tumor. Touch imprints displayed pleomorphic tumor cells showing intense anisonucleosis; a moderate amount of clear, sometimes microvacuolated cytoplasm; and tissue fragments with a storiform pattern. Histologic examination revealed microscopic and immunohistochemical features of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) arising in soft tissues of the spermatic cord. CONCLUSION: FNA of a spermatic cord lesion may reveal a pleomorphic sarcoma. A pleomorphic appearance together with some spindle elements and compatible immunocytochemistry could help diagnose spermatic cord MFH. This is one of the few reports dealing with FNA cytology of paratesticular tumors and the first report, to the best of our knowledge, showing the cytologic characteristics of a case of spermatic cord MFH.  相似文献   



To assess the accuracy of ultrasound-guided 16G or 18G core needle biopsy (CNB) for ultrasound-visible breast lesions, and to analyze the effects of lesion features.


Between July 2005 and July 2012, 4,453 ultrasound-detected breast lesions underwent ultrasound-guided CNB and were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical excision was performed for 955 lesions (566 with 16G CNB and 389 with 18G CNB) which constitute the basis of the study. Histological findings were compared between the ultrasound-guided CNB and the surgical excision to determine sensitivity, false-negative rate, agreement rate, and underestimation rate, according to different lesion features.


Final pathological results were malignant in 84.1% (invasive carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ, lymphoma, and metastases), high-risk in 8.4% (atypical lesions, papillary lesions, and phyllodes tumors), and benign in 7.5%. False-negative rates were 1.4% for 16G and 18G CNB. Agreement rates between histological findings of CNB and surgery were 92.4% for 16G and 92.8% for 18G CNB. Overall underestimate rates (high-risk CNB becoming malignant on surgery and ductal carcinoma in situ becoming invasive carcinoma) were 47.4% for 16G and 48.9% for 18G CNB. Agreements were better for mass lesions (16G: 92.7%; 18G: 93.7%) than for non-mass lesions (16G, 85.7%; 18G, 78.3%) (P <0.01). For mass lesions with a diameter ≤10 mm, the agreement rates (16G, 83.3%; 18G, 86.7%) were lower (P <0.01).


Ultrasound-guided 16G and 18G CNB are accurate for evaluating ultrasound-visible breast mass lesions with a diameter >10 mm.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and touch imprint cytology (TIC) in the evaluation of azoospermia. STUDY DESIGN: FNAC, TIC and open testicular biopsy (OTB) were used to evaluate 31 azoospermic men. RESULTS: OTB revealed normal spermatogenesis (10), spermatogenic arrest (12), Sertoli cell only syndrome (SCO) (7) and unsatisfactory cases (2). Cytologic examinations (TIC vs. FNAC) revealed normal spermatogenesis (11 vs. 9), spermatogenic arrest (13 vs. 7), SCO (2 vs. 1) and unsatisfactory cases (5 vs. 5). Sensitivity and specificity of TIC and FNAC were 98% vs. 83% and 100% vs. 93%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Testicular FNAC is a reliable and simple method for the evaluation of azoospermia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of immunocytochemistry (ICC) performed on smears processed by thin-layer cytology (TLC). STUDY DESIGN: During the period January 2001-September 2003, 3,573 consecutive fine needle aspiration biopsies were processed with both conventional smears (CSs) and TLC diagnosed by a single pathologist; 113 required immunocytochemical study. CSs were fixed in ethanol whereas TLC slides were processed with the ThinPrep 2000 method (Cytyc Co., Marlborough, Massachusetts, U.S.A); both were stained with Papanicolaou stain. ICC staining was carried out on only TLC slides. RESULTS: The 113 cytologic cases were grouped as follows: 32 thyroid nodules with 16 histologic controls (HCs), 24 lymph nodes (regardless of location) with 15 HCs, 18 liver and pancreatic lesions (3 HCs), 11 lung nodules (6 HCs), 5 kidney and adrenal gland lesions (1 HC), 6 abdominal (2 HCs) and 4 mediastinal masses (1 HC), 6 salivary gland tumors (3 HCs), 4 bone masses (2 HCs) and 3 subcutaneous lesions (1 HC). ICC contributed to the diagnosis in 104 cases (92%), whereas it was inconclusive in 9. The cytologic diagnoses were histologically confirmed in 46 of 50 cases (92%). CONCLUSION: ICC can be successfully applied on TLC slides with better results than on CSs, and its yield can be useful in making the correct diagnosis on fine needle aspiration biopsy.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of sclerosing adenosis of the breast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cho EY  Oh YL 《Acta cytologica》2001,45(3):353-359
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the cytologic findings of sclerosing adenosis of the breast. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed the fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic slides of 7 cases of sclerosing adenosis of the breast and compared the cytologic findings with those of 10 cases of fibroadenoma and 7 cases of fibrocystic change. RESULTS: The smears of sclerosing adenosis were moderately to markedly cellular, consisting of small to large groups of benign epithelial cells arranged with variable architecture. Acinar sheets, scattered individual epithelial cells and small, dense, hyalinized stroma were found in all cases of sclerosing adenosis. Epithelial cells in sclerosing adenosis appeared more frequently as acinar sheets and discohesive individual cells than did those of fibroadenoma (P < .05). However, the branching pattern of epithelial sheets, large sheets and bipolar, naked nuclei were commonly found in fibroadenoma (P < .05). Fibroadenoma had large, hypocellular, fibromyxoid stroma, whereas sclerosing adenosis had small, dense, hyalinized stroma occasionally attached to the epithelial sheets. As compared with fibrocystic change, sclerosing adenosis had similar findings but showed more abundant cellularity, acinar sheets and individual epithelial cells, and the presence of stroma (P < .05). CONCLUSION: Findings of frequent acinar sheets and small, dense, hyalinized stroma attached to epithelial sheets can aid the FNA cytologic diagnosis of sclerosing adenosis. Awareness of the presence of scattered individual epithelial cells in cytologic smears of sclerosing adenosis can help prevent a misdiagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of neoplasms metastatic to the breast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic findings in 18 cases of metastatic neoplasms of the breast are reported. The cases were encountered in a combined series of 2,529 FNA breast biopsies, of which 666 were malignant; the metastatic neoplasms of the breast thus constituted 2.7% of all the malignant breast tumors. The series consists of 15 women and 3 men, with a mean age of 48 years (range of 11 to 73 years). Sixteen biopsies confirmed metastatic malignancy in patients with known extramammary primaries; the prebiopsy clinical diagnoses in six of the patients were benign breast lesions. In eight patients, the clinical differential diagnosis was either a benign or malignant primary breast lesion versus a metastatic malignancy. In two additional patients, the FNA biopsy identified metastatic neoplasms from unsuspected extramammary primaries. The metastatic neoplasms included three small-cell carcinomas of the lung, one squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung, two malignant melanomas, three ovarian malignancies, including a dysgerminoma, and one each of carcinoma of the fallopian tube, endometrial carcinoma, transitional-cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, prostatic carcinoma, acute granulocytic leukemia, lymphoma, mycosis fungoides, hepatoma and neuroblastoma of the retroperitoneum. Recognition of unusual cytologic patterns raised the suspicion of, or confirmed the diagnosis of, malignancy in all cases, with no false-negative diagnoses. None of the cases were cytologically interpreted as a primary breast malignancy. Ancillary studies performed on the FNA material, including immunocytochemistry, contributed to a definitive diagnosis in three cases. FNA diagnosis of metastatic malignancy of the breast is essential in order to avoid unnecessary mastectomy and to ensure appropriate chemotherapy and/or irradiation treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infiltrating syringomatous adenoma is a rare tumor of the breast that can radiologically mimic invasive duct carcinoma. Detailed fine needle aspiration cytology and needle core biopsy findings on this lesion have not been previously described. CASE: The clinical, radiologic and pathologic findings of an infiltrating syringomatous adenoma of the breast in a 71-year-old female who presented with a subareolar lump are described. The cytology of the tumor was characterized by a combination of a background of plump, fibroblastoid cells and cohesive sheets of bland epithelial cells. Histologically the tumor showed infiltrating, duct-like structures with squamous metaplasia and a desmoplastic stroma. CONCLUSION: Fine needle aspiration cytology and needle core biopsy can distinguish infiltrating syringomatous adenoma from malignant disease of the breast.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology of "minimal" breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in the diagnosis of "minimal" breast cancer was studied. Sixteen (76.2%) of 21 cases of invasive breast cancer less than 1.0 cm in diameter and 14 (73.3%) of 19 cases of noninvasive breast carcinoma were given a positive diagnosis by FNA cytology. One "suspicious" and the five false-negative diagnoses occurred in cases of invasive carcinoma; the reasons were considered to be either a faulty technique of needling the tumor or the presence of prominent fibrosis in the tumor. In noninvasive carcinoma, atypical cells were misdiagnosed in two of the five smears that had been originally reported as negative. The results of the retrospective analysis showed that FNA cytology had a higher accuracy in the diagnosis of small lesions than did radiologic and echographic criteria, and FNA cytology was thus used as the main criterion for deciding on the necessity for preoperative surgical biopsies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the intraobserver concordance between telecytologic and glass slide diagnosis of breast fine needle aspirates. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-five cases, originally received in consultation, were each examined by three cytopathologists. An average of seven compressed digital images per case were presented, together with a brief clinical history, using the http protocol and an internet browser. RESULTS: Agreement between the telecytologic and glass slide diagnosis ranged from 80% to 96%. Nevertheless, two cases that had been unequivocally diagnosed as malignant based upon video images were considered to be benign by the same pathologist when reviewing the glass slides. Both diagnostic confidence and self-concordance were higher for one pathologist having significant previous video microscopy experience. CONCLUSION: Although intraobserver concordance between telecytologic and glass slide diagnoses of breast fine needle aspirates is high, refinement of existing criteria for diagnosis of malignancy, taking account of the particular limitations associated with telecytologic diagnosis, may be prudent prior to widespread use of telecytology for fine needle aspiration evaluation.  相似文献   

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